Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1884, p. 8

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\ Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. Aura/ CiiuxluiH fr July. The low price of wuul teadi aoma far- mers to ask if it was nut wise to go out I of sheep-raising ' We dr not think so. In the Towaaklp of ArttMCftla, in the COT** of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton i Wool is by no uivana the most rsluaUu Station, the Canadian 1'acifio Railway. The Mil U situated at Little Fans, in a block of j product of the sheep. It pays Hhrrp-RaUlnic for WM>| and Meat. kbout 400 acres Timber Laud, with other timber land surrounding. The building it sub- y built uu atone foundation. The machinery in all good ind drivru with great power by a 98 iuch I.effi ! wheel, tinder 86 feet head of water. Th*re are 1 Large Circular Saw for ruttiug lost ; 2 Small Circular* for sawing Laths aud Broom Handles ; 1 Guags Lathe for turning Uroom Handles, *>.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and Packer com- plete. The Water-Power ii excellent, the stream bain,; erv regular. There are several t thsr good Mill Sites ..n the property. The land in this valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent Stock Farm when the timber is taken off This offers a goud opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into thi> kin' 1 of ba.inem, as the place will b sold or let on KAVORAHI.K TK.11MS. The bush in - venieut to the Mill, logs can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession giver. Apply to the proprietor, A MARVELOUS STORK FLESHED -JON TOLD II TWO LJTTEHS FROM THE SON: FLKKBERTON STATION P.O.. ONT. HE ARD'S Carriages and Waggons, are in ado of the beet aolucMd Umber, and all tbe Latest Improved Machinery are employed In tasking. The Bolus are set by a Patent Boxing Machine, and aru preaaed into the Hub by a Preas ..' - . lona power, and can never gut loose an Itoaea du wedged in tlio old way. HEAKD'8 Waggon*, all thiagii considered, ia the Cheapual. Htrongeat, uioet Durable, aud the Easiest Kuuning Wa*&ons made. Kobert Beat asya that lie could not draw hi Horse Power up a very steep hill without help on a Speight Waggon, and be aayi beean do it with one of HKAKU'H Wagguue. He knows that JOHN U HK.UU) makes the Eaaiett Hunnlag Waggon. Come and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, much better tu brood ami ie*d for i>r.i:-'ii, and the demand for lambs and lie. , well fed for the butcher is practi- Hilly unlimited. In the Lake Erie and the Kiver Sr. Lawrence counties nearly all the surplus lambs are gathered up by j buyers for the American markets, and I prices always rule higher for good ones ; while in the oth<T counties of the Province the town and 1'rovince ranging from 92 to 96. They ure selling in Toronto at tin- present time at $3.60 to 96, according I'- - lity. The returns are quick and } ti'ine. The lambs are sold at all ages f ''o to six months, and tbo cost of them in the spring and early suniii .: months is a mere trifle. If the saint- .. . ji went kept for wool the far- mer would be obliged to feed and wait a whole year i'r the first return, and as- suming the clip to average five podnds and the price 25 aents prr pound a point which it has not reached for MTeral years it would require three yean to produce ool crop of equal value with a lamb at three months. In Ontario as well as in the markets of tho neighboring States the great demand is for sheep under one year, where as in the English market* the demand is greatest for well-fatted two- year-olds, aud over. What better could the Ontario farmer want to encourage him in sheep breeding, either for meat or wool ' The lambs can be disposed of at home, and tin- matured sheep can be fit- ted fur tho English inarkst after the se- Tho number shipped from to i ; rr.it Britain 'luring the cal- U.I KINDM UK Ms i:s Surh as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Tablt; Tops in American and j better. Italian Marble and Granite, and made on abort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleized Slate, AC., &c. endar year IHMJ was 76,!K)6, and last year it increased to 114,352. ID 1877, when the trade just commenced, the num- ber shipped was only 9,601). Now in view of all the facts we think that Ontar- io farmers need nut