Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. VOL. IV., NO. 179. tt rrirfir TRUTH BEFORE ."-"PRINCIPLES, XOT MEX.' FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 20, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. I . . THE ADVANCE, On* of th. ! i lnu IXILH.I and Family New)wper in V.:ti..Tii Oul&rio. mi. i >: '.' ', '..-rt./i, Out. ..; - <! II ii>< ;(; Tli>\ tl.00pr it n.n-'i ina:vmi -.- -INItf not paul at tlie eml of one >i-r No ||Hir cUneontiuued -until all anrrarago* arr paid up ; aud DU -uli-*-ri|> 1 .I'm* tak. ii f T If-m r m.i o:.,- \ > *r . jMoial ftTdmvme'itH for hhortor perioilit ar made win ' r ADM-. KliKlM. KM I - Casual a.lv,Tti. in.-.: 1 lit i;iTtiuo V) I a cent- i'. -i i:' Transient a/H<.r- .i<l for when orttDre-1 A.|\.-rti--'n. M- \.iMm .r -[>.. i*l illrec- 4mi will n: M-ilMl till fi.rl.M an. I iliarno.1 aooordl Liberal inlii.vni.-nf to n-uulur a'lvrtier*. Noticw tn, .n.; r.-iiltKrf tnatl-r. 10 cuuU J>r ltn t-Mti lr4'iti at dlaoontintnxl ui:til all ar- rqaratEu* u* p u I up. Petal. I3r. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHKR, I'UICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. fft~.Hl call* jitMnifitly utttii '</ tv. John W. Armstrong. Fi.fM'Eiifo!i, Co. OKIT. DIVISION rririlT CLEHK. < . \IMISMOXEH In M K.. ('om-pyaiicor. Ac '. chuti ant sale* of Uucto. .\i-pini-. i- I'M I. < an 1 F. 1' H 4 H. HocJcty. Moil, v to I .nan "iitli. labletenua, IHI ni 'i -MAltUI.UiK >l - rearaKtMi are |>>tm up. Tony for a !v,i-tlmu<iits almulil rith this STP A 1"W Kt T ARfHT AM not latnr than noou on Tuesday te ensure OlIVft.111 Qb 14AAUB Inwrti.m in fi.rri-nt i*>uo A. R. FAWCETT, E<litr 'iit'l Book & Job Printing 1 In even style of tlio art. at rcatonablo prn.-a and oa ah.irt not i.-r- !> mail will liTe prompt nt. in". trld.lv caab. lim /I/ITS a ml 1'ti lit ni<-tors t FLESHERTON. , Ar. jirojiarixl to att.-u.l to llri.-k A Stone Work In all its branches. Onlers li-ft nt tin- AI>TIM r will reci-lv.- prompt att.iti<. n <;..! work at lair 1'rioM. l^lesherion ]Heat liarkel. KEPT. GOOD, PaOPBIETOl J. 1ML Webster-, EUGENIA, LltTXSKD Auctioneer for tlie Coiintv of Ory. M >iii-\ t-t It-mi aa imual. at irHMoiiaiil.* rslaa i I l.ifu Iii-.irano OocnmoaleaUoau ad- drssse J to Kuumiia I'll promptly attended to. Alexander Brown. T-- i:il of Marrtaffo IJci'iix.-v (iunnral Agont ' LiicoDNtid AuutluDevr for C'Hiuly of Grey ii i r 1' ii Out. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Frosh M '-; constantly on hand for Cash. Ordcra promptly filled. FLES11KUTON MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. W. J. BELLAMY. TWf. OLIK ARTEMISIA. \*/"* 1* j f* IF* w <j* COLLECTOR, AUC T10SKKR. i iNKY Loaned on good xcurltv mi th nioet favorable terms an.l at n ."IcraW raUauf IT <n>- M int. r.t. Mort4BSM bought. Office IIOMH. Town Mall. Ki.riH.rHT. .N J.P. M4BKIIALL. L.U.H DENTIST. THE next l-'air wiil take place on MONIMY NOV )0tk. 1NHI ' "' <t" 1 li month, and at Flmlitrtoii on tlie let r.l Thumlay In each month furthe (iraetife of Ilia profemton. Canadian Pacific* Hallway. ONTARIOJDIVISI01T. Change of Time. < ',.,. ' - ;..j. Toronto. <;rr> >V llrm r Dmsion. J HALDWIX TlAKI-a HANDS & PERRY, r ^u Lamlrr <( Hunilt BMUUhTKHK. H(>I.!CIT<>:,>. NUT MI1KR. CMSVr.YASri.Uwl, Ar M 1 .wt Ratal of InUrett. Office. l.at, Toronto. ri.U"NTo..l.