\ I . f FUy me a mareh low-toned and *low, march for a ai *nt treu 1, Kit for the wandrlo feet of one who dream* of tbe Bileut dead Lonely between the bone* below and the *oal* that art* overhead. Here for awhile they imUed and mug, alive lu the tnter.paoe ; Hue with the gran* beneath tbe feet and tbe tar* above the faoe. Mow are their (eet beneath tbe grat*, and whether ba* Down their grace '.' Who rhall a**un we whence they come, or tell a* i ho way they go Verily, hie with them wan joy, and now they have left u*, woe ; Onee they were not, and now they are not ; and thin u the B u in w* know. Orderly range the *ea*on doe, and .orderly roll tne t*ri*. How *hall w* d**m the Midler brave who fret* of hi* wound* aud *car I Ar* w* w MOMlM* bruit* that we laoold daah at the well-teen bar* ? Mo, w* an hen nitb feel nnnxed, bat ever a* if with lead Drawn from the orb* which ibme abov* to th* orb on whlcb we tread. Down to the duel from which we came and with which w* (ball mingle, dead. Mo, we an ben to wait, and work, and (train our bani*h*t *yti, Wtary and tick of .oil and toll, and hungry, aad fain f ..r *ki* Kar bom the reach of wlnglea* men and not to *oal*d with orle*. Mo, we an her* to bend oar neektto the yoke of Tyrant Time, Welcoming all thi git* he five* U* gloriee of TOUIU and prime; PaUanlly watcbiug them all depart a* our hd crow whit* at nine. Why do we mourn the day* that go (or tt* tu thin** each day " Ever a cptlug her priiurot* hath, and ever a May her ma/ ; Sweet a* the row? that died la*t year i* th* row that i* bora to-eUy. Do w* not too niurn, e man. u ever the round earth whirl* r Haver a htad I* dimmed with gray, but another i* .unuod wun curia Ha* wa* a girl and h* we* a boy.baty*t there an bj>udgin Ah, sat ala* fur the *niile of unile* that never bet ooa fae* won ' i n ax th* voice (ha* ha* Oowa away liat a bird to aa uueeen *hor* I Ah, for th* tae*. the Buwer ol flower*, tbat bio*. om* on earth no awre I rl for Beyond Miles City northward to the Britieb lines lice a region which may be properly oaMod an unknown laud. Save (rom buffalo hunter*, trsfipere, wolf poi- eonen, Mldieca, who followed Silting Buil't trail, and U jv.ruoient taamtlcre, but IttU* information bat been given of thia valuable and interesting country. Daring tbi* tamBcr, alike fesrlees of rattler* and stray hands of roving Indian*, Mr O. W. 1. tng drove t.OOO yoong Texai cattle ou tbt Big Dry, about 100 miles north of Miles Oily. The Banning Water Land and Cattle Company followed with several thousand bead of Dakota oaule. which they turned Ijoae upon the Little Dry about 186 miles north of Mil*. City. Maj T. H. Logan, ol Fort Keogh, and MoBride have also located ranches aad several tboo- aand bead of cattle on the Little Dry. Three old buflalo buutere, m jce ventoreeomt mill, bave located a ranch and about 100 Kaded Eaetern oaltle M lljuud Batte, tween Hell Creek and Sqoaw Creek, on the Missouri, nearly 800 miles ) northweet of Miles City. A great many parties bave been prospeoting on tbe Big Missoori and Dry late thi* season, and probably tbe next year will witness aa in- flax of cattle to ell available ranges north of the YollowM.uue. There ie au abund- ance of grass aad white eege in all this region, but a tearoity o( water, and it u to be hoped that it will not be overttjoked, oeooeailating, perhaps, a drive daring dry season* to better- watered ranges. As it is already, tbe cattle wbiob will be driven to tbe Big D/y aod adjacent country nrxt season will need all the available water there. Tbe Big Dry and Tributary creek* are well timbered with ooltonwood. On the couth, till near the Yellowatona, the land it rolling and not rough enough for per(eot shelter. Near the Dry aad Yel- lowitons are rough, bad laud, and abund- ant (eed and shelter. North (rom the Dry the country grows roogbsr and rougher till on th* Missouri it*l( had lands pils up mountain* high, aud are almost impaeaa- hie, even to pack outfit*. At Hell Greek no misnomer Yankee Dan, domiciled there with Van Baren, eays a rider may start (rom Van Buren'i to leav* Hell Oraek valley, and, after eevtral hour* of sig-aag hill-climbing, may still he able to tpit down (rom bad land cliffs on the root of Van's sbaok. The Missouri bottoms are generally good coil but overgrown with brush and green- wood, affording eoant bay grass. Tb* eot- tonwood growth along the Missouri Is eomething M be wondered at by those woo never saw full-grown eottoawoads. The oresls of the higher bad lands are rowned with pines, and at distant interval, along the river a few partita m*Jntata wood- yard, w *upply she fiiBesjnnil eteemen running up the Missouri as far as Fort Bsntoo. Beyond these and an ooeatiooal Of half breed* or Indians, she south bant of the Missouri it uninhabited. Several week, sinoe M*een. O. W. Lang and John Lang, with ssvaral of their cow- boys -of whom tb* writer U one having oseastoa to rid. ov.r a large soops of country north of th* Mtsjetiri, some asoouat of that region may tn tercel parties looking tor rang*. Bwimmtag their saddle pom a* and pack animals aoro*. the Missoori near tb* mouth of H*U Greek, aad sroesing tbeatsslvee in a *kiff, th* petty followed up a dry *r**k for a time, aad turning almost norths**! entered a bad land* country, rolling hut vy rough. *oantUy gra**d, with Uttl* pools of vary bitter water. N earing Milk Rivtr after two days' rid*, tuis almost d*eerl region ohangsd abruptly to th* flittst graase* ol all Montana kind*, with abundant shelter far oa.it I*. Along Milk Ki v*r ar* vast *tre tocee of fertile lotm, covered with a growth of unflow.r*, always an indication of warm, lias Mil. Milk Rivtr it wtll timbered with 001*00 wood for building acd f.noiug. It* water I* abondant aad puro, hut aoar It* lower and it* bank* for sevsral days' rid* ar* too steep aad miry tor ealii* to water at all. Several days' nd. up-river th* kr- b - became saady and Ana. It rexivi* bar* a Bumbar of tributary Illlhi. wheat bottom*. The further up-river one ridst the butter bcoomes tbe ojontry (or grazing. This teaaoii tbooeaud* of ton* of hay rouid bave been out there in every direction. Neariug the Indian reservation of Balknap the party discovered (?) a lake about twelve mile* long, seeming deep and well mocked with fl.h. Aroana thi* Uk* wae the be.t lummer range tbe writer avtr taw. Bef jra reaobiog Beiknap a number of Atainibjine Indian vUlagee were pasnad. The inhabit- ants mauideted a lively interest in oar parsy. At a distance they evidently mis- took u* (or ruttlen, hot nearer they recog- nized our calling aud cried out . ' Me know cowboy." Tbey certainly had hiard ol oowboyi, but our party wat tvidently the flrkt oowbuyt ever teen by them. The buok* admired oar leather ebepe, eo nearly shaped like their own bookikiu legging*, and pointing to a pair of Texa* ohapi, with abroad seam flap, ejaculated, " Cneyenne Injun." Ai Balknap, in onargs of Maj. Lincoln, the Indian* this season raised a j abundant crop of oeresli, bay and roots , corn, about fifty bnabeii per aere ; caw there twenty- MX potatoes weighing sixty pounds. Tbe Indians nave a surplus of 7,000 buthtla more than they will need (or winter uee. Tbey will bave snug thackt built. Their poniee are increasing are hog fat -and they seem to be oontent under Maj. Liu ooln'e rule. Farther oa the Oros Veutree eooupy a perCeot paradise of itook region. At tbe time our party pssstd (Ootjber Utb-loih) th* bonefa grass wa* green and luxuriant. At Fort Assiniboins, rsputtd to be the finest, beet built garrison in