. > "' V i. : Flesherton Advance. *-. :- ; - " "TJiVTH BEFORE FArOR."-" PRINCIPLES, jVHT .I/A'.X '." VOL. IV., NO. 177. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 6, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. / ' ' - ' . - . . ' : wv -, >* ; T-" ^, : . - ; . . . - / rf . ' . . ::' > -. . : .' ; . .- ? . : % ! ' : -- ''.'' -' A , m . ; . ' '- . - ' ' 1 ' . 5 TUB ADVANCE. Ihul- vllMKL. i . utliurij I.T: *Iver,y '1'li nr - - Ti .'Il'TlliN: fU) r turn-in in n'lvai:--c . -I. if not pai't i th . , .u . No )..t]iur d until Rl ! tin ' il-i ri].- tlont tukfii t'l- '< - 'Jut *]claj si-- it, art- ruad .:i. iif I'll Xl'N' I TO BE RANGED By the Neck till He is Dead ! COOK "fllETS! atf I < '.r- TrariM iitailTW-C nrilare I \ aoTor-liiu-ir l.ilt.-ru! iiltluceua- Nut. '. '- ""' u4ficu U-IT ' ' iTiisirti-.il In '- t ...... )>." i i lieri i KII.I i i-t iiit<niou ' -t \M.- LI l <lir>K- l-'itninl duilij oj Mnnlcr to In- Iln //' its te rffn la* advertisers. -j.atur. IU rent-. ;< r dlieonthiuad until all ar- BMOts klloulil reach thit ; FoMihlv tJ.K intuit intensely ll.fi lit lllf tili-\ Kail Ashi/.r* arose to his feet when any unusual itir the dread j>itra|th>>nta)i "f <l ath hsngii ceptioit of one or two important additions, viz., that she (witncsii) had huant tin- prisoner, while Btnhding l>y the Iwdsidu of bin tle.i'l w ifc, mutter ;<. himself - " Poor Hoy, it w;u me caused thin;" also ' I' or Rosammh, T come down on you all at once." (seii.-aUoii.) While this witnc.-t.iv. -us. testifying, Teeta IpnMed a desire '. .,,.;. nuar the box as he could iii hear the evidence, j in tin- direction of ih. jury, largo nuiii- 1 He was then in.. lock and placed in a chair it- ' took I'lace in the court i< ">iii. Slowly the | ovrj^di. hauntum 1m ilu-anm I y i ; momenta dragged tln-ir weary length 1 aiuMus thoo^Ml by 'lay I'ton'owim; Inin along. Little more, if t|uite, half an hur i-M-rjwhirt w!::it must tie the fit-li. had elapsfd when the door latch clicked the mud. iniuil man' They are un-ic and tin- iiui*. instant the jurymen* tiled ' eamly nil . n dtvribed. int.. the room. They have agre. d up. n , charitably draw " i a verdict. The buz/, slid hum of voices . aueiu cease; a sea of expectant faces is turned hideous dramas in rea n thit daik Mr.t. U-|'|i:u-d .i lutijected l a severe cnHiii-fx:iiiiin:itiii ''iy Mr. Mananii. durint; which i"iiif rrithi r unwholuauiiu: facts bers t f the spectators i-l. UialhU j*.ly rise to Jieu !i-', mount on the shoulders of t!i'.- in front of them. The silence i* not ..;i'\ oppr.-s- sive, but it is awful u well. Suddenly ' to tis! Pills. tnmae'j [.> r A. K. FAWCETT, ..- .-.( l'<tfJi*hfr. & : ^t>]t' of tliu cut. at rtMMabta ! rirw u>l '> mail will t IVH |-r- :.i|" attoiition Term*. I Itjsharton Hral Market. SEI'T .HOOP, I': :iirroK this week, waa the trial of Cook Teets for fel "iiitiualy administering |.oison to UosaJl- Tui'xlay to tniun l>h Leppard, Ins wife, last fall, the cir- cumstances of which terrible crime was jr. i n at length in t h.- columns of the Ar>- x XM K at tin- time it transpired. Itwilli f l.i- n inemU-reil liy our readers that an in- ijucst wa.