Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1884, p. 7

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Vr A l.-.i ..l-'>uai - love, I eee the* lowly kneeling, Clapped bandi and drooulnn bead. Wbile Ib* in ...i.li . in. p .In ar* Healing Badly nmud niy dying bed. t_>ar. it, bu*b thy bitter weeping , Lay tby te >rf ul 0'ieek to nitue, 1* 1,1 e tbe *tan tnnr deatb-wntub keeping. H ftly brouitb tbe lattice tbtu*. fTbr ugb ti.e tin.-, lour w.udtere nigbloc. And uiy bau.l, to ttoru ant wu.to. On t>iy cliixtrriug bair l. lyiuf . Love, my . uiy lovr, good-ulgbl Ab I I bear tby broken *nbblng. Film a d l..w, Iby voice bob grown , And I feel tby ton. i bearl tbr I. lung, Oh, b.iw wildly Klul uiy own I Drai, uiy eplril .till tieUyiuK, Lovee to hover u ar lbe*< uow. Like <be uiO'.n -ruin* fmidly tt.aylug O'er tby |>lil.l clieek audhro*. Tr*. my *..ul. to hre Iliy enrrow, l'*u-e< iu II* lieavt- nwr I fliii' t. And * ul o uii'urt ib. e t*i- morrow. !/., u,y i1.rbl lovr, good-u.gbt I Mow, for on* *weet iii'iiu'iit only, Fol.l me liMM-ly I . tby l.rta.t Wbtn tby life ..... m .lark n i lonely, Ob, reuieuitwr I iu bit-it I Thoubibyv Ice wi.b griei be br ken. h'ni'e on more, aud ceil me fair. DMrlluu, *e in\ i.i lve-tokei>, Take tlil little lock of heir. Vrrling ib-t-e thy lt cr. , Tear* tuuet ill m my f-illug eight KIM. -nee ui.ire uiy wandaru.g lro*>ea. Tbeu a loug, a lui guod-uigul I Htiadee of denlh are round me cloelng , Tear* aud kh*.i.i* bide iby faee; Htili I ft-ar not. tbui re|>oeiug, lu thy faithful lou I euibr*e*. Tbuu*h tli.-u li.'Rerr*! brot.ei.-betrtod. All tby th .11 bu t" uie utall eoar , W h*ll aeeui t.ut to be patted ; I'll r*i nni the* evermore, brulitiy IB u.y M.UI ettakliig, Hee. yoo Kit. .m of baavruly ligbt I Hue, in-ii. .1.1 Hi" ..-in l l.raakiug. Lovf. uiy f*ilLful luvt,g.*l-ulAjUtl fanny t'artttfrr, in C'humOo' Joarnoi. I o Die l-r Ike o nir i - T JOAQU1M M1L1.KU. o die for trie enuntry ! wbeu dying come* liu u.it for the H*g. U i< n.t lor tb* I .ad, 1.1* u>it f.ir il.e ij'..iy. the battle graal For all .be oauuou au.l tbe roll of UTUUI* Tbe preyer 1* not f< r the flag In tbe fl bt r<il'tr for b we. for IMI.O en I for all*; Fur Uie a d ibe love.l ojri-hfe. ew**t life And tbat le tbe , r> . r lu tbe baltie'e ulgbll I l>tll you 1 1 >ee tb* man at yon- il la Jilti- nowu von b-r tli*i.|.-keuinf thnd T.I look In bli fcr. ui ee the b no 1 kHuw y iM.run from lip* tbal U.Y. loet tbeir prlJel 1 t'H y"U, tonxt h i hrini-i I- g ryrl >wl>n I 1 tell .'.. I., -t-i. Uiui cl nan t-. tb* uiuld Ai..| lira* M at I' gr**t. al II to bold e*lit> e*rtu froui P*MI. g away Iroui blm Oh. ye who have wine* e I Die dying In bra pa, Tne Northerner ritiia.1 witu ibeauutberuef ufel llio bA*toniu,c rraifr reap. I loiAuui au i cru -u.l cockle burr. Aoiwrr and iv If over a brvetb w ii,. ti.i ..( u i 'u.iU r .r the Uad K*y only the r< n u of a . elp eee bauu ITu bold oecu u*ik iruui Ibe baii.i uf o**tb lii'tliliig at A.I hi that tail dr*r*ir. Oi tin. fin! in-' Him; In ti e .it->ierab)ilrlfe, tJat'.n y a I.MMT a lo*, l-t pr*ytr Vui Uer at Ibe laal, au.i ale, ewcet life I if.itli nc al a'l '.f a nword ff.m the eheatb, For tiie ..nit Ut <i* on Ibe n 1.1 .. l..r lilt ou.y a pr)er Him gilu-il M uf leetb, Aud a owiee upou tboee a bo caueeU Ibe war. Tor ob I It U hir t f..r tb* tnn to to, bo lu-liy an aHltii.g t.iui la *wat I Uf .in In .ir IIK k u lly-ittitd tittle luW, lia ca * lee Lis * ifu witb liar b*b*e at Hob* who *.y. II ! iweet India >' c.-uir. . > hie never >et f II or *0 The elio^k ..f n i la . r ibe n..*vee betweuu. AaJ tell* y.u a pit, lui pa. en lie eOMKBOUT. ig 111! . in* world. 