Russell's Notedf Jewelry Store! Richardson's Block, Fleslierton, Far Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, 'How can he sell so cheap?" The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT PROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Repairing a Specialty ; Satisfaction tinaranteed. Sales for Cash only. Tinware, Tinware, Tinware I EARLE STRAIN, THE ADVANCE, A. R Fawcctt. - Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1884. ROWDYISM IN CHUM-H Our brief editorial remarks anent \ >\vilyin in the Methodist Church, Klesherton, lias subjected us to some i ither uncomplimentary allusions. la fact we have been threatened with what, we have not yet been told bocause we dared refer to the mat- ter the way in which we did. One uiij' man said the public regarded it as a direct allusion to himself, I '.cause, as he said, he was wrong- fully accused of being one of the i .wdirs referred to. Now, we did not refer to any One I'uriicularly, because we did not know who the rowdy or rowdies were. We only knew that somebody acted as no- Ixnly but a rowdy would act in (iod's liousc, and felt justified iu condemning Mich rowdyism in strong terms. \\e did so, and it is not our intention to i:ikc back a single expression made M. -e of in the objectionable (?) editorial i. fi-rred to. all manner of threats to the contrary notwithstanding. We should be Borry to accuse any young man wrongfully of rowdyimii, for no our envies the character of a rowdy. It would be villainous to HOCUSO n i mi of that of which he is not guilty ; made no personal allusionn thcre- \f RtaUd f-ioU; and whoever lie cap fits can put it on. .\ TIK>l;\J:UKY. There is a certain amount of the rowdy element iu all our towns aud villages, which, if law and order is to be maintained, must be stamped out at once and forever, or tLc results will in disastrous. Like malignant ami contagious diseases, this rowdy- istic element has a tendency to spread and corrupt the morals of the rising generation. The disgraceful vanda- lism of Owen Sound roughs at Sal- vation Army meetings, is only equalled by that of birds of the sumc feather iu the village of Thornbury. In reference to the rowdyism mani- fested iu the latter place at Salvation Army meetings, the Thornbury Stan- dard of last week says : - Wherever God erocU Imuto of prayer, The Devil alwayi build* a chapt-l thore ; And 'twill U found upon . xauiii ation. The latUir ha* the large*! cougrvgatlon." These lines from Daniel Defoe cause us to think of the barbaric Vandalism perpetrated nightly by the youth of our rillages returning from the meet- ings of the Salvation Army in the hall. All along the line arc mark 3 of st-nsr- less and vexatious destruction. Win- dows broken at Browster's and Croziers, fresh painting besmeared, the Clarksburg bridge railing broken down, fence pickets tern oil' here and there, fences built across the road at the Catholic church, etc, all of which show* a senseless devil -inspired mal- iciousness. We are glad to know that our Koevc has taken .slips to prevent a iccurrence of such Vandalism, ami we sincerely hope he will be successful in bringing the guilty OUCH tojuaticc." THi: KM> OF THS ' tt'ORLD." SDITOK1AL NOTE*. " Truth 'lias another interesting letter in this -sue of Tut ADVANCE anent " Infidelity. The latest despatches from Aus- tralia report that a sculling inuU'li with Trickett and Beach against llanltn for 1,000 has been arranged. The libel and slander suit brought against the Meaford Mirror by Mr. Candlcr at the Owen Sound asaizea last week, resulted in a verdict for plaintiff of (50 and costs, instead of the $5000 damages originally claimed. The following gentlemen com- prised the jury at the Spring Assizes held at Oweu Sound last week : John Cameron, Foreman; Hugh Reid, R. Shunn. Henry Adams, Peter Fuller, M. D. Deavitt, John