greatly care whither the price of wool rules high nr low, sheep- raising for the butcher will pay much " Ola/ St., New York, Oct. K, Ii*!. "timtlrmr*- My father reside* at QloTer, Vt. He bar ueeu a great raJTorer f rra Scrof- ula, and UM UKloseU Miter will 1*11 yen what a iuar volum effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla has bad In bis caw). I think h:. blood mutt have contained the humor for at least uu years , but It did uot show, except In ibo form of a tarofulou tore on the wriit, until about re yean ago. From a few ipoti which ap- peared at that time, It gradually ipread K>as to cover hli entire body. I asiure you IM was terribly adicuid, and an ot.joct of pity, when ae begun utiug your medicine. Now, there are few wen uf Uia age wL enjoy at good health U he hai. 1 could ea./r name liliy penous who would testify to the facts In hi* case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIP*." FROM THE FATHER :p,^ a duty fr uie to stale to yea the beueflt i bare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ix months ago I was oompletrtr covered with a terrible bin nor and eerofulou sores. The humor caused an Incessant and Intolerable Itching, aud the tkin cracked so as to cause tbe blood to Bow In many pbuei whenever I inovi-d. My sufferlnga were gnat, and my life a burden. 1 commenced the use of ilia SABiArxaiLLA In April hut, and have mad It regularly slnee that time. My condition began to improve at onee. The tores hat* all healed, and I feel peiteetly well In every respect being DOW able to d" a good day'* work, although 78 yean of age. any Inquire what hat wrought tueb a cure It Mr case, and I tell them, at I bare her* tried to tell yo*, Area's tjAJturAaiLLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1*82. Youis gratrfully, HlBAM I'lllLUPS." Arn's SABSAPARILLA enrcs Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Krytlp- las, K. it-ma, Ringworm, Illotrhes, Mores, Bolls, Tumors, and Kraptlons of thf Skin. It clean the blood of all Impa- rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of tho bowels, and thus restores vitality and sUeugUieui th* whole system. PKKPABCD n V Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mm. old by all DrufgUts; II, six bottles for f*. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1MH3. PaurbicrDPKopijc.-Msnj people are prejud- iced agaiimt patent medicines bat all who try Burdock Blood Bitten are compelled to I -^knowledge it worthy a patent as a valuable I disoorery. This is not the "Red Flag 5 ' yon have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. The following is from 1. W. 1'tolemy, of Wigoipef, fnruily (train buyer for William Oilletby, of Hamilton and Grimsby : I was t ii many years much afilisied with CoatiTs- ness, UillinumifM, and nltimately Dyspepsia, I HUffvred very much aud tried many different medicine*, which gave em only tempurary i.-ln f and tli, -ii 1 was as bad as ever again. I wan recommended by a friend, who has been restored to health by It, to try McGreg- or's Sprvdy Cure. I did so, and it was not long before I felt like a new man, aud I bat. enjoyed excellent health ever since. I first rouimeuced t*iii it February 7th, 187t>. Bold bv Kichitrdftou's druggist. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE MARKETS. ri.ESHERTON. Flour $5 00 to 5 50 Fall Wheat $0 50 to 1 mi Spring \Vlicat 050 100 Dai-ley 50 60 Oats 85 8H 1'cas CO 06 I'.ultn 12 15 ERRS, frcsli 016 000 Potatoes 080 005 Pork 7 00 7 50 Hay, per ton 060 700 Hides 4 Oil ( 50 Wool 15 1H Sln-cpskins 60 1 00 <;..*(> oo oo Ducks, per brace 00 00 Chickens, per brace.... 00 00 Wool 15 18 THE PILLS V urify tbu Illood. correct all Uiaortlurii of tbo I^.ver, Stomach, Kicln'^H, antl llo\vel. They luviKnratu ami r.-M^vi t ksaltli IMrflMatwi Coutitutlons. and arc Invataslilv in all Com- pUinu iuci<lutal la FemaJs* of all acos. For Children and thu agod tlivy are prlceleM THE OINTMENT N an lufallililu inn.-dv for Had LW-. Hart Hreaata. (II. I W,.iiiiil. s,.r.- and fleers. It ii famous for Uoul ami KhMUuatinui. For illnordvrii of tli<< Cliv.<t it Han no equal. For HO UK THHOA'I, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS UUu.lular SwulliofS. aud all Skin 1)1 <><* it lia* n.. rival , ami for contracted and itlfl jiilntH It acts nk. a charm. I'nnuravtureil only at Profesnor HOI.I.HWAT'S F.ntalilialiinont, TH. \ctv Oxford Htrcct ( llr r.:t:t. Oxford Mtrret ). London, and aru s.ild at 1> IM.. .. 