Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1884, p. 8

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Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. to Ordrr. It has long been known that certain article* of food when euten at bedtime will produce nightmare. A popular j preacher once confessed in the pulpit that after an orgie of nance-pie he had In the Township of ArtrmrMlsv, m tin County of tirey, ^ miles from Flesherton . frequently seen spectres at the foot of his Stati. .u, the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of | >>d ; and even intelligent persona have about 40U acres Timber Land, with other timber laud surrounding. The building i. sub. been visited with terrible midnight vis -tiiiti.'lly built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good ind driven with great p..*. -r lij a -33 lucb LefTel wheel, under 36 feet bead of water. Them are 1 Large Circular S iw for cutting logs ; 1 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Broom Handles ; 1 Guage Lathe for turning llroom Handles, Ac.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer aud Packer coin tilete. Th. \V iii-i IVwur is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are M n ml "tlier good Mill Silts on the property MI UK, after over-indulgence in lobster-. It has remained for a learned physician t.i establish the fact that not only can nightmare be produced at will by means of mince-pie, but that certain drugs will infallibly produce curtain visious. lie in bottles various prepara- ' production uf midnight' AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint* are an insidious in their murk u IhoM affecting the throat ami lungs: none >o trtflwl with by th majority ot - n n . r *rs. The ordinary rogh or cold, resulting iwrhaps from a trttilag or unconix-iout - |KMura, ls of t.-n liut lUr beginning of a fatal M.-WII. M.. Arm's in, KH\ i 1 , ]!. u IMS well proven lU efficacy tn a forty years' fight with throat Hhtl lung disvam-r, uid should be tiikra in all caws wlthut delay. FLESHBRTO3ST The laud in this valley is considered the best in < ll ii P u * U P the country. The place would make an excellent Stock Farm when the timber is taken off , - . _. . ' . . . i spectres, and promises that if hm direc- Tln.offi.rK a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of ,i ons aru f |l 0)re d f H i] ure wi)1 be im,H- l.usinem., as the place will be sold or lei on FAVORABLE TERMS. The l>uh is so con- M ),l.>. . i m> nt to the .Mill, logs can be tracked in summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, AVM. FLKSHKHTOX STATIOK P.O.. OMT. BEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, A course of experiments made upon the office-boy by the physician soon convin- ced him that lobateriue tin- alkaloid principle of lobster when taken in doses : of from one to four grains, produced the > vision of a large German sitting on ths patient's chest, and that six drop* of the mother tincture of mince-pie produced i the vision of a long-haired male ghost He then extended his researches until he has now ascertained how to produce no lesa than twenty-five distinct ghosts, and will, in time, probably place double the | number oi ghost-producers in the market. Thanks to the physician's discovery, any aruuiade of the beat selocted timber, and all theLatutt Improved Machinery am employed in " lle * >D > '" *'"' r *t*> "f thirteenpenoe making. The Doles are set by a Patent Doling Machine, and are urwwid luto the Hub by a Hrea. hal f penny per bottle, supply himself with of 2ft toni power, andean never get loos* a. Boxes do wnlged in the old way. HKARD'S WasjROas. | twenty-five assorted ghostl. There