Death of Robert A. Shannon We regret to announce the death of Robert Arthur Shannon, Meaford Road, Artemesia. The sad even, which was not expected, occurred on Saturday morning last about seven o'clock. Deceased has been afflicted with consumption for several years past. He was esteemed by all who knew him. The family physician, Dr. Christoe, was assiduous in hi attentions as he always is. Deceased was 23 years of age last March. Death of Mr. James Sproule We are called upon this week to record the death, at a ripe old age, of Mr. James Sproule, at his residence, Osprey Township, on Thursday last, Oct. 23rd. Deceased had been for many years a resident of Osprey, and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. Two of his sons are engaged in mercantile pursuits in the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba; another, Mr. R. J. Sproule, has been in the general store business in this village for many years; he also holds the position of Post-Master. Dr. Sproule, the popular M.P. for East Grey - and who resides in Markdale - is also a son of deceased. The remains of deceased were followed by a large concourse of people to the Methodist burying ground, Maxwell, where they were interred. An impressive and instructive sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Shaw. , v < -f !fS -' .",. . .' '. I . -J _l At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY!^ Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. 1 ' K* I T ! . ' A/ - Juit reci-ivi-il a li.t of M.-ns and wo- mens Kuliln-rx, Ovi-rshoi-.,, and Felt It.. .its, very eheap at W. Claytons, Klesh- eiton.- ^w. Mr. Jas. ]y"iicr. lattt of Flesherton, is now a link. -sn. an ..n tin- T. (!. & B. division of the '. I'. K. llu cailuU on us last Saturday. Get your fall and winter clothiii',' made up in tli latest stylus by Tli-n. Duncan, the f.-Lvliimiablu Flesherton tailor. (IIMK! work at fair (irici-s. Rev. D. C. McOnwell, left fur Mit- chell, mi Monday hist, on buvinesu con- nected with tin- Church. He was expected to arrive home Uwt night. Bui in. -r, the Flesherton 1'hotograph- er, takeii ph.itoi in limt-class style. His work is second l<> iiom- in the dis- trict. MOBBS Dates says. we arc going tohav* n mild wintt-r. \\utln;r prophets can't most genorally ilway* tell, howt-ver, even if they do happon to make a successful hit nccaAi'.iially. The Ai'VANcR sent to any address in Canada or thu 1'niU-d States from now Tliesf favorite, bnutdtofC Cllt J"<a,\VN car, b,: Imd at Store: - I in his attentions, as he always is. De- Kii-liai-dson's Nc-w ceased was 23 years uf age hist March. Lance, Lance Tooth, Lancet, Diamond, j and Champion from 50 cents per foot j up, and a fine- assori from 05 cents each up. Death of Mr. James Kproule. W.- .tie oiled upon thi.-> wk to ivcord Gleaned from our Canadian Ex cnauges and Other Sources. During a tiro at Mrs. CampMls'a, Dur- j , - . t-^UIlJIU t\ IHV 4*l> !. WMUVMsl Hi *] -- and a fine assortment of AMi! thcdwith , a n M f M| . ^.^ ...mebody *.1 2 in ' Sproule, at his residence, On prey Town- ill. II. II. Hciidesoii of Iho Domiii- ,'!'