Russell's Noted Jewelry Store! Richardson's Block, FIshert<m, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, "How can he sell so cheap?" The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Repairing a Specialty ; Satisfaction tiiiarantecd. Sales for Cash only. look forward to the time when a bel- li T order of things will obtaiu than at the present time TUB ADVANCE. . /. 7/ Fatrcett. E<l i tor. FLESHBRTON: rnrnsiMY. MAY 22, THE ,SV ACT. r : ni'UtHH. D:ir esteemed correspondent, " Yal- mine iluggms," has a letter in this i -sue of THK AUVANCK, sharply con- .inning oar public school building. \\iiether the facts the' .ais Anglo-Saxon made use of bv our correspondent or not. we are ni!- I'iired to say ; but certain it is, : - have condemned the building, ..- bfciu^ a disgrace to the village, in hearing. We don't know that it - ;iny worse than other school-houses i the locality, except from hear-say. M course we have passed by it scores times, and although we 'lid not I'.KV Mpytkiug unusually wrong ubout building except tliat it was an vkward, clumsy looking affair, and i ring Home slight resemblance to r vhool-houses in the district w certainly did obgerve 'hat tlte/tnte Mi-rounding it was rapidly becoming -. IT delapiduted in short, that its usefulness " was gone. Now, if our school-house is correct- ly described by Valentine Mtl;,"_;iiis," n d the accommodation i* as he , insufficient, measures should be i dily taken to see that such a state 'hint's is not allowed to continue. Vi here school-rooms are crowded, nnd e ventilation imperfi ct, it can be ulily seen thnt the health of the pu- is seriously endangered. It will n lore, 1)' seen, that the matter is -I' sufiieient importance to demand hu- ll iti- an 1 serious attention. A mooting is to be held in the Town Hull, Flesherton, to-morrow, Friday, at 2 o'clock p. in., 'for the purpose of discussing and considering the advis- ability of submitting the Scott Act in the County of (.1 rev. It is to be hoped there will be a full attendance, and that the question of submitting it in tiny, will be fully discii-si-d. Let thu Act itself be thor- oughly discussed from every possible standpoint ; for it may be safely pre- sumed that the Anti-Scott Act people, with the ( figuratively speaking I piiL'- naciousK. King Dodds at their head. v '.11 use every endeavor to make the Act look as crooked as possible in the eyes of the public. Therefore it be- hooves the Temperance people to mm- t> r nil the detailt. The stale old yarn about " doctor's prescriptions," will no doubt be repeated over and over ji'/ain. and hawked throughout the Comity by K. Kimr l>od<ls, T. C. Hell & Co-, to shew that the Scott Act has been a failure in the Comity of Hal- ton ! If the temperance people of drey are true to their principles, and fight; shoulder to shoulder iu the good cause, the result will prove a fittnn,- rebuke to the promoters of a traffic that is a curse and disgrace to the country. nil-: /,/;/. /,i/</./ MAIL .\i>rh:i;- Wo are in receipt of the Mail Ad- vertising Agt.'ipy's Canadian ..\Virj- ;//>. r />iiec/orf I,ss4. It is very nice- ly printed, on Lruud heavy paper. Ty- pographically, in tact, the Directory is all that could have been desire .1* being a credit alike to printer ami pressman. ]>ut when we speak of the clas.sifioation, itc., of the various news- papers, our remarks arc not likely to be very flattering. For instance, THE Ain'.vNc'K is classed as an Jmlrjtrnikut paiT. which will rather astonish both our Reform and Conservative friends, we i;incy. The ADVAM-K is not a right- or-wrong, red-hot, dyed-in-the-wool Tory sheet ; it is simply a f,iber<tl- Conservative ncw-papi -r-- a credit to whom credit is due 111 ws-paper. Hut it is not Jndfjtendrnt mid so we em- phatically reject the Canadian News paper Directory's classification. There are numerous similar blunders in the Directory, to which we may refer again. .i; HE \i;i> r//;-; Tin) Governor-General acting on 'ructions from the powers that be 10 the " o'tld coimthry," it is to be ,' esiuiKid has issued a proclamation, winch Canadians are asked t > :- e the '2Hth of June, instead of >0 UUh of May, as the OIKMIS !,iy holiday ! The r. cent doiith ', 11 ! M ijesty's win, IVinco Leopold, | ,issi,'tie 