Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1884, p. 3

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THE LADIES' COLUMN. Things Worth Know-rig in Connection With the Household. A I'.. I, I Illl. ,kol !... Wilii her f ui uy llulu (laMe you'd have thought bur v.-i > WIM If it wa-u't (en the laughter that was peeping from bereyea ; JosltLe i|u..i>rt an<! the dearest liltla aoiiool Uia'aiu ever ki ow... Wbi < way i.l u-i hiLg bova and |irll wu certainly heroxn. wards WM>blog the article witb soap ami water. To remove ink stains from a main gn} table, pal a few drope of spirit* of nitre iuto a tearpaooful of water, end tuaob the part stained wiib . feather dipped ii io tbe mixture Immediately the ink i-t >in disappears tbe place maiit be robbed with cloih dipped in Oold water, or tbere will be a while mark. There ii nothing more cheerful to the fight of a tired person than a clean, soft ooaoli pleasant to Ibe syee as well an to tbe touch, aud giving pro- M.I-B of dainty reel. I may add tbkt m uo (.ooupetion ii a woman more allrac tive than when engaged in the etrvile work " I five my brlgbtmt pupil " iu a plMiant ton* l.i- Mtid, " A Illlie u. iiitr by biuinlf to abow th.t be it I.' i! ; -- And to M>.re tbe tender feelinge 1 1 tbe <lul!et of making up joet eoch a bed. 1) .i.'t you boy, i |.m remxmber bow ibe heroine of " Bhe Bumps All ib.otLeri in a circle, 10 jou can't ull which , Oo 0quar hags her game I mean wine a 1 husband by letting him view her at Much " Whncever toy pupil ID hi* leatone doesn't Loutiework ? My advioe to girl*, in OMH ""'- where a deairable young man beuueuslo bi. endeavor. with . penny .ugar And. tiuce ibi alight upon ll, " "* " m ' to have some I've utit a .ml* atove in, juat to thow tbiii how it s nm.ie Is wouderful to little cbild and their i the ran might too c.inutotiuu with household aflaire, witb Ibe | (dea of impresHing him with your too good ! neea for tbat kind of thing, but in.lead to | find H.I.TOS excuse for beouming ohamber- " I've .tked tbtui wl.at they'd like to be s doseu ; maids, so that the visitors may see you Anu'e'icb Tflud r *'ititendii.b.n grown Io k,ps trauntorm a tousled bed into a snowy, slick un. i) atore ; l1 "' 1 entrancing one. If tbe j .u be done bo, thin. ing ibat they ought to bave some ' deftly it is mre to b potent in its effect kaowltus* of tbeir irsde, J _ .1 on the follow wbo behold* it. Bui ihere are thing, wbiob are clnugeri.ua or a girl to do at borne iu the presence of ier admirer. Q ling uptaire is one of them. It IH cany enough to deiioeud with sprightly grace, but I defy auy living being iu skirt. to aeosud without awkwardness Iu tbe current play ai Dly'a Theatre two of ibe aou bave for a soeue au intern r in wbiob a broad atairoa leads diresily buk from ibe r. Tbe ohar.otere ge up and down uncounted times. Tbe wumsn are per sonating fine l.diee aud wear the moat fashionable i f dresses. Oo tbe stage level tbey are oDJols uf s-timable regard; but tbe inrt.ni tbey btgiu to mount those dreadful alairs ibey become oamels, als- [>bauU, anything that walks grotesquely with ibe biud lega. Tbey wabble from aide io ni ie, vbey strain every guaott and seam in their elolbes, tbey threaten to burst tbeir stlei. yun, it iu Micb thing* a tempting taffy How iutereuea can be . And, t c.ui their luci U, I'm >ur tbe>'ll uu me credit wbeu tbvr come to open khupn.' Aud, w ut. a uud that plaiuly aboweil how free nbe *iu frouiuuubt. Bbe iioitiy lujutiUMxl tbewciuk.ei btber.nowy kprou i ut Juat the quetiebt and thu dearel little ecbool urn'. uvur knuwu, Wlu.. .y ol uacbiugbiji and girl! wasre.ll/ berown Mutcvlm Uougla*, in thiCbriitmat St . How eUangeil U