. '"' Thursday lot, Oct. !Mrd. De ion baiik, l"xbridj:e, ami Mr. A. A. ceased had been fur many years a resi- Burke, of the famous Alliaton agricultural ' dent of Osprey, and leaves a large circle works, were in town yesterday and favr- "f friend* to mourn hia loss. Two of his ed ye AHVAM-B man with a pleasant coll. "" are engaged in mercantile pursuit* in Mr. (J. A. Campbell, for the last the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba ;anotliur, year and a half connected with TH Al>- Mr. H. J. Sprouln, has-been in the gcuer- VA.M-E office, leaves for Lindsay in a store business in this village for many days. Mr. Campbell is a good practical years; ho alto holds the p<*iti. .11 .if Host- book, job and newspaper printer, and an Master. Dr. Spnml.;, the popular M. 1' a pressman haa very few superiors. We fr East CJrey-- and who rvsides in Maru- coniniend him to tho fraternity as a steady, dale -is also a son of deceased. reliable and painstaking man. Tin- remains of deceased wore followed until Jan. 1st, for On.- D<illar. Don't iniaH this opportunity to get the bust local ami family paper iu Grey at cose. 8|>ecial prayer was ..ffcrc.l up in the ! kt stands A 1 in the county, ethodist Church, Flem.-rton, hut Sab- N n 1 f..r Artemeaia p Send in your communications, adver- by a laiyo concourse .if people t tin- M, tisemenU, and other matter intended for tuodist burying grouinl. Maxwell, where current issue of the ADVANCE not later they were inferred. An impressive and than Tuesday evening in each week, instructive si-riii<>ii was pruaclwd by Rev. otherwise press of other matter un our Mr. Shaw, space may oblige UH to leave them over. Largo .(iiantitics ..f grain ami all Richardson's MILLINKKY |i. kinds fiirm produce are daily coming into partmtiit M fillwl with new goods in our market where the highest cash prices Huts, llonnets, Kibbom, F.-iith.'is, are paid. From what we have heard Silks. Velvets, Mantl, s, I'lsti-rs. Fur from p^ple living at a diktance,.nir mar- Mantles, CIK-S, Cups. Moft, BOM, tin-., and Knitted \\o.)l doods of c-verv cash and a silver watch from thu build- ing. It is estimated that there were 1500 j head of cattle at the last monthly fair at Durham. The Hi-view says so, at any FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. Largest 67orA- in this ririu- ////. ///A///'--/ if. A t UOADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. rate. The Durham Chronicle man doesn't be- lieve in newspapers giving tatty t<> each other. And yet Arthur can lay thu said toffy on pretty thick when he chooses, i CtlStcrS, Jiutffr I 'isln'S, The contest for the Reeveship of Col- 1 ITU. :- K iiiU'w.M.d Township will be bi-twet-n Mr Meth Inth evunnr..', liy R.-v. Mr. McDowell, fur the success .if the Soott Act in the coun- ties in which a vote, is to be taken to-day (Thursday). ''ill* and all other print- ing got up in HO.K! style, at clump rate*, and on the shortcut in dice. Freo polices given in Tin: \i.v vvi: in c.-nncction with auction .-ale, uutcrtainiiifiit, and pulilio meeting lull -i. < Inl.-rti by mail wise promptly attend.-.! to. - Mr. Thompson, who scrvitd his time in Mr. Win. llarnhousc's l>ot ami shoe shop, Flesh. -iton, has gone t(1 Stayner where he liaa secured a situation. \\V to Torinito and people going nther large places for their furniture in future. Mr. J. W Bates, of of this village, has a splendid st<K.-k (lately rucvived) which he is selling at remarkably cheap prices. This is not a puff "by a large majority." Just see for yourself. The IllustratedSporting and Dramatic Mormon* In Proton. Since our last issue we have been in formed that there are and have been dis- ciples < it I'.iiL' Y. in.; in 1'roto u for some time past. It is also said that .