Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1884, p. 3

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tURBEIT IN THE HOUSEHOLD. 1 . , Some Simp)* Remedies for Ever-Dy Accidents. l.iuir Article* I "HI -fc.uH lm. b. K.I" 111 ml lr f mi r ut . M h< u Ibt I ..u. . I -bould l>. t ., ,1 r . t-.r.- lloi. .1 K^n.l. . I fc. I .. ol !... I. r. H. ,. Ill ol l-oulll. . .. TLo following directions (of taking pro- per oare of ordinary buru, copied Irom Ckamlt't Journal, wiM bi fouud ut great Tbere are a hundred and fifty little aooi dents liabls to oojur io a household, wbiob a modic am of applied surgical skill would suffice to set right, thus obviating the neooosity fur calling iu a surgeon or a medical man. It is about a few ol the more common of tbeae tbat 1 wish to give some vary useful hints. Whether you bsve a inedioiu* obeat iu the bouse or not, there are ssveral baudy artioles which should always be kept ready iu a oleau drawer in oa*e ot an emergency. A hale oaee con- taining a pair of ordinary surgical lanoats of ttie old fasuoued bleeding pattern, aurgioal oiasors, pins, neodlee and thread, these are all tbs luatrutnautB repaired. Appliances will include one or two bandages, soms lint and oiled sils, a bil of caustic siivnr kept in a oaee, aud sumo strips of adbeuve plaster. Tbere sbould be a stimulant lotion, an eye lotion, a iiui uuui for apraius, Btifiueas in tbe jjinte, etc., and also ous or two kiud* ot ointment. Poultices are baudy to allay inflamma tiou and to sootbs pain. Toey are invaluable in swelling about tbe tbroal, in whitlows, abscesses, etc. A small bottls of turpentine and one or more of oarroo oil should aJo flud a plaoe in the family sur- gical drawer. Ths lancets will be sometime* required to open small aba jesses or gum-Doll*. Large swsllings containing matter bad bettor be seeu to by the family pbysieiau. Mauy people bavs ihs greatest horror of tbe lancet, and will suffer excruciating pain for daye from a trifling abscess ratbertbau submit to bave It opoued. Aud yet iu a oae ot tbis kiud tbe relief thai follows a impls aud almost painless incision is al most iustantausous. Olbsn, again, are willing to have an abscess opened when il " comes to a head." Bui it hardly waola opening thin, a. it will break ot its own aooord. Tbe time to open an abeoesi is when tbere 1* a flaotuawog, baggy feel to tbe touch, giviag indication to toe preeenoe ot pus, in otber words, of Ihs formation of matter. II this waller oaoaol havs vsot it will sat through tbe tissues thai lis immediately above it, aud while doing so oause a great deal of pain and moon- venienoe. Whsn a gum boil needs to be opened tbe lancet should be rolled round with a piece of rag to witbiu about half an mob ol tue point , il may then be freely used at that part of tbs boil which is softest. Alter a gum boil ha* been opened gentle pressure la ueeded to tq iceze out tbe matter aid the mouth should be well rinsed with bot water. I counsel the keeping of pine and needles and thread in the surgical drawer, in order tbat they may be always ready at hand. Tbe pins sbould be of different sixeej ; ihey are bandy for faeteniog bandages, etc Tbe thread ahould be Btrong and white, and ths needles of a fair SIM, needles with good honest eyes in their beads, needles tbat even a man can thread. As to bandages, they oan either be bought or made. For economy's sake I think they ahould be made, and tor tbis purposs old linen of any kind oan be washed and utilized. Tear U iutj strips and sew it neatly