9d, 4. (M., 11* . 2*.. and Xk. on< Ii Hox or 1'ot, ana may uo liad of all Metli dnr Voodorii tliroiiKlumt thu World. '- I'lirrlvuvr* Ji>n,M lo>* t, Q* faM ,,n thf /*f.< n,nl Hr> it not Wm. Lucas & Co., 1 l;i n U i--.. Markdale and Dunda '*. Tranuct a Oruoral llankiiin Ilunlneaa. l>rafti* Iflmi^l pavable at any office of MKUtllA.NTb or \K II. SON s Hank \iitu Dticotutted and Monty to Loan at Re "-lilt ttilei. Interest / wed on Deposits May WM. LUCAS * CO. EUGENIA Grist Mill, >n,M lo>* t, Q* faM ,,n thf /*f.< n,nl Hsr>. If (!,< ~i.i;l, Cffiinl fttrwt, Lmi'luit, ttteij nn ,<y<i'ri>.<. The Advaiice till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 40 cents. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint ; a/6o Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MIL-BURN & CO., Proprietor!, Toronto made esterisir<> iuiprovrinfiit.< In my ( >i it Mill, I am confiilpii. I cuu _-i M good satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Flour always nu hand. nstom Sawing, and Billx fil!-.| nn th shurtcst notice. Lum- I" i and Lath alw^ymin hand. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, White A.-h, Ill<rk Ash, U an wood, Tine aud Hemlock Log.s wanted. M. AKITT, EUGENIA May 1st, 1882. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARICTTIVISION. of Time. ciiui MmuUiy, .\fnii In, IHNf. Toronto, <^rgy eV Bruce Division. ToaoNTo, rtopart ........................ 7.90 am. 5 p.m. do. arrive ......................... 10.43 " 10 " NOTE. Mixed train leaTim ParkdaleT.Ma.ni. CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION. TOIVINTO, depart, 7. 10 a.m., 1.0ft p.m., 4.fiO p.m. arrive, 9.: " 3,i " TOO " NOTE. Mixed train leaven Parkdale I a.m. ra An adilltloual train will be run In connec- tion wtSh Hi. I'liniuluiii fiiriflr RUiinuluji Line, lM!avin|{ Toronto, 11:30 a.m. W. WHYli: D MrNICOLL, fiK.N L SCP'T. (lEN'L PASS. ACT. TRAINS I.KAVi: FLESHERTON STATION : (Join,: North, at 11:4$ a in. -'X]Mii.. fi'.nr, p m U.illiKSip-itli, at :*;!. Ill . Mfia.in, ft .V47 p 111 Btcemsbip Kxprc-p. K<''"1! North, '.'lit p.m. " South, 12.12 p.m. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DKALElt IN ^ Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts ! ur other Ciap-Trup Induce nients offered, but.wll you Goods ax low as tliey can be figured, consistent icitk HONEST TRADE- Watch Repairing a specialty. All Work . Guaranteed- HAG YARDS 1 . a-S^^Vl^.Ax^ _. V. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM ' POWDERS. Are ple asaat to take. Contain their own la a safe, sore, and tttttmml f ipanM la Childraa or AttM* PATENTS ro.. of the 8rmmnr AHSRII-AH , ena. UnaetoactuBuiioluirifiir fatenta, Oanala, Trade Marta. OopTrlchta, for tke UniUd Kiau. Oanaea. nflaad. Pnioee. Oernaar. etc. llaiul Hik aboat PawnU tent frae. Thlrty-eeTeii Titan' prleoee. PMejUfiMalnedUiRiiichllUNN/k(Xi arcDoUead tauieflnsirrirtc AMSBirAN, the lariMi, beat, and SMetwid^irelmilatMl K-lifillBc pauer. (iBarsar. Weekly. Hw.ndwl tnmTinn and lntrraUo< la- formation. Specimen mnr .f 1 h Hrlcoiiae ABMV- leaBMntfr** AdO-M ML'.NN A '<> , i*rtajmIO AaiaaKAH UOee. M Broadway. New Yora. The Dominion Organ and Piano Co. Has the larvn and mmrt compl-'tu factory to thf I '-'in I'll .. 1 1 l.Vy 1 ' . Ef&nt Bam fir inrlid ta it; tolir Is tai TorU. Mnlal ami Diploma 1C i rntrnnlal. I'M. Modal ami IMplom* al Kyilni-r, A.iotrnlla. Iffrl. I'.nlt Mrrtnl al ProThKlal Kihlbln. n. ! ..r..nl>j. ins. lllchi-H Awanla at Indiutrlal tililblUoa, Toroot<* 187. Skill. Ws ASS xow M >M r v n !< SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. BBMT is TBS MASKBT. Cerraapondrnrp Pnlldml. -*,-ti.i for IMustiaseS' Cas> eloftie, roalicfl free. AildrrM DOMINION OROAN AM' PIANO COMrAVT. BOWHAXVILLS, OUT. Z5O -Z-OTJ- ' "FARist Wurrto Fuminc tb Lvrs or "FRMS FBI 8>tt" M DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Tug MAM. hubciome Thr Hr,., K1 ,l/^ M..HUM. far larr A rrf l. nn-lil- Aud contalni morf "f thfra Ihtn %ll X|KT I AnA.lUn Mpn blncd. i 0,000 rcMlen 11 of-Fwnn (w Sate" an) "Fn,.- l^'lnwriv.l ... __^ W M THr! Ulrl-r-KI.V MAII.,>fKrlMk fr, .onl r**Mfr tntl tr wotil for 4t imtntatt. ur la MAIL M r tiJ f ItflfnnU per m.rtl M.li A<W- THE MAIL Tt '

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