. 1 r I C-l AM AW M I PATH. J I * l.ii.nel *.ll *ii..ik. i 10 ih. I .on* I < u.MallU - Oult Our !< r ! ... A Halifax despatch says : Tbe Dominion Government steamer Lansdowne returned from Sable Island last night. She was out in tbe great gales of Friday and Saturday, and Captain Guildlord says he never naw worse weather during his half century's experience on tbe coast. He brings intelli- gence of the wreck of tbe brig A. R. H., of St. Malo, France, Capt. Lemaroband, ned by Oinegem A Co., of St. Pierre, iqnelou, and from that place to Boston, ttta fish. Tbe veewal left Bl. Pierre ou December 15th. The gales of tbe 17tb, 18tb and 19 ib drove the ship near Sable Island. The west end lighthouse of tbe u. laud wai lighted. At 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Friday, tbe 1'Jth, a heavy snow storm prevailed, and tbe wind Lwas blowing a hurricane. A few (minutes after land wai made out and tbe Lnrnnnl wai driven on a Baud -bar with great nriileuoe and immediately began to break 'up. She had a crew of seven men. Tbe thermometer indicated twelve degrees below wro, and tbe nufferiugi ot the men bad been terrible. Tbey were frost bitten, e-t, bruited, thoroughly disheartened, and death was a welcome release. Three of the crew were washed overboard when tbe sbipstrnek,*i.d although there wai floating debris, metre no effort to save themaelvea and were Jfcwued. Tbe steward, pre temaff sMwrrrto any further misery, ran to berth, took a raior, oat a terrible gab bis throat reaching from ear to ear, jumped iuto tuo suit and disappeared. His body was fouud iu the sand tbe next day by at<uardmeu. Captain Lemar oband, hi first mate, aud u bailor managed to get on a naud-bauk by a floatu g spar but ouly escaped ibe ttrrom of tbe deep to encounter tbe u.om fruitful terrors ol the frost king. They could faintly dmcern th glimmer of a lighthouse three milen aoro.n the sand-bar, aud set out iu tbe darkness to reach it. Tbe sand being driven with blinding force by tue gale, and eaob (train dashed aitatnbt tbe faces of tbe exhausted men like bull* Finally tbe captain succumbed, lay down and despite tbe effoita of bis equally exhausted comrade* w fmeu to ueatb Tbe chief c ffioer and sailor then pressed o.' but within half an hour tbe sailor too lay on the sands a frrveu corpse. Tbe obiel officer, a powerfully built man, tbeu pusbtc on to tbe light house, tbe only mrvivor After six bourn of almost lodenoribable rut fering f rou. frost and the dashing eandp. be reached tbe light-bouse, tbe last quarter of a mile on bin hands and knees, aud 'old terrible tale of wreck. It was then 2 o'clock in the morning. Ever) thing p<iMble wan done to relieve liis kuffenugs. Next moru ing t ffioialn started for tbe scene of tbi diaaster. Tbey found tbe bodies of tr.e captain and sailor aod interred them in tbe sand. Tbe vessel bad beeu smashed to pieces and tbe debris covered the surf beaten shore. Tbe survivor came up on tbe Lansdowue. I Ml I I I I II . I Ul ShHSBUS 'lo.l.n I- I o.lur. '1 .11. W Illnu >u li.tl. i hi. I H. A Wheeling (W. Vs.) despatch say* : At j A latt (Wednekda> ) uighfs Ban Antouio o'clock is? tiigbl at the reudeuoe ot Tei., de.p*tob say, : Yesterday evenlug, Elias Marling. f,eh bachelor living four ' an the ea-tbcund passenger train on the three marked iueu Southern Pacific Kilruad was uearing a ~* ~ number miles east ot thin city, nothing of any value, and then proceeded the engineer to Hap the train, bii i oow- deeds that would di.graoe an ludian. boys boarded tbe train, and with drawu was btrippedof all his clothing, revolvers compelled the conductor to Itcp ,d red not pokers were laid to bis back, ! Laugtry. toe next small *"" At bile tbe fiends laughed at the screams aud ' Langtry twenty more cowboys boarded aud ue agouv of their viotim, whose yells filled | took passeasiou of the tram. 1 hey were he uiune. Shovels of red hot coals were all mo e or less under the influence ol tossed UIKJU him, aud bis hair wae burued liquor and amused themselves by snooting tt bis head. All the time he was exhorted ' out all the window lights aud lamp*, ter- rorizing passengero generally. As luo traiu massed small tutious, tbe oowboyi would ihove their beads out of the wiodowe and shoot and yell. A passing height train was saluted iu a similar manner. Several hun- dred show were fired aud the roofs ot tbe oars were riddled. Tbey robbed tbe traiu My of a i- 1 jck < f peanuts aud candies, but co far as known no one was ibot. The gang eft the train alter riding 60 miles. to tell where hie wealth wa hidden. He told them where to fiud about tl 000, all he lad in tbe booaa. He was not believed, aud the thieves again began their devilish work. Pus of hot grease <vere set on the loor, and Marting was made to stand in hem until bis flesh peeled from bin feet. Ie f'uted, but was restored only to under- o new torluree. A straw bed was emptied ot its contents, which were piled around the man and then fired. The flmB om- i.i t--l> euvekped him, and he was horribly turned. About midnight, believing him to be dying, tbe robbers fled. At 10 o'clock this morning Marting was found uncon- scious by two neighbors, wbo went to the uout e on an errand. Medical aid was sam- moned, and he was revived sufficiently to tell the story of bis tortures. A pout is iu search of tbe thieves, and if caught they will be hatged on the spot. Marlu g is bigbly oouueoted m the city. II. i. IB ! \t nuiun V* ho I'm. il l.i.lrn.l ( I . I. in. 'I . .11. .... . A Philadelphia despatch nays . Tbe death of Emm* Kittsmiller, which occurred at her home, No. 1,315 Davis street, on Sunday, wan investigated by Coroner Powers. Tbe womau had been a firm believer in the " faith cure," and ha< refused to receive medical treatmeu during her illness. Howard MoKuigfat, i brother of tbe dead woman, said tbat bi was a firm believer in tbe " faith cure.' They bsd prayed together, and she bax told h in t at sbe did not want a doctor George M- Knight, another brother, said be wai uot a believer in tbe ifBoaoy o prayer in driving away disease. He ba< called on bin sinter, and sbe bsd replied in answer to a qaebtion : " No ; I have no doctor. I have Jesuii Christ. He is my only physician." He bad Iff t tbe boose in disgust and had atkud Dr. Lehman to oal on his sister. Flora McKnight, a sitter of tbe dead womau, bad prayed with her and was a believer in tbe " faith cure.' Mary Gardner, the next wituc-s, said that sbe wai a " misrionary of tbe faith." Hu talked rapidly aod incoherently. The Hint of her evidence wai tbat sbe believed Jesus Ohrist could do all thit-gn, sud *be didn't believe it right to take anything out of Hi* bands. Mr. Kitzmiller wan luen permittee to make a statement. H said be bad not objected to Dr. Lehman prescribing for bin wife, but before having tbe prescription filled he had asked her, Would you take your life out if the Lord's bauds and trus it to a little powde'?" She replied : "Wi will pray to Gad and ask permixeiou to take it." They bad prayed aod sbe had con eluded to take tbe powders. He neoorei tbe powders at a drurf >t >re. " On my borne," be ouutiuuud, "the Lord revealed to me tbat I was doiug what 1 had ewori Dvr to do aud tbat wan using a Irt' faith and a Ittle medicine. When I go home I said : Mamma, bhall we trust in God IT medioiue / ' She took ouly on powder, aud after that we trnnted to God When I awoke on Sunday morning Ibe w, A last ( Wednesday ) nigbt's Parkridge (N J ) despatch says : Last night Abraham Onruee, a weal thy merchant, having grocer] stores at trim plaoe and Mount Vale, wai counting hie money at half-past 9 o'clock when a negro named