Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jun 1884, p. 7

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CURRENTS-TOPICS. 1m deioendent* of the Penns LOW living who are to (bare the I' 7,000 designated by tbe Britiib National Debt Commission iii commutation ot the i i.uo annuity, paid tbat family since ll'-O, a* indemnity for tbe property it loat tu Pennsylvania by tbe Revolutionary War, bear tbe name* of Fell Hawlin*, Newoouibe, Barrow 3omm, Gas- kill, Baker, Coatee Ilall. Kead, Alexander, Walker. Ooff, Clytoo and Kaynter. tbe misfortunes of Arctic explorer*, and ihe little practical good gained in return Baron Nordensk- iold ask* for iiaou.UOO. to spend on an expedition to tbe otber end of tbe globe. Many people bave been accustomed to regard the south an sunny, and tbai notion will do as far down aa tbe equator and a long way beyond, bat when it become* a juestiou of tbe pole* it i* tbe north tbat ia Bunoy and tbe south tbat is dark. Tbe nortb pole is en joy it K now about ae much Buunuer an it ever will, and tbe soutb pole ii by tar tbe more wintry of tbe two. If there is any chance to learn about poles tbe nortb pole is still tbe moet favorable pole lor study, although it oao't be callei promising. QUEEN VICTORIA ha* joal attained her i th year, an age which bae been exceeded by nine only of tbe sovereigns of England, dating from tbe Norman con i jest, viz : Henry I. and Edward I who both attained r.7 yean , Queen Elizabeth, who lived r.'j yean; Jamw II., OH years, George I., t>7 yean ; George II., 77 year* , (eorge lit., 82 yearn; George IV., * yean, and William IV., Ti years. On -I one Alth, tbe will bave reigned over the I'uited Kingdom for 47 yean, a length of time which ba* been exceeded by three of tbe Kings of England only, viz: Henry III., who reigned 56 yearn Edward III., whose reijjn reached < yern . andUeorite III.. whose reigula*Ud nearly > year*. \ V-toria ia alio the oldest I uropean monarch, with three exception* the Emperor of < iurmany , who is H7 year* of age . tbe King ot tbe Netherlands, r,7 . and tbe King of Denmark, 66. Latest r i-o in i I-IHIII. The extensive match factory of Messrs. Patterson ,v Co., Maoaulay street, Belfast. ba* been completely destroyed by fire. Two men are in custody at Ardragan, county Oalway, for an extraordinary as- sault on a young woman in the service of a clergyman, lor having changed her religion and become a Protestant. They waylaid her and severely aaaaulted her, and then out off her hair and all tbe button* Irom her dress. The death ol Sir John Knni*. Ml', lor Athlone, which occurred at hi* London residence from apoplexy, wa* almoat unex- pected. Tbe bon. baronet's illness wa* very brief, and be bad taken part in all the important divisions during tbe present session. Be was returned for Athlone at the laat general election by a majority of only one vote over Mr. Bbeil. A man named Boyle ba* been remanded at Dublin lor a violent assault, lie wa* arrested on tbe rool of a home by two officer*, for breaking tbe ribs of a woman. Pretending to be drunk be bad to be lowered through tbe trap-door, and Ludiug himself with one officer be made a furious attempt to escape. Tbe other officer rush- ing to hi* comrade s rescue fell crashing through tbe skylight. Tbe misery entailed on tbe people ol Ireland by the agrarian murder* and out rages during tbe reoeut agitation is shown by tbe large amount of money paid in com- pensation to the relatives ot the victims 1'uder tbe Crime* Act no lew a sum than 117,175 ha* lately been awarded for murder* and personal injuries, tbe aum including t21,2'.0 compensation for thirty- six murders within tbe last four years Tbe very large amount expended in tbe cost of extra police and military en editions will swell the murder bill to a high total. At an auction sale recently in Dublin, an old-fashioned mahogany writing desk with braes monntibgs, which belonged to U Conuell, and at which the Liberator wa* aid to bave often written out pohtica document*, waa There wa* also of MB.. M . by U'Conpell IW.B. IAI IA. Native Mexican Gentleman 1 deeply regret to be obliged to inform you, my