Died. -On the 23rd June at Mechipocoton, Lake Superior, aged 22 years and 22 days, Charles Hutchinson (late of Flesherton,) son of Mr. Thomas Hutchinson, of Artemesia. The friends of Charles Hutchinson were greatly shocked on hearing of his unexpected death. He left Cedarville in th latter end of May for Lake Superior. Soon after arriving there, he was taken sick with Diptheria. After a few days he seemed to be recovering; then got worse again; and being a good distance from where he could get medical advice his case soon became very critical. his desire was to get home. His employer took him 28 miles in a wagon to the nearest lake port, Mechipocoton. After arriving there, he gradually grew worse and died without a struggle on the morning of the 23rd of June. His acquaintances in Flesherton will remember him as a consistent member of the Methodist Church, and one of the most regular attendants at Class Meeting and the young peoples Prayer Meetings. The testimony of those who waited on him during his sickness and who were with him when he passed away, was, that he was a true Christian. His parents have the sympathy of all in their affliction. t~j if if i j i i L-t_ \ j i uUU At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a lar^e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. siiin^M Ml t I I Brevities. Messrs. Brooks & Willis are rushing the brick work on Dr. Christoe's new bWk. Cut down those detestable burdocks ai*l weeds so coinmoB on some of our back streets. Mr. W. K. Fleiher, ex-M. P. for East Grey, and founder of KK-.shi.rton, returned home from England on Monday. Head the Road Notice, Townships of Artemesia and Euphraiia, published in nur advertising columns. Do you see that pleasant and con- tented linking man ? Yes ; why U he so pleasant > The answer is simple : he has just oallod at THE ADVAN.-* office and the little bill h nwed the printer. HOR.HK KOR SAUS. Will sell cheap or -\<hange for a good driver, one large heavy horse, warranted a good worker. R. TRIMBLE. The painting and graining of the Flusherton Presbyterian Church is .me of the finest pieces of w >rk we have seen for a long time. The work was done hy K>ninrkablc <>, . urr. n. . . Messrs. Wilson and Trimble Heard on Saturday Evening. On Saturday evening last our citizens, What they said at the Kan*- Kail Match. Catch on that strike, will you. Frank McDowell. I don't know who the players are, I Messrs. R G. Trimble and T. W. Wilson, duiino, anyway: tlu-y ought wen- out in a Held in t ho rear end of Mr. W. O. Pickell's fann, practicing rifle- Kingston. to wear to know them by.- Mr. shooting at a lai-'.'u target placed at the Iwse of a utoep hill. The sun had just Why not label them ? Tlie Editor. Confound it ! Why can't you catch set, when Mr. Trimble placed the rifle to I. the hall with your mouth if no way else- his shoulder to shoot at the target. At p. Munshaw. this instant tho sharp swishing sound a ! What about Puzzler, now 1 Nesbitt. of a slender gad cutting rapidly through Call your grandmother Puzzler, and the air, reached his ear. Lowering the you'll have a Puzzler of your own. W. gun he Kinked in the direction from which H. Cam|ii:,'ne. the Boumi evidently came, but nothing How do y,,u like Puzzler, now. J. H. unusual met his gaze. The sound was Campaigne. i-e;.. ated several times, ami although ' dili'.'eiit search was made, the cause was not ascertainixL Nothing further wasi thought about tho matter, until Mr. [ player on the grounds, bedad '-Another Wilson's turn to shoot came; when, Onlooker, scarcely had the gun bven discharged, a most appalling and unearthly scream resounded through thu still atmosphere, errifyiiiu mir i-iti/i-rfft t<i that extent that Who's that young man widthegaolshute >n will ye/, tell me. < >nlokvr. Why that's Jimmy MOSUT. the best IT. in IT i.-.- ill.