Siseo entered am wanted ti be shown some boots. Gurnee knowing the negro well, hsd no suspicion o evil ioteut, and left bis seat, leaving tbe money on tbe desk. When tbe boot* were brought Sisco dealt him a terrible blow on the forehead with a heavy piece of wood or lead. A strangle ensued, during which the negro drew a pistol aod shot Gurnee in tbe back of tbe head. Tbe negro then made a rusb for tbe money, Gurnce fighting him with all tbe strength be possessed. Sinoo red another ball, which entered Garnee's baok. Tbe murderer then fled without booty. Mrn. Garnee anil her father-in law, who reside in a nouns o| pntiM tbe store, entered in time to see Gnrnee in bis last struggle*. He told witb bis dying breath who bin asnailaut was. It ie sup posed the murderer ha gone to New York He is 80 years of age ; his viotim was 62. Tbe Niagara Park OnmmuMon nay tha Goat Inland ie worth 11,400.000, ana wil recommend that New York pay tbat sum for it. DIAHOI.lt Al. ! I < I III ll >!- * Itrunk, u .,.,.* t M^iurr I'H... ii|(, i inn itlakc I i.lim- I i Ii . be hou* by f orcTan^und Mr !jdge eroding the PtOM river, a Hearoh,ug\be bous. they fouud of torpedoes exploded on th- tr,k TUB i M i I'H - I n I- i i 'i I t ii mi, mill Mi, Mo. -. nl I* Ike I 1111 l ml. I,'. IIHlK III fltW lolk. A laet (Friday) night's New York despatch saya : A box containing an infer- ual machine w brought by a boy to the American Tract Society's i ffioe, 50 Nosuu street, thin mori iug. It i believed tbe inteuiiou of tbe neuder was to kill Anthony Ccmntook. Tbe boy said tbe man, w bone i hcrijuiou be gave, had paid him 10 cents at the corner of Leroy aud Hudson streets to deliver the package. Tbe machine con- ibted of a tpriuir, parlor matches, and broken glass, i> d ur- ui.oe bottle of powder and a phial of btirio acid. Tbe package wae addrexitfrd ' Bookstore, 160 Nassau street." & mate ok naid he did uot think it was designed to rm.cn turn He inclined to believe that it wan - 1 lundcl origin, and dttigued to barm tbe American Tract Society aud tbe Bible Society. When tbe box was brt aght m Comsiook was called aud took obarge of it. Tbe box h.d form- erly ooutsiued collars, but bad been altered into a modern infernal machine of tbe moat approved pattern. Comstock moved the cover from the box, creating a stampede iu tbe more, and then took the b z sud tbe boy to tbe police station. Two policemen were detailed to accompany tbe boy to tbe l lace where be said tbe package bsd been given him. I/'MIKAVAL IN II I -11111.1.1111., I M.IIMK !" >..l.l. TlloBlr- Ummnfr nd I..... l 1. 1 1. lu 1. . I.MM.I.l ...III Mil"... A Madrid denpaton says : The details of tbe earthquake ot Wednesday night abow it was more disastrous than was at lira; anticipated. Onsnbook lasted fifty seooudn aud was felt throughout Spain. In Auda lusia a number of towns buffered severely At Grauada bouses rooktd violently ai i. tbe i riu trembled brueatb tbe fi t of the luhabitanta an tbey fled to the fields. Si me were wounded by falling briokn aud cor- oioeB. At Malaga mauy houbes wt-re wrecked and a number of tbe inmates were buried in tbe rums. Many persOus were killed aud a large number w< uuded. Those wbo escaped camped iu tbe opeu iquarea aud in the fields. Tbe weatuer was cold aud the refugtes bad to bui'd boi<nrra to keep themselves warm. Fainter shookn occurred at intervals during the night, which increased the alnrm of tbe people. Already a number t bodien have been recovered. The Government bas bent pro- visions, clothing, (to., lor the sufferers. In Madrid tbe damage was slight, but tbe sboos, frightened tbe inhabitants, aud placen of amubemeut were quickly emptied. Shocks were also felt at Gibraltar, and were r-evtru in the sombern provinces. They ou -td great alarm among tne people at Grauada At Malaga only two persone were killed by tne falling walls. HTBANOst -l n IIIK A Nvwspwprrr 'li.n -..Lid., with Km I I" I HiiHkl a I . .."ii t>7 Mr I hull,. M . . n Hl-niMi l.'