Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1884, p. 4

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.X AND "Sri^,L THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons,. Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Ring's, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. ' A Terrible Threshing Machine Accident in Buphrasia Town- ship. THE ADVANCE. . R Finrcctt. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1884. SCOTT ACT VICTORIES. TLc Scott Act was carried in the counties of Sloriuout, Gk'iigary and Dundas last Thursday by the magni- ficent majority of fifteen hundred. The attempt to repeal the Act in a Prince Edward Island dirisiou was defeated on the samu day. While victory is crowning the efforts of prohibitionists in other places, we regret that in our own County of Grey a vote will not be taken in time to prevent licenses being taken out for another year. Through some mis- management there was an insufficient number of names on the petitions fyled at the Sheriffs office, and now the whole work will have to be gone over again. We trust that the Temperance party will thoroughly and properly or- ganize itself in order that the work may be cnrrird to a successful issue. OUR MARKET. The highest prices p.nd for grain by our energetic buyers, Messrs. Ncilson Bros. Mr. \\. 11. Klder buys grain for the firm in tlii-s village, while a mem- ber of the (inn buys at Flesherton Stiilinn. AiTiin^eiiieiitfl arc perfected whereby any quantity of grain can bo taken uml disposed of. Tho Neihton Urns, have an excellent reputation in the grain trade. A large quantity of grain is daily coming into our market, which is now one of the best in the County. Tin- ;,'f'iii>ral impression is, that the prices for the various cereals are not likely to run^e any higher than tiny are at present. In nearly every great grain growing country in the world, the crops have been most abundant, S'i that, to a certain extent, the mar- kets of all the great centres are glut- ted. In view of these facts we believe it would he prurient for our farmers to market their grain at us early a date a* possible. Otherwise, louse a com- mon expression, the may "get left." A Km i.., in. llKsi-i.r. Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton, (int.. yiifTi red for many yearn with a fiainful riiiiiiint,' s.iro upon ono <>( his letfs, wliMi bnllle.1 all atli-iupla to heal until lin uwl Hiinl.ii-k HI 1 Hitter?, which speed- ily worked a porfect euro. > \<lvi rlix-MH nf . The attention nf the public is directed tu thu following new advertisement* in this week's issue of Tin: AIIVANI'K : Judici.il Sale ami. Notice to Creditors. Messrs. Cre.ii.sor A; M Stniyed. Andrew Teae-lier \V.mte,l .(..lin Hazzard. Farm to Kent. W. Ekins. Harness. 1). Clayton. Taili.iiiij,'. Thou. Duncan. Lout Sheep. Roger Lever. I-tnl MeColl HroR. Strayed rims. McKimum. \VimU)il. Solomon Turner. N MATTRII. No matter whr pain, iess or soroiims Mists, iin^yndt Yel- low OjJ takuu or applied will give inunv.liate n;li*f, and a positive euro quickly follow* its FBKKMAX S WORM I'OWDRRS destroy WJ rfiuiiv.i woriyK without injury -to ailul't \ infant. On Tuesday forenoon last, about ten o'clock, a Itoiril-lu accident occurred at a threshing on tho llth line, Eujihraaia. A BOH of Mr. James Stinson, aged about ten or eleven yeurs, w.m atanding near the "boxing "<if the machino while it was running. Happening to luan hi* elbow near the gear, his coat sleeve woa sud- denly cavight by the shaft, and thu next instant he was drawn in bodily. His feet were buried into the rapidly revolv- ing cylinder of thu threshor and literally torn to pieces. A jxirtiou of onu ufhi* legs went through tho machine. His hand wa drawn in between tho tumbling shaft aud the framework of the thresher, and fearfully mangled. The poor lad was perfectly conscious, hen extricated, and complained that his feet felt cold and heavy, although both had ben torn off and crushed to atoms almost. Dr. Sproule was called in, but the unfortu- nate youth was past all hope of recovery. lie lingered until seven o'clock in the evening of the same day, when ho passed quietly away to the other world. The father of thu boy who thus came to an untimely end, owned tho threchini; machino in connection with which the accident occurred. He feels sorely, to- gether with the relative*, the te.rr.Me blow which has fallen on the family circle, and has thu sympathy of all in the dark hour of his affliction. AN Ai.Hi.t'Ai't.K SriipitiKK. Thine ho try rdnclk lilmiil Hitters as a regulator of the l"ii-l-. or to purify the blood, aid digestion, rryuliile the liver and kidm ys. or strengthen tirwl uiiture, are agreeably nuriiruud al the prompt In ne!it derived. Nenfurd Koud. From our Curretjiondent, Eldon Hi .. die, son of Mr. .las. Hrndic, wan thrown off a imlk waggon last week and got his arm broke. Mr. K. M.