Allen, James Geddea. sen., Kmest Monck, Wesley Long, Jno. Sparrow, W< J. Wolfe, Richard Fisher, Robert Brown, John Booth, R. H Miller, Thos. Gilray, Robt. Robertsou, Win. Milne, Win. Smith. THE ACT. The Scott Act will shortly be sub- i nttrd in the County of Sinicoc. The Temperance people are enthusiastic in the matter, and are determined to tiny the Act by all fair and honor- iilile means. Anti-temperance men ;irr> jtint IXB detirmined to defeat it. I'.iit. ns intimated in a previous issue ( f THE ADVANCE, Temperance princi- plM are growing vwrj rapidly in this eo'intry, ami if t|ip temperance people (illy manifest ordinary prudence, the day of total prohibition even may not be very far distant. Ten yi-nrs i'fro the more thoughtful of teni)HT- ii nee j>eoplc almost, if not altogether, considered total prohibition a moral i-npossibiijty, public opinion scorned t i lie so thoroughly prejudiced against such an net. To-day hundreds and thousands of intelligent, earnest tee- t . taller* nitrrtniii. and with good i.iison, the moot sanguine opinions r-iiicf iniiif,' the matter. Public oj>in- . rii has changed wonderfully regnrd- the liquor traffic in ten years. Wliat chants may not the whirligig - f tune bring with it in Uie next de- lc? It is the intention, we believe, to ibmit the Scot Act in every County Ontario ii; due prow sa of time. It - iilready upon carried in several ' unties, and is rejx>rted as working II find giving good satisfaction ' rally. It is a good idea to sub- lit the Scot Act, in this way, as it v. ill pave the way for a national pro- l.ibitory liquor law in the near future. v mott it be. The Toronto World is no more. The last number wan i-nie.l on Satin-day, the l'2th inst. It occupied a foremost rnuk among the indepen- dent pipers of this country : it wan a patriotic \x\\*\ , it \vns a |>:i) r , and it was ever txtki 11141 less in the expression of its holiest Hence every udvuiired thinker, and uvery unprejudiced indi- vidual will sincerely regret ita un- tijmely demise. The IVtroit fret f*reu uys . " The Toronto rFr/r/<Mms siiccniubed to outrageous fortune. It was the pluckiest attempt to make a truly in- dependent newspaper that Canadian journalism has witnessed, but the Canadian mind i too narrow or tlie rewards of party servicu too tempting to make pronounced iiulrpriidfiicc a success over there. Drama and enter- prise were, unequally iniitcheil ngainst the party organs, and in the long run {the former got left. I'.ut it WHS n creditable race for the World." [ Since the above was in type, we learn with much pleasure, that tin World will be issued again as usual in a few days. ED.] The pool of stagnant water on the roadside, in the swamp between this village iir.d Flesherton Station, could easily be drained off. We take this opportunity of directing the at- tention of our Township Fathers to the matter, in the hope that they will govern tl*-in-vK. * accordingly. We believe less than forty dollars would ! necessary to make a good job of it. UVTIEH OF A I'OUXTHY Kl>ITl; The lot of the country rditnr does not always fall in pleasant place?, as may be inferred from his duties as enumerated in the McGregor I'laiu- dealrr : " Being proprietor, editor-in-chief, local editor, city editor, agricultural editor, personal editor, political editor, puzzle editor, fighting editor, para- grapher, proof-reader, foreman, com- positor, job printer, l>ookkeeper, ;ol- lector, circulator, solicitor, manager, ! pressman, to make hills, inuke onlei -s, pay printers, pay taxes, pay house nnil oflic( rent, pay insurance premiums, buy clothes, food, and shoes for him- self, wife and baby, be bniiser-fjeneral, i roustabout, devil, and do chores." DR. l,n\\ WOUM SVKIT mil reruoTe kLudi of Worqn from , ji.") Jren or adn/i*. Salt Rheum. Kelt lUieiin,', I'unplvi and Dlotclin cnti le tlinrouglilr KinnVftl Iijr a profot up- l>lic*tiun nf Mi-< ,'n p,r t I'u U< t'irbulic Cerate to tlie part, and n few ilin .,f McGregor'* Speedy Cur* for impure b.iyplt ItpsvftatxlgptthiCgviiMW* ?