tb* nortbw*el, w* learned that oaltle and horeea alway* wintered well there, and both o*me out (at in the spring. Contractor Broadwaler'* work eteen and mules running near ths post were grsa* (at at tbe time of our vi.u. At tail point we were only thirty-live milee (rom the British line, but, although in October, the nigble were only frosty and tbe days delidoosly pleas- ant. Turning southward we pasted along the eastern bass of Bear Paw mountains, among creeks and lakes and beautiful meadow* without num- ber, the gna; feature* being abundant (ted, One shelter and pore, running water, but in tbe beam between Bear Paw aud the Little Bookies, at (ar as tht eye eouid reach, lay the nueel grasing regija teen. Ths weather wae getting tharp, but d jwere were in bloom by tht roodaid*, and this in the lattsr part of October. K any reader think* ws exaflgerale the worth of tbe Little Rjokies as a grazing place, let him see it bimeelt. He'll be converted. Turning eastward trom IBS Lulls Bookies, ws rod* sxtsaaively over another portion of * pleu did gracing ngion, well watered by what wt believed to be the OooeoetM, tbs Fourohelle and Beaver creek., though we are not at r tain of these narnet, none of us having been in that country before. Further toatbeasl w* travelled the greater part of one day over a long meadow, which most have contained at Feasl 40,000 toree of good hay land. Then turning into tbt bad lands and broad bottoms along th* Mieaouri, we looght our original proeaing plaoe at Van Bureo'e, near the month if Hell cress. U igh t glad w* were to be safe oo the sou th aide of tbe river onee more. Being so late in the teaaon the river might have got tj running ilnah ice and prevented swimming our boraee or (errying ourselves in tne tkiff. Had this occurred you may imagine cur interesting condition ; on tbt north tide of tbe Missouri, ehorl of grab, no tent, sad hundred* of mile* Irom any etttlement or garrison, in a ooantry wbere game is now very scares, O( such delight* i* a cowboy'* life sweetened occasionally. 1* the tveot of our being (roseo in we would bave b td to make tbs beil of tbe situation on trash meat traigbl till tb* Mtnouri IroMiolid enough to crocs over the ice. la concluding tuit article ii i* necessary to stale thai all th* flue grating region north of tbe Missouri to tbs British lint is Indian reservation at prteent, en which no oattle exoept contractors' an allowed to grase. But it ia believed tbat the reeerva- tiou will be thrown open (or settlemtnl early this winter. II to, and any reader need* a bom* or a (took range, take our word (or II aod tee tbe ooantry north of tbe Miuoari before locating eleewben. Cor. Uttu City (Mo*taH*i J annul. Tfce Waller CJ1H as**.fc* tier Ml**. You can bavs no idea of tb* annoyances ws are put to by exacting and mean-tpir- i ted onetomers. I want DO better taste of a gentleman than the way in which be orders s meal. Table mannen always dia- close nndetirable trait, of character which uudsr other eircnmitanoee would not be aaily dieoerned. Wban here by themselves they feel uuder no social restraint aud the way in whioh they abue* us pjor girt* is awful. K tbsy only knew it, they ooald get mote and better food by mixing a little poUtsaoss with their orden than by com- manding us to bring this and that in a dic- tatorial aud insaltiag way. U a man is erabeed, crocs aad brat on finding fault, I just try to bring him the poorest meal I can, aad delight in his tossing. The mean- est, most niggardly peopls always want It) ISC M much tor their money as d*o*nt folk*. Tbey come here and with ton or fifteen eente txpeelto get a fitly oant meal. Tbsy are eo unreasonable that they make tb* girls mad, aad you eaa't Mamo as if ws lam ths dishes about a Uttl* Mt. w i Bake Mer reerteeely te. Every