Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 4

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'- 48 --w CO 3 2 5 I 'S CO CO ~> S i g 8 t}? y J3 - . a *- C* >. o * : I 4 a to "" - i ? Q ~ i. * "rt c s '3 w * I 1 j o 5 1 - _5 ,_ ? *Z3 ~ s V. 3 -w 3 <* Jg 5 >> a *J i H - IM 'i. - (J 'i-l > r: - I fe _2 e ~^i .5 t" J 5 : 2 tc 2 O 5 X " j I I II S ^ > -3 " M o a 1 .o SJ| 3 1 H .3 I 1 '5 3 O> M ^ ec 3 d ^ a "g ^' 1 C3 2 i-. ~^ 3 u = 5 J o o 1 c 2 u s s - ~ " i i * 'H = "a 5 S * = 3 3 .: I ' \ i a) a 3 2 00 fct ,;3 >** i i SO aT ~ .2 4 - ~ ~ rt i i - - i 5 S '5 * S " c y2 > S I r 2 9 .X 4 . "w s = ; . -2 rfffl < | a Jf a oSs IlllVjl-j ? M S ? _i o a " W - 1 M 1 "Ml 3 l 2 .^ c a < J . o " ! - X. -= W ^ ^ i I THE ADVANCE. A. Jl Faii'cett. - Kilitnr. FLBSHERTON : THURSDAY, DKC. 4, 1884. care a continental liow many "great [ forlorn hope. But asuiue out of every > small men" as our cotcni. devi-rlv ten of them were Republicans, the puts it spoke with contempt of the result has been that thcv have succee- | local newspapers. As it is, there is dert in defeating the Republican cawli- jfjooil cause for Crumbling. date. If they had stood by their party ^^~^~~^~~^~"~ first, and their prohibition principles JOTTINGS. afterwards Dlaine would have been The successful business man is he ' elected. Hut, for a change, they who uses Printer's Ink freely ami reversed the usual order of things, and; judiciously. If you desire to make put their principles before their party, your busiiu ;s known to a large class of How would this plan woik in Canada ? GET YOUE UNVEILING 110 \. GEORGE BROWNS STATUE. The statue of Hon. Cieo. Brown in tin Queen's Park, Toronto. \\;is 1111- \< -ili d on Tuesday of last week, in pre- sence of a very large gathering, al- though the weather was disagreeable. Editorially, the Mnil eoinnu nted on the proceedings in the following grace- ful and appropriate language: Though wiiitry \\eather inarnd the out-door part of the programme, the ceremony of unveiling the statue of George Brown in the Queen's park yesterday was very successfully carried out. Mr. Mowat's address in Convo- cation hall was conceived in excellent taste and language, and was one to which Conservatives present sub- scribed without any sort of mental reservation. He traced the public career of the dead man through its various stages, and lifted the- curtain of his private life just high enough to permit a glance at tl.e happy liioiiie of which Mr. Brown was the spotless und wLole-soulfd centre. Sen ALLAN in simple and eloqu ni words, bore tri- bute, on the part <>:' Mr. Brown's old opponents, to their ho: 'd for his energy, fortitude and lu\;ilty. It may not be out of place to add that the many Conservatives who were present felt almost an ail\ etionate personal interest in seeing tl.at Mi:. MACKKN/IK. though the doctors fuilnule him speak- ing, was able to biuvc the stiuin and uncover this stately monument to his old friend. Much that was saidofMr. BKOWN would apply with equal truth to the lion, member for Kant York, and the old adveisaiii , < I both \\ill l.r par- doned, if, iu hone 'in mi- the (lend, they sought also to show some token of sympathy for the living. The chief actors on the stage in (iEoiuiK BIIOWN'S intelligent people, do so through FLESIIKHTOX AHVANCK. Artfiiiesin Council held its last regular meeting, for 1R81, in the Town Hall here last Monthly. The nu-inbers were all present, but whethir tliey sang, "When shall we five meet again, 1 ' deponent snyeth not. \Vc are in- formed that Councillora Ulakcly and 1'edler will have a rtpirited oppositixu in tlnir r '-['ictive witrds, but that the other iiH-inhei.s of the Council will likely be elected by acclamation. Here tin.' prohibitionists have usually put party In tn principle, and the result has been that the parties have done little or nothing for them. Their success in carrying the Scott Act is larg-'ly due to the fuct that Reformers and Conservatiu - have tven working t<>,'i!laT, and have not allowed party considerations to interfeie with the object in view. To the I :H!I.