togstner. TBS bandages may be of two or even three different breadth*, one about one and a half inches for Anger purposes, another about Iwo inches aud a third about three. These are called roller bandagee. Tbere are also variou* form* of tailed bandages for applications to tbs scalp, tor instance, aod to parts of the body to woicb a roller bandage is Dot suited. Tbe shapes ot these will suggest themselves to a per*on of sense). Ibe BO alp bandage, I may mention, however, is a broad one, with four tails , this being laid upon the bead and crown , ths iwu foremoet tails are carried backward behind tbe head, crossed on tbs back of tbe geek brought around aod tied node/ tbe chin. In baudagiug a leg ths art bee in keeping the bandags flat, smooth and moderately tight. Lay tbe ends along the instep first toward tbe toes, and baudage frum Ibe toes, including all the foot except the heel, tben swath tbe ankles, aod so upward as far as the knee or above il. In asoeuding tbe call of the leg, at every turn the band age should b- plaited half-back over it.elf Tbis is not absolutely necessary, for, hav- ing bandaged tbe lower half ot tbe leg, you may tneo carry the roller right kway Up to under tbe kuee aud then turn there aud so on down again to whatever potition tbe bandage is found to lie the (Utteet in. Obarpie is made by stretching or holding trips of old linen vry tightly and acrapiut It with a rough knife. Obarpie is a ntsful application to wouud* ajd may taks the place ot lint, but after all it is not so handy it doe* not lie so flat, and besides this you cannot apread ointmsnt very well upon it. In oases of eores tbat we wish to taks 01 a kindly healing action, or those tbat need Umnlaling or toothing, water dreelng is in .-aluable. It is very simple aod easy of application. You bavs only to dip a piso* of Hot io clean oold water, to wbiob proba bly a tew drope ol pure carbolic aeid bsve been added, tben apply it to the ore, wtdct it mast more th*n cover. A piece ol oiled ilk is ttaso applied over the lint in order to retain its moisture, and the whole is kept in position by means of a retain! n| bandage. Water dressing Is also applied to wound* after they have been properly strapped, su( it may sometimes take the place of a poul ice for swsllings which we want to soothe aud reduce. The morsel ot lunar caustic in a oass osn be bought at a chemist's shop for, I believe few cents. It i- nsed to cauterize dog or oat aod also skuBk bitss, and also aoratobss tbat may be supposed to be poisonou'. It it a well- known faot thai hydrophobia il muoh more likely to be caused by a skunk than a dog bite, and I tor one would never go into the woods, where there was a pa* ibilily of being bitten by cos of these area tares, withonl carrying a morsel of oanitio in my pocket in oaee of an aooidant. It is a very foolish plan, not to say orael o bave the dog tbal has bitten you de- troycd. Wbeu tbis is dooe il i* obviously mpowible lo dmoover whether or not b* wan rabid al the time he mads ua of bis eth. Let him live, by all means , it will be a satisfaction to know tbal be is run- ing about in Ibe bet of health. I cannot lelp saying that, in ninety-Dine ^oaaea out t a hundred, wiieu a drg biles any ons the arty bitten has been t > blame, and not the og. It is not only unjust, therefore, to much him, but positively mean and cruel. Gate' bites are usually mors dangerous ban dogs ; thst is, they are more apt to estsr, aud also take longer to heal, the reason being simply this a oat's tooth axe* a