-rill-t."v "I . - ' do. urrin-. Ml"> a.ln --.pin C. .11111. i. rii i I' Ii HteauMihivw at n.n in. I Ituua unly Tue<la)i. Tkurxlaya and NUTI ~Mix.><l train U-avea ParkdaleTJOa 111. i'i:i:i>rr r I/./.A.T // vs/".v. TOBOKTO, .1. part. 7 1 n -i . ' nrriv. MO TOO " train leann 1'ark.lale 1 a in ,i v' >-/;.': y*/i-j>/.'\ 4 .vi |> in, l>. part Torouto ..... Arrive KM"> a in OIOa.ni r..i !; '.. |. -,i D.Mi NICOI.U i.r.v 1.1'MS. Aar. FROST & FROST. BVRRIHTRRS. HOMCITillls. l nNVKY XNC'HK, Ac. Offloe PovlaM Htri nan.) riiuraday at r l.KSHKKTt s J. \V HHIST. L..L.B. VI, FRED rilORT. Crowu i'ouuty Attomsy. Hiotclo. \ II I ~4.ll I I -M , I . MAXWELL, - ONT. (l*4l accommodation; beot hran<l* Liquors A tuntin- Rostlsr. Cinara. Onod Htabllnn an Tlio ..r.l v Hntol In tin plan- J4M. ALLISON, I'nnratlTOI. \V \VIIVTK. i, s'l.St-r'T. I IAIWB I K\\i- FLESHERTON STATION : , f. p.m. A '.' Flesherton Station Hotel. r P)IM alMvo Hotl liaviiic !M<<TI t'mri>uuhly re- I flit*- 1 throughout, IHIW i.lTcr.U -it flletit ac- -tnino.liitii'n t th- trn\-]li'ij,' pulilir. Th< l*r Hell dnpi'lled with rh'ii' i I-i'|',i"i> AII| Cltfani. lit fact, UBplu aoruinniOilatii>n IK -vlforded bora ! IllAJl ftll'l Li-Hit 1 1 \ THE MARKETS. 1 FLB8HBBTOH. Flour 4 <" Fall \V,,,ia $0 C3 Spring Wlifiit C3 Hurley O 4."i Oats " " - 1'cas " "'II Mutter Hi KK-JS, frrsh <> I* 1'otiitoca <> -^ I'ork r, 00 Hay, pir ton 7 (H) Hicins 5 50 Wool 1H to QMM J)uck-i, ju'i- liracc Chickens, pn- brace.. -'> 20 ii I;T (l '.:! n en o 51 > O 17 'I !Ki n en BO H r, :, 90 M BO 40 ituerted wn/irr thii hrulin'i nt nniMm ir/iot ;>./!</ \n mlninrt, irr ^,? nut -n fMliil Thr" i"tnt,r lush. A.. O. U. \V. I.-'I.KSRF.RTON 1/o.lu* No IL meet In tliolr I 1 ],,K!K.' lln. .111, Htrain - block Toronto itrvet. .11 tin- lit and 3rd Monday in mrh mouth, at 7:~K p.m. nhar|i. Vlnltlnu brnllin n n N-I.IM.' M. r MI-MATH, M W. \V (I 1'ifMi.i., Boc'r DUFFERI1T LODGE NO. 186 i. o. o. r. ton- MKF.Th <\ury Tui-,lay Kvirui.,; Hi H o'clock. l<odi:o llooin. Htraln'a lili.<k. Toronto itret. DtiRrop IxiAiic, lit Tuoaday In CHI Ii inoiitb. Via- itliiK hrutlirrn p<irilllly Invite,! Jon. ItucKBrnN. N.O. A. R. VAVI.I KP-; R s. ADVEimsi. IN TI1K JT WILL PAY ADVANCK. YOr. aweekathomr ^'.outfit froe Tayao- 0> miroMo rick Capital not re- d. Itoiult-r. i f \.uiwnnt lmiin U-li |.|.ron of i-ltlmr ex, younff or old, ran inak*. grpat |>ay all tlif> time tlK.y work. with abeoluteoertalot). wiilo for particu- lar* to H. HiiJ.KT-r ft Co.. Po'rlln'i.l. Mavine. (From < 'urrttfondmt. ) Indian summer IIM visited us and far- mers in the country an- taking advantagu of the line weather in getting their fall plowing doiiu. Mr. Jon. Henderson. who lias com-lu- ded t" give up faninng. it muring to Kev- vary uit usiTely into 4'lubbinK on. r.. \Vfh.ivc not yut made complete arraiigu- menu in regard to clubbing TBC A nv AM with other papen at reduced pncea, M it U rather early in the seiuun. At prevent we are prepared to make ilia following offers : Any fire peraotii sending ui in their najin-a and {U.25 in c*h for each in all |H 15- will each r funuabod with TBC l Th* Faintly umhaiii and ii gi | the nianufakCtnrc ..f ike*ae. Ai-vin-r. and 'rYi;> fur .,ne yea*. A 1,'anj; 4f men are now or loyprl In I THK AHVAM-K aiul A'.imiVy makinir tiiu ir for the fact..ry which will ij^n'^n...