tb.t ida io various par la of tbe globe are so O'tilradiotory. Fur lubiauoe, teke tbe quenliuu of *"'" Iu n'ltu ui oar adv.boiOK idew*, we b.ve a tLierl cotivioiic/n tbat K'rln MJ< uld uui be pjt to very Lard work. We faitld thiuj if we ou. Iu Aia and Africa, uu theooDtrat>, iu epiteot all we arc alwayn h*.riijg of ilie l.2y lives of woiueu in tbute ooujtriee, au old belief prevails Ibat tbt > were buru 1 1 labor. Tiie same U true iu ruauy |>axt< of Geimaby. Iu Turkentau aod ou Uie Tartar me^pee, tbe Kir^beee ull.u.e and iliur d.ugbtrr, iu wbune vciin- fl iw the bluod uf luug liiis of kiugt, tillu.iik the abeep, oow aud Koata, *ul perlortu tha meuial duties uf the buuiw D'.ld. Tcey rtvarre our order uf ihiiJK- Tba mother wear* silk aud tbe daofiter oultlvalee .t njti in aud Ibe daughter doen tbediUd K ery. Io fact, tbty really ouuaider tbe mother entitled to tbs beet of everything) Such iaii to be UDomlued. Tbt re tbe motuer in at botue iu thu parlor aud tbe du>.hier ill Ibe ki cbru, aud we would luok iu vaiu for the oblld too fasbiouable aud well du.'aved to >ooru her muiticr. What > bni d 1-t.nte uf > If urn t Wk.l ... I .... h .N. hil.l.. ... Teach them to be pul.ta, teaob tuein tb.t there i uuibiUK but gixjdueee . f u. ari uf >o tuuuli deu.bility as > pleaniu Tbey will lune tbe idea after a while Ibat it ie smart Iu u' pert and boislerou*. aud take pride lu beu<K little ladies aud geutletueu. Teoh tuem to say "bow do )uu du " ur guild niuruiDg " to svery oody tbey meet Wlik wboui tbey are acquaiuted ; uever to ooutradiot, wbinji. r, bum, b.t a l.too witb tbe &uKri< ou the f urullure, or lull round iu louu|{iug atuiudeH m Company ; to s*y " yea, iu I'mn," " ui), sir," " what, ma'am, ' "if y< u please" and "thank you " ami "szouiie me, if it ii neoeary to before auy one or leave the table before tbe reel; aud never do auy of Ibe tuingii lor wbiob It is uecesary to be eioueed ui.lens It u abeulutely uuavoidable. Not to tone . iustead of haudlug them ; u 't to e.t with the knife ; not to meddie with tbin^s wbiob oeloug to olbsrs ; not io listen to au> tiling uot luteuded for their ears ; m t to refuao to give the whole to a little visit wbsn half will uot du. A polite ohild is Ibe keel of companions, but a ruds ooe is a troobleeonie uaieanos and will find himself learning; at in or 'JO ibiuga wLicb .hoi have been taught him wbeu a cbild. children are a. food of bans an tb- Ii t ti folk, iu this country are of cookie" aud doughnut*, and tbere are Home veiy nice ones made over there. There are penny aud two-penny plum bua>, aod oaraw.y buns, a: d apioe bane, aud ibe oelebrautd bot-oroHS buus. Oue of tbe nios.t of them all is the " Bally Lunu," named after the young womau wbo first madei tbem, more tbau seventy yeare ego. Bbe lived in balb, and every morning aud evening carried them roond to the gentle- meu s bouses in a large banket covered with a white dauiank olotb. For a long time no one oc uld find out just bow they were made, bat after a while a baker by tbs nan-- of Dalmer bought tbe bumoeas of he*. Aud inii Is how be made ibeiu : Bbe took one quart of floor aod mixed with it a half teanpooDfol of salt and tbrse te.'poonfuls of baking powder, ibeu rubbed iu bait a cup of bulier, fuor beaten egg* and no piut of milk. Bus then poorsd tbe batter into round cake tins and baked them IB a quick oven. Dalmer was a ruUHioian as wall as a baker, aod made a song aud net It to musio, ail iu praies of "b.li> LJ mi and her fstni ui buuu," and the bunit became such f avoruss tbat bar row. were made) to carry them iu to ibe customers. Iu a few years Diltuer retired from buaiusss, a very rion man. To Ibis day iu every town in England