V. Artemesia Warehouse ! A full Ntuck of (iruertl (ioods now on baud, consisting of Dry (isHKls, llard- nr>, (Yorkery, Groceries, rri>iin>. Af.for gale cheap for Cash orcoun- 1'ruJuce. < ;.-li Paid tor -Xll Ivm.l-. of tiraxin. WI*I. 1-IOGrGt PLBSHKKTON STATION P.O.. OXT. My SAW MILL at Little Falli ii in full operation. Particular attention given to Custom work. Customers can have Lumber or Shingles cut out of their own stutl fur re- turu ludi>. All Linda of Saw Logs bought. WM. HOOO. BEARD'S Waggons, JHannfactured at Flesher- ton, . r . the Cheapenl, u nothing but good wood is used In tbeui. They ire i trongly ironed, runa easy .Vld Well I'auite.i 1 aruiurs ami other* wanting the Cheapest and Unit Waggon will do well to examine the uia- uiial carefully. HEAKD'8 Waggons are warranted for 3 yean, and lold at very low price*. No I rulght to pay. lluuulug (tear, Box, Spring Sea*, Keekyoke and Whifflctrtes 979.00 lorcaib 00.00 Manufacturer of Buggies, Democrats, Wa^goni, Cutters, SIcigliH, Iron Harruws, and Agent for Plow*. JOH1T H, HEARD, Flesherton. FLESHEKTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Sucli as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Hcadstonrs Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Marbleized Sluto, .Vc., &c. Fleshcrton, Aug. 30, 1883. G-BT YOUR Fall * Winter flothiim MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fleskartoii Tailor. i HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS &OIMTMENT .larU.I il. From our oirn The Markdale C.nincil Ko\iil Templars of Temperance N". M-, i'lei-te.1 tlieir ntli- cers fur the ensuing term, at tin- last re- gular meeting held in their Council Cliuiiilwri n Friduy, Dec. 20th, 1H84. Tin- following will I c installed in their respective ottiuus <ni Friday Jim. '.'th. 1H4&, for a Uirm of six months : II. \V. Kilns*, Select-Councillor : W. T. Jack- man, S'ice-Cuuiu'illor ; Kcv. T. (iraiidy, Chap. ; J. A. Smith, Rec.-8ec.; A. Hill, Fin. -See-.: Tho. Hill, Tres.; J. H. Ma- thews, Herald ; .l.is. Spruule, (ituird ; J. Jiut What we I. \i. . -<l. The following from last week's Thorold , I'OST explains lUtll : Ou Friday afternoon last tli>- Christmas , ex.iiiiin. iiiou of thu Kast Sido I'uLlic Sell... 1 took place iu the presence of a very 1 iv number of vUitors. The walls were suitably decorated <*ith pictures, aud presented a ,,,,., pretty sight. The scholars were exauiiund i vorkud. ' TobosoMstot nr-arly lialf it- .. . by the Principal (Mr. M. 1'. McMaster) the i Tlniepiveii for most of |.at laMm*. Apply to t!u- NBW AUYERTHsBMtNTS. F\RM TO RENT. OK K. n; SM.K. A .MI. I Farm, sltiiate.1 :. Con. 10, Lot SM. ill tin- IWarikfp of Artoinenit Thtveare, or about, flu acre* cl< HTH*!. witi v. rllent ^< il. very rr-..v Kev Mt --I-. Kay, and McL>oiiuld,and Hell and May, teacher*. The examination > showed elrsi ly that the teachers had sue- | eeeded iu bringing their pupils to H hi^li I stale ol rdin-aliou, and the children acquitted I tlieiuM-lv(s ttith credit alike to then. and their teachers. Speeches were made by | E. Hicluirds, Beiiiu.el ;" O. Wriglit, Deii.