. Trick. A London cable says : Tbe latent news froui tbe Gape iudioa:e that Sir Charlie Warn u will have some heavy fighting, lue boers are thoroughly aroubud, and uolbiug short of a severe defeat in the field will leaob tin in their proper plaoe. Eug land's rnaguauiiniiy after MajuDa was min- tnkeu for ownrdioe, and tbe suberqueLt policy ol indeoUiou strengthened them in this idea. Xbere is little doubt but Ger- many baa a bsnd in fomenting the din- turtaance in Beohnaualaud. A German orgau in Cspe Town, Die Patriot, recently publisbed a very u tUiuuiatory editorial. It asks if tbe Boers will sit still aud wait till hundreds of " Britirh scum " are sent out. Rather, it invokes them to force Eng- land to undentand tbat it will be very risky to send " those murderers " through their country. It is expected that Sir Cfaarlee Warren will quickly teach tbe Boers tbe character of tue ' voum " he has in bis command. Tbe Newt yesterday criticized the Ministerial policy on Cape affairs, and tbe fall Mall (iatttte baa a nlasbing article, iu which it refers to tbe Foreign aud Colonial Department* as " Tbe Dawdle and Circumlocution Office*." A D| >! In I U. U. A Trenton, N. J , despatch saye : The big clock in (be City Hail failed to strike last night. Tbe janitor could not under- stand *liy tba striker failed to work. On inveetigation this afternoon, it wai dis- covered tbat tbe janitor's dog was imprisoned in the box that incased tbe striking weight. When the oauiue wan released the clock raxumed itl regular func- tions. A popular item ii new going the rounds A Scranton (Pa ) dei-patob says : A gen tleman ot pleasing address, tbougb shabbily dressed, about 7'4years ot age, registered at While's hotel of Tuesday as U. 8. Ball, Ohio. He claimed to represent tbe Chicago Inter-Ocean, the New York Tnbwt and tbe rtou i'llol. Ou Thursday tin ateahearty dinner aud remarked, I uever want to see another Chn-tn -. ' H-: did not oat any eupptr, but reiirnd to bed about 8 o'clock. Not oomiug dowu to breaklatt the clerk went inio his room and louud him da. He bad suicided with rat poison. Froiu his oouvercatiou with the gneste it was learutd thai be lived at Oswtgo, N Y , aud was a lawyer, aud that he had studied under Cuiet Juttioe Chase. It U laid be came here to write up the locality lor the Inter > if ean. Want aud family troubles are the buppueed cause of tbe suicide. A num- ber ot manuscript sermois fouud in nia puwessiou indicate that he was a Free Will Baptist Miuister. A I Kf M H I in I- I II* A li.rrl. .1 U o.uii l>. I.M.I. II. r ll.u.r with H It. iol. r N. hIMll> - I i b. i i lu. . A Paris cable ssys : A tragedy similar to the Hugues-Moiiu aflair bas ooouried at Touuerere. An arabueot, named Brn bard, visitbd tbe bouse uf a uierobaut named Frsnoey, aud soun afterwards ru-ued from the bouke, pursued by Madame Frsnoey. Blocd wai streaming from bis body, and Brisbard fell sbriekiug aud eibausted. Madame Franoey fired two shots into the prostrate body, oryicg tbst she Lad been insulted long euougb. She then gave herself up to tbe police. Bris- bard is dead. Ue wai a bachelor, 40 years of age, aud reputed to be a libertiue, and that be devoted bis time to forcing bis atu uti u.