the Sally Luun bun is tbe chief favorite with growu folks as well an ouildrsn. li..i ie UrsMt-r Ink Ml.lae. Ink Rtains may be removed from colored tubl oovtra by dissolving a leanpnoufnl uf oxalic aoid io a teaspoonful uf hot water,- aud robbing tbe ulained part. well with tbe solation. Ink utains may be taken oul of anything while by simply i u ting a littlu powdered salts of lemon aud ould water on tbe stain, allowing it to rnn-n about five ti.inu e, sod tbon washing it out witb soap and waier, when the statue will dln.ppeer. Ink alains on mlver or plated article* may bs c {factually removed without u jury to toe articles by making a lutls chloride of lime into a paste) with water, and rubbing the stains uulil they die.ppear, and afier e .r- 1- tnnge, their joinie iwem to refune all cuntomary action, and the cutlinei pre i-ented by tbeir backs bvar no .euiblauoe to their uormal shupeltuees. It i> Clear to my mind tbat nature never intended tb.t nmeu ebould go upatairs, fur I dou t believe au augel, if feniioiue. eould mouut the golden stair other tbau abeurdly. Clara Belle. 'i Urrllaeireae Uats and b)n^eu re this winter most f tiiiaaiioally cxtravagaol. Tbey are odd nliapee borrowed from kirtory, from f.ble, aud evrn from tbe stage. A hount-keepcr a-kn, What is tbe lim pleat way to keep jelly from moulding un i I "Sbut a boy ID a pantry for a few uiiuutes." Cbeetuula aud their leave*, imitated io flue mlk ojrd c ivered with beads, are used by tbe Kuglub dreecmakers to trim their large velvet cloaks. The prettiei-t new work basket is in tbe rbape of a !("> kettle, both kettle aod stick' heiog made of wraker. A great bow of veivet iu tbe nasturtium ahadee la bound around tbe oenire of tbe stick* aud auoibar Is on tb uuuide of tbe kettle, wbiob ha. a lining of oaaturlmm silk and pookete ionu merable. The Japanese girl when she go*s into oooipany paints her face wbiw. her lip. ami ib H oo rue n of her eyes red, with two elate coloured p ns CD her forehead. Ainiiug Mies Astor's jewels is a necklace of fuur rowa of piuk pearls, lover's knots ul rubies and a.ppbiree separating tbe pearle at every tenth pearl. Tbe leaf io tbe marriage register in Uawurtb Church, oo which is inscribed the name it Charlotte BrooM, has been so of mn b.udled by American travellers tbat it is falling to pieces. The best abol in Dakota u eatd to bs woman, Hre. Lowuer, wife of Colonel Ix>< ner, uf h rt Tolten. Hue has killed 114 prairie chickens thie fall aod the first deer tvf r bronchi down from MUOM River. A yonug gentleman a.ked a yoaug lady what she thought of tbe ' marriage slate in geusrsl." " Not knowing, oan'l tell,' was tbe reply ; " bot if you and I could pot oar he.d* together, I aould eoou give you a deflotte answer ' Ibe I'linoeas Victoria and Prince BU ruarck have beoome reoonoiled. A feud has long exiaied between tbeae two, on account of the slight regard the Prince baa tor tbe deference due to woman of whatever rank and btciuoe the Princess repelled bis die reepent of Oourt etiquette. Madame," laid a husband to bis yonof wife, in a little altercation wbiob wil epriug up in tbe best regulated families wbso a man and bis wife bare qaarrellec aod each considers tbe other at fault, wbiol of tbe two ought to advance toward a reoon dilation. 1 ' "The better natared aud Winer of tbe two," said the wife, pulling U| her mouth for a kiss, whioli wa. given will au uuotioo. Bbe was tbe ooiqaerwr. Cracks in floors, around tbt m mid board or other parts of a room, may be neatly ant permanently Ailed by thoroughly eoakioi tiewspapera in paste made of one pound o fl.