Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1884, p. 7

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jmomtf New l>o The N.Y. Indrprndtnt publiehed to day the following new poem by Lord Alfred O lm>n rUBDOU. ba eo fair In aumnera gone, While >el thy fresh nud virgin aoul Infoiui'd Ihe coluuii.'tl Parthenon Tbe glitleliog capitul ; o fair IL southern tuniblne bathed. lint acart e of anch msjeatlo mien Aabere with forehead vapur-iwatbed In iiitadoWh ever green ; For tbou when Atbeni reig'i'd and Borne Tby glorious eyes werdimm'd with pain To tuaik iu inai.y u fieeman'a bome Tbe a.ave, tbe scourge, ihe chain ; O follower of tbe vlion, itill In minion to the distant g.eatn Bowe'er lnin.1 tore.- ami niuiuleu will May jar ihy golden dreaiu. Wbn like greal nature, wouldst not mar By chai go all the Be roe aud faat Thi> r.ter ofuurbuujn atar, Thli heritage of thepaat ; O eci rner of tbe party cry Tbal wauderi from in* public good, Tbou when the uationi rear ou high Their idul smeared with blood, And wben tney roll tbeir idol down Of nauer worship unely proud, Thou loather of the tawleiH crown Aa of the lawle -a cr .wd ; Bow long thine ever-growing miud Halb niilr.i the bias ainl atrewn the wave Tuou,,li auwe of late would raiae a wind To itug thee to thy grave, Men loud agaiuat all foruiiof power Unfurnished browa, tempestuous tonguee, Kxpt-ctiug an tin ga io an uuur Braaa mouths and iron luugi ! Blaca. (From advance theeta of The Bunting Ball poetical natire ou New York aociaty.) B le poailively fal>e tu call ui frantic. Kor tbe Koun.iuen of i ur niei.tal itate la aura let we lo k upon tbu sld of the Atlantic Aa a met of earth ouplentaul tu euduie. We ooniiiler *ear old England aa tbe fountain Of all lusiilir.i na repu al ly aane ; We abou,iule an 1 1. alt e a Kocky Mountain ; We regard a rolling prairie with disdain. We ssltluouiily imitate tbe poliab Tbat we notice ruuud tbe augllab nabob hang We unfui.in fc i> euUeavur to abolish Kroui our voices any trace of uaaal twang. very patrlolic duly we leave undone, Wilh aversion turh aa Hebrewa bold for pork fUui-i' wr veiierale tbe very uauia of I/ondon IB i ro|Hi uou to our haired of New Turk, Mo enlreaty o nld in ar y manner aoftan Our conteuii t lor ualive tailors, when wi dreaa; If we uel. we ' lay a guinea," rather often, Aud we alwavn ay I fancy " fur " I gueee." We eatavni tbe Revolution u illegal ; If you mention Hunker Hill to ui we ugh ; We partii nlai l> ex* crau* nu eagle, And we lu k uub ou tbe fourth day of July. We are not prepared In any fooliab manner Tbe vulgariti. of Uncle Ham to acraeo ; We din ike lo bear that uull btar Spangled Han Bar, Bnt we thoroughly reipect (lod Have Ihe Queen We revere Ibe Prince of Walt;, though ha abonld pink ne Witn a ibeer at the republic we obey t We wouid rather el 111- Boyal RUbneae kick ui Thau bave been the hoauui friend of Heur, Clay. 4 . u i . 1. 1 to. in " Mv little morld la very amall, Scarce . rlli your notice, -ir.at all. The mother aal i. " My g oil. kind hukliaud. aa you aae. and tuot-e ibree oi.ildrau at my knee, Who look tu u> <i t. u>liuglT Fur dally bread. " For tbeir iweet aakei, wbo love me ao, l^ftp the nre>!gut in a glow ^ In tiur tirar home. That, though ibe trmpeit roarontllde, Ami fit-re* ly u realen lir and wide, Tbe cheery I.I.. r.- may aerve io guide I >ear feel Uiai ruam. " And aa ill merry kettle bolle We welo. me bim wb" dally tuili Kor ui each day. Of Uue lova kis>es lufl a icore He get*, I'm rertaiu. If not more. Wbeu fund unei luuel 1 1 u at tbe door At iwlllgblgrty. "One geti tbe >l it peri for bia feet, Anoth. r leatli h.m tu hii -eat Tbe big arm chair And while tin i In oien round him ling And tu.se the dear old rat te a rlug. One lilllu daughter i rowuii biui king With b.oaaouii fair. Ah, ilr we are not rich or great. Tbe owner of a vaal etate," Tn uiuiber ld . " Bal we have better far than gold, Contentment, and a little ft UI Aa lull of love a* it can hold. With daily bread." I'.i .1 . l.