Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1884, p. 7

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V UKtinAN "MM I i I- I n nBTHOWM. (A IlKAI. > XU1BITION Or y KAI.TII I Hill, lieauiy wit and waal'h I Ai the n<>.i I. -. I U.XP.I health I woalil npnk : Mine'* u aiii'i. nt rnputation, For iiiv uar< t ti'ood relation Know I never titke a chill, Or a (ever . r |> I: Ur a pution ; No pliynlr c-n c " pare With fresh air ami oiiupla fare 1 iiiti' uiy uutiuu. I lead a plachl life, Uudlsturtie.1 by auy strife Or i- .11 1. i,u. >i, In that rgau u-it . ( fight Which 'ti> r ckn .1 more polite Nut to mention. In my cuisine I rat-hew Ev'ry outrun.. ut, ragout. Krio.niB And to all tbuwi foreign entrees Muru.ur, " inuiKautes, ah, n'euUtz I'M iCI !" lien offer ia in Tain bitter iMM-r anil * t-t champagne An I rlitti trniiH ; Ai my father'* >iut nun daughter, E'en Apoiliuarii water I refuse. I ahcold (eel a grievous inner, 'Twin my luiiclieuu and uiy diuner Tu drink ira . Would 1 ruin uit digestion With that uv. rage in queetion ? Nut fur we. My waist I >r let alone; Kever yet to bu>k or bone UI<1 I furce it Could I reconcile uiy ribt To figurative ft In 111 a cornet ? To til I ahon du't dare Upon a druntity air, Decolli tr. TboiuL au eligible IVor Were to wliii-per in uiy ear, " Prithee, ..> : Those (olka are feckleea fooU Who, uatflxcu f nature's rules, Vu.latf, In thir w Id career of pleasure Ef'rj hygienic tueoaure Till u>.. Ute. Bo the rich ba-t bulUr rain A totnple to in) i rai*e, And dispense MTlawi thiou^hi.u thin land. And nmk.i it uuderiitaud C"uiuiuu Reuse. A ioi T i i>i. i Nef r Cirewa Old. A youth and a maiileu low u king, Me eager , sue, hhnukiiig au.l any A blush on her tact a* she listens. And yel a bull tear lu her eye. Ob ! iweet bloomed the red detuaak roatx, And tweet i*ang tlie thrush on the apray, And brignt wn nnijiaiu' r of lun.hluu That tuada tLe wurli (air ou tbat day. But, oh I not eo we*' the red roiea, Ho eweet the bird'i auiiK (rum above, 80 bright the gold glamor of tuoahiue, A* wai tue nweei hlauior ul love Tbat (ell mi tbat pair In the garden, Ai 'mid tlie fair d'.wurs they atiolled ' Aii'l there, a* 'twaa drat told lu tdeu. Agalu waa Love'n Baudot tale told. I M.I A*l .>!.. II.. .l.i<oir. el Uonlnlen tn tmt % it mn'> I >|>f .1. n r (Toronto Mat) The Earl of Dnfferiu .our lat Governor- OinsrsJ, in tvideu'.ly a in n of destiny. Hii appointment to the Vioeroyally ot ludia IB a deserved bailor, and he will have the beat wisbee o( . vrry loyal Canadian Bat he bu on eineoare. Eutflisb role In India is a difficult thing to maintain M the late I'o.tma'.ti-r < i^neral Fawoett often pointed!* told Parliament -for it ii one oiTiii/.ation alien p II.K to rule another on its own domain. Moreover, tba ruling ol will always be ID a minority because the climate is no exacting that E. irishm oanoot oolouize the Sountry in any considerable numbers. A Jult cannot locf abide there without a ohaoKe of climate and children born there of Caucasian par' ente, invariably die il they are kept in the oouutry over MX yearn. India hai many natural advantage* over other English dependencies, but Canada baa a more healthful climate, and the is nol vexed with the problemiot the government of aliene. The heat of the lowlands of India ie eometbing dreadful, the average being over 80. In the dry waeon the glass often regtetere 120 . M * t of the wealthy olaee oan flee to the mountain* lu summer, but the army officers and men have to endure it. Ae a consequence the mortality IB vtrj great. Not long ago it was our privilege to eon very at eome length with Mr.T. B. Deacon of Godeiicb, who ban Mrvtd in Hei Majeety'i Indian army over 17 ycare, Ti our inquiry on bow tb olimate afloat* the beahh of foreigner.!, be eaid : " Well, one doee net notioe the change a 1 flrat an leia the dry aud hot eeaeon U on, Indeed I endnred the damp hot of wiutei and