-. Strayed On Monday morning between twelve , Fr , )m tbcpmniiinoC tl m> l, r.iirned. Lot > ami one o'clock a tire broke out in the carriage and cooper shop occupied by Mr. James Tryoti.in the village of I'rice- ville. The fire had -.aim-d such head- way by the time help arrived, that the crlorta put forth to save the U-ck Hid etfeeM were totally unavailing nothing living saved. The lire was started ..n the inside of the building, and was tho work of an incendiary. The structure belonged to Mr. Angus McDonald of Aurora, and was, we believe, insured. We have not been informed as to whether the stock, imple- ments, A.-., were insured or not, but are rather inclined to the belief that they were not. l-tt'.-n K.T AH Koxl ArtomMi*. >l>uLt ui"iit!i K. two Hi-id-m tii.t two bu*jr On o( thu >u>ri is rod ami )<H.- In color; tin- other te.rind the twn Witt-rn u- red, with uJI white !** on tli.-ir lorh.rti Any |wr"ii KIMIIK ItiforraatinnlMuttactottMrveoYcry l~.\.-. wtllrocriw rt-r.l i>( - > ft Tin- ckttla referred to M.- tavluiK*. Jmi.-B.l. UK.n l.iHS'sTON FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. Me name's Flyim an' I kern til see the b'yes play, don't ye see. Misther Klynn. So dad we. The Girla. Ditto. -The Young Ladies. Largest S(o<-k in this vicin- ity. I nxfifft it- A I aUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. the famous Flesherto. painter, Mr. T. II . . Firth mm- tun,- l*f.,rc they could col- I'm a single man on the present oc- Mr. R. Hatty-Mr. J. H. Heard 1 . ! luct their c * tt ^ rtKl faculties sufficiently CASIO,,, :vt aiiyrate. E. Vaniant. i.--ad painter has just completed what is generally acknowledged to IMJ the best painted sign in this section of country, f..r our popular butcher, Mr. Sept. (>ood. li will not lie hung up until Mr. (rood TI-TOOV.-H to his nw shop in Dr. Christ.*-'* brick block. SALT ! SALT ! SALT ! Jut arrived 1 Car Fine Barrel Salt. Also 1 Car Land Salt at R THIMBU'S. Flesherton Division, Sous .if Tem- i>erance, held a very enjoyable ice cream festival in the Town Hall, Flesherton, (act Wednesday evening. Ik-sides the refreshments, a musical and literary i was goue through with to the ufall present. Our inability to Ve present on the occasion named, prevent* us giving a fuller report. to i in|iirv into the cause. Although they i Score. liunU-d high and low, and made every, Yokes, investigation that their imagination could suggest, the affair rwnained wrapped in profound in} story. The, cry resembled that of a human )>eing in its last ag<>m/. ing throes. one for me, me l.v Billy For all kinds of first-class Harvest Tools, g<> t<> R. Tumut's, Ki.-sh.-rt.il! ...i . H larlon. Rev. S. 0. Kdiiniii.l-i having been for three yuan pastor of the Pnceville 'circuit, Methodist Church, has U-.-n stationed nt Wiarton, to which place hu removed with bin tanulv last week. Hot work, IMIJ-S, but we're bouml to win.- Captain liulmer. We want practice. - -J. G. Russell. I've too much practice running up and down this hill, so I'll stay on the top. K G. Triml.le. Hii.!h Mackechnie to the bat. Tel. VanDusen. Another vu-tim. Rutherford. Not thin time ; home . .tlu-r time. Hugh <>r I'm an Oitalian They re badly bate, - Minther Flynn. There's altogether too much talking. - I'mpire Cummin.' KnillhltllK iu fn. IM . . T Urn much liy half. -An Onlooker. Our |.oj.nla:- head manter, Mr. M. P Well, it was a lively j-anie, if the U.J-H We hope to see a good turn nut at McMantt-r, is K|>cnding his holidays in did lick the IwiiedicU. The S|vtatrs. tho Town Hall, Flesherton, to-day, s.. the province of ym-Uv. We wish him a that the organization for the Scott Act pleasant time and a safe return tociviliza- Parts HI and .'12 of /'i.-<M/-r*/ii. campaign may lx- complete. If victory i tnm and well, tothe hull ..f tho universe '. to be secured in the interests of Teuijier- 1 <"a ill |l lilt Onl. ancc, earnest, faithful, and persi.tent Mr , j,,,,.^. Aikenh.-ad and another efforts an, absolutely necessary to aocom- T(>ri(Ilti> gemlemnn, and Master \\.ll plish the desired end. Annstr..ii, have U-.-n camping out in -Mr. John McDonald, public m-h.,,.] ^ T , lWllsllill O f Osj.rcy- near Heron's teacher ..f Kganville, gave us n call on w ,, olt , n Mjlu . Annng tho ^ wt . ek or Monday last. He hail Wen up vimtnn- ^ n IriemU and acquaintances in 1'n .-\iM. have U>eii ritceive.1 at this othn Tile niimlier i I H- font il are eijual in e\ ,-r\ npect tothBpre.