10 y lotnu it, ruiiutib 1 weep*- hi. .I*|HI !)' ba.qu nn L f . .1 eain u > 111. led H luieb .tlv g*i.y g> da over lb-.de pe- ri.ii>*'"' .y * iintabfio i> uu.iiti'g in- tibt. h,.aili>..l n K i,K while wnuu .]y liglie nViiaeli.MJy. on.et* hoie. i* quafn .IK tb* br.gbl >iitt.f Itle g ap wuile Mioiabudy die*. Bometmdi'ihea. tit bunting with Joy, H .1, i li Nly'. itarviun. uiew ere alone, BeTtaelitKly noff* r an . luakettt un moan. Moiu. bo ly it b till il ! u i.iuh - iHiuiBb dy'* li- art i- nven lu twalj; FOR TUB LADIES. Married Woman the Busiest Peo- ple in the World. HOUSEKEEPERS OF THE FUTURE. 6urofbdy iiit-wliBie. l uuiuliuUy cry . Ami tbe rlrer fl -w. imuutiily a.aiu omebo ly'n dirg I nuns by tbe w.vee, Moiiieb tly i.i. . rin. rt. . n , i.vr will know ; 4tomt'o.l? iianiit K.irt'i-.i QcklriieM brave* ht-iiifb.ly * ^>ul M I lire a ill.- u w , Bum- b >iy In an'. bla k a* tb ulgbt. hoii.t'b d)'e ryee are u U*B*J 'healb ilieaod Bum. b t y'i u. wee ton wtk for ibe n^ut, AuU (uuiuarwl upwarj l'..|..il .r H ...II, M - Ho yon want to be my comibmaD f" " Te, air." "Arei you a married man?" " Wall, ) > >-*, air. Bbt lb*n. tht' al 1 ou KBI k divoroe " Chicago Ntsi Oone It the day of Ibe coat of mall, v* li. h inLti tbe tuuru*.. itui Crowne.1 wiili In- ia.iy kbiinruerlng yell. Tiie t.ue kuijbi b lUiy neut. Ala k. mi. I ala. k for Ibe woo ng o'll Anu *ick n i itluk fur iuvl Fur it t-< HC M uiau'it bit t auu a buit jueil oual Are Luv u '> lam livi i y. An floping ooaohTiati'n apology - 1 drivttu iu du It. ' ,V, tf Y -rk Jitmal Goto linen and (irii -u^'itori *ttm to b* tbe herur* of (be (.ay. It i- a real Hi I to be ou tbe box tfoito* Cjtnmtrcial liul kfin. WAXTID A ponithn an ooacbmao ia a (an )) t>i weaitti. WaK- M not *> union au olj iv. a* a riob wife. I'HiUJt pliia Cull " Yea, my dear du<i. V ir, I wi>b you would do yuur benl tu ouuv*ui ttie bear lit our cnauhlue.il." And elope wi h him, papa?" " Yti, my dear " " Ab, I . you dear, good papa, yoo want all Ibe p ipere to ee.y 1 am a (aaoi tiaii"K beaut, ud ibe reitfuiuK belle " ' W. II, ol ojur.e, tbat will belp a little, tut thai i bol the maiu poiul." ' Wbal It tbe m. in polul, papa 7 ' 11 Well, you ear, tbe paper* will all lay yon are ib daugblr ol t millionaire.' Well." < Weil, that will eul rge my credit. Bee T N .w run oul to the liable, Ibal'e a good girl." Wcayn Ktwi. leTAl fffll? Prf difla. rr Ie I I n Ir I o , r Hb* lav** me. Rhe tb* eareet, bast, 11 t perfect nf orett* 1 tbluK*. ll*e tall eba love me aa I b t* pr** 1 Her lipe to tuiue Aiy wboie he*rt*iug* W un j >y. tiBCuiHt I it n *o bi*t*e.|. VM tu to witb d nli , wltb (eare u^ipreu'd, aly wbole bert ciugt. W.iui I for her itke my own. my iweet, Thtl ilulla*. faiuo. all pracniui lUlugl, Wire Uliiie to lav Hb al ber leet But. i ve tba I v tbat It^ee uot elugl, A'td flleeaway on p'ui. .11* fleet Ko wo* it u b Ave 1 to iiruM my eweel; Nau.b.tele bul love. Dear lovr, tbe btavena are not ao fair Aa tba li-<<i of ber bluaevaa ; OUB luck f t i.i pjra g./i i, u r blr. .ore tlmn tba ralla ol orl l. I prlM. Ob, Lrug-> tbati'ie for me u .ui l .are, Hu>batall b.-auty for her abarel Ob .wetill Ou, straugBl Yet tb%t >be love* me w -II I know, I i her par* bean uo guile .