punctured wouud, aud a dog's a more open one. Adhesive plaster comes in bandy. II ugbt to be the best procurable, and, ustead of keeping it IB a roll in tbe drawer, ought to be put np into etrips of different readtba. It is thus ready for immedute se, and thsrs is no obanoe of irs sticking together as It doee when it is kept in a buld. Wben it i* neoeaiiary to use tbis planter keep the edges of a wound together we it be careful, tint aud foremost, to see list tbe wound IB perfectly olean, and no ai.d, glass or grit in it, wnioh would ctuie entering and thereby prevent it from lealiog. Nsver cover a wound wholly up witb a lieoe of plaeter ; whatever be ite size, use ong, narrow stripe. Warm tbe planter by holding tbe back of it against a oan of boil- ng water for a tew ssooods, then apply it across tbe wound, leaving a small space itween eaob strip to give exit to ibe ymph. Remember, tkal sticking plaiter las no bealiug action in itself, tbe benefits lerived from its use are of a purely mechanical nature. Clean cute sre utter bound up with tbe blood, simply ilk a linen rag, for sticking-plaster u of no une until tbe bleeding stops. In oase of scalp wound* tbe hair must b* shaved off lure tbe plaster is applied. A grain or two of nitrate ot silver in an uuoe ot distilled water makes a very good timnlatiug lotion for wounds or sores that need suob an application, but if Ihey art- lealing kindly, with svsn, white edgee and ot muoh exudation, they do not want timnlalioo. Languid, indolent sores aud tUbby uloer* want a stimulating lotion applied witb lint, after tbe manner of water-dressing, and b support of a bandage. But I should iks my readers to bear in miud that the ealmg of uloers depends in s very great measure upon tbe state of tbe constitution, .'be blood mut be strengthened by good aod, else tbe sore will not heal. Wny, it cannot heal unless yon supply u witb tl -h ormiog material, aod tbia material most ome from tbe blood. But, in addition to be enrichment of tbe blood, if tbe ulotr be u tbe leg, this oauil be kept up a* muoh as possible and bs>n daged tirmly, bat not too lightly, from tbe toes upward. Four of five grain u of powdered alum r sulphate of zino t j tas ounce of wster make another baudy stimulating lotion. iuulard water is eaiily made ; "imply add a leaspoonful ol sugar of lead to a pint of watsr ; it is rendered more cooling by tbe addition of spirits) of wine. Itisanexoel- nt application for painful swsllingt. For wry or stiff usok, or in caaee where ou wish to redden tbe surface io order to elieve internal swelling or \> uo, a mixture f ooe part harteboro to two of olive oil is a ospiial linimsot. Hub well in. Oarron oil i* a mixture of lime water and live oil, and has bteu in repute for oen- uriis as ao application to burns. I know 1 nothing better, bowrver, for iostantane- usly taking Ibs beat out of a burn, where he urtaoe is not broksn, than turpentine. )oak tbe part wall with it fair a minute or 'o. Tbe relief la magical. I expect more ban a thousand of my readers to be grate- ol to me for giving them tbi* iimpla bint. In conclusion, I have a word or two to say about poultices. In oases of local oflammation of any kind they form tbe it application possible. Tney are of many different kinds. Tbe simplest srs made of oatmeal, linseed meal or bread .ud water. Tbe oatmeal poultioe is, to peak plainly, juel porridge without salt. Tbs linaetd poultios is mads by stirring ibs meal into boiling water gradually and orking it up well until a pioper con- sistency