-..liii.'..iu-i,aiidacredit to the enterprising publishers. Thu sc.-n.--i n ['ix-Aetited are taken chietly from the maritime province*, and are lieautifullv and locality. Recently, while in Toronto, he was mistaken by the " pickets" for a regular printer, and .|uite an cene followed. Although a school teacher, it may lie remarked that Mr. McDonald has a fair knowledge of the printing business. Machine Oils Just received a I the beautiful and romantic trout which alutund m thu various in that locality. Next week THE AHVANTK will tie issued two days Utter than usual. We I Illl. l-.ll N, I III. HI. We omitU-d to mention lant wt-ck, the splendid fiiiu-nil m-rmon preaclu-d in the MethiMlist Cburcli, Fleahert. n. on Sab- Uth evening, the Kth iiutajit , by the D. C. McDowell. The text was from the words : -"Ko thmi until dei .f life ful and I will give the.- a Tho attendance uoiild I thi.s notice ill order that our readers i lot .if|" in y k "iconve'iienced as little as |KVH ,. r ,, wll LardiiiuandothorbrandsofMacb.neOili,, ! sible - ^'e trust our readers will excuse hl|VO ,. .,, ^. r )iai , jt n(>t rheap, at I US f " r n<lt '"""'8 " elirl >" '" tho W ' lt>k *" for the rain. The .erm-m WM preached R. Turnout's Flesherton. u -'" al - "" "" : f " r -' ct - lll<>11 ' thftt the in coiine.-t.ou with the funeral of the late will not be issued next week | alll ,, nt4M i >| r , ,j. .1 Sproule, which took To nii-st i-liilclr-u the lisrn siiRgpwtinn of a dose nf cantor nil is iiauneatiuK. Why not. then, wli-n pliysin is n-C's-iiry fur thc little j (.11-1. u<e Ayer'J Cathartic i'lllx '! They c.irakine every eMcntial anil valualili- prim-i- tnl va '"e t jileiitin- itlmrtic moilicjin*. and ti.in.; su^ar- f e.iat.-il are easily Uk. n. until Saturday, the '.'lith inst. Another lot of thoi place on the Friday previous, and was a 6c. Cottons, ex- masterly etlmt H. THIMHLK'S, Flesherton. K.I -. Ball il.it. h Between tho Single and Married Young Men of Flcsbertcu. On Thursday afternoon last an inter Credit Iu Whom r.dil Is line. The y i Him; That People living n. ar I '.iinptHdl's .. .n.l Milton * Cadd, carriage-makers and '" "" " lll '" v ' r >" 1 '"' "'"r pi.-nuses. bhickHiiiilh.. HoKherton. are d,,i., R O,K] Tha " U>ncl1 ^"""^ * nvrvn ' work, and rapidly working np an exten- al "' w " ''" ""' w '"" ll ' r nt ttl1 that tllu Tho young n,.-,, .-,- l-^'l''" bould b* M indignant alx.ut the DeM animals vhuiild be buried d U) such a manner. patr.-na,'.-. ' " 1; "" T -j -ame of lise ball was played ,.i.j pming the tirm are steady, careful, and the grounds just hack of the reHidunco of I lint, 1:, M orkmen, and d.^-rv,- sub . '^'T "' ' I " Mr. N. < "nmplioll, between thu xiu^le ami marrieil yoiing men of Kl.-iln-rt. .n. Tin plavin.' commoliced nt four o'ul.-k ami lasted f"iir hours. From tho first it wan evident that the ninv'le yoim-j men had the In tt of it. They rarely failed t . atch a" fly ;"theirpitcliiiiowaj>leiidi.l ; and tin u- batting ri:niaik.-i1>ly luavy. Thc Married nn-li did well r iiisnleriu / tli(> little practice they had. Mr \\ M. I'liniininu' performed the ilntiei of miKiire very etlirieiitly and satiiifai-torily. Mr. K. Viui^atit scored tin; runs, ,v liy Mr. Ted. Yanl>uneij. Ht.-u.tial ineoma^vment. He.,!,,,.,.,, now point with pndeto the fac-t that ,),. "''" tl " 1 "-r" h.u two of tho carria,'..- and black- Just Clear liacon .t a lot f tirst-claw Long R. TRIMULE'S, Floshprton. We dogs in thin d could not pinsil.lv ' root ' them out. We notice that Home |K-.iplr, wbo bring dead ai.nnals to this too , ,,n vi-nient "burying -.'round," thmw a few V.i rey lri/- LM*. '"'^ !t al " 1 k ' ilN ' s " vt ' r tlll '' -""1 !< -.-i.leiit illvsaw a c ; \ ,,- the Ka.Ht '"ips live or six padefuN ..f day and smithing establishoients in ('< \ (irey Tri/.e Liiit f-.r 1H4 tiiu other day. then saunter >ir nith the air - f i It W well printed, .n food paper, but w1 '" lmv *' faithfully pei-f..ini.-.| i-i'iitains .teveial gross typographicitl ( ' llt )' - Five in nil i s aft -r .11 Is. perhaps. errors, nvcesnitatiiig c.msidei-able extra ' '"ingry, va..-r;.i:t doi; .n-ents the . h..i.