-, held U-fore Dr. Christoe, cor- mil r for the County. Kroni the evidence Cleaned on that 's-caxnni, it waa deemed - i |ctliciit to Hi-mi tlu- stonuu-h of deceaa- were elicited ill 1't-fcTeuce tothe chastity (the death-like stillness is broken by the of two of her daughters; but, an far as flic nise iUelf was :onccruU, nothing of a contradictory native canu ..u4 of it, and after Imviii'.: l.een in the witueas h.ii over two houn, he i allowed t<> taku her e<l to Dr. Kllis, public analysist, Toronto. Tin- iiiipuutft was accordingly adjourned ponding the result. At the adjourned iiKjuest the report of the aiialysist was handed in when it wan ascertained that the stomach contained strychnine. In accordance with all the facta brought to light at this im|Ucst, the jury brought in a verdict on the strength of which <'. Teets was placed under arrest and -. nt Owen Sound jM"I. Tlio case wa-i |>.-l- poiied at the Spring Assize*, and this 1 Oash paid for fat Cattle and * 'taj?incnie up before Sheep. judge Armour. r'rcsli Meat* ivnwuntly on hand for h a J 1 "* a 3*" illcc the lorTlUo ff ir Cash. O r.lers promptly lillt-.l. 111 " thn11 " f ''orn.r IhKNejfc the __._.._._. inuiiity. The excitement was intense for IT i""^ iii''! > r rr\vr *'" """'' ''"' "" ''" *''' '**" r ""'' c ' l ' 11 ' I* nl^kM! \'j 1 1 IL/lN .interest in the mysterious cam* Magged MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. ! . 11 "' lllirill >' :il '""" t *Wo< ifi jr.: niio place on MONDAY \ C/anadian Pacific Change of Time. / Toronto, <;r-y \ Ururr B INT. i |irt. T DUSIL ,1.1 .:M. . I- I. HI K.3&IV.I1I. Various wen- the surmises as t't the pi siblf result, the general opinion being that Teetn would lie acquitted. On Tuesday ni.-ht last, while stopping at the Coulsoii liftel, we weic inf' rmod that the |>oi*oniiig coso Would conn- uj In-fore the c..iirt next morning. Wednes- day morning, found us wending our nloir,' the ioc-cl.vd strtets in t!u- direction ,.f the C,i:irt house. On our iinixal there, we found the prisoner Cook Teets, already in the dock, while sheiilf M.-ore wavcuil- ii nit the jurymen, several of whom refused by the Counsel for the to'lclltf, M;- Most t:. ;,t t! o i in pm. his client. In reply to the " Are you guilty or not guilty," the pris- Tonnrt will) UP U. MeMDSalp* at Owon Snnml. lliiiu i>n!y Tuw<l>a, Tliunwlays ami oner arose slowly to Ins feet and answer- in a firm voice, "not guilty." The NOTE. -MiI train ToBojrro. rtnpart. 7 P'tni . " arrive. ! 'JO " ... Parkilalr 7.:Wa.ni. 4.Mpm. 7.00" vet Parktlslf 1 n in. 4 M p tn. Depart . fllll*. III. it u a in i .. '.'IU |i HI XX NVH^T' (ON i. Sri-'r. ..Arrive 10Ms.m. Parktlale " T.W|i.m. ,Sorwx>d " ,';: J.MiSlCd I (Ir.K'i. Pass. AOT. THE MA11KETS, FLESIIERTON. Klonr 1'all Spring \Vin ;i: Karlry Outs Peas P.utter Kgps, fresh I'otntocs 2ft Piirk 5 00 Hay, per ton 700 Hides 5 50 Wool 18 Sheepskins 040 CrCPSO 00 Pucks, per brace 25 Chickens, pi r bnicp 20 voice, trial was then proceeded with. The prisoner, since his incarceration. lias allowed his beard to grow , and it was a<ime time Ix-fnre wo could rvcognin! in the xvncnible looking old gentleman in the iWk with hi* long (lowing gray Ix-anl and heavy moustache the man whom wo had seen at the coroner's in- tiuest a year previmis, with his ch in MhaVeii face, tightly compressed lips, and of countenance in tilt' IT. Milcil court room were faati-ned on him. O.ic of his sightless eyes was inflamed and swollen, and it was evident he sum-red much pain. At tint he kept IIIH eye* uli*V bandaged with n large white liund- ''l HO to 4 20 ker.liiof. but its the> c<we proc.