-. ui.l dwell. An.l hue uocUred a..ujo a .ye ago (*i> **.. uiy pre iuu, u.by UellJ lu I i.p ng aooauU e if . -. u 1 I ... ll l luve you. papa I i<veyuu aul " I luveyuueol" Htttiitticiatii are unmarried men ai k matter of c .iirne. Tbe ua'bral att patby of all wouiaukiud to all n^urte rtulere that tuuc i cirtaiu. Wbal wouiau ever ivDii wbo would ou auy term* oouwi.t to ive iu tbe eame bouee with auiau addicted to adding tbi g* up, eliikiug average*, 'Orklug nut probleme uion i ig, n'jou aud igbi 7 VYu.t p ea*ure o /u J any wouiau get from a ur biui.ei, wbeu OJUeoiou* tbat her life partner, upou looking al n. would at once begiu to o-impute the com- parative aui.u.l expenditure on bouueln d Itandiug armi-r.? Woal wouiau . ( ordinary feUii ilue in*nuctt would pul ber- eif in ibe way of Declining a auxj ol lor ibe uianufro ure of perpttjal aume " in arllbuielic ? A tolerably ad.qj.lea. i{ualul- auoe wall leuiiuioe ta*tee i-i a ,1. n u* to i > Ibercfort, wuh OtiLn leuc^, tbat Httit-- in ii* are al*Tay* aid uvce**arily un- m rried lueu ; aud ibat aojouuu lor ibe ol tbat iu reckoning up earning* irl ulbur uia'.t*rH pert. Ul-aJ lo ludumnal aud eocial la'.l-HO-., ib-y ala>*claae married wouieu itiiong ' perrtuu* uuernploved " to Ibe utter iud di-a-tr i . lalainja'lou ol lile'a laCM To parapbraae Mr. Buuible'* lullguaul exclamation, le atat I* Hoe eupp. me Ibe female beexle \-t uoux-li 1 le lo be wi b ml eu p iv uif ul " lalinlio* I. a uli.jt abd au aea. Let Ut elide tr, II ouo. I ' 1 li tt l. to >. let the lati-liu au wbo calmly U do u iur lied womeu an " uiieuipi..) i d " pat ln.i,-. 1' iu a iii.inel ttouiau'e p oe lor a li.tle rblle by way of rip i.m ut. L*t ii.iti learu ry experl-uoe ibe total dtp-av.iyof tuantui.lv tutuga aud ibe m*lev./ijul leu- deuoy of din lo aoou'tiuiale. Lil him try to ktep bju-e in order, lo " l.iok alter" two ur Ibrve cuildreu. L-t buu try til* preuilOr-baud u, o i tbe ujana.eiueut of a o-Kik a jd a on.tuoerm ti I, aud a Uuodre*. >( varying aud cudio'iug t nuper*, wlio agree lu imtbn g but au ludinpoftlilou to dj ny work t it can be avoided, a mvio.iou t lal " I'uur-'l.y oul" ovgll lo luciu le uioi ol the 1 1 if r dayi eu i all the nighi* iu ibe wei k. aud a uuilorm pr. j i i -.- iu f tvor uf uirud.ci. ) aud lu*ulvuoe. L u biui ruu Up aud dowu alair* fifty tuiiee lu a furCLOou . pen t. id opeiai'U* iu tbe knoueu. laundry aud b,-d n in . ; aee ibat diuuer ii erved ou tune. lb IroLlug got " oul nl tbe way." tbe wiudowe kepi properly |ioliilird, Ibe room* awepl aud dj-tel aud " picked up." Lei him keep J.buuy'e wai>l* and irouwre aud Mary piualoree meuded aud all the itooklugioaruwd. Let him h. v It upon hi* tutud to kt-pp the boya from breaking ill ir ueoki, aud tb* girl* from falliug into ftge and li dul^iug in moti extreuirly ui Ijvely rxpre^aion* aa " Y iu meau old tbiug,"aud" 8 > tbereuow." Lei blm bi charged with the duly ol *et i ig ibal oloibe* are clean, fac-i waabed and head* o.imbtd lor diuuer. Lit him try hi* baud* at all Hi it e v. ry day aud t leu lei him tear the wbole ealabli*bmui to pttoee twice a >ear foradi-bauobif b .uiecleauu g. W* have loll tbe m tuageuieut ut Ibe baby tbe young iieiitlriiiau or lady wuoee aole oauoeru in. lu Ille to eela*>li-h aud uialu- lalu hi* or ber perauual itprimtoy m ibe bou-ebold wbully out ol tb* account, Decau-e we wirb lo be fair ai.il \t Include lu our lie! only tboee tbiugi wbiob evrry mart lei wouiau b<*U[ou ber liaude. 1'ui takiug tbe linl a* K Claude, wi.| auy lane- t.oiau* mtke ixprnmeuk ot tbie aurt ot uu*mpln)uieu*. I Tne plain fait i. and vor\bKl> but a out fl mid figure monger can lee i f r biinee f - t tat tbe 111 i"t bu*uy employed peraou* iu tbie working wurld t f our* are ILi wouiau wbo are al, t je bead ol li .u-rlmi.li. I hr .... i... !!