I fcr 4. u'. I. ..i Varc writ, ' i Then Ibn night wore on end we kuew the wont, Th.t Hi, ... i ,,f u all wan uiRb . Thru* doctor*, tuny Lm.i from n.n rry first Aud what could one no but die '.' Oh. Will Inn I" tbe cried, "utruw no blossomiof spring. For tb now apparatus ' ni ighl run ; But iay that a hau.lful of itiaviugs yuu'H bring, And tiuger to soe lue combust. "Ob, proml>e me, lore, by tbe Ore-bole you'll we/. eh And wii- n uiournrri and (token convene, Ton will HIM tbat they llxht uiu HOUM njlaniu elow mat' a And wain tbeiu against keroeene. 'It would cheer me to know, ere tbeee rode breesee waft My etxrn.cn f*r to tbe pole, t"li at oiio whom 1 love will look to the draught, And bavu a toud eye oil thu ^ mi "Then promise me, love," and her voice fainter grew " Wh:ii tun boJy of mine calcine*. Ion will > tai.ii j imt a* uear a> >ou can to tbe flue And gaie while uiy gaMW arit*. Vui Thompson Blr Henry bai found out a way (Of hie process you've surely heard tell), Aid you burn like a parlor match goully away Not even tfloud b> a swell. " Po none of tbe dainty need miff In diidalo Wheu uiy oaruou float* up in the *> , And i aiu sure, love, that >ou will uever com- plain, Though au aeb ahuuUl blow In your eye. "Nuw rromlse me, love" aud ehe murmured low- * Wbeu the calcification Is o'er, Ton will ill by uiy itravo iu the twilight glow I mean Uy tbe furnace door. "Yea we. love, while tbe lessens promlae revolve On their uuuwle** ailee the yeari, Tou LI| vi, it the kiln whoie you aaw resolve,' 4ud bleach uiy pour eshei with Uarn." I K v i M> i u u i i i - ...MI. l.i'lou* liilrnflf-d I* MAiaw Ike Kaar- M r.ilih ! tar .!. Klujj. Now that Vanderbilt, tbe giant of Fiftb Avenue, has mad* another ruab into the papers, urging his fellow. capitalists to reduce tbe wages of tbtir workiuitmen, wbiou be says are so bub as to ruiu tbi oou jtry, we again bring to notice tbe fact (which we illustrated m November of la*i yeai), write* John Bwintjuiu bispapsr, tbat tbis same Vauderbilt bimsell is werlb Iwo hundred million* ot dollare or, in au array of tUuree, v300.000.000 -of which about *60,000,000 are 10 Uuitod Slate* bond*, tbat oan be turned i .t j gold al any moment at tbe sua treasury iu tLi< city, and the rest in stocks and bonds which bs often put* above par all locked up in bit great irou vault in Forty-second street tbe greater part of il " made " out ot tbe pro- ducer* of the Uuited Btates within tbe past (teen years. Tbe ordinary mind oan get no sort of motion of suob a stupeudou* pyramid of gold a* 1200000000. Put H into a pyramid of Kgypt, what a monument it would make u the deaerl for its owner ? Or pal it into an obelisk uf er hi* tomb, tb* stone eolnmu in our p*rk would look like a p<my to a giant. Vanderbilt'* capital of gold i* greater tban all tb* gold tnere wa* in tbe world- conquering K .me in tbe glittering oom of Augustus ( miar. It is a greater tban tbe whole amount of gold and diver tbere wa* in tbe oivihzod world in UM, at tbe lime of tbe disoovery of America, wbeu. according to Prof. New- berry, tbere were bttween D150.000.OlU and 1200,000,000. Ii w tuore tban the entire product for the pasl hundred year* of tbe great gold mines of tbe Cztr ol Uueaia. It is more tbau the whole product for two years of all tbe gold miue* of tbe world. It i* nearly twice as muob a* all tbe precious mel.li produced thus far in tbe guU aud sliver bearing Htate of Colorado. It