-eded, he v" <>' to Ct niaiiifeste<l signs of imi-.tsinuss now re- FLF.Sltr- ! ITON STATION : Oolnii Nortli... at IVJSp v t-'or a time all the eves 63 n 45 215 50 n 10 18 I signs moving the bandage then replacing it ; C7 |* now leaning his hciwl on his hands and n -ft Kiving vent to deep sighs. Oncehearose ', - t7> his feet and seemed to be groping for ,j (K) somelnMly or sonii-thing ; then he sat 00 ''own nnd leaning forward with his head 550 <> the railing of tb.- dock, seemed to W 8 Do entirely absorlied in his own thoughts. C 50 The counsel for the Crown. Mr. Alfred n 55 00 ADVERTISE IN TTIF, ADVANCE, the IT WILL PAY Y.OU. Fruet, addressed the jurj- in a short, con- cise spee.'h, in which lie put the case for .he pro*-cntion very clearly. The firwt witnrs.i called was Rosannnh 1 Loppanl, mother r,f the deceased. The ovidenee -of this witncs* was substantially no as that given by her before f Christiw ajul jurj-, with tho ex- seat. I'muii: this tiiuo the prianner ex- Inl'iletl iyui|itoius nl ^rcat vzcitement. fre<jiieiitly wiping i. swent off his l>mw, his pt .aiti.m and broatliin^ hoar- Bridget I.i'i';.an'. laiii;!iter of the last was then uelled. Several sharp glances passnl betMi motkor and dau- -!.!.!. while the Utter was giving her evidence, and m. .Ke former raised her voice in what ceii. ed an admonitory i in when she was chueJted by a bystander. The cross i \ in i. .on elicited nothing if importance. The witness did not hear the prisoner nay Jiytlung while he waa standing l.y the 1 <lsule of the deceased. 1 ' K htoppetl at t!* bedside of his dead wife |a-rliiips half .14! hour. Mary Ann l^-pp rd, sister in law of dc oeaced, was next .!!..!. Sh. ii.rr-.l.nv ted the testimony >( her mother-in-law. hi Spioule s ti-ximoiiy went to show that the brain of t. teased was in a heal- thy condition. "litre was no natural ntue to which In : leath could !< nttriliu- ti-d. The \ym; , t .- ttroii^lj indic- ative of the use u< This poison. '. .ti' . caused death in from h i!f .in h'.in t.. tl.r'f Imurs. Hislorilship asked the tl.-ctor . veml pertinent '|IH-K. which !. Diwered 1 P mptly and satisfactorily Si-veial oth.-r xmnesses were called, but tin- moat important testimony .i.'.iii.st the nor was that ifiven l.j Aaron 'I . . \-< our leadern are nil familiar with t) .- statements made ly him nt tin- Coroner's iliijUest, however, ;vs well B,s th-ise n.ad.- by other witnesses, whose liame-t. A want of space compels us to,. nut. we need not moie than banly refer to these facts here. The pria< liters mother testified, as did voice uf the foreman who renders th vr- ' diet with terrible distinctness, although he speaks in an ordinary U'tie "(rttafty .'' with a rucommendation to u:rcy. The ' prisoner leaned forward, but, cither fail- ing to catch the words or ha* their fall purjiort, he whisp.-r.-d n >kv tones to some one near his sidu. 