Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1884, p. 8

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* A- Ii HEARD'S Waggons, UaiiufaH uiTtl at Flesher- ton. s*wth ChMuoat, M nothing but (food woodls ua*d In them. They are strongly ironed, rum easy sri well I'siuuxl. rMiu.ii.!i<i uthen wanting the Cheapest and |<it Waggon will do well to examine the m- tasfial mn lull >. lIKAKli n Waggons are wuraiitwi lor 3 years, and sold at very low price*. No Proight to pay. Uuuuliw Uear, Hoi, Hprin Heat. Meekyoke and Wbifflatrees 75.UO for caah 6MB Manufacturer of Huggies, Ueui.iorats, Waffona, Cutters, Sleigln, Iron Barrows, and Agent (or Hows. JOHN H. HEARD, Flesherton. Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. In t !i Tewmftklp of ArtCBaeBla. in the County of Grey, 4 mile* from Flesherton Station, the Canadian I'ncitk Railway. The Mill is aituated at Little Falls, in a block of stout 440 acres Timber Laud, with other timber land lurroundiug. The building i* *ab- Mantiolly built on (tone foundation. The machinery Is all good nd driven with great nuver by a 23 iuch Leflel wheel, under 30 feet bead of water. There are 1 Large Circular Sear for cutting logs ; S Hnull Circular* (or aawing Lath* and Broom Handle* ; 1 Ullage kslhe for ty'ruing Broom Handle*, Ac.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and Packer com ptete. The 'Water-Power is excellent, the atream being very regular. There are several *h.-r good Mill Site* on the property. The land in thii valley i* coniidered the best in be country: Tim piace> would make an exellent Stock Farm when the timber i* taken off Thi offers a good oppnftunitjr for a practical, energetic man to go into thi* kind of tmelnesi, a* the place will be told er let on FAVORABLE TERMS. The bush i* so eon- veru.nl to the Mill, log* can be trucked in cummer time. Immediate po*a*!ioii given. Apply to the proprietor, FLKHBIBTON STATION P.O.. OKT. PLBSHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL or kbit ui Uo&Banl&l Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, HeattatoneR Counter aud Table Tope in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Alio MantleB in Marble and Marbleized Slut. . A.-.. \<-. Fleshert..n, Aug. 90, 1883. GET YOUR I'll.- Flrat ani|i->I.Ti iuu. Hi' lli.t tump-met Hug in the 1'uited Stal.x wit* held in 171W, cm tin ll"l Kiv, i , in Kentucky. Two t>rotlier imuied McOee, one a 1'rfnl.yti nan minister and tin other Mrtlio.li-t, were on an evangelistic tour from a Ttmutuut* village where the Metho- ' diit brother was Htativued, to a place called the " Hurr.'ii* " in Ohio. Arriving at a town on the lied lln. r. they stopped to attend a saeraiueutal service with a Presbyterian pastor ilium .1 McGreedy. John M.-i .. . . the Mvthodivt, wa* invited to preach on th oc- .KKI..II which he conaented to do, and de- lirered a sermon of great power. Hi broth er followed him with a sermon which also proTed very effective. Team flowed from many eyes, and shouts of rejoicing were aoon heard from all part* of the buuae. The Mc- Gee brother* were too powerfully af*cted to leave. John MeOee wa* eipecled to preach a second lennon, but when the appointed time came he aroae and declared to the people that the overwhelming nature of Ins feeling* were nuch that he could not deliver a formal lermou, and be exhorted them with great earaeetnew to inrrender themselves to God. Crim and cob* were heard in every part of the house, and the excitement became intejiir. AooounU of thii extraordinary movement 1300 reached the settlers in the urtoundintf country, and the people came in great crowd* to **e what theie things meant. Thev had never beard the like before. If any came long distances in waggons, bringing provirion* with them. The meeting hoiue eould not contain all who came, and an altar wa* therefore erected in the neighboring foreit. Tin- novel arrange- ment gave a freih