is about e.ju l to the total product ot all tbe gold miue* ol California during tb* four years Irom 181H to 18.VJ, wbeu Mr. Ctasvalier dreaded led Ibe deluge ol should overturn tbe world. To get and to give some notion of tb* appearance of our giant's capital in gold, bere I stand in tbe vault* ol the sub- treasury of tbe Uuited Slate*, feastii g my eyes upon this prodiiuu* sum of money iu coin, i won't say it l* all guli tbat K"< Mrs bere, for tbere is a bagatelle of thirty odd millions in silver ; but tbere are 9200 OOU 000 in com, and g ild coin " by a large majority." As I stand before il aud find im. If able to look upon it at one tell swoop, queer thoughts troop through my brain like tqaadrous of light cavalry rally- ing to tbe fore, as it were. Wbat a teeui- ing subject to ibiuk of I Tb* gold is packed in small oanvis bags, 15,000 to a b*g, and, as I gaze, a golden nimbus gathers about each bag, tbe many finally rtsulviug themselves into on* grand aureola, encircling tbe eutire collection, and paling the gas-lights in tbe vault* U. Ii, bnubt yellow gold ! Aud t*o buu- dred millions of dollar* worth of it I 200,009,000 golden dollar coins t or 80 uiiO uco quarter eagles I or 40.000.000 hall eagles I or 80 000 000 eagles ! or 10 000.000 double eagles I Bsaven and earth, and gnome* tbat are In tbe earth, guarding her preoioui metals, what could a mortal do, and what oould be not do, with tbis tremendous amount of gold? Can you take in witb your mind's sye tbis array of dollars, and bold tbem iu view while you count tbem, say at tbe rate of sixty a minute) 7 Yuu oan, it your stay- ing powers will enable you to hold out for six years four months and live days. Tbe best way to do it is to spread Ibem cat against a gray-toned sky, midway between tbe horizon and isnitb, and begin your count from ths north pole, swinging east- ward round the oirole. Lay them in a has, edges touching ; then pick up a hundred, one at a time, pile them on top of the nrst one, and then go f >i and come back with tbe second hundred, and so on tb/ough tbs suooessivs hundreds ; bow long oould you fight it out on tbat line which would reaob from New York to 81. Loois and bow many mile* would you i ravel before you gathered them in tbs 1 200 000 000? 200,000,000 dollar* in gold I or 350 tons of gold ! or 700 000 pound* of gold, or 1 1,200,000 ounce* (avoirdupois of gold I How many freight oars would be required to carry this gold ? Ten you'll say at a a jump. Bat stop ; ten tons is about tb* maxium weight thai il carried by a freight ear ; consequently, al that allowance, w* should hava a train ot thirty five freight can ; and what a train for the robberi of tbe went to loot. How many licensed venders,' horse* would be required to draw tiiis stnpeudoun weight of gold ? Well, suppose you say fourteen butdred, allowing a quarter of a ton to each a liberal allowance, too. How many "Jumbos" would il take to draw this amount of gold from ths sub- treasury? Well, tbere are Jumbj* aud Jumbo*. 