law, ft fc p o ft S i B I * g If da V OQ .1 04 *> . I *Sl -2 f I 1 1 J' 1 55 T3 C _ EH U U u< H ts a JS a R - 5 H U U H M H H p O i J $ s s = M "8 1 1 3 V .3 5 i *7l j o -5 s S m i i THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fciwcett. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 186&. 'RAILWAY MATTERS." The Standard had a mild editorial under the above heading in its last week's issue the usual wishy-washy style which has ever been its leading characteristic under the management of the present proprietor. Mr. Win. Brown has a letter in the same issue, which, if erroneous iu some respects, is far more to the point. Mr. Brown endeavors to show that the route by way of Markdale is a more practicable one than that via Fleeherton and Eugenia ; while the Standard tries to make it appear that the former route would pass through a veritable land flowing with milk and honey," with fine timber lands, grand water privi- leges, magnificent scenery, *c., Ac. all painted up in the roseate hues of the rainbow, bnt drawn from bis im- agination. The roat by Mtrkdale iiuty ! practicable enough, bnt the country it would pau through is not to be compared at all with that through which the route suggested by us would pass either in fertility of soil, timber, water privilege!, grand scenery , or anything else . Mr. lirown is not as foolish as the Standard in that he docs not attempt to show such superior advantages iu the Markdale route. Naturally enough he supports a scheme which would benefit bis own village, and, consequently, his own property. He suggest* possible bonuses for the municipalities in- terested which will certainly not be ii uii. '-il until the present railway tax- es are paid off. Imagine Artemesia giving a bonus of |15,000 to a rail- way running across one corner of the Township ! or St. Vincent $25,000 ! ! or Ktiphraaia 140,000 ! 1 1 We are not BO sanguine as to imagine any biich tiling for the next ten years at least, and, as we said in a previous article on this subject, possibly not then. The day of bonuaing railways is about over ; but supposing that there was a possibility of the bonuses mentioned by Mr Brown being grant- ed, it would be a hazardous experi- ment for any railway corporation to undertake to run a railway through a section of country already supplied with ample railway accommodation. And it is to he remembered that oqr great railway corporations have en- ough on their hands at the present time without adding to their burdens by "taking hold" of a scheme origi- nated and fostered by a number of inon living within'a radius of four or five miles of a small country village. It will ahortly be seen whether we are right in oar conclusions or not. KIND WORDS. Our old friend and former "boss" Mr. Farewell, Editor and proprietor of the Thornbury Statuiardh&B the following remarks, in the last week's issue of his spicy and energetic paper, ui>- ni TDK ADVANCE : "Tin- FWierton Advance last week contained more local news than any other paper published in the County of Grey ; and the news was highly in- teresting aud spicy." IMPROVED. The FLESHERTON ADVANCE came to hand last week considerably altered in make-up and general appearance. The change is quite an improvement, and is evidence of the go-ahcadative- nesa of the proprietor. The MIRROB may at times differ with the ADVANCE, but we welcome it as an interesting and lively newspaper. Meaford Mir- ror. The above compliment is all the more gratifying to THE ADVANCE man coming, as it does, from one of the most enterprising and best conducted papers in this Province. We consider it in the light of a genuine compliment, and not that species of fulsome flattery so often denounced by our energetic confcre of the Durham Chronicle. FOB THE COMPLEXION,- For Pimples, Blotches, Tan. and all itching tuirioni of the kiu, uae Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. tsr'F.xtra good bargains are offer- led by C. Treadgold next door to 1 Clayton's, Flesherton in superior ! Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, for Cash, Wood, Hay, Rutter, Ac., and for good Notes. Shuttle*, Needles, and Oil supplied. Old Sewing Ma- chines repaired and taken as part pay on new. Candid and searching inspect- ion invited with a view to purchase to advantage. $100.000 to lend on \ farm security at lowest rales of inter- , est. Mortgages bought. A kind in- : vitation is extended to all to deal with C. TBEADOOLD, Fleshertou. The Standard man says he didn't write the letter about the markets. Of course we knew he would deny the statement notes of interrogation do not count with him' He generally denies our statements, because its an inherent principle in his nature, we suppose, to oppose anything we may chance to favor. \Ye are becoming accustomed to his sly tricks and there- fore weren't surprised when he told us we prevaricated, .fust like him 1 "The Novelist" in the characteristic title of new paper just started iu New York, by John B. Alilcn, tin- 'Literary Revolutionist." The price, alae, in characteristic, only 11.00 a year. It ia not intended to enter into competition oiih the uioa-priccd, bat LOW- eMraoter, story paper* -which darken the country like a pestilence, bnt will be devoted almost entirely to HIOB-CUM notion, snch as find* place and welcome in the brut magazines of the day and the purest homes of the land ; making the paper an onriraled (aa to cost, cvrUinly,) source of mental re- creation for the weary, and of entertainment for all. During the year there an promiaM serial stories by William Black, kin. Oil. pliant. James 1'ayn, Hugh Conway, B. I. Farjeon, and others certainly a good var- iety, aa well an good quantity for the dollar. It is printed in largo type, and is a handsome paper. For free >pecimen copies address the publisher, John B. Aldsn, SOS Pearl street, Nrw York. Catarrh A New Treat nent- Perhaps the niofct extraordinary success that ha* been achieved in modern medicine has been attained l>y the l>iin treatment for Catarrh. Out of 8.000 patients treated during the put six months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured I thin stubborn malady. Thin is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent, of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefited, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures 1 never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scientific men that the diseaes is due to the iir.i-nce of living parasites in the tiasne, Mr. Dizon at once adapted hit cure to their extermination this aecnmpluhrd. he claims the Catarrh is practieally cursd, and the | n-r- maneney Is unquestioned, aa cures effected I by him f< nr years ago ar eires still. No i one >-le has ever attempted t* cure Catarrh ' in this manner, and no other treatment his ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy u simple, and can be done at home, and the prxeent season of the year is the most favourable for a ipedy ind permanent 'cure, the majority of canes being cured at 'one treatment Sufferers shnild correHpond I with Messrs. H. A. Pixon A Son. 80S King > street west. Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatiie on Catarrh. Mon- treal Star. Nov. 17. GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON Shop In W, Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON -Has on hand a Largo assortment of- Mens, Womens & CMHrens BOOTS AND SHOES, f-s "Sniiiilili- for the FaU and Winter wear. Call and see tin ni.-i Quality and Price Second to Nono ! WM. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON rrlt Provra. Dollar upon dollar Is freqnftitly spent on tin faith of rivoiuineiiilHii' ii- for articles entirely wnrthli'im. Not mi with McGregor's Kpeedy Cure ; you sro in>t nuki-dMo purchase it until its merits are pr<<fW. Call at Richardson's drug store nnd g"t a fn-e trial I bottle, and if not convinced it will cure yon I f th worst forms of Dyspepsia, Liver Com- i plaint, etc., no matter of how lung atamiing, ,\\ ooata you nothing. Sold in ROe. and tl bottles. 8e testimonials from persons in , vour own town. Mir I'rl/r WlnnlDK Har. For ervlos at I.lttl* Mill- Terms: 41 which mint be paid |raltlvly at time at wrvloe. W. H. Caiupalfne Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, K'LESIl KKTOIV. IN PMKSENTn 01VKN AWAY. St'iiii us Scents postage auil tiy mall you will K< NEW DEPARTURE Commnv-lnc Fohy. Ind. I*W. the following editions of Tint lun.v OLOBB will be maJled to sulw-nU-ni throtiichoul Canitda, the Untied SUI.-o MM! (in-nt llrltaln .- DAILY Uu>MK -.Mnnilnx KdlUon .. lnnw. |1.7.'> 8 moa. $3.30 IIAII.T (tM)BK-l! o'clock .. 