>ur, three quart* of water ai.il a table apooufnl of atom, thorooi(hly boiled aoi mixed. Tb mixtare will be about as tblol ae putty, aud may be forced into the oraoka with a case knife. It will harden like pspier macbe. HIM I.OVKK WAHA >Mlli Id4. n. d h, J, ..lou., II. Bit,. OST in. Hid .1 ii. r >.., . Lilian F.rrelly, a pretty blonde, !9 ears old, living with ber parent, at No. 9 VII street, New York, had two lover* 'lib whom the alternated. The young meu were acquainted with Ibe situatiuu ud tried to out rival each other by inek ug presents to tin girl and taking ber to laoes of amusement. Oue nighl she wenl lib Frank Uullivau to a theatre or ball nd tbe nen night ii would be Robert irtene's lorn. Bo mailer, went on until a week sgu, when botn young men o.me on ne same night and taoh m-mitd thai it waa bia turn to take tbe g rl out. They went to the atreet to fight it out and Bulli au returued with bis eyes blackened atd is face covered with gure. He said tbat e had beeu attacked by Greene wuh some luul iualrumeut and that tbeu Greeue ad brutally kicked him. Lillian puied im and made him nappy by promising to eoume hi. wife, alao declaring thai abe 'OOld never Bpeak to Greeue again. M Mi- ay bight Bulnvan went witb tbe Bullivau Mub, who uad received a banner from Mm. leudriok'a.wife of Ibe Vioe-Pretidnul elect, ui Newark, where they marched in the rooeeeion which was reviewed by Gov. leudrioks. Wueii tbe club relurued to the ily It was ntar 11 o cluck aud Bullivau ruoeeded to the bouse of bia promiaed wife to make his excuses for falling to lake " tot t J a place of amuaemeut, ae he bad irumieed. Bbe wa. out, bowever, aod m inquiring ber mulber told bim ibat r on lad go>ue to tbe tbtatre with bis rival. Ie walled uulil tbey made their appear- ance, when be tp-ang at bis rival aud made a kav >ge anauauli upon him. Greeue got away and Bullivau lurued his at ten - 100 lo hi. aweeibe.rt. lie threw ber to be ground aud beudiLg over ber, took ber now between bis teeth aud b.toff tbe end I'be youug feirl uttered a piercing scream aud bo*me uuc juc!ou. l He madden* d over took the oil of uua< oai of bis mouib, laced it carefully in bis vest pocket, and eaned over to lake another bile wbeu be i .truck from behind and was made a i i-niirr by offlwr Churchill, of the Sixth .'r oiai i The youog girl was taken to Jbambers Street Hospital, where tbe >ieoe of nose, wbiob Bullivao had given up, waa stitched ou again. Yeaterday abe was sufflo en:ly reouversd to appear agaloal ier oauuibaliatio lover al the Tombs, and ie was held. VI I. .. i \ . ~ II " Ooe of the upper ten tbounaud, who waa mtiLg America, accepted tbe bo>piieUly of a gentleman in N. w Yurk. Wbeu taking farewell of his host the latter ankt bitu what be thought cf the American people. " Well," answered tbe nobleman I like tbem immensely, bat 1 mia anmethmg." " What Is thai ? " aaked tb Yankee. " I mise the aristocracy," repliei tbe Eogliebman. " What are Ibey ? naively aaked bm host. " Tbe arts tocraoy ! " said the noblemau, in a some what surprised tone of voice, why, the; are the people who do nothing, yoo know wboxe fathers did nothing, you know wboite grandfathers did nothing, yon knot io fot, the uriatooraoy." Here he waa ioterrnpted by the American, who chime io wiib, " Ob, we've ple.ty of tbem ove bwre ; bat we don't call them ari.iooraoy we call them tramps." London Truth. It will ooet over 160.000 to put tbe Whit Bouse io proper trim for the reception o the bachelor Presidsnt next montti. A wholesale bouse in Detroit in which tbe firm OOLSUU of fuur partners, wiib a solid old gentleman al the head, took in new traveller a few days ago. He wa. engsged aud packed off without baviuf seen ibe Heuior partuer, and be probably didn't oare a oei t whslber snob a person exiaied or not. lie waa coming in overoue if tbe roads ou a reoeut Saturday, and bad taken a seat in Ibe imoker to enjoy 15-oeuter, wbeu a fellow traveller aaked mm how business WM, and what firm he represented. 