the dry beat of Bummer very well ft! many yean. Not until 1H77 did I begin t< feel knocked up entirely. Then I lout flerb rapidly, my appetite wae tbat oaprioiou tbat I Obuld nod nothing agreeable, m; bowel* were ntupidly f>rpid, my epirit wa* gone directly I WkDted any vim, I got that yel- low tbat I looked very like a lemon, and my leg* iwelled like in Hize to an elephant'*. And cure enough, I wan weak! No, 1 had no pain at all. I waa nimply quietly wait- ing away, my eyntem b--ing completely saturated with malaria. None of the army pO}*ioiane could hrlp me, and I finally went home for treatment, bat the London medical men gave it up when they aw me and learned tbat I bad been sol- dering in India. Quite given out, I oame to Canada, but got no help here, either. I had about made np my mind tbat it wae all up with me, but by a very fortunate turn of oirouai*tanoe* I began to nee the famoun Wtroer'e eafe cure, and when I had taken nine bottle* I got to be a Rtrong and healthy man, having run from '.12 to 149 Ib*., the moet I ever weighed. I have not had to take a drop of medicine in over a twelvemonth. No, I iball not go back to India aid I don't adviu any of my friend* either bere or at home to go there. The Caucasian hae no buiineee there what- ever." Some of UR may at time* feel like finding a little fault with our cold Dominion, but take it all io all we have a climate much preferable to tbat of " India'* ooral etrand," and we will Mick to our own country. lh I ndriiir.uu.l ti-ll.n> I rnnilrrrtd ie ihr Wider fiuiliif i i lt< uluilcu el KftolullcunrT I lurtiliiir lkrtj H h . r. < hiinnrli. Many Amerioeuii, wrilee a Zurich cor- respondent to the New York Sim, remem- Mr the underground railroad of tba abolitioniite before the war. The abolition- t liad tbeir own newopapere and held mblio Bieetiog*. beeidu ueiug otber meani or propagating tbeir aeutimecte. Exoepl an oooeional riot, there wa* free upeeoh 'or tbeim throuijhout tba United Hiatee. Sihilifiuj in KunMa and Booialium in Germany flourinb under ileruer oondi tiun*. Their mode* of defeating the iron will of denpaiitui are different. I know omething of the myBteriee. of the German uocia iitio propaKauda. It* beadqaarter* are in tbiioity, aud ite iffioial or^an ia a iltle weekly paper, called The Social Democrat. The German law again*! the nuoialmu, promulated Ootober, iiUt 1H81, and lately extended, givee into the baud* ot tbe police power* ol repreamou unheard if in tbe Garman fatherland for about naif a century. They are far monger than tboie of the viceregal antbority in Ireland under the Coercion Act, aud they even urpaea tboee of tbe French police under Napoleon HI. They are enforced with an uou band, aid, arbitrary ae they are, they are often exoeeded. Tbe will of Biamarca direota the machinery, aud the seal of hi* underliog* u too pt to outrun that of the matter. By thin law the police are empowered to diaeolve every union or ociety, to prohibit every meeting, and t 1 kupprea* every newspaper, pamphlet, book orolber printed matter wherein they ohooae to allege tbat aooiialiiitio idea* are diadem nated. Tbere i* no a| pal from the aotion of tbe police to any oouit. Au appeal may bowtvar, be taken to a aoit o( Hpecial com million cf nine member*, nelcoted by tbe Government, tbe aliened oulpritauflaring in th* meantime and having no redrean if il should turn out that there wae no real oatue for tbe act of repreauon. Tbeee oommiaaioner* are tbe judge* of butt the law and the fact, without tbe aid o; a jury. The police are almoit invariably euitained. Within a few week* after tbe promnlga tion of tfaulaw about fitly newtpapera wire aoppreieed by the police, at a loee to the proprietor* estimated al 1500,000, a large number of familiee being thereby throwt out ot employment. All meeting* in* pealed of a aooialiitic tendency were ateruly prohibited. All tangible organization wai annihilated, aud