Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1884, p. 5

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Wedding Bells. -Last evening Sunnybank, the residence of Mr. Richard Russell, the well known jeweler, was the scene of a happy gathering, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter Nettie to Mr. E. B. Varey, contractor of Port Hope. The Rev. John James, D. D. performed the ceremony. Miss Maggie A. Russell, the sister of the bride, and Miss Lillie F. Varey, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. Lyman H. Steinhoff, of Simcoe, and Mr. Richard Russell, jr., as groomsmen. After the ceremony the guests sat down to an excellent spread, after which dancing and other amusements were indulged in till an early hour this morning. The happy couple left on the midnight train for the West amid the congratulation of their many friends. The presents were numerous and costly, showing the high esteem in which thebride was held. - Hamilton Spectator [The bride is a sister of Mr. Jas. G. Russell, our new watchmaker and jeweler. - Ed. At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other Naws The best tonic for tho blood and stomach in McKarland' Tea throe times <l uly. PWWOXAL. Mr. A. O. Campbell, <>f Cojlingwood, formerly of Fleaherton, gave u< a short call 011 Moudsy last. Richardson's Spring CK-ann,' Sale is attracting those wlm arc mi the look-out f /. bargains. It will continue in it wuuk. 1'uutuSAL. Our good-looking young fuel, (I. All Will Kt- In. ili..|i|.i.i ill tn 9ee ui limt Kridiiv. He i* notne oil a -,!... it visit, and is sutfcring from a very old. Let politicaiii hurrah for whom they like, we shout f n- Mri'arland's Tea. THI Hee Miks Stewart and Mn. R. O. Trimble's adv't in another column. Drowninniii',' promptly attended to. Straw and Felt Hats cleaned or done "Vcr 011 abort notice. We had a call i. ..::: our old friend, Mr. lua. Dunwoody, on Saturday last. Ho uul hia brother William are now fanning near Htaviwr. in thu fertile Township of Be on the look out for Mr. Jas. O. KutseU s ix w .advertisement next week. but received a large and well-aasortcd itodr of Watehes, Oiocks, Jewelry, A. whicli are beinif sold off at astonishing low pricea. TnLn. Lot 38, 10th Concession of Artemesia, 70 acres cleared, well fuiuvd, Miii well watered ; good buildings, some j. touched. Apply to W. KKIN>, Lot I'sl, Kant of Flesherton, Toronto & Sydeauam Rote. We understand that Mr. J. U. Keefer formerly of THI ADVAJCCI ia now f ...'111:111 in the new department of the .St. Thomai Tim**, .lake is juat the youth to till such a |>nsition creditably as we can testify. Uo on and prosper, old Look out fur Mr. Earle Straw's new .tdrertiewnent next w'eek. He n rushing buiino*n in the Tinware Hnr n >w Sap Pails, Milk Pan*, Eavetronghing, Re- pairing, and I'Turythini; in the huHineas promptly attended to, in the uld stand, Kleshertn. We are glad to know our esteemed .-iti/i'ii. Dr. Chriatoe, is on tho mend. < Mi Sunday his r.-xse was considered almost hopeless and prayers were offered up in the Methodist Church fur his recovery. In Monday tin 1 1- was a change, for tlic better, and he haa been slowly improving ever noc. When the blo.nl is loaded with im- puritien, and move* sluiQrialily in (lie. mius, an alterative it needed, as this con- dition of the vital fluid cannot last l-ur- v. ithotit serious results. There is nothing letter than Ayer'a Kama|>arilla to purify the Mood, and impart energy to the \rstem. (iRAnt8FPPBK. A gr,\nd supper will be given in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, <>n the evening of Thursday, March 27th inst., under tho unspices of Eugeiii.-i Cranip, 084. Mr. K. J. Iloylo, UUY. Thos. ' ! i .-iii.ly and otUcrs are expuctud to ill-liver aiMreasiui. Vocal and instra- inttiital miuic will be furnished by home intent. Doors opon at 7, tr> coiiiinencc at 7:30 ii clock. Admission 2T> cents. See I. ills. It WM U ' ( . He was a pUanant looking gentleman, .mil had OOIIM into Flenherton on (lie 'noon bus." Shortly after dinner he irti.