Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1884, p. 6

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A llll 1. UIB*t I I. il -I l I .III I * alakrtrllr lin-rlrr aaul tin I BMlrg iMlUio H'rk ui 'I. 1 1 >. The New York World gives tbe followiru particulars of a tragedy, the facts of whicb af peared iu the TIM s despa lohra the oilier day : In the low. foul-cdortd kbauty of David See, in the wex d< cm the boarder of Chappaqua, Coroner Hyatt yesterday fouud MII-H Grbrielle dr.eley, the only nrviMog daughter of ihe Ute Horace OreeUy, beurti K over the oorpre of the boy whow strange death the ooroner hd oouit to inveriiKttte. The body lay iu a rude pine shoe bcx about fcur fe* t long and eigitrfu inches wide. It wan the ouly cawkii that the *bifile parents could procure. At Mis* Oreeley'it ride on the filthy aud carpetlea* door was a bunch of wild flowers and a pail of cracked icv Tbe young lady waa packing the loe around the litile bcdy ud arranging the wild flower* at the edge of tbe *boebcx iu ruch an orderly and taaty manner tut wben be bad completed her tak tbe spot wbere tbe body lay looked like a bower of flower*. Tbe little body whiob claimed ber atten- tion was that of Frederick Bee, tbe 4-year old son of David and Emily See. who, with their four children, occupied the abanty. \Vbi u Coroner Hyatt introduced him- aeli Mia* Oreeley *aid : " Do cot think it trance that 1 am here. This little Ooy i> my ipecial charge. I irr bin godmother, and bin little tikter Emma, whom you net- weeping, ia a devout attendant at my Sun- day tchool in the Kpi copal Church." lam told," tbe coroner *aid, " that thi okilddied frcru dritkicu alcohol, of which bin pareLts cad been drinking. Ia tbai tone?" " I am aorry to Bay that I believe tbe report m true, waa the reply. The coroner took charge of tbe body and om mo tied a jury, the testimony showing thai Ibe child bad actually dr auk a quautit) of alobol, from the iffcts of nich be had died. Tbe father could not be found, having fled, but tbe mother, who waa juit recoveries from tbe effect* of a protracted pree, testified that abe and ber husband went to White 1'laina to get acme kerowtue, bet instead it ey had a half gallon of aloobol put into their can. \Vbtu they arrivtd borne they were both intoxicated. Sunday they continued their upree. Tbe little 10-year-old girl t* i:tird : " I took tbe can of alcohol and hid it upitairs by my bed to keep p*p and mamma from drinkii K any more. Freddy found tbe can and drank a lot of tbe alcohol. I aaw him come downstairs , be staggered and fell into my lap. and then I knew be bad been drinking. He couldn't apeak. I pulled him on my lap, and pretty aoon he got down and lay on tbe floor and went to Jeep. He never woke up any more. Be alepl all day Monday and wouldn't wake op. In the afternoon be waa orizy. He bolted hia bead agaioit tbe wall aid bad fita He died ibis morning." Dr. II F. Patch, who waa summoned jntt before tbe cbild'i deatb, raid tbe child waa then iu the laat itage* of alcoholic poitooinK. Tbe jury rendered a verdict oensnrtt*! tbe parent* for criminal oarelew- neae in allowing ton child to get tbe aloobol. Countable Lawrence baa a war rant for bren arrest. Mra. See ha* been not lied that the can no longer have tbe raitody of ber children. To-day abe will leave Cbappaqua and go to ber relative* Mid MIS* Greeliy will take charge of tbe remaining tbree children and tend them to cbool. Lat evening Miaa Oreeley aent an undertaker to remove tbe body of the dead boy to tbe old Greeley farm -bonne, and to- day the funeral will take place from Miaa Oreeley ' bouae. A IM, i in i i u t , i t. \ I t-...ll-l, I ...I. fi.l.i ll<Mlh I. nr|Mirll*M. A Saturday uight'i Dallas, Trxa*, des- patch aaya: A shocking double tragedy wan developed tbia afternoon by tbe diiioovery iu tbe woodn, just beyond tbe corporation liaiita, tbe dead bndiea of a man and woman on tbe went fork of Trinity Kiver. Tbe viotimH when Drat diroovered lay side by aide. Tbe man'* arm wax extended and partly on that of bia love, a if in tbe agonies if deatb be aoughl to ernbraoe ber. She wax, apparently, aged about 18, wore a dunojd brooch, and waa JreB*ed with cxquiriie taate. He appeared a few years ber senior. Bttween tlitiu lay revolver, with t*o obamberi empty, tolling tbe itory of murder and suicide. N>arby was fouud a note, wiitten in a clear, bold baud, aayicg, " An we cannot be united iu life, we will be iu death Geo Fauitriok and Annie ManUr.'' Appsar- anoe* and an xmuunuvu cf the Dodiea lead to the conclusion that tbe note wan written before reaching tbe fatal eoeue, and that after a final leave-taking be tired tbe pistol iu ber motti, thus killing ber, placed the weapon to bin temple, and again pulling tbe trigger, fell olot-e betide her. Beyond tbe names on the bit of paper nothing fui tber ia known which might give a clue to tbeir identity. Later. Tbe lover's tragedy of yesterday, wherein Geo. Hoalstech clew Mi*a Nanny, ai d then committed suicide, baa been tbe absorbing topic of conversation. During tbe day the bodies were vi-m-d by curious hundreds. Further investigation of the idei tity of tbe victims denied by unrelenting parents khowa that they tailed from Fort Worth, atd that their vii-it to Dalla* waa to oontnmiuate tbeir murderous ends. Miss Nauny 'a body waa claimed by bt-r brother thii evening and taken to Fort Worth, iioalkteah will be buried here. Latei developments reveal the fact that Uoal- stccb waa a young < flicer in tbe German army vieiting America on a year'* leave of abkeuoe. HoaUteca and Misa Nanny bad been stopping at an obi-cure, hotel for several weeks. Ilia parent* in Germany refused to sanctum his marriage. His .eaveof absence having about expired, they concluded to die rather than be separated. Ik. \ . II,,,, .1 ,.,,,, I A Wetland despatch lays it is stated that the announced determination of tbe Chicago A Orfdenaburg line to withdraw tbeir boats trim tbe canal trade and tbe fact that other American boat* of tbe larger class had decided to follow suit because of tbe delay ai tbe i -jueduot beie, owing to low water on occasions, ha* purred tbe canal authorities into the gravity of the situation, and tbe danger of tbe Canadian water way loaicg trade which bad coet w many millions of public money to obtain. It il now said that toe authorities prcpoee during periods wben toe lake level in BO low a* to oauae incon- venience at Port Colborne that tbe oanal hall be fed from the Grand River feeder. Tbia course would remove tbe dlssatisfac- lion which has arisen, a* well as retain trade, whiob tbe present policy ia driving way. Aawihrr MM,,.,,. I.H.. A New York deipatch saye: "Tbe Woods of Ar den " i ibe name cf a new resort which wan on Friday specially dedi- oated to the one of religions and moral orgauizitiona, such M churches, Sunday aeboola and temperance societies. Tbe property is let apart for this exoluxive pur- pose by Mr. Eraatus Wiman, who enter- tained 400 minister!, Sunday ichool operintendenU and teacher* at the grtnnd*. Tbe location ia on tbe sea beach of Utateo Island, and can be reached in forty minutes from tbe city. A great deal of aatiaf action waa eipreaeed as to tie liberality of the arrangement* acd tbe beauty of the location. Among tbe peak- en were Dr. Deem*, Rev. Clark Wright and other eminent