Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1884, p. 2

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fc..l. Lt m kiss j u tat your (later, Y .u'ie a.iaiuiy iitilaelf. II I nad ui t woooil au.l nu-aad her. 1 uu|.i ki-ii you l.ir yourailf. 8O tbiri |T'.II I t'l UWCUlatl II . < niMili Iroui tutu iutlj Of a prwaeut Miluitmtlim Au.i a luve iaiu uu tne thelf. To be fart yr u're ra'her youtlilal A l uu uiai |ir. ciajav Yoa' i- inlk-uii uiiy^^Bful I II IH 111 HIVI'UCeW^H hi. Out- uti ucky i iciMiilWF.ii. Quite beiouil all ux|ioclall< -a, brought 10 i bt niiuatlon. V\ n.i ri ,u c; u-'l ihi'io uiy fate. kwiiuM tempt a Titian, Wiiu t a iamjl.il initU Lwt8 You rt* a uiiuiaiurt; <!> i"U c iue iii'i 1 u-"l ><J lo.e ; Hut >nu uve IIM i mucUu 1 tbe nUUun, Wue e >our uormai ocuupaliuu la a ..-!. i ir Hi. i.iu 11 With BUIUU luuf, deluded co. Yoa art prrt'y end you know It Wi n tu.ceyii uf iiunky liue. rr.'Uubiy you win outgrew il . I'll- 1 . y onililru i .11.111 .HI Now >or kiiuw <be H'tutt'ion Tlial 1 i.ui i I yuur raUtioo, Vuu uiuai not i-Xfrew uvKalion 11 1 crvo a ki uf you. Let uie klu yim f r yuur slater ; > "u ID a im> mini all It la louiciuco 1 na kii.t~.| bar; You Uu very wail you self. W ml uJ racking in pat on I un-ll.y i.li -l uiUtu . i u. how i li.va a uiaiii <>( ntn ina Au.l ftbuuUaLji store ut naif. service to ber and bow myself out di oreetly. But ibe ice was broken- met. Pauliue aud I wen OidTorena'i tprain, although aeriuus sff ir M aba fancied, u doi.ru for several day a. I boped enable me to improve my acq-i. with ber luiHtriB , but tbe result VI oommeuturitte wi b tbe hope. For nmt few da> H Pauliue, HO far aa I kuew, Aid uol leave tba bou-e. O-iOe ur twioe I met ber ou tbe Btairn abd. ateumiug a ttotiiloui lutereit iu ibe old wouiau, kept ber iu i ou- veraaiiuu for a uiiuute or twu. It seemed io ma ibat be wat painfully ahy ao >by ibat the oouvemaliou I wuuld fain h ,va prolouged, after sliitle while, died aualural death. 1 was uol oui.ceiu-d enough to attribute her ib)ueaa aud relioeuoe to tbe tauje otu-e which made me bluib aud stammer aa I . p ike to hi r. At last, oue m imiug 1 a ber leave tbe boune alone. Itxik uiy ha. aud followed her. U'ie was wlkiug up aud dowu tbe pavement iu front of tbe bouae. I joiued ber. aud, after tbe usual mqury for Terjna, oj.tuuedal her aide. 1 must make au u>titiuutto eg-abliab matters uu a belter CHAPTER IV. NOT r 11 LuTC l 8 MiBIlliOB. A wetk ban jani-rd by. I am more in Of* than aver. 1 a:u uow t>atli>ued an to the iliur-.u*uueas; ut tiiy paaalou ; Otrialu Ibal lbi auddeu luve ol luiue will endure a I'm* aa ujy life ; ibat it i uo traualeul fluu ( > (ado away mib uuje or \\u in.-r in) kUit ba Huooaiu-ful or uol (bin wumau will be ui> n ( aud last love. A' yet 1 bave iuJe little piOrfreaa iu tbe tuil i- ring uf uiy desire. 1 ee" ber every day, beoaue 1 watch for her coining ami guiug; aud every Hue I ee ber 1 Qud lrei>b ousru-iB in bT f oe aud Kraoe iu b>r figure. Yt Kiuyou was right. Htriisa peculiar st/le uf beauty. Tuat pala p ire face, (bone drk dreamy far-away c ; e ara uut ul iba o mini. m ruu uf wouiaubuod. It m >y bo tliat lbi> aooouule fur me Htranifr fastlualiuu kb baa lur lue. ller o trrugi la U|.iiK''t an I gr-C'lul, ab* Waikt al*) at iue in p .ui ; bar laoe IK !*> a grave, and It r-i t in * Iu u.e *nt ael luui apeaka lo Ibat uld ouu p tuloii tr nervaol wbo never quit* Lee miK. 1 alii IMI>IIJI>|I ii to loi.K U(KM. Lcf a a il M.i-, a>uU Wuudur ll iba ke> will aver be ui u. 1 bvo luuud ou". ii'imn few thing* abou' ber H -r name M l'.unu - a etveot aud euilab. Laiua- 1'^bliuo Ma'xb Sue I- (bervlura K .li-u, aiibounU 1 ruiuelimii Ler bera>iu|{ olow wurdn Iu 1 Uu to olu TeCerM. Lrr M!iV.lit. Hun Hre.UB 10 kuu* uo oije, a>4.d, B'j far a 1 o*u Ivarn, uo oue kuo*a mure abnr tier IbaD 1 do 1, at leant, k. < w rb OBiiie fri.iu luriu, aua tbi i< luure toau uiy lufuriuaula weie awr of. 1 anil no^cp/ 017 room*, wiling m> Obauuo. 