-l.iin-hry has been re-engag- ed us teacher for tho Meaford Road school for 1886. .Mr. T. iViitli t..i. has left the valley and is now living on the Me at or J Road. Thu te:i meeting in the Wesley cliur.h some time ago was f.iirly attended. A mount realized, $14. 50. Mr. K. Shannon, jr., is here on a visit to his Crivn U. The brick work on Messrs. McCallum and Buchanan'* hounds has been com- pleted. D Walker lin* taken to fanning. He hax rented Mrs. Koley'a farm. J. Wing has gore to live in Euphrasia where he haa purchased a farm. GET YOUR A SAJTK NiKsuiiir. Inventing twenty- flvu ceiits for a bottle of Uagysrd's Pectoral ll.ti- mi, the. best thruat and luu^ liealur known. Cures coughs, bronchitis, asthma mill all pulmonary complaint*. Ovrr. Letter from S. L. M. L. in reference to "Old Prowler," minutes and proceed- ings of South Grey Teachers Association, ;u id other matter received too late for thin week's ADVANCE ; will appear in our next. I Hi I - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Hunt Halvo In tin world for Cut*. Ilruitei SoreK, I'h-ur*. Salt Kheuiii, l-twr Sort*. Tetter, ( h >i|.|>e,l Hun. I-. < hilliUniH. I.IMI-. aixi || skin i'tii'lm, mid yoKitivul} cure* Pile*, or no pay ured. It U K'laranteed to uivu (Njrfuct natu fac-tiun. or IIIOMI \ r. finidi'.l 1'riru J.u-itntK |M>r box. For tale by \\ KicliariUou. Kleihurton. HARNESS ! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON, Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON Has on hand a Large assortment of Mtjns, Womins & CMWm BOOTS AND SHOES, fcs'Suitublc for the Fall and Winter wear. Call and see their ,^i Quality and Price Second to Hone ! WM. CLAYTON:.. FLESH ERTON OBSTKlCTIOXSof the Stomach, Liver and Bowel*, are promptly removed by Na- tional Tills. (Ffiim nHf mi-, (.'on The harvest is past, Uiu summer is ended. The beautiful autumn has come ono more with its ripened fruit*, its .>ei -led leaves, its chilling winds, remind ing one of the cumin; winter, (tlie after- noon of life) e;insin_: men to make preparations to witlisUnii the icy tiiej. i> of .Illrk Frost in tho near future, as demonstrated by tho building and re- I>airing operations IH-UIL: vigorously en gained in all amund IK. Mr. T. I!. liillil.Linl h.-is given us an- iither i-x:uii|ile in tbe new departure in the building lino in your town by ren- eering hi house with brick. Our town artisan, Mr. K. Paul, built the brick which ivtlects much credit on him as a master hand at the business. >tlier briek buildings are being contemplated. That's right : they arc the cheapest build- ing the li 'in; run. Mr. AkittliiiHHiild thu old Tackabcrry resident o tn Mr. Win. Sutri-itt, late of O.Kprey, who hits retired from farmini; and buainuss lifuand now becomes a full- fleil^t'' citizen of our rotnantic town. He says it is nice to live berv. Let more come and do and say likewjne. The fanners say they haven fair yield. but i ih ! what prices ! Never mind whistle Imys, whistle ; there's a good time coining. PROMPT MKASI-RKS. Prompt means should be iiM-il to break midden colds ami euro cough* in their early stages. Hafzyard'* Pectoral llalsam does this most speedily and effect nnlly. A DECII.KD HIT. Halyards Tollow Oil nchcn tbo right opot ornry time when ap- fur rlieiimatisni. niviraltfia. pain, sure- ness or lameness, and internally for coldH, sore throat, etc., it is equally infallible. Kluiil 1 .1 :iiiiiiiig not only cures Tooth- ache instantly, hit also Neuralgia, Headache, Karnchit, Rhuuinatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot ri'in.iin one minute where it in ap- plied. When you hear of Fluvl Light- ning you hear of one of the greatest mar- vels ever known in tho way oC medicine as it never fails to cure, and not in a week or a day, but the instant it is ap- plied tu thu affected part, fyild At Hicft- ardiuu'ti Drug Store. JUDICIAL SALE BLACK vs. WHITE. Pi HSI AN r to tho judgement made in tblt Artioii Hiid IH-KI IIIK date thu link day ol S. |'T. :nli, i . \ II ISM. and t" MM; dllTtion i *,<l] tin Muter of ttlpSuprlnronrlat Owen S.juH KIV,-II gn the 1 till day otOelolwr. 