'iucii, when the awful truth dawned upon him, and he reslixed that the dark shadow of the gallows fell oiiiinusjy acroas his path way. an involuntary spasm passed over hi* hag gard feature* liko the shadow of some evil thing "Cook Tuets, have you anytJi ing to say why the sentence of this court sli-'ubl M. t be paaaed u|>uiiyoul" The word* OHM in deep, measured tone* from the judge, and fr a moment it seemed as though everybody piuae.nl had stopped breathing by f mint n consent. The silence was more awful than before. A* if by a mighty effort the condemned man slowly arose to his feet. For a min- ute or two he did not utter s syllable, and with the exception of his heavy breathing, a deep silence prevailed. His head was sunken on his breast. The bandage was slowly removed from his yea, h nervously passed his hand once or twice across his forehead, then aaauiu .UK u.' ' n a tinn address tl." judjf* ai -1 ' jury. }' MM hour and lixe num. which aliii.it seemed a I - f/ho WVTV broatl >u'.n^hi lord- ship a sen he tii ! . it.- upon th. persei ut r- i . -r ' I . He said that A. u u T. t tt r wilful!, and malicious- ly lied nl-out h in II,- nlso 'leined the stateineiil.i of Mrs. I,i|.p.ini, h. r dangh ter, and daughter-in-law . He hail U-i n perst'outfd and liusrepre.selited by tin- people as well us by tin- public press. If he never U It the dock alive, he Would still reiterate th.it he wan not guilty, that hoi.:" !- . roTuxlii in thm i-arly tM*. H ic** il Ilalsaui 4' tris niti^t speecaj- illy. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral. Ko <*br complsln t aro . ' ^f-<t In Ih* if atLx-k u thuM *XMUI> ibf ikrol J Innp: noiMtn tniUtl wiUi by th ns)ortt7 of iiiITrr- ra. Th ordlury coujh oc el. rrt. t i.j l*rti| fruiu trUUag oc unman, ui >t posun, I* of UD but tk* U. u.g U t fatsl ickuMs. Aiis't CHUSI fa IVIAL ha* wll iirovcn m r <-j In t forty 7n Dftt with Uii -<t as<l .'.i it distMts, a tss*nui a. CJSM uL>out Wiaf. fc t A Trrrll>l Conch CmrwL "lnln.'T 1 timk IWTT-I-. ,1, wbtcbal 17 'ung>. I tl t- ml.:, > (k, d tl ( ulgiii >lt*r mglii illit.ut ilMfTTL* 1U-.JV (ti-nw u| 1 tr.l .t vis's Cain Pr. TOIAL, Vhlob rtl fvr.l ray ioMt, IkJui-t I Sluy. uxl lt rilr.l ntr II rwl bx-nw . for tk* r*C"<n; of my .urnfib. uBtlli':. ' . PUtOEAL lrin : . .. vrl > old. ltd* iul bisrtT, end ( in smtlsft*! fui.r Cutasi I i . i i. . i wri >.*. II. BtcK Ki , \ i., ulj :: Criip A Molhrr'i TrltmU. " > tin's fcoT.ll.f-. > It MMIor.1 :t- ,, -tligu- Ul.i* ... .. r.l,.I U IM C( 11 i II'-. I HI 1,11 . . t II r C Wllirli .. . t ! , h. U>. ' 1 i|..-f l 1 ' . ii ! - . i ' H 1 h I Sf i "* .U' . it o(.,. 4 i 11 ourgr^lt. I.iL M . I he knew nothing . his dead wife. < ' n: tin- poi--ning f e and oi.lv once .list, his sister, the former attinning that Jtlic | i is. .JUT . -;, and sin- knew her .<u had strychnine in his that was w!u-n he r.l'eir.-l ti hi* last trunk or l>ox, whk-h he hud obtained in the 1 inted Stales. Aaron Tet ter did not see tho poison while .the waa present Ht nil events The meeting between the aged and m- tirio mother and her unfortunate n wa* was espec- ship, Jinlve . \ruioiii. strongly against the p an aH'ecting on<>. The) latter ally deeply moved. After hertring the evidence on both side.