tbe mtldeel of prmlec Kooialutio ideal wae iteruly *nppree*ed Tbe man of iron made *ure tbat no new oonvett* hould be made, and tbat thi riling generation ol workingmen ibouk grow np in the political faita ae it i* in Bismarck. Tbii blow *tnnnexl the aooialUte only for a ibort time. Notwitbitaoding all of tbe difficulties tbat the arbitrary power* of the police enabled them to place in lha way o! a politioal oanvan, tbe WMuaJi*U ihoreaeet the number of their representative* in tbe Onman Parliament from nine to twelve in 14H1, and another waa added in 1HH3 al Hamburg beeauieof tbe death of a proves mat, wko wa* eaeoeeded by the well known eocialiat liebel. The numb* of their voter* in tbe parliamentary alee tion of 1881 wai about half a million. Tbe miun inetrumeiit of tbe auooean of tb* BooialiatH in auatatuiug and inoreaeiug their urgauuatiou and power in the teeth of Biimarck U thin tame little weekly abeet pnblubed in /.unoh, aud the tale of their ingenuity, expeoiecte and anooeae in battling agaiuxt Biemarek U a eort of Arabian Nighu entertainment of fact. Tbe Social Democrat wai established here lee* than a year after tbe paesage ot Bn- marok'i ma*terpieee of repreaaive law. lu tbe intervening time and for about a year tbe g*ntleman to whose oourteey I am primarily indebted for tbe opportumtiee of Investigation w*s in a German prison. The unit editor of the paper wa* Baron Georg* von Volmar, who wae crippled in both legs in the French war. He ie of tbe old nobility of Bavaria. OB novel reading while convalescing from hi* wound* wae in tbe line ot political economy, and this thin pabulum made him a Socialist, notwitb standing tbe obvious interest* of bin clam. A* head of the propaganda be assumed tb* name ot Waltber. Tbe bnnioeu manager wae Herr Julius Mutteller, formerly a member of tb* German 1'arliament, who axsumed tbe name of Ju iu* Brant t.er, and afterward tbat of Morretti. Herr Oar! Deroaoi wai a worthy ooadjut jr, who invented tbeir wonderful secret oipbtr code, which baa pazsled tbe brains ol the German police and of tbe aeientitta at their dieposal ever linoe. Baron Von Volmar i* now a member of tbe German Parliament. Tbe paper was started with 1,*>00 nub- poriber*. It was at first packed acroan the frontier in tbe clothes ol pedt etriani. Tbe ouculation is now fully 15,000 eopiee. Tbeie are nearly all made up irto imall paokagei for varion* places in Germany. Kaoh paokaKe is marked witb a tymbol ot will get from two to aix month*' imprison- ment for it, and ae tbe judee aometime* lold him responaible (or the content* of tbe taper, u well M ile distribution, it U poe- ine for him to be puniahed with live yearn mpriitooment for handling one copy of tbe Democrat t j a neighbor. By tbe tame meant tbe propaganda inpply tbeir nub riben with interdicted books and pamph- eta. There ie a imall edition of tbe Social democrat very gauzy, to bear tbe expenie of etter pOHtage Tbii edition u folded and o into fifteen diffarent form tor ae many sixea of envelopee, and it it sent to subvoribere to whom it would be too rixky o deliver tbe paper by hand. A certain Jerman grand duke has been a subscriber rom the foundation of the paper, and he reoeives it in letter form. Almoat every copy of this little paper has many readers. Tbe elaborate means taken 'or ite circulation nhow tbat it 1* held in very high estimation by tbone who receive t. The German aatboritiei bavi ipent, and are spending, large sums to destroy .he interdicted sheet. Numerous spies lave been aent to Zurich, aud boots of >pies are on tbe frontier. The surveillance i* close that even bere in Zurich it would be the height of imprudence to deaignete to any man not thoroughly in tbe confidence of tbe propaganda any one of tbe [ eoml station* from which the underground poet KtarU on its secret journey ; yel it travels with fair average security, and tbe social istio organisation