>r II rr I'd awear for bar I'd tear for bar The Lord knowa what I'd bear for bar. I'd ' le for her I d -I- Ii for I.IT - Td drink the Ohio ury for her. I'd coKtfor her I) i wu.i for aer I'd kick op a tbuuderiug fuH for bar. I'd weep f 'i her IM leap f r t IT I'd (O without a eep fur her. I'd ngbt fur her I'd I'll, fui U.I I'd walk tbe Htreet ail night for ber. Td plead for ber In Of e i fi r in I'd go wlthcot mv feed for her. I'd i.....t f i ber- I'd ht.ot fur her A rival who'd ouuie to tuit for ber. I'd k ni-ei for her I'd aieal for her i the love I It el tor bar. I'd tilde for her I'd r MM for ber - Td iwlm agalu't tbe wiud and tide for bar. I'd try for ber IM ory f i ber Bat- bang me if I'd DIK for ber, Or any nttier woman. A .noil...* MM.. u Poor .1 hn." mill tnmtful wid, aooord ioK to tbe veraoniux Dntroit Pott, " hut m maob to do at the offi.-e thai ha U of tan oomi t lift! to work ni K litH." Are you -tire that be upends the even- iogi at bin ffi ? ' acked another married lady wbo was making au klteroooD oall My buabaud i.aid t t be tboogbt In aaw bim t tuo Fmrioh opera tbe other 1 Ob, your bu>band iimut have been mil- taken, I am aore," rt apoodad ttie irnallol wife. " Jubo doeeo't uoderatand a word el JPtwDOh." Tbe centenary of MuthodiBtu willbeoele bcated in Baltimore ou Taeoday. BU -hundred folagatoe will be prearat. "BIB .". MY M>\ H.I, BeraleiM Ulvee Mease BVewae- Advice ' a Yeeaa; (Baal latcrcatcal la PeUUca. Brooklyn Eaglt : My eon, wben yon go into pjlitice, aa I am grieved to aee you bave already doue to tbe extent of ruiuiug two lain of olotkei witb keroeene oil aud ibe coat of your itomach with wbukey il would be muca better for you to day, aooially, morally, phyeloally and financially, bad yon drank ibe keroaeue aud poured tne wbiakey over your clotbea, alihuugb your patriotic exhilaration would bave Buffered but wben you do go into real p>litica, when you triumph, triumpa graii.iualy, uiagnanimiuoly, merciluny. Y u will obaerve that thii advice is given y m by a man wbo ia lying on ibe flat of hie back, while ihe haugbiy foe ia holding a torob- light prooeariju over bia prostrate furm. But u doeau't burl me any , and I want to tell you why, aud I wanlm thai connection to give you one mure Hue of advice. I died easy. And I waul you, when tbe hour; of defeat cornea to you, to die eaey.' Don't kick. DJU'I auuggli attar you are dead. Iidietorta tbe oouu lenance, contract! tbe liniba, lend* tbe features a hideoai expreeaiou of *ouy aud bate, BLil terriflee tbe mourueri. Wben > our time omen, die eaey." Dou'l kick againit manifest deatiny. Remember U i- bard to ngbl the fatea. N .w, wbeu 1 read ibe returue on tbe 5.h of November, I lay me down in calm though aorrowful reeig- ition. I oloied my eyee and folded my batidi on my boaom aud remained p*oaive i d quiet, but tbero waau'l a prattler Republican " remaiue " iu all tbia broad laud than your late lamented lubeoriber. It tjok a greal many tbouaaud Republican* tea or iwrlvj days to attain my itale of sublime oompoeure, but tbey came to It at laet, and eee bow much time tcey loel. They kipl anticipating the reaurrcctioo. livery time a triumphant Democrat blew bii rejjicing boru tbey ih .night it waa tbe trumpet of tbe Re- publican Oabnel, aud jumped up in tbeir grave olotbee and weut prancing around, and dually bad to be knocked in Ibe bead wiin an official count before tbey wonld inbmil to tne . ffijee of tbe under- taker. 