divines. II" V% ..u I ...... i A ItoBton despatch lays : From observa- tions at Cambridge on Sunday and Monday nigbt-i, and the position cabled from Kun p, Prtfeiaora Cbander and Wendell of Harvard College Observatory, have com- pleted tbe fol'owirg orbit of tbe comet dis- covered by Wolf: Element* perihelion, passage Nov. ^.Itb, fin, ]*KI ; longitude of perihelion, 20 degrees 30 minutes; longi- tude of node, l!l',l degree HI minutes- inclination of orbit, .11 degrees 22 minutes losanthm of perihelion, diatanoe 0*W2. Tbe comet it eaaily risible in small tele- scopes. It is growing brighter, but in going louth o repidly that it ia not likely lobe very bri'liaul to tbe northern hemisphere. M. Ferry itited yesterday that Admiral Conrbet bad telegraphed that preparationi. for the resumption of warlike < p-ratmnn agtinst the Cbiueae were completed. Tbe Cabinet resolved to summon the UbsTnbtri to meet October 14tb. NIAUAMA'a IMIMI u I . i/..i ! m \. n.i.riui 'I..I.I.. i.. B IC..II .I...I..U. A Buffalo derpatch aays: Tb* Comtiur- cial Aiit-ertitrr aaya tbat one of its reporters made tbe t-urpriru.g discovery this morn- ing tbat tbe incalculable Wkter power of Niagara r' alia is being utiliz.d in Buffalo, twenty-two mileafrom tbe great oatar>et For many year* tbe question bow the force L( Niagara at uid be pat to practical uae at a diatanoe ha* puzzled inventors, engineer* and men of science. Tbe solution of the problem at Ian fell to a reaidett oft hi* city, who U loo modest to permit tbe uae of bis name. Tbe power, it may be stated. baa been in practical uae for a week or ten days, and give* perfect aatisfaction. Dur ing that time tbe electricity by whicb all tbe tel*| hone* in Buffalo bave been run after dark ha* been generated at Niagara Fall* by water power, the magnetic current beitg conveyed bitberover tbe Bell Telephone Company'* wire*. Tbe poaai- bill lie* of this duoovery are unlimited. A UOHHIBI.K TALK. t i.il.l I o.i in H NmlbwrM Blra> A man named Guerm, aon-iu-law of E B. LaKiviere, of Wakopa, in tbe Turt! Mouttiiu DiBtriot, lost a 3-jear old by tb rn-. ut storm under very tiiatretitiug oir i-uu.i..aucea. It appeara that tbe storui wan very heavy in that eectiou cf country, an< did a oouaiderable amount of damage During tbe afternoon Mra. Guerm wan aitendug to btr garden, packing out tbe weede, etc., and ber two onildren, one of and tbe other 5 yeare of age, she left out >ide tbe bouse playing. She oonliuuec working at tbe garden for a couple of hours and dutiug this time the storm wan gradually u creating. She did not pay any attention to her children, a* abe, o course, thiugLt they would be all ri*ut,bui wben she went to look for them, to ber surprise she could ouly flod one the eldest She searched around the houae for a Hbort lime, but Haw no trace of tbe missing child She went over to Mr. B. 1). LkHiviere au<i apprioed bim of the fact that one of her child i en waa lost. Tbia alarm waa aoou tipread, and tbe hur.ba.nd, Mr. LaHiviere and many other settler* atarud in aearcb of tbe little one. They looked everywhere but mtt with no sucoera Early iu tbe morning, however, after travelling BOILS tbree mile* over the prairie, Mr. LaK.vifr foutd tbe infant child covered with mud, its face somewhat bruised, and tadde*t ol all was that death atared tim IL the face There waa a very heavy wind blowing that night, and it uiut have carried tbe child before it. Tbe^rief of tbe parents at flud- ing their child in this condition can be tjt ler imagined than described, but they bave the sympathy of all tbe settler* in tbkt neighborhood. Itapiddty < I/UN. THK BOISTO* WAV. Halrh |. \ . . . MM, I. !,.,. IM....H. ,l