is obtained. Tbe bread aod watsr poultioe is made by pouring aoiling water over pieoee of stale tread, covering up with a plate tor a iborl lime, draining off tbs waler. Charcoal may M added to this, it thouxbt desirable, which I might be in oaae* of degenerate uloers. Jarruts and turnip* are omstimee made into pooluoee, aud are vary soothing. Onion poultioe is made by maebiog np half -roasted onions aod spreading them CD rag. It is a favorite application with some lor colds IB the chest. Il tbe chest be previously reddened by rubbing with a little warm turpentine the t fleet will be better, but on no account should il be applied to an abraded surface. Tbs use of mustard cataplasm is very well known. In paios in ths cheat from c^ldi U i* of great service, and also in esses of dyspepsia and pains in tbe stomtoh, with rstobing and vomiting. Poultices to the neck for sore throat sod glandular swellings ot a painful kind do good ; bat it you begin with them you must keep on changing them or mors barm tban good will result. Finally, I remember wbal Dr. Aberuetby said about poultices Tbey ars either blessing* or curie*, according to whether they be well or badly made." Utfleu . 4 .tnp t l.on- The artfulsst man is tbe designer. Tbe most changeable the banker. Tbe meat aooommodating Ihs broker, Tbs most " feeV'-able the doctor. The most obaate the engraver. Tbe most talkative the auctioneer. Tbe most figurative- tbe otebier. Ths most typical the printer. Tb* sweetest the confectioner. Tbe coldest tbe ice man. Ths gravest- tbe undertaker. Tbs crustiest the baker. Tbe seediest tbs gardener. Tbs greatest tarn -coal the tailor. Tbs spooniest tbe lover. \n<> BIHATBII m -1-1 i K Ike H. nioBiDK uii ike s-:u.i si II. You Bee you need two razors to shave with one for etch side ef tbe face aud tben you neod sn extra pair for use whil* tbe olntre are being put in condition. A harp, keeu edged raz IT u an actual utoen ity t'jsuy man who care* at all for ooin- forl , aud a good soientiuo stropping every time alter uaing, with an occasional boning by an experienced hand, are the only meant by whicb razor* may be kept in tbi* condition. Il iieourioui faot that a man will cut himaelf ten timei witb a dull razor when be won't bring blood once if he (ol- low*-*iy advice and lats me take charge of hisstvl. Now, I can get you four dandy razar? ?or t30." "Tint's enough ; you ars barking np ths wronijtree. I don't want any raz ir*, aud 1 don't want yon to t&k* ohtrge of the one I bave. Hut, honestly now, suppose I took your advioe, how muoh would it oot me to shave myself ?" Tbe tauaorikl artist was not pleaeed with the interruption, and for fully twenty mcji.di be latotred and shaved without Bpeakiog a word, by hi* dignified carriage plainly intimating tbat if tbe jiorualint wanted to do ail the talking be would not interfere ; but be preuuUy relaxed far enough to answer tbe question, and, after btiugauuredtbtt bin vioumbad no money, be g*vt tbe whole snap away about as follows: " On, tbere is no money in abaviig your- elf if you follow my advioe, of course; in fact, il cornea hinb, but tbe boy*, as a ruls, don't mind Ibit. Wnsn one of our blood* Koes to Kuropa and ojoie* back with a vnueer of KuKluh foliib all over him be generally tries ibaving himself for a short aeason, not to ive money, but in order ta be a* nsarly liki an Englishman a* beavsn will lei him. Of oourss, suob men are f x>l moat young men are. I thought yon belonged in tntl elaae, and so I was trying to ring in our usual game on