Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1885, p. 4

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co QJ o V _: 5 1 3 O O S u u o -s I s ~ - - - s I 1 o s 1 r J l i s s 00 1 I 3 = , - 3 s g. '= 3 :i 3 tc >> to ~ 'E, - ; 01 7 "* 2 -S a x cS b i- p S5 O S I i 00 1 9) K 1 X g S p 3 Q) 2* "S g [who has GO X O a 01 O ex 1 y I s i ** o ^ .2 a -3 g 3 M w 1 3 <u Q a S -3 a 3 S 1 00 *H i "B *a r w a o a J! 3 M 'S i 'S> s 2 i -S 1 1 a>A '- 1 CO nufacturiiig 1 CQ 2 V a ~" a a 12 "3 .* i* I repairing, Give l.im a ~ -- .a f a O * s " B O .j a 2 a ^^ o J ^ to ** a S * - * o >5 g oc CJ -fcj o a o 03 "5 n 00 O 1 o -- 2 1 2 5, X o ? | 3 ,3 ^* ^ 35 3 fl 1 1 . -3 1 1 1 j I 1 Cfi & g l^ 1 1 if S". 60 1 nc te K 3 6C 3 jj -" 2 ^/J o m "S 3 -- to aj| O ^; II * * '* - O U H CO ^ f. a * w = v * W s "3 - 13 o a M I 2 B. o .s ^ Dutton 5 5 & = a 2 11 5 a I! i 1 . to & .2 2 ~ ** l& Sl ,1 3 Ii OQ s P C * 21 ' 4, . - * * 1 1 00 AS I 2 ? THE ADVANCE. - Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. JAN. 1, 1885. was innocent, so much the better when he appeared before the bar of tin- Judge of the universe, who knows all hearts ; if guilty, then justice has been done, and while he had more than four weeks in which to prepare to meet his Maker, hit) unhappy vic- tim hud not lli- 1 1 tunny houn. A sense of duty has compelled us to refer to the very injudicious and un- warrantable strictures of the Hanover ; Pott. JAMES 1IANSOX, ESQ. In a letter in last week's Markdale Standard, one Jarues Hanson evi- dently living out iu the Vandelcur neighborhood says, among other tilings with which we have nothing to do:- "I appeal to yon for a short space in the columns of the Standard a* it i* the only medium through which ordinary mortnli in tins part of the county run hope to obtain a fair hear- ' WAS II E GUILTY? " After reading the last statement of Cook Teets, who was executed a STEALING EDITORIALS. IN reference to tlie coirununication from the pen of Win. lirown in lust Now, Mr. James Hanson, we beg to inform you ill the plainest and most ! Anglo Saxoii at our comiu- T.-e are iucliued to think that an inno- fn^yttrian, we may say, tlie article * ie ironto Truth (uot credited I. We con- couple of weeks ago at Owen Sound, week's STANDARD, itneiit the Canmia alM '' that YOU LIED when you made that outrageous statement. We might have said you prevaricated, or you uttered a falsehood, or you did . . not tell what was true, or some other It cau scarcely be imagined (when knew all hope of reprieve was gone) 1 ;^'; Truth a vcrv Ie h ab lc joiunal, that, standing literally on tho brink of &U(l havi) no doubt tl)en , WM tt grt , at thegiave, he would so strangely pro- d ea i O f t n ,tL i,, the article; further ;$"''"' "nt, b t we much prefer the test his innocence were he guilty. He more the fact of a new paper being es- ' vigorous tongue which strikes straight had nothing then to gam but every- Iao ij 8 i icd in thc intrests of the same thing to lose by asserting to his spirit- .denomination, strengthens our opinion . 1; ual adviser his innocence of thc death;,, thc Inatter . be tlmt as it muy we ' of hw wife. From any point of view have no degire w dl8CUHg the quu8tiou . it would have been better to admit the .-Jfarkdale Standard. crime were he guilty of it than taking , . the oppoBite course If he were really An open confession, they say is guilty of the crime his statement adds K 00 * 1 for lhe 80ul - If > theu our out from the shoulder aud knocks the the throat of tho man who has had the temerity to uttor it. We do not know that Jaim-s HUIIKOII has ever had a letter published in the columns of a newspaper before the one \vry materially to his load of guilt, coufierc of the Standard is to be con- i we refer to appeared in print, and. With the grave qpen to receive him giatulated ; although the confession therefore, he is not justified in cxpresa- we cannot understand Low any sane wn from him b thc MTere of j ng any opinion whatever in the Uiau would iH-rsiHt in falm-hoou in hid if . .. .,._ 'r. i,., i voryUat step down to it. Circum- Mr Wnl " BrOWI1 ' lhat thc artlde I "^ * " AwVA * C1! h " ""'" y " stances were evidently against the "nfc the Canada I'rrtbytertan one re/mt<l&iid nner trtll refuse to allow condemned. Dut should a man be of thc very ablest religious papers on any man, woman or child, to "obtain hanged on pmvly circumstantial evi- this side the Atlantic was from To- ! fair hearing" in iti columns. And the Hanson must know there are other .!.! m tin. part of the county deuce t Grant tliat lie had a fair ronto TftttK aud not ori ilia , M trial ; grant that he was seen with . , strychnine in his possession; grttut 'Public were led to suppose, must hate ( papers that strychnine was found in the; 60 "' tl Standard man some severe equally impartial in this respect. stomach of hi* wife after her death ;'<|ualms of conscience ere he made the grant further that h> held an insur heartbreaking confession in tho item mice policy on tho life of his wife. .: quoted above. For how many article* After granting all tlm wo must admit that the bet of his having the stry- ma y Lo uot llav<! sl >"'y 8tolcn frou ' lhe chniue and the policy were kuown to same source and palmod off as original ! some person or pernons. then how (.Toodness only knows ; according to easy, with inch u knowleilgo, for the hi own coufesaion, in a previous iwne, person with miilice and murderous in- tent to administer tho Rtrychnine and bo is in the habit of frequently clipp- hang poor blind Cook TVets for MM ** frolu exchanges without murder, and how impossible for Cook giving credit. His oirn confession, gen- Teets to disengage himself from the tie reader. Toronto Truth is no more net in which ho might l*> innocently rcliable t |, ai , nmi y ot her papers pub- enveloped." Hanoctr I int. .. , , . ,. , . Iisbed in that city, and beoauM anotht r ... . , , . rresbytcridii Joiinml hai sprung into We trust when Mr. Hansoii nest has occasion to "rusk into print" he will not preface his remarks by a li, as he has done in this cits.-. It doesn't speak well for his character as a truth- ful man. champion in this country. The above article may have been written with the best intentions, aud possibly it was ; but we emphatically protest against the seutimeuts contain- ed therein ; besides, the article hav- ing becu written too late in the day to bo of any service to the unfortunate criminal, is extremely injudicious. It questions the justice of judge and jury, and declares its belief tlmt Cook Teets waa an innocent man after the criminal had paid the full penalty of the law for the heinous crime of which he stood convicted. Our cott-m. also tiarkly hints at the possibility of some other person or persons being impli- cated iu tl.e atrocious murder. As the I'mt was acquainted with all the facts in connection with the case mouths before CookTeet's trial, why did it not M?n give exprcssioi. to its views ? In our opinion the criminals " last statement " does not necessarily prove his innocence of the crime. How uiany murderers who have been pro- ven such on tho most unquestionable evidence have gono to tlie bar of God with a lie on their lip- :' Is it not a fact that the majority of murderers are innocent Laen, i their 010* opin- i<jn, up to the vory moment win n the fatal bolts are drawn ? We Jo not pretend to say that Cook , . ,- . . Sppinq-Flealierton branch to Mr. Jn. Teete was eUhor innocent org.nlty of c . Currv, -rf Epping. Tho d at inn com- " JOURXAHSTIC AMKX1TIES" The Mi-ifnr 1 Monitor of 19th lilt, has an excellent editorial on the above subject in reply to an article in the Ilarrio A J tatter, under the mine head- ing. The Moititirr take" thc correct follow v ' ew wn " n ' l Pi nts ot the absurdity tliat our estocmcd and long-, stablish, d of C011llti y '>*wRpapt>rs ,,/rcy im- contemtorary, the Cwlu i'r.Ay- t*****J when controlled by one t v iun. it not true to the best interests I*" 1 ' Tliere aro man - v otl " ir ( '^ of the Church of which it is the great . ccllt ' nt l )olnt8 m t! "' e<lit01 ial inferred I . . i . ,./ _ . * I. ? i _ r i HOWARI < I III o\ \\|> TAYLOR <OJI HI ViTIOX The enterlniuniunt in ilia Town Hull, on Monday evening, 2'2nil Dec, undrrthe ai)*|iic* of tin above conil>in>i(iuii, in, owing to the in;: itm-m, nut very well attended. Tho*e who were preieut, how ever, uv it WM the bent vntortninmrnt evor given in our village. Our P. D. M.yi Taylor ii jnat "-tnnnin," Howard Clifton a "hunter, "and Mi'i Aila Alex ainlra "imnivnsv." VN'o nru nuiinlo t |>articnUrize a we ,-n- -ntl'. in. L ' (rum a M'Veru illneaa at the tiuiu uud were unable to uttcnd. to, but want of spaco forbids specific reference- > 1M l.l> for the M.M YORK Murkrt t ft.OOO l'lr. la** .