dear friend, that your actiu.s lat uiiihi in tbe l>re*enoe of tbat charming aenorita were vry rude. American Visitor You shock me ! What did I do ? I assure you tbat 1 tried my belt to make a fa > oriole impression on that lovely girl. In fact, I am iu love with her, and would not offend her for tbe world. Mexican 1 tear you have daabed your bope*, then. She now consider* you an ignorant boor loo beastly selnsb to be trusted with any woman's happiness. American Oh! it IMMIM; it cannot De. What have 1 done . Meucan You lit a cigar in her pre- MOM American- But nut aatured me tbat (be did not object to it. Mexican And you smoked it to the end without - American Witbou: wnat . Tell me 'juickly. Mexican Witbou: oflering bar one. I'hiladelp/.ia Call. " put to the hammer. in tbe desk a 1'itci a letter addressee to Andrew Carey A lureible entry was made into tbe office of Messrs. Ta)lor A Bate*' brewery, bt. Catharine*, between Thursday and Fridy uigbtby expert burglar*. They were not rewarded with muob money, a* tbe oaab bad been banked early ia the afternoon, and it was thought there wa* not muob more than about S.JO. Tbe thieve* also took a number of note* of band and a one <| lie for about (133. Toe (tore and post-office of M. .V T. Wood at Erin, Ont., wa* broken into on Thurrday night and tbe *afe blown open. About 1550 wa* taken, of which (305 belonged to the poat-tmo*. The harness Hbop of George Walker wa* visited, and S.W taken from tue till. There if no clue to tbe burglar*. IN PAINT. l< la>rl|h. Hlllrrl) *lu.i II.. !>.,,. in t 1 1 r >!> ! Ib. t ( , Mr. Talmage preached a scathing aermon u tbe Brooklyn tabernacle yesterday morn- ng on tbe cause* that led to tbe nnaueul earthquake* IB Wall street. " Tnere are men who gather fifteen tor- one* under their wings," said Mr. Tal- mage, ' bat their dismay when these for- unes return to their rightful owners shall M like tbat of tne hen on discovering tbat be ba* hatched out aquatic fowl. Wall ureet baa seen the coronation and tbe burial of tens of thousand* of fortune*, and t i* tilled with tip-top soouudrelism." I'd like to put th* plowshare at tbe urb in front of Trinity Cburcb, and drive t through this s coursed, narrow, uuarcm- teotural way, and not stop till U tbe cob- ble-stones ot perdition were hurled into tbe river at the ferry.'' Do you want to know what cauied tbe panic .'" screamed Mr. Talmage. It i ;he extravagance in modern society tbat compels men to spend more money than ;hey can make. Applause Sometime* tbe man is to blame, sometimes hi* wit*, sometime* both cvre to blame. " Kuan ol augbter. There are people in cor cities," resumed Mr. Talmage, who can hardly pay their rent, and they owe everybody in their neighborhood, moving away with tbe assist- ance of a carman whom they will never pay. Tbere are 5,000 suob thieve* in Brooklyn. " The finer your horse and tbe finer your carriage tbe better I like you, but if you're hopelessly udabt for them get down and walk like the rest of u*." (Laughter.) "It i* estimated that there are IK i> women in New Y ok whose wearing apparel coat* on f I I I M. .111. I a * nl. ! Wilmrmmlnt On. 01,1, . i an average of over 'J, 000 a year. Why, it's the tears "" pocket Toronto is extending tbe electric lighting service. George King, a painter, died suddenly at Kingston )estrday of epilepsy. Martin Clarke, aged 10 year* . was drowned while bathing in the Don at Toronto yester- day. Jno. } leeber, of Orange . ille, ha* received a land agency in tbe Northwest from (be Government. A Mn. Ogartb, ot Orangeville, took an overdose of neuralgia medicine laet week, from the erteeteof wh'oh she diod. Samuel Pratt, who was injured at tbe railway some time ago, died in tbe hospi- tal at Kingston yesterday afternoon. A large quantity of military (tore* is being shipped from Kingston to Brook- ville, including 40,000 rounds of rifle ammunition. Judge Ferguson has made an order ap- proving tbe scheme for the distribution of the amount* awarded the sufferers by the llumber disaster. The death is announced at hi* residence, Toronto, on Sunday, of Alexander Card, iu hi* Kird year. Deceased wa* a York