1. i" tautaiuiui( iu live >u tin- aauie bou-a wilb Ibauua you luve aud ti *d ou opt>-ifiu. i 1 y ol uveu onujuiruou g th hi-^j'-. Tu*i ul<i 'l'dra^a> guarda ber ob*ri(e like a tborui Kli-udd H,ul-b duvuua. Her daik C>aB .! .:i ; quoaly aud tunulolou-lv al uif wbeucver 1 lumt tbe twu womeu, aud bil ibeuj tbe K'io 1 iuurLlu^ ur K.) d evu.i . wtilob a. Itilu v lud^ar may Veuture tp u. At >t 1 Lv<j XMI uu turUu T tba>u lu-e ould uiviiitlea. Pauliue'a ej aud mauuer give iu DO ei o luranaujeui. She aokuow- le.lKra luy laiU'.kti'iu graVi-ly, dlntauil) auJ , Mjoiiu'ly. ll la clear to me tba'- lova ait tir-i nylu in but b >uud to be reii- pruoal. 1 ooiufo t myaalf by iln .Kinx tbat Kt RiU't Uv j auuieiblua; iu Bluro lur me, or l'u.iu aud I wnuld uivcr bave bteu fcriiugiii. faoe to f >Oe lu H i il I o*u do in t) lark bebiod (be Iblok red I'urtmiiiK u( my wiudow aud walob uiy IUVD, ){ 1|>r d*d by tbat old oat Trrenaj KO out abd o iiuo in. I am obli||cd DOW t) ii-nome due oauiioo iu l .i (r OKdluK, ai ibo dueuua OL oe caui(lit *l|(bt ol me, and DOW eaoli time tbey utaa I nee br fierce eyea ueriu){ luto my bidiug place. I Mil ricKiii'.iuii to bate Tereia. Y-t il 1 bava doue liitla. I km in tba Muie bi u-e. bratbiU|{ tbe same air aaPau' iue, aud 1 aui a> ptllaul mau aud oau wit for my O(>uorluulty. It will be sure lu oooie at laet. 'li.it la bow it came. O ie bearJ a fall, a olatler uf clji. a abd a cry i,f diBtrtin. 1 ra>u out of my rouiu a>ud (><ui d T< ren lyiuij <'U tbe atairn amid theruni- Of Ui laujia'ly'a bent tea net.aua i(roaciu|| earnxxtiy. My obauo^ bad ooiue t VVitb the ?.ii .iiiniiHi- bypoorny o( love, 1 ran to br aid, an exr to belp ber KM tb.JUi<b Rbe bal b.-eu iuy m t ler. I endea- vored, iu tbe uiuxt (euder uiauuer, to rame her; out ebe nauk baok, wal.lun out atma tbiuK about, -' 01 e ol z > f ' T..ke." It olaar that T> la'l 1) .tfluh wa Dot bar it oug puiut ; >bl ^>Kt>d ber iu Iia iu wbat was tbe luat.er. Him bn,h ucd up at bbe heard ber own lDKU*tie, and I f.uud tbat Le bad |i aiued bar kare an aevarely that aba WM uuatale tu riaa. I luld bar tbat I would oarry ber tu ber in m, it < wnbout more ado picked ber uc arjd b r her a'jntairii. l'i I w..i. xtaodiuK on tha landnic Her I >r|(a dai k y I were opvotd wide, her whole appearauoe waa tht of aff uhl. I i> tuned a looiueul aud nip a'ued wbatbad Ltpueupd, iheu I tuok tbe i U woman into tba rix.rn wbiob he uooupied aud laid ber OD tbe bed. Tbe aeivaut ot tbe houie w aul for a dootor, and, a< I retired. Pauline tbauknd me quietly, but I fauoied lialleixly, for u y KiinluHiH. Tu me dreamy eyei met mine, yet noaroely aeeuied tj kouw it. Yen. I wa> obliged to o mfeaa it, my goddess wan in mauuer aplbeiio but tbeu. berbuailiy I Tbue reflue.t reituUr featung, tbe girlieb Well -furujed figure- tie tLiok brown bair, eveu tbone atratigi dark yea 8 jrtly Ibera Wan n i wuuiau lu tbe world to oomuaro With In r ! Bbe gave me her b*.nd at parting tn.all w ll ( inued auit baud. I could oaroaly rift aiu . from |>re*lui( my IIUH t il - I o.iuU nuarooly rrf raiu from Mlliuit ber tbeu a>ud tbere tbat for m iuthn I had tbuuKht tit br aud ber nuly b it i j i- dioiuan ae nuuh prooaediDK* minbi bv beeu al a flrai meetluK they would bv b.m douby H . wbilat old Terena wan ai il, ID ('! M of ber pain*, wuh auiipi ]rea walo-iluK every m .v.