01 the African or Indiau variety, evenly OOL 11 walk off with it, giving five tons to each. And what a show they would make aevenly J umboe. Turn tbe gold into golden " eagles" (10 ooius lay them in a euole, edges touobiug, what would be tbe circumference of tbat circle, aud bow lung would it take Mand K. to swing around it at tbe rate ol 2.10 to the mile? Answering tbe latter part of this interrogatory first, you say at a jump six miuuMM and thirty seconds. YJU are off your bane, for it would be a ring over thret hundred tuiUs in circumference, aud Maud S., speeding at tbe rate of 2 10, rtile after mile, would not pass under tbe string," at tbe oouoluaiou of this mo*t extraordinary beat, until tbe expiration of twelve hours and forty minutes. Ye, reader, Mtud 6., Jay Eye-See, or any other phenomenal dyer i|;et:dingeuh and every uiile at 2 10 would be twelve hours aud forty miuuHs ewiuging round this golden circle. I could give yon the circumference of Ibis circle, bat it will only be a pleasure to you to figure out the distance to be traveled. To switch off again. Two hundred mil- lions of gold, run into a tquare bar a tool thick, said bar would be about bow long, do you think ? One buudred feet, eb ? Well, uieud you would g*t badly left if you itold it " uiKiuht. unaeen " (or a 3 X) foot bar- left by 250 feel, or t'JO tiiS.OOO. To Bboulder tun ireoiauduua bar of gold and take it up te your residence on I'.fth avenue, bow many men would ba required, good for 10J pouud* each more tbau the average man would carry for any cm Bidermble distonoa 1 Btven tbontaud reader ! Wbat a procession they would make, marching look-step. Stop! It just occurs to me tbat no more than 1,100 men could | owibly put their ehuul tars to tbis foot-tbiok 550 feet bar of goli, walking uever so close, and tbat number eouldu'i be^iu to raise it from tbei<roui J Iu tbat hape, without r I ere, it would take seven time* seventy " Jiimbo* " to drag it aluug So let il lie tbere. Il will be safe. Fifty men, atanding ou Park K iw, aoc giving tae dollars away at tberateof t-l.OOC a day, would bave to stand there eleven years befoie their work was done. Tom bowover, would be an ea-ier j b Fifty men eleven year* giving away 92 000 000 at tbe rate, in Ibe aggregate, ot 8 <J.IXK) a day 1 Two hundred million dollars ! Wbat a ralaoe of gold it would make for Vaader bill iu Fiftb avenue, for wL: jb bis present pal tee inigbt be tbe ooal bunker. Vanderbilt'* own weight is an atom in omparuon with ibis 850 tons of gold. With it be ooulJ buy up and own all tbe 11 814 dally aud weekly newspapers in tb* Uuited State*, running them to eejit him seif a* a manufacturer of public opinion on a gigantic scale. Witb il he oonld pay the year's salary o all the 65,000 clergymen of all tbe pulpit* of every aeol iu tbe country, giving ever; one of them over 13.000 a year, which ova times as muob M most of them get. With it be cinld g)V4 a still grcate annual rttuuer to every one of tj* 6100C lawyers in Ibe laud, and get tbem to argu for aujtjing whatever. With u be oou'.d raise an army ot '00 OCX. men and keep tbem iu the field for a yea at an expense of 1200 a bead, which u ubjut tbe con! of a soldi. r iu linuiarck's U* man army. Wild a the me I It is too teeming. Two buudred unliiouo of dcllara iu gold It ID jut the auj uf your | lie. isn't it, Mr. VaudvrbiU? A MKhl'l l l < I t l.l 'I t> Tarawa t>ldr Mia l>utai. * Bran "11".. K TollSB*BV I* Ht I mill (London Advertucr ) Skepticism is a deplorable thing, especi- ally wueu it leaves the iniud ou a stormy lea without an aoehor or hope of haven. I doee not prubiblj' prevaif any more iu ibeee days than it did in the pant, but w bear more ot il because ot tbe publicity ;iven by tbe secular press. Sjuie uiiuds are so ojnatituied tbat they cannot accept anything without proof, aid yet tbey do not