-il out from Munshaw's hotel on a vnyaee of discovery. Arrivod ut Triuiblc's corner, he started .'..r Hichardson'a. There- was snie water lying loose .inmnd on the mtul In f;\ -t the pleasant lookinj; gentleman obaervud U> one of uur citinons, who was < n wwli is; at the aaine time, that " it looked i.iilmr wettislk" "Tt /.i wot," observed the citizen, as In' rriwted on before tho pleasant-looking ..eiitleman. \\ \\\73.-i i. /.i|. * 7. spinah ! With an exclaimation of surprise the ritir.en turned arnund and U bi M the ]ilea*iuit looking gentleman ' comfort- ably" -.-afi'il in a large puddle of water, with a l<v>k ex|resio of the most pro- found astonishment. As he arose to a manding position- the water dripping .'loin his garments like a miniature Niagara -he wns heard to murmur in parhnric acoenta : ' ( linger ! it's wettor'n I thought ! " !. .KM \N-h WUKM POWUKKH nqntr* no < t'nM p'irtlTe T)lv M-* Ml* *Dd ir to " wuvuall vtiioUcaol w'ermi. the well-known generous hoopitality and 1 contractor of l'..rt llnpe. Tin- Rev. Juhn vxcollfiit spread provided. The White- James, D. L). , performed the cert'inony. vale band was in attendance. The crush- Miss Maggie A. Kiissell, sister of the in aMctnbly appeared to enjoy themselves ; bride, and Miss Lilliu F. Varuy, sutt-r of to the utmost. $80 was realized. ' Uio gruoiu, acted aa bridesmaids, and Mnrkham Kconomitt. , Mr. Lyniaii H. Stieiiholf. of Kimcue, and i Mr. Richard Russell, jr., as grooBismen. Cam* Partory >l--tlun. | After the ceremony the gueata sat down The annual meeting of tin- patrons of ! an excellent s(>revl, after which the Kleshertuu Cheese Factory, wa held dancing and other amusement* were in the Town Hall, Fleslu-rton, on Monday indulged in till an early hour this morning. 10th inst., for thi) purpose of electing The happy couple left on the midnight officers and other business; there was a train for tho \\estiuiiid the congratula- go<xi attendance of the patmni. A good i tion of their many friends. The presents deal of time was taken jip in discussing were numerous and costly, showing tin- the propriety nf the iatr MS buying the hii(h esteem in whicli the bride wai h.-lil. The lecture given by J. W. | factory amf plant from Mr. 'liarrett. - HniHtittri Concert at Markdale. < >n Tuesday evening last tliu Dumlalk Hnuui Band nave one of their entertain- ments in thu Mai-kd:ile|<l|H-ra Hall to a Urne and most appreciative audience. Thu proi-ramine wan well rendered throughout, the musical part calling forth ' hearty applause, and the farce "Paddy Miles" causing most uproarous laughter. .Judging fruni these t hinds we can safely any that those who failed to hoar "Paddy Milea," and watch his prank*, missed a rare treat, Thu name company play in thu Town Hall, Kleeherton, this Thursday evening. Froat, Esq., of Owen Sound, in the i The matter was laid over for future. Town Hall, lost Wednesday evening on I side-ration. The following arc 'Manitoba as I saw it iii 1882" was owing to rarious other meetings in the village and vicinity, |K>orJy attended, however, Mr. Front wo* not discouraged, and a* tin-re was but a small audience, he would not enter fully intohis lecture but _-ive a free and easy talk, which he did, much to the pleasure and satisfaction of thoee present. Thu speaker did not pvea IK- Mili-d view, but tried to con- ( The bride is a sister of Mr. Jas. G. officers elected for the current year : President, George Stewart ; Secretary, .las. lirodie. Directors, W. C. Wilcox ; Th<trp Wright, Ja*. Beecroft, Wm. Buchanan, Wm. Hill, Wilmut I*ickle. and A. Muir. the Russell, our new watchmaker and jeweller. Ki.. ) The NolorioiiM Jark Honps. (>itv (lay last week Jack Hopp* bor- rowed a horse and cutter from Mr. Robert Thompson, Jr., Artc-uu-iia, fur the purpose of driving to Markdale. Mr. s\t Eujceuia. Thnimaon did what few other men would On Thursday evening last a social was have dune, vi/.., lent Hop|>* the- necessary describe | held in the Omnge Hall, Eugenia, under outtit. Hut Mr. Hupps nut n-turnini; the briefly Cities, Town*, Lakua and Rivers, i the auspices of the Ladies aid Association said hone stud cutter at the timeprunuscd, tuid the vat and fertile prairies just as in connection with the I*resl>yterian Thompson went to Markdale lust he aaw them, giving much to encourage I t'hurch in Fleaherton. After a full sup- Saturday to hunt him up. He those seeking honios in the far Went, to I ply of tea and cake had been strvud, Mr. found Mr. Hop)*, and nft.