Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1884, p. 3

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1. \ Ilffl At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other News. MR. Knlii, .luring the ].:u-t seven in .ntlu Editor of the Hr<v HrniM, last . k vacated tlie lit.>nl chau i>f that ulily conducted journal MB. V J. .lfill u now cole publisher lid proprietor of the Staynor SHU. The j .Sun will I* Independent in |H>litici in i future. We m u>h Mr. Jewell every uc- 1 CXtM. Take Ayur's tviraaparilla in the spring if the year to purify the hi. ....I, invigorate! tho system. u.vcitc the livur to action, and Con. restore thu healthy tone and vigor of the Farm whole physical mechanism. fr in. lion Hair ItrcM. r Wednesday, Marv-h IWh, at Lot 1, 'Nuphnuia, (near Heathcote): and implements ; plt-asaut r)iiiiui*cuuc<M of hia former visit . and hia i>ld friends, as well u thu boat if new une* he has made duri{uj UK- )>aat The Mlnwing tpnUmn called at TUB auct i <> three wouka, art- earnest in elpreaaing 10 months credit us) all sums 'the hope that he will re-viait Fleshertnn <>vur fft. Sale to commence at 1 u cluck, at no distant date W. C. Hi-aish. proprietor; John Spuers, Considerable matter Left Tuesday, March ->M\, ut Lot 30, Can. Mr. M. Richardson s great annual Spring salo is now in progress, and. we uii<K-rtnd great bargains are being .ffored to the public. To BriLi>Br. See " Notice to Con- tractors " in advertising columns in this i uue of our paper, for the erectiun of a h i d homo in 8.8. Wo. 3, Osprey. CATTL* FAIR. Tlie regular monthly i. ml.- fair, lu-ld in Klusherton on Mon- day last, wan aa usual attended by a lar^e number of buyers and sellers. Thi-tv was a very good fthow of cattle, consider- ing the time of year, and ijuite a few changed hands at fair price*. The next fair will be held on Monday, April 7th. Everyone like* to read and hear a good -' M . on* that i* bright, .-hrrifiil and ftitertaiiiiug ; one that will get the lads und laues to "bide at home o' nigliU to road." A good story will make the housewife smile and the glide man clap hi* hands with delight TV A'.niu/y H'.Y.-nm- contains exactly wliat will pluase and instruct. We direct our reader* at trillion to it* advertikeinent in oar columns, and say, Iirn<{ ,l and TaJtf it. Band on. .-t i. Tlie Diindalk Itraaa lUnd It.ive adver- tised a grand Concert. Literary and Dra- matic Enlertainmelit, in the Town Hall, Klcsuerton, on Thursday evening, March JUth, 18H4. The have a soloctaiid varied programme of lift it: 1 1 selectmiiii, r.ini- ]>riaing nongn, r.ninr and u-ntini.-nt.il. a few choioe ruulingH and recitation*. Solos, mi rariiUM instrument*, and a tirst-ela*ii orchestra of seven iti*trtnn> ntn. \\ hii-h. with A good vurit-ty !' liitit-i-lam music fnxii the ltni>* Hand, will make .in- of tlie best entertainiiients t-vt -rgiven iu this vicinity. In a.lditin to all thin, lln-y liave tliat imwt laughable farce, ( tin- rendition of which takes miuly "tit- hour ) "1'add) Milos' Hoy." Tin -y luivc- It-en diligently tvh.-aning the play for nearly month, and have every ronlid.-m-i- that it will be rendered in a tint-clans manner Hon.* of Trmprrnnrr. The Kleshfrtiin Division Sons of Tem- !..! ,in.-r are still iiictvasing in numbers, au.l sliownr; by t'l i; dilifent working, that they are still alive and pros| it-ring. On Friday evening of !at w.