1MU. tlinra will In -..'ul with thv appro) ation ot the ald Maiter by AHIOM S. V \.\|)I-HK\, auctiouuur, .It I lie A'Wi.rf.i/i linfrl, in tin: V Hinge vf Fli'illi rtnil, I'll till' I'llHllily nf S'in-m- btr, A. H. IMj. nt tin- lu-'irofune ' ' ': in the aften,,H,n, the following lands and promisoi, In two separ- atu parcel*, vi/ . L Tin -North Kant part of Lot 175 In the 2nd Con North Kant of the Toronto and S\ d, n'mm road, coiitainini; Ml aanw nniro or li . and the wHt part of ai<l hot ITS, containln 43 acre! iimri- or le. in thu Towiodiipof Artenniia, and II I.otlM in tin' Ird CoiiCHiiiiiou North of the Durham Hoad In tho Township of Arteiiiiwia, containing 1UO acros more or loss, ( being Kore lot eotiinionly called Lot* A3 and 64.) About 25 acrua of the naid Kaxt part of Lot 173 ift cleared and fenced and froo from stone and tumps. I i.. \\. -i |.nit..f said Lot 172 Is all bush of nil \.- I tiiut'.-i . Al>ut flu acres of Kaid Lot ?<4 aro rlcarnd, and prutty well utomnl. and only middling well f L. i This lot l:uon it a tioml frame house, a 1K burn and stahU. aud an orchard of about two acres. Ton ix>r cent, of tho purchase nn vy at the Um of sale. t'. IH pa!, I to the Vendors Solici- t-u , aodthl l,Hlanrc in one niiinth thuleaftiT without intoront. 'I lie other term* aud con iliti'.in of alu will Iw the utandlnn condition* of null- of thi Com t, Km (urUier |n\rti<iiil(u-B and condition* of Kale |.|.1\ t. MKssllS I Kl:\-,nll A MOKltlSON CKK \MI-< ,v I'l. \TT. <.S .;. LASH. (J.C., Harris- tern, Ow< n Soiinil IJalnl the Uth ilay of Octolnir. IW. CKKASilltA Mi IKKISON.X,. n, Ion, Solicitor* J. MASSUN, Matter at Umn Sound. Pin-want to a Judgment of tho Chancery Divinon uf the I!ij;li Court of .Jmtiro, ma<te in a oauwof Rebeco* Mar;iri!t Mlack aRalnnt Jane WolM an<l c.tli.Ts, thu orvdJton and othern navlDg rltiins ak"V<ii>t tl i--t.it,. of David Wblto, daaMd, fi ,hn lit.,n m ,,i thu Town- sbip of Artvmoala, n the c.,-. my of Gruy, farm- ' Med -in oraftoiit th Ifilidayof AIIKUHI livi, nre. on or b*fOTtb 1 ltl,,<lay of Novuinher IhHl. t" sen, I. piwt-lmiil, t.. Msr OBBAIOBA UoBaiatm i.f (iwen Soun.l. the Plaintiff* Solici- tors, th.ir chri-liiin and Hurnauius, ailfirniwtii ana ai the full i>nrtli;ular of th.iir elaiiiK. Ktntenient of thoir accountii anil tin- imturoof their B.ouritle (if anvi h. 1,1 1> V them or iii .1,'fnult tliuriiof they will bo piTi'inptorllv zoludad from th,' brniiflt of tb aald ludgamant and all parties hvin u ..|,,.,-in,. or fi-iii'inlli..,^ or InoumbranoM upon lx>t 175 in thu and Con North-Baatof tin. Toronto & Hytlniihani Hoail' and ft4 In tb 3rd OODOMllon North of tho Dnr- limn K..IM! in thn nairt Township of ArtoiiivMia r "I n> part or iin.livi.ledBliaru thereof arii toprixiiiru llio naimi l>.-(oru inn. toKnther with full paniraian thnroof, and satisfactory ovi- donco of the BinountB dim thoronn, at my cham- l.rii In the Towu of Owen Hound, on th mtli lay of v.vemhi.r. !(, at 10 o'clock, town time in the forenoon, MlBg thu timo appointwl for adjudication on thn claims. Datd llth Octolwr. IMB4. MOKUISiiV, I't n - Solicitor^. J. MASHON. MMUir aliOwou Sound. !-. liSHUKTOIV. Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL BROTHERS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by K. THIMBLE Flesherton. Rmdock OtfttDiumm, LtmfJffltitt, Im/ijcstton, Hiliousneu, DytjMMML Jauntlicc, Affections of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, b'cnfula, Erysipebis, and all diyases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomtich, or irregular action of the Ihicels, James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. JieitairiiiK, Kavi tnnhinfi, and in fact evury- tlhnjj in thu lmsinu*ii will rn-civu my prompt ami c&roful atteatiou at Flderloo Mi/burn & Gadd, of tho above works, are nre- ' pared to attend to everything in the Can iage Making & Blacksmithing I linos promptly and well. Repairing in loth Branch's Promptly attended to. HOUSE SHOEING \ SPECULTY. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Cy- scntery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sk,-- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and a I Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors. Toronto. i . 4 t : . . *-- H < tj t .f , Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES!- f IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, * ' i

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