- i *'" - 1 "'"' Ki '. v . c ' I *. c - u - McDonald, | Herald ; C. W. Uutlude Past Councill- . tt " d Mu " lf "- Turner, Ueiiderslmt and Arnold. A very nice programme of reaUtsUlons ana, dialogues u ,- taken purt in bv the cbiUl.eu. Mr. M P. Mi-Mast. -i the ei.eix'-tic principal , of the whixil de*fivn ni-eat en-dit f-n' the succesxful manner in \\lueh he li.is bundled this Kehool, baeked l>v iho luboiira of Mi- - i Roltertson, liuvl aij.i Dnle, and we are e. i u.ioriue.l, , Klesaxjrtoii I'ueVOffice. W. KKIXS Oci. I4tli. 1HH4. or ; <i. S. Howes, Kuiirt*uiitutivt- to Grant] Council. Wu understand tint mefnben of th above order intend hav- ing an oyster supper after installation, tu which they intend inviting th.-ir wives and swectliearta. If curried out, a u f| '">t time may be expected. FBOWLBB. A (toLiii.i OI-IM \.-Mrs. Wm. Allan, of Act. iu, decUrm that llagvard's Y.dluw Oil is the bc.it houithold rtmc-dy iu the world fur cold*, croup, tore throat, burns, scalds and other painful coiui>!shitn. Her opinion is well founded. CUE? iiia. From our CorretponJent . The dct-r hunting >eat>on it over and we are pleased to report ..nr huuk>ra. Mr. I.uti uicr and sons, hare succeeded in bringing dowu thru- hue decre, also three of the finest raccoonH we ever taw bugged f.-ll to their lot. Aidml by the du^H, they captured three ring-tailed fat back* which yielded onie 33 \\>f. uf conn oil ; Tln-y alxo shot five foxei and two uiiuks How in that f> r hi/h, hoys. Un guiug out tn chop iu his bucli on New Yen 's day, Mr. Wm. Carr (.tumbled across a largu old elm lilub that had fallen the pre- vious day. nil examination he found it hollow, yrt tilled with swactness. A rery stroiig colony of bees had had their home their iu tinu pu.-t Mr. C'arr extracted three nails of the coiuh* containing the honey. How wss thai foi u Nuw Year's ^ilt handed don II by the winds. Weddinjj bells viiited our town on New Year's day. and one of our fair ones has been taken away to her huaband's Lome. Mib Love has gone with her Lovi r. On Friday last Mr. Solomon Turner had a narrow t-noape fr-.iu what niit;lit have been a very oerious accid-tnt. Mr. P. T. Carr was sawing wood with bis machine at Mr. Tur- ner's. A piece broke out of the end of the saw, which canaed it ou the next outward urok.i to strike the guide and bend the saw. Mr. Turner, who was holding the block, re- ceived the inward stroke of the saw across the Kuoulder. cutting through all his outer clothing to his i-hirt. One uf the teeth took a pieocu out of his ear, and hut for tho saw- y. i . Mr. Turner might have boon t dead man now. Kuch is life. Kiutruiscaii >uiw boast of a doily mail south aud north. Hail ! happy day ! Kovival closed with much irooJ done and ijr-- ingathering. New Ycar'K ijuict ; frirnds visiting and discuaung current topks over roast turkey or gooM. Come again, gala day ! tain good r.-.-uits must full-iw Irom such able tea. -Inn". J. W. BATES, ami FOB THK COMPLKXIOS. l-'..i 1'iinpU-*, Itlotchcs, Tun. and all itehiiig tumors of the skin, u*e 1'rof. Low's Mu^-ie Sulphur Koap. i ...!> Fan ALL. For all diseam's of the Mood, liver, kidneys aud howeU take Bur- dock Ulood Hitlers. It in purely vegetable, can do no barm, and is alwavu boiielicial. An \I-I.-IM.-M.