-. McGragor Si I'.irke's Cirlmlic will CHIT any pane of I'miiile* on the fae and r <l..iiph bkin on either tian.U or fae and HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON, S/?0/? //? W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTOF -Has on hand a Large assortment of- A great deal of usnecessarv blowint,' 1( mv<1 tlulu Mllt " lilk ' ll " '" ttlli0 h<1 ' *>! sore when aH other preparation* fail. Thim- 1ms beeu done in connection with the ,,,,<U hare tested it. Ask v.mr druwnst for roUer process of making Hour. Now -M'^'-r-r* Park.-'* Carbolic Cerate, and , | do not be persnadp.l U> Uke anything else what are the advantages (?) of tins ri.Jmed to be a K ""l. It i but 35 eenU process ? 1 1 1 Tiro flour JB of a finer ; V" l>* t Uiclurdson's Urn Stor. quality than that produced by the old nu tin d, and makes tchittr bread. . - There is lens nutrition in the bread. Now, if there are any other ailrantugt* in connection with the roller process, { we are open for enlightenment. Deacon Sir-.ke't articlc|on "Tone,' 1 in tins issue of THE ADVANCE, is of moM' tlian i a ,-IIIL; mteiest, and will i licit the approval of tli.it class of humanity who detest hypocrisy and cod-fish aristocratic principle people whose ancestors were connts, eails, dukes, knights, scavengers, or some- thing of that sort, and who, in conse- quence of the blue blood in their veins, claim the hoiiinu'e of those who earn tin iv living h'lin-fity, and who are in reality the superiors of their vain- glorious in uhbors. are fast down the lull of life, und it was \\ell that on such an nite.Lsting occasion us this they should meet to bear witness that Canadian folilir., i! ies not de.str v all the noblist tcelings of the heart. cm '\ ri: Y .v/; ir.v/'. i I'KRS. The iMirinuii l'lirnii-lc of last week has the following sensible renmrks relative to country i.cw snipers : 'The country newspaper is the most useful and least compensated of ;ill ti.i- agencies \\ii.cli s!iini|i the iw- pn ss of (iroLjre.-.s uj on \ illngi s tV inland tow .s. Without the aid of local new.s- pllpe^, l(>Cill tnwn-i illr, .is U Hllc, thriftless and d. ,ul. It i- cnninion for -m.-ili LMettt mi u iii s| eal: with con- tel i['t uf tlie local in . ; >aprrs, but the tov i IMIH-, i.i.il.i - li. . g] i at men out of . i mo, e iirick* without . .an any olhci Iiw^toi in politics. Auction Farm Ktock, at Lot 2, Con. 5, Colling- WM. C L A YTON . ....I Township, mi Friday, Dec. 5th, -^^^^- ^^ ^ 11,111. n. nu; at 12 o'cltick, IKMIII -Imrp . ! iiii.nths credit on all turns over $T>.00. Fletcher, proprietor ; John S|>wr, itut'tioiiver- Seo bills. I'iirsoita^e huiUliui;, in the village ..f K.'i.-rHluiin, <ni Saturdny, IX-o. Oth, at 1 o'clock ji. m. John Spvers, uuctioiiuer. Sv bills. Mm, Womens & Ctildrens BOOTS AND SHOES, Kir's ui table for tlic Full <m<J HVnfw wear. Call and see tliein.-%^ Quality and Price Second to ITone ! FLKSHERTON. A writer in the AHVANCK describes the village ot i'h sherton as a place where drad animals are thrown promiscuously around and the streets/ blockaded in all directions, with tiltl y open shcils and buck yards without a solitary dram to carry off the disgust- ing rxcie.-cpnce, which has been collecting for some time. over to iMirhntn Mr. F. nnd get half a do/en Iniiiijry huiin Is to )>olt down a few dozen of those dead animals. Grey Jteiiete. Thank you, sonny; we'll call at your office and inspect those hounds the next time \\e are in I'm ham. In the in. .iiitime it will be worth your while to j>erne the "writer in the ADVANCE'S'' item in reference to nuisances a second time, as you will discover that you have grossly exaggerated his statements. You should exercise more care in these matters ; but of course you are green at tlic business. Fluid Fluid I.i: litniiiK in the only rim- f..r T.Kithsflu , lieu. In. -he, Ka:uche, and Nrunil^iM. It does not take a day or mi h.nir t cur' it, but in \- -* thnn a minute all pain IN jr. .ne. Tln.ii-Minl.- l.*vr t,-i.,i n- in. nt- within tin- l>i"t \ir. Fluid I.ixht- niui: i* ill-.. - punitive rnr<or Hln iiiimtnnii. eiitlv rnri'd in "ue wit-k. I'rice a.