-r locate on British soil than across the ' Meldruni was called to the cliair. Thu certain neveasary explanation*, that lines. Mr. Jos. Blackburn, Chairman. TBK programme was long, varied ,-uid Well gvntleman (Hopps) prevailed on Thump [suatained. Me**rt Danmde, Vandusen, son to take "a hooker." Thi> twain X-KunKKLBY BBOBMAKER. Cairns and Powers from rleaherton. ma<le way with a good many "hookera." David Holman has another letter in that ' The Cuckoo Valley Choir and Misses and finally- when they were about ruceptacle f.irall sorts of "literary" slops 'Smith uui Meldrum entertained the au the Markdale >'<.ni./.ir./. The It-it, r not a truthful statement in it. dience with Wright rang a and sinking, song very nicely 1 . three sheets in the wind " hitched up Mr. the horse and started for home. Now, Mis* instead of going t> Thompson *, young invlxMly can see that if young HI >lman i Buchanan gave a splendid recitation. The Hopps dixire to FleaherU'ii, where' U.th sxl come to our office with the umnev Missen and Mr. Hi)ot> oavu a dialogue, voumr men made aii exhibition ..f tlu-ni- h An had come to our office with the ninney MIM.-K snd Mr. Hislop gave s dialogue, young men made an exhibition of tln-ni- hw would have got tho stationery. But | Mr. F. T Parr a fine addnwii. and Rev. "lvi-. t.. tin ilispmt of all who saw them, young Holmaii played a *haq> trick on us, (Mr. Wilson an address chiefly on Ladies Hoppe waa to hlaniv in the whole affair. and we are not inclined to let him off Aid Associations. Master Itobbie and. We fancy another three month* in Owen scot free. He knew the stationery Miss Nellie Smith gave the " r.irrfy Sound Cat>l u necessary to Jack H'.fj*' would he of no use to us when printed, A-Jnton," which was admired by all and health, .uid wuuld m> dmiU [.rui- a and thought we would risk lending it to | broimht down very great applause, i decided blussinK to the general public. him. But we were not so foolish, a* a ' Robert Carruthors also gave a recitation ;' very near relative of David's advised us 'altogether this was the unfit successful' AssetlM Male !! !,. r mot to give that hopeful youth a cent ' ' social of the season, the proceeds werei worth on tick. Lavid may bluster, and 81K3A. It was got i-|. by Mrs Meldruw, _ Tueday. Man h '2&th, at Lot ItO, Cn. pull the wool over the ftt.iu/.ir.fi eyes- Mrs. Hislop, and Mrs farruthera. These a very easy thing to do but the people < ladis turned out next flay ami iii this locality know very well he ia scrubbed out the hall, and the Loyal nothing but a ne'er-do-well. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Dress -Making! Miss stewart wi * h ~ to " noun " ul1 " tenner rtiitottien and th* r that li- Iitn.l L>re*ii>aklQH M TUMBLE. All or.lr wtll b* , nrt.-.1 tu by MIM hi.- wart aad Mra le t prioM to uit luril umse STRAW AND FELT HATS Cleaned nr dy*l and mad* over In any ibap* din. u a trial r. Kho|>. op|>oltc Hoopvr'i old rtuid, in J K. Trimbl*' Jewelry tor. Flesh** too 1*4-8*. ThresMng Machine tor Sale PR HALF, -an " Inipr.)Td IU'KFAI/1 PITT TliiMhinit llsx-hinc uiaiiufaotuml b; Jot )>h llriM , Miltoa. Out u. rl> MW. au 1 m (oa I running ..rdur For prti. i.lart. apply iwnou allv to JOHN ur HBNKT KIWI-RTT. I/ot J4. Coo II. C..llln:wjo.l Townhi|i . "r a<i<trass stmet | tlamaa b; Mtar to Clarlubunt F O. THE FAMILY WELCOME. Tbis it oo* of Uu> lantMt and IMS* *tory fapar* |.u l ilihi>l la America. It l* full of Kiory and Roinaurr, >* K and Humor. l iirnioi f and i ,i mi u r.- . ID faet. there will not h- a ntncU lln ' ' rrxtint: In II I'libluhml thr lit and ISib of (tart iiu.uUi. Tmu : On,' dollar |M annum to aJ VUO. AJWDU want.