ueoaanarny demand that tbe proof shall lave Ibe stamp of bi#baet authority. Tuey recognize merit Jor itaelf aud accept it ;ladiy, knowing that eventually it must ;aiu general reoogoition. Tbe Irgal and medioal trofe s o s a well ibe eooleeii I tioal are Blow to adopt wh t may ooLd.ui nth t jeir notions of self interest ahd right. S'ew ideas are almont always ditturbiug, but eveutually they beoomu aitaiuiilaled ai.d are warmly commended. Tbe case of tbe Kv. U"org Waterman, i talented clergyman of Berwyn Lodge, iroadetone, Wiuboina, t-iin , snggesto theae observations. He got ioV. a desperate con- dition, wbiob thoroughly uuntled him for miuiatertal work. Hi* miud, eympathixing witb his body, became very muon depreaned. As tbe mind u, so tb* though te are. He loally put himself cniier tbe care cf tbe Mist Loudon kpioialUta. For several years be pursued tbe ever fleetiLg phantom, but a', leugih tbey to d h m hi . case was beyond aiueudment. Bun more thoroughly de- preaaed, he grew skeptical to a degree and believed bimoelf doomed. Providentially, however, be had bin attention drawn to a widely-reputed means f restoration in case* like bis own. Ue reluctantly began its use. Every few week* be bad ouemioal analyse* made, and u idu H CJLH.aut iiu.ioveujeut, he eagerly persevered, aud when twenty >ix biiiim Had tweu ueed, tbe analyst reported : No trace of either albumen or sugar by tbe severest teat*." In other words, be rxolfUtued witb rapture, ' I wa* cured." He bad Brntht's dieeaie of tbe kidney*. That wa* to 1H82. and from tbe day be put a-ijo hi* . i loi-iu at th use of au unautbonzxl remedy until to day be ha* been strong and well m body aud miud, aud contrary to the boaete ot hie mid cl frieudt ba* bad no relap**. 1 1 la ouly fair to remark, though il uity be uuuxual for paper* edit ir:a'ly to do no, thai Waruer'a safe cure 1* tb* remedy which laved ilr Waforjiau'* lit*, to which be bears willing testimony. And when we see It publicly eudoread by such eminent persons of quality at tbe Right K -v. Bishop EJward \VUeou, tbe Kev. W. 8 Usndersou, of 1'reaott, Madame Biiotoo-Uoloy, tbe renowned must* teacher of L>ndon, Dr. 1'iu Lewi*, tbe famous American bvgieoint ibe HDV. Dr. Squirrel, of Kugby, Hug., tbe K'v. D. A. Brown, of Aullsvilltj, Mr. Arthur Augur, of Moutreal, Captai i W. H. Nichols*, of llamiltin. tbe U -v. i>r. K. C. S werby, of Helensourg, N. B , tbe Kev. James Brierly, M. A., Coogleton, Eug., tb* Hon. Oeo. Ta\l>r, of tae Gloix, and others i.j lally wel>ltnewn, we uubeailat- Ingly oouimend it to tbe favor of our readers. I Have I Witb every diaeas* imaginable for tbe lat three years. Oar Druggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending Hop Bitter* ' to me, I used two bottles ! Am entirely cured, and heartily recom- mend Hop Bitters to every on*. J. D. Walker, Buokuer, Mo. I write tbis as a Token of the great appreciation I bave of your Hop Kitten. I was afflicted With luflaiuuiatory rheumatism I I ( >'ir nearly Seven veais, and no medicine seemed to do me any Good!! Until I tried two bottles of your Hop Bitters, and to my surprise I am a* well to- Jay as ever I wae. I hope " You may bave abundant snnnnss" " In this great aid " Valuable medicine : Anyone ! wishing to know more about my core ? Can learn by addressing me, E. M. Williams, 1103 lib street, Washington. X). C. 1 consider your Kemedv tbe bet remedy m eiiitenoe For Indta-etuou. kUuyy