> ceuts tt Kii-liiiidHnn'k I'm? .St. ire. ! Mktft \\ I'liavenot yi't n, ,i'li' compK te .irr.m^i- meiits IH n-pirH to flulihint! THE ADVANCI with other papein nt p dnri..| prices, as it ix rather early in the season. At present we are juvpnred to make tho following offers : Any five person* 'emlinp u* in their HUM. - ami >_'-'.' i in c.i>h f.u i.-li in all ffl l.l"> will each lie lurnishe.l with THE Better come A ',' V ' N '' K "" <l (1 "'' '" r "'"' Vl ' ur IIIB AnvA.Ni K and rvmuy trtUeHH from now until Jan. 1st, IhMii. for 91.50. Tlie /'.(ii'/y U',-1, ,,, is the l.<*t lit.r;ny pnper in ('.'iuda. TllK AnvtNCK ami the 7'.>ron/ H",,r/./ tar .me \ eav for &i.OO. The II .-r/./ is a first-class paper, ami thin i* our beat clulibin^' otTer- o f^r for Toronto IT,'././;/ .V. -.<aiidTnr.Ai>VANrE 1 year for $1.40. The .YiitM is onu ot th spiciest weekly papers in Canada, and contains a large ammmt of interusting matter. The Amrrirnit A'iriritltnrist, the prince of Farm .li.iini.-ils, and THK ADVANCE one year for $2. Rfijulnr price of the Aifri nilliirisl, 91. TX) per year. This is an ui- cellent offer. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, -" J. KM 1 1 K 1* r JT< > >'. POLITICS AND I'ROIIIBITION. men an. it i.- t..e in ..11 u <-li - -.ciio:i ,. ilie \f ginning (if . Tilt i.,C.-ll IU V.-p.l|M r is l . lik . ;'..< I...-, '. U itJ/.- l.oiiL-st ! pi i. . / 'r it. ' j .. ' out tj i!.e 4t :;<.: The Hon. Mr. Finch, one of the prominent prohibitionists of the adjoin- ing republic, thinks that the only way to deal with political parties is to keep turning them out ni oflice until they consent to make prohibition a plank iu their platform. In the late contest in the States, two hundred thousand electors voted I'm the prohibition candidate, although they knew perfect- y ,rj well that so far as the presidency ^u'.J.it : w* concerned, they were fighting a ."-up- Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL BROTHERS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by E. TRIMBLE Flesherton. I < I'll. Ih Mlllllere.!. In thp Proinc of Ontario evwrT thousamU are being l,.wly mnnlcred, I.- tukiiik' iiiiBiiilnl.il.. iintrir.l nontr-imv for Mi. ii eomplaiuts an CortiTxness, Inrtiitcstion, Liv rr Complaint. Kidney Tn.nl. Ic. He., who miRlit ennily 1. 1-11111 lout Ktren^th anil fnorgy IIT usinK McCtrpRiir'K Speedy Cure. T c..n Tinop tliem thai nrh i lh case w will nie them a free trial bottle at Hichardnnn's I "riii! Store. Price fiOc. and 91. See testimonials from personH in y.,i.r own town. Vr ry Krmnrknblc Rerovrry. Mr. Deo. V. Willing, of Manchester. Mich., writes : " Mv wife him been alux.nt he'plets that she I'.niM not turn over in I., .! alone. She UHeil two I...II 1. x of F.leelrie Hitter*, and in Homuch impr.iyi'il. tlmt nbe i ahle now to do her own work." Eltttric Bitters will do all that in eUinif.l fur them. Hundreds of testimonial* attest their great oiiratlre pow ers. Duly fty cents a bvltli at \Y, on'i. Cim L>i;;tnesx, I/HnfAfftttte, titdigatu*, JJiliousness, Dytprpsia, Jaundice, Affections of tin' Ltr,ninil A'l./nry*, J'tmplcs, Blotches, lioils, Humors, &ilt Rlunm, ticrtfula. j Krytipeltn, and all diseases arising from Imjinre. lilood, l)er<in<ft.d Ktomacli, or irri->jul<ir action <>( tin: /;., , James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. IteiitiriiiK. Knvi'tr.iiiKliii.n.iiii.l ' fni-t ovary- tuiiiK in tho bimiuuHH will !,< .-IM- my prompt mi.l ritrv'ill uttentliili It reaxonal.l). g.ricu*. ":,:::= Ss !clm?e is Slci Fiesta Carries TTorks! Milburn & Gadd, PIIOPBIETOBS of the |K>TO workn, are pre- pared to ntt.'inl to evrrything in the Can iage Making & EJacksmithing ! linm promptly and well. Repairing in both Branch's Promptly tttauded to. IIORSE SHOEING A SrECIALTY. Highly nT.'iiiin.Mided for Kllli>ii-nri, II. :nl- (.In . < nu- in'HH. llfurlburn, lit- 111. LflHX ..I t||. III., .1:. II Illll. . |.,v, ,,f flour Hloinnrh, l.lirr < ..in- plnlnt,'>r any illn^^s urtotnn fmm thr Aloav rh. Howrl^or kliliiryii. 'I'u.'v arc tare, mild aad tli.irouxh in lliatr action. From 1 Iu I

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