-inm,t of ojiui ; ao I oottld ouly BXpreaaa wub to be of f under ful eye* htve neeo what I have uo wisa to OJlioeal. I luvu Bignoriua Paulina. " Bua ii ool to be loved," aald Tereea, sulkily. U ie so beautiful mast be loved. I love ber aud will marry bar." ' Bbe ia oot to be rcarried." Li-tuu, Tereaa. I aty I will marry ber. I am a geutlemao aud riob. I bave 60,000 lire a year." I nu amuuut of my income, magnittoeDt wbeu rtduotd to ber uative coinage, waa not Wltbout it* expected tffcot. If ber yes, aa tbey nut miua. ware as unfriendly aa ever, their luok of astouiahmeut and morra iug reaped tolJ me I was appealing to ber t udertBt feeling cupidity. II Now tell me why I should uot rr.arrv tbe Biguoriua? Tell me wbo ber friend* are n.ai 1 may see ttaem and aak ber in marriage?" ' Sue w oot for marriage." Tuia was all I o jul 1 get from tba old woman. Bbe would tell ma bolting b ml Pauliue'i family or friends. Bbe would ouly reiterate tuatabe wae not for luve or fur Y.ubave uut been long iu England, HIM March r" 1 said. 8 iiiii iioie-at ma mouths,' she replied. " I saw you in I'm spring at Tunu iu obuiob. at S .n (!i. v tui.i " Bae raised her eyes aud Luel aije wilb a strange, puzzled look. Y .u were there with your old servant one mi. run M." 1 O'UliuU'-d. Yi we o t u weut there." " Y .u avra English, I mppoae-your uaui" | ui t au Italian uue?' V -". I BVUI Eugllab." Hiei-p.kwaH tb u^b nut quite certain about it -or aa if II waa a luauer of ojui- |>lel* lud.ffcsrt-t c -. " Y ur in m in here. You are not going back to Italy ? ' I duu't kuow I oabbot tell-" P.u-nie'B mauoer waa very unsatisfying. I Lud mauy attempts tu learn aumetbiug about ber babi'-aaud tastes. Did sbe play ur t-iug wsui flie fond ol uiunu. of | if fljwerx, ut the atago, uf tra ilad >-le tu iuy relation* aud friri.d ' Directly auil ludireotly, I aiked her all t ueas qurwi i >us. IL r rrpliee were uosatibfio'ory. Either -In evided Ibe <|<ii-"i l mi-, aa it determined I nbould know ui.hiug abuut ber, or be .lid uut refill to Ui.ili r-ti,J ill m Mauy of them 1 filt nitre |.uzz:ed ber. At ibe end ..I our ll. Uf p-uiueuauie >hn remained an urt- 1 1 a iu> Hit-, y lu iue aa before. Tbe ouly ooui'nrt 1 c -bid lke wne thai ebt* dinplayed uu wi-ii tu i-Luo uie. We passed aud rrpia-ed t'.e Lc.u-e several tunen. but -l:eJil ni t i'titfiHat re euteriu*', as sue ill gbl have clour. Iia 1 she wlitiad to g. t rid t uue. '1 h- r- * i o trao* uf 01 q ieny HI jt-r manner i|i'el aud reserved an 1 fuuud ier, >be wt a. lrat him) la and natural - ml i In- - V, r> h autilul, and I waa very, very 11.1.1 h iu 1 .ve ! Ii *aa uot Inug b fire I dioivered tbat 1 1 Ttrma/H tl.ck eyea were Wa clilug Ui r .in b, Inii'l Iba blind ot the drawing- i* m But) m lit bave crept from her bed ate tbat In r charge g u i.ito uo inn-cuie.'. L obifed at tbe i hii -iinr, but aa j it II waa j erly tu eaoip f 'oui u. Helure Tere>a uuuld bobble oat of doom I hid met Pauline luoia ih bonce in tbe inn wy Hue avetued, I waa glad '<> ineve, pi. a-td wbeu I pined her. 'Ihe Hi iuh) I lab red uuder waa to make her ilk. bbtj would litirn tu all I bad tu say wit loul ouuimeul and without replj, "ave yet or uo. If, by a rare obauoe, abe aoked a. 'i n .1 HI or np.ike a louger neuteiioe tbau Ibe tll.rt was never sulamed. I a> tributed a great deal of this to shyness aua ti ber MO uded life for tbe ouly per- xuu fbe bd tj speak tj waa that terrible uld Teresa*. Although every word and action of Paul- inas tonl me Khe was well-eduoied and well-bred. I ww oertainly surprised al her iguoraooe) uf literature. I quoted au aulbur, tueuuoned a book by name, tba remark pas-til uu noticed ; or she looked at me aa it p-zz ad by my allusion, ur distreaard al ber o*u ignorance. Although I bad uow aeeu ber several time*, I waa uol satisfied al tbe LTngrwi I bad male. I kuew 1 bad oot as yet struck tha key -note of her uatura. At soon H tbe old servant, duenna, f no. d. or what she was, grew well, 1 beard o run cturiliug news. My landlady aeked me if I o .uid recommend ber apartments to any fiiend uf mine -snob auuther as mynelfsbe ai good enough to ray MI-H Jlarob w gniuK tu leavr, aud tbe landlady tbouyl t be would prtUr taking a geutle, mau i j ber place. I leli oeratui thin wan a counter move of tbal old lit* Tereaa'a. Sbe bad catt v-u oniutm glance* at me whoii wn passed each 1 1 ier ou the it- i a ; bad r- p >uded surlily wbeu I B.