Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1885, p. 5

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Markdale items Old Mr. Montgomery, baker, Markdale, passed off very suddenly a short time ago. He retired to rest at his usual hour apparently in good health, and in the morning was found in bed a corpse. Mrs. M. has extended to her the sympathy of the community at large. tri li ~\ ^ J IT At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESH ERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. KrrvltirK. Shooting Match at Flesh erton Sta- tion to-day. New Years. Happy New Year to all uur reader., und many return* of thu season. -Mr. J. W. Henderson, of Toronto, J i* visiting friends in thu village. Mr. Stewart Bates, brother of Mr. J. XV. Batea, furiiitiuu dealer, fr&apos;leahelton, lit Inline MII a visit. Notice our clubbing offers in another olumn. Those in arrears to the pi.-pi.. t..r ..f &apos; i lie A<n A.vcjf arc ru.<;x-ctf ully re.|ueste<l &apos; t.i stttlo a* soon as |M><uil>lu. We would like to be able to make out a clean sheet l-y the uud of tho present month at &apos; In- latest. - Mr. C. Treadgi&apos;lil has just received .-..Hie very fine toned Organ* .it hia ware- IOOIH, Durham utieet, Flc*hi-rtuii. The j.iiblio are cordially invited to inspect t &apos;i. in and judge for themselves. Thu la a difference iu time of more than A quarter of an hour U-twe.n thv &apos;Imrcli bell and HOIUU of our village Uki. Mr. BAIIIIOII, drugyut, of Wardsville, Int., is houieoua visit at luafether&apos;s, Mr. -lohn Baimon, Artomeua He gave us s &apos;, lirief call on Monday. We lasuu one iUy earlier this week, Ut-ausv our reunhtr day of publication , come, on New Year a, which will be ob- served as a holiday by our villager* gen- j .-rally as well u by ourselves. The members of the Central Com- i imtteu for the promotion uf the Scott Act iu Artonuuia are notified to meet in Mr. J. W. Armstrong&apos;s office, Flesherton, at 1 o&apos;clock u. m- on Friday, Jan. 2nd, 1MH5, to arraiwe for holduiK public m. . i ings, tc. Full attendance rwpjested. Ayer*. Cherry Ppoloral is recommend- rd by physician- ot the grvtUht enniiBin-e on both sid. uf iliu Atlantic, an the mo* reliable remedy fur otd.1. and coughs, and all pulmousrv dUordcr*. It affords prompt relief in every case-. No family should sver U- without it. Tracker Wanted. For &apos;Union School Suction No 1. Eu- pliruia & Arti&apos;im M i. female, with Third Class certificate, duties to commence first .f the y wir 1985. Apply to J AH. STBW ABT, Eugvuia P. O. Out. -8*. lie. :HI>< ll< wax I .uiliiiil nnd Effirlrnt. Mr. Cluu. M. An Inn. . n the eve of hi. dep.u-tuie frun 8. S. No. 7, Arteinesw, where he taught for the laat three yvar, four months ami a half, wax made the recipient of a valuable present by hia pu- pil* as a token of their ei.-Ut.-iii ami high appreciation of his faithful and indefati- gabla service*. This is only a repetition of a Well established reccrd in every plice he taught. He i. now taking charge, for thu third time, of thu school in Section No 1, Ulunuhf, w hen; he taught his first year, and where we hope he may for a l-.ii-- titus hence teach with hi. usual suc- cess. Many Thnnkx, Wraron ! Our old friend and welcome contributor, " Deacon S.nukes whose name ha. be- come a hoiiaeludd word wherever THE ADVANCE circulates makes use of the following rather (tattering language in leaking of THK Anv wr. and which, we confess, is published "without the per- mission of thu author:" "Your cheery p:i|.er has called on us regularly for the past 52 w.eka, laden with the useful and the interesting. We l.xik for it as for an old friend, and in some sort trust- in common with all your readers have been made thu witei and better for its per us- usl. We feel a kindly interest in the success of TH E AHVAMF, and trust the setitiincnt may be so universal, that your patron, may " provoke one another t. . love and good work.," not only by promptly |*ying