toboggan carries a lady, aad there is just snongh lUngst la II to make it sxoiang. Tbe lady takas her coat on ths soft ouibioui. he* feel firmly braced ageinst ths front piece, which earls ovw and cover* her hand, grasping ths rail at either Bids, ths body .lightly thrown backward All will go well if .be do** not move but wo* betid, the girl whottirs au inch to the right or left I Th* itoercr takes bis place behind. His position is optional, but the general mode i. to lie on tbe left aid*, propped on on* arm, with ths right leg eitended.wbiob I* asod for Steering. " Our invariable rule," aid a frtond, " is to hold on to your girl, aad thsrs ar* critical moments whoa a very tight hold U absolutely aie.Miry." Over 100,000 women and girl* maks a living in th* str**ts of Paris. They are licensed by Government. T.iirty five thousand are uuder 18, 17,000 under 16, and 6,000 under U. If good people would but make goodnsss tgnsalil* and smll* in*t*ad of trowslag in thslr virtoee. how many would they CUBKENT TOPICS. LINT, of the Jewiih fe*UvU (or 1885 have beau forwarded to eaob British general bffioer commanding din trie , in order that facilities (or their observance may be afforded to Mldiera o( the Jewi.h (aith. Work la prohibited daring eight dayi o( the year. The Jawiih eoldier will, there- (ore, bava the advantage over bin Christian oomrade of eight dayi' exemption (rom duty while in reoeipt of (all pay. IN a recent work oo alooholij drioki, Dr. Thadiobam itatee that iherry aod port winee are made by method* 10 orude aod tool an to be almotl incredible. He oon- demnt the habit o( " plastering eherrie*," that is, oovering the grapes with platter of I'rm jaet before preeMog. It to daoe to prevent certain baoterial fermentationi to wbiob tbe dirty model of manufacture make tbe wine* of Spain and Portugal peculiarly liable. The winee of Madeira and Sioily ( Marsala) wbiob memble iherry, are aaid to be free (rom tbn objection. "Ma. WiSANh, the nob BaltimoreMi," *yi an ezehange. rente thirteen shoot- ing! in Scotland, covering .bout 250,000 aeree, aud p.y* 186,000 a year (or tbe biggeet one, the higbeet priee paid (or a (oreet io Hootland. Hie party bai killed about 160 itage tbie soasoo," H* payt therefore, about tl6 apiece lor the *tags, not reckoning hi* otber it*usee, which may amount to IU.OOO mete. Bat tbat itn't where tbe thoe pinches. Landamoont- i m to 360,000 aeree ie rwerved from oulti vatiou. if u b land that cu be cultivated, to make a holiday (or bimaelf and (rienda. WOMBM are not entboiiaetioally eu oouraged to become doctor* and inrgeone in Paris. Tbe SurgicU Boatsty aod the Booiete dee Hospitaax there have both just declined to admit girl msdioal etodente ae internee) in tbe boepitaU. Tbe majority against them WM very large, tb*y not obtaining but (oar votee ID iitber cue, tbe total number In one being thirty eight and tbe otber auty-eiz. It wu deolared that women are neither tare-banded snougb nor tnffioiently ooorageou* to take aeiiv* part in all the operation* wbiou (all to the oare of huu.e largooue. Tbe qattuon wa not di*oue**d upon any otber eon* ideration. Tut London bridge, whiob the dyua miter* tried to blow op tbe otber day, WM began in 1884 and we* flounad in 1887, frjm deeign* of John Riuni*. architect of Soothwark and Waterloo bridge*. Tbe ooei ie estimated at between 1600000 and 18,600,000 It la bull of xramte, in five area**, tbe centre arch being 16} (eat, tbe next t*o 110 (eet, and the two ihore arobee ISO (eet eaob in epan. Tbe bridge ie 900 (eel long aod 64 (eel wide Tne lamp- poets are made (rom oaanon taken in the Penintular war. Over 100.000 p*non p*ae over it every day. Pulioe constables) are ttaliontd in tbe middl. of the roadway to prevent block* II U tbe handtomeet bridge over the