intereiit to the services, and tent* being aecured, with provision* and other necessaries, camp wan formed around the altar. The meeting continued for a week. Sectarian distinctions were Inet light of fur the time, and Presbyterians, Baptiit*, and Methodist*, labored together mo*t har- moniously in the work of laving sinners. The results were glorious, and suggested another meeting of the aame kind, which wa* presently held on the bank* of the Mud- dy river. A third and fourth meeting aoon followed, and were attended by vant throng*. At one of these early meetings no less than 10,000 were present at one time. The road* leading to the grove* where the services wore held were often literally filled with people, and whole ueigbbo, hoods were at times de- populated. After 'be ftrst excitement wa* over the Presbyterian* gradually withdrew from the ti.-ld, but the Methodist carried them into other parts of tlie country, and they anon became general throughout the denomination. During the Brat eight year* after the introduction f camp-meetings the net increase in membership of the Metho- dist Episcopal church wa* over 89,000, with a corresponding increase' of minister* and exhortrrs. Fall * Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE F!*$h*rtott Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urtf y On. Blood, oorrect all Disordim of the Liver, Stomach, Iv Uln* v* and llowel*. Thu? invigorate and r<ttnreto hnalth Debilitated Coniaitutlnns, and are invaluable In all Com- plaint* inri*.ntl to r*nal*M of all *. POT Ckildfe* and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT ,<: Mi infallible ramrriy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wnands. Bom* and Ulem. It 1 famous for o.m tn.l ftbennrailsni. Por disorders of the < ln.t It haa no equal. lORf! THRO At, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS iiltiMular Swelling. uMaJI Skin DiSwaM J'.Hll It I It has no rival ; and for contracted and iUff charm. P.Knntsrturml onlf at Profmmr HOUXIWAT'H Kstalilinhmant, 1*. \tw o v for.i Nlrret ( lai . r,:t:i. Oxford Htrrrt ), London. aid an sold . Is. ltd., . M. I* M, Us, U*.. and Bs. naeti llos or l-.it, ami may I,.. lia<l ..f all Medi eiac Vsndars thnnujhout the World, xxM IntJc it. V Lahri <m Ih. l'.,b n.l li...,,. If fk> ,,,/,/r. .. u nnt AM, (trford Mroft, /...i.. /..>.. U,.,, ,,rf The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. A V >i I-IKLI I'lTKNT.- Tbe meet valuable diicfivery patented in nxMleni time* in that of the best blood purifier and liver and kid- ney regulator known. We refer to Burdock Hlooil Hitters, which i* making cnres and bringinK the blrased boon f health to ao many home*. lii.Kh, r KiiliuiKli il Ki port. Dr. M'l.l-.-f had been preaent<l with a gold-headed cane, and the same week * jsi tent pig-killing and MUH.X>- making ma- .lnnr had been tried in the place of which he waa pastor. The writer of a report uf the preaentation and a doacriptin of a new machine aunt hi* copy to the printer, and the inconsiderate I'ait. ninn who made up the forms of the pa|tcr got the two local* mixed up in a frightful manner, ao that when he went to prem, something like thi* wan the appalling result : Sev- eral of the Rev. Dr. Mndge'a friend* cal- led upnn him yesterday, and after a brief cnnvenat'n, the unsuspicious pig wasseiz'd by the hind legs anil slid along a beam until he reached the hot-water tank. His friends explained the object nf their visit, and presented him with a hand- some gold-headed butcher, who grabbed him by the tail, *wung him round, slit his Mm .at from ear t.. ear and in leas than a minute the uarcaie wa* in the water. Thereupon he came forward and *aid that there were times when the feelings overpowered ne, and for that reaaoii In- wenftd not attempt Urdu more than thank those around him for Hie manner in which a huge animal wa* cut into frag- ments wa* limply astonishing. The doc- tor concluded hi* remark*, when tin machine u.