(uite a nuniU-r "i I'n.tointis have U-e:i con- verted t> the " faith, and tliat a number Journal enter. iU third month tin. week **"*?**?** f " r ^ M " r '""" or other- and si^ializes the event by introduciiii; a valuable chess depart,,,,,,t ,,,,.1,-r tl,.- ,,-1- wn " m ra " '" "-" 11 <1 : ""' "''1" I 1 wish friend Thoinps. .11 success. He ii a ebrated <>j.t T H. Mackenue. The " paradise, " t't.ih. How any intulligui IHTIMIIIS can lie so-gulled and imposed <>n as t.i swallow tho 'ihinixious and im Journal has at.-a.lily in pict-.nal ""' ml h< ' M ''- v "" H ' *" c Ull<l ,-xc..l!..m,-, in freshness, oriinality and rhr t "" "'"'My l.y...,.l MM k.-,,. ' di K nirted man^-m.-n,. ,,! iu literary .- r, M i a ru'U-viiiin featuie in I features arv m-w a, eagerly looked for at M " r "'""" " '' * '"'^">" '> steady, honc-M young man and g-,-s fr the fireside as it, .p., r u,,,' record, are at . a village with an iinblcniished record, the club. Issued every Friday by the I * .. to ally himself or herself to a J.>ctriiii McKeiiny and Mr. Win. Kerr. Thu former is tkje prestint Heere, und an excellent one he is. Mr. James Myles, of Kuphruiia, was offered ^400 for his ytarlmit cult and re- fuso.1. -Thornbury Standard. A \ is U-IIIK taken on the Act to-day (Thursday) in the cuutis of Itriu-c, I'niiri- Kdwarvl (Out.), Huron, ll.ill'uiii, ami Y..rk, N I!. In the latt.-r it is a.|ii.-*iioii ot n-|H'al. The I)utf.-rin Assizes ..|..-n.-.l t Oran - U.-vill.- - ii I'm-vlay last, t K I 'JHth, l-f..r- Mr. .lui.ti.-i- \rin.iui-. >]i.-li.iiriu- K...II omist. Mr. Chaw. Anil.-ntt br-.u^ht a | into On- Oakvilli- lnili-]H-inU-nt ..ttic.- which weighed three |...iiinU. Thu will mit.-nally assist our confrere in tiding over tin: wmt.-i. Arthur village, with 1000 inhabitants, has six iiu-diuil men. K-.lit. Luiii.nt li-i't for thf old country -.11 'rhiu-.l.iy with 40hea<l.if prime steer*. .. v Knu-rprne. I h.- store of Messn. Kaufman A \\ ild Dmwood, VM bfoka mti> on Sat- WEDDING RINGS Ik (rron.1 K]>4M-Hi. L<i-ttrii.\ Morris. />',>.s.v. ,///</ t/thi't <> - I.iui.> iu Chains, Seals. Riugs, Jets, & Jewelry, Musical !&s .tri&g; My it-ork- is ///// hcst and if// Reoomntt n<iti<>n. Not It in ^ ni i. \n-pre- >/ ur-l.iy but fortiin.itrly only $:i wa mr village Rh.-uiiiatiiii.i. anil limilnr disrates, caiiiod i New York House, X... by a Km htate of the Hynti-iu, are cured by usinR Ay. r - SarK(|iarilla. The Tin. .nt. i IT</rM is rt-ally thu liusl daily paper in that city. \Ve wouldn't IM- without il on any account. Every line in it is intercut ing and instructive. The day of blanket sheets- -half of what they con- tain bcin_' of no int. r.-st t.n..-dinary read- ers is about past. L 'ii,' lift- to tht- ll"i>r/'/, say < Mr' K Van/ant, our [Mipular Flesli- c-rton marl le man, is just now busily en- gaged cutting; mil a lian l.i.miu iiiommi.nt t<i be plai-i'il nver the grave of the late Rev. Natlian Austin, Methodist minister, town of Sinu-.i.-, Out. Mr. V. is receiving orders fr.nii nil quarters, as he is a tint- class workman. A fine i-.iiiMitiitiiui may !> brukcu snd rnine.l l.y simple D('Kl<'<-t. Many bodily ills result froi-i haliitiml .- .nsti|iAtiini. Thoro is no mr.licin.- . | -ml t.. ' to oorrect this eTil. un 1 n .t ir-- - ' to natural, r.-pnlar, nti.l henlthy arlii.D. Scnl In Von:- Murray Street, New York. SO UH Pur.! Cano for one flollnr at I .nil. - Alii Horinl. A social will be held at the residence of which n- >t only robs thftin of their manhood or w.imanhiNHl but renders them sl.i . the most vitiatc-d an 1 depraved tastes. | It ualinimt IIKI revolting t.i .