- until Jan. 1st, 16. for 1.50. be completed and in running order 4-arly in the sjiring. We will ^ive .Ji* anil fain ilj- a hearty wclci>me to oiu- town. Drath of Mm, H. Fawrett. One of the mo*t sable men of Hon. Hury Faweett. England He bid 00(7 bea it] a f p the time hsi passed away in the person of the iays i4 pleunsy and pneumonia. Mr. 7an>tt. in hu jouneer days, occupied fmkU r |DOr n tho butt hterarr Muun. John and KoU. I'.iul. who have IM'I-II in company with R lir<wn A S..M in tin- u ,1^1(1 in aad carriage wurki hen-, luivi- l.inlt l.iriri- 'nTia^'e and blackumith shop and are H" 1 'B tu carry "ii liusiiit-aa in Ivth Inn* at much reduced rate* iiJ on a inu.-h m>.re ext, -naive scale under the tinn haul* of I'aul Hriit. Thuae men are noted far mid near fur their ex- |^'. r in Canada. and the Tonnitn o in- year for $.1.00. pe THE H',,rl.l lai The H',,rl>l is a (int-elaci paper, and Uu U our lieat clubbing offer io far for 1885. from our Canadian E* ch.oigas arid Other Sources. In the cace of Lcgard rt Canon, tried at the recent Aaxuemurt at Owen Sound, 1-1 lUi.t ami ilurat-le wnrkiuanahip, and |the jury rrturned a venhrt i,f $r!UO dain- have ae.-ur-il the M-rvicea of a tint-clau act-* for tltu plaintilf. Tina wa* an action blaekumith. Mr. fhaile* Little, of Owen Sound. \Ve U-|f.iik for tin* t.rm a lib- ural share tif public patronage. NEI.. tfnns of prominent, be- .M no* was appoifJtr^ -Ut h Th. ; '(f 10 kiuib<-rl(>. (From [The full.. winy received too late for la*t mk H iaiue. ED.] S -vend ..f uur citizuiia art- uiouniiag the di-j.-irtuh' of the Irwin Hroe., who have suddenly )de farewell to thia local- ity and left f..r j-artu iiiikiinwn. It ap- |far they l<t aU.ut 98,000 l.j- the late tiank failurvi, and Una <u> duiheartened them that they ooneluded t find a batter country and MI akippe*! out, after aelling all thuir aaleable ctfivta. Tliv-y had bo't a fin in and have htJ it miu ; u witbvut making any |ymunt on it. The ineiiiKni of the L. O. L colelira- t d the 5th t.y having a iiupper at the Teiii|x>ranoe Houat>, where about frfty ( >r angemen anil "thwn at down to a surnp- tuoui repaat ipruad by the ho**, Mr. J. M. Thuratoii. Aft4>r tea, apetx<Aea were Kivon l.y Metan. Hainmoinl. Hnrllmrt, Tliurtiii and other Ii.yiil (>rnii){meii. The new church is proitn-aainu towanlt <-i>in;.li-t;.iii, thuugh plnwly. It ia cxpi-it ud it will K ..|.ene<! nlnnit X maa. Owinu to Kev. Mr. Strongnuui'i illneu he IIM U->'ii nnahli- to till hit ap|iiiint- inenU for over a month. Lint Sahliatli hia place here waa very ably liili-il by Mewm. Sloan \ 1> iekett "f Kiwnia. Mr. .1. M. Tliur-toii ia iiwiiy :it the Scott Act cuiiveiition in Owen Sound. The mpinberi of the Council .'f H T o. T. gave their flnt open nn -etini: . .n tin 3rd inat. , which, Conaiderinu' the lad tate of the roads, waa n auccean "Die cli.-ur wa ably filled 1-y Mr. .1. R. Fawxctt. Several |in>iinnent i-itizeiiR L'iive a|x>t>chet. Miss M. Kirrnin! Mr. .1 tiurlburt gave a sung ; Alt. Win i'itrrutli4-r->, a srrnuni ; n-nilniiTH l.y Im-al inlt-nt aiul inusii- >>y the choir, c>ni| li-ti-d 'In- |T"i;nninie. Mr. J. Hurlliiiit lias sulil his fiirm t.. Mr l'uii,-\]il Walla* i- nnd intends m..\ im; I.