Tbame*. BABTBOLDI'I *tatu* of ' ' Liberty KnUght- ILIUX the World" wae the otber day intpeeted by Vietor Hago m Part*. Tbe oolptor bad mvited.everal (rlsnds to meet the ((real apoetle of lioerty, oie of whom, an Italian, on eeeing Vietoc Uogo regarding the statue, aaid, There I tee two giant* regarding eaoh otber," wbiob gentle flattery wae not toel on Ib* poet, whose capacity (or a*iiiiil.tinK eueb diet i* iufluit*. O j taking leave Vietor Hugo onee more went to tbe etatae, and oried oat, " Tbe tea, the vast, tbe agitated oeean, till* of the aoion between two reconciled great onnlries." It baa been luggttled thi thee* word* boald be carved upon tbe baae of the tatoe, bat tbe 1'aU Mull ii(uettr hope* (or Viator Hugo'* ak*, tbat the idea will not be carried oat. U voa are iuS.no* trom poor|beiibaor ' lAUfc-ui.hluK ou a bed of iioko***, takeobeer 'If 700 an limply ailing, or tf you feel ' weak auil iliepirited ' wllhouielearly know ' log by, Uup Bitten ' will tnrely our* yoa If you ar* a mlniiter, and hat . overtaxed yuunolf with you paitoral dull**, or a mother, worn out wltb care and work, or a man of bu.ioeM or labor, weakened by th >trm of your everyday dull**, or * man of letter* totting over your cuUlulghl wort, Uop Kitten will mo*l .urely .treuglhen yon. If you are tnfferiug (rom over-eating or drinking, any indiaorction or dleaipatioo, or are yoong and growing too (aet, aa u o(ten tli. "Or If von an In tbe workshop. on ttw ' lariu. l the deck, anywhere? and (**1 ' that your .y.uuj u*oe oleaaciag, too lug, or >tuuulal.u. without mloiu.l lag. If yuu ar* old, blood into aud linpar*. pal** feeble, nerve* uaiuady, facullie* waning, Hop Bitten I. what yoa toglv* you o*w life, health anil vigor. If yon an eoetlve, or di.peetle or eoflerine lag from any other of tae uumoroui ui eaee* of tb* rtomach or huweii, U I* yor own faolt If you an lit If yoa are watting > with any form of Ktdney dUeaee, Mop MmpClng death tkl* moujent, and torn for a eon to Hop BH If you are nok with that terrible sick- neee, Nervonsaees, yon will flud a " Balaa in Oilead " in Bop ftuter*. If yon an a fnqnenMr, or a netdeot of, a mlaemalio diitrlot, aarrload* vour iy*- Mm ecainM u>* ieoaigei of all eoaatrle* -Malaria, Bpklemt*, BUlou* and Intw mllMnt Fever* by the at* of Hop Bltwn. If von ban rough pimply, or tallow rkln, bad breath. Hop BlIMn will give you fair *kln, t iob blood, U>* lwMt*rt brwtb and bealtb tdOO wlU be paid for a eat* tney will aot ear* or kelp. A I .dr '. " Ob, bow I do wi*b my *kla wt* at altar aad toft a* youn." *ald a lady to b*r fri.n.l. " You oau eully mak* It >," an*w*nd tb* filend. "How > Inquired tbe flrtt lady. " By aeluii Hop Bitter* that make* par*, rich blood aud blooming hultb. It did It tor m*. a* you obearve." atr-Mont otaalne wiuiout a bunc\ of greed HOM on tb* wblt* label. Hhan all the vile, poteoaooe etofl vUb. "Hop "or HoatT In their World', it required to in a Kvery vial in New <)ri eilver balf of the door beiDgtold. A *onp made of blaek i eoe of the lateel epietwean ta Mid be Of Norwegian origin . __ *la -unoi -,. , Where Polton'a MMVILINI i* need. Com- pjied of the moet powerful paiu tabduiug rtmtd ee known. Njrviliue oannol (ail to Kiva prompt relief in rheumatiem, nearalgia, orainpe, paio in tbe back and tide, and the buet of pauf j) aff<iotioQt, iotemal or ex- ternal, ariting (rom iLfl.tnmalory aotioo. A lOoent tample bottle of Norviliue will giv* tutiioitLt proof of ite superiority over every ktuwn remedy. Try Netviline. Lrge bottlei A, tenta ; trial bottU* ooly 10 oeuu.. A new five dollar eounter(eit I . B. Treev tary note, teriee 1875, check letter A, hae made iu appeejranet in Batten. It it made by a photo lithographic proeeaa, and it a very eloae imitation. Watu wtll we *> wt*a> M f A moet interacting