Pioneer. J. R. Martic, Carnga, barrister at law baa been appointed a oommiuioner per dedimns potestatem for tbe county of Hal dimand. Mr*. Leach, widow of tbe murdered gov- ernor of Sandwich jail, ba* been allowed $"() a year pension by the county. Tbe Ontario Government gave her 1750. Martin Cabill, a teamster, belonging to Georgetown, bad bi* left leg broken in two places at York station, on tbe Grand Trunk Railway, yesterday afternoon, while load- ing on barrels of oil, one (lipping and fall- ing on him. Mn. Livingston, wife of Mr. John Liv- ingston, editor in-chief of the II frail, died on Sunday night at her resi- dence in Montreal after an illness of about a month. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Livingston and the bereaved family of eight children. A burglary was c immitted in tbe ware- bouse of Messrs. H.H. Holland >v Co., fancy goods importers.on St.Paul street, Montreal, between Saturday night and Sunday morn- ing, tbe thieves getting away with S2,000 worth of goods without any clue to the perpetratorr. O'Dwyer, K.j , The Cottage, Arcane. Dub liu," promising to nui port tbat gentleman upon hi* standing for tbe borough ol Drogheda, in tbe year Ie.i7, and for which be wa* subse'iututly elected M.I'. The desk, after a guod many bids, (etched . I - and tbe M8. wan knocked down for 1"., alao to the buyer of the desk. Anactatia Itourke and Kllen Cummins were charged before tbe Mayor of Clonm* with having, on tbe '.'7th of April, wilfully and unlawfully burnnd John Dillon. *goi . years, by placing him naked on a no hovel, on tbe ground that be wa* an ol( man or a fairy." left by the good people a* a substitute lor the real child, which they bad taken from iu mother. Tbe evidence fully sustained the charge againt Kourke, who wan sent to jail fur a week Tbe Mayor, in passing sentence, said tba a* she bad already spent a week in jail th ends of justice would be salutied by ai additional week's imprisonment. Tbe ac wa* one arising from gross ignorance an (TDM aupenlition. The Lord-Lieutenant has accepted tb invitation of the Corporation of Belfast to visit that oily, probably on June 1' ib. Mr. J. Hasting* Otway. i ,'.<-'. Keoorder of Belfaat and County Court Judge of Antrim, died on May >.h from pleurisy, at Lisburo. Owing to tbe closing of the Newcastle- uuder-Tyue factory, tbe Limerick army clothing factory has received a further or- der from tbe Government for 170,000 garment* for troop*. Lord WoUeley. tbe hero of tbe Egyptian campaign, wa* made a 1 reemuou while he wa* in tbe 1<0tb Regiment of Foot in 1- .1 in Military Lodge, No. 7'>. of Dublin, iu company with a brother officer, Lord Ferrari. Msjor O. A. l.Uiott. of the l'<th Kcgi- nieul stationed at Cnrragb camp, threw himself overboard from the steamer '. lolet. on the night of May 2< tb. half-way between Dublin and llolyhead. lie wa* picked up but died *oon afterward*. At tb* Dublin Police Court, Brian Molly, 50 year* of age baa been remanded on an extraordinary charge ot bigamy. Five women, aome of them moat respectably connected, claim to bave entered into matri mouy with the prisoner. lie is a man ol wretched appearance, and i* the father of '.'.'I children. fashionable now to wipe away tbat are shed iu church with a si handkerchief.' Tbe death of men wbo are thus ex- travagant at somebody else's expense," thundered Mr. TaJinage, " i* grand larceny. They are robbing the undertaker and the doctor a* they no into thecutt.u . the one of hi* dippers and the other of his pill*. Such men deserve to bave their bone* go to tbe medical museum to pay the expenies of tbeir burial. And wbsu you think you are going to die you send for the uuuistgr to pout him on wbat be shall say at your funeral in lying about your excellences." (Applause.) A Hunk ) o...nui .flllk. Apart even Irom tb* manifold milk of tbe tree tbat bears tbe coooanut. the milk itself ba* many and great claims to our respect and esteem, aa everybody wbo has ever drunk it in it* native surrounding* will eutbufciuticaJly admit. To be ears, tbe white milk in the dry nats is a very poor slut:, sickly and strong iU.ored and rather indigestible. But in tbe