- upon married ladies. Mausme t'r.ncry i a fasoiuatiug woman, 25 yen r old. Bribbara a short time ago visited Fraooey 's bouse and awaited tbe return ol the latter fri/m the theatre. Madame Frauoey showed him tbe door and threat eutd, if the V.HII was repeated, bhe would abut him. Oui.ubec.ua visit, which wan alto made duriug the absence of her bus bsud, Madame Frauoey rhot bim. NO ii - ii UH > i i II.. 11.11 I... I ..".. <l. ..!.. .11. I. II . . . i|u|. i Fsiradc. A last (Friday) nigbt's St. John'*, Nfld. dtupalon ays : A dikpatcb from Harbor Giaou states tbat tne Orauge deuiouatratlon panned < fl quietly. Tbe prccension 1 oompoted 01 1,000 psrsous. It passed through tbe principal btreets uumoleeted Tbe Riverhead meu with their green flag held their uwu citadel, aud the Oraugt-meu abstained from intrusion ou Catboli< ground. Tbe bloody memory of lant St Stephen's Day, reinforced by a war-shi) ami a formidable police force, i ffeotuall; prevented any boetile demonstration Shortly after the procession passei tbrougb Pippy's lane, tbe hoene of lai year's sanguinary 001 flict, tbe Hiverbesx men, unmberiug seme buudreds, followed but luepeotor Carly, with a large body o mounted lufautry aud police, kept a sale interval between tbe antagonistic parties until the. Orangemen reacned their ball Tue city at preeeut is trai.quJ, 'in.ii. . ! ii.. fur . . A last (Fridav ) night's Wmuiprg des paioh says : luieiligeuoe ban beu received if a shooting affair near Golden City in wi.iou oue man wa killed anil auother wounded. Three men were proceeding troui Golden Cuy 10 Columbia on ponies riding in siugle file a little distance from oue another. Tbey got some distance beyond Johnson's runobe, about twelve miles from Gulden City, when a shot wan fired by tome oue iu tbe bush. The second man drcpped dead, knot through the heait. Tbe first uiau spurred bis horan and made bis escape. Tbe third, nndug his ln.rr.i- too slow, jumped iM aud ran Cack towards Johnson b rsuohe. While doing so be received a shot iu ihe leg, but succeeded in retching the rauobe. It seems that the murderer, fiudiun no money ou tbe body of his viotim, gave chase to tbe horse, caught it, out opeu the pack, and took from it (4,600, auu then made good bn escape. The body of a man named Molutusb has been found near Beaver Creek, Man. He wan probably murdered and robbed, an be wai known to have 11,300 on his peroon when he left Beaver Creek. KM I I O BV A IMII.. A fr.iiii.iBi Aalssal h I ! <i I* no III" 1>. ...l <i. i. i . Walk. A man can get along without friends if ie has an intelligent dog," said a Jaoluou treel bookkeeper, yesterday, ai a Day ei urter entered bm store. Tbe bookkeeper ouobed a fur rug at his feet, which got up shook ifeelt. " Dinner tiue, old M ow," he said. pointing to a low table ntaud ng under a peg in the wall. " I shall lever forget," said tbe bookkeeper remin- soeutly, an be buttoned his coat and shook imselt into shape for lunch, " tbat old <ew England village where stood a gray, m^si-growu stone onurob, and by its side a ittle weather-stained cottage. A lonely old man, tbe sexton, lived there. He had out- ived tbe hopes aud friends of his j'ontb, and was utterly alone but for tbe oompan- onship of a noble dog. It was a familiar sitht to see him hobbling back and forth o tbe cottage, always accompanied by lie faithful companion. Tbe old mau could often be beard muttering ragmento of talk as be went bis slow, uni-teady way an if in conver- sation wi.b bis dumb friend, wbo never eft bis side, but gaxed with a look ot inman intelligence in bis master's face at the leant sound ot bis voice. At tbe village tbe sexton would exchange a quiet word with a friend, and making little purchase" ur himself and bin dog set out for tbe oot- isge, bis banket upon his arm. But even here tbe dog would relieve bis care and urgently but firoily take tbe basket in bis mouth, trot on before with ao air of joyous satisfaction. He seemed to take a peculiar pleasure in the ringing of the bell of tbe iburob, and was always with hu old master when he summoned tbe pe pie to holy Mr- vice. Once when the bell-rope broke he climbed the stairs ot tbe old bell tower with the sexton aud repeatedly watched Lim ring the bell trom the loft. But one day tbe old sexton was se ; zed