- M.initi .Lit. Mr. Kuoliiuian is [uittintr a stone foun- ilatioii under lus house. An Aiiftwcr Mnnlcil. Can any on" bring us a rsi ..f Ki.lnev ..r I.ivi-r Oomplaint that Klcctrir Ililti m will not, an t)i4inaiula of castes already permaii- i-iilly run-Hand who :in- ilailv rw'.iiiiii.-n.liiii! Klcclri" Kilters, will provi. llriglit-n I>i- sonnc, l>iibi-ln>. Weak Hack, or nny urinary i-..ui|.|aint qmckty rnrnl. Tl . y purify tlie hliHul, n Riilnt. the l.owijs. mi.) act directly nn tlm diwomed parts. Kn-rv bottle guarsn teed. For aalo at f><>4- a butlleat \Y. anlion. for breach "f ; r:mo of marriage and Mtluctii-n : the ptff. rvnidea in Arteini-aia, and tin- M< ft in Markdale. >' (teorge'a church, Owen Sound, ia heated by .-team. Tliere are " pipe* " in everj- pew. The Dominion Exprt-u C'.>mpany hav ing made arrangementa with the C. P. R., haa commented d-n .' buaineaa be- tween Owen Sound and Toronto. There likely to be trouble Wtween thia and the Vicker'a Expreax Co., aa both are op- erating on the aaniB linea of railway. M D. Moore & Son, Millen, \Valki-rt4.n, hare matlv an aaaignment in trust tu Meaars. CliaiiiU-rs and Millions >f tho same place. Last wuek a WalLfrloii bah* iwallnwed a large ilse of nnunonia. The baby's mother irumeiliately ttaro the child a good drink of milk which cauaed U to Tutnit, thvrvliy i-\]H-l!ini;thf |HIIS<III. Thu mouth and throat weru liadly 1'iinit, but the liild ia now all ri^ht- //nir. IlmilJ. Friday, Ci.nstal.lo Ki-nn-y had an ex citing experience near Lucknvw. Ac- companied l.y .loliii McLean he went to arreat tw.. men, fnther and i"ii ii.-um-il Carter. Tin v r, >idi-d . aeparate fanna. The ami waa secured after a little reaia- taiu-4- but iit the father's house there waa a circus. McLean had to remain in the with the |>rionfr whilst K. rn.-> ,-itti in] t, .1 to take the old man. Th vrholo family tunit'J. .ut with aiesandc ith, r wcaixili* :iinl oHVrwl :i determined re|i> tame. CM.- Mow wiut striu-k at McLeaii withanaxe, lint fortuiiatt-ly it iniaaud him. Tliev liml t.> i-i'ine awuy without sci-urini; theii man Tarti-r. jr., waa rhargtnl at the last Sprint; Asaizes with rol.U n- ;iinl jiiinpi-il Kill His father WM Ixiiidsiunn but failed tu pay up hence the pruaviit prOCOed UL'- /.'ri ll'T'tlil Tin- slaters ami ir..n work worker* are l.iisy uii tin- i- "t "f Mr. .li-lly nuw and h;tllsuine Idis'k. flUMsTM ftlSMMsM. A mail nanifil Christian Hru<ler in mysterioua way fell oil a trnin between .-y and Hanovt r last week and was found SIN m aftcrwiirils with his lr^ t-r rilily smaidied. Ir.<. l^xnderkiu and Lit{htlHMldy :iin]'tateil tin- linil> ' --:t tin fellow died in I ho i-vemim. .' It's a pretty difficult thing for a achool girl to think of noun- ailing to RAV hi'ii aho lias to write a comjioHUion, but aa anon na kho getx out of whoo). and while on the way homo, oho can *ny a whole mwpaper full without thinking. AGnrAT MISTAKF - It is a (rrrat mistake tn ailppone that ilynpi psin eiin't be rurtil. but must IM> nnr, I. and life made gloomy and iiiift*ni.lli. Ui4*i.'y. Ali-xamler Hnrni. /if ('.itxiiiri:. nai i-uri<i itfler M.IT. nii k - fifteen year?, Biirduak III. .."I ritt^m cimd bi'n. Hrni it-r.l.T li.i . A | er-on sufli-rini; witb ],,; ;i: i ! , i' ..,, r \:. -llinll ut tb* ' Witli :i w.iik riry (. ..liiiR aiitl fre.|iii-nt hoail... Th.ualy ill and ab"ii'. ' out f.-r L I- H'lrdocV , ' ....I nii.l livi r, as wrll th* atomart) and Imwels. In soino ibiir.