Hill remain* the moat dreaded opponent of tbe imperial system [t defiee repression, and il deridee tbe | etty ueeudo tuoialiatic law* by which Bismarck baa lately been trying to compete with it in winning the heart* of tbe wotkingmec. It will continue to increase, and if some means of meeting it better than the devices of despotism is not found, it may in tbe end nwe*p out of exutenoe the imperial regime a* eanily and ae effectually aa tbe French revolution annihilated tbe old monarchy ol Fracoe. I H, Hntlutf In-p.. lor What n thi* man doing bare?" Why, be'e tbe Paving Inspector." Of what uae is be T " Well-am. lie get* 13 per day." For what?" To inspect." What does be inspect ? " Nobody knows. Wbeu tbe contractor on tbe excavation begin* work tbe Paving Inspector appear*. He look* over tbe street and nod* bu bead, lie walks up and down and think* of hi* 13 a day. He site around on tbe ourbstuue and shake* bia bead in the moat solemn o.a-iner." ' But if he failed to show up ' " " Oh, that would make no difference, What tb* contractor doeeu't know the iuipeotor can t teach him. Bometimee they are aot even personally acquainted and nobody ever heard of au inipeetor giving any orders on tbe job." Uoean't be throw out augceaiioni ?" Very rarely. He sometimee luiue tbat it U a cold day, or that a glare ol beer ould just touch the spot, but further tbin tbat he never goes. Borne folk* think tbe excavator might dig right down to China il tbe inspector was uol on band, but that w a deluatoo." " And when the excavating is :i uisbed ?' " Then the excavator packs up and leave*, but tbe inspector sucks the closer He is there when tbe Baud i* drawn io. He may know aaiid from blue clay, bat is not required to. He may know tbe paver bat be nai nothing to aay to him. When tbe blocki come be may pick up one now and then, turn il over and over to see whether it be walnut or cedar, and then lay it down with a trembling auib, but that's all. When tb* blocks are all laid be remain* to see tbe hot tar poured on and the gravel spread out. He knows hot tar from mineral paint, and be known gravel from clover teed, but hi* knowledge is thrown away. When tbe street i* opened for traffic be certifies to that efieot, and bis tremendous mental and physical labors an concluded except to draw his pay." Iktroif Fr# Preu. When a woman makes up her mind to do crewel work she always gets worsted Tbe key to this will be sold for a quarter Tbellatchtl. I ii. I". Una nu.l.awn MU. The children s new mlsaionary ihip, tbe Morning Star, baa been taking on canto for tbe Baudwioh Islands for the past week at Lewie' wharf, Boaton. Tbe preeenl mis eiooary sbip is tb* fourth one of the ism* name built by the contributions of Sunday school children all over the country. One was sold, when worn oat by voyaging* in tbe South Sea, and two were wrecked on ooral reef* off some of tbe remo'e islands of the Pacific. Kaob time tbe money forthcoming to build another ship, and when the fourth Morning Star was com menoed, more than the necessary fJ5 000 was ready. Nearly 100.000 children own hares in the little ibip, and all of them living near Boston have been down to tbe veeeel during tbe past fortnight It is many yean since my own pennie rattled into the Bunday school box to belp build a Morning Star but tbe prid* of past ownership now p to tbi* latest ship tbat wears tbat uauir Until tbe missionary ibip was made fait tc tbe wharf tbe aailori never saw such I Have -us.... i With every disease imaginable for the a*t three )*are. Our Druggist, T. J. Anderson, recommending " Hop Bitters ' to me, I used two bottle* I Am entirely cured, and heartily reoom- lend Hop Bitters to evtry one. J. D. Walker, Buokuer, Mo. I write tbis an a Token of tbe great appreciation I have of our II op Hitters. I was afflicted With inflammatory rheumatism 1 1 1 Fir nearly Beven years, aud no medicine seemed to o me auy Goodlll Until I tried two bottles of yonr Up 'liters, and to my surprise I am a* well to-day as ever I was. I hope " You may have abundant modem" " In thugrsat and " Valuable medicine : Anyone! * * wishing to know more bout my cure T Can learn by addressing me, K. M. Williams, 1103 liitu street, Washington, ). 