1 believe in pluck, my eon, I believe in grit , I bave an abiding faith iu land. I like to lee a man fight wbo doean't kuow wnau he la licked, but I don't like lo ae a ID come bowling back luto tbe ring afWr be hae been knocked GUI and the olber fel- low bae gone away with tbe gate money. Die eaay," my boy. you'll look better, your fncndi and enemici alike will admire >ou all tbe more for it, and you'll ba in better ooodu ion for getting up when your party Oabriel aounde tbe trumpet. Now bear tbia in miud. Paale ii in your bat. 1 don't know much about politice - 1 wub 1 bad ae maov dollare aa I don't know mneh about politic. but what I do know I know (or keep*, aud I know it ia alwaye becoming for tbe party tbat geta it neck cut off to " die eaay " and go cff gracefully. Tbe Pr.|rr p. r la or. The walking itiok moil in demand at preeent ia the round bead with oarvec iiee and a imootb top for the name or monogram. A nobby atyle ie ibat wbiob adde a heel to tbe ueual handle, and muob afftcted by young iwingere of tbe wood. Hammered gold and eilver are atili popular. Tne lateat wrinkle in oanee, However, ii a atick auitable for a drum- major. Tbii elyle ie furniabed witb a :i liuw bead, tbe top of which u filled with a icrew plate wbiob can be taken off when ever tbe bolder pleaaee. Tbeae oaoee are uaed now for tobacco pouchee and cigarette ie. Some uee tbem ai " thimblee " aud carry tbem to the theatre and opera filled with tbe good old a tuff. N. If. Mail and Sxpreu. i i Ibe l tit (.bout (Grip.) (Brown, wboleeale grocer, going oat of town, initruota Mri. B. to continue hii iraotioe of calling up the watchman of the warehouse through tbe uubt.) Mre. B (at 3 a in | 11 11 . ! Watcbman. Bur r-r ! r-r-r 1 hello ! Mr*. B Ie ev-ryihiug all right ? Watcbman YOB, all right. Lie down ou brute, and be quiet I I Mre. B. retire H aatouuded and indignant, taberquent interview beiweeu Brown anl he Watchman. Watobman explaini that hie eloeing remark! waie addreased to hi dog, wbieb wa worryiug bie trou-em while ie wae at the telephone. Everybody bappy.j A -III ! ll-p.- l.r Ir. l.nd. tffti York Star : The moot brpsfal eign for Ireland jiut now ia the rapidlv deereaa ng <iuai tuy if wa-te land. For many yaara Ibe area under bog, marah aud barren moaotaiu became greater aud greater, but agrioultoral eiiterpn-e maul bave found eome eocooragement in the itate of tbe country, for tbii year we read : " Tbe reclamation of waete land hae been pro- <reeamg i-teadily, and now there B'e 89 79( aeree leea than there were in 1883. Tbe extent of laud under graee ban largely increased but lauda under or pa abow a tailing i ff of more than fiS 000 aorei, for *bioh ihe two ruoat proxperous provinoea Leioater and Ulitar are mainly reepou aible." Fifteen orange trace, near Plant Oily Kia.. yield thie year IfiOOOO orangee 10 000 tn the tree. Tbeee treea are about 40 yean old. The personal eitate of Sir Eraimni Wi! eon, tbe great epeoialiat on akin dieeat.ee I believed to be tbe largeat o' ary roediol man on record io England, vi>.. 11.310,000 balk will ultimately go to the Royal College of Surgeoua. Miaa Pretty pert " Wby don't you come iver witb your m-ttra to our place anrna- iine, Johnnie?' Johnnie ('iaing 10) 1 Well, it'e Ilka tbie, y'koow, Miae Pretty- pert. Where there 'R a ripping nice girl ike you, if I eame ufien people might thin bad iuieuiiouH, and I'm uot a mar ug man 1" Four Obineia imbaaiidori paaaed hrongh El Pa-o, Tex , on Sunday, en route to tbu City of Mexico to teonre the ptaaage if a law permiiting Chinamen to become iticena of Mexico. Tbe attempt to raiae oane in tba Band Job Iilanda baa proved a failure. If it ia any comfort to oar brethren tbe Band- wiobee to