I >., Ibr I -.. .. \ ,. . When I WM iu Philadelphia, says Kobin son iu tbe Sjmerville Journal, a little ragged girl a| proached me and said : My papa drinks, my ma i* tick with con sumption, please will you give me a penny ? It waa tbe old plea wa* tuooeasful. II.. II.MIh. .1 I ....... A San Francisco despatch, dated laat (Tuei-da) ) night, aays : Justice Field, bear- fig tbe Chinese A>it/ra< corpui oaaea to day, ruled that a wife could not enter on ber hunbaud's certificate. She moat bave one of ber own issued by tbe Chinese Govern- ment. A new and extraordinary feature, in relation to Chinese of tbe exempt claim, under amended Chinese Restrictions Act, has been developed. Tbe collector of I'm t Heara held, and his inter jinuiicm wa* con- tinued to day by Deputy Collector Jerome, thkt Cbineae merchants resident in tbe I uited Sta'.es, who purpose vimting any foreign country, muit nrat go to Cnioa and procure a certificate from the Chinese Government, or they will not be permitted to re-enter the I'nited States. 1 1. .11.... In I oiin.ll. A I.tka Mobonk despatch say* : Tbe Indian conference here wa* devoted la*t evening to a discussion on tbe capacity of tbe Indian for cilizenabip, tb* beet way to secure hi* claim at a citizen, tbe anbjeot of compulsory education, and tbe abolition of reserve*. Addresses were made by several member*. Tc day resolutions were adopted earue> tly rppoung any recognition by the Government of Wibal relations, favoring tbe allotting of landa in severally as speedily as poaniblr. tbe land* to be inalienable for not less than ten nor more than twenty five years, tb* n .lit of suffrage to be given sll adults. Two of tbe Board of Indian Commissioners were present. HI. '.it ..i Nrw \...i. . tlir i n k in..i A New York despatch says : Uaao New- ton, Chief Kngiueer of tbe Department of Public Work*, committed suicide tbi* moriiog by cutting hi* throat with a razor. It is believed tbe act WM dene in a Bt of despondency caused by long (offering from rbeumatium and lung trouble*. He wss alo employed in tbe Canadian Gov- ernment on professional work requiring xptrienoe and judgment. He made toe [ilani for the drainage of Margaree Lake in Nova Scotia, a work of great magnitude, requiring the management of an enormous juaLtity of water, the daily overflow of tbe lake being over 52,000.000 of cubic feet. When I came on to Boston I wasapproaobed by a little girl of similar appearance, aid aa bbe waa about to apeak I raid : I know 11 about it . your father driukn, your mother ii rick with coneun. ption, and you want a penny." Pardon me, Mr," she observed, with great dign.ty, an she removed a pair of rnity, steel framed spectacle*, and carefully wiped the olitary glass they oontkined with a abred of ber tattered abawl. Pardon me, sir, I waa about to observe that it pain* and humiliate* me beyond meature to be obliged to coulee* that my pa i* addicted to tbe habitual uae of alcoholic stimulant*, and i* frequently, indeid, I may *ay per- manently, in a ootdition of Uel|los inebriety, while a atruus indisposition, due to a pulmonary affection, inoapac.tttea my ma from every form of pbyictl labor, out: eequeutly tbe only reaouioe left to ber t ) kolitn tbe asperity of ber own acd my lot to send me out to importune itraugen for aloja, hence I make an kppeal to your generally." Aa she concluded abe held out ber batd with agnoe and dignity truly Bostoninn. and I nad to other reaouioe than to put my hand in my pocket and give ber a dollar. A I'r n.lllll. Ill t ,, M I.