0. 1 oeoslder vonr Keiuedv tbe bent ramaxly in aiialence Fur Indigestion, kidney -Complaint " And nervous debility. I have juel" Returned " From tbe South in a fruitless search or health, and tiud that yonr Bitten are Ion x me more Quod I Than anything ils* i A mouth ago f was extremely " Emaciated III" And scarcely able to walk. Now I am Gaining strength I aud " Flesh ! " Aud hardly a day passe* but what I am ibe secret code. Tbe packages are then lunched, placed in oaeei, aud nnt over tbe frontier by tbe band* of professional muggier*. These offapncg of protective . tariffs are exceedingly adroit, and they are orowd* of just snob people In that part o very seldom oangbt. When everything il the city. Children have trooped all ove tbe ibip and explored to tbe lowent depth of the bold, and dear old ladies, main props of tbe missionary oause, have gone oan tionsly up the steep gang plank an inspected all tbe admirable fitting*- au arrangement! of tbe cabins and state rooms. Tbi* neweet Morning Star is feel long and registers 470 tons. Ii nautiotvl phrase il is a three-matt* very ail righl a cipher depatob tells the fact, otherwise another cipher oau*ea tbe print- ing of a new edition and its being for- warded through otber channels. Tbe organization i* o perfect and tbe chancels of distribution so numerous that no one channel does duty more than aix times ia a year. Wbsn on* of these con- traband oasee arrives at its destination the consignee addresses tbe vsrions packages ' barqnentine.bol, in addition to masts mad therein according to their final destination!*, eighty feel high in order tbat tbe nppe as denoted by tbe cypher symbols on each, sail* may catch every lightest breexe in tb and, as a rule, forwards them through tbe tropic asas, the ihip is out i 'led wit post. No one of these consignees can read , auxiliary steam power, to be need in oalm ibe cypher tbal 11 used by another, and and smoog Ibe iilands. Rvrytbing thu* tbe provision agaioat treachery ia very good and lubstautial about the cabins, bu complete. Tbe postal authorities and tbe there has been no nonsnetsary extravg polioe are utterly powerless to track tbi* anoe, uolesi it comes to. tbe presents matter ae it passe* through the mails. If souvenir* and bits of fancy work tuat ador by any accident tbey should discover a lie captain's lanotum. Station Glob*, package it would be no evidence againat I _____ _- the addressee ; if il were so.it is evident' Philadelphia Call. Customer- You ba\ that package*] intentionally >*ut to enemies DO t left me any bread for two mornings of tbe looialiats for the purpose of getting Baker's Boy No, mum. You tak them into trouble would be very common. Graham bread. " Of course ; why don Tnia addressee distributee, or causes to be you leave it?" " We haven't none, mum. distributed, tbe papers in the package, and <> Too haven't any 1 That's a queer excuse, another member of tbe club receive* and Why don't you make it .'" " You, eee distributee tbe package the week following, mum, the man what held tbe mortgage o and so Ibe circulation goeion. Tbe work of final distribution is the most risky, for a man who is detected in one act complimented on my improved appearance and it is all due to Hop Bitten! J. WickhSe Jackson. Wilmington Del. UTNone ceoulne without a bunel of green HUM ou the white label. Khun all the vile pouououi itufl wttb "Hop "or Hope" la then Tbe moet destructive prairie fire knows) in Montana since white men set fool in the* territory broke out in tbe Bears' Paw mountain*, near a log camp, on Ibe lltb of October. It raged and spread, and