-i/.-.l him. and in lea* time than it take* to write it he was cut into frag- ments, and worked into deliciou* *aui- ages. The oocaaion will long he remem- bered by the doctor's friends | as one of the molt delightful of their live*. Tl,, best piece* can can lie pnicured fur ten- pence a po ml ; and we are sure those who have aat so long under hi* ministry will rejoice that he ha* been treated .. handsome! y. " PH. LOWS PLEASANT WORM NYRITP An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all Muds of worms. Fair rim . Tu a- /;.!.... . i* /.- it-w, > , IKK SIR, In your issue vl 30th Oct., Fair Ptajf wiihes t<i gain notoriety at the expense uf two of our much ateniuxi and "i././y known citiaena. Well, I auppuau, ' like mi/w//, he likes to drive the grty goott '1'nll and sling his ink even should it soil the garment* of two auch notables as the man of Manitoba fame and the other who boaaU not only rhin tchitkfrt, but also can' boast of legal acumen as well a* veterin- ary skill. My advice would be : hangout j your shingle, Pat ; announce in the world i that you are able and willing to execute ... ., ,y !...<, &c., Ac. of all kinds, tipec-' ially spt-rily conveyance* from the Nwitli West. Fuminh your office with plenty of cusewmeitt rolls ami my word for it, Itiddy will look afther the dimes. As for Mike well, if the aame law ; prevails in Kimberlt-y as did in the part of Ireland where I waa raised, I'd just I ulant an utfice directly opposite to Pat's (make Plewes move hi* mill) haug up my , Mora; tAurn, and announce myself to the citizen* of Kimberley and the whole world. That as I was ao rmUnrotfy adapt- ed to the discovery of ff.no and errors in all li-ijiil and illnjnl transaction* (even the introduction of illicit pvtttn) intu any pro- scribed country, that my service* and thoae of my (Aorn were offered rhmply to an unappreciating public. Well, Fair Play, a word to you : If you dctn't want any more Donnybrook*. get elected on the police (I don't mean the Mounted Police) and then juat draw your pay and let the fun go on. TH.HY O'Roau. Donnybrook, Nov. 3rd, 1804. Aa Auwer V antrd. Can any one l.nm; us a ease of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Kleetrie Bitter* will not, a* thoasanda of case* already perman- ently eured *nd who are daily recommending Electric Bitter*, will prove. Bright'* Di- sease, Diabetes. Weak Hack, or any urinary complaint quickly eured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowel*, and act directly on the diseased part*. Every buttle guaran- teed. For sale at SHe. a bottle at W. ItirL ardson. OBSTRUCTIONS of the Stomach, Li** and Bowel*, are promptly removed by Na- tional Pills. FOB, U. ui'li . . . o,..ii- ot the Skin. Slmrn poolng the )iea>l l'i .u|ile, Kruptioii aim >bin- , use Prol LI.W'A Sulpbur 8>mp. NEWADVERTISEMKMS. STRAYED. C\ M K Into tin' |.r.- mi-.'- of the subscrilwr, boa H. coudtwiun -ml . Auutli liu, Artemucis. on if alxxit the Ir-t of AuKum. 'I w. . Kwe ami 'F>**> ].inl on* a KWD and rtiu other attain Owner hvc the same *> proving pro|trt>' wrf CHA8. WeKINNON. Prlovillu V. O. Oet.tl.l(M TEACHER WANTED HOLUMON I I KM.K si , 10 . , Kuiieiiia V.O i.i .1 \ Ml-:s M 1IH. I. i:i "N rltMberton P. O. Oct. 21st, 1HM. STRAYED. Came Into the premises of the sub*3ril>*r, tfif MO. T. A H. road. Arteinusia, a Harrow 91* OWN.W can have nauie by |TVIIU: prnpertv -trt nayJhB oapuuses. ANDRfcW BOK. Arteinesia, Oct 10th, lf*M. Plesherftm . TEACHER WANTED, Teacher wnu-l for Hcbool Suction So 6, jti* m*tn, hnl.lini: Second or Third Class certifies]* l>utiu t> i commence on the Xnd day of January 1S. A|.|ily, stating salary, to JOHN HA/AKaV, Dated Get llth, 18M. Trunttxw Hoc.- f | | fc- s' I* $ *l i *1 1 ' > I & FARM TO RENT. OR Knit S.M.K A tfpofl Kami, situated im Con. 10. Lot. W. In the Tbwnithip of Arteniitsm. Thure are, or about, 60 acres cleared, witb *Md fvnco*. H|>riuic crek ; excellent Koil. very eaiv workwl. To be sold at nr nearly half Its >li Time tclveu for iiiont uf |.