< krr^rre m ihr Faiiwrr. bave taken sooh low rank. Noboly taket tbe trouble to fii henilf p-tpirly, but women truat 1 1 being taught aud Audiug out their dutiee after Ibey a**ame euob poeiliou* uol before Sara* Unu Jewell. A I'r. ... h. r Ha*) < .,i.i,. M If any ot you are women at the bead ol hou* b iidit. Tbi* morning you launched the family for H.bOalu wrvior, eald Tal- ag* in a recent eermm. Kvery moruiug you plan for iha day, decide) all queatioui of i i t, inperviae tbe eauitary regulation* To regulate tne food, apparel aud habit* anj decide all tbe ih iu*and aud one que- tiooe ol bonne bu*inea* In a tax appalling .( it have un divine allevi.t ou. Food aud apparel ffoi lu a very great degree tbe welfare ol ibe nation. O ie of lha xruale-t baitla* of the o-u r ury wa* loet breaa-ie the oomuiabd-r that marniug bad a fit of iudi- ii.iii. V**l uuiuher* ol Ihtt buuiau race are Haughtered by iunomp 'tent o lokiug. The youuK lady may be perfect ia mu-ic lauguagee, draai ig aud atitrouomy, but il he la uol w. 11 eduoalrd m duUgb ber o iu oauon u lujp.jrftc . Tbi world ie Htrewu witb tb* uirt>rt of inoitiip u>ut O'Xikery. aud it criB out for aOud wno can brlp tbi ordinary w imau in ibe i.rJinary duile* ol tbe bouwbold I. 'a bigb lima tba'. eome if ibe attention givuu tbe ouipiouiu-. womeu of the Bible be directed lo tbe Julie uf ibe text : ' Au ordinary wouiau, iu ordinary ciroumatanop*, attudtug to ordi- nary dutie* and beailjg ordinary reapouii bilitiei." H. I.i. -ia .I.I. 1 TraeMeeirrBi Benejria. Tbe bouuet* worn by tbe briile-m tid. at a eiyliib weddi g wb.oh took (.lac? up ibe Hud*on ou Tbur.day wk were qui e Iran-parent, tbe framework ol ti ie tire* bowing dialiuclly tbr m<h tue dotted tulle, wbicb oovertMl wuu u c ikcealiug it Tue s'.riug* wi-re ol Ibe ea>uie airy ti-au* aud Ike aigreit e of Miariel poppiet aud b ardcd wheat were eel Very bigb i j froU The dre>-e* were of wh t kimlleuue, bro oaded ai b amall b igit d >wr< and a bu of f <li. KB iu ilk fl i*. Tbey were) made wi'.b long pointed luuto*, full draped ou oue aide aud held by loop< ot cream katlu riboiti Tbe poiuled uodioee were nearly covered w til laoe liiinuji g*, wuu a, drcp fl lUUoeof lue HauiB goh.g aruun i the d -uu .- of t 10 kuife pleated ektrlit. Creaui Sacdr glove, broi n ki i a tiidl, with b we lo in* i'U, baekela of malieu -hair fern tuii-a i.b wbite roe* aud c.roatioui, lujuieufe fau* ol while oatricb plumage, *u.p>udtd by loope ol while aim nob m, anurleled the detail, ol t ie toilet*.- A', w 1'urli 1'vtt. II .ae *,,.: la i . .......i 'Waal'* the rea-oo o mtuy Kjfli*b niru o ime over here to j .in I'm M >r- U'?" ntid a Oatil* O .riu iffinal iu mp ui* tu au l .jj r>. ' B c*utc li.y u I bavt half a Onauoe lo g-l huDau l* lu K glaud ; tb.f* the reawm. Why, ouiot 'ui w telli. g me ib.t iu. .( iue hun- dred WOUIBU lolk* m ber nnvv villagi bel*eu Ibe age* uf 20 aud 3j, ibere rrr husband* lor ouly Q ty-*tx ol 'e<u. F u teen of tbe other u >y lour li.J owued Lu b ,d oi,ee, bat t iy bad died. Xue rfUJli lug tbirly IICVBT hd any, and bad uobipi* ol g^i'lng auy B f ie ame1 bave m trie a etudy ol Hit q i t in, fur nbe loid uie ib tt ibere we'e lre tbau four tnil It .n W..UJOU b Iwex-u 20 aud 40 )r*>ra lu all K glaud .ud W>la, ai.d ill them iik I) two million were uuu a rtrd. U t wbeu ibr K gi b W'imeu Ivarntd ab .u I . .Ii, aud Hit- ul irioue tipp'irtui.uie* il afi irdel tbi-m lu a mtrlial wav, ibi-y btotui* imp wilb in* plac* al once; aud Ib.t* why tbev ke-p OJIUIUK nv*r . i h tbe MJIUIJU miMlbUart**." .NVic Y.irk Suit. i i ..... !*r r. . .. . .l,le. D'ue Nile lih* an among the prettleet fl .were bow belug netd ii Njnv^ort for ar [i ug dreneee. M, i If n bair fern will be tbi favorite for biidal rjtu.ji le thit winter. A amall pul Oial* about IS. Tdberoaee art mire plentiful than u-.ua! tbi* year, and great alalk* of ibeui oiay be purobaaed fur kn or nlleeu oeuli. Many of tb* fl iriit* bavi began forcing >p..|* bloe*nm*. to b*v them reedy by C jrlelma* f ,r ibe btllee aud bridea.who wii bave nothing eU. Wbile aster* are among the popular fljwer* for OKeejge bouqajtu. Tne wuite i* kucb a pure o .lor. aud Ibe do Were are grao. f jl and bfOou,iug aejaiuel a.uy Oolor. Tbeir ubecp leea al*o aCde lo thtir aurac tivcneee. Ltrge cluiten of gladioli ia derp red are U-.d eXtvlielVely IU detO'atlng parlor* aud lovk ariutio p aoed iu dtik ubiua vae. 1 u g aud elruuBr iu ebape. Tb*y areoueep at t na kra* in aul ktp their f (eabueee lur icveral Qay*. Koaee are not plentiful a' preient. M *t of tbe large New Y irfc fl rule aeod all tbeir IL t i.iue bloome t 'I to Newport.eberv l i* MM ui *ied tbat durit/g Ib* |>ael werk 6UU (K roeee Were nod. Ibwe eetlngij Ibe iiraeM aud at lite kinaller fl .rmie are ol a poor q ia:i ;y, yel lr*grut. At ib* bonae of Mr. and Mr*. Dr. MoHiohael, Buffalo (ho are well knowo i*r), on Tueeday eveuiug tbere wa* eaatiog^nd mirrimeot lu nonor of th*ir ryetal wedding. Aooat nf ty oouplea bad gathered to orlebrate Ibe bappy event. ['ue parly had g me out to eupper and were >ea-/ed about the table* when oue of tbe iueate, Mr*. U K Unffi b, ludd luly threw up her arm*, aud wilb a gvip fell btck ii ber ob tir at il in a laiul. B le w< Carried to ihe ball in ojuvul-i me. Or Sttarn wa* called in, and witb U:. MoM.obael did verylui'ig p mr-ible f ir the aufl.-rer. O-iM ir twice ibe aeeined to recover oouaoiou*- ere temp irarily , bul abe died at Itiu n.d of half au hour, ut having .piken a wurd fu r h -r i-ullou a'.taok. H.-r bniuo wa> a( *i i 107 Atblaud aveuun. Mr- G ifll b wae at out Si year* tf a^f, uuua>.l> bngut and aoKUi. Bbe baa been uua 11 d Uaa than ive year*. " Nu'l it Htrauite ? ' raid a Ure. Il iN-ll la>t eVdUiog, " jail a lew daye ago [ called ou lit-r aud told ber ol ibe ei,ler aii in u-. She ea>d ebe would be tbere, il I wa* the lael place ahe ever weul 1 1 ; aud t wan 1 1- la-t place." Mr*. G .ili.ii.iite elated, bad male prepara'.iou* lo ooltbrate ber wooden weddiug, whiob would bave icoarrel during tbe coining iu ,ulli. Death ailributed to bert trouble, to whicb tbe dcoeaaed ha* In g own auhj at. J > lu etvery l>rep. Thte may be trUjr aaid of Pjleoo'i Skkvu t>t tbe great paiu leuedv <>l ibe ga. Ubriug* oouifori to tue weary auflerer wnen failure ha* atte .dd the u*e of every kuowu remedy. Nerviuue i* aa abeolkt cure for eal fctul* of paiu, liilernal, exierual or local. I'aicbaee a 10 otut aau p e bottle aud tr) tilegreat reuitdy. N TU.I..P. nerve paiu cure. DJU'I f jrget me uauie al auy drug alore. IT WA I ilk. I. . i i l.ttdj ei,. I -ml U d JIUM -ud in, . U M.I I u Tbe oldel pere >u iu C inneoliout i (aid to be 1-aao Clarke, olorod, wbo i* 100 yeare of agr, A'tvr w. rung al a aailor aLd wb>lBmau fir abiut fifty year*, be bo<me i h)-ioail> dieabied, aud entered t .B New U .van aim-bout*), wbcre be ban outlived t*u Ne aajch Cn be offered for any other prera'atinn ae nut p. it our .lal in Ibat i'uluatu'a P.lulraa C rti Ex'.ratt <r le (lie btet and aftat ouru n.ire rd'ueiy lu ibu w irld. U'. C i J* tlue, 1' irt I>Alliou*lr, wi.t.- : ' I ctn tretify to it* tflij.oy. tog-ibrr wttb u*i.y uiln-re li-re." TLIM le a uiivri-e,! 1,1.1 i. Tiy nuaoi'i P*iultae Corn EnrecVir ut .il poll iuou and tu-p euoatru * ld by drdgxief aud declare lu uieduiLe. Tbe I a tee t thing in ewell E igliah wd- the rmpl'iviueut of a pt;. A' the * ol M . SI i >-ly with C .1 ald'e daughter lu L tudou tbt other day me bridrgrooui'e utpbrw, Mutter (Vilify, a) r.t a- page. Uo w.ire a oo*>u ue al black velv.t i.u a large IcieU |H>ILt .ac | Oullar. - The woman wbJ eek< relirl from piu by ibr free ue.>f alob..ha aud 11.10 .no drv,* ti >d* wbat ahe i.r< k- ouly 10 far an aeuMbility i dratrojtd or umpurarily eu-pruded. Ni cure wa rVtr wroi g it by ^uub me*u*, and tb i.u.g-r they are employed the more bop* Uaa tbe oaae beouuiee. !,% j cbloral ino r |.lii and be'l^douLia aline, and UJM Mr.. I'lukbam'a V g liable t'ju-pjuud. Albrrt* Tyeon, ax- d 4 yrarn and I rnouibn, died iu ibe Caiuden towu dlntrio ot Lu.diu fioui llie bite of another hill girl. Tbe rubt arui wa> ui.Uu. aud bloot I4>ieoniug reaulied. J Ctrn-r. wbo ftilrd in Uontnal. 1' year* atfo, and paid 80 orute cu it dollar ma lea d\nn r> iju.it lt> bie wife lo pay tL r. in tiuing 20 per cent, if ibl i-h >uM ever accumiil<tt euougb wouey. Bbe paid toe oredleure Saturday. Tbere U ittll eome talk of tbe annexation ol Park lal* to T irojto. Blacbrd veal it the latett ibiquity in tu New York ui.rk t. rod in huge baoohrt maku f aeblouable oorreg- b uq let*. Ill* Woru at tbe belt aud ht Id br bu tf brom or yellow Velvet. A it t ler d.i .ty freak tu carry a little gilded ba*kel lull ol il eu*- I wi.h thai ii wt-re in u,yp>wr to pr} pjuled frcm thy I.It a m by a |>itoe of ' je low Hallo ribbon. O pty walking tial* are Hi uuind with clUitore ol Ibit p.pular f til d iiet an! it reuieiut lrb lor <rral d<>* in m>Jortily ojjl waa'.nor. V. 1'. Jjuritil. Mr. Froude boanta tbal in older to onm- plete In-, biography of Oailyle he ha* Oompleirly MOludid uiuieelf " m-weu mile* from ai y railw>y," but 8>dury Suuitb did K me of bin wi lit*! woik wheu, a* be rait), be wa* " twelve n IIM from a lemon " (MIC of OoUrie tbe Work Wae I nt fur Inv.l) Tne tlio un. amtauon ii luorea^lug lu O trmauy. Hoomlitt riot* bave occurred at Braudcuburg. Tbe IM ,b tore up the pave- nifinl aiid attacked tbe police with eloure. Tbe ii.i i'.rv wai called oul aud wverl pereon* were w, uuded on both aide*. Num- erou* arrette were made). euade y.iung gir i who wouder wbat t >ey ball do to earn ti.i ir It viug, that i . I* really bettor to obo< H aouie buelueee tbal i* iu tbe Ilue of a w .luau'a natural work. Tbere u a great rrpugoeuoe al the lh?ug it of beiug a eervai t. but a girl u no le*a a aervaut t me man wboowua the tbop where ibe klaudf all day bibind tie c>uuier tbau ibe e wbere abn watte upon tbe tole, or oooet tbe dinner in p'.eaeaut bou<e ; aud to my ujiud tbere would not be a moiuaut H qiteetiuu between tue two wax* ol going ott lo aer- vioe. Tb* wagee are btt.er, Ibe freedom aud liberty are double iu oue whit Ibey are In the other. If, instead ol the n lain eervioe tbat i* giveu by igumait and re. I y overpaid *r- VAUte to-day, eenmbie girli who are auxtou* to b takiun care of tbemielvee aud earning g K>d weg**, would bt ibt-ui- MiveH al ibe uookiug nobool*, or lu any way ill. v touod availably, tbey woulJ UOI to. g Wall for eiu|.lu) iiitui, aud tiny would be vtiutil i IIIII-I.