witb bis last illness, and iu spite of the anxioue solicitations of Ihe dog, oou'd uot ring tbe bell tbe follow- ing Suuday and boon after passed quietly away, bis hand resting on the bead of his poor follower whose mourn- ing wan inconsolable. Tbe dog wae vuibly affected by the tolling ot the bell, from tbe grave tbe faithful creature bad to be taken by force, aud would return there immediately on being released. One day he was observed to go to Ihe church and soon after was aeeu in tbe belfry where bis master bad for a time rung tbe Babbath ohimes. Here be appears to have reached tbe bell with bis paws and to have swung it, for it tolled out a single mournful note a of sorrow and despair. Immediately after tbe dog wai aeen to look down from tbe tower into tbe churchyard, where bis muter lay buried. Then with a low, mournful whine, reaching nlowly forward, be suddenly leaped out H.to tbe air aud fell a hfeleee mass ou tbe mound. A* sure as mau ever did he died of grief, feeling witb unerring instltot tbat life witbout bffeotiou is woree than death. Bo, you see, 1 take my friend to Innob and be keepe my feet warm and saotbei my perturbed spirit by the intelligent eympatby of bis eyes. I tell you a man a lone man witbout s dog is a subject for pity."- Si. Paul Day. In tbi ./.urn,,; aj the American Utdi'al AuociaHon, Dr. Klein sayi tuat 67 per cent, of Jewinb pbybioiani occupy pri fefcsoriLips in tbe medical aulleges, aud 36 per oeut. are medical authors. Tbe Nsw York Star " Mm About Town," sayi : " Tbe profesnional lady dluer-o it in coming to be reocguized as a regular ' inti- tutiou ' among a otriain grade of New York society men. Sbe in usually a woman tt considerable loquacity, self-ootifideuoe, and ot the paparn entitled "How to G>ok a just old enough nut to be considered dsn- Cbristmas Turkey." It ought to have beeu ! geroos, with sufficient left of performer preceded, tbese hard times, by a piece ' beauty to make it attractive by the aid of beaded " How to Get a Christinas Turkey." a little patching up." nil 'I- >< k I HAM -l l < ! II I I II I II I > . I II I I - I II ! - |>ni I ! timmf al f iliniillHii -Mi..,l. i . S>r a ii ii n. iii> ii, ii ii . A Buffalo despatch says : For some time past the Uuited Btates i tlicials here have been making strenuous efforts to cap- ture a gang of smunglers who have been operating between Black Hjck aud Fort Erie, but their efforts were futile until last night, when by an accident Detective Ljuob, of tbe 3rd Police Precinct here, cap tared them. While passing Chippewa market about midnight be wae attracted by the strange action of three men who drove up to tbe saloon of August U trick, aud after rousing tbe proprietor began to unload the contents of a waggon. lie placed the men under arrest, aud an investigation disolowd the faot that tbe waygon oon tained 1,500 pounds of butter, CO pairs of woollen mittens, 60 psirs woollen socks and 65 pounds dressed chickens which bad beeu Hujuggled. They gave their names as Frederick Lint, John Buokner and Jame* u'llara. The men gave away another of their confederates, William Cramer, who with O'Bara, brought goods across tbe river in a rowboat, tbe other men, who claim to be Canadians, aasuting them on land. Their operations have extended over ^considerable [eriod, aud they made a large amount of money, as they could always find purchasers for goods at Chip pewa market. The men were turned over to tbe United States authorities, and will be tried on Friday. III* A 'lull I "I K' >'" ll - '11111 * il U.. I hi A Lancaster, Pa , d< Rpatob says : The latest phase of Forger Uerzag's rascality came to tbe [ublioear yesterday afternoon ben it leaked out that be bad forged i uote (or 1600 on bis aged mother, now 7( yeari old, and tbe owner of but a i mall property. Tbe mother will not