Compliant " And nervous debility. I have just" Returned "From tbe b^ntb in a fraitlee* search for health, and flud that your Bitters are doing me more Good! Tban anything else , A month ago I wan extremely " Emaciated I ! I Aud scarcely able to walk. N jw I am G ti.iiug strength ! and ' Flesh ! Aud hardly a day passes bat what I am i .. .1 1 . . wk Bsmve I It will occasion you surprme to l*am lat many IMJIM make a practice of using lerazjr. Nevertheless it is a literal faat. mauy brothers and bus bauds oan testify. Vby should it be oonidered uu womanly use a razor, especially to shave dows ronblexome corns. Tbe only reason against tbe practise is because a new and a nobler eraba* dawned upon tbe uCr*r rom oorna, for Putnam's Paiules* Oon Extractor, by ite prompt, certain and p*is>- efc action, ba* done away with tbe uo*s> ity of resorting to Ibe dangerous practise f usiug tbe raor. Try Putnam's and be atiafled tbat it is tbe best and surest COM ure. Beware of imitationa. complimented on my improved appearance and il is all due t > Hop Bitter*! J. Wiokliffa Jiokson, Wilmington Dtl. Cjs-Non* (enalne without a bnnol of HODS ou th* whlta labal. Shan all Ib* vile IMUKJQOUI ituU with "Hop "or Hope" In thu aauie A* many a* fitly wild geese and ducks bave met tbeir fate in Ibe blaz* of a gas well near Pituburg. Tbe light of th escaping gas delude* th* poor bird*, and theydyiuto Ibe blazi. Tb* heat is lutense tb* t not even a charred bone u left It i* truly wonderful to see bow tb name of Mrs Finkbam ii a honseholi word among tbe wives aud mothers ot ou land. Alike in the luxuniu* homes of ou great cr.ien aud in tbe bumble cabins of th remote frontier one woman's deeds bav borne tbeir kindly fruit in health for others To Don Antonia de Mendoxt, Viceroy Mexico, Ibe honor seems to belong of estab lisblog tbe nnt printing offto* in America Tbe nrst printer wa* Jaan I'ablos, a Span lard. I h. Hl*asarli ! Inlfflloo. It has long been a popular b Imf that a watcher witb a full slouiaob was c >mpara- lively safe iu tbe sick room, aud tbat oue exposed to lufvotiou witb au empty stomach w in in great daoger of itaiug it, says tbe Youth' t < Vm/uwioa. Tbeee views, tbe r*ults of accumulated experience, are Hubitautially true. K.-ieuce acopptii ahd i i[.laiui tbem. A we bave had occasion repeatedly to nay, mauy lufeououa di-eaen are due to bacteria mien, c >, i j planto received into tbe *}*tam with the breath, f K.d or drink. Cholera U found to be due to a kind of bacteiU, one ot whose char- aoleriitio* is tbat tbey penetrate deerJy luto tbe coat* tf tbe lutestme, tbu<, doubt- IBHH, producing more destructive dmoriiaui / tiuu aud boiog uol so easily reached A Vigor**, falliltnl mamprr. Henry Ward Beecber ban been stumping in tbe Presidential campaign tor Cleveland, i *> remedies. Tbe bectiriaoau be readily and be struck rigbt out from tbe 'boulder, deetr.iytd by varii.u* aoide, providi tbey llere is a ipeoimen : " Lit m tslk about lyirg,"said Mr. U.