-lics the seat? i n the nre deM'tid rx 1 ;iv.'lv t.' ladl.-s, and those ,n ih.' I.' 1 ' ' 'nan The lat- ter ia call.-.l the"ile of man." A VUIAIIII dn-NT. Th- most ^j^o,,, n tim. 1 - i ( ,( tb, ' "' b vt 'f ""'I tn y re^-i!.iBir known. We r-fcr to I'.l .o.l Hitler*, wbirb is makinx run . and i: tin- blrs- .1 L- on of healtli to .. ilmt kul many homes. salt of an accident while ot hn eompanv with bis father. T?ujg rawc*tt. by some uniipiaiuej reason, got in fn.:it ol bis father's gnn while be was in the act of discharging it. iwccmng wounds in eaeb eye which blinded him for life. The agonr of tin- horror atruki n father at the catastrophe o impressed his eon, that he made a TOW in his pretence that the loss of his eyesight should not interfere with designs of lib. IT. dilligently applied himself to his studies, and his witsind fueuilties became so quicken- ed that his TOW wai not long in being rwa liied. He entered Parliament as member for Brightoa and rapidly came to the front. Many were the conjectures made why Mr Gladstone RSTC him the postmaster ship, it being considered impossible that a blind man eonld manage so important a branch nf i<lic lerrice. Bat ho shortly showed by his tigorons conduct nf the postal serricc that b. was tb. ri.ht man in the right place. Hs distinguished himself not merely for en orgy and assiduity, bat for a readineai to 'Inch was calculated tn Mr. bonddamore. hu teat or try anything ' impruTt the sernoe. predeeesstir, was an energetic, worker, and brought the p< utal serriee to a high pitch o< perfection, but he lacked the faf nitty .>( properly managing his subordinates, lir Fawett broogbt the same snergy to bear upon the wtirk. lotr. facing many new fra tores, notably tlie parcels pott, be left the aerrioc working bannoniuasly. Like macr great men, much of Mr. Pawoott'r ioeeeve was due to the untiring assiitanee of hi* wife, who attended him whsreTsr he went, and hehj*4 him inh'-J%Vi. Mr Tir^- .- Hbaw, U. ?. for Ha .la/ has bean appoints! bis successor. AYER'S Hair Vigor rivtom. with the {'"* and freahsMB nt j :'i. fJ.^l or jraj liair to a natural, rich i "r .l*Np black, lumny b* '' I <> !! T -T r<-<! balr may be ilar^mxl, t -i lialr tli:-kiird. and baldneaf often. .-> i'i\. rurnd. f the h-Jr. and Itt-nn- to r'fr. It ^-'irl aii.l !:' rui*. ?.ll i -nl ir to t!a .\ a LaillrV Hair Pr . :. f.i I . it mnUlu* u -.1"T oil i.'r ily,', r>'i.i|i-n Ilia lii.r wft, s' -' >v ! rilkrn " -\n.| im;-irti a J.-: ..^, agrea'. '.<, and .ailing |rforoe. Mn f. r. It-Mi nr wrlt fr^m *~rV. f>., i- - - i .. ! . : i -i li .it I "i" I ' - -i ' i '. I " I Hart "I i \ I.. Ml. WV I -...'. I I t -> I.lll I. i.l "f !'^ i .-. I . ' ; . .II..H 1 ab-.uM aae ' Ti **- v t f.*^r,r1i*tor f l v M A \ i it * It i* , Hi V -411 . \|- I'l t I . l "It. Tli" \ 1 r .Ui.'lrulf. N ' , .- i > l > i > - u." , r i , i i- .- !:, i ^ \ . M;. ' 'i iMe 1 lltifttlnewi - f.. i 1 . \ , -I i-fi-rjr aUc . i' Me," --:< r'-\ \- . i i . i , . ! ...! I - 4 i" , - , . UM a .- . . . 4 r if Avrn's H . . . . It i.,-lt thi- .n.i ikepli- call.! i:n:..ue. rnrr.vn"> nv Dr. J.C.A/crACo., Lowell, Vsj. So Id by a'. 1 1 FOHTIII. fOMI'I.KXION. -For I'imples, Dlntrhos, Tan. and all itohinp linninrs . f tlie ^lun, ntf 1'r. f. Lew's Magif Huphnr 8 >|v \ The "Advance '

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