Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1884, p. 1

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* Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PSfJVCJPLES, NOT VOL. IV., NO. 166. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, AUG. 21, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. j > THE ADVANCE. 1 '"ir at tin' Ittadiug L**al and Family N<- < in Sen thrin Onurio. I'ul.li-li.-.l KII..V . UK Orricat, Ht*htrt, Oiif. TKRMH OF SI Its. Ill mi i.v. . *l ' pur anunm In aJvuu,. , 41 JO if not paid t the en.l of one ye*r. No pupor di*coutlnuel until all irraran>p4i*lup an. I "" *ubacrip- uiin* taaii for IIH than one year, except when |MilJil ananguiiip'iilp* fnr ibnrtrr |puriod* are made with the publUher. AUVKHTIWNO HATKH. Ac. Cuiial advi>rllniMiit.cratner lt iox>rtin aud .f eeut* per line each !ubaequial in*rti"U. Transient adverti**uuMitpp toi<.paid fur when . i.-ip-l AdveH*emewti without i|peeial dlrec- i inn- wlU Iw Intt)ite4 till forbid and charged MiK'oriUuifly I.ilperaT inducement* to rejfulai art ve filler*. N.iiloa* afunitit reading matter, in e*nt i- r .mraaeli Insertion. So advertleeuieiit .lin.-.miinm-.l until all ar- rearage* are paid up. Copy tor advertleeinrnt* uliould ree. l> UiU 'rtip-f not later than nonn ou Tuoedcy o euinra j n.rrtloo ID current Unit*. A. R. FAWCETT, Edutur ud PviAulvr. Book & Job Printing ! lit tvery ntylf of tho art. t n**oii*bl prioM ftud on fttmrt otic* Order* by mail will pru.|*t evlUjniiou Tttrtui, rt ru-ilv caah. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IK TWO UTTERS. Flesherion Meat ,Harkel. . GOOD, I'lUirUlETOII paid for fat Cattle and MeaU conntantly on hand for Orders promptly filled. Klt-nlnrlon MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR, THK neit Fair wttl take place on MONDAY, AUO. llth, 1HM. .*.. o. u. >v. FI.KSHKKTON Ix>dg No. 141 meet In tbelr loxlgo lUxiln. Htraln'n block, Toronto itreet. nu the lit ami .n>l Monday in eacb month, at . p.m. -harip. Vtnlting bretliren welcome. M. P. MrMavra*, M.W. W. O. PICKBIX. Bee r FROM THE SON : "i n-atlrmrH My father r*ldea< at Clover, V i. He hai been a grrat mffrrrr from Scrof- ula, and tbe incloMd letter will tall yon what a luar telou effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla bai had In hi* caar. I tblnk hi* blood mut have eotitaiiied tli* bunior for at lea*t tea yean . but It did not (bow, except In Ike form of a *eruf ulou* aorv ou the wri*t, until about flve )<-an ago. From a fev *pul* which ap- prarrd at that time, It gradually *pnad *o M t*> cover hi! entire body. 1 aature yon be wa* terribly altlicuol. and an ob)*et of pity, when IM began uMng your iiMxliclne. Now, tkerr> are few urn of bl* ag who n^>y a* gipod health a* he I. an. I oould tuuiU name fifty penun* who would tretlfy to the fan* In hi* ex*. Youra truly, W. M . PH i uj M." FROM THE FATHER: a duty ( T ni to laic to yon t*b* bvoefll I bve driraU from the QM of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sli nmntlixagol wa* complrtely covd with terrlbln humor aad erofaloej* *on*. The humnr caiueil an Increeant aad bdolerabkt lublng, and tbe akin cracked to M to cauae the blood to Bow In many planM whenever 1 moved. My (uffrrlug* were great, and my life a burden. 1 commenced tbe we of the 8*B*arAB1LJLA In April lait, and ha BMd It regularly (inee that time. My condition began to Improve at one*. Tbe *nr have til beatod. and I feel prr(0cUy well In every miieet being now able Iu do a good day'* work,altlioughT3*e*>nof age. Man; Inquire wkat ha* wripught tuch a cure In my ea*e, and I tall th.-iii. ai 1 bave hen> triad to tell yov, Atu'i SAiUArABiLLA. Olover, Vt., O**. II, 18M. Yoon gnwf nlly, HIHAX PniLLira." Avrn'r BABIArABILLt en*B Irvorvte and all SrrufaloB* Oomplatlnts, Errerpp- rla*. Kraemav, Itlngwnran. Blntrtiea, Here*. Bolla, Tumor*, and Bmpttoei* erf the Skin. It clean the bloud of all Impn- rillea, aid* illgrMlon, (tlniulalea the Milan of Ib" kowwki, awl thae raMoro vitality and Wrengthcu* Uie whole i-*ri-Kpi. nv Dr.J.C.Ayer4Co. 1 Lov/ell 1 Mm. 8oU by all Drugjiiu, 1. HI bottle* for H. DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. _ Fteshcrtoit- MKKTtt every TuowUr Kvonlng at H o'clock. Ixullte K.HIIII. Ktraiif. block, toroiit-i etrwt. Het-ree U"Ut". lit TncpxUy In *ch month. Vta- itin,l brthri>n cordially InviUtd. .l,p. HI.A. m BK. N.O. A ti. VAXUCMO. U.H. J.P. NAKNHALL, L.W.N DENTIST, SIK.UU'ATK of Toronto Hchool of Dentlvtry. VJ will IP.- at Mtrkdaln the lit and :ir.l Wednee- dayof each month, and at Kl. Ji.Tton on the lit n 1 ril Tbunid*y In each month tor the |iraetici* of hi* proftwilon A. D. Pr.kRY Cards. HANDS & PERRY, iv Lawltr it llantlt. Look Here. I*, you wait a u.'w Home or Harn 'f If ao I think yon win find It to >om advantage o .-all nn<1 MM- me A 1 .1" * lirv-i' bvjslnSM I can build in -nail |.r..u All cnutraeto proiuptly atten (.-.I t ami work Ruaranteu.1. Thaiikmx the pulf- lirfiir pact j.atronane. *nd l.y fair B*1SS* anil work, I Dope t.. ui.Tit PI eiintiiriptnee of the . HIIIO Your* reipwrtfullv WHITTKN. BUdtlKTKHn, snl.K ITHIIK. NilTAItlKS ( t)SVra.\N< HIH. Ac Uoney t<> Uwn it l.wr*t Kate* of Internet. Office*, in Hint; Street Kaet. Toronto. "FROST & FROST. BAKHI8TF.K8. SOLICITOUS, CON VKYANC'BS. *c. Ofioe Pnulett Btreet, Own forMi>, and every Thunday at H.KSH KUTi 'N J. W. FBOKT LI. II ALKKKD KKO8T. CrowL County Attorney STRAIN & LARGE, and Contractors, FLESHEKTON. \ri' |pi|iared to attend V" Hi itk * ton" Work Iu all Itanranehwi. OrA*r* left at tbe M.VIM K i prompt attention fiotds. (ToodwotTJ Hi J. flfl. Webster, EUGENIA, Lirr.ssKD- \iii-ti. mwr lor th> Coiintv of Orer. .Mottev UP Ip'ti'l aa uaual. at reaannahl* \ i ;. -<m ! ..i . i, MAXWKLI.. OXT. Oool ncc^iiunn-latinii . !! Iprandu Uiiuor* * ('iKiri l pml stal>!inii nnil attentive Hoetler. Theonl) ll.pti'l in tliv place. . AI.I.I--N. I 'n. unit TOR .IJ--N Flesherton Station Hotel. I- IIP' poid liltip liiiiiranee Coiuuinniratiuupi a.1 >tiv-i"l t.p KiiKeiiia r O |.rimii>tly attended to. John Wa Armstrong, Kl,KSHKHT(., Co. OnKT. DIVISION" ( Ol'RT CI.KIIK. rOMJIISHIONKR in II H.( iPiivinaiiri.i.A. AfpnUkr BnnhaM >m. I -.ule of iiii.U \|'p minor forC. L ('. I'oni .in, I r' p II A s So.-i,-t\ Money to Loan on the in....! ra*naaM**srwj*. Imrr.* or MAUIUAOK MCKSSKH. Alexander Brown, I SSI* Kit nf M-trim.," Uren"*i., (lui.erft. \nriit AC i ii'*"i-*it tnotlonaer for rountv "f <h.-\ run I.VM.I.K IM) . Ont. TH!' klxivf H"f-t lift viii; IKMHI t)i'irnti,u.i1> n - rttt'<l ihron^hottl. nw altonl* nxrTl*nt *c i nu iiKHt.it ii i t< t'i ti.t\> T-nt; l-ul'lir Th*? M*I i- \\flt opi-hf 1 with c'lit.ti Li<|iiorM nud <'iy*r-> (ti fnrt, nini'lr Ai-fiMini.o.liitiun I* nfTuiiU-il lu-rr to iM'th mii.li mi 1 In *-t IWly W. J. BELLAMY. I 'A r II KI.K AllTKUIUIA. RS TA TK ,f JNSUKA NC!K A (i KX T < 'OL I. MTOR. -I UCTIOXEKR. MUSKY Uieiieil o?! p.m.! MH-iirit.v on t.ii' inont favorable tarms aa.l at iiicxlerate rut.pi.pf ipil.r.-l Murta*Tiie Ipougltt Offlcr nearly o|- I "n Hull, Kl.l iliniTi''- MI-. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and AQCOUCllKR, I'KK'KVIM.E. ONTARIO. R-&~AI1 (''/< i>rti>j>tl if 'tttrtttl'-'t tn. W, S. GRIFFIN, M. D. AT <'. r. x.. i.vr. Orrn I . in Win Straln'p. fplock ADVKKTISK IN THE ADVANCE. IT WILL PAY 1 ago wa* owned, rShh, THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. Thr- Hundred Year* ago Their dwelt ia inouataiu and gleu, In Scotland 1 ! choeeu land, A raoe of brave and stalwart men, From *lr* to *nn they handed down, A heritage and uame, riiMillitxl a* Htmliiuonds mow, And *t>otlM a* the lauin. Ok for tbe mute of L.rv.1, J oh for a harp of x> It. To ilng of all our fatten did. In irloi lour time* uf old ; Their XA ituw l>rriug . jr tbe truth, Tli.'lr bold front to We toe. Tlifir faith a -ill hop* and holy love. Three Hundred Yean Ago. Three Hundred Yean Ago, (loili word wan freed from Bigot* tramel And right to read and riaht M luarn, Wai U.eii tux-ured to all ; And i ink* to worahip kirn wboeu lamb Our every want *upulle*, Aooordlng to It. ml. of faith, Which make* tbe Ample wtw. And thin tbe lamp of heavenly truth. Wai tumbled in the laud. And Hcotland church and covenant. And Scotland* (tardy band, Held forth thr Hi .Boon li*ht of love. With bright and *tea/l> glow. The reformation llgbt that dawned. Three Hundred Yean Ago. Three Hundred Y Tbe itandard of our faith My Scottish 1'irliam. Dt and Prom Anti niriitlan araJth And Preiliyterian woiahlp. Hailed with national array. ttabUthing Iti ilmpUformi. For hence forth aad lor aye. No other ehunh of asy land. IB reformation day*. Kid ere ou freedom'* MueMal Hejch hUih uieuiorial ial*e . In all It* long contenting*. In w.