-I "lioj." The followiii;-. wLicli we clipp-<l from th Strutfonl Mi rni I if Die 17th tilt., explains iUelf. and will, tm doubt Le plcuniug tu the many warm fru-mU of Mr. C liadwick in this Tnwiibliip HnJ i ln-wl.i re : Tho Model Soliool ClasF h.niiis; romplcti 1 tlnir conrw uf truiiiiiig uiul. r i'riuciliul li.ndwiek, app- < > i.tlne ul Hi' iuUnst lu.mifeHtrd by Lin in their welfar- and pi..pii ] n-parution (or tue dutic'H tin \ prop , , itmiiL 1 npiiii. took occasion on \\ m-s.i.iv i-v i.:n,. lut to testi- fy tu that sppi' e. iti.-ii. iin.l fur tli.ii purjHiMi wnitoil on tfif-i! niii.i in-in. (: .it Ina resi- lience and |>ri > ule.l him \\iili (<inr linnii!u>iu ofsilvi i in ,i..l tl:e loll,. wiiitf mi Jrss, which war na . l,\ Mr. K. M. lln^tun : TO C. W. Cl!>|.WIiK, 1 , I'rincipal Mo.lel Soliotil- Esrr.rxKi. '|,:MIIMI, I'hi .Mi.il.l Seh. K.I term t lart IK ..vir. uud we ilrxiru at its close to eifirrn ear BIIH-.IC njr-t at being compelled Ui I, ive s-vpn d tile tic which lot the !'!< tliri i liiniillis ),n muled us us inax- tcr and (uipiis. Vnu have done the utmoxt ilnriny Hint i i. train UK u|< as conliivtent and skilful t. : Ir i- an I )iuv,< rotrstsutlv strived to l.-ml our tlmiu;lit to a Innki inonil i -n, uiul I., cult vate in us :i love tor tin- pure, tin- ("""I. niel all th.-it nill tei.il tu i M noble our ii.iti.ii-a and lit us, not milv for our 1 i f. Ksiim lull fcr nil t lie duties uf life; aud we HKsure y,n thai we apprrcinto the kind Chriatian spirit Inch li.-i.-. aetuiitrd yon in all your 'IpHliii^s ttiih u, nml \<>nr patirnee with in in our iinifii i-nreli-^-iioK and THE PILLS Purify tho Dlood, coiroct all Dlsordors ol tho r, Stomach, Iv i< I n\\ - and 1 5< \\ < I- . TLey inviforsteaud reatoretn health Debilitated ConitltutlniiH, and are Invalualilo in all Com- iflalatH ; uci.luutal to Females of all ages. For Children and thu agud tlioy aro iirlcelues ^ THE OINTMENT It an iultOUhle reined r 'or Bad Legs. Bad Rreaotii, Old Wouiidn, Son aud fleers. It is fsnious for * Gout and Khouuiatiim For diiorders ol tho ('I: . t It lias no equal. for SO RE THROA1, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Ul-Klalar Hwelltnfls, and all Skin Dlneaxw it ban no rival; and for oontraoted and stiff joint* i* acts Ilka a eharui. ^Onr kind and ilrhfnl care over us, and the exe.lli ui inainiei in whieh yoa have fillod your otlicc, 0.111 tieTf>r be fully reward- ed, but ill Mi/l t |..'IM-!I D( <>nr :i|.preeinti(iii .1 \iir erviei-H, iillnw no to picBPUt vim ith thin silvrrwari . Iti-ht aMirfd, .le.ir mivtter, that yon liavo made nu imprvsi>ii>n <j UK lli.it can never bo effiMMid ; but wi will ever cnlcrtuiu the lii^'h- t -t respect for you, and the vrry kindliost fevliugs towards you. (iriitefully yours, THK Monki. SCHOOL l'i rn.^. Mr. Chadwick responded iu a suitable niauner aud lifter Hjic-udiuK a VITV enjoyahle cveuinK together nu u(W-tiimto leave-taking took place, ajid tin- party broke up. Mr. (J. is to In congratulated ou the pop- ularity he gains uilh each model class. Ranufacturod only at Profennor IIOLLOWAT'H KiitabllNhment, . H. Kcw xfcrd Mtreet 4 late .1:1:1, Oxford Street ). London, s n1 are sold at Is. l|4., k. M.. is. M.. 11s.. flavi., and Me. each Rn* or Pot, and may be had of alt Medl cia Vendors throughout the World. : 9~ / ' ( i rrfuueri tAmjM look U VirLaMimOu Pott uiul Rnre. If tht addrtu it not MS, nrfonl Sfr.