prosecute but she has engagt d counsel to protect bei interests. Tbe directors of the aeveraf national banks of tbe city met in the morn ii K, but are reticent as to their action Enough is known, however, to indicate that they will treat all tbe note* as genuine ua fight for their payment. Interestini developments, promisit/g an entirely new pbae to tbe affair, are looked for in tbe near future. Kmmtrwn o,.n r 11, ,i. MU.I id. !. u...,i Liming mill lliir.r.lli.g III. iu|i- Oysters are raised by cultivation, just M [runs aud vegetables are. Tuey are found t iu all beait in from fuur feet to six fatuous, of water, aud ui-ver at a great distance Irom the shore. They are luust abundant iu tbe quiet water* of gulfs aud bays lormed at tbe mouths ol larger rivers. Tbe principal sources of supply lor the United ri-.aies are tbe Cbeoapeake Bay, Nsw Jer- sey coast, aud Long Island souud. Form- erly the northern beds were almost wholly kept up by re-stooking with seedoyir.era from Chesapeake Bay and tbe Hudson River, but ot late tue oyter leapem Uave secured the seed, or spat, as tbe unbermen call it, during tbe spawning season, >oid new grounds have been utniaed until the area of the oymer beds can be measured by townships, aud u ooutiitly txieud- lug. Although there is no such tbiug as buying tbe beds of auy of the public waters, yet oyster grouuds are, in a uiauuer, bou^ui and sold in this way : A man or aoun.pany will clear up a new plaoe and begiu ruuiug oysters. It these men wuu to go out of the business they fell their tquatter'n right to their bed. Tbe rigbt is reouguiited in tbe business, and such a sale holds good by common oouseut. Tbe spat gatnered in tbe spawning teaaou u scattered over the beds from wniou oysters have beeu gath- ered, or on newly -prepared ground, as the case may be. Hare it lies from one year to five or six years. Kookaways lie about one year, and bounds from three years to five years. The increase in Irtiu three to bix baskets, for every one of spat. Tbe obauoe*, as a ruli , are in favor of a good rop, but tbe oystermen have many things to contend with, so tuat it sometimes happens that when they go to gather the oyklers they fiud either UiitJ ouen or none ,t all. Tbe oyster bss its natural enemies, sucta M the urutun-h i nl ataifi h, wbub debt oy a great man>, aud in the second >laoe tbe grcuud sometimes proves uusalis- ory. Bometimee a heavy wn. h: of [rase giows fast to them, aud, preesiug hem ('own in o the inud, sn.o here ihem, >r, wbtu they are on sandy roil, a sioiin will noca- i.jally rover them entirely with sand. However, with he constantly uvrd metl ole of enlt:vatiou, means are being continually devised for '.be better protection of tbe oyster. Two-thirds of tbe oyster* DOW brought uto the New York market during tbe summer aud autumn com* from tbe lower bay, and are oailed sounds. Tbe remainder may be said to ouuie from K'jokaway, Blue Point and the East River. The winter trade depend* more or leas ou tbe supply !rom Chesapeake Bay, although large quantities taken 10 tbe New York waters are stored for wiutor use. Down oo West street, a few blocks north of Canal street, a little fleet of oyster Mats, packed together like sardines in a gox, may be seen auy day delivering their cirguea. How oue ever gets out is a profound mystery. Tbe boatmen tbem- selves say it often takes ball a day to get one clear of tbe rest. Tbey are small. single masted aud each carries a jib. They vary in length between thirty aud forty teet long. They cost between 1600 snd tt 000 apiece, aooordiug to the >ixe aud the manner in wbioe they axe fitted en> There are also a great many steam tugs engaged in ths busiuet*. E*oh boat usually carries five men. The wholesale dealers, wbo have their IK uses i;pju rafi* along the dock, own or have an luterest in mom of