-*, the c Minsel for the defence, Mr. Masson, made a niaHU-rly address to the jury of OUT an lunir s iliiratimi. He wa* followed by Mr. Frost, who, in his usual concise and able manner, clearly proem- led the fact* for the prosecution in a speech lasting scarcely half an hour. This was followed by a resume of all the fact* in connection .:ht!n; case hy his lord- He i-t ner. but presen- ted the facts clearly and fully. The jury then retired. THI VERI>1CT. The court room w.u densely (tacked with spectators who were patiently await- ing the result of the jury's deliberation*. A II i yos wero fixed on the prisoner, who was moving uneasily on his seat, while occasionally be pressed his hands to hi* forehead. Shortly after the jury had re- tired, the prisoner's mother and daughter \>,-nt over t.> where he was sitting and ifter speaking to him in low tones for a short time, left the room. Several times the prisoner parsed his linger* nervously through his hair and whiskers, and partly meeting with deceased, ami then he seem- ed deeply n His lordship listened patiently to the prisoner's remarks. At the conclusion he I to pass the sentence, amid tin- death-like silence which |. -Madid the court room. He said he entirely concur- red in the verdict ..f the jury , the pris- oner had a short time in u huh to prepare to inc. t his li,.,| , the it > .1 m. nd.ition t* mercy would U> forwarded to the pi but he couid hold out no lid his The TI1F sF.NTKNi K. sentence of tins court. tllj. "Iin:! Klkt 4'. . > I ' V .1. I'll >M ' -Vlim.. JljrrU I.i. !-.. ; -. ''.'- ' I \ I V> I'B' It . !.- , \ r.t u\ nfuft\ m ^n|. <f Ar- a's Cuin.n 1'' , t'Ul f- . ...,!. : r -t <.: - ' ralntu.f. I- to, April M. !-j. No cue <>f in t(Tetk>n cf tl.s throat "r huift isu uluoli cannot tw jfatlrliA bjr tbt a* t Avra'-i rur.XKT Pcr.-a>ii.. anl n will r'irai< rttrr w'lrn th J I!!MSSS 4 nut slreaUjr : ,; 1. 1 the control of I I . AlitD XT Dr. J.C.AyeriCo , Lowell, !>vl>l ty all 1'ruy its. ilrutistry. .M- >i t i>in i i . i i. ^^^ 1IKNTIST. OHXIU'XTI ' ' will In- at Murk.lnle :i,. ].t ml tr.| ly "t t-. ii n loiitli r. I . Mi'l Ir-i DIM' . in.'iitU fur tin- pi if )iln pr f- - r%*t. T lordidiip, is that you, Cook Tet, bw tak- en to the place from whence j.-u came, ami that yoft there remain until the Mh day of Pccciiilicr next, wlien you are to U- taken (< th" place of execution and there hanged by the neck till you are di .id, and may the Lord have mercy mi your soul ! The prisoner heard the death sentence almost umiioveil, and as he was rumored *. u. rsiuir r AI.O x HANDS \ i'i:m;\. Sutctmttn ti. /^, '/ BUM COM [,vwi) e> ,'. ,:it- Uffii-M. 1 FROST i\r FIIO>T. B \KI11STK ICS S'll.K [ I 'His t tiNVKJXM I tt Uttai evr> TbnrxUy at H.KSIII I J. XV KRUMQ,!- I. ' M.t'UKl" ' !!('. mty ' 5'iotflo. hy the mnstables, steadily and (irmly asserted his innoci iue In a few weeks unless by i|>eciaJ in- tervention- Cook Teils will appear be- fore a higher tribunal than that which has just condemned him to |>ay the pen- alty attached to the horrible crime uf which ho has been found guilty by an in- telligent and impartial jury In the meantime- in the solitude uf his gloomy cell, with the gallows, the ro(w, and all A.llion i. .1. i. MAXWKl.I.. . Ctgan <i-~-l sut,n lu( ,, Tlio only Hotel in tbo Jos. AXJ.ISOX, .N i. Uu>ti> ' PBjpMmmm Flesherton Station Hotel. JJw. TIIK ali.<r- H-it>.| t..,nti -IMII UwKuchly . rtit.. I thrtiuyttciit - >0TUiit > i'. -in' : tUtion I UM I* W.-l! Vll'pll l TI lo f*. t %iui :. . t, to butli UMUI an4>'. iii. 1'ul.tlc T>i ! .. . .