-eoher. "When J*ms O. biamo -.aid be bad Dot bought 930000 vni-ili if stook iu tbe Lutle II .ok .v Fort Suuitli Kulroal be told, not a profeoaional oan be reached. Now, when there diaeare* are prevailing, thouaud* ot persons may take the bacteria ijto tbeir svsUm* witb entire safety. What is the explanation? It is tbat suggested above. A vigorous lie, but a personal lij. I L, >ud cheer.) stomach, in a state of activity, digi H s Wnen he declared that be did not owu 2"< 000 woithof land in tbe Hooking Val- ley he told lie tbat could stand and walk alone, and *o in tb* Fort S ; >tt affair, aud the ft.iOO 000 Blaine is a brilli u t liar, and if ever tbere in a competition in lym< be will carry off tbe prize. iCbetitsud laugh- couBlitutional, edu liar." Aud then in Aalaie.1 ter.) In faot, be is ctJ and national dealing witb Mr. Joy, a prominent railway man whom Baeober declare* i* lying to save Blaine'* rrputation, he (Beeober) aid : " Tbe advantage wuioh i* expected ' nexl them as freely as it does larger vegetable*. Tbe gsn'rio juice u..el( is acid, aud is thus deatruc'.ive to tbeir nfe. Uetoc, since an empty etomsch doe* not secrete gastric jjic-.it allow* tbe baoleii* to |>MI on unharmed to Ib* alkaline portion of tbe lutestme. " Wbat we learn with pleasure we neve target.' Alfred ilircisr. Tbs following i a case in poiut : " I ptid out hundreds o dollars without receiving any benefit," say Mrs. K uily KiuidH, of M It. -idee, Mioh ' I bad female oooiplaiuta, **pecially ' dragiiing down,' for over MI year*. D K \ 1'uroe's ' Karoriie Preeoriptiou' di ma more gooi tban any uiedioiue I eve t >ok. 1 advise every tick lady to take it. Aud so do we. It never dua| |uiul* ite patron*. DrugxiiU sell it. Mr. Gladstone, during bis past an prereut preuiicrahip, ha* dinfo-ed of th Euglmb primacy aud of sixteen Euglis liiuoptio*,as well as ot tirfbtjeu Euglisl deaneries, beaide* mauy oauouries aud living'). Dio Lewis i* probably in league) witb V>l. Seller*. He declarta that turnips *** he bent food people oau eat. A Cbineie doctor al Victoria, B. O., sported to bave aooompliabed some oinarkable cure* upon white men who rere given op as incurable by tbe faculty f Victoria. LYDIA VEGETABLE COMPOUND . . IS A POSITIVE CURF Vllr Tsimen, however large, speedily and painlessly cured without kuife, outtio or salve. Heud six oente in ttimps f'.r pamphlet, refer- ences aud rt[ly. Wnrld's D.t-prniary Melicial Amiooiation, Oii.); Mam Street, Buffalo, N. Y. - An < i. m farm T shut a bog into a hole in his haystack by mistake, and just Ibnty- tbree days later the bog came out on the other side, eighty pounds lighter aud a world wiser. . . it'i. i i... i. Irom your denial oan last but a day or two, but tbe lie will endure forever ; il will abide ith you, folio* yon home, dwell in your memory, b present in your old age, stand by your e (Ii i and meet you in God's judg- . mantday! May He who found a way to use ot woci next iln-kiu nulees forgiv* lying Pster forgivs yon and bavs , g rmente are likewise ot wool, mercy on your soul in tbat awful day *> liygienists have praised from time immemorial the use of woollen clothing tbe skin. 1'rof. Jaeger's novel departure ooneUte in advocating thorough going me ot wool ax well a* for tbe outer a* for tbe under garments, for tbe bed- ding, and evan fir furniture as far as practicable Jaeger fxpreatly reject* tb b.nin,. .i HI* 'I i ".i t...i.i II. > 11 I shall never call on Mrs. Smith again," said Mrs. Jones. " I never want t > see her a iy more." " Yon woman are very foolish to quarrel over trifles," said Mr. Jonet. " Mrs. Smith is a vary pleasant person, a litil i talkative, perhaps, but one tbe whole a very esti- mable woman. You shouldn't attach any importance t > what she says. Wbat was tbe trouble ? ' She said you weren't very prompt in paying your debts." " Well, by thunder I" shouted Jon**, jumping