obapter oould he oom piled abowing the peculiar mean* tome- timet retorted to to relieve pain in tome off armt; mtu her. Nam berlete oatee ooald bt cited tbowing the (reqaeney of ampata- lion of a t je t j get rid of a troablaome earn a radical remedy to be turt baton* that many will beaitejte to adopt. Ht that ie wiee will ehoee milder and ta(*r meant and DM the tort pop remedy Putnam 't Painleae Oorn Extractor. Il never (tilt, aJwart acla painlaaaly aod COMB little. Beware at dan- giroa* tabttilatee and imitation*. Bare, taft and painl*ea. Polaon A Co., proprie ton, Kmteton, Out. Tbe greatest miser in Indiana pal bit uvinge into life intarane* polieie*, and dinied himtelf all loxuriea and mo*l oom- fort* in older to pay tbe premium*, thoogta bit beire wire diatanl relative., fur whom be teemed to oare nothing. Tbey will get now tnat k* ia dead, about 131,000. .! IBM O7 ! all I kla. Little tbioge may help a man to me a bent pin in an eaey chair (or matejoee. Or. Pierot t " Pleaaant Purgative Pallet)" are *mall thing*, pleaaant to take, aod they core aiok-beadaohet, relievt torpid liver. and do woodera. Being purely vegetable they cannot harm any one. All druggiete. There are 80,000 widow, in India (rom three to tve y earn of age who will never again be married. In that country *a toon at a child U bat n a malob it made by toe pannta. U to* boy die* the girl beeomee a widow, and omit wear moarnmg (or her intended at loag M ahe live*. LydiaE.Pinkbam't Vegetable Com- pound it to be bad at tbe neareet drug ttore (or a dollar. It i* not claimed tbat thia remedy will sore tvery diataae uuder tn*> eon, but tbat it doet aU that it claim* to do, tbooaandt of good women know and declare . From a aingle grain of wheat planted in 1S81. My* the Grace Valley (CaJ ) Record grew twenty -two tlallni, each bearing a fall bead. Tbeee yielded 860 grain*. 760 of which war* planted the next year, pro- doeing oua fifth of a buahtl of tpltadld wheat. Tbie wae planted latttpring, yield- iug teveoteen boabelt, making 1.0^0 poonda of wheat (rom one grain in three yean. I .rrr *hell k. .. * I,. When Napoleon talked of Invading Italy one of ni. ofieete aaid : Bat, cure, remem- ber tbe Alp*." To an ordinary man Iheee would havt teemed limply intormoantable, out NapoUon reepooded eagerly : There ball be no Alp*." Bo tbe (amoua Bimplon ptet wae mad*. Dieeaae, like a moon tain. eland* in the way of fame, fortune and honor to many who by Dr. Pierce 'e "Golden Medical Dieeovery" might bt healed and eo tbt mountain would diaappear. Ilu tpee- iflo (or all blood, obronio tang and liver dieeaeee, taeb M oonaamption (which i* *oro(ula of the long-), pimplee, blotch**, eruptioc*, tumor*, twaUinp, (ever toree aod kindred oompltmta. Extreme* eomelimea meet. In China a dog thief it beheaded, but tbe man who .teal* a million can be bat tligbtljr pan- nhed and oioally run* away to Oorea In the United Statee a bone thitf ie lynched, and au abtaonding bank oaahier goee to Canada. ' * ' Pile tumor* oared in ten day*, rupture in (oar weeka. Addreee, World'* Uupcoaary Medical Aceoeiation. Buffalo, i\ Wiee mra are inttraoted by reaeon ; men of leaa nnderetandiog by txperient* ; the moat ignorant by ueoeeaity ; and the bea*t by oatur* Mi*a Annie Boyer, an eeeentric Eoglich lady, he* jott died at afiddleton, D*L, at tbe age ol M. with toe u ail* three inches long. PJNSUMjFTIQN, |*av* % eMltlve rw*dr fbr ttoeaWve 4I..MI; kr tt. H Itee 1..