-.- lal'or on the part of the S.-eretary of tho r.-paM. is joined l.y awme <.f other Our Ti.ir-i.i, Work*. A little over a year and a half ago Mr. E. Vanzant commenced in the marble busme- in Flesherton From the ^ Caaters Buffer DisllCS, on which he completed the first monu- ment his business has been rapidly in- creasing, and at thu present time it has reached such proportions, as to require the utmost exertions yf himself and an efficient staff uf workmen to keep up with the steady stream of orders coming m. Only a short tune ago, he received WEDDING RINGS At II) TKMT 20,000 pounds of marble slabs, direct from tin- quarries, thousand* of (xiunds of which have alreadv l*m wurkett into monuments, or are in course .if construc- tion, .la-it now he is daily expecting a caiisignm.-nt of handsome granite (tones, which have been specially ordered. The work turned out by Mr. Vanzant is of a superior character ; and taking .(iiality of material into consideration, his prices are cheaper than that of any other marble works in (irey. ML On the '2,'tr.l June, at Mechipncot.m, Lake Superior, aged -- years and J il.i vs. t'harl.-i ilutchinson (late of j Floohertoii,) son of Mr. Thomas HiitchlHsoii, of Artcineti.t. i Gross Wpeon. 6 Morris* 7>Vv.v. < makes ,'< to .$.'. LinM ID Seals, Rings, Jets, Jewelry. The frien.U of diaries Hutchinson were greatly shix-ki-d "ii lu-annt: of his iinex|*)ctd death. He l.-ft tV.larville in the latter end of May for Lake Sii|ven..r. S i after arriving tlH-re, he iw taken nick with Dipth.TM \tt.-i- a f.- .lays he (..-in.-.l t ) r.-.-ovei-iiii : tlu-n not we me again ; and U-ing n giH.<t distanctt from where hu could get in.-.li.-.il advice his cane soon U-.-im.' v. ry rntit-al. His de- sin* wiw t.> i.'. t !i 'in.-. Hi* employer t'M.k him Ii8 mile* in a u_- m to the nearest lake port, M.rhiiK-oton. After arriving there, he gr.ulimily grew worse ami died without a struggle on the morning of the -.'Ird of June. Hi* acquaintances in Flesherton will reineinlit-r him :ii ;i 0"iii-tent meiiiU-r of the M-thodi.it rliiuvli, .-illil die ol the mont regular attendants at (.'lass Meeting .in il the y.uinn peoples Prayer Moetitigs. The t.-itiiiioiiy of tln.Mo who waited on him during hu* licknoee :tnd who were with him when he pitted away, wa. that he was a true Christian. Hu ]>arcnts have the sympathy ol all in their alflict- ion. Fluid Lightning. Fluid I.ifthtniiiu ill not only enr? Tix.th- srlii- inntJiiitly, I. nl il-i' Ni-nriii-ia. llntilsclie, Ritrsrhi'. Klu'iimiiti^ni. l.-iiiilnic" su.l s. 1 1 tii-n. I'.iin i'( "iiv kin 1 i-iinii".' rrinu.ii one ininute wli.'r- it i> applied. When you hoar iif Kluiil Lii;htiiiiiK ynu lu-ar ..( . n>- of the T. 1 1. -t in m- I- . MT Known in tin- way of a nn iln-iii' . an it never (nils to cure, and not in K w.'.-k or a ilny, lint ttic Hi-tun: it ii MfiphtHl t.i tli<- alfertrd part. Sold at Kir uartlson's , My work /.v itiij lif\t only Recommendation, Not/ring tni.sn'itre- sentfif- I'm. I C .- ,.;, i r i I. Dona by my><-li *"<! fullv muraatt- ! KMI: PBH W. A. BROWN. Markdale. James Sullivan, The Tinsiuith. - Flesherton. i,- K\-ti..iitiiiiu. n.l in ( t rrery- iu t lll lm.-1-lve 111) pruui|>t i I .airtul tt.'nti.in '. rvwunnhl.- ;,::;: !i iolcm i& SiK-iety t" mnke the neceSHary i-on-i-ctioim. TheMi! Mlunders spoil tlun otherwrne . x cilh'iit!y gotton up |mphlot. Tho ei|imlly worthies,. . urn, and in a twinklitu- the liody ii expoM.l, anil the meal bi-^im. After satisfying their hunger, the remains ].am]ihU-t were printed at Hie Markdale , lire !ft '" rot and send forth vile Grey. ijtlicti, in the South riding of on every tuee/e that blows. Health orricers, do your duty. GORDON'S HARNESS is nor Stick, fbbrtn Cirriijs te! Milburnjt Gadd, PBOPRIF.TOHS ..t tin- iiv^ oik. ut pt pared to tt. : I t.> <-v.T>tliini; . : the Can iaf:e Making & Blacksmitbiug : hum |>roui|'t!> ati.l . II Repairing in Ixitk /!rtinc/t'. I*rnn|'lU Ktlomlr- 1 to. HOUSE SHOl.INCi A SPKCIALTX MONEY TO LOAN! .s- .It /.tiii-t'xf Ratet. JAS. LAMON, I'l M: tl.K FLESTIEUTON. J. W. BATES, -.tint Furnitiu-f Dfit/r Undertaker, fLRBHICHTi'N -