1.00 1.00 Inn. v OUIIIK S " i* .. " 1.00 100 1)AILT ULUUK Saturday Morning Edition 66 Itnoa. fT.oo 1.00 i 1.00 1.K THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP-TWO MONTHS 15 CZBIbTTS We wnnl tn Inrrennn our present lanre lint of niunnrlbers Mr irn thonannd within the next 30 days, anil for tliix imruiier mnko the above liberal (ind unpret-edonUid offer. In asMIUasi I* ahe as*ve liberal sTrr we mufcr taw fnlUwlai i AMYOKK HEBDWO f* 7A ncmt and 5 nuuscrlbers will receive an extra oopy for two months frea. I.&J u<l ID siiliecrlbcrs will receive an extra <-oiiy for rive montlm fn-i-. ' : ? '.'. in -I r> suhw-rlbera will rereive a copy uf Hi. .xrphy of t.h<i Inti- i 3.00 qa.1 *i i 1> riln-n will reoelrs a copy of THE U IKKI.V (iuma ) oar froa. I.Wmiil :Wsiii'-rib>-rs will raevlvenoopy of KnlurdHys DAILY UUIBK one year fra*. i 7..V)anii .W ul>a<-:ribers will receive a copy of THR DAILY ULOBK fonr niontlui free. : IJ. 00 iiml lW)subcriben will receive a copy of Tin DAILY OIXIBB one year fros. ! ni>x ribr new nu.1 seeaire reavrta nf WM PairilasacsiU rr ..l > la eaaiii. f*\ (~\OC has apeHal arrnngi'mi'nU by which It |uimnn<i the iiolf rltrat ! Caa- \J\^-J D & ,,,| M O f piii.ii, RI i,,,, nf new novplii hv most of the lewlinK wrtten nf Brtiou. such M W Ilklr <|||B>. Ml strailrioa. Jn.llh Nr aria;. B. I. >r)ro. aa>rak ttmmrttrj. Mllll.n. BUrk, Nn. llphaul, Ungtt <-Bwa). ! Ikera. % story of enthrnJIInK inti-rpst. entitled WVI.L !>* vr RIKW. by HI.. rasMe*. la mow rnniiii! in I'nr DAILY and WBKKLY OuiBC. wxl will b' rontiniiol tnl nmipletad. It will be siariilsiTiiil by story from the powerful pen of Jl fTI> MH t H I III, and after thn last named saury la couiplelwl then will follow one from l> t'4HJKO>, the tamous novelist. In addition to the regular continued story, there are always running In the 1! and 3 o'elork 4ltion>< of IIAII.Y, oiid in Tint WUKLY Guililcmo or more aitdltlniuil novels by autbon uf wurbl wide repute. In this manner readers got fl v or six complete novels eaeh rear. At AX H.KK I I II HH Nf rtrlt TUB WHkll 4.IOHK M SPURGEON'S SERMON l by Spurtrnon's own hand), given every wee* In fVtturday's DAILY i mn anrl In Tmi \V KI i, i i I.IIIIIK. nndiT spwtaj and czclnslve KrranKrnwnt. for the Itomlnloa of CaiMuU. Ihe Hev. C. H. Spurgeon i. beyond uueslion, the mewl widely-nwd preacher In the world, a^j Isalwaysracr. pracilmland laatrucUTe. Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. Advertise in " THE ADVANCE." value, that will utart you In work that will at one* brin you In luouey faster than anything e)M In Amerlcs All about the 'JOO.OOO In pres- ent* with each boi. AgenU wnt-il everywhere, of elthor sex, of all affe*. for*') thetlmeoripar* time only, to work for us *t their homes. For- tunes for all workers abiolutoly assured. Don't delav. H . HAI.LBTT A Co., Portland. Maine. CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OP THE MYRTLE NAVY 18 MARKED T.&B. In Bramm Litter*, NONE OTEEE GENUINE. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. R, RtTftrnaghlng. *u<l In fact ovory thing in the bu*iuo> will reoe.Te 107 prompt atitl careful attention at reaao liable prices. Is i& Picin R. R. LAND8 In Minnesota. Nsrth Dakota. Mon- Hal tana, lai/io. Washington ami Orijon ^J M pftest rsnslM chief, 1mm 1 2 la tSssf *n 6 to to ysrs 7 HaM. Thli Is ws But C Hertsa .i:riip Milburn & Gadd, PKorniKToKS of tbe above works, are pre- pared to attend to everything In the Can iage Making & Blacksmithing I lines promptly and well. Repairing in both Branch's Promptly attended to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. uREsCoucHS COLDS, ^ ' Ho ARSENrss err . to' secirlng Onod Homes sow open lot isttl t mant. - , rr. of Gpvennn*al . T-7. In Ui'e NoriWrn PsclBc roonlrV. Bokai ta4 MaV* "ni rUsSIS. ilfKriWns; Ui llvrtWrsi I-..M fl. Cew.lrV.i'" 52arLeg. fur Hal* ad i,. rBRHiKifrnimm Uod*. f <ld l T M f r ( -P LAMHUKN, l^nd Cosi'r, M. P. !.. *. tl, more money than at anything else by taking an aganer for the bent solllag book nut. tleffinnars suc- 0ed KUndly. None fall. Tsruiafras HAJJJCTT BOOK Co M Portland, Mala*. TnfWT It/ I M YW I " * * Highly reconDended for BUtesueaa, Hnf-4rfcr. < ,,B- sMiMrtsasm, bsUsjm- . Bad Hrr.l k. lu of __ 1 pettte, Jaoadlrr. Lass at 't aur MsaasMk. Livrr a-aBylUaafsartstacNomtkalassit- sw. sjawels or KMsuira. Thar ars mild and thorongh In tbeb aeUon. tallsisadoaa.