yon. " The boys generally mtke great prepara tionnttbe begiaoiog, speodiug fruui 120 to 930 on a abivmg oaee, including rszjn, mug*, brusbee, noap, powder, bay rum aud court plaster. Tbey know no more about haudliog a razor tban s monkey known Greek, aud in consequence tbs blades ars down here for imaginary repair* two or three times a week. We look over them, and if they are all rgat we give them a tarn or two on the) strop, ana send them borne along with a little bill. Tbe b >> aoon nod tuat they can't shave tbtmselve* witb any degree of smoothness ; aod so en vpeoial ooosioni they drop in here to be polinhtd off in s roapeolable etyle. Tbi* Krowiou tbem.snd before a mouth is ovsr they generally have a shaving kit for sale, which we buy st about one-fourth its original oo*t. Ho you fee when a boy begins tosbsve himself it IB generally fnu for us, >ut veil, rather expecHivs for him if be is a fool, whieb, u I said before, most young men are." c'liu-isjiun f'n^yir, . I !-.. With every dioease la- 1 three year*. Our imagioabls for tbs , T J. Anderson, recommending " Hop Bitten ' to tue, 1 used two bottles t Am entirely cured, and heartily reoom mend Hop Bitters to svery oue. J D Walker, HuckLor, Mo. I write tbis as a Token of the great appreciation I bave of your Hop Bitters. I was afflicted With iutlatumatorj rbeuuiktiun ! ! ! Fir nearly Seven years, aud no medicine nesmed to de me any Good!! Uutll I tried two bottles of your Hop Bittsrs, and to my surprine I am as well to-day as ever I was. I hope " You may have abundant success" " ID tbu grsat a-jd " Valuable medicine : Auyoue ! wishiug to know mors about my cure ? Can learn by addressing me, M. William*, 1103 16 :b ttreel, Washington, D. C. It's no secret nostrum. We speak of Dr. 1'ieroo'. Extract of Smart Wed, oompoaeel of tbe bei-t French Brandy, Kmart Weed. Jamaica Omger and Camphor Water. 1 cures obulsra rnnrbus, oolio or cramps in tomaob, dianl, i', dyaetittry or bloody- flux, and breaki up ooldi, fsvers aud in- flammatory attacks. A tiger from a travelling menagerie) lately got looae on bain-bury Plain. Tne) tame tliiug occurred acme 60 year* ago, when tbe animal attacked one of the leaders] of tbe royal mail, aid bad to be shot by the) guard. - 1 ooDtlJer vour Heuiedv tbe bmt ruie.|y in cinwnce Fur IndtgMtion, kiduey >v lea*lla). (From tho Clir1it:n at Work.' Thir* are many diseases wbiob tbe swal owing cf medicine is unable to benefit ?he* are the nlouent* of tbe breathing nd vocal organi. Catarrh, Aalbma, liron bilii, sore throat, boarssoeaa, aod all that amily of noes, throat aod lung trouble* IB easily aud radically reached by inhaling arbolste ef iodine. We might inhale thu most beneficent agent by putting il in ao pen dub or cap and snufliag the aroma up ur iiimtrila. Tbi* would be wasteful, I unity and inconsistent. We can do far Mtter by tbe aid of *vo ingenious and popu- ar little article known as CCTI.KS'S POCKXT Nil ALII. 1 tin inhaler ii very osat, vsry cleanly and vtry portable. It ii earned iu Ibs lookel, ready si any tims for immediate ise. Its prios iionly II, including enough arbolste of iodine to lul three mootbe. lay fever, HUM oold, hoarseness and loss if vole* have in many initanoes beso com >letly cured by tbe Pocket Inhaler. Mauy ihysioiann frsely rooouinisnd it in their iraolioe, as the best method of applying a emedy wbiob ii recognized by tbe medical acuity as exceedingly efficient io all throat and lung disorder*. Ws have made persons! trial of Cutler'* .'ooket Inhaler, and from very pleasant experience in ill nae) are happy to say thst t does all it claims to do. Everybody wants to sell but nobody wants to boy real estate in England DOW Bob Bnrdelte dissolved his partneribi| witb the Hawkey* on Thanksgiving day. Sir Stafford Northeote's muter U tli person who made public the story abon Coleridge's meannsse in working bi daughter as a housekeeper for the oompara lively small wags of 30 shillings a week. Six I I.....M .1 nil.