-ont.-mplatt- without n shudder, and w.-;.- tn.->,- |'ro- toii .--in verts to sou thu dark side of the picture -which tin- crafty emissaries of a damnal ile crei-d will take g.Nid .-are not Mr. Parr (near Floshoitr.ii ) ' to show them for the present tl,.. v would Fndav i-vunnu (M morrow) under the - and reH^-t Ufor,. taking MK-|, a U-r. a U s P ic..ft)ieI..- 1 .l,.s'A,d..fil,,-l > roby. n bl,. " l.-ap , th dark." OM -. - , - terian Church, tiame,, A,-. ,. t:lkeM . , willl* pr.ivule.1 for the occasion. A o.r- wra ,, liei i m tho hur} .,. ntll ,. ,,! ,,f dial invitation is ext- ndi-.l to tho pub],,-. >,,,,, H , ;lVl , ry ani , *. mu .j M lt , u , ;, Admission |r, cents or 25 cents perooupl.- lK , cur , t||at , t . X( . r ,, t)l( . |r w j. Go and have a g. HH! tune. iy e\er iiml their way t.. intellectual anj retined s.K-i.-tv. An minions.' stock of J>i-eHi- < >O|M to sel.-ct from i with suitable trimming material at M. UlCIIAKIiS.iN'l. , I.v.-ry man i > v**f<;>A m\ of Cod HI. or boy wanting an t, should BV tli" to KeK-ct iVoiii at M. . IUUDSON 8. ' t . His Hr*i l- i r Hunt. Mr. .J. U. Campaign, blacksmith, Flesherton Station, w.-ut out mi his lirnt (From ?* <> < . rr </ ... door hunting e\;..-dui-.n on Tuesday ot A short nine n'^< Mi. T. H ^last week. Several mher of our older succeeded m killiag a largo Mink which will '- d -ing us a favor. ']"'rt.vii.-n were ..ut .m the ^ame day, but | m ,l ) h -eii l.iu^htriiig tin- villa-,'.- fowl and help t,. mak.- Tin: AHVAME even| <Iack " l "" u th> ' c;lk '' '""' tl ' 'h"l'' i "right and left. " more interesting than it is, if they will'"""" 1 - * "' KV I"' 'n si tmg U,-,, Mi . ,, . J:imK , ;>(JI , . ,,, ,,, ,,, kindly bring us in it.-nM of interest occur- * l ** '* 4 **. The . .,..,, ., ,, , ;l till( , v ,, u| , latter animal bv-uig sevcnjv wounded Kv ..k. It w;i>. pltwilg around and by Jack, charged mi urn, stnkinu tierce v at . . . ^7 " H ,!,. ,,i. i|is Vroko through the lianU ring in their various lix-alities. Our Butters. him with hif.-<-t, and ch.ising him around a tree micu ..r twice. A second shot OB Tkdndaj li<t Mr. \Vm. Stewart, nl Kimherlev, sh-.t a lim- fit d -e in Hi.- " ''""''"-d " Im liit.-k-.h,,,. , m ,l JaoJi came h..o.l ,,f M:-. Wm. Fawcctt'* "ff vi,-t..rious. to the no small envy ..f Ins i n.-ai- tin- II.-HVI r river, in Eu- phrnsia. Mr. lie... l,.-itmn-r, f Arte.inea. ia, was simil.-u-l- ! . n.- day laat week. comrados. ^. the well, li.-t'or.- it could be gnt out it was dead. Oji Tu. -da) !.w-t, Mr. F. T. CUT had a > Gallons |x>rial I fur in- Forrlic;i|i I>r_y ; Ol>t hiiiy .'I! M M Itli-IIMlliSON'H. MOSfNI flam very HCII.IK a.-.-i dent or ili-atli. H.- was Workin; in the [Muni, of Mr. Akitt'j grist mill, when a (large Imn. I axe, which w:u being liand.-d Oil rim- - .it M. I'll- 'in-n. in. down to him, fell and striii-lv the snlo of his kneu, inHictiiy,' a l.n_;e _ i-!i and ex- llralli f KolN-rt A. Shannon. l"-"u; the .^1- of the knee joint-, to v i.-w. U'e regret t-. aniMnuc the death ,.f' Mr K l'""nna,i sewed tlm Wound. K,,l-rt Arthurs!,^,,,,-,,. M.-aford Koad. I 1 "" 1 ""-' '" "' n ''' stltcl ' M ul " vur - v " ; " ' Art,.ni..ia. The sad .-vent, which was llli " m r - The ac. id, nt will 1 iy Mr ( V, Mr. R. t;. Tnml.le i.s about leaving 1 n,,t un.-xp.-ct.-d, ,..-. irr.-d r.n Saturday i" 1 ' for """"'"'"" ind'.