-KIV by tli.tr empUynre Wbeu oue r-a ita* how bard it i* t. Hid good womau for every ktud ol work iu our b mean, aud what price* many nob i p e are more tbau willing to pay if Ibey otu n.t Well r-um-il, il ii a wubd*r more gtrlii are uol rial) to Hell i the obauoe.. It ie because UOQ work hat b*eo almoel alwaye eo Careleealy aud badly doue that II tia* falleu iuto dlarepuie, and tbe doer* of II t-mli* .1 I .. .!!.. -. Klith Ui. mtl Qjorgi M going to pr p >-r to uie. Wbal hall I aa> ? M. 11 it are you uot ratber p*Bwt*4Mew1 U.iw d > you know be ie g nug to propixe ? " Wby, laal evening he aekod mi tl I would aoorpt an invitation from hu mother to go to hi* houte to tea." " Merely a neighborly oourteey, nothing more." ' But be naid be wanted me to eome early iu the afternoon." " Wii.tf.ir/" " To eee bow bit mo<b*r mdn bite iit " " My d tu<biur, il you valui your futun peaoe ot uiiud >oi will k'op away f.mii Ibal young man, aud hi* uulbjr, too. i* loo good a cook. ' Sue That education In making a rtpid itride 10 (tin Houlb l lauan by the tact 111 it lu F. irtiia alone the uum*xir of public eobo.il* ha* mi r i'd from 670 eight yar* ago to 1.479 al ib< present ttiu . wbile during t ie eame iiuie tbe uueatMr ol p iptU iu attejudauoe hai iuoreaied over 80 oer oenl. A .rai rrablra*. Talu all tbe K dney and I.iv-r tied ctitei. Tki all the l>lo>J parifinr., r>ki all (he ^Inv <m<if c riin den, --Take all tie iy p ?>* ajd tuiiiiietion cum, Take all tbe Ague, Fever and hi:i u Take all tbe /.'ram and Net v mice r. l ir I, Take all tbe Urral health rtnioreri. -It m-rt lake all lUe b.Ml qualm** of a tiie-r. and t ie 6nf Q*ilitu of alt tbe b**' medimue* i the . .nit, aud you will ti .J iht // -p I'ntrri bave Ibe boat curative q lelitie and iiowtr* ol all cone- ltd utrd --Iu ibeui, aud ibt tbey will udr- when any nr allut tbtea, in gly or e - Fail A thoiou.b trial will give pj*i live proof of tbi*. u.ir.i. M <i Liver. Five year* a< . I brjke d>wn with kid ney and liver e un..li it au4 rheu nli*m Biuoe then I nave beru unable to b abjut at all My liver heoauie hard Iik wood ; my limb* weru pufi.d up aud fill with water. All tbe beet p'lyiiciani agreed that nntb m< o mid cure me. I rrnolved to try II Uitlere ; I bave u*ed MVIU bollle* ; tb hardneeo hae all gone Iroiu my liver, rh wi-iling from my huib, and it ban tfurke a mtrac't in my ot-r ; oiberwt> I h.vv beu now in mv grave. J. W. Buffalo, Oct. Iti, IStll. I' ... i .....t rrleiB. " I wil rigged d 'Wu wilb del t, pOTert and hull, r.ut, tot year*, ctutted by .a etc laiuily aud largo bill* for dooturiug. I aa completely di*oourgBd, until or yrar ago. by ibi *dv o. uf my pa*ior, I ia uabOed u-ti K II >p Hitter-, aud iu oi.o ujouih we were all well, aud none of ut hve hern kick a dy riuee ; at.d I wa t to ay to all poor mru, you on kf.p your fatuiliB* well a >car with H- p lliiMre lor leeit ibati one rl *t-tr' vi.|| will Duel. I kui w u."- A WoHkiKoms. (jerNone lienmne witboul a bund of (reel llune ol the ouite lane' Ilinii all 111* >il !-. ...... eu* etull wiik ' Uou'ec " Uo^" m UMHT da< .iia la eilaeiel. The metbodi of medical education ia gland are excellent, aa aoientino traiev K i* camel aloug m le by aide w 1 1 prao oal work in the boepiiale. Tue time) <1 nred after a pnpualorv education ie t,m foar o eix )eara. Tbe Oolleftre eel- oui graut ibe degree", ae witl u, but Ibie uuctiuo i performed by eeptrat* Kxtm ing Board*. In order to bave all tbe rivilegeauf an M D. oue mn*t paa* three) Xamiua'iou*, oue lor eurgery.one for prao- oal uiediome audoue f it ubttejlrio*. Toe) urgeou I* peruiitted lo uae the title ol Mr. ly, and le uol allowed lo practice uiedi- e. Moreover he i* ooundered a* ubordiuate iu poiition to tin pb^motaa, uoe iu the opiouu ot ibe arnujraoy hut uitbide are mMbauical merely. aud ibere- >re be le ib jugbt uuwjrtby to occupy ao igbapo-i liu r jr gu gralu f.e 1 pbyil- aue or dean*!* are uot permitted to raciioe wiiboai a liomae, aud *o d nug are aole lo legal anaoyaace*. Toe itateiuent i AI llio writer i* prao'.ioing iu a L'llio o-tpilal i* a mi'tak-i, aa Auierioau pbyei- au* are permitted lo only o!