threat- ened Fort Assiniboine. Troop* were sent out to fight il while several mile* from the tort, but they were driven beck. Hem- foromenta were aent, aiid th* course of lbe> flamee waa finally turned and tbe fort saved, but tbey destroyed everything within fifty yard* of tbe buildu gs. A trace of over 900 miles was burned over. A new village io Kentucky has been named Cleveland. Last year s fannion* are out of date. but last year's friend* ar* still our own. Tbis i* why Mrs. Fiukbam's Vegetable Compound never loee* favor ; every lady who knows its worth (aad who does not 7) feels that tbe kindly faue of Mrs. Pint " is tbai ot an honored friend. A dinner was given to ten gentlemen at tbe Bcllevue, Philadelphia, last week, the) elegance of which is a subject ol much talk in fashionable circles. The msnna were in the form of a bookot antique leather with a solid ailver ola*p Then were nine pages to the book, each paate representing a course, and beautifully illuminated in oiL The gossips say these dainty books of the) gastronomic library coat 110 each. Don Carlos recently expressed bie con- Idanoe tbat tbe crown of Spain would devolve on him a) Alfonso'* death, and mean while be will make no further efloit Io secure it 1 aw Dav *>l aaaa.ll I bina- I* forever. Il ie not Ibe great difficulties of life tbat try us but tbs small aucojracoe* tbat oeaalMily wear away patience and good temper. Tbe smallest grain in tbe eye or tbe pricking ol a pin, even an aching eon, upeel as oompletely, and therefor* it meej our doty Io protect ourselves against tbe leaser evil* which grow great by repetition. To remov* corns all tbal ii necessary is Io purchase Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. U will very quickly remove them and without tbe sligbeat pain or discomfort Putnam'* Extractor, like otber articles of merit, has numerous imi- tator*. Be on your guard againat luoh Aak for audgsl Putnam'* Extractor. Tb* BovelUl, F. Marion Crawford, ha* a pet oat on whose gold collar is inscribed, I'm F. M. Crawford's cat . whose oat are yont" Tew. n>.. 1 ii. Why aufler a aingl* momsnl whsn yon oau gel immediate relief from all internal or external pains by tbe use of Poison'* NMTILINB, tbe great pain our* ? Nerviline haa never been known to fail in a tingle as* , it cannot tail, for it is a combination f the moat powerful pain-eubduing remedies known. Try a 10 aenl sample bottle of Nerviline. Ton will find Nerviline a sure cure for neuralgia, toothache, bead- til. Buy and try. Large bottles 36 cent*, by all druggists. Tb* notorious dive formerly kept by " Billy " McOlory. in New York oily, bis been reopened sa a so-called " temperance theatre.- nih. . III. *.! About two y*an ago, a prominent oitisen of Chicago wa* told by bis physicians tbat bo Bust die. Tbey said his system was so debili ated tbat there was nothing left to build on. He made up bis mind to try a new departure." He got some ot Dr. Pierce'* Uullin Medical Discovery" aud took II aooording to direotiona. Ha began to improve al once. H* kept np ' b treat- ment for some month*, and i* to-day a well man. He say* tbe " Discovery" saved hi* life. It ii predicted by a fashionable New York optioian that ladies will wear tbe mule eyeglass very extensively this wioMr. \\ . . U. .1 n,l,f,..n.l Victims of youthful indiscretion* suffer- ing fn in nervous debility, lack of **lf oon fi lenoe, impaired memory, aud kindred Bymptoms, ibonld send three letter stamps for large illustrated treatise, giving means of certain core, with numerous testimonial* Address World's Dinpeusary Medical Asso- ciation, Buffalo, N. Y. The New Orleans Exposition open* Deo, il'b. Tbe mam buil Jin* 11 completed. In ibe machinery departmenl sixty -MX boileri are in position. A system of water wcrki supplies 3,000,000 gallons of water daily. _ -I, ..HI. Ik; Hmmt la Weasm " -BamUt. That she i* frail, often in body, " 'Tis true, 'tis true 'tis a pity. And pity 'lix, 'tis irae." Dr. Pieree's "Favorite Prescription" tbe best restorative tonic for physical frailty in women, or female weaknesses or deranitement*. By druggists. Price reduced to one dollar. An lays observing that tb* traveller in tbe way a Western West to ia about as given to follows : A tbe locality, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND^ , . - IS A POSITIVE CURF * . , Fwr ell af ike** P-ilnlal ( xpl.i.i. mmt ' x\ rak.nrai.re w eeaa*ea Ie ear Wet . , . PK.TlAl.i: I'OPl I.ATIUN.