Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-* PRINCIPLES, JYOT VOL. IV., NO. 165. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, AUG. 14, 1884. ilNGLH QOPIE8, $ <T8 BACH. . i THE ADVANCE. Out of the li..liiiK 1.". <>l and Vajully S ipanera In Northern Ontario. I'ubUibed fmul: i >i m K. <, . . riethrrtv*, Out. TEKMS OK hCHHCBIPTIOS *1.00 per aniintii in ailvaiicu ; Sl.JOIt not paid at the end of on.* year No paper discontinued until all atntarx ;-' i mid up: and no ul>crip- noi tsJidn for I tl m <>n year. vxoupt wheu |H'i;iJ rraiu: -n.'iiU for shorter poriode are luaos'Mthtbt publlsl r ADVF.UT18INO HATES. *o. Causal sdvertlatiiiipnta,McauU(ier lit Insertion Hii.l S ont* per line uaoh nubaoqueul in-.erti.Mi Tiaatient sdvsrUwnMutS to U> paid for w ben ordered. A'lvi"rti*i.!cnt without aiiecial iliruc- tiou will be init.rtci till forbid ami ukartjod aocurdliuly. Liberal indwumriitii to regular adTertlre, Suticet amonj; reading matter, 10 onU per liaeeasli insertion No atlvertm.'t. it-lit .lipcoutinued until all ar rears*** am ai 1 Copy for advert i wiiients ahoold r.-a'h tbia ofBce not latvr tnitu i.-^ui on Tnsaday to ensure isiterlaOIB in current iMlie. A. R FAWCETT, Kilitvr niul I'liHiikfr. Book & Job Printing ! In every t>l nf thu art. at rmaonalile prices and on .nnrt notice Order* by mall will reuelvu prompt attention Terms, -nictlv caali. l^lesherton Meat Market. SFT.OOOD, I'HOMUKTOH SCROFULA ami all KrufutMis diMuM'i, Srm, Errsl|i> la, I.. !... Ulvtcbe.. lUKorin, TV- mars, <rl)u< !. Holla, as4 EmptloM of the Skin, r Ibe direct result of as ui.j.ure SUM of HIM blood. 'I " our* llMav di.anpa the blood must be j.urilltfO, auil rssturiMl U> a hrmithy aud ua- turaloonJilk.il. Avis'* SABSArAKiLLA bat fur u tr li.rti jrcius bMu rroi^ullwl by eiui- Miit luwlical autl>orlUs UK lucul pow- erful bli*l purifier In eaUvtouca. It frMS tl> >}iui l. mi all foul Lun,. -n, ciirlelMS ami tiniujlbcii. UM blood, rcinofM all tract* of mercurial ireatinenl, and proves lUMlf a couiplvu utaMr of all (crufilous diseases. A HeCTBt < .1 n- of - rt.liil.in. ^..m "ttonte tnontbfl afo 1 wua troubled wilH scrofulous or**a tulctrai on my k-^a. ibe limb* wrr badly .milieu and (nSaiiird. and Hi.- aorm .H-l.r^.,1 t*rgf quantities .f aSTfii.tve ma44*r. Kvery rviiMdy 1 trleil fallo.1. until I used AYBn SUIIAKI 1.1.4, of wblcli I bate liow taken Ihree tjitlllea, with the r-u!i that tin- suras ar* bealrd, awl any geaeral br>ltli Rival); Initi 1 feel >rry sritUful for UK nxliciw Uai uon me. Yoors nspsctfullT. Mm. Axx I I Sulllraa St., Kew Yurk, June M, 1W1. tj^" All rMraoii. Interested aw Invited o rail on Mr*. O'HrlsB; alao upon the Ke. T. P. Wllda of 7H Kt 54Ul Htnvt, New Yurk CM), ho will laa nlea\aure In teatlfylnc to the wnntli'rful ffrlrmry of Ayer'a haraapitrlluv net only In th eure of Ihl. lady, luit ! l.i- own >". ami , ; Initirurvt. foud Jur Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Mouts conUntly on band for Caah. Orders promptly fill-d. Fl<-hrrtou MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK nit Fair will take place on MONDAY. AUG. llth. 1MM. ^. o. u PLKSHKKTciS Lodge No. Itt. meet In their r IxHlne RcN.m strain', block. Toronto utrmit. cm the lit an I ' I Monday in arh month, at 7 :) p in. lian' Vultlnji brethren welcome. M. P. McMASTitu. M.W. W. O. PK-SJSIJ,, Bo'r niaay other, within Ills know I The w.-li-kip .rn tmlrrmi tlit flMton B. W. IULL, ul Ktetntrr, X.H.. writes, June T, IMS: " Having "ufTerv.1 stmiuly far sonic yean with KcHiiia, ainl hating failed to fliul relief froliiotlirr rvincHlliM. 1 hare matle use, ilu/inf the ua*t tbree months, of AM:K' SAiUArA- IULI.A. wlitrh It*, meeieil a tvmptflr rvrc. I eonvlder It a tua|ulacsut remedy fur all Ayer'sSarsaparilla itiinulaiei and n-gulatei UM action at Ihe dlfestira aud asslotUaUv* organs, renew* Ku.l atreuglLeus tbe Tital forcs, aad spseslly cures KliruuwU.m, Neurulgla. KhMnia- tlc Oout, Cmlarrh, tteavral Debility, aad all diseases siislnc from an Inipoverlskwd or corrupted eondsUon of the blood, and a weak- ened vitality. It U Incomparably the cheapest blood medi- cine, on account of iu concrnlraled strength, and great uuer over disease. l Kir i in I BV Dr. J. C Ay er 4 Co., Lowell, Mil.. old by all UruxgliU; urico II, six BMUes for S. DUFPEIIIIT LODGE NO. 186 1. O. O. F. Fleshejton- MKKTS i.v. i v 'I iwiilev Kvtiulnil t nVIock. lxlt(.. lt< Strain', block. Toronto .tn-eit. \iMnr lx~li!.-. l-t T'li^lay In eacli mouth. Vle- itini; brethren < .r.ilally Invited Jos. lL*<-KriiN. v (t. A. 8. VASm-ens J.P. MARSHALL, L.U.M D F. N T 1 8 T , flKADTATK of Toronto H-hcol of PxliUatry. W will I... at Mark. Uli. the lit and 3rd Wvdmw lay .if ttacb unmth. and >t Kl.-ln.rt<Mi on th lt and iril Thurnday in aach monlh for the practicu of In- prof v*i' >n . J. HAI.JIWIN HIM.* HANDS & PERRY. Look Here. DoyouKta nrw Honae sr liarnf If to I think you will nn.l it in your advantage to rail A" I ..i iu V- I 'I" I""!!" nnsliweo I en niilld .n .niaJl I.'"' Ml contracts promptly ltn- ded to aji.l work Knaranteed. TbsaUasI tlie l">"; llofor wet -iiatronaae. and by fair rtSSSSBSl good work I hope to merit a continuance of the <t Haiuif, BAUIIISTI.KS. sol. II I 1 (iKS. NOTAHIKS. CONVETAMCaUW, A, Monev to Loan at Lwi.t Kate* of liiturrm. oilire.. 1C KingHUoet , Kanl.Tor.int.i STRAIN A, LARGE, Builder* (iiul Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are prop*""' I" att.iud to Brick A Stone Work In sluts 'ranch - Orders left at Use ADV**CI OfflJS will n cfiv prompt attention Oood work *t Fair Prif * J. HOE. P,UOENIA, LICF.NSF.I) Aurtlonwir for the fount r of Orey. MOII.'.- ."<! asnusal.at roaaonalile rate*. Fire and liifn Itmurance. Oommnnloatlont axl- t.> I'.uKioila P.O. rouiptly atumdod t.. FKOST & FROST. RAKUIHTKU.S. hOI.II'lTOKrt. CONVEVANC'HH. O AI: ym.. I'.'ul.tt str.'.'t (W*N hoi-uu, and every Thunday at Kl,i:lll. I: TCN J \V KHUHT. L.L II. Al.ntFD Klli)ST. Crown f.iuuty A!to*u> Jiotrlis. \ Ili-oii I i. !, MAXWELL. .... ONT. Oood accnmmoilatlnn . bent brand. Liquors A riiiam. O.KH) 8MbllnK aii.l atteutivu Hostler The only lintel in the ulaee.. Jtm. AI.I.IHOS. - PROFRIKTOR. Flesherton Station Hotel. W. Armstrong, l'i.: XIIRBTO*, Co. OBHT. DIVISION COCKT CI.BKK. ')MMIHSI()NK.R lii H n.c > :\.ivancor.*c. aemtforpgnBaes nd al ti.l A|iral-r for r I. ' r-.m nd F. P U . H Hoclnty. Mt.ney to l...an . nn th.. iiKMt rna-uiimulu Uriu.. IssuKH OF MAHKIAdh. I.1CKNSK t I Alexander Brown, TH8PK1I <( Mxrriaue License*. General Afteut 1 *u l,i. n 1 Auctioueer for County of Grey, i PBICKVII.I.X 1' f>.. Ont. il- >Sii, I'roprieiort. THK ahnvii Hoti'l lirin liven tborouahly re- fitted throughout, now nlT.mlH excellrut ac ixiiniiKxIatmn tn tin travi.llliiK public The bar t- well niipplle.1 with I-II.M.-.' l.i.piom and Citfam In ict. niii|.li> a<--.ni.iinnUi,i'ti is afforded nere tolNith iliun nn.l Ix'iut. IMVly J. HKLLAMY. TWP. CI.IHK ABTKMF.SIA. KX- IXXURANVE AKEXT COLLECTOR, AUCTION f SB. MONHY ..m.rl ..n t'oo-UrwurllT ("i tliu niot i. . rin mid t Ilixnn. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIKK, PRICE VI LI.E, ONTARIO. }>ri'infiUii ntt*iulr<l {u. AN OCEAN DISASTER. Thr M r > of the IHsuMt-r Kelat . d fey tbr Murmur*. (From U Own ADM*) ftHMsJ Last week we lave the sabitanoe al the judgment "f Judge MacphstaaB (which The Ship out of HerCourmo through was being delivered a* w weot to press,) ol , . ------ ,,... _ _ aUiamer N'cwnVld mirm-rt U> nwht 1 rvm ',*itts>n0e t/> all the inunjeipsji sl,le liUnd with 930 paesenKuni and Vunty, wenowglve the judgment in full. crew of the steamer Anstniain, which J M Manaon argued the case f..r Osprey, had ben wrecked tat Wednesday night tnd A. Froet for Proton and Bentinck, on a sand bar, fifteen mils* distant from (,,],. J,,,,. Owasor, Q. C., i|.|>esrwd on behalf of the County Council. low IIIK is the judgment : i n t hu .-* the townships of Renunek, the island, The fol- rule -m her pas*ije from for New York. The only ottoer whc. came up by tw Newness! town , the wreck was the thild nif.tr. Captain proton and Oaprey generally appeal fr-m Lucas, of the ill fau-d ship, and the re- the equalization of the assessment uf the f Orey f.r the year 18B4, n th for t County grnuiid that tlu-y are iuntity respectively of nnt tad ! "tau l*ndf, that th.e quanttie* mainder staying at the Mne. HTOKT or TBR haTKH. From the third offlcw and paMengen of th< Anwlerdani the f<.Uowin K itory of the duuwter wa> elicted : The .trainer h v ' - I** 111 P ut * ln aailed from AnuU-rdaiu on Saturday ' *"" t ' le "tnr towinhip* or ...me ufthem July 19, with two hundn-d and twelru , ln J llUM y. 1883, the County C<Mdl ap- U*.Tae and twelve otun paa^nKer. and P";tf.l under the lUtue v^luatt* to a crew of fifty -four wro. The weather 1 55 th * wh " le * nd of wa.unuaually foggy for tketeanondurinu l * t ' r ""n""** 1011 * *"? le run am*., there bK hut tw,, clear wh ' ch * t"n-">P h'uW the day*, and the sea ak> wai iui{h. < >n the day befiire the occurrence of the du- aater the *ky waa clear, and thu captain btained good .!. rvati.im. Neit morn- thick, and the ing, however, broke weavther coiitinuvd thrnu)()tout the day with the eioepUon of one ahort period. About fifteen miiMitea tn Un THE Mill- HfDDB51Y WBiiCMim nn an unseen bar. X- land or light- h.mt-j was viaiUe in any direction, and, aa it was afterward* eiaooverad, the island was hft*<eii ini'e* distant, steamer wht-n ahe struck twiiif soroo 3ft mile, out of her oourw. The shock on atnkins; was a very slight tie, but causvd and to fix Ui average value of each municipality. The valuator! appointed were Jame* Mnnlovk, Robert Myl* and Hugh Reid, all of whom were fanners and h.-il served a nuinU'r of years in the County Council and two of whom had been Garden uf the Ci'iinty. All of them from thoir stan.l.iij;. Knowledge ainl ability were thoroiiKfily capable of understanding the m|u m-iiia and duties of tlieir pnsiti'.n, and ' f o nsoiantiously performing them. No eli.ii./. is made ai(ainst them ol par- the uality . an.) it is admitted that any error made, was an error of judgement, and not of indention. Their manner ol preforming thir work tt** I * '* <*4OTHpr|sjaB , ns iO't other localities in the TVrre was strong evideaee Uvsl that municijisJily was i.it.