tuese bjate. Oue dealer will often own a number *f sailboats, or an interest iu several, aud perhaps a number of tugs as well. There are, however, many boats that are owned by the men wbo sail them. Tbe oota unually slay out a week or six day*. Euoh is provided with an oyster tongs aud dredge. At firs', while tbe oysters are thick, the men u*e the touge. Afterward they fluisb up by rakiug over tbe ground witu tbe dredge. The dredge n an iron rake iu two sections. It bM a b*g bauging from tbe back of it, made of iron links. This is always held open by an iron frame. The oysters, an tbey are raked up by the teeth of the dredge, are shoved back into tbe bag until it is oiled, aud then it is nmed and uc oontstute are emptied ou board. It is either dragged by tbe sailboat v.itb spread oanv or worked by steam. When a boat has a load ot oysters, which is from one thousand to six thousand, ac- cording t} the size of the cruft, it carries) the oysters to a water-logged crib. This is done in order that tbe oycters may drink, and thus gain a fine, pluuip appearance for market, and sl<o supply tbemwlve* with tt circulating fluid to staud loug transporta- tion. Tbey are usually put iu the crib at ebb tide, as it is only then that oj liters open. After this other boats deliver them to the wholeHale dealers. Oysters are olaanifled according to their nice, an extras, box, oullins aud oulleiitines. Boiue of tbe dealers open tbe oysters they hauale, liile ' others simply deal in them iu tbe shell. Tbe openers get tl a thousand for oieuing the oysters, and one man can open from three thousand to nix thousand a day. Afcw York Sun. k.rup, H on> li. A Reading, Pa., despatch says : Tbe sber/ff aud a poiu surprised a gang ol escaped oonvioia in a bay shed, near Avon yesterday morning. Tbe criminals have been guilty of a great deal of crime in the Lebanon valley since December 16th, when (bey cut their way out of Lebanon jail On Thursday night they broke Into a store at Prtsoott, gutted tbe plaoe and had Christmas jamboree. Tbey were tracked to tbe hay shed, when it was resolved to wait until the desperadoes were axleep They continued . their orgies nearly all night, but were surprised and captured before dawn. A Bill is pending before tbe Alabama Legislature compelling persons carrying concealed deadly weapons to designate the fact on tin ir persons by wearing a badge lUHOribed " I am armed." Tbe snow is ao det p in northern Aricona that stage drivers refuse to drive between 1'rnfoott and Pboeoix. olll-h Nciif* lii-i . ml ..I I i.l.ii. . n Profeseor Blaokie recommends Scotch songs as a substitute for tobacco. This HUKgustion was made in tbe course of a concert lecture he delivered at Mkuohester : " How people," he said, " can get through their idle bourn, I don't know. In railway coaches and other places, I see a number smoking what tbey oall tobacco. Well, whatever may be said about bat, it is not an intellectual or moral stimulant, and tbe flavor of it ie not at all like tbe rose or any poetic thing I know. It is essentially a vulgar sort of amusement. My amusement U to ' iog sougs. At borne I am always sing- ing Scotch songs, and abroad, when those wretobei are smoking, I bum to myself, ' Hoots wba bae,' "A man's a man for a' that,' and songs of that kind." Professor Blaokie then advised his audience " to do tbe aame.". Their soul*, be informed them, would by thin means become " muging birdr, and tbe devil won't get near them." A newly imported bush fruit from South America la being introduced among tbe fruit-growers of Los Angeles, Cal. It is oailed the melon shrub. It bears a luscious fruit about tbe DIM of a goose e^g. aud produces fruit all the yearrouud. A Vi'gioia walnut tree was recently sold for 1600. It was BJ big that the purchasers made money by tbe transaction. 4 t i