-h- il if Hbe wai quite recovered from tbe t fli-oii uf her acoideut in a word, 1 kuw aba wat my euemy ; that i-be bad discovered my feehugt toward Pauliue aud was d in* bsr beat to h>ep ill apart. Ii id i o i;ifiii]" of known, g tba t x eut of ber power or iLfla-une over the girl, but I bad some time muce oeased tu rvuard ber an uotl i g more thaa a servant. Tbe iutell UIMI my fellow. ludger* were about tu quit showed me tbat to bring my lova fur Pauliue to a suooemtul iaaua, I mutt iu tne way make uuattcra itraighl with this unpleasant old attaudaiit. That Ha me tveLiiug, at I heard ber oom ibii dowu tne stairs. I threw open my dour and stood fsca to faoe with ber. Higuora Teresa," I aald, with high fl IWD politeuesc. ' will it pleaee you t step into my room ? I v, i.b to i-peak to you." Bbe gave me a quick, suspicious: but nevertheless oum|lied with in; n i|'is-t I oloeed tbe dour and placed a Obair for her. Yuur p KT knee ii it quite well?" I asked y mpaibetioally, aud iu Itnliau. It M q ilu wall, Biguor," she .repliet 1 tOouiaaliy. " Will you take a glasi if sweet wine ? : have H HUP her*." T-TI--H . in -| ita of our inirnioil relationi made no ohj-otiouH, so I filled a glaei aua wn'rlu <i her nip it H t p'nvin.-l v. "Ii tbe 8i<uiriu*, >t -.. M.rjh, well? bav not seeu ber to-day." " S'IH ii well." " Ii is) abuui her I wih to (peak to yon you have suei-aed thai? ' "I have guiated it" Aa ibe spok Tirma atave me a Hulleo, di fl i i.t look. "Yan." I oouiluued, "yuur vigilant faith marriage. I bad but one chance left. Tereia'i eager look when I mentioned the income I p -excised h*d lujpresi-ed me. I must cm ueavei.d to the vulgar ait of direct bribery ; tne end would j latif y tbe meaua. Aa I waa ao utMu travelling it was my babil to oarry a large tutu uf money on my person. ldre*4BUt uiy pocket-book aud c muted out a hundred puuud> ID uew crmp u t a. Teresa eyed them hungrily. Y .u kuow wbat these are worth ?'" L said. Bbe nodded. I puabed a out pie of tbe notes toward ber. Sr skinny iiaud srrmed twilobiug with the desire to grasp them. " Tell me wbo MissJt irob'a friendi are aud take theae two uotM ; all the rest sha'l be voura OD tbe d.y wre married." Toe old woman Hal sileut fur a while, hut 1 kuew t imptaiion waa assailing bur Prerentlv I bean her inurmurit g. "50,000 lire! 60,000 lire a year!" Toe hpcll wurked. At last she ruse. " Are you (joint to lake tbe money?" I a*ked " I oauuit 1 dare uut. I am bound. Buv " But wbat?" " 1 will write. I will aay wbat yoa lay to ii rlollxre." Wbu la tbe doctor ? I oau write to him or ! him." I) d I eay il dottore ? Il wai a slip N >. yuu uiutit not wiiie. I will auk him ai.d im rnu-it decide." Y iu will wnt i ktonoe?' " At onotj." Tere>a, with a lingering glancK at Ibe mour) t irnid to leave uue. 1 Y iu had heller lake ihese twu notes," ] i-ai I hai du g Hit-in tu f . Sne buttoned ili-in iu the buaom of btr ret-i* wub feveri-h da ight. "T.-ll me, Ttrraa." I eaid coix<oglv tell me if yi u ibiuk if the tulii.e o ie * t all lur me ? ' ' Who known ? aucwered tba old wnmau ' t i) ; "I do uut fcu i* but agiu I >ay > \ou be la uot (ur love or marriage Not lor luve ur marriage I 1 lauxhec loud as I ill ught of tbe uld Wuman'n baurd and ull-r p-ated aaanrtiuD. If OD arib tnere was a wuman mure than noiher m uie lor I v *ud mariiage it wa iy beaut ful Pauline ! I wuudered wba rre*a ioul'1 uit-au ; then reojcmberiug ibe eivur witu wtneo "h>* prayed in B*u Olu nni I di aided ll at being au arrtei totuau C- t luiio Hbe wished PaU i .o t 4ke ibe Veil. i'Li-i theory wuuld explain vt-ry tbiug. Nuwtbai I hvlb)U|ihtT*resaI looked for ward to the enj lyment of P*uliue'a aooiot] ihuui ea|.| m.gaur luterru^tiou. Thanh wumau bad taken 111} m jury, aud uo dm) wuuld di ber be>t tu earn mure. If juld pirauade tbe girl to let ma paat sevi al hnura uf taob day in ber oumpany uted fear uo biuderanoe from Tertaa Tb ibe had beeu aooepied, aud alibou^b iluabed at tha expedient to which I bad weu o impelled to reaurt, it had beeu sue- oera(u). I wai oblig-d to dtfer any further 'ttempt at luve-makiug until tbe mil evenii g, ae an i in port an I piece of buaiuecn iad tu bd attended to in iue morning I . pi me away f r< m home fur several bourn, aud wbeu at laat I raiumid t > Maida vale . wai thuuder. t uok to hear that my ellow lodgers bad I. (. tbe hou-r. Tbe audlady bad bo idea whither tbey had gone. Tereia, woo il appeara always acted as parse bearer, bad paid her due* aud bad departed wilb ber ynuug miatreaa. Tnare waa uotbing mure to tell. I threw myeif iuto my obair, cursing Italian guile; yet, aa I ihmiiliiuf I a Uu oupldily, uol altogether bupeleni Perbapa Tereaa wuuld write or come to me. I bad uol forgnteu the eagtir loukt she otat UIMIU my money. Bat day alter day pned without letter ur message. I speut thi la da) for tba moat part, andering abuut tba streets ID tbe Valu bi p < nf euouuuteriug Hi- fukilivrK. It was ouiy after tbil leouud 1 . n tbat I really (new the extent uf my paulon. I ctiin.it drionbe tbe luuguig I bad to aee that lair faoe once more. Y-t, I (eared tbe luve wan ail UD my aide. If Pauliue had felt eveu a panaiug m-.ereat in ma the o uld scarcely Dave left ii tbu secret and in ye ler lout manuer. II T heart ws jet to be won, and I knew that nuUu I won il bo woman's Ijvu WuUid to oil be worth hav- ing. I should bave n timed to my old lodg- loga lu Walpola street bad il not beau that I learnt to .| ut Mai la v .!, lett Teresa, if sbe sbuuld be faithful t . her eugagemeut M , mighl misama. 80 I lingered on thrre until ten days want kluwly by ; than, just aa I waa beginning 1 1 dnpair, a latter oame. II waa written iu a deliotie pointed Italian aiyleaod Digued M*uuel C i.- n It simply Bald tbat the writer would bave tha honor nf oallliug upon ma about noon to- lay. N itblng waa hinted at aa to the objot of tbe vim, but I knew it n ml 1 be oouueo ed with uuiy oue tbiug tha deaire of my heart. Tere*. after all, had u. t played nia false. Piuliue wouM ba mum ] wited aith feverinh irup^t euce until t'na uukuowu Mmuel Ceueri should make bia i ]i cirKl i A few ininutpH after 13 he was announorrl aud sbown luto u y r-mai I no him al onoa. Be waa the middle- mnd man w t i rather rom.d ahoulderi wbn hac talked to Tare-! uuder tbe shade ifB.n U ii<iiin at Tiriu. D mbtleaa be waa ' il duttora" apokeu nf by the old woman aa being tba arbiter of Pauline's fate. He h iweil politely aa be entered, oast noe, thro seated himaeU in the ohur I iflered him. I make no apolopy for oalliag," b aid ; " yoa will no doutt guesi why I oiue " Hie Euglisb was fluent, bat tbe oreiga soo nt very marked. I hope I guesi o >rrtoily," I replied, "lam Manuel C nni. I am a dootor y profession. My sister w* a Miss March's mother. I bave come from Qeueva ou your account." Tbeo yon know what tbe wiih tbe great wish of my life ii '.' ' " Yes, I kuuw yu want to marry my ieoa. NJW, Mr. Vaugban, I have mauy eaaon* lur wisbiug my