know it, we hereby remark that I noogh Ciin bae been railed In tbe United I Itatee daring tbe laal thru month* tepn- . en t any noaroity. There ia a homely laying among the fiabermen ' that thoie wbo will not mend tbeir nete will aoon be unable to oaiob fih ;" and one ia eeld 'm found ao improvideut an to let a bole grow larger aud larger until tbe net ia uaeleae. Ibe nearest approach lo abeoluta raat ie eleep, aud of i LIB every man, woman and obild bould bve abuudauoe, propurtioucd tobia oo .atuutiou and ocoupatiuu ; but there la a relative real, quite aa> im)urtaut, and more ueKleoted by ujont buny nieu and women : tbie rtat ia recreation. Tbe " I haven't time" exouee, alib'iugb aa popular ae ever, ia nearly threadbare, A man owuing property can afford to mvet.i a tbouaaud dollara tbougb bt withdraw it from aouvo burintiM. if he i lure that the money will double it-elf. We all bave twenty four bourn every day to lovaat, aud if cue hour withdrawn from bumueea can be better luveated, in it not a wie tbiug lo do it ? Helaxanou, however, tj be profitable, mutti be wbole heaited. Ii u uot rert for ti e bueiueea man lo bring bii afl.irn aud wort lea home with him. It ie not reel for th) etudeut to brood over theorieeaud for- mulae wben be walk*, neither ii it reet to tike one'e feara and auxiitiee i. uur friend ' table. If we have no heart to Inrow off theae burdeua, we inould make the effort in apite of ouraeivea. We bave been bound tu our oaree aa tbe convict ie to bia ball atidohaiu, and il ie time to mauler circuoialaborn, inetead of being their alavea. Men- tal alavae ace more dapeudeui upon the phynoal condition than we are inoliued to think. Irii. lability meaui uveratrained ntivee , ih bluee " and black nuitvifliee " are other nameeof ludigeauou aud a poor oirouU- tioo. Reoreatiou, it u to be renumbered, IB neither d t>aipatiou . not yet abaeuee of activity. Complete obange uf tbougfat ie relaxation ; aud Hood In quuttd by a recent writer ae laying tbat Ibe Quaker alwaya enjjyi life, for be makei a plaaaure of hie baaiueae and a buaiueee of bia pleaaore. .1 < ry Other Saturday. il>... One peouli.rity of tbe toboolboy mind Ii to put tbinga negatively, aaye All the Yiitr Round Aa for example, a fifth ilandard Ooy wae aaked to write a abort eaaay uu pine by way of au exeroue iu oompoeitiou, and produced tbe following : " Pine are very uaelul. Tbey haved lavtd tbe liven of a greal many meu, women and children - in fact, wbole familiee." "How eo?" aaked the puzzled iue|>eofor, on reading tbu. " Wby, by nut iwallowiug them," waa tbe immediate reply, Ou tbe aame line wee tbe eeeay of auotber aoboolboy, on the aut- jeet of aalt, which be Uf.cn b,-<l aa : " Tba -tuff tbat uiake pilatuea taeta bad, wbeu you dou't pat any on." A prettily humor- oua examination etory U that of Ibe li.tle Stxtab boy at tbe Praabytery exaoiioation tie Wai aaked. " What u tbe meaniLg of regtneratlon T" "To be born again,' he auaoertd. Quite rigbt ! Would you not like to be boru agaiu '.' ' He heeitattd, but btiug preeavd aaid tbat be would not. and aaked why not replied : " For fear I might be born alaaaie." A like aatooiebiug aud amoaing waa an aniwer given by au adult eian.ii.ee wbo waa " hilling ' for a oeriifloale a aoiiug taobr. Iu tbe exam- ination lo tet grnvral knowledge he waa aaked, " What ia tue age of rea*oof " and answered : " Aa naauy y eara aa bave eiap-ed einoe the birth of tbe pereoa eo named." H . It Ing > .