- pared by McGregor A lrke. H.kUt LT cents at Richardson's Drug Stun-. Bucklen's Arnioa SaJve The IlMt balve In tint world fnr Cut-. Bniiitci Hona, I'locr*. Sail Itlumtn, Fever Horw. Tatter. <-b,|,]<vlHua. ( b.ll.latn.. Com., and all 8k iu Kniptloni, and |>ottiv . I \ rureo Pllen. or no pat rnqnlred. It ti tuamntmxl to Rlre |iprfecl aatln- fiu-tloii. r innnejt ri'fundod >*rlm> 9Aeenw |>r l~.x Kor wla I ) W Hlrharrtwin. FlmbertoQ. TH K IMPORTED JACKASS, Young Dom Fedxo, Will uii<l for in Fl.KHHP.IITON HTtTlilN. the o( 1IM4 at T^HUH. To lourc. ; KeaHoii. *4; *M|>. ".I. ItOllT. COOK. April i'l.a. IMW. r, .,,., i. A PRIZE.: Snrt nix oentu for pout- ijjn, and rrri'Ui- fr. .-. a otitly l>ox of flood* which will help you to iiion-ni.iuey riiiht > than imythini elur in thiworlil. All. of KIHX<| from ttr.l liour. Th MWd road to fortune oprnKlwfore tlie wfirkori. !<. lut,. It mirv At aneo adiireaa. TBI r. <V Co , Auguiita M un, THE MARKETS PLE8HEBTOM Flour ..................... $5 ^Sprin^{ Wheat .......... 41 Harley ..................... n Oats .................... it Pean ...................... Hutter .................... (t Eggs, fresh .............. <) Potatoes .................. <) Pork .................... 7 Hay, per ton ............. Hides ..................... 4 "Wool ...................... Shnepskins .... ......... <j (rose ..................... Ducks, per brace ...... Chipkena, per brace... . oo to r, r.o to i 50 1 40 O (JO O 15 1(1 O no <m 00 ].y r,() 01! 40 26, 50 00 r>o VII (10 08 (M) 40 Is prepared to do all kinds of Tiu, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Galvsrtiwd Iroi Work. I make a specialty of Milk Cans. Sap Pails, EavetruEghiug in fact everything in the business will rective prompt and careful attention. done Neatly and on the Shortest Notice. Just received a car load of the Famous Speight Wagons ! IS" Agricultural Implements always in stock. Plows a*d Plow Mcpairs, &<v- WM. STRAIN, - - FLBSHERTOtf- Boots, Boots! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, AMD f Fancy Slippers A Ltit^f Varir4y "/ Children Boots, Shoes \ Slippers I ./ Large OutinHty <>/ MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PftlCE SEC'JVD TO HONE WM. CLAYTON. - FLKSHERTOJN. FLE SHE ETON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, M.I. KINDS (IF Mis and Mnuontal Ms, Such as ^emunents, Toinh Tables. Hcaduoiu s Counter and Table Tops in Amerirnn niul Italian Marble am] (iranite, and made on Bhort i,otice. Also MautleB in Marble and Marblii/.nl Slate, &c., .U-. n, Aug. .'10, IXKi TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat... .:... . So 1C, to 81 05 Spnnj? Wheat 1 dH 1 11 Barley (I fiH 70 Oats ' ... 40, 41 Peas 75 77 Butter 22 n 27 Eggs lii o if, Potatoes . (per bag i .07". SO Pork 775 H OU Hay 00 18 <0 ft AT Tfc '<>r II" trerkinw rln^o hi-nil In IT I I 1 II "'"''' '" r '"""ll'.amlw.. n ill mail II IJJjl/ >"" KK. \rrtal. \nlll.l. I. 1,4, \ ol v ~ aani|il<- .<><* flint IH put \.iiii,, the way of making rut,, ,i rnoniiy In a few ,|., ,. , than you ei ti,o< IK i,t nplM* M uif baslam ( apital not retpjlred \Vawlll .tart yu Yon rail work all tlietiiii.-or mtpara time only Tin- work . i nnivernally arla|>KHl fo Nnh . -x... \nmi K anil old. Yon ran niuiilt earn from Ml rvnu to > !I*7 'V' nlnK Th " t a " wh " ""'-k tm the Initlnwa. n make thin nnparalli-lled offer to nil who re not well nti.fl,.,T we will KPIH! KI to pay for the tmuliU of wrlUM n. Full par Iciilar.. direction*. fct.. aeutfrw. Fortune, will f made liy thnw wlin plre fltqlr whole tinu i, tli work Orpat micceaH ahonliitely >urp D,,n- j ' SUrt " ow Art < lr " HTINHOK ,t Co , Port The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 6Q cents,