\ i. . nt- Apply u> ua> ndenigned, Fl*herton I*ot Office. W. EKUW Oct. Mill. 1(*M K UK KM AN S WORM POWDERS destroy snd remove worm* without injury t<i adult or infant. KING'S EVIL Wa* the nuae formerly frlven to Berotala becaase of a superstition that It could bo cured by a king's touch. To* world Is wiser BOW, and knows tliat SCROFULA c*a only be ruml br a t hnrouth purlflra- tlon of Hie 1. 1.- -I. If this I- n. ^-u. .1. the (llsraar perprtualra it- tslnt tbroui;li (reniTatloa after pin ration. Ainoiur it< earlier iyui|i4ouiallc |i-\elopnieiit< uro Kraetai CutaMseuii* 1. 1 u|.il..ii, I o- saors, liulla, Carbunclea, Krysliwlns, Purulent t'lrera, Nrrvons and I'hy- 81. Hi r.illwiHw. eli'. If ll....| 10 ...ii- tlnue, Ithi-iiiiiJiiNiii. Hrrofiilou* Ca- tarrh, Kl.lnrv an.) Liter Dlsraaea, Tubercular < i,no mi.iioii. innl ..ni- ous other danfreruui ur fatal lUMUuiics, are produced byft. Ayer's Sarsaparilla It tin tntly nntrerfttl rtnif af>nv rrtintJt tlnod-ptirt/iiiiiy mnlicint. It 1" K> . flrrt- ual an alterative thai It i-m.ll.-ni.-> from tke ivstem HemMlltary Hrrofvla, and the kindred puiiu* of . ..ni:n i. n- <ll>ease* and nMrcurv. At the Mini.: time It en- rk-brs and vitalize* the blond. reMorlni healthful action to the ^Itsl oivsns ana rrjuvenatiuK the entire n.fi.iu. TUsgreat Regenerative Medicine Ii corn posed of the Rrnulne H'.ntliirni Miriaparilla, with Tell-" />..*. Mil- lingia, the lodlrle of J'ulnniiim and Iron, sod oth, r lnt;re<lirnt< nf |rrr*t po- Uncy. rsrefniTv an.l . n iitili. sllv rom- pownoed. It* formula I* H> neriilly kaown to the medical profession. SIM! the bnt rjhyslulans cooatanlly |>rescrl)Mi , an an J. W. BATES. Furniture Dealer Undertaker, iUHMHML Honey to Loan. At i Prr Crnt. /..(.,..( ^ n Strait WITH InUTMt paid yearly, not In advine* i-oiiiinlsion chancfld. A|t|>ly to t.l.KIKK. IIIOKMtlHB. YELLOW OIL WORM Am pleaaaat to tafc*. Contain tbeto Pntti' I* a *af*. sore, and WWIM ID ehtldnn or IDO Absolute Cure For ill dlsravr* miiipil by the vttlitlosj of the blood. It l rnnrrntratrd to the blgb- est practlrable dcj-rrr, fir bryond any other prrparatlon for which like effects are claimed, ami I* Ilirrrfore the chriptit, a* well as the .<M bluoU clne, In the wor 1 J. Ayer's Sarsaparilla pnr.rAt:ri> HY Dr. J. C. Myw Co.. Lowell, Matt. [Analytical Chemist*.] Bold by all r>ru^-ut * : price |1 ; sU bottle* for a. \9*mrm m **n huh* DAILY ANP WKKKLV MAIL THH MAIL tobcoMe rfce iingBls<< NrdliHi fur vertUisaiata 1 eOMaifH morr nf Ibm Ih.n all tMHet ' u* AnVERTISF.MCNTS of ' - . i in WIIKI v MAII..>w<n<>|xt xdix r*-. nto ffmtt r ' rd lot 4t* turvtwu. at hi THK MAIL H /Mv *W m tot/trmU ^cr wwrt eMblMcni<m. THE MAIL 7WM<. A6BNT8SS ted for The Live* of tin- Presidents nf tbn U. R. The lamest, bandwun ot best book ever sold for !. than twice on r price. The fastest sclllnR ttook In Anierlra. I in iin.nne profits to ants. All inu.|liK>.nt po|il want It. Any one can beooinft s tur.em.flf til attent 1 -r in. fre. HAI.I.K rr HOOK Co.. Portland, Main. A PRIZE.; Heml nil ocnti for |.. .- 1 ffe. and rw-im fre, costly hoi of londs which will hnlp yu U> mnro timnoy right away than anythinir "le In till* wurld. All, of ltbr > . luormwi from flrnt hour Tin. hrosvd road to fortune npn hforr the worker*, abaolsjtjaly sur*. At 0*0* addsass, Tuua .t Co., Au|usta, Maine. EUGENIA . Grist Mill, SW d lats Ml Having ma.le eitensive improvemrntii m n*/ Orisl Mill, I inn coiifl.ient I can rir- i-l saticfartion. CHOPPING DONE AXY DAY. (..-...I flonr always on band. Custom Saiving, and Bills till'-. I on the nbnrtest notice. Lm her and Ijitli alwaj'son hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. . ARITT, F.UO.WU *. K -v ' J* '.*! ' '.-. .t f > ' ' V- .'

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