-ff, London, thry art WORMS often cause surioiiH illness. The cure is Dr. Low K Wuriu Syrup. It destroys aud expels WoruiH effeotually. GOOD TKI YKAU HOI N I). National 1'iiN are A good blood inidticr, livrr regulator and mild purgative for nil THE 8IUNS OF WORMS-are well- known, bat the remedy is not always so well determiufd. Vorui Tviwdcn wUl destroy them. VI'ABBEH LELAND, u; ; ' < r oi 1: -"ly knows as t). M.V. *f it si Hotel Enterprises of ,\m r:'3, rn$: t!i.it whi'e n pfl.nfer from ; , . V ..... i! ;,i "!a'.:'pcot'-i;''>'' > U'd < -"|>e '..) c.f iBlp-.i!l'-ii i"< ->l- , till i. 1 " J in: - O'J-J 1i ue o(Bcni ul tll-r - . U iJ 1-1. -J hi:nfc!f. ml- n-_- lue >".>- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Slnre then I.fr. I.rLA.vn h.is r-e >n.nn-ii,'l Aveu'8 bABSAr AXILLA In ui.inv nn!-ir cu", and bo has ccTer yet Li u J of iu fail- ure to vdocl a radioal cure. home year* ago oue ol Mr. I.: :.-.'.;' f.-ii-rn lauorcru UruUcd bis l.-g. Uui-i|i lo llie bad SUlto of his blood, an j;l) M-iolui.'iiK rwel'.ing or lnuip apue:in.d i>u lite iiijun I liuih. ]for- ril.:.- llclilug of thu skin, lll. turning aiul dArttni piti.m tkr.iujli tliu lur.ip, luitilc ..fe almost iMol.-i.t'.lc. 'Hie Irg I . .-.n.io enor- liiousN ciiUr^.-.l, nn,l ruiiiiing ,. . 1 .rnn-.l. dichurglng great qiianlltlcs (f e\trrnielT off eu>ivo matter. No trnatiiient s of nnr avail unn; the man, by Mr. LrLASn's direc- tion. was suppllrd wiili Arm's SARSM-A- CILLA, wh.eli sJUyMl the pain Rn.l i-.-r till in, la- ill . I tli.. soli*, removed Hi t > ..n^. aod cotnplrteljr restored the limb to u>*. Mr. LeLA.\i> Una personally mod Ayer's Sarsaparilla fnr r.lirum-t!m, w.'.li entire !><rri ; ami, :; r <- ,r. i :i . ,:. - i . . .-i Li* licli. f, tU-rj U n-' li'^c.:.o i i t'..u u ..1 e]u:il to It for ilio cu:e ff Liver Hi. r.e", Cout, 1:1.' ....! of iii.ii ii>: i^, s.:i nilciini, Sot-en, f.t upUo.-in, ui:<l ull ill* various forms of ItlooJ dU> i -. We liare Mr. Li i..-..;:. pcnu >. .m :oioT!te all wboiuayiliflre f i tbcrcvM asVlBI to the e\ truer. l:i.a j curnl.vo loners f Avr.k'H K i::s AI-AUII .u.v to sco Ulm ; ally illlicr at Ills m.innuotb Ocean I .otl, Long Ilrauch.or at tl:^ popular I.t .-.. I 11 *,ol, Lrc.idn-:;y. 2;th ami '. v Tli Streets, New York. Xr. 1.1. LAND'S cstcnslra knole l?n of Ui good doi:i> l.y this nnrqualle.) rradlrn'orof b:uml i<i>!i>n< rn..|.!e him to ivo luruirorf uiucb vuIa-iL.k: iufuruiatlon. I I-.'-'- \urn DT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists; 91, sU bottles for $2. HELP for workiiu' i ] N K-nl 10 -lit*. 1'int'u;' ui 'I w>- will uiil VIMI ritKr-. n ruyal, viJ i lamptai i>".\ "t ; ---.u that ill ['ill >on in tht u i khiu in M. M oey in n iVw IH>X t! HP jron i \er thought poMtlble at Any bttBlneM * 'n run > ipiiri' I V.in ran livent hohi<> ami work in )'arv tttiK- only, or nil tlin titniv All -t I- ' .- . all 114;.^. IfTBI fill, .VI i fit! fHiin .1 > M v. niiifl That at) \vho .Mint work nii\\ tct-t the linshieHM, wtMiiakf thin un|iiii nlll- . .1 '.ri.-r I - all who an> licit w. i; -\,- \\ill wtiil f*l to |i.t> for tin- tronll<< <>f u t ,t u . partifuUr-.diriM-tirii)-. etc. urnt f n c In i n-.t Iiay almolutfly nun- for all who start i litll t <li 1m Ar|.ii-- SllNhtiN A ( ii., I'ortltalJ'l. Mum.' Fairm lor Sale. Furniture I>cler Undertaker. KLKSHKHTOX, ONT Money to Loan. .!' ' ^ /'./ t'nil. I, it rr*i ,.n Xtniiy/ii L-i. nri" H Intere.t paiil yertr (oiniiiimlun charged. \.