|>tt|>, r "I. u A charmed circle ie drawn about every newepaper office in the laud, from witbiu which uu eeoral ever eeoapte or ia ever made unworthy uee of by Ibe ooalodiaua, aaya tba Buffio tffrtu. Here le a o ~ in point. A yuttug wouia>u from Oraveeaud, L. I., advertiard fur a hutbaud in a New Haven paper recently. Her gjuod qualitie were many. She wa* a atruug, beallfay l of 30 yeara and Io5 ^ouudi avoir- dupota. To i ff-ela partial loe of beaiiox aba bad tM.UOO iu Uiohigan Iron Mouolaiu Compauy bud., !MX) bead of oatUe, two amoke-briudto atteca, 117 yoke of oxen aud &.OoO aorea of laud iu ludiao Territory K.t r> man oonueoted wub tbe moruiog iournal In wbiob the advertisement peared mual bave known the nigbl before tbe prize that might be bad for the Bak- ing . but m t one wou.d forget bii duty by vaklug au uufair advantage of tbe reading public. luaaaad of runbiuij off lo the hotel where the young womau waa etuppmg aud carrying every tnmg before tbem with a ruab, attar the faahion of newepaper meu where ibe ladiee are concerned, each aud everyoue of tbe boy i waited uutil tbe paper bad appeared on tne atreete tbe following moruiug, aud then look tbeir ohanoee with me herd doubileee to get left. Ike aai*wy 1-uiH.. Pittabarg Chrtnicie : boon winter will (Mien bia loiole lauga to tbe tbioat of tbe warm nunebina and auok the red bloi d irom the dying luaeete. Athnrart the iky gray btreof ujiii will etreiob, iiupriaoui tbe eaith aud bidding defiance to tbe warmth tbat aeeke to reach ber Ir z boeum. Tbe quail will lurk beneath tfae dead and mattad jimpeoe in tbe far fl corner! of tba atake-aad -rider fence. Bare branch* w.ll pencil ou the dead air a tal of fureat woe and woodland miaery. Tbe Krouud will be covered, white aud pure ; pure aud white ao pare, aud whit*, and cold, aud miff, and bearllewt, aud uufealmit, tbal we aball kuow we were born iu aiu ; impure, impei feel! But, ob I give ua back Ibe green of onrbearta, Ibe warmth eveu ( our laultt, for we are but human I And in tbie wbiti time that cornea apace Iba man wbo luet bia ovurooal on an election bet will oall biuiaelf au idiot. Mr. Malet, Eogliab delegate to tbe Congo Jonferenoo, hae intimated to tbe ageLtt of lha African International Awooiation tbal Buglaud'a recognition of Ibe etatoa of tba A locution depend! upon the open ( ur- obese by the Ajiaooiation of tbeir tight in tbe Oougo territoriee. Mr. Malet refuaee to admit the French claims of priority in ibe purobaee. France ban itipulated tbat ree trade in the Congo country iball be imited to 80 yean. The eily of Faru wan placarded tbrongb- >nl ou Saturday night announcing a work- iugmen'a meeting to be held at Belleville on Sunday to deliberate opon tbe ixpedi- eucy of holding a monater meeting before tbe Palace Klyiee. The police demoliabed the plaoardf . Mr. Oladetoue'a calary ai Prime Mm i Ur in laid to be U5 OOO. while aa Cbincello of tbe Exeh. quer b reoeivre 11.360. An a i-arui le of good gueaning, Cocgreae man tleci-Oihwoo, of Maryland, aaid h would get 2,100 majority. He got 2,10*2. I. (Itr-ou DavifMe now thelactof hi Hue. lie baa been married twice, and hae no mle deaoeudaot, having recently loa bii only eon. Mr. Angelo Beck bae modelled a bunt o Cardinal Manning, having bad five iilt:nc from bit e uiueuof. A oopy of toe bui haH btu (iloed iu tbe Italian oiiuroniu Hatton Uardrn. Jean logalow ii turning gray iu tbe prim* of me. 11 -r Ii uduu bume, where abe livt with her two brother*, ii alwaya full o :l)*tr. Bne devolea much lime anc money to charity. Tbe Rev. Dr. John Hall, of New York, ia he-id of bin clerical eoutemporariea in having a genuine live Kjghab lark iu hii titndy. The rent of 'em bave to go awa; from tome for a lark. Tl.j Earl of Bbrewabury, wbo ba ncently engaged iu the cab bumere iu Louden, le the head of and toe liadin mover in tbe Yoanit Men'a Curn.li A >! tiiatioi. of England. " Ireneoe," of tbe New York obten-fr Mya iu a rco-ui poHtoonpl lo one of hi lettere to that pt( er : Tbe grandobildre of tboee wbo rd Ibe firat of thee letter are now reading tbe laat of them." Tbe Marquia of (jamden, now 12 year old, aaked ibe Court of Cbanoery tbu otbe day to n n'f- hi* allowance of 130,000 year to 140.000, oo tbe groand tbat the for mer waa not euiugb t J keep op hii eatate a Baynbam Court. Governor Porter, of Indiana, telliaverj funny etiry on Limielf. ackuowledgiiix tba lor ouoe io hia life be w.a fl Hired. Ujr ibe recent eauipaigu, be went into e >mal t .wo to make a ipeeeb. He began aome tbiug iu thin way : My frienda 1 am gl lu meet y u again. I alwayi like to coma to Ulaukvnle, and to aee, an I do now, eo many old frieudi." Juat hire a tall, gaun Uootier, iu a ouon-tkiu cap, cm d nut in au inimitable voioe : " Namn 'em, Governor tame 'em t" And Iba Governor aeye h wae ao broken up by tbia untimely inquiry for d ttaila tbat be ontild uot name a mau Tne Hooatere laugbed good oainrvdly, au( ibe Gtjverno- pined ID. too. " Name 'em Qjveruur, nauue 'em I" hae btojme a by word in tbe Hooeier S.ate. Tbe bappieel mau in Indiana over Mr Ueudriota' aleciloo IB bia colored ooaot mau " Tom " Wbeu tbe ouutit in New Yjikaettl'd tbe reaalt beyond queatiou loui rhuuud : " Wi are elected aure, am we are gciug to take our eeat tun lim without doubt. There won't be an euaiorial oommiiaiou tbu time. I heart Ur. Uaudrioka cay ao. We'll lake ou eat." Tbia wai raid to a reporter, wbt repeated Tom'a ullerauoee to M r Hendnokn particularly b.a dtfluit aaaartiuu, " Wa'l lake uur aeatii." " Did kjaeay we? " quca Honed Mr. Ileudrioka, and wben aaauret poeitively tbal auob wae tbe oaae be bura luto the ueartieai laugb be baa been koowu to indulge iu for niauy yeare. He (air. abouted with glee, aud iben, reooveriu bimavlf , aaid : " 1 waa not aare bow I'ou voted , aud I never aid a word to him o the BuDjeci of pulitica uulil be oame lo m for information a few day before tbe eUo Hon. I found then be wanted to ktow bow io talk what kind of a apetcb to make. bave noticed tbe reault waa exocediugl^ uraiifytug to him. ' We are goiug to lak our Beat!' Well, tbat la good !" a eteirl la etaal Weir. I regret to bear tbat tbe Earl of Dal nouaie la breaking up bia ealabliahmeul Breohm Caalle, and propoeea retiring mure economical quartera at Ganuaohlr, mere ebootiug-lodg-e iu the footbilli to tbe weatward of Bracbiu. It ie probable tbat both Paumure aud Breohiu Caatie will be lat. L iril Dallion*ie'i nbmiual rant roll n little abort of 50000 a year; but be auo oerded to a debt of a qoaiter of m million >ierl ing. and to enlalca wnioli bad aufi re- from a loug period of uagleot. The iff ot-t of tbia negloet ba eet iiima <lf enthuiaati olly to remedy, by itivind hie teoaniry gauerunt aouoea*ioua of rent, building new teaJingH aud laburera* ootlafcea aud en^ ing in extaueive impruvamenik wbieb, iu tbe preenl bad nine-, . leM no return on tbe aomewbat lavib outlay. Hence tbe neoee*iiy for a retrenchment, wbieb I truat will be but temporary. LonUVm World. l.nJ>a.l. rti aa lrrfh. ml A good itory IB t ild of the late Marqnia lli lordabip, wbo wao euairuiaD of oue o: the Weifb railway o ic^anie", waeotoe traveling in oompauy with awera! other geuilemeu, wben tbe ticket platform wan reached. Here a imart youtn, wbo bac not long reached bit teen*, etitere ' tba carriage with " Tioketa, pleaee t" L n Liudonderry never carried a railway lionet, but the imperviuua youth waa uot lo be aaticfiiMl. DJ yoa know wbo I am .'' inquired tbe lord. " No, Mr," wan the blaud reply. "I am tbe Mrjuio( Lou do .dtrry , ibe chairman of tbia railway.' Bat bow am 1 to kuow that, air ? ' wait tbe abaip rejoinder. Thp italiou-maatrr w~ 0*1 Ud, aud hi* brdabip, delighted witb toe lad'e ibrewdneu, bad nun at once pro united, and be ie LOW occupying an bonor able pifition in the company e aervioe.