-i-k, :ilitit thirty uiumWs of the Divinion, procured .t couple cif double nleighs and made their way out to another nter division at K.nirenia, where a n.iiin reception await..! them. After a few minutvswarmiiiL.', tin- \ isitt-d lodge kimlly |,..l j,n.-.l all biwi- nean niitti-i-s until next meetinu night. The Worthy Patriarch nf Kiigpnin Divis- ion, thru r>|>cm-d the luuc-ting with an ex- pression nf gratitude to Fhuihefton Div- ision for remembering them, and spoke ..f the pmejierity of their own Divinimi. This was followed by snugs, iradintpi, recitations, and ipveeliev rrnderfd in first-class style by muiuU'iH of l>th Div- t itions. After s]M>ndiii'.! a couple ..f hours [ pleasantly in this way. the meeting din- |,er<K-.l COM. .lames Hrnyley. Hamilton, saj 1 r,-ad the testimonial* for Mi:<iivgor'g AOVA.N.-E office since but Thursday : Mr. T. Andruw*, of the linn of T. & J. N. Andrews * Co., Thonibury. Mr. J. W. Orier, ..f tho Thorn bury ' cpe<lft (>n M ,. ,,^15. Sale to com- im in i at 1 "'clock. .1. hn Smith, pnipn.-tor ; W. H. Campaigne. auctionver. Se bills. Thu ritr i 'iilnriry popularity of Aver's Cherry Pwctoral i* the natural result of iu UK- by intelligent pootile for over 40 (i.>r> FO* HAXDT. Snndy Meldiiin:. ho was for some time day operator a' i <>raiigville, and for the last yi-ar day i-p erator and tickot agent at I'unuul on lh- Detroit, Crand Uaveii and Milwaukee Railway, hai now got a position on th I'mon Facitk-, wot of Omaha, at a salary C, Artemesia ; Fanu Kt-.k and hm.le- ; > II '" indispuUhly pr-.ren itaelf m.nu; w.thout reoe ; 10 moBth.!* 1 !"...^.^... 1 !,^" ^^'^ ^ ! coughs, and pulmonary complaint*. I .inn Produrr. 1() Mr. Lindsay Longhead, Clarkaburg. Mr. JKH. Rorke, CUrksbnrg, Mr. Di-xn Oarscatlden, Thonibury. Mi. Henry Pedwell, the popuUr Thonibury manufacturer. Mr. K.U Rorke. the genial and pi>pu- lar Clerk of Onllingwnod Township. Mr. Wiu Milne, thu |>pu!ar andhighly l( respected Clerk of (sprey Towiiahip. Mr. M'lHcrop, the well-known and popular ColUngwiHxl Township Collector. Mr. Neil Mr< 'olman, the coining reprenenUtive of K.i-t Orey in the Local LegiaUture. Mr. (ieorpi Kenny, uf the Township of Euphraaia. Mr. James CanipWU, ..f Clarksburg, fcuct 'i, lllwir . the jnlly and popular Inajiectur of I.iceiut-s for Eaat Urvy. Mr. Andrew Mctiirr, the popubtr ei- Reeve nf Osprey Township. Mr. W. A. Brown, the popular Mark- dale Jeweller. Mr. A. H. N. Jenkins, of the Durham i 'It i >n if h, called on us last Tueadar. Mr. T. Conkey, the popular Priceville shoemaker, called on us last Tuesday Wt- regret to learn that our esteemed citizen. Dr. ('hrtst.N-, is ill. The|Mlm ing pi>tition numeruusly will shortly IN) presented U> the I Jent.-UoT- Thurstlay, March 20th, L..U 171*172, ernor and LgiUtlve Assembly >l the 2 East T. & S. Kijad, Artemexia; Farm j Province ol Ontario, by Eart (ir.y Agrlcul- Stock, Implement* and Household Funn- 1 lural I Society. The prtitiuu explains itself. tuns ; without reserve. 10 months credit | It in worthy ..f considrratioa. To Hu /forior.iMi- (A.- Lifttt -llofrrnor in-l in i*irlLin nt .i.*-mWti/ .- : The petition ( tin- Klec- Ihstrirl Aurieultural St>ci*ty of the Kh-ctoral Ihatrict of Kast Grey, humbly miuis over U>. Salo to coiiiiaencu ; A. S, VaiiDusun, bilU. 13th, at Lot 11, Fann Sti>ck, Iniph- . : 10 niontlis credit on all sum* > t\ M i it w Sale in commence at 1 oVl.n-k I ,,( tue Agricnltural fi.mnmnity ,>f th Pn.v. \\ithoiit reaen-e. Wm. H. ince if the surpluH pr.iJucc ( tho l'roviaci\l propriwtor: John S|iers, A^mciiUurai Farm, at Uuvlph, wan distri- See bills. baled aamially ami gratuitously amonii the Thursda>. March 20. At Lt I' Con. nerwal Country Agncullmral S>ietie* of 12, Twp. of Oertruy, commencing at li Ontario. o.l.^k p. m., sharp; without reserve. As he disposal o( the stock uf the said 11 months crvdit on all sums over $6 Kanu is now. by pablic auction, upen to Th... Paul, proprietor : John 8pe . n , '""ignsr. wb.. have u.. infcrest m ,mr auctioneer. See bilU. p , t'ohjuvt, wbo buy the best ( uurs and leave us oo. thing tn improve with. We conn, I, r this if |6j. 00 a month. I'rotty 1* year old y..uth. west ! " "Go west, young man JWV ADVERT1SEMKNTS. Tlbesliing ICacliine tor Sale F)MHAI.K n (prol III KK\U1 I'ITT Tbnwliuii; Vachlii. . uuts)iif>-turuU by '"*- i-cti llnm . Milton. i>n . iMarU uw. m.l m lood rttnutiic <inli*r For |*ftrti<-ulant. i'plv ut*noc 11v t.. JOHN ,. r Hiit ftwrrrr. U-t Jl C'.m r. Cnlliuirwxxl Townhl|i . <>r htrow mtbor t II-IMBII by l.-t. r to flrk^l.-ih; I* O r : t THE FAMILY WELCOME. Thin In on. of tb laix-rot M-l l-t Mury \t~- l>iU<hlioil iu America. Itlstullol M or > .nut Rouinnrr. Hit and Iliiinor llli-r|olr unit 111 . Ill u r. . In fact, tbi-ri* will n.-t u- a oii;ti< Unt* of U:L. r<-lniij in it rubluhnlllii' l-t Kin) fitli ' month Ti-riu. ()D .lolUr |wr annum in * TMKM. Avnt< wantol ctrorywnvrv su,i.:, f<& AiblnM- - M Th* Fsnnlt Wvleuuw " Uc|..| Out N -I i i -i. To Contrairtors ! K \I.KD TKXDKKH VHOUKSSKIl To Till iiiiilr*tgiu*l atiil *il( r .. H " Ttin-ItT fin ,., will brMl*l until t! ...... unuioftt. *7th March, for th rctl<imf * Krain. - H<>uw. Vcawml wttli line*, lu Soctiou I I'rof. .ini|il.i II. ivsleui m)uriou to our best InlcrrnU, lor V . The variou* lectures dehven.l by I'rof. wlwu we p. T , Urgu . umil , or ln<) , uvport Campbell, the well-known nnl |<op ul f of .noli institution. w ought to have au Phrenologist, in the Tewu Hall. Hi-her- equivalent iu ruturo fur our outlay, ton. during his stay in thu |>laou, were lly griuitiut! u this great IHXHI and baring K'T xrmsum TIUN FUTIOM. It is ' attended by largf and iniu-h intt-rested the itoek iu'1.1 to loemlx-rs ot our sootetit, nan aii'l perlfleash>B> ran be asm at t.. nffli-viif tli Twn*hi|i ClBrh. !/>, Co. . U Mi .l.n> of Mi will t mad* to ttu- thu aec-i*MC<- ,f Iu* l>o.W Tba rrulM-H .to nut blni\ t)u.|iiM-lva to ace*)-', thu lowtMt i<r any tomlvr. \VM Mll.NK. (tipray, l(Xh March, lt MAXWKI.I. I 1 1 ' a fuel that Alonio Howf, of tweed, had u dieuces. Even th.<- h> an- to a t U retained by them for the (enaval a l.-ver SOP- that alflicioil him for llilrty Bve year. Six bottiex at Burdock,. BI.KHl itt,Tfnrrd him. whiefe he rot. - , f'Umental pnnriples sidt-ra almost a nunu-le. It wo* hut a natural result of the remedy restoring pure blood and perfect mvrrtion. 'experience If you should !H> M> nnfortnnnte as to Burn, Scald or Wound yourself in any way the proper thing to keep clean and (twenty-live yearn should heal it is M.-tin-vor A 1'arke's Carbolic '' llk>1 1>r " f ''ampH-ll a tli .ron^h in (Vrate. Insist .n having, anil be Hire tight, not only int.i the subjeet of I'lue you get, Mdin-Kor .