<.i:iii: yertrly, not in adviin Airily to TIIOK.XBIKV. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S 'WORM POWDERS. An pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. la a sat*, sure, and 0M>r(uU r / wrmi Iu Children or Adask> litre or "FARMS Fo* S*it" *KD "FAIMS wtic DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Till MA:: hat become Thr KcroCfllztMl Welluii fer Favrw JUar >. MI-. 11. in. A-:. owtKlitt wore of them nun oil ollMf CMftriUn [(>rjH l.inr.l It KAt jyvMQfWIilerft uftlM h|fbl blitft. AHV! k nsliMtSTS o( "I mm lot Sal*" m*A "l-iv* ^ '.if "SMd fcf SfJ'"W<eJ~iMfn. I i, ' I K! V MAII..yf.mri |-f xitdexk In- AJ.Ue.- THE MAIL Tmnto.C* EUGENIA Grist Mill, ..'.'" ::i '.':. Mill. Having niailo <*xteiiMM' nii|.r..vi men'- in iu Orixl Mill, Iain e.niliiieiit I tan ,i\. .4 siitisfuution. CIIOri'LVG DONE ANY I>A}' (lotxl Klunr ulwsvs ou liHiul. Custom Saw i and Bill* filled on tlie shortcut m.tiee. LIIIII- I ei and I.utli iilwaj-si.ii lim..l. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. BIMM; I.. .! -J1. Out. Thin s, Arteinem. r.>, i,t v (ire\ . nuwt iltilrnl>le fai Ht.x-l< KKisiim an there In * never -failinr Sin im- Creek run^ llirmi^h the eentre of the fanu. There re 7.". a. n ^ . lei.re.l all. I IH n.'n - ..f ^^lll PloUBhlnR tlnns. A|.plv hy letter to,IA\ll.-H W1I,8DN. Kiii;eiiia P.O., or on tliu |>rcniiMv Terms Ea>. M. AKITT, UOBRIA I SLAND H A aw ami r. whleh will h>l)i \..ii. more iniin.-y rlirht away- tlmn anvtlun, IblS WOTld. All. of either Kel, BlM'e, liimr. Tin- l>n>mi road to fortune >\ u l.ef.ue tin workers, aliBolutel) mrc. At once A CO.. AllJjUMtH. Mlllfir. PATENTS Ml'NN A TO., ..f ;tif RriKNTific AMRWICAV, con- llnui- towt IIM,. licit, iri f..r (MI, MI- rn.'it. Tniilfi Mnrk. CuDflilbU. fur tli.1 DnlUxl rlial. . I'anmla. niflarid. rnuitio. uorinany, sts, li u .1 I: - k Ki*'ut Pafnnts Sf>nl in-.-. Thlrty-.i-vi-n M-ur-*' eMiTlenco. l'iii.Ti'"h(:ilii.-<l Ilin^iuli Ml SN A l" .1 -n. n.-Hl In the MUM D-K- AMkHli-A.v. I he lurji -i iixt.anil in.itit wi.it i\ . ,n uli.teil sotonuflo paMr. t.i.'JOH \fMir. w.-chlv. S|il"in!l(1 enuruvhim nn.l It .<T.-MU,..- 111. forniKll.m ^i--. ..,,,.., .,,|, v ..f Hi, I-. ii-ni ihr Anirr- lertii . Mt fr.-i l.l lr.-. Ml'NN A ('('. Vrlt.VTII'IO Al KM i-. I .,-,, . j I r.r..u.li. New Vifl-k. Stock Farm. c rosso Ho, Wayne Co., Mich. dAVAUB ft FAENUM, PnoruucroBa Auction Sale Kills Prin tod on sliort notice at rr.nsonablc prices free notice of same in THR ADVANCE. ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE. IT WILL PAY YOU. e.MI(1Mo. IMPORTED i Percheron Horses. All stork selected from the (rrt ofslrf* six) < of established reputation and re(tsured In th French aoil A mericaa stud books. ISLAND HOME Is beautifully shualerl at the head of (iioaai li in the Detrnit Hirer, ten miles below the City, -~ i> aci enihlc by railroad and steambfiet. VWtoa not familiar with the location msf call at iiir nrV, SCanspau Building, and an curort will accuoi em to the term. Send fot caulirur, tree b> Addroa, SATACS ft rAJWuiTUtraat. Mick > A CRTINO EVIL. Childroii arc often fretful and ill when worms are the cane. Dr. l.i.m 's Worm Syrup saf'ly cipclsall Wuims.