- I. ...H,, . rt f. ,,,| A Fort McKinny (W. T ) despatch lay* tbe mangled body of Mr. Oillie Leigh, a nember of the British Parliament, was found yesterday at Baz, a precipitous cliff in tbe Big Horn mountain*. Mr. Leigh was here with a small English pleasure party. He U ft the camp on tbe 14th inct. for a stroll, and was not beard of till eight daya' search revealed bis body. His remain* will te tbipped to England. Another danger i* added to modern bo itekeeping. Dr. Austen ha* discovered th >t water containing organic matter will, wuen under pressure, dissolve compounds of lead, zinc and copper more rapidly and in much larger quantities tban wben pure and under ordinary conditions. He ol.im* that many case* of dysentery ret.uk from drinking such water that ha* itood all night in lead or zinc pipes. i n i \ u i < t i n wf . f.nlcMl.r. .1 ibr Lew ( Ikr ....! .-I.I.,,, . ..,,! A lart i Tuerda\ ) night'* London cable- gram nay> : Ine liritish man-of-war Valiant has gone to Tory Island to render aaaistanoe and or t tin detail* of tbe wrick of tb* gunboat Waap. Tbe weather waa ba/y wben abe (truck. About 3 o'clock in tbe morning tbe t tticcr of tbe watch ordered sail to be set for the purpose of steadying the boat, as a lumpy aea waa on. Tbe order waa being carried ott wben the Waap, which it Is turimeed waa greatly out of ber course, without ibealigbteet warning Mtruck upon a rook. Tbe vessel rebounded into tbe deep water, and it waa found a gaping bole had been made in her bow. and It wa* imposmble for ber to kei p afljat. Six of In r crew escaped by oliugiug to tbe tbe wrecksgp, from which they were picked vp by nabiug boats. Tbe Wasp foundered about forty feet from the ligbthonae. Tbe maats are viKible. Tbe survivor* wben rescued were terribly ixbausted and were taken to the ligltbouse, wbere they still remain. Tbe aea between tbe lighthouse and the maiuland wa* very rough and com* muuioation wa* almost impossible. A 'I I II III Hill . I U > ! I II. I ..n.li. hoo.- a MI, hian M.. n.. In HI* <>..ii II...... A Detroit despatch says : A terrible tragedy occurred on Wednesday night at tbe bouse of J. A. .M I. tin. a farmer living aix mile* north of Cot periville, Ottawa county, Mich. A tramp (topped at tbe house, and undertook to run thing* there ahcuts according to bis own fancy. Mr. MoLain and Inn aon reaented auoh acti m on tbe fellow part, and drove bim from the houae. Tbe ion tben went for aniit ance to protect tbe bouse from the tramp'* violence, and on hi* return found bis father dead, having been killed by a shot from a revolver. The officer* and neighbor* were aroused, and every effort is being made to oatoh tbe villain who did tbe (booting. Should he be caught be will undoubtedly be lytcbed. Such is the state of tbe public feeling over the affair. NaYW tint \i 1111 n t i n I it, b..i .1 a iu ikr Harnl Wliaj n A Saturday Light'* Niagara Fall*, Out deapatob aaya: The air-tight lifbboa which Mr. B. F. Chapman, of Wiarlon Drought here and truated to the turbulen water of Niagara, at M p. m. on Fnda, Sept. Jiiih, passed hucoe**fully through ti. rapida. In making the paanage to the poo (he little craft waa twice turned buiom ride up, but riglted immediately aud rod ou as gracefully aa a awan.aud ei t, red tb pool on tbe Canadian r i ie no. ut 1.". minute fter 3 o'clock. The bo.t doatd up an d >wn with l: e current and eddy |uu til abou 7 o'clock tl.ii unrniug, when *ue came i uear tbe lower turn of tbe pool and was saught by Mr. Chapman, who waa early o band to aee bow his boat fared. Whe brought to land *be was found to be a* ound as when put in the water at th ferry, with about 3 inches of water in th hold. Mr. Chapman again pushed ber ou in tbe current, aud for about an hour an half rn wa* tested abont in tbe poo when, getting caught