>*arve, or MM! the regularly p.i.uutvd tu d.otl umV ri. Yet tbey are treated with tbe utmoet ndnea*, and receive graiuti m.ly all tie uHtruolioo they ebould deaire in the medi- oliuioi. C'or Sfrinf/itd ( UOM ) /< /*> CiM. Aa attorney at Fa. J tt m. U.egon, Fr*d age Tjtiau, wa* eugaged by three oree thieve* to defend tbern. In tbe ximinatiouhe aaocrtaiucd tnat they bad t .leu four of hi* Lo-aee. lie will be ituea* ag tiuet bu own client*. LYDIA E. PINKHARfl'8 VEGETABLE COr-IPOUTn) . . * I- A PO^ITIVE_CURr_ * . far all of lli. - - 1' in' I ( oan.lu!n- i.4 \\ i U m r an romioon la o r I.. ! < Ir wn.t. n nit rTinri v T"ii vnrr r"im or I it C.il't A;\T. A u c. I.UA^ Tr.". HLIA. . v ^ t . N * ;i I > ' i . I'U A \D Till i ..N.I ^tT'- r "- I .AL\\'BA] Ul l A , T . Till 'i\..t . r I irk. e e * e * e Irani, ii...' tr AMI r\rri. T' o r':., Tire <r.\r. T IL..1. 1-' UEl kK "V ' * - 'i.nr. nr-Titow/ . . M* il. Ir . u- t> IIK, .* . In r.:' ITT, * * e * e THAT mi . - I'Artt, '.'. L T AMI L A. It. III. I- Al A\ I LLH.M>TVt i.i.' i.> ur. i -i e * e * e ' It WII4. AT AIL Tin.'" AM. t M.trt aU. f f ' t ACT IV MtUV v\ WITU Till Ul TUAV . >int THE rmLi M-rt e * e * *-! .-. i-t i'i.- i- M 'I.I l.Y r. -M Tin i.r..rn MATI iiEAt IMI t.r in- t-L AMI THE r.ri n r i.r t-Aitt, Ajra THAT IT l.r ALL ir t i tin. T.. ' TII..I -tMelo*' LAIIIU ins t,l^HLT Ttniri -l e * e * K'Hi Till KK or KIHM i . riaitrr a Lirncu itkjt rm UBMii'Y i- ' - e e M HI V tl I INKILvH'S Vtr.LTAW.K (\.HiXll1TB |.rt|- .1 >l lit.n. UA IT.. |l Ml >*MUre for la, ..l..'r,.,/ji./A. 8.01 1.7 null. |u* paid, la for i I r-iv* " I--. :' f i M. . AI..T.I. lUa. tin' hawi*e '* !! t H. * l. n t ni . ' -I '-.- t aa* IA... - - iMrir *!! L> tl. rerafl.l*-DtUJty aaewetwL* ' N., rnl'T .ko..M I- wllh..,,! I M ' V I 1 '\KI!e I IM It fn'lJt TW .-ar- f..itniii n III>IHMII ij turvMrty of tea Ur.-r t.r. ni. |. r l..i , , n. m. t. 4:1 -i I CURE FITS! ^ * > J, a tniw i tprw-e . utbtr ' ' ' **. " 1 I " 1.11-t.-. 1' ' i in-*. TBK VOLTAI.IC HKLT Co. of Marshall Iflnh. n(Tr U) MU I tb -ireBletirate.1 ''Ll'i-Ta.i V.K.TALl* HKI.T an I oilier KLKCTHIT \rrLiANiit* ..n ir f ribtrtyday* t tuo ty.iuun .r oin arfllji4 will, uitiv B< lel.i it. I " .if itnt AH I nan ii - .1, aa i all hlu-lrtrl irub'-e *!*.> f T rh*a niAti.iu nnO'a gi, i-%r..vHi, an. I m*nv otnar iller-aiMt. C >inp eu- r-*t rati.iu t.. tietitti *li(o au.l ma'ibtkttl g iar*nt*e>l. N. n*k i> >u- urred a- tinny .lay* tr al a liiwe.1 Write tbeui onoe for Illnitratal piupiitt free. EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. O. B. BYEBRON.L. R.O.P. H. R Leeiorar nn ibe Kye. Kar AH I Tbraal Trinity Medioal (Jollage. T.iruutti. iKulleltJ \ur.el lo Hie Toroulo tftelieral flo*pttal, , flim.al an-littani H i>al Ixm l"u Onbtbaltal H'teiMlal. Muoreflel.!'! and 1'cutnl L.odo Tkroal an.l ar H.|.itai 1IT Uuurou alreel Torouto. Artificial lluu.au Rye* 30 DAYS' TRIAL Dh i: 1 PR. i VOLTAIC IiriT ni'.l An. it*. >* i"" drill ..n VKS tiVI.V, Vi'l N'l Ol IMC fr >m N>Ht . f I M mini 1 \Vi*Tis-i \Vr A K\.^>ia end itll ' } MH >.i *L M'Tt-a*. rt^iiltlnu i . r I.Titl n i,, pti TM ' UftRA-T-i-n. a,..,) i,t oii.e f. . t fr. A.L'rr** Voltaic B"1t Co. . Mnrsh-11. I i KTn ' TU ' .ufT.T MTAIJTt, - .f a . IM| f-t c..n.|i.-t t ,. . l:iuMr*ul ,. mil "' l *lar>i. i'o(It'.> s Y V tin ( M \\. ni..u In ir'ieubU |r.|>tri f,.r an I ..... >| liTiiutt ti.-.k A . |.i'i , 'rut nMi K.ir.ii* i. t .,.). . ntlioiMilo *n.l bbunband t .ugnt l.y UIAAL beu-t f.if tirculra. *.> ., . II.,. .u. % K lunation or Mp*neartao fen uauinip al the srBNOa IAN .Obnwlan Ine

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