-! -\erl:. r.. M*IBP|1 tnt Addn*-" To. Kauill ** |COOM." U* W Ooi. Notice To Contractors ! OEA.I.KD O uDfltfrti H.mw." ll fn TO TIH: s>ad a4orad " . ffUi Mar.'h. for tb eroctiuti of a Kraxuv hebool Houiw. \>ntrod with Hru-k. la ftassioa N ran Iw Mn *l th oftbT.iwMbll>l lrk. Ix.l *>. Con I. , >. of M" will U. maJ* la tho prey jAs adr ewtvaelor i>n i>n tbtt aoecptance of lu u.n.U. ptanc Thr Ti iiilM* dk> not MM t U. low^o, any wad., 0sy. 10th March, Ian. *)'*. MAIWKU. I' G SOTUL. On Tuesday evening, llth inst., the ladies of tho 10th lin. ' M " Methodist Church, Markham, by invita- tion of Col. and Miss Anna Button, gave a social at the residence f Col. Button, in aid of and as a slight token of the deep felt sympathy evinced for the affliction of Mr. Samuel Philp, sou f the Kv. 8. C. Philp, Methodist minister, Markham. Notwithstanding the inclem- ent state of tho weather, tho Colonel's stAtely residence was crowded from cellar to attic, no less than 230 enjoyed n, Artmoaia ; Farm Stock and lnpl.- ments ; without reaerve ; 10 uswiths credit oti all sums over t'> Rale to . . .n, t)rane L<Klg kindly refused the rent i IU noe * ' "'*><* " Xniith. charged on such cn-casiom. > that Ukt |iipnetor ; W . H. Cani]>aigne, auctioneer, whole I18.SA has Uen land*d over to W* bllu - Votee MondaT, March 24th, Fami Stock , were 'and ImpJcrauiiU, at Lot 27, Con. 15, without ruesrvu ; 10 moiitlis .Mt.Maitar, tho Treaainvr. of thanks to chairman, ladies Ac. he.-trtily reejionded to, Ood Save The Queen was sung, and all went home pleased. . credit on all sume over 96 ; sale to com- mence at 1^.. cl,-k. n. ...n Win. r'laater, |}>ropneU>r : Ihigald Md'omiiok. Auctioti- eer. ' : "- Set- bills. rlla. Last evenintr Sunuybank , tho resi- donoe of Mr. Ricliard Htiasell, the well kin. WM jeweler, wns the seem- of si happy tn>jriall iilmliior worm, gnthenng, tho occasion beiii;,' the marriage ^^>a^^i^^~^^^^^B of his (laiichter Nettie to Mr K IV Varey ' GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESH I : UT (3 N . FLESHBETON. TV ATCHES ! MARBLE WORKS! CLOCKS & JBWELERY. JAS. G.RUSSELL, (LATE OF HAMILTON. E. YANZANT, ALL K1NHS OF !.!:::',: ::: "'::::, Siu-li as Moiiumenta. Tomb Tubli g, Hi-udston. * t' muter and Table 1 Tops 111 Ain-i .cnn r.nd Italian \Iarl>lc and (irnnit>'. sin. I made en short notice. Alo Mantles m Muillc and M.ubl.i.-i il Slalo, &c., ^o. Fl.-nhertoii, Aug. aO, 18i Practical Watchmaker, & MANUFACTURING JEWELLER! Has started business in the store nux.t door to the ]>ank, Sydcnhnin st.. FLESHERTON. And in prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock, aud Jewolry K, puiiing on WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. K*ii|>er! fully anuoiniat'ii (bat lit ha* recoiveJ it Large Supply of \ew Goods, iiiitabtr for tt,. *<-ason, all of mlnrji IIAT* |..>fii purehax-d to lha lx-t silvsntagp, ,i,J i. be -'.1.1 eln>s|i for Ciuh IT i i.snlrv I'r.idiioe. XLt nsw arriial* are KltellMVr ullil Tari.'il ill :k, ana Jewolry iie|>iring on __ / ~ . TTT 4. /~^"\ 4-W" T5 4. short notice and in a mitisfactory manner. 1C very \Vrttcll DFV IjOOaS, W 111 t6r UiO : Llling' ) OOObS .A_I *! i,^ ?_...!,. *^ n ft o &C-, &C..&C. \Vi - rn,nte<l. A ^ood stock of Watches, C'lwla A .l at Lo\ve*t 1'ficeM. take it to ItfMKLi. and ho will brin^ it to If your Watch or Clock stops, ime. (Hvc him u trial. full upply- of Hnnlware, ipectin i'f tho Stork invitetl. Prevhlonm <'ros-kry. *< !- M{/ Jlrancli Store at Kt'(JK.^fIA -kept tu with GoO(ff- COP1 OF RECOMMENDATION : lliiinilioii, March 21st. 18^8. This is to certify that w know JAMKM G. UUUHW.U U) bo a thorouxhly Rood | W)|i)f wli)I . a| , luj{)H>a ow|cr , (lh iboul ^ MW> , ofTlBlkw UnJ , n wfc i cb the Mid . Watchmaker, and would cheerfully recommend him to any one requiring ^tasted. Thrrr are slto srTvral oiarr Oood MIU 8itN on tW property. Ukera) Tr, work done SB his lint. A. C. ANDERSON Si CO., |ooitli*r purohssv or lease t s oonieetcnt DISQ. WM. UOOa. inW*ik JWtT., ff Kmg St. tout, /T im Uiv. , Kssh-itoL Station, 1 < NOT., 1

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