their dues, but in striv ing to extend your circulation." Surlal Reunion. A very enjoyable partv assembled at the residence f the Messrs. A. & D. Me- Leod, near Fle*herton Station, last Fri- , when nearly all the members were preseulalao a very large f relative* and well-wishers, as- to do hon ,r to the i-casioii. Music melodies wss the signal for trip lung the light fantastic few, which was kept up till " the wee MII t hours ayont thv twal," when all separated, highly pleased with the entertainment, with each other, and with themselves. Family re- mil.tiv such as this, hafe an endearing infl&apos;i. ii.-f-. which neitlioV the lapse of time, nor stretch of distance, can efface from the memory. "ONE WHO WA,I THERE. Remember the Methlist SabUth School Anniversary, Fleaherton, in the uhurch t.i-mglit, New Year&apos;s. A splendid programme ha* been |ire)iured which will bo eiiiiiisatl/ iti*f i;t-ry t.i tlu Public. Uu! Health is iuipos-ibU when the I.IIHH! is impure, thick, Mid >liiggi.<li, .T win-n it it thin and m.|-.\ .-rikli..i I&apos;nder Mich conditions, Ix.ils, |.nii|K<*, hvadarhes. neuralgia, rheumatism, and IIH .IIM..I.- afu-r aiitln-r i- .! v , ...|..-.l Take Ayer&apos;n SarnapaHlla, slid I&apos; dl o.nk- the blood e, rub, w .u m. at.lt Ml: _ (&apos;rd ufThailka. To th MdialnUnU of F esherton and ,.m,uiid.DKc,,ui,l,v I U,- leave to retun, my sincere tlunks f..i tli.ir liberal patro to merit a coiitmuaiae of the sam Malr. Farm Stock .V Implements. --At Lot 20, Cou. 10, Aituinuaui, on Thursday, J.u. 15, 18S5, c .iiiiuuiicin.&apos; at 1) -.!> - a in. 12 in. nibs ci.ii.i i.n nil KUIIIS ..vi.-i #5.00. Ten ]>cr c.-nt dici unt allowed on all cash sunm eii-.-i .img tlutt amount, it Smith proprietor : A. S. Y,inl>usen, auctioneer. Seu bills. mine &apos;1 lie wsy wixjd is piled in this village i. a dovrnright .haniu and dis.r.tce to some I&apos;lTiMin. win .m we had pre\ iously Mieved to l>e honest. The idea of " pigeon -hol- ing that s the lx-t tenn we can use the idea of pigeon holing, we say, a cord of w.Hxl so cunnini/ly that you could sling u in. -I. -i. it.- sized torn cat throuuh some of the apertures, and, moreover, when there an- so many pigeon hole, in one of tin .M- so called cords of wixxl that, Inn |.iM[.eily measured and piled they scarce- y ui.iku three -quarters of a curd, such pi.iv&apos; -i. we say, cannot be tou severely condemned. W sliall insist, for our MM. i mi every man who brings u. in >...! f..r THE ADVAM-R or ca.h, from this .mi.- forwiird, shall either give gixxl inca- iure or take it li.nne again. Let other. do likewise. We don&apos;t grumble at giving a g..d square price fi r every stick of v.i xl web. iy but we abominably detest the <vt 111 ..f piling a cord and a half of wood tliat it will make two cord, when " i i.-i on-holed " in our back-yard. Mr. A. li. N. Jenkins, of the Durham ! and Mr. Chan. I&apos;oiUr. <<f the sant call on Monday cvuiunxof hint week. Mr. Jonkin* is n .-n nli.l it.- for the Mayor- .ility of Durham, with good chance* f..r success. Mr. P-.if-. we are. happy to know, still retain* hi sit on i.ur energrf- . 1C Collinywood contcinp. ran, tho /.<.&apos;. He it a niot trustworthy young Tkr VMII.II.-II.OM . From the fact, that, with but one ex- ception, the members nf tip- . 1.1 Council of A i-t<>.inu.is we re-elected by acclamation on nomination ilav. It in i|inte evident that t.lu! ratepayer* liavt* no {-rent fault to t.nd with their stuwnrdhllip in Kn.&apos;eiu.i ward, Mr. Pedlar : I1 be opposed by Mr. \Vm. T. McKue. Tlic Bpeeches nf tl e newly elix-tod nioinl.ers liad reference to (ho County Valuation, Solicitor Creaaur . office, tbe Railway tax, and other inten- tion* of interest. The n-nmiks of and Christoe were rnmnrchensive, clear L-r. satisfactory. Mr. T. Kells acted as cht : r- waa in an uV. - Public s, hooi LnlTtaliiiii-iil. The Town Hnll. Flesherton, was " jammed t.. it* utint capacity" so lead the jottings in our I*. 1)&apos;. note l>..k with all the youth and Ix^auty of the sillaye und neiuhlioilio. >d, t...