-.l pr>por > n al.ly losis* than ths adjoining tuttnici- palitiss, sMsi 1 aiko found > mu otl.ere propoitwsjahrjr JsiKhur. There are also eosa smas to be oorrected one ia Eu phrssis u> aMMsM, and <e ia sveppvi is as>essins> a Unear <iuantity of had than appears hy thQoTernm.;nt rtoru to U Ue township. IB wnsidering the southern town*h.; I have taken Artemesia to some extant u Maude, it having rut.ru generally b-.i Mas a Buaiis of L-oiuparisoii durinc tkis ,. N uiry. Without going into detaiie of Use var- ious calcuisiinns I have made, I equalised ths various munioipalit follows : My aadea.Babtraetsd.AVge VaJuatin. Artsinrsia tJO.nA ll.afC Hi; Bentiosk 77.781 aim; I.IWJiit ColHngwood L'e.xj l,t!7 I"''. *y w.w wo^o Kuphrania error a,li au.41 LiVe.iiO Igreroout a 4 IJ 1,76'.' \'it> Otsni'lu 18.iXJ I.U1.37K Ht'llsi..! ]>.;{ l ffl: 4Tu Ksppel 43^11 U. SO Mg.oc] Mem'by 387, m so 16 Usprey 105.8M 17.90 Protos 14.80 Bt. Tlneont great excitement on th crowded Teeeel, I seems to have been very thorough they the paaaenKen becominf greatly excited, I went from townahip to tnwnahip fromeun- and re-jiiiruii; >tll tiu- exurtiODs of Caj.taiu ceakion U> ooncessti* and from lot to lot, Lucas and his officer* to dispel their [van. j carefully noting st the time the deecnpttoo The command was giten to open the of Und in fins* classes, and ike vanosH hatches and jettisoq the eargo, which circumstance* of improvement*, facilities was commenced at onot and a number ! U O r raackets Ac., sad the different kioal- d (o astsl aaistff fhe'itiee, ane? prea.uw^ eaeii fefort jirii^i uatil nnon the I the ajnrrnpate value o/ eai-li muniri[ieJity. following day, but, thnufh no water had 'The Comity Council ina.l. :,.. ohant;e m yet ahown below, without succea*. At | their report, hut adopted it w U'liix the that hour, the comaandur of the ship 'equaliztxl value of each municipality. Sarawak Own SoueJ Usafurd Dvrbto the iiasiwn^ers joined (o crew. This continued KIM. I NO KfVnKt* '!v in is.. rdered the boats to be tfot in readiness . for laune*ing. The weather heeonnng 'aside, and it clear unoutfh for those on boar) to niake|* T idence or It will I* aeen that a valuation so made by competent men, u not to be easily set .lit the land, which was observed to the south-west. N< the h<dd until the water began to . uter itx.ut |ix o clock, when buing favorable as far ns the weather was concerned, though the sea rill only t*> by very strong exceptional nmimttaneee that any alteration should be made. The asseeson of the various t >wnships who would be taken a* best qualified to gire an opinion nn their towishi;, - couldonly do it fur one townahip each, and they do was very rough, the captain .lemu d t.> i ( '"> "<-' various principles -many of lower the boats. All onboard were ; them apjiareiitly for the purpose of keep- crowded into MX small crafts and heitdod "'K tl " 11 townships low- at. me stating for the shore. The brat reached ths 'hat they put it from W to lift pr cent. beach without accident at three o'clock of value some within 15 to 20 per oent in tho nioriiiiiK. The teeond one, how- 'of alue and aonie as near their idea of ever, was not so (urtunatu, heinn real value aa possilde. eorh acting for swamped just as she wnatxiut cmuiulinii hinmelf without any consultation with safely. Three men on b>i*rd her, two any other, would not bo nearly < reliable steerage passengers, one of them named s source of knowledge of the average value Dix, and a Art-man' belonging to tho "f municipalities, one to the other, as the steamer, were drowned, (nit the rest , valuator! acting