* mi Hear. " Diy before yestjrdsy," said a Kansas 'ity operator, ' a despatch was sent from Independence, Mo., to an inland town iu Scotland, aad s rsply wai received in just an hour and ton mmulfs." " Uulbattan ?" " Mo, it's no kfulbattan story. Il is a faot. Ii was only an ordinary business deepatch. and took ite torn iu the ordinary oourte of bumness." ' Do Huob IkiDgB often happen in cable deepstches ?" Well, if tbere is not a rush ot business and if tiie wirst are in good working order aud the otber man replies promptly, il ought not to take more tban three hoars to ls reply from an English or Sooltis i town. Two houra and a half is not uncommon time, bat one hour sad tea minutes ie undoubtedly very remarkable time." hantat City Tiwui. " And uerv,ui debility. I have JUB" Kxturned 1 From the South in a fruitless search for health, aod tud that your Bitter* ars doing me more Good! Tbau anything else ; A moolb ago I was extremely " Emaciated 111" Aud scarcely able to walk. Now I am Gaining strength ! and Kleb ! " And hardly a day passes but what I am complimented on my improved appearance, and it is all due t ) Hop Bitters ! J. Wiokliffe J*okaon, Wilmington Dtl us-None genuine without a buoel of green Haue on Ui* wbtts label. Sbun all tbe vile, poiiuuua* etufl wuu "Hop "or Uo^ie" la ttieir The next American author to b* intro- duced into tbe French mhoola i* Emerson. Unlike Lingfellow, wbose work* wire ei-peoially adapted for tka girl*' lyceee, Kuiersoo, as a more difficult author, i* to be reserved for tbe presumably mors robust iutellecle of youtg men. Tbe taik ot editing and explaining tbe writings of the philosopher will naturally be greater than tbat of illnitratiug tbe narrative* of tbe poet. " > I'b-.l. -I, lu Mm. A good story comes from a biys' board ing-*obool in "Jersey." Tbe diet wai monotonous and oouetipatmg, and Ibe learned I'rinoipU decided to introduce sims old-sly Is physic 10 tbe apple-eauoe, and await the happy reenlM. One bright lad, tbe emarteet iu school, discovered tbs secret mine In bin sauce, aud puthing back bis plate, shouted to the padagogua, "No phyiio, ur, in mine. My ,1ad told me lo use nntbiu' bat Dr. Pierce'* 1'leasaot 1'ur- gative Pellet*,' and they are a doing their duty like a charm ! " Tbey are anti bilious, and rurely vegetable. There were 000 freabmeu at Oxford this term quits su unprecedented number. Tbe general style of living demands less expense than formerly, and no man finds il now incumbent on him to give wine paities as of yore. LYDIA E. PINKHAM' * VEGETABLE COMPOUND '.MSA POSITIVE CURF * . * I or all Sf tbosf- |-,,liilul I ,.n, : . I.,,,,. .1.4 a \YriksrB*r mm r*anos Is our brsl IT Wl! L (TUB FtTIHELT THE wnBET r-'SH or fm ALB <' HI-I.AI NT. ALL Or ASIA* TU ' MI EA, PI AHUATI'll A 1 - 1, I'll ISATIO*. KI I .I-OJ ASD I H n.A BBEVTI, AM> THE c<.v-rvivr M-INAL WEA nee, ADD i> r*ru-i-LAKLr ADAPTED TO rs I'HAHGI r I :rr ' m * S * S *. IT WILL mi vr AMI rxrri. Trvnsji ruin n I'TBIll -IV A.I BAJU.T ITAC.Bor I'El r I .iil-Bf IT. TSUI TFNIlCM 1 T"l AM nun Ili:m>IUTUJHU( tKIlT rrSEUILV Bt IT !. s * *) * IT B,r.'r KivT\r-, FLATIIUKT. DETTBOTI AM , lit M--'. r. :;-!! II LAXT. AMIIJUIITIll xeis ur THE >r. >MA> u IT < i nr I'.i <>ATIMI, A- ur. .Nriiti-t - I'lK-THATum, (,E*EHAL 1'miiTT, l>sriir-i'-s AMI IMM..K-T THAT FEELIK.. ur BEARISH Down, CAV-IIO P. W ri'.IIT AM> UA< KA< lit. I- ALAT I LK I I 1IKD lir IT* I -E * * 4 f) fc IT WILL AT ALL TIU AM' I'MIES, ALL nSTlTBV A'T IN IIIIII..M WITH TUB LAW! THAT b.'VEKK TU* FEMALE -1 -Tr s * S * e 4sT*lT ri i-.r<E i. Mil.KI.Y msTnB LEMTIBATW IIF A! IM, ur L>I-EA'E AM. THE lirtlir T 1'AIH, A KB TUAT IT 1M)E* ALL IT II.AIM* To !>O, THOt'KAkl* W 1AI.|F>IA!I bLAI'LV TBITIFt * . K" TU* < ISE r knori <'<>MrLAixT* ns EITIIEK II TUIA Kill 'I I- IV I.YDIA r. nxEHAVB VEUETULE prpr-d u I run. ***. frier SL Us SoMSfalldnwulA. trmt by latll. p ur nili or LiwracM es r-> Ip4 . 1 pdn- a. PlBkhAB-i -tiuM* o H-ltl|-- 1Mb. rn.il.. i frw to Jly V,. fmll <bonM b. llh.Kit l.TDIA T'-ri * lio PAJSV' >' .MJITL* . i.lit7<>r Ih. - I nxn.ll ". . nt. i>r !.. iEs%a U. - I. 31 -4 Hello ! " ws heard one man Bay to another, tbe other day. " I didn'i koow yon at first, why! yea look 10 year* younger than you did wbeu I saw yon lait." I uf I 10 year* younger," was the reply. Y u auow I used t > be under tbe weather all the lime aud gave up expecting to be any belter. Tbe doctors said I bad ooo sumption. I was terribly weak, bad night weals, cough, no appetite, and lost flesh. I saw Dr. Pisroe'e Oolleo Medical Dis- oovsry' advertised, and thought il would do no harm if il did no good. 1 1 bss cured me. I am a new msn because I am a well one." A large Newfoundland dog it is always a Nswfouudland dog belonging to a ottiicn of San FranoiMO recently jumped into tbe bay and rescued a poor terrier who had accidentally slipped over the embankmsol into ths muddy water. A gtDtlemau who wss going to lake his family to ttee s dramatic performance tbe other day wai surprised to see hie wife psckiog a large trunk and filling two large baikels of eatables juit before starting. Whtt ou eartb are you doing thai for?" inquired the) buiband. " Why," returned bin wife, " it ssy* on the play bill tbat six weeki elapee between tbe first aod second M*l." A young Indisn warn across tbe Missouri River near Bumarok, D*k., tbe other day, with oue haad and one leg tied. Tbe reward wa* tbe hand and heart ot a bright Indian maiden, who sat on tbe bank with a newipaper man watching tbe fsal, wbiob was aooompliined witb gieat ease. Tbe reporter will be ibe beat man at the wedding. Complaint ii made in England of the oareleesneejs) cf parent* in sending children to school in infected clothes. Many oases of d phtheris and scarlet fever at Canter- bury, some) fstsl, bave been traced to thie. i,i'Hnine a few years ago was sought after at 15 per ounce. In November of last year il hsd fallen to II 75, whils tba prioa ruling for Ih* past few month* has been In tbe neighborhood of II. foreign competition did it. 8 hale, ys malarial protectionists I Tkr ,., vuiAi. t et 'ii,i,u" CUTLER'S POCKET INHALER AMD Csrbolate of lodrn* IHHAUMT A eertain ears fcr urb, hruucuiss. Aiihina. aod all dfca- ax)* nf theTbrnstai:.) I.nnm <Tr ( Bsp>- !!, if taken in ru n. Il willlir-ak up A m>lmt A few lobalatioui will correct Ibs mint Valrsv Ivr Brraia. Ii 111*7 l>s carriol a* baiiilily as) a penknife soil ii>lw*jr* ready Tbu ! Ibe only laaatlrr Appro**.! by physs- ciu* of every wbuol. ac,l n.lun*! 17 lit* (4sr4 srllrsl ja>siraiabof Lbs wori.l /% ta>r- in tbo n.nrni-t are *llbsr *mttmj*rmm 4wej.e>iw"i r sisir"' Hold by all LtrufuliU fnr ai.eo. HIM.I II A W H nMITH A CO. Hu(Ili NY. 30 IrAiri (if H * . I'ltiiiphl^t trr*. A>!