( 1'arke's Carh-lu- n..l. W , but int that of IM.yio.;noniy and prejudiou.1 againft the nt <( our Proinec. if Phrenology, > tirsnt us tli prayrr of this petition, aud such as our cornwpondeiit, 'Valentine . a. in *.. bound, will eTcr pray. Mugtfins" could not but admit that the ,, .... , ... . .., I'i..f.-M..r handled his subject* m i^,( v ( With fa-e n.vrlo|Hl in roll of maaterly manner. And surely a practical cloijis) " Oh ' Imrra/y with that Neti xi, n. ling ov.-r a period of "iilitia that C nitinntllv trouble* inn." ,- a leanie.1 WU kW foolitli Cenlr*. l^iin- :?."> cmts. Druggist, h.in the prrumc. Richardson's l'h>.iol.. liv a* well. The I'mfcMor's visit to Kli-nhertitn luw calleil up many Iw.iili- of Fluid Lightning t It cur.d me in leHN than one tumult- I nlwr.s keep u bottle in the house. It only c.wlt J."> pelitn. " OORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON, FLESHBRTON. WATCHES ! MARBLE WORKS ! *- CLOCKS & JEWELERY. J AS. G.RUSSELL, i LATE OF HAMILTON, i E. VANZANT, ALL of , Siicli ns Monuments, TombTablcH, llriiilsu>ii> * t'oiinU-i- nnd Tablo Tops in Ann man iiud Italian Marble mid (irauitc, iktul inmlc oil nlnii-t nntifi 1 . Also Mantles in Mai lilt- niid Mai 1'1 i/. .1 Sl.itr, \o., \r. Klenherton, Aug. :>, Practical Watchmaker, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER! HIM started busiuesB iu tlu< store itc\t door to the Umik, Syduiilnini st., FLESHERTON. WILLIAM PLESHBRTON STATION. Ki'i|-vtlii!l) uiiiiouiivi-H Hint h has recoiTrd Large Supply of \>w (iotids, . suil *iil S|>rrdy Cun- and found that I Imd not to A)u j ;,, pr ,,., liro ,i t,, ( J all kinds of \Vntdi. ('look, mid Jvwrlry H C o.oN,wYork Philadelphia. Lomaia.m, 1 , ( . (] on here to prove its niPtits. I got a bottle mid it helped me right uway. I was bail will* Hilinui Fevnr and IiiiligX-stion as 1 think liny one could bu, I have tftkrn three bottb-N and am noarly Witll and can rat anv kind of food without it hui-tui;- me. 1 way aay that I nm better thaa 1 i . . r exproted to be. Free Irinl tn4:l.-~ ui Iliohardion's Drug Store. KI.I-.M .N > u,|)-v roWUtillH require no ntlirr purgatlv* Th*v aru M{D and *urt> to r<>- uuro all irt'iUi'* of worroi. Bll liH(m-t..i-v nmiin- , 1C Very iiiitalile {or tin- Mt-ason. all of mhu-h liave been j>urcha-:ed to tke brut ailt IIIIIH I., sold cliHiip for C inli or Country 1'rotluce. Tl.e new triivals art I . vt. nn HUI| \ utii .1 in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots ., <Scc.,&c. If roar Wtoh Or Cloek itofM, takeit to UISSKM. and lit- will bring it to M*. n full supply of Hnrdwnrr, rcerlr), PruvMvnm (Yvrkrr), time.* Give him * trial. ""^ ' "'" Sl<>rk ""^ In COPl OP Brunch Store at EIWK.VM kept fully icith (foods- ., , . lliuniltoii, Mwp.li lt. 1HH)I. ( To mT a v Mlu ^ Mh ^.^ onijM ^ Thw 18 t oerttfv that wo know JAJIKI. (t. H.-BHBIX to bo a ttwrongbl) (P>o,l ^ |f wa|)if . M , n ^ oH(%r wi|h -^^ 4((o ^^ T-|W U|)i| )in ^^ t|)( . , ^ Watchmnkcr, nnil would cl.wrfiilly rOOinmnd l.ini Ui MIT OIK- tvininnjj ,j,,,,tod. There are ulso wveral other (iix-d Mil! Nte oo tbt property. I.ilwral T, tiu A. (.'. ANDKUSUN & CO., ,,n .-ith purchase or lease to a r- n|,,-tnt man. WM. HOUU. work 4oitr iu hi>* lrut> Fletburttiu Statl>. n . M \ . . , .

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