1 Boaiuesi is infernal dull, and I re pre sent the firm of Blank A Cu., Detroit," was ibs answer. ' Pretty .olid bouas?" " Ob, yes ; bat ralber oranky." Q 'ing to be witb u next year ?" Well, thai will dt p-ud Wneu I get iu I'm going to ask fur a position in tbi .lore. I'm fitted for almost any p.aoe there, and I'm goiugio push myself." Aod then you'll work for promotion ?' " You bet ! and if ibings come arouuc rigbl I'll bavs an interest in tbs old ranch inside of two year.." "Eh! How's tbat?" " Well, tbs old crank wbo furnishes the doubloons lo keep the bu.iuew booming La- two marriageable daughters, aud 1 m going to be bis sou in-law, or break both lege try ing. I've got tbe pluck to succeed, and you can bet a usw bat on ms any day in the year" Tbe conversation died awsv very soou after tbat, and in a little time the traveller was left to tbe comforts of bis cigar. H thought no more of ibe mailer unul be walked into tbs .tore Monday morning to report. Tbe flrt man bis eyes rested upon was bis felloe-traveller on tbe train, and the old gent had his bat ofl, and seemed verj much at hums. Us bowed to tbediummer aud be smiled, and be went to tbe door anc called after him in a forgiving tone, but tb man oaoaped, and bas not been seen in Detroit since. Detroit /><* Pren. Prohibiliooiats, if ibey really oare to i.ure Ihsmkelves of tbe aousdueae of hrir position, should read tbs article OL Moderation aud Tui.l Abtiueno " by Ir. Bultoo Bbarpe io tbe current uamber f tbs " Fortuigblly K. view " Tbey will ud in it .ome n-anou for doubling whether Ue authority if woaic.1 nclence i. really u their kite, aud wbitberitia not ralbs< n favor of tbi aa tbal believe, urxlerate ie uf alcoholic drinks i- good fur the sjorily of mankind, especially for tbo.e who bave to undergo severe labor either of tody or of brain. They will al lea.1 ee bat tbe point u atill debatable. Tbe lUmptiou upon wbioh their action is acd. aud which form, their aole justifies- ion for coercing tbeir fellow ciKaen. ou a uestion uf private health aud taste, is bai moderate une uiuat lead to abuae , and bis is ooulradicied by tbe tipeneuoe hundreds of millions. Tbey will glad al all evsutu to find tbal tbe ruth uf ibe hideous charges uf iuieuiper- nou agaijat Eugliabwi/meu H rlitlln.ged, >s it certainly may be with good reasou if be charges re*t ou uo mure iruatwurlby undatiou than tbe work of tin American, f r Guxtafeon, wiib it" uUpiraputlej." Tbe foundation of Dtalb " Wi Uu ibty are ou be path of research, they may be luduoed o look back lo tbe aooouot of prohibition u Vermont, given b> M' E tw.rd Johnson u ibe Papular Scirnee Uoi.thly of laat May L'uey will there uud tbal tue law having >eu paaaed at flrat b; a mall tuajirity, and baviug failed in > pe ration, aa under boae ciroumttiaBoee il was sure to do, enaolmenl ban beeu heaped upon enact uieul aud penalty upon penally, till al lat he exasperation of tbe baffl -d probibiou- ate bas tram| lad oo ibat wbiou .11 free meu bold inoet il.-.r b> rmp'iweriug the Mjlioe, if they sui-p c . tbe t xisuiuoe of liquor o break without a warrant lulo any Olti- /.-u'. borne. Tbs iufamuu. trsde of the uformer is of oourse encouraged by abun- nt bribes. And what is tbe resuli .' According to Mr. Joht-eon, the ree aud open tale uf liquor, jntwitbstaodlog spasmodic and lutlle fforts to enforos tbe law. Tbe number ol jlaoee iu which liquor i. .Id seeme to bs in the iborea.