tropic* coooanut a, ilk, or, a* we oftener call it there, ooooanut water, i* a very dilferent and vastly superior sort of beverage. At 1 1 o'clock every morning, when you are hot and tired with tbe day's work your black servant, clad from bead to foot in hi* cool, clean white linen sun bring* you in a tall soda glas full of a clear, hgbt crystal lijuie. temptingly displayed stainst tbe 'ellow background of a chased Benars* raa* work tray. Tbe lump of ice bob* uticingly up and don IL tbe centre of tbe umbler, or clink* muti- ally against the dice ot the glass as bs earn** it along. fou take the cool cup thankfully and allow it down at one long draught ; reab aa a May morning, pure a* an Kog- ish hillside spring, delicate as will, as occoanut water. None out itself can bj I* parallel. It iacertauiy tb* most deli eious, dainty, transparent, crystal drink ver invented. The CornhtU When a man i* nnt called "pa, by a little one tbai be ha* a bait interest in. be pat* bis thumbs in hn vssi.and smilss a two- tor-a quarter smile, and think* be i* (mart. lie wonder* if ever a man as young, and green looking M be i*. waa called "pa" before and be put* on style, and thinks tbat be i* a thoroughbred. But twenty years later, when the aforesaid infant, grown to be a great strspping (ellow. tug enough to take hi* pa " down at a wrestle " quare hold,' stands bofore t miuister ana promisee to love, honor and obey a for all that is out, and the girl turns and call* tbe old gentleman " pa." then tb* smarty of twenty year* ago begins to think that be i* getting old enough 10 turn out to grass, and he looks at himself in the mirror and says : Tboae are gray bain, sure enough, and tbe clearing on tbat bead indicates baldues* that i* not pre- mature." 1 luppoee a man who ba* eighteen or nineteen son* getting mar- ried along at interval*, get* used to it, and doea not notice it so much, but my experience i* tbat the nnt time a man has a sou married it makes him feel about '<0 years old, with hi* teeth gone. Well, the big kid is married, and may God bies* bim and tbe little girl he hat chosen, and may they live happily to see little ones grow up around them to blee* them and fool around grand O, gosb, I oan'i write it. I oan stand it to be called " pa " by all tbe children 10 tbe wide vorld, but tbat grand " word, it seems to me. would make me feel like a veteran of 1HU. Tbe little 7-year-old kid of tbe family wanted to get married, too. but be waa talked out of it, after a while. Ue thought he ou;ut to bave as good a show in the necessaries of life a* bis big brother, but finally com- promised ou having tbe mump*. Mump* are bad enough it home, when oae can do hi* bowling at bis family, but to bave mumrs in a great New York boul. where everybody wonders why you didn't wa t till you g'>t borne to bave tberu i- a bad scheme, but tbelittle hoes baa promied tbat it kball not occur again. Peek' At Toronto Aaauzes on Katorday tnr Hherifl banded in tb* sealed verdict of tbe jury m tba case of Miller vs. the Canadian Paeino Railway, which award* to Mr*. Miller snd her son tbe sum of lift '>"7 01. LYDIA PINKHAM'8 Hicbe* are I*** wealth than is learning for wisdom cannot be stolen or lout . it is then fare thy beet friend. Self denial is tbe most exalted pleasure, and tbe conquest of evil habit* tbe mosl glorious triumph. "Labor!" say* Ouida , ' "I do not labor when 1 write. If I did 1 should throw away my pen forthwith. Writing is a pleasure to me." Th* summer meeting ol tbe Ontario Fruit Growers' Association will be held at Berlin on the i' ib and 2Cth mil. Application* hav* been made to tbe Co* torn* Department at Ottawa to permil Kentucky whiskey to be brought into the Dominijn for tbe purpose of r* shipping it to N*w York, and to allow tbe importation of tea dust from the I'nited States, both of which proposition* bave been declined. A despatch from Kingston says Andrew Kobinson, sged '22, married but two months, lay down beside a pool of watei near Moberly, in order to get a drink, anc was drowned. He took a fit, to which be wa* subject, and was suffocated. His wife found him with hi* head under the muddy water. At th* Court ol Quarter Sessions at St Thomas, on Saturday, tbe case of Albert K Wrightman was continued, and oooupiex the attention of tbe court until .'>'" in tin afternoon. After an absence of an bou the jury returned with a verdict ol guilty Judge Hughes then sentenced tbe prisoner to be confined in tli> Kingston Penitentiary foi the term of H year*. Tb* eloping oouple who left Kingston on Saturday and went to Gananoque, boardc the wrong iteamer, and, much to tbeir sur prise, were taken back to tbat city. The; remained in concealment till tbe captain o the boat was ready to start, when the; ' again disappeared. 1i>ui I, . Come back laden with tbe joys atd pleasure* of tbat dream-time of life when sweet anticipation garnished with brightest hue* tbe future as it stretched out before u*. Only tbe pleasures hoped for u entered the heart tben. But a* w* grow older, to one and other come* tb* awaken- ing If you should be troubled, not in heart, but in feet, with corns, and they make life miserable, go to tbe nearest drug store and buy a bottle of Putnam'* Corn Extractor, tbe " sure, nafe and pamlei* corn cure," and you will be quickly re- lieved, and happmeas will e.er after brighten your path. N C. Poison * Co., Kingston, prop's. ' U isdou. prepare* for the worst, but lolly let. e the worst for tb* day wben it omen. * VEGETABLE COMPOUND.*. ISAPQSJTIVECL'PE " . '. . ' **************>>*(BIS*>MS1I**S*>B******BBBBB ^ Fr all ' lh I'niulul < i|.|inl. ..d U. .U. -. M, rmmntmm la mmr b,l *^ * t . , I I MI.I rol'l I..4TIO>. . , IT IIL i i i.r. rvrtiir! T rnr wnrnr rm-.w r F A l^ . ..M iic.il ai.i-.- N ri AKH : * ' W*j APAfTKU TO T V - IT ! - > rtu>m THS 1MB - TUKa*l<SV< KCll' " \ : r I i . . ' . ' . f'Ara, I u r- Tlir II. >l -.,. I It It is a fact that NIRMLINC cannot be surpassed by any combination for tbe relist of pain. Th* reason is a good on*. Nervi- Ime contains tbe beet, most powerful and tbe latest discovered remedies. It is a magic pain our* Hbeumatiam, stiff neck, cramps, neuralgis. colic, in fact all fain- internal, external and local are subdued in a few minutes. Go at once to any drug store and net a trial bottle. It will only cost you 10 cants, anil you can at a small coat test tbe great pain cure, 1'olsou's Nervihne. Law bottles only 'i"> cents. *!- IHT IT !- M.I 1 - 1 > r . . TH m 11, w l 1*44- 11. r 'm m. i . . NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST Tins IH the ubii|uitous chauticleer whose ntisomuifirou* uaatutinsl oarcl disturbed be reverend and tonsure J functionary wbo ormally united in tbe bond* of holy matri- mony the imrecuniouH individual iu tbe aoerated bafcilimente, wbo considerably OMulated tbe juvenile ana acoompliabed female whose prevailing idityuorasy was depression, who daily d**poiled of the lacteal fluid tbe cavioornic ruminant with tbe corrugated frontal appendage of osseoui excretion, wbo forcibly transferred to the further aide of tbe fn-uiculariau granary tbe rumoneletH hound of baraasiug pro- Pennine*, wbo ruthlessly disturbed tbe uiuriri<Mn digitigrate and feline animal. bo successfully obliterated tbe sohoimau rodent of predatory instincts, wbo greedily devoured tbe fery Idaled tritioean byne de posited in tbe dommccilia edifice erected by John. He repents on thorns wbo sleep* on beds of ro*e*. Advertising is to business what steam is to machinery -the grand propelling power In judging of other* a man often erretb ; but in examining himself, always laborttb fruitfully. Mayor Chaw and City Marshal Outhrie, of Omaha, Neb., bave been indicted for alleged bribery and perjury. It is charged that they bave been levying tribute upon gambler* and prrxtitutes and received money from contractor*. Bridget Cunningham died at Crescent City, Col., about a year ago, leaving an estate valued at tl'iO.OOO, and notwith- standing sbe had seven brothers and *is ten, none of them or other heirs bave been beard from, although exlenaively adver- tised for. Tbe Court ol Alabama Claim* at Wash ington will hear no more case* before ad- journment for tbe summer. l.ylitem hundred and seventy eas* bave beeu argued and submitted and judgments rendered in 