-.tli.r with it spriiikling here and tlu- v of venerable irr.iv heaiU, on the occasion of the ent.-i t.i.niiiiieiit given by the pii].ils of our; I&apos;uMic Sehixdi .in Tuesday evening of l:ist week. The price charged for admis- sion was-- i "t/iii, j ; there was n- t even a collection taken up during the entire evening. This does not necessarily imp- ly our 1*. l> hastens to tay that the . ir. -.tan, inert was n. t;., <r iM-ing inter- in tht 1 langinme of the ancient &apos; No (i.uxl ;" far from it ; it was < T. according to the celebrat- ed . Kutsical ac&apos;iolar, F.itr cus Moiiarity, | " it hate- nil, so it did, an w.-ui worth tin 1 toims tin- pniice av a<lmission !" The first object which Ktruik tlieattcn , tii .n of our I*. D&apos;s for there are two ot ! them waa the enormous Christmas Tree, laden with all sorts of utxxly KO<X! thing.. mid. aKwaaii/fcrtmriijasci&apos;rtajiud, "baddy luid ilniii,&apos;" " as well such aa old broken clay pips and scissors lor thu editor. t..v mi. . for dix-torsand inercbanta, mils for p. o. clerks, &c., Ac. Althoiiirh tin- Souths of our P. D&apos;. watered at sight of the Chriatma. Treo, they actually gnt no- thing ! Now, this was r.-.iHv unkiud. But they did their duty nercrtlielcH.. Dr. <"hri.it. .- was unaniim.usly cl.oseu cuatruiMi. Now thi. u pleasing :&apos;ea- t i:re to the P. D&apos;s, for they well Know what a kindly interest the Dr. baa ever mni:ifewte<l in the youth of this Uality. And the Dr. was in his happiest mood and gave the young people some sober, sensible advice something far more el- evutinx than flatter)-, and much more honest, too. If there i. one thing above .another to be admin d in the Dr. it is hi. characteristic bluntneas and straiyhtfor- wurdneiu of purpose. A lengthy programme of recitations, dialogues, and songs, by the pupils was gone through with to the "general satis- faction of all present." The Head Mas- ter Mr. Munroe, deserves credit for the excellent manner in which the pupils ac- quainted themselves. Miss Hopkins also aest&apos;i-Yc. credit for her exertion.. Miss Jennie M&apos;-Dowell presided at tho orpui with her usual ability. The " fruits " -f tho Christmas Tree were then distributed ; After which the National Anthem wa. .utig by all present and the audience dispti-He.l. Prrsbylrrlan AiinivrrMary. The anniversary "f tjiu IV-sbyterian Sabbath School, Flesherton, on Christ- ma* evening, waa largely attended. Tea was served in the basement of the church t<i a large numtwr, after which the mus- ical and literary |>art of thu programme wa* gone through with in the lecture loom, with Mr. J. H. Anderson acting aa chairman in his usual happy manner. The scholars of the NC|KX.|, under the ex- cellent management of Messrs. Munroe and J. H. Anderson, rendered some aa- cred song, in a manner that proved In-jhly satisfactory to the audience ; Miss Ander- son presiding at thu organ. Little Miss MI w ui recited in a clear, sweut voice which wits distinctly heard in all |>arts of the room. Master Buskin recited well. A song by four little ffifls, Misses Cor- don. O&apos;Mcila, Stewart and Hogg, aston- ished and delighted the andience. A dialogue by three little girlf whose nsmex we do not recollect was very aptly given, and showed excellent train- ing, (ieorge Melloy&apos;i recitation excited much laughter and applause. Little Ella Mtewart aang very swautly, and in remark- able g". .d time for a mvre child. A little buy, whose name we did not catch when announced by the chairman, brought down thu houae by a recitation which he rendered in that charming manner so pe- culiar to bright, intelligent children. In res|xms to the hearty mrm, the little fellow "ave a short recitation which uj- niost elicted another encore. Mr Win. Tl 1 1 MM ui recited "The Mc<>ivgor,&apos; which claimed and merited maikedatteii- ti..n Mis* llells Christoe accompanittl .Hi the organ by Miss Jennie McDowell, Hair.; a song in her happiest manner. The |*tho, power, and sweetness of this young lady s voice niat.e a deep iinprea- sion snd elided a bparty rund .if ap- plause from nn audience wh knew well n..w to appreciate fine sin-pn;;. Mia* Page recited in a very happy iimnm-i Little Neil McKechniu then played " Neuier my *I.xl to 11ie " on the orgmi t to the w-ontler and delight of all. \\ illie McKechnie recited exceedingly well. Archie M.d|..\ recited, and with the ex- ception, that he M-arcely six.ke in a I. -ml eiiough lone, did well. Rev. Mr. Wil son guvc a short address, in which lie pointed out the necessity for thoroughne*s in Sabbath School aa w. &apos;.I aa in other w..ik. One b<x>k urll read wa of m.>re value to the student than a dozen the contents of which were "skimmed" or, lightly panned over. What you do, ./.. <rr&apos;l. t ine \ ,-rv thorouffhly mastered wan U&apos;tt.-r tli. in n lar^e nuinU-r only half learned n.-l half nn.l. i -t... .1 The annivervai y as a very pleasant affair, and, from the larve nuinWr pre- sent, limit have netted the Sabbath Sdi. ...1 a h.ind.-onie sum of money. .Hnrkdale Urns. Tn tht E&apos;iilur nf Thf .tilr.i,,,- . S; li&apos;inlid Slei^liin Hiifiinc.Hs booming. The street, f.n-.cnt a lively-appearance. We believe -Mr. R O. &apos;Wlntby has ix&apos;iitt-d the Markdale ritik from Mr. Rob- Iwrt Montgomery or this >eaon. See, m. reason why he should not draw a crowd every night of skatinir. lor In- is energetic, obliging and very ireiith nn.nly toward, the fe:nale sex. Success to you Hnfuv Mr. Still of Orangevillo, who was en- 1 ga^ed by Mr. Hamilton for a few days, | tun..-.! out some very fine photot. Mr S n turned home alx>nt a week auo. Quite a niniibiT of drunks in town late- J ly. Wonder if thu changing of the moon . lias any .-tte.t on their craniuin<i, that thev are so easily intoxicated. Tin- revival meetings are still holding forth, und having a powciful .-licet on some of the young men. Shoiild&apos;nt won- der, if the truth was- known, but that the (<i<yi<-ii are having the effect on the so call, ed seekers of religion. Quiu- a nunilier- , however, have already given their huarU to <>oil. We would lik,e to see others do&apos; likewise. Old Mr. Montgomery, bjjter, Markdale, j parsed off very suddenly a short time ago. He retired to rest at his usual hour ap- parently in good health, and in themorn- | ing was found in bed a corj>se. Mrs. M. ; has extended to her the sympathy of the conimuuity at large. Of late we have not seen Mr. Coldwell, . proprietor of the Revert- Hotel, driving iii.-unil in his vtanhope . "f course it was &apos; growing iiiontoni/ua, l>esidea being out of jthesesM>n. lie is now proprietor of a very tine bus, which i. driven to and , from all train.. The Literary and (iymnasknn Club held their tiret concert this season at Kocklyn on the Irith inst. \\e were not present t.. get particulars ; but heard, fr- in relia- ble authority, that they realized theA"wf- ."&apos; sum of fl.25 ; and to pay expense*, &apos;each member had to hand over $1.00 of their own private funds to thu treasurer. " liad livginning make, a good ending." II.. pe they tuny make sufficient cash tore- fund each member his dollar and have a little to the good. Last Thursday morning Mr. W. Corn- wall \ery narrowly escajn-d loosing hi. work shop and stable by tire. The con- tents, consisting of a horse, cow, a num- ber of fowl, and several sash, doors, etc. , would have been destroyed, had Mr. Cornwall not noticed thu tire in time. He will doubtless survive his loss, as no- thing but a nail keg was demolished by the burning flame.. The mutual Metli.<lt-t tea-meeting will , be held here on Christmas evening. Tea will he served in the Orange Hall, and , the entertainment will be given in their church. A good programme U being pre- pared for occasion. If the weather is fav- oral>le a large crowd may tw looked for. Proceed, m aid of tl e new church build- ing fund. We believe Mr. W. F. J. , a young man of this town, haa lieen making himself buny lately dutributing rurtVxmj of him- self. If he would kindly present us with ..ne, we would, should he so desire, post one up in a conspicuous place say, for instance the Post-office. OLD PROWLER. < .1 1 .irrb I Xrw Trrnf UK-HI. < l&apos;rbn| the mott rilraonlinary sncc*M that has bot-n achieved In modern medicine lias lw<u attained l.y thr I&apos;ltnu trmtmwil i..r Catarrh. ()i;t .-I 2 1-011 |>stirnt trraUd iluriuu the |>aM ix month*, fully ninety por o*nt. hsvr I., i-n cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the lets ttsrtiir.s; when it ia it-im-inhered that not five parent. nf pati. -iit presenting themselves to th retfiiUr practitioner are l..-n. tit. .1. while the patent m..li. IIM-H ami other a.lv. rue.t eur< uever r. .-. r-t a rure at all. StS&apos;ting with ttie claim now wnrrallv Ix-lieved l.y the ni.*t ii<-irnttric men that tlie diaearc is due &apos; the uri-n-&apos;iirp of living psrssites in the tUsue, Mr. I&apos;n. n at ..nee adapted hi- rnre to tbeir rUrriniuslion thisscnmplii<lml. he claims the CaUrrli in |irticallv cuieil. and tli* |M r. lu.ni. IK-V In ui.<|uesliuiie.l. as cur. rffceted l.v linn f. ur vcara .u,o are ciiriM still. No nne . ! IKK evi-r atteuiptd f> cure Catarrh in thi manner, aitd n<> other tiPntnient has ! .-iiri-l Catarrh. The application ..f th r. in.iU n snu|.|e. and can he done at home, HII.I ti.e prcu-nt season nf the year is the tuosl f MV. >u ral.jp for a spoedy ind tx-rrnsnent &apos; cure, ih. rusjoriiy c.f caae* heinR cured at .-nt- treatment SuflYrers should correncond iih M. .!. A. II. ln\ .n A Sou. SOS King .tr.-. t . -t. Toronto. Canada, and carlo** stanip fnr their treali-e on Catarrh. -Mon- treal Star. Nov. 17, 1483. To the Clerk of the Township of Artemeeia; Sin. Ttkc Notice. Uist Four Kliv< |. all whilxi two Iwlim I.KII I.- and two Kw-. ram,- into u>> IMI IIIIMHIOII or about Ilio Klnt il>> of Ali(U>t Iat. nil of wliicu 1 harr takoti up nnlare n.. ID M. MNM.N GOLD WATCHES ! SIL VER WA TCHES, OF.MT8 * LADIEH 8I/KS. Following well-known wakes: Wnltham, Elgin, Spring field and Sici-ns- rVnrrtint* covering ever;/ part of Mo vemeni and &apos;cases /or one and tu&apos;O years- FINE Silver- ware for Presentations. Wedding Warranted Large. Stock&apos; in other rrgn lar lines Two and it hall if earn among ijun /.v my re- &apos;comtnend as a carefitfaini practical Watchmaker. your patron(i<jt&apos; f- Work earnestly solicited. MtralKbt Drallng. Fair Prlrm. W. A. BROWN. JEWELLEB, IMarkdale. GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP FLESH ERTON $1Mll AAA IX i-n */ll I HI III s ""&apos; Be>saia*l *U &apos;,UuU &apos;"&apos;"&apos;&apos; 1 " 1 "" 1 &apos; KHKr " v " n |.. km,&apos; 11 "f k&apos;<1 of lame Talur, that will trt vim In woik that will at one* brliiK you In inourjr fstr tlisn snvthlnii .-I-.- in AMI.TI. Ml ! mt tin *Ji.ii in r. at* with aoh boi \^.-nt- wanted vmrrwMt*. ..I ritln-r -i-\ of 11 ;.. for nil stnUsa^orsDar. time only. If. work for us at Ilivlr home*. r&apos;r Mass for all workers sb>olutlj ---ir,-i Don&apos;t .lelsv H II u .1.1: IT A i .- . P.iitlsn l.Maln.- CAUTION ! MONEY TO LO A N ! Frirat-&apos; and Company&apos;.* Funds- ,4t Lowest /,V//c.v. JAS. LAMON, LOST SHEEP. stra\i from iu> urruikMi aU.ut tl.r Utl f luly. *> Kwt. anil Lanili. nuwki- 1 K I. "out) left il< hrhtn.t the vhoulHnr Any on* c Mif.aniallnn that will Irxl to the rccovor) ut cl .1 alwve will I-,- r. ai.l. I ROGER LEVER. Steam Flonr .Hill A T FLESHKKTOX STA T10X. For Sale! I&apos;.Al&apos;H PLUli OF THK MYRTLE NAVY IS XrAKKKl) T.&B. In ttrtni& HONE OTHER, GENUINE. : SMOduwn . l.alant-r in iiKtallilrnti (with tho i-ii\ il"t. "f | > lilt -<<>. r if .iral&apos;le 1 . witll illlcrrM at tl rl. ..f &apos; 1 . r .! IHT auiiiini n ani.aul prurliml. m TO UKNTon K.\S\ TKHUS 2.-FARMSI-2. TO RENT OR SELL lloth wi.ll watSMd. All tn th* TowarMi ArtninMis. l&apos;i>r Inrthot rartl.-nlsm apply ID I1OGEK I.EVF.l:.

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