to bis feet, ' 1 would give 125 if she were a man for ju- 1 . ten minutes." New York Star. Tin designer of the first Confederate battle fl*gwasC)lonel Walton, of L->uni ana, who prevented il to General Beaurrgard, who in turn submitted it to General Joe Johnston, who caused it to be adopted by tbe Confederate army. II was a Greek cross ot blue on a red field, with white star* on the blue bars. At tbe bat- tle of Bull Run the Stars and Bars wers found to b too much like the Stars and H tripes, and caused great confusion among the hostile forces. It was for this reason tbat General Johnston took measures to havs a new battle -Has. Jaeger goes so far as to say tbat a man who wear* a woollen undershirt and above thai a linen sbiit. become* more sensitive and I* lujured rather tban benefited, being more liable to " catch cold," tban ba who uses a cotton undershirt. Jaeger's scientific discoveries are original. Whether they are true i* open to intelligent discussion. 8latd in a* few words a* pocsible, Jaeger's discovery, baaed on approximately exact physiological experiment!, 1* this . That vegetable tissue (oolton, linen, etc ), is bygieuically unfit for use, an 1 must be wholly and altogethir ditoarded. Boito* Tranicript. Was M 1.1.1 u. .. Denver Ketci: "I wa* passing your bouse last evening." he went on. " and tood al the gate for a moment to bear you play. I think you are improving il any improvement i* possible." be addsd, politely. " I.%st evening ?" sbs asked. " Yes, about 9 o'clock." " You are mis- taken. I was at the opera last evening," ' said in a strained voioe, as she accepted an invitktion to dance (rom another gentleman. " It was tb* man tuning tbe piano yon heard." Judge Kiites, of Georgia, has abolished ths practice of riqairiog witnesse* and other* to kiss tb* Bibls when tbey are sworn. if/in^.i il.i.ii I I.HfMi are the records of some of tbe cures ot con- sumptiou effected by tbat most wondeifjl remedy Dr. Pierce'* "Gulden Medical Discovery. " Thousands of grateful men aud women, wbo bave beeu snatched almoet from tbe very jaws of death, cn testify that consumption, in it* early stage*, i* no longer incurable. Tba !>. oovery has no i | jal as a pectoral aud alterative, and tbe most obstinate affec- tions of tbe throat and lungs yield to its power. All druggists. Tbe l.nncrt states tbat some families in Lesignan, France, bave shown symptoms of poisoning wbiob were proved to have been oatued by eating salads from viusyards treated witb chemical products which bad been employed agaiusl the phylloxsra. II -,.,.. i -I. Wile's in. This is the report of a Princess street gentleman wbo bad the opportunity a few Lights since of testing Poison's NIBUI ixi, tbe great pain enre. Be prepared for any emergency by baviug a botlle of Nerviline at hand. It only costs lOcenU to test il, as you can buy test bottles at any drug store. Get a 10 or 25 cent bottle to-day. Sure in rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, colic, headache. Nerviline, tbe sure fop P*in cure. All druggist*, 25 oente a bottle. Tbe New York tltdienl Tnl.unt calls attention to tbe fact that sinca tbe pro- duction of cider in New England bad almost ceased, tbere be* been a marked increase in rheumatirm and atone. Euro- pean observers bavs called attention to similar facts abroad. Mr. Dumont, while examining the statistics of a bn*pi|>| ID Normandy, found that in titty Dins years only four oases of (tone bad been admitted. The ordinary beverage in Nor- mandy is cider. Far all *f Iboa* I'ulnlul t omi'li. ... : . aa4 \Vr*ltaraara so romiooa lo oar beat ^ a * . KI'.MAI.i: TOPI I.AT10N.