ix ll thimjj considered, is the Cheapest. Htrongust, uio>t Durable, aud the Kaiet Kunuiug Wagons I bottle No. 1, which produces a beautiful uiad. [ female ghost with a Had, sweet smile, Kotwrt Ikiat aayi that h could not draw hi. Rone Power up a very >tep bill without help on a ' and an evidently benevolent dif poflition. *|..'ii;lit Watwou. au.l he say. hvcan do it with one of HKaBU'K Wamons. He known that JOHN | The ghost is aailiirabU suited for n'r H HKABD maJiM ti Kaaiwt UuunluK Waicgou. votia people and young children, and has Come and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery i** 1 r r > ***>&*** u, overworked men - "-- - and timid women. Bottle No. 3 produces the large GerniM spectre hitherto ssso- I ciated with lulwter. A peculiarly fright- ful spectre, described in tbs directions 1 acooinpaning bottle No. 8 as a " blonde ghost in a blue corset cover," is recco'n- mended to persons anxious for excite- munt. f I f FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, MI HIM.- nr ::: Mo&ratal Vorks, Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr. i .... V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., write* : '. My wife has l.-.-n almont helpless (or tiit years. s hi'lplcsn that she could not turn 'N.I in !. .1 alone. Sut* used two bot- tle* uf Kii'i tin- Ditten, and is so much iru I prnved, that sun i> able uow to do hi-r own w,.rk. ' tl.otiu- Uitters will do all that is claimed (or tlietu. Hundrods ( testimonials- iitt.-ht their ret curative powers. Duly fifty cents a bottle at W. lUehardson'c. H Mouumenta, Tomb TabloH, Headetones Counter and Table Topn in Amchcan and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on .-hurt notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Mitrbleized Slat. . \. . . Ac. Fleaherton, Aug. 30, 188.1. A Trrrlble Cough Cnonl. " I* IHSi 1 look n M-v-r.- uoM, which nfTrrtrd my lang>. I hail u UrriMe eoug uiand iiaMn) niiilil after ulyhl olthoiit deep. The SMStfSl IMti'tne U|>. 1 trlinl AVKH'H ClfriiHY I'K. - in \i., which relieved my lungs, ni.ln. .1 lrr|>, and atfonird m** the rest neoewMtry lor tlii* U-.-..M r; of HIT rtrrugth. Iiv ill.. <-"lil:'UH-.| IIV III til,- f'riTHKAl. II |'.lll.;i Ii. Ill i-lin- WHV itl^-UiI. I .11:1 Ii. .u I.: MMrfl old. liitle aiwl hi-.ii i \ . iiii.l ant aalind'>nur i HI mn PaTTVBAL -..\.-.l me. II .n n i FAIKIIROTIII u.l' liocklughani, Vi., July IS, UW2. < ...i,,. \ Mother's Tribute. " u lull- In the eountry lull vlntvr MIT little boy. UiriM year* ull, wait tkn 111 with . i..u|.. U MHfinwl :t- if he would ilt* fmin Mrnii|fu- iHiion. Our of Hie family itttirMcd tbi- ol M Hl' I'HKIIIIV I'Kl'THIKt. Sf'tllr of whlrh was alwa>> k<i|>l In Hie liourt-. Tills wan tried in mall Mini frequent .1. - -. :.i..| tomir delight in IIMM* than half an hi.iir th litii.- psitleot wa breathing iMlly. The ilrx-- tor Mid thai el i'ni:i:nt I'ci TIIKAI. luid Mireil my darliny'a lift'. I'atl you woinli-r ut our gratltudv '.' Sim-vr, Iv \.-ur-. MHO.' K<IMA < .1 I.M < ' IW Weat l^lh Si., Nt-w V.irk, .May Ii.. !-.'. "I have u- -.1 \\iu~ iiinrHv I'IITMRAI. in in> family fnr >. r.il Tearn. m.il il<i ma hIIHtf I" J.ll. II. .III,. .- il II. .- In. .-I . M . lll.tl r^mrily fur cougli* uud col,l we |IA\. . \ r tried. .. .1. CM Nr." I jiki- Crrntal, Minn., March U. IwJ. I nffereil for eight year* from Bronrliliiii. MIL I afltr Irving inanv r*-in. .li.-n with IK* ne- i-.--. I wu cured i.v ili. HIM- of v\ i i. - i nm- KV I'KIT.IMAI. .lolkril Hyhalla. Mi- , April 6, UK. " I r.ftiui'il wty -n< nmn\ l'i< ri ill ti I-itl l.-r "11- tin.- I *li from IIIIIK Ir-.iil.l.- l'l..nn.-, Toia>, S (H'ais* of \\ i n'< tlnjf n> I .1. ili.tt ' ^iii..- huff .Itt.l K. lldjkiiuo.s." . ,..- of an atfrriion l il.- throat or eilKtn whu-h cannot IN* frrmtly r. li,-vi-U by Hi' un of ATKII'K ( H>IIV I'n roiiiL, and II will n/nyt rttr- wlwa the dl*>M is ii.it already tcyond UM> .-..mml of mediriiie. i lirr IKI i. in Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mm. bokl liy M| I V>rugi|iiU. This is not the "Red Flag" yon have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Pnrlfv the Illoixl. rorviH'! ll Ili- .i.l. IM>[ the Si , i, l: ,,. i,, ' -nS" 1 ',^;^!!^^,"!:: 1 ^::,^" 1 ^' 1 ;;,!^,^' THE OINTMENT " """ i1 "" v;::;;^,,:,^;!:;:,:^,!:"^^-^: 1 ^/^^:;;: i;, 1 ::;;. What Theatre* iuJ U he. < >ue of the mort eiinous customs was at the close of the principal pieoe, when the actors recited an address to the Nov- rreign on their knees. It would ho droll n, .I.-.-. I to fam-v at the present daj Mr. Irving and his company dropping on their knees M the footlights while a suleniii adrirets to Queen Victoria was recited. What we now call a farce was then termed a jig, and those jigs were gener- ally written in doggerel rhyrun. The prefurmurs were allowed t<> introduce any amount 01 gag and stage business, and the low comedian or clown who nndertook the the principal work in the jigs was to make the most of his opportunities, and to make plenty of fun for the audience, generally rather exacting in that respect, for the farce and jig . .tin. after the tragedy in ttuad of In-full- tin- principle play.'as at thf pn-Ment day. Instead of a fixed prion of admission the managers charged in proportion to the attraction. Therefore the playgoer j who wished to attend a ' first night ""had ' generally to pay something extra for his seat, while if an actor or a pieon proved specially HI.I, ti\.-. additional prices were charged and expected by the utidiunce. Threepence was n common price of d- niisHioii when tin n was no ]>aticular novi lly, :ind the rule of .ulniiwion was curiously urrannt-d, lor it was generally pind in thn-H instnlineiiU, a penny at tne outside gate, a penny nt the scaffold or platform,, and n penny for " qnii't stand- ing. There wiwalsoa "twopennvroom'' or gallery, wlu-r.. tlione who did not like tin- iicconiodution of the " yard " or ortlit.nry throrpt-nny nt.-mding plr.cc could I get better ]ilitd-s for In opence. extra. Then there were a iiinnrHjr of ilivided neatK, or private boxes, as we should now eall them, tliu doors of which was locked |lmt the, groundlings," a* they were railed ! win, occupied the " vanl '' had a sorry time of it. for they atood through the en- in. purfoi-manci i.T|'<od to the wind and i.ini But in few rf whnt nn- called the private theatre*, tlio. " vard " wua mip- |ilie.l with rough benches. The more aristocratic visitors sat upon three legged tools l>i-ridi. ,lie pritfiirinurs on the sUgu itself. Sixpunot.' was the prioe of a stool, .nd an ;ittciidiiMf walkutl round after they had tal.ui tlicir seats t-j collect the Canadian Pacific Railway. Change of Time. ('omm.-nri,i<j Moiuiay, Aug. 11, 1A84. Toronta, tirry * Krarr UirUlum. TOOJITU. depart. .SB a-m,. f.00p,n. do. ami.* I It |> m ji. .1 |. Ml 'Connect* with C.I> H. HUanmhtp* at Ow.-n K.iiiii.1 Hun. only Tuewlayi, Thurwiavi a. id Haturdaya. NOTE. Mlxetl train leave. rrV.Ul. g.l5a.u. CRKDIT VALLKY DIVISION. T..B..VT... ,l..|.rt 7 l'i n, 4 VI j, in arrive. 0.U " tJO Nom. Mixed train !.- v..s Parkdale 1 a.m. ONTARIO A- QUEBEC DIVIHION. 4JO p.m. Depart Toronto Arrive 1044 a.m. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks., Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, fr. No Bogus Discounts ! ur other Clap-Trap Induce meiita offered, bu I ,sr// I/OH Good* as Ion' it s they ciin be figured conftiff/pnt trifli HOA'KST T1U1DE. Watch Repairing a specialty. Alt Work Guaranteed- HAG YARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM POWDERS. * plsasaat to Us*. Contain their ow rvfttiT*. Is a sals, sun. and ettrnmtt i la CbilAna ot a<nWs> DO CIO a.m. &M a.m. J 00 p.m. i W. WHYTK. liaiu'l. Kl'l-'T. Toronto I'.tk.Ul. Norwood 7..W p.m. HJ.OH " i . " I).Mi-XICLL. I.KX I. PUS. AOT. TRAINS I.KAVK FLESHERTON STATION: 'i'Hiik' North. ..at 4M p.m. l:U|,i,i. A wo i> m Ing South, .at lftMa.ru., 935 a.m., * Oflp in THE MARKET'S. FLESIIKirjON. Flour f. r > (Ml to S 50 Fall Wheat $0 50 to 1 (Ml Spring \Vhrat 50 1 IMI Rarity .10 o no <)atn it :tr, i) ;ts lVns o (jo o r,:, I'-ntu-r o Ifi o oo KKK. fresli () ]5 ()(H) Potatoes 040 050 1'ork 7 mi ; 50 >Iitv.lK.-r ton (i .id 70(1 Midi's 4 00 t; -,i Wool 15 IH Slirr-pHkiiiH SO 1 (Ml (oofto ()() oo thick)*, per bract- 00 (Ml (Miii-keiiB, per brace.... 00 OO Wool 15 i 8 Inn IF "FuM Fit SMI- AND "Turn Wairm DAILV AND WEEKLY MAIL THH MAIL hM become i n. BcecBlar4 Mi-ilium rr Fans t.i- i-rl. liirllt AM) ioM.tln morf nf tlMOT tKM ll h*-f raMiHin aapn CO* l.i.cd. Ii M I^OOP niSiri of tW Of* dS. AIAFRTISEMENTS of "Iran far Sil<" nd "I m. Slo. k ' or ' St fc> >k ' o. " Wwnd - UwTt, 1 1 , I .11 *M Kl Y MAIU>>>or/|it word U| limllnn. o ***tv trmfi per word Iff *t imtivtuMt*. of in Till- L)A11 V MAIL i! '*/ fe{rctf>|> .*'l*ibiaMftl<*. TH* MAIL Tmnte. < Win. Lucas & Co., I3o.nkei*M. Mark dale and Dundalk. llankltiK liii>inr Draft* iHmiml payalile at >nv office ..( in, MKU( HAMh , MOUON-B Liauk. Nff Jt/nnfy tn A,d If Kntri. nt Interest Allowed on Deposits Mm WM. I.IT.VS .v CO It in fmi i. ins for For SORE 77/7.VA/7, BROACH] TI8. COUGHS, COLDS <i1..i.i.liiUi H*v.l^uj^ M ,,l .11 Skin !)!. It ha. nh rival;.,,,! for contr.c*,,! ,n,l .tiff .11 Skin !)! totals it . It ha. nh rival; t* Ilkf a cluirni D.nnfnetuuvl ..lily at l'r.4numr Hof,i,.itr A i 1 KuiMIlnn,.nl JH. Krw Oxforil Slp--t ( hit , r,3. Oxford Slrerl ). I <.,!, ,. an.l are .,ld at U. IW.. it. W.. K M It. . .. ,,! :, ,.,,h Ho, n , Po, ,, ,, mv , M . It. . .. ,,! :, ,.,,h Ho, n , P \uii.lur throughout the World. , , M , ,>.fcf. <i-f,,,;l ,/ /,',-, , The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 30 cents. It WHS a roiish-and-roady style of per- formance in those days, with drum boat- ing, trumpets blowi-ig, anil Hags flying, somewhat nf the ]iaUern of Riehai-iUon s Show, ftnd thu wonder was that dram- splen- unfavoiir- atiKts of genius could produce the dil plays ln,y did under such alili- conditioUH An Editors Tribute. Thcnm 1'. Kcfttor, E.litor of Ft. Wayne, Ind.. UHTifttp," writes: "For the |Mvt live ycurs luivc ulwuyii \i. ( J Dr. Kings NV 1'iHcovfry, for i-onglis of most severe ohar- (u-ter, sg woll AH for thoe ( ,f ft milder typo. UiMVwMlslo affpct a a\>eAy cure. My tricnds to whom I have recommend"! it peak of if in unnio high '.arms. Having been onred l,y it ,,fpverv cou k -h I hv bad for tivi Man, I enti.M! r it the only reliable and "iirefciirr for Cougar. Colds, etc," Call at W. I Hiehardson'* HII| get a FAKK Trial Bottle EUGENIA Grist Mill, a&i Litb 1. Hnvliie rn.l "xtciiftiveiiit|>n>T)>mrntK in m> {in^l Mill, I uin imniiilpiit I can t'ivi.o<v) lll*Lirtl. II Cfwrnxt; DONK AX.Y DAY. (JoortFluur IWSVM on lunni. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sicr- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- intj, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., , Proprietor*, Toronto, Custom nd bills fi|| ( .,| on the fliorli t iiotii-p. Luni . br ami Ulli alwn.y,. ,,n haml. WANTED : Cherry, Bnttemnt, WhiU. Asli. nisck Ash. , Pine and Hptnlnck LiigA wnntod W. AKITT, VsJMQA I ' *. - I I I '{

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