-... Letti.lalinn is forcer* tbroagh by moral viokuoe nl b) ibe foars of politicians wbo stand iu awe of tbe temperance vote ; but public opinion di not aupport coercion , aod, as Mr. Johnson eays, of enforcing tbe 1 >wa as tbe laws against burglary aud larceny are enforced no one dreams for a moment. Unforta uately tbe attempt, though ah irtive. is not without consequences. Tbe people learn disregard of law . tbe tavern, being unlicensed are no loogar regulated ; ardent int. being mo*t easily rnuggled are sabsututed for more wbolM>me beverage* and ibe moral a*tencie> by which lutemper auoe has been greatly dimimahed. are weekrned by tbs fallacious cottUeuoe repoaed in legislative coercion. But beu people are careening on tbs wings of aoppoeed principle tbey think as little o! practical oouaequenoe* as tbey do of moon veoient rights Week A Uudr I. -. Philadslpbia I'rru . " Few men real) koow bow lo drees," said a piixe dude, aa be paueed to gel tbe rttUotiun of bis new summer pea-jaokot in Wanamaker's win dows. N >w, that feller over there," In ooutiuued, pointing to an imitation dudi sonniug himself ou tbe opp'ieile side of tbi atreet, " bas got on low qaarlering sbue. and a billycock hat, wuh a Prince Alber froek the brute. Aud notice bis noarf-pm please do. It represents a little skat* entirely out of season. Besides, every tbiog should bave some real or appareu purpose about a man's drees, and tba fellow's scarf-pin is stock in tbs upper par of the Hoarf , and don't seem put there to hold tbe foldi together at all. Now, you'( hardly believe it, but tbe beast hasn't even bad tbe soles of bis shoes blackened, an; the backs of tboee diegUHting yellow glove of his are stitobed in black. . Ue < oiiM.i'i Klikrr. A gentleman who drave up to tbe poet office yesterday and found uo plaoe to bite bis borne called to a boot blark and askec if he didn't want to earn a nickel. " Oau't do it jut now," replied tbe lad " I'm going up tbe alley to see a slnggib match." Oloae at bis heels was a second boy, an tbe gentleman addressed him witb tb aame inquiry.. " Ob, I o mldn't stop a tniuute," pro tested the gamin, " far I'm one of th nluggers he's going to ee elug !" The newsst canvasser goes from boose tc house when wivea are at home aud hoi bauds away. He explains bow readily privately and for slight reasons, divorce may be obtained; aod be departs hay in that be will take the liberty of calling agaii in a week. He is an agent for a divorce lawyer. Discontented wives, either wit or without good oanie for divorce, (bus have tbe mean* brought to tbem ; when it is added tbat pay U taken on the Instalment plan, tbe attractiveness of the scheme most be aoknow ledgd, IKIIIIUI i i< A A nil <. i fi.t rel. .old v, l.i -mill, on ib. !. .in.,, Most Americans do not have bomes tbey have merely place, to Slav, where tbe falbor can read hie newepaper, the mother ply tbe sewing machine aod ibe children make molasMs candy, or have aonoa birthday partiea. But tbe ile% of a heart centre, where love is oueriabed, tboughu are fostered, and moral, expanded, is apparently unheard of in iheir ph.ilo>-phy M.terfarnilias goes to church ou Sunday without an idea that she is Isavicg the holiest temple behind ber. of which sbe is bigb priesMea, and if you should disceel ber brain yuu would find Ibal in tbs corner devoted to " neeeesttire " tbe strata o olotbee, cook*, sewing girl, aud ruaat tor key fill up all but the smalle.1 crevice con -cieolioualy set aside for religious belts aud church membership. aw r..,.i. Will Oasxv. " The cbangee for the coming winter are not al all arranged yet," says au authority .MI daoeiog, " but a gsueral survey- of tb field may be given. Tbe waltz qaadrille and lawn tennis quadrille will be tbe rquare ditooee of tbe winter, wilbou doubt Tbe plain quadrilles will bs danoec more like the Baratoga qaadnlle. Tbat is the first tour will dauoe wuh tbe aide ojuples iuatead of rerun ing quiet. Io the round dauoe. tbe waltz will, as asaal, be the dares. I think il safe to say the waltz will never be superseded. Tbe other rouot dances will go as Kxual. None of tbem have been dropped." An Pa-llrrsaan. ' Officer, what is Ibe obarge against tbi woman ? " asked tbe polioo juatios. " That's no weman, your bonor. That' a man dressed in wom.n'. clothes." " How do yon know .' ' " Wby, I watched him on tbe street aoi be paaeed four women i.h new winte oloaks on and never once turned around to look at then." ' Seventy -live and costs. ' r ttarw What * ....l.i -.11 Pittebarg Chronicle : " You are oonC dent that your new patent mtdioine wil be a snoeees, are yon ? " asked a friend of manufacturing druggist. 11 I'm positive of it," replied tbn druggist " What virtues does it possess ?" inquirx tbe friend. "Ob, it don't poesees any medicinal vir tupc, yoa know, bat il is tbe uastieettastio atufl yoa ever beard of I" The Santa Kna (t.'i' ) Republican authority for tho statement tbat a redwooc tree out in tbat county furbished all tb timber for tbe Baptist oburch in Bant K.I-B, ooe of tin' largest oburches in tba section, the interior of which i. finished i wood, tbere being no plastered walls Bixty thousand shingles were made froi tbe tree after enough wae tiki n for th oburch. Another redwood tree kept tw men busy for two years In catting it into shingles. The publication of Mark Twain'i new book, " Buokleberrv Finn, 1 ' is indefinite! postponed, after J 500 copies bad been sso out, owiog lo the indeoeni character of on of tbe illustrations. An engraver was tb guilty party. Tbe edition already pub lished will bs destroyed. lilt -i il- I I AM . -l What Mr l.... .. Wba-i Or < ...as us) Hew II. to ....... /.. In a rtotui lutorvie.*, K t. Ball tpiriutoudett of tbe Dairui- ' ' Hall- ay GompBb), aald : "Writ, '. -d >y wt wo 676 horstn. Bomelimea - i more, omelimee Uu, but Ibat ii- : tbt vocsge. \Ve buy more lhai . I of oof orsee IB Ca-.ada, where IL. '.tier tuued, belter tooted and at.t r r tbaai Lo>e raised on tbia aide uf u - Tbt ompany u always la tbs mark r . .raee, rVe pay tUO to 1150 fur lar*. . r. u . .ait* ble for drawing bub-ieilad i- nud for igbler borse, to draw lr.e ( . pairs, ruin 1110 toMW. Tbe duly . ' -diaa oreta is 'M per oeol. Oj' borast epreaeut au u. veetmsol uf SJ >. Average life of streetcar L. Boost lay out iu ayear or Iwu , on. : tuort bau seven. We bavs oacd LI : -.lor ourteen yeara ; several for t . e-.is. .'be average Urm of aeivion i . yeaia. tut we d . nut uae up burner i. they re only tit for tbs knacker. Ott, no; when we are doue witb tbeiu n . ..e still ood borsos, aud quit, iu 1 fot riiuary farm work. Wuat t . .e by ireeioar aervioe IH swidueMi. hard workat.ffuua ibeir leurtx. i- . 1 i . -,nd uey oaunuttiuifsvii. Bui tbey feotly adapted forth.* wurk.auih .gand lougblug. No, wo bave oo borae i..*| i(*J - DO eed tur one. If . ojuiaf. UaeeaO boold breakout, we wouid iu.| ome- biug of the kind, but .- i i no ca-iou aa yet. If s bcrte j uicf lown I slop bis work, chauge I" - .1. uf ;ive him uuedioiue. If Lit it tHss ae I call lu k ^eieriu.ry aurg* -.1. H bs dies I dissi-ct him fur lutoro uidauoe. 1 depend mure 01. [rugging. vVh.i doss it ooet to fee-1 . figure it at about 'JO oeul. |x:r oonsisle of 10 pouude of hay . sight pounds of oau, seven osi x>und. of corn and oats groi. t , i five oente alidgeiber 20 oeui* " Yea. u la tbe strain of air > ,e OW which bn nan ilowa Ibs bur.