-- Truth. Tbe Parnellitaa calculate to be able to return $5 meuiben to tbe Houne whrn tbe R-dialribation Bill goei luto effect. Tbe Nationaliat truee baill the Q.IIUII tc electoral resolution with expreMiii<n' of jubilant grat fixation. United Inland deolaree tbe Redistribution Bill will pro duoe the ruoal ruomeutoue obange in tbe Bri'iab Couetltntiou ever propped to Parliament, aufl aayi it will lead to tbe flual triumph of tbe Nattoueliit cauar. Tbere i au ioc-itro <>ld man named Fatrirk K -nnedy ai the 8.<b*Deotadv, N.Y , poor buuee, who think* be muni n o >ive in- wage* every Saturday niKht, aud to latiufy bim be ia given a apoouful of caator oil, wbioh be aooepta ae bit ealary. Cbarlee Duoater, a blaokamilb, of Lei- ville, Omo, baa Ojalea ol ok, moatly with 3l*okmilb'i toola, which baa eioited Don- aidarable comment io hie ueighborbood. It principally of eteel, aud iu a glai oue o tbe movement can he ae*n,givee the lime in elevin oitiee, Inking tbe boari and .juartem, and 11 leven feat high. A C kaaraa Ne>ll*e al I rpm W rlr- The Bbankhn oorreepoudebt of the London and CAtne Ttlf graph wrilee : " I have jnat met a certain Mr. , whoae father ie one of ibe Earl Li'e adriaeri, aud muob eateemed by tbe great Mmieier. lelU me lhat old-faabioued lacllOH are now to be re*<ited to for ibe dealiuouon of the French fleet. Succeee ie certain, and the French ar ae good aa beaten already. A oorpe of iLDOO naval volunteers M to be raiBt-d, auA aid al the rate of IJO a month each, beaiA, perquisite*, and tbe divuion >f wbaieM loot may fall to tbeir lot. (hang Ptvlnn ia to be tbe commandant, with a pity of 600 tei.li a moLtb, -ay il.0. Every man ie to hive tbe faoalty of etayiug under water for three dayi if ueceuary witboat having to aeek aid from any one luring tbe time, tbat u, be u to manage to exiet witboat food or any kind ol jriHbmeot tbat ha cannot ren.or.aJly provide for bimaelt while in tbe water. After eome preliminary praetloe '.be men are to be lent tj explore tbe bottomeof tbeenemy'e ibipa and make their plani for future action. Wbeu the CJD- venient time hae arrived torpedoee are to be piaeed under tbe moat vilal parta of the bipa' botioma, and al a givan aignal ail tl.eae eubmanna mioee are to be aprnng. Tbere being aeveral minea under each ibip, ome are anre to take effect. Wbeu the minea are epraog and tbe enemy IB dia- comfited, tbe volunteers are lo be at band to behead all tbe French wbo may bave eneaped tbe exploeion of their ibipe ; tbey are to be meroilaeely decapitated to a man, and China thoroughly avenged for peat iDfulta and injuriea." Such 11 tbe logic ol a Cbinene prefeot, 40 yeare old. Foreignere are being offered employment by tbe Cbiuere aa gonnere. Few if any Eogliab- meu bave come forward in the capacity of tjuutera, although a few are at band to rrvoait cffioere if iuitable arrangemenle ou be made. Tbe French have availed themaelvea of foreigners, eepecially a- pilola for Ibe fleet. Tbe Cbineee bave quite M much right to the eervioei of foreign military men, if tbey are willing and able 10 pay for tbem. Many foreigners wool! douotleaa oume forward if tbey were lore of proper treatment. A Ji Of all the aingular iLatanoee reported of human intelligence developed in animal*, une of tbe moat peculiar eiista in the family of Mr. Mablou U. Cnookwith, reaidiui; ou Penn avenue, iu ibia ciiy. Tbe wonderful lltile animal la a common bouae monae and the pel of Mi-a L-xxir, Mr. Inuck r.n/B youugeel daiubter. It wae oaugbt iu a trap laal apriug, and when about to be drowned in a pail of water wee re-oued by Miae Lizzie, for whom u aooo formed a