-r-< a nninlMT of Cldck.i morning lust aK.ut seven o'clock. De- ' -*- aale at iM.ttoiu pnes for tho next few | ceased has K-en atilieted with conump- ' Over one lumdn-d l.iads of wheat wen- weeks, otlu-r arliile.-. will U- dis|Med<>'^tion for several years pant. He was us- brought into Stay ner .-n, Friday of the at very low prices. C,.imj early and se- teemed by all who knew him. Tho fain- , week before lust. Flesj|r:.>n can beat ! bfirgnins. ily physician, DJ-. ChristoCj was assiduous, ^h*' 'J' <l"*en or more, 1. I' tor the Ix-m-tit of the | r thief. - hi all probability there will U- a mini INT of polu-e nia^iitnites appi'inted In -..-to try Scut' Vet M< -later*, also two ..r three aU)jsiit iiiMx-ctun to In lp carry out the law. Stayner Sun. I in.- I . i r Oon b> tujTMlf an. I , t . | r.\Il. W. A. BROWN _ _ Markdale. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP |.-n. > I . MMI I. \ sum of money was found on the M.l.-r. ad. \ i\ last, Oct. L'Xth. Owner can h.-ivi- tho by proving prp-ity and paying its f..r tli nt \pply at Tut ,\i,v vs. K oltice. Flesh. -rt. in. Buckloii d Aroioa Salve. Tl..- H.-t slv.- in ti:. -.... ; | f"i I'm-. Hnilx-s t Itli. . Pi t-.. i !|.. .1 Hau.U. cliUliluiim. < ..rn-.. i. I ul. >kin >'i| '" - I'll. - .r i. ' |.tv ..|inri-l. I- . ' > -uti- IIM-'I ' . i i". reiit |^ir 1 . i -..I. ! \\ l.i, i. .ibl--l. Kle. )llt"ll fop A new H Si-., m-,' Ma.-lime will I,., sold for the a'l-iv.- amount, or ex. -Inn.'. fora good Milk ('..-. Apply <- Tut: Vi. \ >- ,. .-IH--.-. Me.sheltoll. FLKSIll-lil'ON. MONEY TO LOAN! I'nrdfi- it n< I t'<niuntny'.\ /'unit*- At Lowest 1,'nfe.t. JAS. LAMON, .N- '/..'. /'/'"/.'. " V// I/. A < nlnrru-A .New Treat IIH-III- l'< rli.ij' . ' I hn-t cxtrti'itilmsry NUOSSSMI lllltt bin ueill. Veil ill lu.~l.-i n Mi. -.l|. in- has Ix-.-ii u'tu :ui .1 ly tbeli.vm trrntiiiu,t i-.i i'.itrr!i. i4it . f J (HMI ( ...y, ut-t t,. tin- (..-si su moiitl.i. fuli\ uin.-i> [I..T cri.i. l.,u,. i, . 1 . ,( :| ., .iuU,,,rii '. HIM is IMIIII tin' I. - uln >i -I l- i- :n- fi.S. ! ( tliul in t live |.fi "f fiSIH li'.o I'l.'-.. l.hh/ t!|. IM-i !\, s ! reuular |.i*.-liti.ii. , uliili- tli.. patent -u'l nlln r n Ivrrn-e.) i-iiti s 'i- ii- i i r stall s- .!- 1,^. witi, tin- ' ol.uui . . . . ,| |.\ tin- ni..-t Kl'll-lltlfu-. III. II lllSt til. J .In, . -,, tl.l ' H" - "'">' ol litii i m ib<> -. >lr. I 1 i.l ,|.:. 1 - Hi. n L03T SHEEP. StrmH i-i' -|. ijth ..f . !. !. I I... . .1, tl tlull tllt ;'!. . ^ ROOF !: 1 l.M i: i M.-IIIIIIM:: - 111. l. the t'iitanl. ,| rii- pi r- iu im n. -.\ i- ni |i. - ; .".ii, < , : ty Inni f. ur \i-ars ajjo iun cur.--, -till. No i. in- . IM- i. .. . v.-r ni ; \, ,\ .i.irrli III this m. il. n. !, mi ! no oilier 'i. ..In. lit lm.< . rsortdi ii.mli. ISM apfilieatioa of Ut* I ri-iin .iy i-, >m.j.le, ,.n.l can I..- -I, me nt i Hii.l tu.- pt.'Mi.t -. ... n of tin y.-nr i wt fiivoiiii.iil, f,, r ,, ,|..,,h l; ,,l p. riiiani nt J...I at mie tn Ali-w-i: > :T. -in - -!:, ul.l r..rn' withM.s-r-. v. II. DUon s\ BOM, 8M Usjg .. t. I -i to, <'ins.|a. un.i . Uini> fui tn-ativM on . it i r i, \|.ui trelStr, Nov. 17, IHri-J. Farm | K-nl. l.t L".', C.-n :., Townslup of Artem.-sia acres cleanxl. I'OKM-SKIOII ^iv.-n 1st I day of No\eml)ei. Apply t.i IV liolmsii. i Fleshorton. Steam IlirSir AT PLKsim;r.\ ^ ' For Sale! I'll.'.- !<.),. - . , . i it i rrl In), itli i -,: i-. r 11 n i HUNT i .n K\M I I 2.-FARMSI-2. TO RENT OR SELL. llnlli wrll wU-r.- ' A nl,lj, Fur furthi-r |rtlr..lsr> |.|.i\ ROGEH LEVER, rf- I 1 .!' , v ^ t