1,754, for tbe aggrrgate amount of $ r.uiO.iWO. agaiuat J7,i:H),(XHj claimed. An old brick building on Grand street, New York, fell on Saturday afternoon. Three women were buried, but one was rescued not seriously hurt. Mr*. Lizette Miller waa tbe only person injured. None of tbe tenant* of tbe building are injured or missing. A despatch from Itelleville, dated Satur- day, say* while asoiating a bee for tbe pur- pose of raimutf tbe trams lor a driving house, near Mountain View, in 1'rinoe Edward county, the *Uf pedandthe upportailip structure falling killed James Mordeu fatally injured Daniel Eckert. and An Indian prince ba* bad a throne made ol solid glata. It will now be possible to see tbe power behind the throne without any trouble at all. Tbe chance concoctions of ignorant men bave sometime* brought disrepute ootonly on their own worthless medicine* tbat denerve no credit, but sometime*, with much injustice on really reliable prepara lion*. Ltdie* iboold not hesitate about Mra. I'lnkbaxn's Vegetable Compound, for this remedy has been tried, proven and praised lor yean. Tbe new mode in Paris of disposing of babies not needed is to lake them to church and leave them under a seal. Hteve Anderson, a colored tin man in tbe mill* at Fort Boon, Kan., wbo wss recently married, quarrelled with hi* wife Issl night over tbe plans ol a proposed fibbing party Tbe woman abut him out of tbe bouse Ue requested her to open the door, and when sbe complied shot her three time* in tbe breast with a pistol. Us then shot bimsell in the bead and died instantly. Tbe woman died a few minutes later. All nature i* full of tbe love of ornament, all tbe habitations of creature*, even in tbe lowest scale of beioK, are rich in coloring and in carving of tb* most ex /unite and elaborate decoration. It in only au ignorant and uncultivated spirit which denounces tbe same love of ornament iu man, and it ia astupid doctrine which sees in it nothing more than a waste of mean*. l>ukt vjf Mr. John A. (iron*. Montreal, special Customs Agent of tbe Dominion (tavern ment, ba* ju*t made a clever sei/.urr. Learning that two American pedler* bad cromed tbe line* with a iiiautity of smng gled jewellery. Ore** followed tbe parties from this city to Three Hivers, where he ei/.ed and confiscated between II. 700 and Jv 000 wurtb of witches and ebains. Tbe smugglers decamped, and tbeir where about* are unknown. Smuggling of jewel Icry and watches into Canada from tbe I nited Htate* is now common, and it is tated tbat bandiome profit* are often reali/ed by those in tbe business. Beven men were executed on Saturday at Jerez, in Spain, by tbe garmte, for Black tlaud Socialist outrage*. Tbe sentence of rive others ban been commuted to impris onmeut for life. One ha* become insane, and one. who turned informer, has com milted suicide. The garmte I* a mode of execution practised in Spain and tbe Span isb colonies. Tbe criminal m seated, and leann bis bead against a support prepared for it. An iron oojlar closely euoirelea tbe throat, sud tbe executioner turn* a icrew, the point of which penetrates the ipinal marrow where it unites with the braiu, and causes instantaneous death. $OLD BY ALL GROCERS. * JMU- " ' ELIXIR 1 Iaitlo.nl the test f r Fn i N -llimx YEAR-, -..vt.l itself ihel*st r . I ! r p < . Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseases -. , i ! 1 1 k L. Price 2'-' i4 V. tO pr Ic'.'.'.e. UXTRl 30 DAYS' TRIAL DR. f. r ' IiJulru.i Voltaic B< ItCo-.M EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0.8. RYEBPON.L.R.C.P. B. t. Lctarw an ib* By*. Bar ao<l Throat Trinity tlnllcal Cillogr. Turcmvo Oculist an. I Annsl lo Um Toronto (lennal Ro*|<ltal. lats Clinical A*intani Hnyal London O|>hthalmio Ronpltal. M.irrft],l and Central Lnn<k<D Throat n.l Var H...ptl ti; Cborch Tnrt>Dto. Artiflcls) Human Kyes. KHTA1L1HHK1> \ CilliU Ac All .I.r klo.ln < f H*| Pr.d.rl. .i <h..... (K .. r.Mi rat. Be* Uamsrr u|-i ul trr.l TurotlkD rat. Be* U IB wllrli. . Misb PI.44'B lo tfc^'t a rlnntuo* Kdneattuo 01 Hi<*nersui I'm mn.ihit. at ib* BTBNOIB IAN HUHLNCHH OOLLMO* Otrrolan tr

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