nieoe to remain iugle, tui yuur proposal baa induaed me to reconsider tbe mat'er." Pauliue might have been a bale of cotton, ii-ipaeslvely did ber uucle apeak of btr utuie. Iu the nrat place," hi went on, " I am ild you are well bora aud rich. Is bat to?" My family ii renpeotable. I am well loui'foied aud may ba oiled rich." " Y 'U will aalufy me ou tbe latter point, '. auppoae." I bowed atiffly, and taking a sheet if paper wrote a line to my solicitors asking tirm logive ibe bearer the fullett lufurma iuu silo my re-nurops. Ceueri folded up ha u "e aud placed It in bta | ojket. P, r laps I showtd Ibe auno)auo I felt at tbe mercenary exactness of bia u qnuiee. 1 am bound to be partiuular in this matter," be aald, " aa my nuoa has noth ug." I expeot nothing or wish for nothing " "Btaebad money once a large fortuue It was lost long ago. Yuu will DO! a*k bow or where? ' I eau only repeat my former words." Vary well -I feel I have DO right to refu-e your offer. Al houxb ibe is ball Ita uu ber manners and habit are English Au Eugliab bu%band will euit her (> -t have uot yet, I believe, spckiin of luv to brr?" I bave bad no opportunity. I ibonld no doubt taave done ao, but aa soon as uur acquaintance Ouinmenoed sbe wai taken awav." Yes, my in>t'uctions to Tereaa were -tru-t II was uuly ou o >bdition she oh. \ fi- ler tbat I allowed Pauliue to live iu Eug laud Although tl.i-t mao ipoka as one wbo hac abiHjlute authority ovnr bia uieaf, he hac it ea d oue word which evinced >ff:o'.iou 8 i far as tbat wei t, she mi^bt hue beeu a iranger tu bun. But uow, I opp r "-," I said, " I ibal be kllowed to see l.i-r ?' Y on c-.U'i t "u. Tte man wli marries Pauliua Ma>roh mu-t be cou'eut lo lake her aa sbe i-. II umnt a-k uo qaea lion-, si t k tu kuuw uolhluK ut ber birth and family, nothli g of h.-r early days. Hi mt.it be eouteul to kuuw that sue ia a lady that she it very be- u ilui. aud that be love* Lur. Will thiatuffije?" Jbi qaeailou wan such a straogt one tbat eveu in tha beigul ot my paaaiuu Ueailaied. 1 wnl cav this much," addtdCaneri " she good aud pure- ber birth it tq ial ti yuur own. B is ia an oip'jau and her uul; bear relative it uiyell. " " I am mi t 1.1,' I cried, h illirg nut my hnd lo aeal tbe OJiupaOI. " UiVd Ul P>ulina. I aak no iuon ." Wbv sbould I uot be content? Wba did 1 wnit. to kuow abiu' Urr lauitly, be auteordeuiior ber bi-tory ? Bo madly Oi 1 long to oall thai beau'iful girl mine tlii, believe, bad Ctueri told me sue wat wuitb la-H >nl riirg a <ed amiug women, I sboulc bave std, " Uive bar to me >ud let be nv K iu life anew ai my wife." Mau do bud things for love I "Now, Mr. Vtuahan," aaid the Italian drawing his baod from miue ; " ray urx quenliuD will astoni-h \oti. Yuu luv .' .uliua and I belli vo sbe ia not md.ffereu 10 YOU" U pauied and my heart beat al tb thought. Will your arrangement* permit of a early marriage an imonedia'e marriagr ~Jau I up in my re-turn lo tbe U u.iinfiit 11 a lew dava leavi ber future iu yuur band entire!) .' ' I would ra\rry her to-day U It wer I cried- We need not be io impetuom as tbit >ut ould you arraoije for, lay, tba da after to-morrow ? ' I stared at him -I eoold aoarotlv believ heard correctly. Tu bo married Pauliue within a few bourn ! Them unit sumetbiog in tbe background i f >u bhi. ! Ceurri must be a madman ! Y eveu (roui the baodi of a madman buw could I refute my bappinena? But I duu'i know if be level me woul.1 sue Oiuaatt? ' I ilammiiid. Pauliue ia obedient, aud will do as wish. You can woo her after marnai tad of before t " U it oau il ba done on ao abort notice 'l ' 1 believe there an such tbinge, aa special licenses 1 1 be bought. Y <u ar wui.d -ring at iuy nUtiteitiou. 1 am ii ui ti.ituru to It-ly alujost at ones. NJW, put It lo you oau I, under the pre*bul c t , leave Pauline herewiih only servant to lo kafierbtr? No. Mr. Vaugba ttrauge an it may areiu. I muat uu tr se her your wile before I leave ur I mu-t tak ber baok wilb me. Tbe latter may unfortunate for yuu, as here I bave <>ul myself to oousider, wbilat abroad ther may be others to consult anl parbspi mutt change my mind." " Let ua gu to Pauline and aik ber," I aaid, rising impatiently. "Cdrtaiuly," aaid Canon, gravely, "we will go at once." Till now I bave been witting with my back to tba window. At I fsood tbe light I nun jiil tbe Kalian djotor look very traiubt al mi. " Y >ur face seems qiita familiar to me, Mr. Vaughan, aliimu.li I oauaot ncill where I bave seeu you." I t.ilil him he inu-i bave seen ma out i le Sau (ii .v .111,1 wl i si be was talking t . uld I'ereaa. Iii remembered ibe uoourreuce aud appeared H n.li -4. Tbau we called a Cab and drnva lo Pauline's new akde. It aH ui t to very lar away. I wondered I li .d not <-niMmi.it rrd either Pu i < or I . r n in my ramblel Perhaps tbey bad b 1 1 kept to the huuie to avuid tbe meeting. ' Wuuld you mind waiting in tbe ball a minute ? ' acktd Ceoeri aa we entered the I 1 will go aud prepare Pauliue fur one qiiiok loek al uif > if tryiug to gather ondered if I wai in my right aeosee. Presently old Tereaa eama to me. Bae joked iioaroely more amiable than before, Havel doue well?" abe whiauered IB tali to. Y'.iu have done well I will not forget." You will pay m aud blame ma for otbiug. Bui liateo once more I any it ie siguoriua ii uol for lov ur mtrriage." BuperBlitiuua old fool I Were faunae's larms to be buiied iu a uuuuery ? TDBU a bell rang aud Teresa left me. It few miuutei sbe reappeared and oon- uoted Due upitairs to a room in wince. I >uud my beautiful Pauliue aud her nude. ie raMtd ber dark dreamy eyes and oked at me the moat infatuated man uuld uot have tKt-rtd himself that the gbi uf li va wa iu ibriii. I fully expected tbat V ->ct >r Cenxri would ave left Ui to arrange matters alone ; bat o he took me by the baud aud in a lately mauuer led me tu bia uieae. ' Pauliue, yon kuow tbla geuiltman ?" Bbe bowed. Yes, I know him." Mr. Vaugban," continued C men, " doee l tbe bouur of aakiug you to be bia wife.' I c mid uut permit all my wooing to ba oue by proxy, no I itepped f jrwaid aud iok ber baud iu name. PauliL*," I wbii-pired, "I lova yon mo.- nrat I aaw vou 1 have loved you will ou be my ife?" Yes, if yuu wish it," aba replied aoftly, ut without obangiog color. II You cannot l^ve me now. but yo will y-aud-by will you uut, my darling T ' Bbe did not respond to ouy tppaal, bu* beu abe did uol repulse me, neither did he strive to withdraw ber baud from mine; sbe remtiued calm and uudamon- trativa aa ever ; but I threw my arm uuud ber, and in apite of Cuuen'a pre- euoe, kinaed ber paaaiouatly. It wai Lly wbeu my lips touobexi her uwo Ibat I aw tbe ojlor ri-e to her obeek aud knew ut she waa moved. Bbe diaeugagrd herself fiom my embraea, ; Ian red al bar uncle, wbo stood im^aaaivi an if be bad witueaaed nothing oui of the joiumoo, and then 8 d from tba room. " I tbiuk yuu bad better go now," said euiri. " I will arrange every tbiog i.k 'tuline. You muat du ou yuur part all b*t is uecoetary fur the day aitjr tu mus- ow." " II ii very nudden," I laid. "It ia, but il omal be ao I cannot wait ID buur longer. You bad. better leave ml uow aud return tu-in>rrow." I went away with my bead io a whirl -I at uunertam wbat tu do. The tda p al OB t > oall Pauliue my own i j ao -n irt a tnui waa itraal; but I ould uutdeoiive myself by tLi:.ku.g tbat - 'i- cared for me at ail, ai ret. Bui, aa Cent-ri sairi, I c uld do my wooing after marriage. Btill 1 hexitat^d. I'ne hurried proceeding was so strange. Aideutiy an I de-ir*d to wed P.ui.ue I wmbed I could have first won ber Wujld t uut be better tu let ber uuo'e take tier to Italy, tbeu to follow ber aud laaru if abe could love me? A<lual tlii* pruieul course Oame Canen'n vxgue threa', tbat in -uoh au event, bis mi-id uilt>bl ba obaugad and more tban all, I wai desperately in ove. Altb" u.b ii oould] ouly ba for her Mauty ibal I loved ber, I waa madly in love. Pale bad tbrowu ui tog-tier. BI bad ap*") me twioa uow tbe third uuiar-he waxofleredtorneuoreoervedly. Iwaaup|i> -tit uua enough to tbiuk tbal if 1 r. j ,oled >r pueiiiouel acc|ttug tbi ni:t, t would oe withdrawn forever. N i u iua what will, iu two days' time Pauliue shall be my ifr! I law her tbe nrxt day, but never alone. Ceueri wai wub ui all tbe lime. Pauliui wai aweet, sileut, shy aud languid. I bad much io do much tu see lo. N v*r was a vuulug so abort or so itrange a miue. By the evening all the arrai.geint nil wen made, and by 10 u'clook tba uexi wuruing Oiloert Vaugbau and Pauliue M>roh were mau aud wife t 'loxe wbo bad uot iu theif lifetime! even oou versed for a time amount iog, lay, to tbree bourn were li iked t tgether for batter or worse till d*th n.i.l I part them 1 Ceueri left immediately tbe e*remotr> waa uver, and to my aatoulibmeiit, Tereaa auuuunced her iDleution of accompanying IIHII. Bua did uol f>il to wall uu ma fee tieprumistd reward, which I gave bar rt-eiy and fully. My nearl'a deaira waa lo wed Pauliue, and by ber aid it bad bee* ouaipa*ed. Turn, with my beautiful bride I itarted for tbe Boottiab lakes, to begin tae wouiug wbicb i-houlrl bave been ouu p.eied bafore the flual li p bad been taken. CHiPlER V. BT LAW, HLT LOVI. Proud and happy aa I fall when eeated side by mde wub Pau i.ie in Ibe railway carriage whiob waa taking us to the uurtb i furtuuate as I toll niyoelf I waa to bave won such a fair bride ; great an my love was for tbe aweet g rl who had just vowed hrm If iniiin furever, iCeuen'e extraordi- nary stipulation k' pt recurring to my rniud tbe man wuo matries Pauline M*rob muat be content to take ber as ab" IH , to Wlah to know botliiog of thr p Mi. Nut lor oue mi mut did I think >uib a OHiiraot oould be euforoed. At noou aa I bad succeeded in mtkiug Pauliue luva me, cba wuuli surely wish to tell ma all he/ bistory there would be no need to aak fur il tbe ooLudeuon Wi uH t >eu ba give.. aa a matter of aiurre. Wnn ha bad learned tba avert t if luve, all tba other secret! ould cease between IH My wife looked very beautiful ax ahiiat with ber bead leaning against the dark cloth of the carriage. H.r oetront n n ted featurei showed in ibat position advantsgeou>.|y. Her faoe, at unual, WM pale aud calm ; her eyea were cant down. A woman to be indeed proud of ; to wor- ship, to oberiab, and bow iweat it aeemed whisper tba woid to myself my wife I (Tj ba continued.) yuur oomibg " I wuuld have waited a month io a dm geub for the reward In procptci ; ao I sat what ba oould IroA my peraonal appear* , down oo the poliabad mabogauy obair and A Parisian onoa remarked to Longfellow tbal there wai oue American word ba never o uld understand, or fl . I in any <iio tiunary saya Bostnu Ki'rry Other Saturd if, " What il n?" n. q .n, .'1 tba puel. " Tu tl Jo, ' was the repiy. ' I never beard of tba wurd," naid L ingfallow. Presently a H -runt oame ia to replenish the fire. After putting m a li tla fuel, L )ugf allow n mukfd to him, " Tual will du." "IN!" exclaimed tbe Frenchman, " that ia the very word whiob ba* troubled ma." Eating in % harry, John Malball, ot Port C teaier, N Y , wan oboked to daalb b/ a large ouuua of beefsteak. -* t

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