- > : bavt tried dozens of so-called car - Tbt ruaju principle uf tbses lu.obin - . .toriog up power by means of ipritiKM v. i i . oar Is being stopped, aud reKa-nu, ,o *bsn tbs oar in started. Bu . failures. Tbi moot protui.iun r. . liable to gel out of order. v . . n .uiaoo person woulilike to see aom ui .. ^jwer other than bora* flesh applied . -. , . rail- ways. No praotioal tteauu u-.-. :i -<\tt, has yet bees invented. Tbe oab,. . t iu it very good. " Tbe best road way for strettuar i, iraes? Well, you wouldn't think it bi c bole- stone, are belter than wooden n K- The) itoues, n is true, are quit I. a I u tbt koufa. leading lo aonoyiug ora- n.i they do not injure the legt aud aj u. ... r. at wooden blocks do. The l.i T u<-ouno uneven by wear, aod are vory -.'i i-ry ut wel weather, ko tbal tbe bucae. i.ave to strain their mu-cles aud cord- to *-t{> their footing. We work oaob hnr.- luur be art per day. aud be draws . oar It* iu i Yes, tbs work is very bard, and tbe i..,r - test are al way a fsveri.b from tu- i.. ure of Ibeir work. Every horse ID dry wn.ibor has a poultice of a certain kind >p| .1 -d to tbe hollow of hie fool ; io wel a- ..n r it Is) pplied svery aeoond hour. Uir i qiuao mortality i. 2 | r oeol. per annum. uMsVoV ing accidents " " Do you take better oare of your nonet than your drivers ?" Mr. Bell repeated Ibe quwli'iu. eimloi intensely, but said uitbing. e7 I Tb* i.ta; fivo I .. i . ! Whl.llt r Mr. Whistler's bm mot* .re circulat- ing in socisiy in a fatbiou calculated IO make the bouee of Bidnsy S.mfi turn IB Ibeirirave. lie bae bis admirers, a. we all know, in spile of Mr. Kuakiu , and one ol theee, worsbi| ping at bia feel iu th* u-itbetio Buroe Jones atlitu Ir. luuruiured: Ab, Mr. Whistler, I only know of two painters in all tbe world Vela>qurs aod yourself." "Wby. "sail Mr. Whi.iUr. ! the softest tones, wby drag iu Vela*. |Uz .'" This ie ons of tbe best of i>lorie*, bat another of tbe same kind ie worib repeat* ing : " I see you everywhere in nature," said ooe of his admirers , in Uie sky, IB the clouds, m the water." " Yea*" said ibe artist, with an air of inimitable aelN oamplaoeocv, " Nature 1s very apt Hbo shows a decided improvement tiuoe I took ber up." MaiuluiUr A I rllllnM 11.11. .. I, . Costomcr How often am I to lake ibis mixlore .' Droggist Tbroo times a day after meals Customer -Bat, mister, I only gel out meal in two days. lar ir .1 Drael I.eaav. " How'e butinsos 1 " " I m luaingmoDw very fa*t DOW." IIow ?" Ob. this) colling of railroad rates." Hu that effect yoa ?" ' Wby, yoa sse, I travel on passes over all these roads, and where I uasd to Have SKO on svsry trip from Nsw York t > Cbioago, I save only |1 Dead low of 119." f Ueooguizii ^fSTS^H faithful obi the King of b\\- parelrrt" Uoitcd States 0.,,^'",'^ leasshold interest . rrirouf tbe American legation at brV '\I.H. would oonsider this reason aMe grounds TJ* annexing tbe Kingdom of Slam but in ibit ooaotry we do not oonsider tbe gift of an loch sufficient cause for tbe aiprupri.lion of an ell. 11 Why do you not bold up your bsad as I do? " i!>|'ired an ariittopraiia lawyer of a labouring farmer. Squire," replied the farmer, " look al Ibat Arid of grain , all tbe valuable beads hang down lik<> miue, while thoae that bave notbiug in thsm stand upright like yours." A Californian's black berry crop weighed 5. 400 pounds, and was sold at 7 eeots per pound, bringing bim 1488. Tae roost taksu from between ibe rowa were sold for enough to pay for tbe pruniug and culti- vation. Tbs ooet of picking and marketing was 1100, wbieb Isfts nsl profit of f 160 per

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