<'rrM V ItaioBpltOo., MunhalL Mirh. Tells no story that findi as reeponiive an echo in all beaita as ths oomfurting and assuring word* given in the short extract below. Speaking of one ot tbe painful malitiee of life i.e., an aobiog corn Mr. 0. Crouk of Dowagie, Michigan, adds testimony to the marvellous results attend- ing the use ot tbat great corn oare Putnam's Painless Corn Exirsotor " I bavs tried il to my entire sati*fsotion snd though not in my line of business, would like to keep il in stock." Beware of *ub>ti- lutes and imitations. Sold by draggnts and country merchants. Nsw York is importing cabbages from Sweden. Where are our native market gardens? %Ha Hftll.lt, lion. Poison's NKIVII.INE. the new and oertaio pain cure, i* ued with sstisfaotioa in every inktanoe. There is abundant reason for this, tor it performs all tbat is claimed for it. Nerviline ie a never -failing cure for cramps, pains in the side or back, lumbago. ore throat, ihlllsiua, toothache. Nu i line ie in fact a sure remedy for all paius, both internal and external. Try a 10 cent ample bottle. Large bottles only '2'< oenti, by all druggists and country dealer*. The Celestial citizens of New York city recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of tbe birth of the graudmothsr of the Chinese Emperor. Firs-oraoksrs, lanterns, yellow dage and a Chinese band were the features of tbe ooeasipn. - No effort ha* ever been made to advertise Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound outside oar own America , yst frequent oalle from otber parts of ins world show that good DSWB will spread. Packages of tbu medicine have even been sent from Lynn, Man* , to China, Ths United States ases three times as mueh paint as any otbsr country. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard's Climas Plvg r-ar1n rr<t lit lot . ">< l/irillnrd'S Koar l.f nn.'tul . tbal l.,rlllanlH "Iwt bv mail in I Truimuich n I 0al InAtruciioD ill imk kro|'iu. Hu>io Hborthan-l. ftr by i Koroi*. Aritbnietic nnabl Hen - .tainr* '<>' I'AMI'HI.KT to COsV KKSri'NDKSTK HL'SISKSs SCHOOL, iM Ma Bt. Hnffulo, N.Y. NI.I >- nttfl '. BtKAD l III- In Voi.TAi.ir HFJ.T Co.. of Marshall, offer to MD.l Uii>lrol*liraMl KLBCTBO-ToLTAXjSJ BI.T sad otber BLBI.TMIC ArrtiAMfB* on tna for tiitrty tlajs. lo men (jtiuDf or old) afflleeael witb nrv..oi ilcblllty. l-jas nf Ttlallty and inaa bnod, and all kindred trooble*. Also for rbeej matuiu. neara'eia. paralymli soil many oatMC dtseam CooiplM* r*t<>ratlon to hsalth, Tt|ra sad niknboo,! nutmilmvl. No M*k If Incurred s* thirty day* trial u allowsd. Writs tnera ODee for fllmtraMHl i'mphllfr**. EYE. EAR AND THROtl. DR. 0. B. RYER80N, L. R. 0. P. 8 B.. Ijctmai on the Bye, Bar ami Thraal Trinity Mwtlcal Oollsffe, Toreoto. OeullMk n Aarisl to tbe Toronto Osneral Roepllal, kl Clluleal Axlataiii Huyai London Opluhalml Hospital. Mi<onfl*l,r* aod Cei.tral Lootto Tkroal and Mar Hospital. SIT Cbnreb Hfe ToronUi Artificial lluinai Rye* n miKHniiMn'R M:XHKX V 4S1 Main St.. Hudalo. N. Y. Vounn Men anj Women tbomughly |>ropanl fur sm-lnria. at boiu*. Hook-ke<.|'In(, HamntM K.TIIK. Fcntuan ahtp.ArltbmeUesad Hburthand iauhi by msll Hn>l for clroulart. fl.*t a tUMOI'trl n l-.u* Bdooatiuu or 8,x>norlan P* maneblD al tb HriNO* IAN BUHINfHH lll.l,S)0 W.., ALUABLK SAMPLES WORTH for only too. Addree* J. R. OlouoatMr. alasi. Mention tbli pa|<*r. V AL V Ml

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