strong altaohmenl. It alwaye aeoompaniea ber about ibe bou.e, and makes iu bad in ber work-baaket. Miae Liuie ii very fond of crocheting, aud toe) iuouat>, which ahe bae named " L Hie Billy," would lit on the table watching ber By tbe hour, apparently deeply interfiled. On eevtral uooaeioui when the yonug lady laid down her work "Little Billy " w.uld attempt to take op the crochet needle and follow ber motioui. Tbe thought al laat occurred to ber tbal he deeired to learn rrocnetn n Sue procured a small crochet ueodle aud, faaleniug it lo a tote paw with a narrow ribbon, gave bim aome maoreme cord to practice with. It learned alowly at first, but with the careful and patient attention of ita miilreei Liltle Billy " ultimately overcame the inlricaoiee of ibe tilcb, and now crooheta aa i iduitnoualy ae He young mistress. Il baa already crocheted itaelf a nubia and a amall bed- spread, and ia now engaged on a wool lea hood for Mise Liu e. It i quite a curioMiy ib tbe vicinity, and la indeed one of tbe mo>t singular mitanoee of a human intelligence ixieting io an anim-1 taat bae ever been made known. Philaeilfhi* Ricorii. Tklr 'I . .. t n ..m M MI. r lo Tbe miiaanger wbo wae employed 10 convey tu tbe Kotb.cbilda in London the) uewa of tbe victory of Waterloo wa* ordered to oall upon tbe Kiug of France il. uu. XVIII ) at Bruaiala. on the way. lie di l M), aud then prooetded to the K .llm'iiildn. After tbry bad extracted [rom bim all the iuformation tbat be "oaauaaed tbey tent him on to Lord Liver- pool, tbe Prime Minuter, io order thai the vernn.' nt inig-it receive tidinge of tbie grtat ev*. Lord Liverpool ojuld make uctbing i ui of tbe mau, LJ alter examin- ing aud croea-examioing him for eome time, be frit inoreaoiugly acrpuoal ae U Ibe auiheutMily of the newa wnieta be brotgbt, He then eenl for Mr Cruker and told bin Ine uiet-ei,ger had o itue from Walerlow *iih tbe Udiu^H of victory, but thai bie lory waaeoufuaed, ud it wae therefore d f&oult to aooept u aa genuine Therefore Mr Croker began to qdetiou ibe mau wub all bie legal acumen, but be auooeeded no better than Lord Liverpiolm makn g the bar.-ative mialligibte. Wnen about t . give It up in de-i air , ae a laal reeuurou aud by a -uddeu impnlae, Mr. Croker qjeatioued the meaaeuger ae to bii interview wub tbe French king, and be aekod him how tba kiug wan dreeerd. The meweeuger replied : In bia dreiing-gowu." Mr. Cruker ih. n> anked bim wbat tbe king did aud aaid to him, lo woiob tbe mtieenger rep ied : " Hie) iuajely embraced me aud klaacd tue " Mr. Cioker a-ked : How did Itae king kiafl you?" " Ou both cheek*,' replied tbemea- eoger.opju which Mr. Uroker empbaiioally rxolaimed : " My L >rd, it ie true : hie uewa ig Dvuniue." Aud BO iu truth U proved. 1 he Cruker Papert Jentingi. Tbe Right Rev. Dr. MoLagan, Biebop of Liobdeld.ba* uorriQedauoiaty ny a elaabiog iermon on tbe immorali'y wbiib be aaid Mrvaded all claaaoe in EuKiaod. Iu Ibe dwalllnge nf Ibe poor a mo. t Ji-cre i able alale of affaire wae found, and Ibe tide of morality waa at lie loweel ebb. Thie wae argely due to tbe overcrowding of tene- meu'a, but vice wae rampant wbere tbii excUM did DO| exiet. In very high ooiely u London impurity wai uot fruwned down, winked at and even cajoled. Tbe iiitbop euirrated bit clergy meu lo combat aud nupprea*, ae far aa ID them lay, ibie rowing evil of veiled lioeutiooaueoa and to raiae tne tone of public and private morality. He urged them to di o lurage in very Way that their Calling gave them arrant for doiug Iba admifeiou into 'hriniian bomea of men wbo are known to ie Hviug imm Tally , but are ofteu wele imed bere iu oonacquenoe of ibe laxity of aooiel

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