*. o< C*M W t.e wool klad AU J ef Ua ekWlatlhevee.ee) cera* l.il. ITii. llin IT, u..t 1 w in en* T with . T A I I' All I TKBA *lr > md r O lll kuxx |I<IH lu *a cera* l.il.... n I. aj aits w in en* TWO (OTTLSk rtlt, * All I TKBATIH (kU **,*! vs. T. A . in r~ri .... T VOfNU : mm/io r si is. WB VOUTALJO BBXT Oo., ol ~ r tn **e1 lhri lh(ti1 ai >Totvtau Bn/r and other BLaonuo *muBrtsi te trie lor tbMj dav*. to men (voang or old) afl wltbaervoettebimv, loMot vllallty aad hood, aad all kindred troabtoa Also for The* matl*m, atsralgla, panlvil. and many . I leeaeee. Com pleee TMtoratki* to bealtb. lo L No n.k gastsii M tntrty day* trial to allowed. once tor UlaMratad paaipblet fre*. aBMtaes r* IAB slraar*** nnr.r.eei k-KNI) tl FOB OAHRL.I.-B COMPENDIUM O and learn to writ* well W. OOOTK. Marion. Ark. ,U.B A. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillird'g Climai Flog l^-r1nf . rd MM taf/ , that UirUlanl^i ^^^ Hoar 1,iFi>l"nne<-ul that lonllaril 1 . Navr < llaplei* !i<i tbat Lortllard 1 . Haete. are Uw beet aad .Juan eet. qualltj nmnlaeree > CWLV.9LlfVi.VR) LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND . IS A POSITIVE CURF *.-.. Fer all or thaew l-.lalul CeaplmUu * Wfahareere ae> ea*ie>e>a Ie a>r beet . . n >i \ I i i-iiri i miN . . * IT WILL CCBl r TTB1LT TTTW WOKT Vom OT 1 BALI ' ! isr. Ail. (>VA(UA KlA.HATIoN ANI> L T U *aATI>H. FALUWe) AMD I PI-ACBjrBWTE, AMD TH* roNHEslinTMT SPTHAL WEAB.-1 tl>. ANO in PAEtTlrCLARI T AUATTZU TO TBS I-.AIMIB or I.IK*. ****.**) IT wii.i DWULVB AID r IITI Ti momm n*>M TWM) I TiRI IN AN KAHl T KTA'iKOP tlK Vr ! J r K NT. T*^ TMI>E<i 1 T'H AN< IR.M-M! wtHUTHUUUCBn^*) VIHT .rccuii v >T mr.i. , * v * *i IT iir*w>m> KAIHTXEM. FLATCI*IICT, '_ AM i KAt IN,, rii':- n T I.AXT. ANimr.amv, _ .. _ (EM or THE >ToAril. IT ( HH HuoATINU, 111. w ACHE, .Nllifi I'lUMTKATIUM. I.IMKAU 1>IIII ITT. l)irnrMx ANII IsnifiiuTiok. e * e * THAT rsi. IN.. r BiAUiia :>..> rAfatne PAIS. U'tlbHT A!*ll HA> K A> lir IK Al-WATt FBRJIANt*TLV i riBii BT IT l *. e * * * * " IT WIU. AT All TIVEI ANI. I NUEK AU ctBTVU- TAi E AIT l KAKHrilT WITB TBS LAW. TKa*? VOVEBN TM* KEIIAl.t ITVTBM. e * e * rlT rvur-B i MUtLY ro*TB BIAUKU or niAa AM. TIIK KEUIK or VAB THAT IT pot. \ 1 .1. IT I I AI - T"> UD, THWtMAJI** **f LAOIB* CAH GLA1ILT TI-Tin "%t * e * tiTii.K >E i i iii asB(u< i. i \>i arAjwu. * * I.TD1A E. I IVkMIAJHIl Vb.KTAltl.k coMPitnCD k al Lraa, tl.. fYter SL su buctla. for SB, of flU. - r4-> on nr*tp* . .f \.n>-> a abov*. B>e. iifctt io HeJ1k' f will hr BWUII fnsttoea/ No fAmllr UVKk Plfjjl TtT .-exr ( ..1>C1D.U - i NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST FRIEND SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER AMD C arboitte of lodtno IIH4UHT. A certain cum tcr Calarrb. BrooeblMe A.tlmia, and all <U ***** n( theTbroa. n.l Lan T . if Wn in . i, It will break ep.< ttono* U i. the Kiev ! 'k VSi wtct*. A few inhalation, will correct tbe mne eV*>- *lv Brraia. It nit; be oevrrled a* handily ee apeokuife amlie alwari r.ailr Tbi* I. iheontj tmtuttrr approvol by parel (las* of every lenool, ana .n.lureed bt UM etaaeterel *)tral j*ir*M>t. of (be world AM Uwr In tb* market ar* either werltileaei ubtitut. ur trmmimtmmt luitatloei*. *>vew 4^OO la a*e>. Hold by all Drocflit* fnr )! -OS. HyatalLILSt W. B. BMtTH A OO. BotTaloTH T TRIAL I, 1 '-*' h A BK W*A :TJA., ' i Ruma, [re- T-u: TO fa*. t-i\TKo UiLTAlC BEIT BIS ONLY. YorNO Ok OLD, (.. ar MBVr Ni DECBUTT UT ViTAurt. l n ..* .ml .11 i (NO ilteMave era JAI. NATVam. rteultlair from Aeueo* Ana Onum I'.t-M. Ntteurt; rxllrf An. I com!**, iieluiatloa lu II..ITH ... . M OOATD t>n.l .1 0*1 oe for Illu Pamptotol fne. A4<1n. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. J. WINCKLER SELF-VBNT1NG PDMP FADCKT Tb(impl*M*adb*MlnUMaiark*e, PnoeSU lililr.ee M Husb*on m*e) eovtb. HaatiMeo. EYE. EAR AMD THROAT O. B. BYERHON , L. R. O.P. B. * Leetorer oo tbe Bye, Bar aad Throat Trtnlry Medloal Oolls, Toronto. AarM to the Toroato Oeoeral B OiioloaJ AJeletanl Eoval London OwhtbaJml Beepital, MouraOeMI and OeowaT Ua*o Tkroa* and Bar Hotpilal. SIT Ohaseh tv*. Toronto Artificial Raman Bv*>