* , ,'f 1- i > us rTinrt.T Tim w.iurr rou or K - IAIST.. AI i. " >IUAN TIM, aua, r- ri A mi AT: Mara III > I'M : ixu airaltae VI-.. AV. t. j.KT . T ADArTEO TO W*B] 'MAS.. I '.r l.irt ****** *.'* IT ni. l>l- M M AV:. r> i ~ - _ I'TBR " ^*^ Tl'v :''-' AV. t .1. M * Hi H..|L TIIKIUUDCHSCSLW rni.ii i Hi IT* us a ****, IT nemn f K.iiT%it. FLATI-I ttrr. 1'Jniaos* ... I'.. I.'- I !>. I. Ill * VIRAL iJBJUU 1 MAI ri r- i-.. .-r HIAIBJU Ik. v, , A- -iia r, \\ i .I..IIT A vii HA. k. III.T. AI i. i IUJIAKO . i lit I. M IT* i >s a * a * * * IT mill. AT All Tlr. AM. t VI, III AM. *TA. I. A'T IS ll.l.. VI |IU THS LAWS > Tiit rrmi t .i.Trn ( * * *rlT n nr.'.a i- M 'I.KI.Y r-.BTWtaii ur.ALiM, "r UI-KI-I AM. inr in ur r i AI^. AJ* TUAT IT I- r M.I II ' i >.. T" ;-.. TII... .AlUSe*? LAUI can i.i AHV Ti-nri -* . * . * I "ti TII <tax >.r : >- .IT tin. tu >n Tin* Hmmii i- T v.i I.IA--ID. e e ivi'U . i:\kiitni VKurTAKJi ounrocin* 1,1. i. d i I < i.n. Ha -a I- : -.'--'., t*ld*l*U4\ attUt*. SVal by ataU. pralatre |mld. la Item al nil* or \- *** o* Nn1| of fr*.- a. al*. Mr*. i.. i-> CUTLERS POCKET INHALER Carbolat* of Iodine) IHHMLAHT. \ rfrtain curti fnr Citarth. Hi" ^ A. bin* au.l all .Ii*. ' -hfiThroatan I I.nnt* - l*e*>< If taken la Mas n It will break ava Ssl Kina l I -nail n. .... .... . A few mbaUt <*>. lr Nr-Mib. It my in- oirnvU a> hanliljr a* I In* I- tllf> . Ill) lifclrr .(.pt 'tr 1 hv phrst- c|.m c.f every *cb.>.l. an. I < I r.i b/ the I'.xfiaifi MSriHawJ JeNMVJetlsefsbew ri.i all m.r. in ih.' martrl are IMII:- i nanhlraa mil.-tltul* n 01 IraadMlfsil iii.itti .11*. Uvrr 40il.ll.Ml in .... ; / ali Uruk-u'-t' f r I.O. Hrmall 1 1* W. II r-MII II A i ' Ii .ffal.i, N T. 30 DAYS' TIMAL P DK - 'I r T DY^ -x ITU. rri !,... M II' FTrAi i .1 f - . ' - 1 *" * Voltaic Belt Ca, Marshall, Mirh. fltlRXPOlMlfl v 4J| Mln St. BtifTalo N Y. Y.>on M*n aal \VwueMl tll'irmik'hly frf I-AT,- I f -r s>M|rtr*, al home. Hook haopiDC, Hu.ines* Pnrni*. Psnmaa Ini Arltbmatla an I hliuril.:i 1 taugbl by osalL Hi-ii'l fur circular*. v .M > men n i M i ii i ~ ITS VOI.TAI.IC HILT Co.. of tlarsball. HMD. offer to M>D'l their oelehrauxl Hi ri-ra.> VOLTAIJO Hm.T sort other BLBCTIUC ATTLIAJIOBS on ana fur tlilnr .tarn. Ii men (70004 or ol.li afflleted with oerv..osiil<llltr, loM.if Tllalltf an I man bnol. an. I all kln.lrt trnnhlea Alto for rb*e malinui. Deara'Ela, paralvsl' and uianr otoar diseases. Cnru|>TeM reitoration to health, Tin* and manbonl (narantl No risk la matured as thirty .laj* trial u allowol Writ* them oooe for llluilrat.l i^aniphlut free. D EYE. EAR AND THROAT. B. O. 8. BYERBON, L. B. 0. P. B. B I<eclnr*r on thr> Ky*. Bar and Throa4 Trinity Mlteal Oolloge. Tornnlo. OonllMia Aoriil to tli* Toronto Qeoeral Hospital, ti Ollnleal Aa*l*taut Hoyal Ixin.loa Ophihalml Boepllal. tloorefleU'i and Central Lx>odo Tkroal an.l ar Hospital. SIT Obarab Btreel Toronbi. Artificial Unman By** HOME 8TUDY * hv mail In H Thorough an I praoti- cal In.tructi'tn Kivee: by mail In liook krrpius;. Huaioa** Korni* Arithnietio. Hborthan.) r-tr Ttrm* ra\ m.naMi. H*n l taui|. f..r I'tMI'MI.KT u> COK Ht>l'OM>KNrK UOSINKSl SCHOOL till IK Itu9.il, .. S \. '!.* Bt lo *ci**-v a tiu*.i.tS lnoa,iu.ii or Hivnearlao I * at A* Hrtum Ol-wailanfr**