* . IT n i ' 1 * r-mnriT TUB wnarrr'.BB nr Tm U.B CowrLAINT*. All. <"*IUA* TIU.rBl.BS, IB. r ..TI s AM, t i, IHATIO... KAU. -.0*1.1. Ira* i' BrsT. AM THE i.'N-r^rnT hi IBS*. AMU la rABTITTLAIlLV ADAJTKU TO iiAxur. r I.irt. *s*e**~ IT wiu. M*OI TB A\n Bxm. TTBJOSB nou rwi I TBSH an m i r'.r. r IT-. . rivr. Tsa TSSIiBI' IT '' kKCBBOVf HSaSBSBTKSI 1 ri.ii v nr iTa t'ts. e * e * i i ' i . \ . v--*N:'l.iilfaX*. r-'-r TIII AI B IT 1 1 r I . T IMI. II IAS- AI BS. .Vra> I n.-:mriov l.sasa. l'rru*Mu> AM 1> ^ t * % Tit AT nrn 110 or Ur .HIM. Iwvw*. < A' io p, XV rumv ami UATKA.III u ALWATa rauiA t Hau BT IT* i -s e * a * i IT win. AT AI i. TIBS* AI> i-inia t A'T IN Hil; NT WITH TS LAW. THA* T.ir. ,,>. -,.T * . e e*-lT rt M-I i. >"U.LY ruarasLauiTiBLavs) IIBAU^ . ' K AXD THB KBMRr or r!N, AISV TUAT IT l>"r A I I. IT ' I l|f|> To i... Til ' -4MVOT l.AMIta CAX ULAl'l T TkPTiri *% a * e * KOB TUS ciks ..r Kn.rT i .>wrui<m m llil u -S> THU HSBIUT U I !l BTAMKO. S S I Yl'U R IINKIUBfS MJ.KTABIF. inwli't Xn B> prtovai^d at Lrna. Ma IYi.> $1. Mi t.4t>* for SB> uf Illto . U*-fW "" ran-li* ..f i>n., a. -!.. tare. llnkhami i.ufcto to UrAlth" will b ravalk.1 tm loaaw I*.tj D.llf itatntt. I. " r. rvarVfaotlaS.' ; i\ > i i TarpMITy tir I fMtt]n M. I i .'.',-.'. t t. C N. I.. 4N - i 30 JUAY I'xiiAL ir BT1.T ts*: n tt. tji I- - \ ITAIJTT, - ' 1 th "' * ' --^iif r.- ItinsT \.\Om Ai-l*J> "! ?*t ' I . Voltaic B"H Co., 1. Mich, I CURE FITS! , ... .. , . > b.4bli.( f- i MBBI ! i. . 1^.1 IK. HoT v ..I > i. -I I \ H I I. TMIM. BB Vui.TAi.ir HBI.T Co.. ot Harebell. M ten. otter in aoD't their celebrate.! Hi.n-r>v> X'<n TUO HII.T and utlier KSB<THIC Aj-ruusm* on ma fT thirty ilaya. t-> men irnnnc o* nl.li ami. with uervuna .lebilltT, lone of ritahtv an I hnrtd, an.l all kindred trtmhlea Also lor rhi*s mattem. nenra'irla, paralvsle and many otne lllHSHI CimipleM rrxi. ratlun to hoaJth vlfle anil luanhnol unaranteeii. No rial Is I mulled a tl.trty <la> trial is ailowsil. Wnte Uiata one* lor Illuitratol parnphlnt Iree EYE. EAR AMD THROAT. DR. O. 8. BYER8ON. L. R. O.P. B. R Lecturer on the Rye, Rar an 1 Ttiraa* Trinity Me-licel Oollege, Toroalo. UoallMta Anns! to the Toronto Oeuaral HcKpiial ti Clinical Asalstanl K4>yal Urn I >n i)|.|nhalml Buspttal, M irrflel.l'a and Oentral UBBBW Taroal and kar HnepliaJ. SIT cnorob Htreel into. Artificial Unman Rvta the mill foreoloeed it, and it don't rn now." "Ob, yon mean tbe flour mill?' " No, mum ; the saw mill." is built name is a sbanly is built, a newspaper is started and a post-office eetablished. A railroad must tben be procured, hand bills and circulars dintributed through tbe Eastern States, a few resident* com*, soms build ings, always a saloon, are erected and tbe town ii wsll on thi way cityward. Ifc 5IUUT r\VTn"wIic't"'i 1 n l 'ilveei --"fc by mall in M.>k k..|>mg. HuMness) Forms Arithoiotl.- Hhnrthan.l .!, T. rnn r*a> mnahle Bea i stamp* (or PAMPHLET to COB- RMPONDBNCI bCSINRBn BOBOUL 181 Maia 8t , HnlTalo. N.T. f| IRRKXP1I1DMCK BlSllKtS Si |IHL. v 431 Main Bt . Hoffalo, N T. Young Men ami Women tliun>o<jhlT prspaml for t>triraa. at home. Hnok ." ,'inn. Kuilneas Komia. Penui*a ship. Arlthmetlo an.l Bhorthaod t*ufbt by inaiL Bend fur clrcnlara. Deero Mleb Pl.* K an aeop^ a Mn tUoeanua or nrimeeriBii re uiainhlr at tbe HfUfQ* IAN HUBINtXtB ntrenlart !

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