-rx,- Tnrk<*>N, V l>u-ks tifafly lr->ni 4..I.1.I Prices. WM. u KK.ll I. MeNherton. GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON - Has on hand a Large assortment of - M ens, Womens & Children^ BOOTS AND SHOES, uitable for t!.c Full nnd Wint,r rear. Call and see Quality and Fries Second to None ! WM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTO2V Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, I I .1:^11 lit I < >X. Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL BltOTHEKS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by E. TEIMBLE Flesherton. Cures Di::ines, Loss of Appetite, Indiijettton, Jiiliousnat, Dyspepsia, Jttundicc, Affections of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and aU diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranijed Stomach, or irrryulir action of the Bou-eli. Hie Mail , International and 4'nlorilal Ex- hibitions. Antwerp la I HK3 London in 1HH6 lleaford-l'lr^hertoii routr. It is mi. 1. !(. >il tlmt the contract of j TT it thn Intention to hive rnrtln rpr- oarrj'ing the mail on the Meuford Htid I Mnutlim >t tho INTKBXATIONAI. Flesherton route, nient, ln |MT new to Mr. Ionia,,, ,H,,ua.ter at .,,.i.. R , hi, offer, i ta ^^ 4t Antwrri 1 . eniuiimncini! In My, 1KK1, and *|M> nrrangi-- j t t th O.I.MXIAI. ana INDIAN KXBIIIITION in Tliuiiius ] I-"iiiloii in |M-r annum, having IH^II (lie Inweat I received. The con true t will remain in ' i>liratioii four ve.rs, lllil* otliurwide ; hy the I'odtnm.-Utr OeiH nil, n<l fr.no Antw>.r|> koljaadoa, uid alwM r.-turn ^f,,"""^ l " Caa cU '" tllu evuut of their uot All KxhlMtufnr Antwnni Mumld be roiuly for "Iil|""et not later tliun Uiunrat week In Murcb riffht, to tcrmiimto it at ! " "h e , e KxhiMtton.. Hi. bcliv.d. will afford any lime during the trni ly giving the ' (aroraW* ii|i|"irtiinlly for niHkiiiR known the oi.titractor three molillis previous notice KKS*. !'l > l> " iu "; "] I ninufaturlng n<l W. .. . , J , i Indnstilnl |)r..r.ii of the Dominion. a an iafunuM Uiat Mr. Jordan will I ClrMiten and forma oonttinlo who in", mr. cironikn ani rnrm* conwmln| nmrn partiru- take chargu ul ihn Eppiliu-Mvutonl m-r- , 1 * r In'onnatii'n n> ho nbtln,'d hy lettor l|mt vice Inin.elf, an.l th,it !,e w.ll s,,l,l,;t the ' SSI'otl.l.T" 1 '" *'" I * rln " ot ' Agricu>t - pouomng hia wife ; what wo do say- id, that lie luvl a fair tnal bcfot an upright jndge and jury, was found guilty, and punished to the fulleal ex- ViUt 3f thc laws, of tlw Uxad. If lie Kpping.' inence un Juiiuary 1. jlfefl/ur</ .Wirror. A HmuB IUaMBTKa 1'lin rbouraa. mra OMI (- 1 tie- Yll<>w Oil em ., aud '!i. -i n i. in jut aoliiuft joint*. in.in with cli of lm<l Hatiyitrd * 1 1 ly onler, JOHN IX)WF. Kr.f , I >.-|.t of Agtlo. nepartuiout nf Agrlrultiirc. Ottawa. Di-i-i-niliiT IMh, IM4. i Hi. I'rl/r Winning Boar. 1 1 i: BITTERS James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Uctifiii ing. Knvt'tronjihinR. mul In fact ovary- tliiuB In tin- busiumi wfll roceivu my prompt aii'l careful ntti ntuut at reason able price*. lim Is KTOC is Stci Carriage Work! Milburn & Gadd, PiOPRIKTORB of the nlove worku, ajt- prc- p&rcd to attvtid to everything in tho Can iage Making & Blacksmithing ! Mom promptly and well. Repairing in both Branch's Prom}*!} attended to. HORSE SUOEINQ A SPECIALT\. I rt I i ( * 14 I 1 1 4 . I - KU T Vli,ITBlJi >llpallon.li.r1licr Mm. IHlilnr.., Hrarl In Bad lln .Ik. LM* of Hour Hlemarh. LlTcr flmtmt,ot any lllimn ariilnx from the ack. WH. or K Id arr*. Ton an mUd and UMooirii In IMr aMfco. frram

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