1 ns the cause for issuing this i -vending " proclamation. We nider of the Grand l>uke Louis' "iV in i'ic marriage hits bad anything il) with it ? It would seem from ! -i- Majesty's action in connection Mth that disgraceful affair, that the I deal!) of Prince Leopild has n it ;> -i --d her with that sense of the <:iinil fitness, of things," that it have been expected. Never- eless the 21th of May will he nerved in Canada pretty much the me as usual. Wiggins has been succeedelinbus- i -SS by Mr. John Sterliir,', i-,( Max- Well, Country drey, who in n letter to 111" Fleshertoil Ailennn-. predicts that Ontario will he- overrun by 1'Vniatis iliiriii!,' the firt week in .June ne\i. He inn i ids hispn dietiona on nmething said concerning Anim Idon in the book of .Joel. It WollM h;i\e bei II milch safer for him to have predicted that the Northwest will be overrun about that time by a fresh hord ol ollice holders from the Kast. H'I/IMI- pr<] Sun. It is astonishing how quickly pome people jump into " notoriety, " as it were so to speak." Two months ago Mr. John Sterling was scarcely known outside the townships of Osprey and Arti niesia : now, bis 1'aine as a pro- phet has spread abroad throughout the land --yea, in far off Manitoba lie is hold in higher estimation than Ven- nor, Moses Dates, or even the inunor- t-il Dr. K. Stone \Viggiug. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. \V* Atkiim, dirard. Knii., wrilcs: "1 never hesitate to recommend your Kl- BCtril Hitters to my customers, they ive enure Kit ^faction and Hre rapid se'ller-." Kleetric Hitters nn; llie purest and best tnediriiip known and will postivoly cure Kidney and Liver complaints 1'urily the liloi il and re^'ninte the bowels. No family can eH'ord to !>< without them. They will save linniln.xN of dollars in loot.or's hilU every ypr. Sold at fifty cent* a bottle at W.' Richardson's. I leln nun x, hnol To the Editor of' tin Ailcunce. DKAK SIR, I have always been ed in Flixlicrton. My ;ue MI i livioiu to tlioe who rcidc ill the charming little village, that it Incomes unnecessary fur me to enumerate tlmn. It is pel hap.* thu most beautifully situ- ateil vilhv_'f in the county of(!rey. liiiilt i on"* liilly section of country, arid sur- rouiuled on every side )>y i..mntic ami picturuM|U cenrrv hill nm! dale, w...*l- land and elearcd Uml, liriulit yi-fi'ii ^mmy S].)|K;S .iml meadow-land, Hparklini{* streams, &c. flu-re in surely much here pupilx. \\liut a healthy atmosphere to breath in ; what pleasure thu pupils have in >tudying their leboin, while e 'iist.iiit- ly inhaling the poisonous atmosphere! Delightful ! Yours in deu;> ili.-tL-iist, VALENTINE MUGGINS. A WiiiK RAN>;K OF CKKKI-LKUM. The great household remedy bo popular with tin- people Hairy ;trd's Yellow Oil i* alike valuable lor external and internal, cnriiij,' rheumatism, colds, son- throat croupe, frost bites, burns, bruises, aiul all lameness and soreness of the fiuih. The IXirii.iui Bull, t lar.-mli.ii. Mr. \\ . H. Campaign* recently jmr- chased ii tliorou^h-hn-d Durham Kill, whose pedigree leads into the Hritndi American, American, and Kritish Hrd Hook*. The IVdiu'rei- is a tirst-clut on.-, and f.irnier.t desiring to impmvu their stock will do well to sue Campaigned 't'lareiiitoii.' For particulaniuu eolor- e<l p<tem just issued. Merit Proven. Dollar upon dollar is freijnently spent on the faith of recommendations for arti- cles entirely worthless. Not so with McGregor's SiM.>edy Cure ; you are not :i-k. <1 tu purchase it until its merits are proven. Call at Kichardson's dnig store and pet a free trial bottle, and if not con-' \ inrrd it will cure joii of the Worst forms of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, etc., no matter how lon BtanJinj;, it costs vou nuthing. Sold in fiOc and Ifl bottles. See testimonials from persons iu yonrowu town. (irh-r-ville. From uur (Jvrrts]>niient , [The following should have ajipeared iu our last week's issue Eo-1 Hcarlet fever is very prevalent iu Eu- ["hrasia and St. Vincent. Miss Thornton, of (Jrierscville, t four f her fingeni uearly Llowu olf by the ex- plosion of a revolver cartridge, which barf In.