-al tlnn. and In woe, It nailed ita banner to * eroas. Throe Hundred Year* Ago. Tbree Hundred Year* Ago tke mind. Broke error* galling cnatB. Aud anaxed on eagle'* wings, On high through liberty 1 * Domain. And l..ikr.1 with Ragte'i eye. From cliff aad *rag and fnekjr creel, Aud ilupok the dew dropi of tbe uiors, From off it (parkllag breaat Upward and onward in it* ooune, It !! tkmtih field. ..f light.' VMie llaujlnu dark Ba-oloii. Lay irn.vellng la tk* iilgbt; Tvrante who chain tk* butoau kind. Your faltble** taak forago, Bteru Bcotland *how*d the taak wa* tain. Three Hundred Yean Ago. Three Hundred Yean At*) abroad, . Wa* rul<plon work unknown, Now eeattared wide t> ke Miaad i ion*. Thr Clnepel eaad Ii K>% n . . . Tbe lofty mountain* rla,- Hk lay. The foreet* clap tbe-r I ida, And Bootlanai UitHe la** ssW. . Tbe lUfl.t of many taad*. . . And thn* our fa then aa> far ofl, * llefore they fell selaerp A wide ipread field of i tnrpner. vVbioli we their *oni wuuM reap . Now mldit the *trvam| oj dlitaut laud*, The healing water* fl. Fmtn "mitten rork* of lina>h<)ad hill*. Three Hundred Yean Ago. Three Hundred Yean Ago there lived. The forvm.Mt of the free. A man who cruihed with lion power. All cruel bigotry. The lieath..n trembled at hi* voice, Ai loud It reee ou hlgk. And earth ami heaven re-uchoed lck, Life, light aud liberty. Though deathle*. U tbe memory. Of that Intrepid on*. Whn never thrank liefnre the foe. Nor feared the faced of man. fUlll unto Knot a* PraiMtante, A graUfful heart we owe, Who l.uilt for n* a lure defence. Three Hundred Yean Ago Ten Hnndred Year* Age there catur. To Ireland! fertile nnret. A goodly race of faithful men. our birthright tonetoru XV r haile.1 them from tbe father land. Of mountain and of flood. Tlip. pM.iK of lire* who f.piu;lii the fliebt Heelitlug unto bloot Thn* Irol*nd'i Pvwabytrian Church. Until >>le*i that ham.v day. When Scotland I'retbvtorlaii band Itroke tilKotrv'ri foul >way The bulwark! <yf oar Uberty, To Scotland'* *oas w owe. And to our mart****! sBceetori. Thrvo hundred yaan ago nLKxmiLft, Eugenia. in The A'lnincf.] " True Librrty." The writer under thi* heailini; in run uf last week, Mki you a aerie* of <]ue* tiont (lertinunt, M he think*, (o the Scott Act. Hi* tint qu*ti read* : Ha* the individual an luherrut ncht nf a.-t Ing iu matter) pertaining *olul> u> himiclf?" DARING HIGRWAY ROB- BERY! Donald >l K. , l,m. of Arlrmmla ni.-i. u. .1 .in.l i;.,i,i,, .1 BY A XODERX DICK Tl'Rl'lS. 4 our of ILaxweit A lUuoiKARiJc RKCUBU. The ru.>nt rer-..-rk- abl i- ure uf Scrofula on record ! thu; of thr Rev. \Vm. Sti.iit. nf WiArtin, wboae CIXMP of Scruful.iu* Al>MM balHel the iki'.l f seven t.en Surg. ..n for twenty tliree yearn. II. vm> pertf-lly cured hy liardook IJUnxl Bit- ter*-. M-.sTKiiY 1HK WOBMHur they may .1. tror th* children. t-'o Kreuin mV Worm 1'owden, they eip*l all kin'l* <' worm*. FOR NKTTI.K HVSII. HokiiiKPIlel. Rin worm Krnption*. and all ikla iljuMnei, nv I'n t Low'. Sulphur So|>. NATION.VI, ril.I.S |.nnt.e tV V .pd, rp Si mach, Liver Mid BOW)B. IMl LOWS WORM STBVP will remi'Tf \\'..rinH and ('dnw, qnirktr than any ether Bucklens Arnloa Tli" ll..at Halve ill the world for Cut- H.IIIIMI Rorm.Vlreni. HaltHhemn, ^e^.r - Chn|.|'wl Han. l I'liill. Iain*. Corni. an .ill nkili Kruptlnn*. and poalUvely *BlriH Pile*, "r i. . pay re<inlre<l. it la guaranteed to five IP. id>: - uti-< In. ti.pn ..r moiiAvrefnndea Prloe 9oanteppB IKIX Foriale liv'W. HU-harfl*p|i. Kle-tlu-itun. Fluid Lightning. There are hut few that have ucvr r'idp reil almoKt intr lerahlpf pain from Toothache. Neuralgia, or like i.. ute painR. To thoni roeh nn Inntniil ic'lef M Flnld J.iffhtninR in an untold II'.^MIIK in time of trouble. No dingnritinc ipffenriie medirincpi to be taken for day*. One appliention .1 l-'lniil I.iu-ht- ning ear*!. S.M nt Richardson's Store. , VK SiaM weiB govwrned opnimunitMs' Thuradaj; aigjhA teat an ggtuaual aad this Ww preilji. Istartlina; event occurred uu tUr puV 4 - At what point doe* tk* Individual lo* hit lie highway in the bujri iuf liai-fc 'if th-- Indlvldnalit) by aiualganatlou with th* neneral _ , /u ,. .... imiiiu -- residence of Mr Dand Ma!ill, Ti.wnsh:;. As this quastion is absurd if not pie- uf Osprvy. The facts .< i;r. . n ui 1.^ \\ p.teroua, it sraroet* needs a careful ana- AkianJer McKeclniie, ar. u, i. wer. A achool-boy'a answer would be, iw. .. it i u rr // md he wo'uld be so Nearly C,,T. a.."*" " clnck " n thoBr ruot any addition would be unneceasary *ttr D-pnald M. -Kechiue I-" I* coercion a prudent or juMlHable pro- infi>nnant- left th cea* by which tu produce reform Iu th. caae of ... v _ . . tho** who have never violated the law* of our " r n " me A * h * Lord? the bush mfen-eil in, a medium sized Inasmuch a. n., non-vi-laf. of the ,,, .ith black mousta.-h, ^d whisker. "latrt ofiniT Lurd are to be found, ques- tion 3 becomes ro and of no force "*"" icu11 <*l>< " a '"I 1 l -"' *l- -"U not tbe Scott Act equally Iniqniton* J n 'y Prng out of the Viuah and K-vellinu The answer is mphatically no. If thu dem *n<lel "his money or his Life. Th j writer had reversed his intention and ap- boy, startled by the .uddennesa >.f the plied it to the y.>m that call* for the hi K h way man ' appearance and alanni-d for wit Act ! the answer would be ves i,,. , , ii__ass_i tuallv iniquit-pus ! What U the differ- * """* ?3t*>Cj Iuutl1 ' Wk rU '- Mee hotween VH-IIIK burned with fw** Muoon truin 8 the Ud's motive, th. or l.urned with i/AiJtry .' I ne is a little ber rfrasped him by the thmat and holding lower process : that is all. After such the reviser in hit ri^ht hand a., i1,t tk. Iks will certainly excuse mo from prt.viuK my caae by (onriK uxainples. Tlctlm ' hemd ' hl> t'clwrned - ' X w, y - Are WB not .Inftlnj Into th.. democratic d d bilker I've got yp.il out wit. e*u|.n. f u. i..c '/ fc rnonsjy for I 11 have yp>ur money p.r 1 ;: The ivfureiicf U> 'dsmocracy" itnd . 1"*** life!" " N. ither wsuld j.p R-piiit: la scarcely relovam lit this mip- you much,'.' said the the tnuublinx lad. untous subject. 1 presume it was merely "but nothing prevents nu takin- "iUi. thrmm IM by way of diversion. >. u- i i M " n. Jar. L, M. L 8. is one of -many whas " Thtn ""I'*)"". ounoeptiona of.Uve iustness .pf 'the Sjott hu r"** ** **"ll the |.. change he wo. Act is based upon their i<wp feehngf and P"sse.sid of which waa" very little h- aurr.iiiidin({s--Terjnhin is bt/1 that handed it to the sublwr. That w,.rthv tend. t curtail their own frvfrfom r., I, d((ubti the truthfu)llrM of lhr u , v , dBntiousnegs, and by falsely dutvnninihg inVii . frKxl.ifti to ettslavement ly vioe W u * emcl1 ' '"the am -nit of money h any doscripbon a compatible with thmr had. pia<lo a -thoppuvh *-.-\rch own " individualism-" Thia iiinlui i i i il "1 ' .' nij. lalugkkn ilni Jk> ised grrvrrnfnentB is ImrmsaiSle ^ 1|M ^** > tcsd the trdth h* -U j.. .{ Mi,, t V'Venimeut a mi-nltil ff'U.i4 "ia^ nirnish-4* UP '.. .Us V tow, and no one J-'mplain. ; and "^ the ^ M"v'''" "*^ '" = yet it is'tho out(rr,iwth of nmrhid habita M> circumsUnces t<. his father M ... ..i, 1 thought ! The (Ai>/is punished, so is as he reached homo, ih : '.r<>bahilities ar.- the burRlar, and the incetitliary, and it is ,ht the rascally lhif w,,uld hm-. all riicht, y.L. M. L. S Tho Ifciards of tufwl M tha null{hhon W((uM .. Health are c*talili*hud by which man s habitation and surroundings are not as *** n "n-tantly an.ua,-.l and any particular imimituUum my luggest search instituted. Aletan.ler Mi k. chim iir desire. 7^-- ;// / thr rmiMy must be certainly n..t tho kind of a man to let ,,rov,ded under all j,n-,,n.sUnce.. even , he ., j fc f . the poor b>p must he restrained from hi. inn.i.a-nt fonsjes f.-r f-nl. Now, which is "** the *9 "- l-resuiuc ... nt Us* irorpv or m-pret" be despiatNl "tie "f the so thoroughly U-rntie.l, that he did n.- f charactvrs who prides himself in hi* iru/i- venture U> tell hi. f;thr until the next ruimilitn mid therefore claims freedom , , , . . ... (lay aliout HIP.PII, h> v. hioh time n-- i . : ami m a devotee) of whiskey, or the inno- ' cpntlKig? Eorj- one capable of n-noct- tne " blrd "** """ " '" m " r<- " ' n -' .11 w.iul.l say the |>Hir, unfortunate quarters. drivBllinn drunkard, and the man who Seldom MHCV the day* >*" Uie sarly imul<f him nuoh, ar OiiuaJly |H umiable or ^^^ ha . thenj l>een i-e j | a ,1,,.,,^. The truth is. t.. talk about man "in- " f h''-'" w y r-hhery in Rut firey a t!u~ ilivnlualisnt" thereby claimini; to act in The steady and rafud mrinx IP! ttl.-r- a manner .IctnmentAl to hi* own well- had. e lhouht,li.ni{uie*jHin t U-IIIK. nnA proving himself IP. be a nuin Iwar , a ,,.j hMfc wayoM C. -1.1.111... ancf tip i'verj person elm-- ia dwnn,;ht nonsense, the Scott Act is t.. abate this new * "** m *" ^ aii " ' " evil: it is .1 protection for thipae whose p"pul..u ilistrirt. is a*sjtmt vi,|, rtl'lpctites have her>me tMtier than their the contrary Let U*s) fi;u\<l . U- ..n th. i wills ; who aru ruining theiu.elves, wast- gvaa j Mtl[ ,, evi)ry ffmr ._,. hr . n . ,,,. nil! their ejit.iu- and iiiiipvi-riiiini j their , . , . r. . , fsjuilie-. Kwrry true ciimtm, of neoes- Jcr,'l- ^ * Ton*, t,, j,,,t,r.. FV. ,. aity should he in favor of this Act ; ever) inunnrs that have rkr!.id u during th. philanthropist is plmk'i") it .I,-,.,! every pwt few iltgra. H is evHtnit tlr.t tin-- ..,. n.litfip.iwor otherwiie, who ha- the tf^j ^ a ^ t ^ um ,hm< 'ern Mr- ^oixl of hia neighbor or thu ir.npd nf his , ,& oountrj- at heart, will be found or .-. "*" lifferst p^ -f this ^ i-i-lit aide. Lt every 111:111 who rvi a " f iir *y- *? !<> \..l> iji, to the |H. 11 iiml I... .ii.'il.lnl to say, ^ee>.- lien after, I did ajl I i>piil.l t.. absU: th. evil. Pay no attention t> the anoiments or Wseal i|uu*tiona of th..se who, unfortunately nr\- ami mil.*, the vnry onua for which the S> tt A.'t M the n- !.; iiitemleil to reiu-h. and wh.p will when [.ropvrly in their rmht mm. I. it i-it.'U- uwful and tl> p.l.pp* >~T T LI. wrr the Uvk i )> n it uhnriilx-r u - o take hi* |'[p..r ..-it ..f tin- ..rti.- mi.) reasMln <* >U n-.t bvin*; t.lpeii. Any n- t" iU> . mnkM UM Bwatsnaat. . . i. the |*Uihi.rii> I .r pa,>-in. i.t ti*i*W.h. iu.i>l pa/galarr. it ni'\ . ..iitie*** to wn I it -mill ;. ' i.au.li- illsettlkswh..!.'*, H' in . UU b*n !. n if . .'flW*. .0- u t I DoW. Merit Proven What To Do. K troubled titli *n unhwi'l *, ... -t-hmtl- inn .re ua Morr*vor t l'iukp''s Carrpiilie Ccrati- V.i'l will Anil It iiiv.iliinl I,, f.ir hil- ing. elraiiMng a 1 ',pni| I. t"h r- i i. vinvynnr tronlik*. Iftbv blond i .Mt'.if ..r,|.. r . take with it few dopoi* of MolJri'H. r s S|mMT Cure from ItinhanN.'ii Pint; Storr. J. An\ ;. ' HH ooiit-'iftice n': tti,i .li^v. t. .) or aaothn '.r vtl: ,'-,. r IIP* )HM inbuct: Dollar upon dollar in fn-qn< ntly Kj.cnt nn ndt. il r*|Mpnilpli' f,.r thr PH.V. the faith of ronotnineniliition* for vticl 4. If a mbxcrilu r cri|p m bi< |>pi>r entirely wi rtlilem. Not no with >fu<rrawnr' *t<pppt<<I at a i*rtain tun. . mi. I tl.- IP . Spp.ilv CMP- v PII art* n.U k. 1 to piirfhime oonlluin'a i,. .. ni. liir .vitiefN r < I it until it* merits are jmiv-ni. (':! a Rieh- pay for it it Ii.' 'iU. - it ..'it ..f tli.- IP., i urilson'ri .(run *Ure tin! (jet fn . trial hot- Thin |'|-TP<VC<| u|pon ;lie xr..an.i that i tie, and if not eontineed it will curr you ofiiuuil pav for wlntt tin nn. tho wornt forniH of I'VI<|H.|>I. l.ivnr Cum- 1 The ronrt liave il-id..l that r. !n.n; plaiut. ete., no matter of hon I .n, ntaniltiig t<> take newipa|M-i aji.) IH n.p.lii->ui f-p-i i ih. itcoeU JOB not hinf SnlJ at fppi.-. and il pol-flii>r rrnvvitiii au.l ljviii t ' tlim. Sre teHtiruonialH from i'.rn>ni In lealkwl f*. in prut* fivfci prfeViK-r i>i tvteti your own town. tlooal friiinl s ^

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