in tbe right current she wa* carried out of tbe tool. Ootn over tbe rook just at the outlet, wbere ther u a ledge aome 5 or 6 feet perpendicular be sieve in ber aide and went ta puces Mr. Chapman subsequently went to Queen aton aud nothing but tnuall pieoei were tt >e aeen. There waa great excitement a Queenston wben the pieces began to arrive a* it bad got reported that aeveral partie rom this place iutended to oatob tbe boa at tne pool aud make the trip to gueenaton and tbe people tnougtt they bad made tb attempt and been lot. The excitemet lubaidid wben Mr. Chapman arrived and t wai fouud that no persons were ou the boat. Hfnii I.M NU..VIOHUHINI. Tar Old ! . n ...... Br.kra) I >. York^der patch aaya: A larg A Ne crowd assembled about Chickeriug Halt on laturday evening expecting that Mrs Sobelling, net Moroaiui, Would make ber debut in a concert, but Ibe ball wa* no opened, a* no rent b*d been paid. Tbe Morotiui furniture and brio a brae were sold at auction on Saturday. Ii drew a great crowd. Ouly tbe medium auc rarest of the goods were pit under th namuicr, tbe remainder having been dit posed of at private sale. Victoria's fool bath, a tin affair, with ber name painted on I, waa bought by a Bjwery muaeuiu maua {erfor J7. Victoria's saddle aud bridle sold for Ji;. Her toilet set wa* knocked town to a blueing young man for II MO The family Bible brought I* ; parlor ornau 6 50 ; two grand piano*, 167 and J140 silk plush parlor furniture, t!60 ; magLiti eett mirror in broize, worth 1300, told for 140 and a aorrento table, marvelloualy i.laidwith quaint ivory figure*, brought 3*. A oradie wa* cold for 2 in which all be Moroaioi children bad been rocked, auc he Bowery man got u. Every one of the X) people present seemed determined to eoure a memento of poor old Moroaiui 1 . wrecked borne. About 5000 wa* realise at tbe aale. *niat-r ..nln U on.l. r. Georgia i* not through yet with her wonder*. A gentleman of Gaiaeaville, a young man still in his teens, come* to tbe front with an invention for which, it is said, be has refused (13,000. It i< a money- drawer DO ingeniously arranged that by the simple pulling of a tpring any piece of money, from a nickle to a dollar, can be seouied at once, and also any amount of change one might wish. If desired to get change for any bill, in auy p irrihle way, embracing any number of cjius of different denomination*, it can be obtained in a second of time, and there is not a need of gUnoiog at it tn see if correct, for it can't be wrong. He ha* just established a fnotory at Cincinnati for tb* manufacture of there drawers. Friday, Nov 4tb, ban been net for tbe polling on tbe Scott Act in Huron. A Nrw t .im.ir 1. 1. ad Nrar Ir.laaa. On the 26ib of July tbe lightbonae keeper at Cape Reykjanes, tbe *outhw>ht *iut of Iceland, on aoaLLing tbe sea with bis tlisa, *aw what he at flrat took for i very large (hip, but wbicb a oloaer initeot on aboa ed to be a new island. It bad the orm of a rounded flattened cone, waa of omiierable size, and lay, according to hia atiinate. about fourteen mile* northwest if the voloauio island Eidey or tbe Meal aok (Uelaekket). which lie* eight mile* He>kjaneato tbe aoulbweit. Several arthquake shccka bad been fell during tbe receding day, and they have amoe occurred t interval., but no other voloauio maui- ealatioua heralded or attended the rtae of he ialand. Owing to tbe danger of pproaoniug the island in an open boat, no ne baa yet aiUm| tad to land on il. The gbt keeper baa observed it from day to ay wben not prevented by foggy weather, ud repoiu no cbange iu it* a| pearai.ce, ave tbat a large part of one *ide of tbe cone appear* to hav alipped or fallen down ntotneaoa. From time tj time since tbe oloui/uion of IctUnd volcanic ialands ave aprung up out of tbe wave* in the eigbburbood c,f Krykjauei, only to diaap ear again after a feiel period. In tbe en t lul century an ialaud aroae at or near he same place a* tbe present one occupies, nd was l.keu poaaeaoinu t f by tb* Dane*, nder tbe name of Nj . (Sew lalanoi ; but a* it conristed only o( loose volcanic ab ndpumioe, the action of the waves speedily roke it down, and after little more tban a month it diaappered.-.S/. Jaunt' Qaittte. Thr \ .., .1 !. .,.,. A few months since a question wa* aired about tbe measurement of land in ogue in tbe British American Colonies before they became known t > biitory an tbe r ni led States. Tbe Eugliih Board of Trade wa* appealed to for information aa to wben the exiatmg fool measure was etubhsbed in America, and whether it might bave differed at any time from tbe foot measure of Great Britain. In reply, tbe Board stated tb*t tbe standard yard of Uenry VIII. Mill ensts, and i* probably of exactly the same length a* tbe old K.xou yard. It i* a solid brass rod, and wan con- stantly used for tbe verification of other yards till the reign of "good Qjeen Be**." Aftir allowing for tbe estimated wear, il i* found to be of tbe same length ai tbe T resent standard yard. Carptt Trade Kevitte. Hew the !-,,, ,, i i,,,,,, A care ha* just or me to light in Chicago wbere C pawnbroker loaned with a sick buiband $2. r > on her furniture. Tbe interest paid was |:i poor woman mortgage on -. i i i.--i i i t KIII i i< < i i<> ^ lo.iu.. . oairrr War has b. . n * >> K. ,ur.< iu 4. I.I. .,..,,. The II, raid of Praet and International Arbitration record* these inrtanoea wherein arbitrtiou hi been suooeaafully tried : Between Great Britain and the Uuited Stktea in 1794. France aud tbe I'nited State* in IMO:). Spain aud the Culled State* in 1818. Great Britain aud tbe Uuited Hiale* in 1H26. Belgium and Holland in 1HS4. France and Holland in ln.r.. England aud Amerit a in IH.'M. 1'oriugal and the I'uiled Slate* in lunO. Ki gland and Ihe lulled State* in IM.J.;. Kuttlaud aud the I'uiled State* in 1855. Cbi^i and tbe United State* in 1858 Paraguay aud the United State* m IH.V.. Canada, Costa Rioa and the United Stsu-H in l-'iO. Great Britain and Brizil in IHC.'i Pern and tbe United State* in 1803. Great Britain and the United State* in lf*>5. Ecuador and tbe United State* in 1H64. France and Prussia iu 1M.7. Turkey and Greece in If. 7. Kr^laud and Spain in 1-1.7. Gmat Britain and tbe Uuited State* (on the Alabama) in 1871. Great Britain and Ibe United Slate* (the San Juan dispute) iu 1872. Italy and Swiiiorland in 1H74. Great Britain and Portugal (about Dela- goa Bay) in 1-7'.. Cbiua and Japan in 187B. Peraia aud Afghanistan (Seiitan arbitra- tior.) iu 1-" .. Spain and tbe UniWd Slate* (about Cuba i 187'.l. Great Britain and Nicaragua in 107U. t'u too Statei and France in 1SMU Uuited Stan and Coata Kica in 1881. France acd Nicaragua in 1881. Chili and Columbia in 1881. Great Britain and Nicaragua (about Mos- juito Indianr) in 18H1. Chili and Argentine Republic (about Strailb of Magellan, etc) in I--1. Great Brit. in and tbe lulled States about Nova Bootia luneri**) m 1H81. llii.Und and Hay ti IU IM- J. Tkr -i.. ml II. i *. i , t, . , Astronomers are looking expectantly for ** r * m PP** r noe of tne " star of Betble- lem." Tbe theory concerning tbe star i* ed on a pot tioal foundation, whicb ha* ittle to lupport it. Early in 157J Tyobo irahe diioovered a minute star in tbe con- stellation Caariopea. It increased in bril- laucy uutil it became aa bright a* Venn*, 1 oould eaaily be seen at midday. It wgan to grow dim in a month, and in in month* bad di*appared from view. A aearcn if astronomical record* showed tbat aimilar aetroueinioal occurrence* had takeL |lace n the year* s45 and 1264, b* itars in question appearing n tbe same region* of tbe aky. Brahe figured tbat tbe itar waa a variable me with period of :tcm year*, during which ni.e it remained quiefoent, only ID burst iu. at the end o* it with a brilliant light caused by eruption* in its body. Tbe atar ' been due now aioee 1HHO. aud if U ever a|pear* again it will bave to do ao next er. Hence tbe aatronomical anxiety. It haa been discovered tbat there u a bade of green in ailk velvet ploih and tber fabnca which is dangerous to th* rearer a health. Tbe color is undoubtedly iroduced by tbe uae of aorae poison, prob- bly araeuio. Tbe effect, it can readily be magmed, i* more immediate and more angerou* if tbe puson i* contained in tbe oloring matter of dreai good* tban if nhaled from the ordinary green wall ipers. Among other* who have suffered i MI wearing materials of araeuio green is Mia* Klaie Von Blumen, tbe bicyolntt, wbo cently bad a *u t of green plush which bdouotedly contained poiaon. Sbe wisely laooutiuued it* use after discovering the kuaeof repeated illnem. A lady in this ty recently purchawd a dark green silk riMH. Sbe wore il four times and each me she became quite sick. Tbe sioknea* radnklly pasaed away eaob time after tbe ady had taken cff tbe dreas. lhr Hcavaailr u The night wa* dark, cloudy and romao- o a* be stood under ber window at Ibe arotul mansion. A rope, chock full of lopement, stretched from the window to be ground. Softly the sanh was raised nd ber angelic form appeared at tbe case- ment. I* everything ready .' " she whispered n a tnird scene, box -set voice. Tea," be responded tn the same beatriosl lone*. Uave you tbe horse and buggy at tbe orner, a dark lantern, two revolver* and a ouble barrelled abotgun .' " Ye, yea," he n plied ; everything ii r ranged. Slid* down." " And have you hired two men to chare il ? " Pittttmrg Chroniclt. per month, and tbe mortgage WM renew- able every three montbs, when 15 AO wa* charged for making out tbe paper*. She thus paid |f.8 par year for the use of las. Another woman paid a broker 1171 in interest on a loan of 951, and then, after paying one ball <f the principal, tbe wretohei foreclosed tbe mortgage, taking everything she bad, even to her bed, out of tbe bouse. Six giant or lion killing baboons from Sierra Leone bave arrived in New York, win re they will be placed in tbe Central Paik muaenm. They average four feet in ength A ol.l < II,.,,,!, ..,,,,.1,1, " If* no early to light tbe ga* yet." ibe ad just laid softly. They were there one in tbe twilight. Sbe HE consciously bitched her chair a ttle, and a few moment* later she nnoon- oioualy bitched it again, but there wa* no is pome. " George," she suddenly remarked, " if on bad been connected with tbe Greely xpedition I imagine yon would bave been very robust snrvivor." Why ? " be aeked. " Tbe climate would have agreed with nn, and yon could bave feasted on ice- berg*." As George couldn't quite we the force of this remark she got up and lighted tbe ga*. \ .., u ! , , " I grant an absolute divorce to both parties," iaid the Judge. "Call the next case." "Bet the children, your Honor. What disposition shall be made of them ?" " Equal division. Let each party lake half. Call the next " " But there are three cf them, Your lion " " Can'! help it. That'* their lookout, not mine. Call me next oa*e." Water i* 35 lent* per barrel and milk cent* per gallon in Lordaburg, N. M. N jr.

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