together, consulting to- were picked up by ths other boats or gethcr and going together over the whole dragged ashore. country. Other evidence m umiallv oon- TBI AcoomionaTroff rarivinin tinod t.i persons sjieaking f..r one muni . ^. . . cipality, or a irt of one, or to speaking for the shipwrecked people by th.me on Kon ^ rl ji v of ^ Tenl) but n ,, t wlth 3 the island is described as very ,MM,r and , hk ' e , ho wrUinity of the ^mSS inadequate. After Und.ng, without (who h . T n . OTer ^f , K) , , ron , having uatoii anything for two .lays, the) , ot Ther, is> also evidence of salts in wen, compelled U, wart some hour. U-!a ir T cren t localities. These, when full and fore provisions could be optained from ^,,^,1^ Would mique .ti ,,,blv show the thu main station, fifteen nnls away. The wuather contmutsj moderate the nc- seoding days, and ('iptam Lucas and his the actual value of land in the iitugli l>orhods ; I. ut they are only uf a few townehijis, and for various reasons are not U) lie relied othcers were able to viait the Amsterdam M U ,,,, K ^^ true pncc . . nor du on several occasions, to obtain effects , kll(>w , ufbc j ent | v the rmrll>u . c)M1M)i of fr..n, on b.>ard, bat tVy f..und the water,, an(U ...y in thc different localities where W. 3. GRIFFIN, M. D. M. r r. x.. CAT. \Vlil lie In Kluahertos >v..rv Tu,.d> and Friday from It! to 4 p in OrrMK, in Win Hlraln'. mo k ' itrmii faaltv To:- Ball. I'oiuiht (>lii.-i ucarly op- ADVKIiTISI-: IS THK A1VAX(T.. IT WILL PAY Y(r. rising and tilling in her hold, and satisfied themselves then Would IHJ no ln.p of saving hsr. The names of tist ^ ^iin passengers on board tho stiiamtr' Vre : l'on*tAiitiiif Ludurg, wife, and I'.tw children nnd aurvant ; Rev. Father Cursamine, Mr. I'lil. M. Mr r'ahrenwaMt anil wife. Mr. (Iptiiigitr and wife. The only iianu. that can IN. MfRrtaiiiwi uf t.'iu three iiii-n lost th.-it .ii they show very (mat ilisoretSMioJ6S they may, however, Ite iiscil iu AJI clement in forming a conclusion. I'ln- apiwaling townships as towiilenoe as to thi< actual value of th.-ir oirii town hi|>n, liaviuK hal lints invj.ariMl giving thu entunsU) of several indirulttals as to tho value put on thi- same IntnU by th- valuators ; l.ut ths an- not of so much it Dix value, as similar lists were not put in hv other towtiKiiip* ; they hml also much Imore timu irr which to i;iv,- evidi-nre of Thu s'Mtner Amsterdam wan ,. M. .1 \,\ the, actual value of their townshi|* than the Netaerlaiid Amstican St.-i.m. N:i\i- the resiMuidiiiK towiishi| hiul. All the (ration i'i.iii]ntiiy, sind WM fiv. v!irs|rusiM>naiii(; t..wnhi].s, with ne exception. old, having btiun latilt at l)uinl, n '. .-n. jir<luct<d uvidunce that Uu>ir inunicipat- She Was of two thousand and tiv, imis itius had nlao been rated toohich. It repinter, thrvu thouaanrl protw, nn.l lu-r sovins lm..Kt im|iossible. to untlvrtake to dimensions were : les^rth, thn-e liniulreil|make alterations on evidence furnishmi ainl twenty -one fesi, lirevlth t!uit\- oii;lit feet, ilujith of Wild thirtj -one Hid a I..U t... i half feel. in a weok in an otmali/jition which took the valuator* nearly a year '.. prppart 1 In addition to the evidence and tlie taiiceofthf learned counsel oii._'Si;ed in What tv Do ''"' l ' 11 * 1 '. ' h* Vt ' roferrt'il t.> tin- l>. minion If trmil.W wlth/-.kwalthv. slow-hial- C """J' " f " an(l to the OnUn,. H,,r,.,rt oreii., Mnre W .t I'arkeV I'arbolie ' of C "'""" ' in the same year, which \<>u will find it lavalnat.lef.ir I....I- '''" '"W amount of mfonnation, Ing, eleausing and sosmlsMly rnmoviag your """ "ave m:ule iiuinUir ..f esueawtintM trouble, irihe Idoed isoiit t,f onl.-i. tulo, an to th relntive vttlue of the muni Cerate. it n few ,lo,n ot Mf<iretfoi' S 'urs fiuiu IlicharUiou's Druv.' Stors. unit from all that has boen iiicipal- MON in- 1 luvu i-. niie to the conclusion that (sHeratMossh. >i!<l U iiiaote- Ith.-. owuship, Nonoanhy. has Stan pJa. . 10 outnparisoii with the other Wbsther fnnn the nature sfjrjpd - "t looality, url 10.WO 1071 lJ6..01n ine.704 So'.nl 1.MOX4 ai." 1,645.6:0 1.5440&4 ^ M7.M6 VS7.M6 i466i., I have thus raiaeti Noriiiaiibv fsXW an acre, and lowsrmi licntiuek >1 pe swrs (waich oosass to sj-il wkatair. McN ' .j| eiaimod Main ay *nrmnnr>y. namel > ID per emit, ssjnrvthiui H. m.n.-k. > and'Hrr. y $1.60 peracre. I do not think Pr<t< :i should Vw lowered, and I also think that the Town Plot ef Rrooke was too hu-h SotM., July 31, 184 Krrun ><( Mare tiiin- What could be more roiiiic.il than the following caused by the types of tw,, ,t.( ferent newspa]>er articles getting uui ed : " So the aongregation reolve<l upon s Kumpeao trip f. -r their beloved paat.tr. and on Saturday made him acquainted with this delightful fact. Accompanying ths report of the committe was a nicely filled purse, which was placed at the du po-al of ths past, r. who, aftur thai . .- _ them, mads a turn down South John- street, as far aa King-street, tbvn up King-street to (iuorge-stn-et. where be wi\- cuught by ao'iiv boys, who ti- d \ tin pan to his tail. Away he weat again, up (Ji-irge street nnil ii,. n V'ollsge H at ths foot of win 'h he wa shut by a IK. I Keinsn. ' Mourners have fret|iiently been di.trvw ed by the accidental idocing of de^tli nolioss in the birth column ' and m. if Until onee hu a wedding U-.-n glo.tiii.ly told tu ths world in company witli t . asaths to the unibarruitsmeiit of snpir stitious triilcgriM.iiK. Such instsnct-s a* thutti are diMig.reu.tbly coinmoti, but the wonder is, considering the Inn rv ainl IUSIQII of making up, that there are not more of them. One of the most fruitf u) causes of error* in newspapers m undonhtfullv had 1. in. I writing. Such for inslanee, was the ,- 1 .. of aa absurd mistake in quoting tin- oe : ttill c loirtnfi witli tlie TounKsysdchen. which. t'i ihv inteiHi' horror o[ the i)ii took tlie pllllti .1 t" 111 of Still winking at Uieone-nytMl elerfrman Had writing too, must sut- ly have teen aorountab'.r for the rejection of the phn.se " Flirtation is nfu-n accomplished with tin 1 auistancuofalhiiin.il,' whuli wits rvn dert'd " Flirtation a, often accuiup.iL.i ! by the resistance of nidi-mien.' 1 Horace (Jreel.-y' " copy," u ia wrll known, wa a coiitiniins "ttuig of ml dim for the unft.rtiin.ile coiitiHJeitors rii gsgfd oa lilt' pnper "I xliu Ii he wan tin. propriuinr ndoles the] uAtB tatred -, i way not exactly cnndncive tu the ;' pounder's sen-uity. When, in eTi-.-ii,^ some Coni;rp-i.ai:il malprncticxe, l>r rots, " Tis tru?, tis pity, unl pily 'tu tis true." tliu funiili innioUitivn i.|. ; .1 in the tin Slmkepen'.vi i^UMe, " Tis two, 'tis fifty, and lilt\ 'u tu. five.' 1 A leader up-.n \Vjliiam H. Ste*n:t came ft-rth lieatlt- I " Uieliant the Thir.l \\ t.,-[i l.reiliy aihii'n-il to r.-i tiu * '.f M " freemen in Im.-ki :itn, the pi intt i- liiruftl tlivtu uitu " tti:e L niou in i room. ' "

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