-* n i>laced on n stone liy the 8cho<>Ibn>>t Ur. Parsons, the ]>opular and cluvcv Meaford nurxeoii, is iu attendance. Mr. Henry Mitchell showed a buggy against one got up fcy Ramsr, of Orillia.. i at Muofurd Spring Show, and took first prix.e. We knew you could do it, Mit- chell ' Fluid Lightning. There are but few that have never gnf- fered almost intolerable pain from Tooth- ache, Nenr^lgis, or like acute pain.- . To them >uch an instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble. No offensive mediciuet to In- taken for days. ( >ne application of Fluid 1. 1 ^'htiu i.,: cures. Sold at KiclnrdnouY rnor. LOWS MAGIC sfi.rni'R SOAP- HfitliUK, soothlnii, ml c-laiill"l! for oil *crti|>tlvi> Uine&Mu( thu kkiu. IH'Imluful (ur toilet u Bucklen'B Arnioa- Salve. The llc-st Balvu ill the world for ftitu, Hrulsct Roro, Ulcem, Kail lUieum. FTr Borui. Tetter C^liaiiiMidlUndii, Chilblain*. Conw, and all Skin Kruptioiis, ai1 |Mitivi-ly euras Piles, or uo pay required. It in guaranteed to give (Hrtect satis- faction, or iiu>m>y rvfunihxl. Trice 45 ceil tl par lioi For Halo by W. lUchardnon, Fluberton. HEALTH II Y, L.I II'. \ careful perusal of the health liy- I aw, as published in connection with \uiitis' Keport for*lHH!J, Town- .i|> of Aitemcsia, might be the uicans i iiiir some of our villagers a deal ul trouble and annoyance. Trno, we \ 11 > I'oliee Tnmtecs to look after tli ings this year; but we have what i:a:ie!i better an eth'eiont Hoard of Ui-alt)).. Therefore, we confidently j Arthur Henry hopes the Mirror will not " descend to the level " of such papers as the 1'ont, ft al, and in the same issue the said Arthur Henry ealls Ketchuni, late of the I'ont, a " skunk!" In a former issue he called the same gentleman " a consummate ass." Arthur Henry's moralizing re- minds us very forcibly of a certain wicked old gentleman reproving sin. NVTDN.M, i-n,i,s a afo <walvani/ed Iron or Tin I'-it, with nil this Wiintifnl seemiy, is sometime,' waMiii',' in tlm tillage- iltelf to make the wlmlo tiling harm<'iii/.e. Tho "Honiftliing wanting " in n..t to IK- foiinil in the Imndsoi limelies nhieli ;ue a credit to thu place. It U not t" U- f -iiml m thu Town Hall whieh answcrm all tht; purposes for which it was creit. d. and which \n not rcnlly micli a bail huihl- ini; after all, althouuh it ini^bt easily have Inien much ln-tter. Nut to make thm letter IIHI li-nytliy, ' how.-vcr, 1 will come to to the point liy stiitim.' that the "m<metliini; wantin;,' " i to U- found in thatdilapidated old ronkei \ known IIM the Klcuhcrtnii 1'iil.lic Si 1 1_ house. This old ruins was patched U|i a year ur in ago, lint lino fuathuni do nut make tine \iiriU in thin cas. Two or three yearn ayo the luiililing presentei 1 the iippeanmee of a fiiuHh rate frame ham. It then uloried in the lieanty of u coat of red paint which hail live.. in. worn olf iu jmtches. Thu uimightly np- pcairnco wan rat in i <n>_'i;estivi' of mill and ilecay, and so it shortly hccniuu the reeipicnt of n luiin new roiij/ drcsH, which had tl II'..- of ,-, mpletely hiding the defects, and ciiaMin^' the rnokeiv to piesent a Indilur front tthu uninitiated. Instead of t-ructini; a lniildiii){ in keeping with the iei[iiiieiiii-nts of the place, | tliu riikery was pat.'hcil uji at conmdor- I alilu expense and made to do duty until, I well, say until it fell to pieces, or rot- tod] nway. In orde; to m;iko thu half- duty red paint, which had liecomo worn Me.,.. nt decent inittniril nppeArancv, a consideralile HIIIII of money was jujt an 1(1 mil M timiii'H <i mm. You speak of " flso economy" in spt-nkini; alxnit the Township roads in last weeks AHVAM E, Mr. Editor; but here il a cano of foolish an well us false ' "my riijlit in the village ! How is it you have neglected drawing pulilic at- tention to a matter of Much vital impor- tance, when you have not omitted to say a great deal alwuit Inss important thinga ? Horo we liavo a o-ealled school-house, which at certain seasons of the year in crowded to lufTocntion almost with EAVETROUGHING Earlc Strain's Tinwaro Emporium! Boots, Boots ! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, AND Fancy Slippers! A Large Vctrieiy of <' hi M mis I tools, Shoes & Slippers ! A Large Quantity of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PRICE SECTO TO NONE WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON.