Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1884, p. 8

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- * I'll IK .V Tlllt. M artlrd. TW ^ Oae of our townsmen stepped quickly into thU office on Friday andlanciug up from bi< work the editor was startled to see him pull- ing off his under-coat. A leeliug of sym- pathy at once wok puMewsion of the editor's heart L* thought oi the man family and To tbem *uoh an inilant relief as Fluid Lightning i* an untold tleMing in time of iroubU. No diefneting of- niu.ii.-iii.-a to be taken for day* application nf Fluid Lightning cure* wld at Itichardcoc's. A Ktdl.-uU.u* K umr. An abaurd rumwr, was prevalent in town l**t wee*, that Mr. Ketchum of tbe " Port, 1 ' tl \Ilt U1BI1 B l*uiiiji ejw IB NT, WC^at, a,ll*lt .' I . Bavvni how they would manse to get along until had skipped out to avoid the con*equenee* of the husband and father had recovered from j a libel suit. >Ye are glad to be able to em his injuri**, Ac., 4c. When the man got hi. | phatically contradict the canard. Ketehum This is not the "tod Flag" yon have read su much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & so-mrr dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. UHDran, Tailor, Flesherton. c..t off he turu'd It iwiide out end eipoe'd to the editor'* Tiew a badly ripped lining whloh the weirer had just stepped in to pin up be- fore going down street. Tbl wai all nothing more. -[Ml. Forest AdTocate. and HOPE III HOPEVILLB. Mr*. McArtber, of Hopeville, declare* "he could not keep houee without Hagyard's Pectoral Hulaam. It ii a rerotdy in whreh the I sufferer may Mfely hope for speedy relief and effectual eiirw for Ought, Hoarws- | nee*. Bronchial, Throat and lung tumbles I which neglected end inhopelei con*ump- II- n. ha* the sympathy of every newspaper man and belter than that will win th ease. The j I circumstances were briefly these. A contract ' WM accepted from the medicine firm they agreed to pay quarterly the account was rendered aTeral timea, without any respon- se, and the "Post " published them, as dead beati. Kfctchum s idea U that ii they can make $50OO out of tiie " Post "it woujd be more than be can. At anyrate he'll ataiid the suit,' U it is pushed, which is extremely Excelsior Carriage works It nou mnm*f<irt*ri*g Farm, Platform. A. . W. W. Deputy rUMl MmUm. Phe district deputy grand masters appoin- ted at the grand lodge of the ancient order of united workmen in Guelph last wek were : Durham district, M. A. James. Bowmanville; Stratford. E. W. McUuire, M. D., Ouelph ; Burlington, B. J . Leudadorf, L.L.B., St. Catharine* ; Ontario, W. Hoover, Clairmont ; Erie, J. T. Murphy, Simcoe ; Kingston, Arch. Elliott, Newburg ; Georgian Bay, John Ruth- erford, Duu.lalk ; Quinte, W. J. Porte, Tren- ton ; York. Dr. S. B. Pollard, Toronto ; H*ron W. *. Millar, Code-rich ; Ottawa, D' A. Fergu*oa, Smith's Fill* ; London, W. E UadU-it.-r. Woodstock; St. Clair, arch Lamont, Chatham. S/'riK<j. and Joknion WAGGOXS. Wk\te, Dextrr Que*, PKueton and other kindiof Bi'GGlES and Farmfrt 2 tented Carriage*. Come and tet detigut and price*. Krpairi*g& Re painting dune in firtt-clatt ttyle. HORSE SMOiltto n SPECIAL TY Satii/artion Warranted. Hetherton, May 4th. 1882. PBoor POBITIVB. If yon *ufferfrom pain iu the region of tin- shoulders, head ache irregular bowels, faintnvea, sick itomacb, variable appetite, bad taste in the nioartri and sallow complexion, your liver an< billiary organs ere *eriou*ly affected, am Hn-ilork Blood Bitten is tin- prompt and certain cure. doubtful. We know quite a few dead beats, udthey all de*erve expoeing. Durham what To Do. If troubled with MI unhealthy, aV>w healing ore use MciJregor & Parkes' Carbolic Cerate. You will find it in valuable, for healing, cleansing and AYBB'S Hair Vigor reslorei. with the flo** aud I rashness of youth, laded or gray bir to a natural, rich browM otor % or deep blaek, a* iuy be de.lrrd. tliln bair tliick.iw.1. aud bakings oluii. ll. i. ii i:li ""i always, cur. >l. It cliecki falling of the lislr. and tlm- tal. . a weak nd liekly growth to rigor. It prevent* and cure, peurf and aandraff . ai.4 lu*U iwarly er> dlae peculiar to ! ..-:- Ai a Ladles' Hair Creasing. U Viooimunequalkd: It eoraiu* Bellker 1 new dje. render* lli Imlr *o<t, glo*y, ajM silken ii. appearance, and imparts a dllcal, agreeable, aud lasting |*rftum. Ua've no"T a"f ii'li" bead of"liair growing v i(J'r- ou.lv al am convinced tual tut l.n Vt a. .If ur ,.r.i,alU* 1 *uvM Ua U* entirely bald." .1. W. BOWK*, proertotor of the Mr Arthur (fM*,) K*,iunr GyT: -AVM'a HIH\ lu.m I. n IIIOM excellent preparation for the liair. 1 iiM-ak .. ll from my own e|wricu<-.-. Iu n. promote* llw growth "f nr w hair, ami and K>ft. The Viooii ialo , completely removing yonr troublw. Tfl U not*d_ lia Ibf a^paraliun ti.r Ulle.1 I* gl aiUre aatltfactloii." MK. AWli-s FmnAiB*, leader of tbe celebrated " Kalrtwlru Family' "f S.-ottili Vocalists, r.te IT..III Union. MUM.. ''''*. liil "KVer lnc my hair bet'"" I" (!' ry fl.Uiioe \>l Hie ebaiige wbleli Hwl.Ht the Blood i* out of order, take with it a fe* do*e* of Mciiregor'* Speedy Cure from Richardson's Drug Store. R. f O SASH AND ItttMmttNIM MILL WILSON i McKECHlTIE, Proprietors. Smith on " H a t M hue.' The following is in exact qnetatino from ~ "^ I an article in tbe Orangcville " Oaiette " o f i la*t week, but tbe Italic* are onrs: "It is ; H.t. ui.luiiK the amount of legal knowledge that is being WIISTED in Oraogerille." This is refreshing; . \Yiiruthe girls get through waisting the legal knowledge of OrangeriHe, er the pactine becomes muaotouon to them, wo extend them a cordial invitation to come to Slj.-lburu. We have knowledge of various kinds that outfit to be looked after and irato ted before it spoils. [Shelburno Economist- Our factory is now complete with all the latent, bent, and most improved in I'-'aiiH-ry necessary for turning out vvprythiiig in our various lines of buui- nesa, and it will be in thorough fanning order in a few day. Contracts for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rates. Work will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this depart- ment being under the immediate Rupcrrision of H. M. McKcchiiie. Sanh and iloors made to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and careful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for firtit-clasH work is too well known to toed any further comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriages, A^c. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for anything i a this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly nn- dcr the supervision of T. \V. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be first class. ClTU Service " Fets." From1ke Mtmtrntl "Post." 8oi of our urTants iu the Civil Serrise are Tery fortunate, especiilly in regard to the superannuation fund. A parliamentary re turn give* the nmount that has been paid into this fund during his offiicial career by each person superannuated last year. Among the most remarkable instances of those who paid In Itttle or nothing during their time of semce, aud who draw thou- san.ii year oat of treasury for doing no- thine, are the following: Hon. Joseph Pope, of Prince Edward Island Barings Bank> who paid into the fnbd altogether $35. has retired with orer II. 00 a year. Mr. K, (. Uarber, late of the Finance Department, re- tires at 91,776 a year tfter paying 1474 in- to the superannuation fund, Meurs. Hun- ter and Hector, of the same department, fare rquallr well. Mr. lUrper. of the Pub- lic Work* Department, receives 11,300 a year after paying |4W. Mr. WluU-her re- ceiTes orer I1.80U a year, li-re the whole amount to his credit iu the snpat aim nation lund is only |ii'J7. Them arc only a few of the more glaring illustrations of the pni- gal munificence of the Doniuiou Uw*ds its i-itil servies pets. i lit' MI, aim **> IWTW lH***n Hl'lr an plH-rai.c<- ol youtlifwlBeH - a matter ..I isUerabU- r<nn|iH-iic to iiiiiiisl*T. ora- tors, Mliim. a.l ill fa *ry "" > Iu th r ' t e public." VI m- O. A. rni!roTT, wrlifng frow IS F.ln St.. I .ir(. '""'. "!. " .^r., I mnrtrii"" ", *., ..,"- . - . Two vr ago bout lo-llilr.l of m> aalr eaiiieo'lf. It thinned Try ri>idly. and I nn iMlii. < uiliig Avm - ll.uii fulling t-fl'"' "'"' "f" "'"! . itnd in b"t n'"' 11 ' "> '"" tut urc.win VI.H.B Hie A Great Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomai. of Newjon la. , say* "My wife has been aeriously affected with a cough for twentv-five yean, and this |.rnin more severely than ever be- fore She had iiM-.l many remediu* with- out relief anr being urged to try Dr. King's New I 'i.-i-- \ >-ry , did so, with iuu*l gratifying rosulu. The Brut bottle re- lieved her very much, and the aeoond bottle baa abaolntely cured her. Sin ha* not had HO good health for thirty year*." Xaal Bottlr* Free at Richardon'* Drag Store. Large siie $1.00. A.S USUAL. fiolioitinf poblic patronage and guaranteeing good work in every depart- raeu of ox bmin<. WILSON & MACKECHN1E PRIVATE SALE -or GIIAT KI.ITEMBM Th-re is. always excitement ik oa*e of nuddn accident aud injury. Kvvr_v one should be pre- pared for an euiorgeuuy. Uagyrird'i Yedow Oil is a reliable friend in need ; it Ufor internal and external uae, cur- ing Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Liuneaess, Croup, S..r.' Throat, Rheumatiam, aud painful affection* and wound*. with elmrt kiv conijnu.-,! t<i urow, and Is no as food aa N-I..M If fell. 1 regular >X u"" 1 l>ul '"" ',",'"'"' of the \ IIK.H, bul now use ll oecasionally as adrMstng." We hare bondreds of similar testimonial* to the mcacy of Avita's HAI VIOOM. It Dacds bst a trial lo couvlues tbe most iktptl- al of Its valoe. i ur I- Mir i. PV Or.J.C.Ayere;Co.,Lowll,Mm. gold by all Uruggtou. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOU8MFSS, DIZtlNfSS. DYSPfPSIA. INDIGfSTIOM, JAUHDICC. - ERYSIPCLAI, SALT KHfUH, HfAKTHURN. HEADACHE. DROPSY. fLUTTllHMC V OFTHCHCAHT, ACIOIT1 Of f THf STOMACH. DRYMfSS Of THE SKIM. 1 n *u 1 1 in K Hi. Iriah. FARM & FARM STOCK Anil Farm Implement*. AI4O .<) K HI FA MM TO ItIM . IIORBEH I nil S M .K I hsve one matched Tni of good working bor- t.f*. tni 1 young Mara, good dri rer. To bo old t USM' '' caab FAKM TO BENT. 1 hive t SO-acra Farm to Kont. Tblt Farm In : i. Hi- from Flenhtrton. hai|too<1 bulldiiiKu on It , veil watered. FAKM IMI'J.KMKXTs FOlt HALF. For Hal<- t a llarifniti -Double Hariu-iK. BlneU. 'lrn.-., Waarjonii. Hloluhi, Boaper, Sulky Bake. 1 ' '>w ,. and a lart{o nunilwr of other luiplemttntfl. 1 ... irtlcu)ar>. apply to V. L. WHITE. tauM. 1WM. FLESHKBTON. J. W. BATES, Ftu-nittire Dtaler and Undertaker, .... OXT. Gadd d Campaigns, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS FLESHERTON, are aow fullv prepared to attend to all work in their line promptly, in a workmanlike uiaiiiu-r, and at fair, honest prices. We an>now fully prepared for all the Spring work the public war favor us with. Montr KhwvlBg a Specialty. Flctherton. Feb. U, 1884. B E M O V A L 1 MISS G. A. N. PAGE. ( LATH or Own SOITND ) will be found in Mrs Uulmcr's shop, nearly oppoute Mr. M. Itichardnon'ft general Flciihtrtou. wln'r.' she will be nrrpared n* ucual to IX) OVEK and MAKE IT TiaDIES' and (iHTLKHiif's FELT, HTHAW, BEAVER AND CAMKL'H HAIR HATS, and make Q|;AL TO !\ KM . The public are rMpocilully invited to give her n tri&l. Good work guaruUed at rraaouabli prWei. MISS O. A.M. P1QI U Is . ol.l, n Mr. Siiuoa Brien, of Eramosa, father of Ur. John O'Brien, of thi* town, celebrated bss foldeu wedrtiiiK "n Mondiy evening There wa* t larg'- number of people present oBspiBUuws am. .UK )H. in were the old setl'r* In the DeiRatiorhood. who hart kuawn Mr. and Mr. O'Brien ninre their first residence in Kramosa uvcr forty years ago. Not least cninpiciii.il> in the mvrry (fathering was a group of two sons and two daughters with ther children. The presents to the aved couple were numerous aud raluaula. Mr. irlirii-u I* now 74 .vearn of ..yr and Mrs. O'- Brien Ti years. They came (nun Ireland to llaroilt.'ii where they settled for a while. Tli present Bite i. f the city of Hamilton at that time, with the exception of a clearance here and there, was bush, and Mr. O Drieu oa oomiiiB to the country was first employed chopping down th giants of the foreet wh*e j Jf Mr g oot | 1( , rn the present flourishing city now stand*. The ' aged couple nr. j hnlp snd hrartr, and tho large gathering on dispersing wished them many more years of joy and happiness. Confederate. And -r seeds* of dlm arlslnv from dl>rder.d LIVER KIDHiYS. BOWELS OR BLOOO. Merit Proven. An Ottawa diepateb aays that the St. Patriek'a Society at the Capital, which had seenred the service* of the Hon. Kdwud Blske for * lecture in the Opera II. .use *u the I Till of March next, applied to Mr. W. HoUern. tbe actor, who had the Opera iioute engaged for th same night, to cancel his date. Mr. Honlhern rrplied that he would do so for the sum of |-J50. That was his right '. but the actor, it in said, went out of his way t<> insult tbe Society iu particular and th* Irish pnople in general. In hi reply he said "he did not thiuk the small Iruh population at Ottawa would materially in- terfere with him and that if 8t. Patrick wish. .-.1 to enjoy himself on that night hu could nt.t do It at Ins (Southern's) expense." If this be a true account .>( the inoult oflered to the HI. Patrick's Society of Ottawa by haughty Mr. Southern, he Hiiould not be surpriaed to find out that the Irish popn- Istlon "can materially interl.-r.- with him'' wonlil only instruut his adTano* agent lo puhlmh a cpy ..( tits reply t.i St. Patrick's Hociety in thv jonriiais . f the towns that lie will visit, we have not the liglitent dunht but Hint it w.-ul.l ensure for him very warm receptions. Montreal Pout." t. MILBURK 1 SO EUGENIA Grist Mill, i.th K:;:. Havini made eiteimlve Iroprnvrmtntii In rny Urisl Mill, I am confident I caa give good satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Flour alwsys on imn.l. and Hill-, filled nn the hortet noticr. W-r and ltli nlwa.ra on hai.il. WARKIMO, If troubled with consti|i- alt.l In. wrU, never nc^li-et it, or tin- syst.-ni becomes eloMM, tin- -i .-i . n..ii Dollar upon dollar i* frequently spent on the faith nl rccommundationn fur ar- ticle* entirely worthies*. Xot *o with system uecomus clo^eil, the. .-.ei-retimis Mc(}regtir's Speedy Cure; yi are not , d'ried up and tho syn m |i<ii,noil with usked to pnrehaM it until its merits are ( foul gases. Burdock Bl.wwl HiUen rnre I.IMM-H. Call nt Hiuli.-ii.Uuii M .Irni; 1.1. -r.- and gut a free trinl bottle, aiul if not convinced it will onre y.ui of the worst f.irms of Dvipepnin, Liver ()oni- plaint, etc., u<> mutter ot ho long stand- ing, it cost you nothing Hold in 5Ou. ;m. I |1 I .nit Irs. >s ee testimonials from I. Mill Custom H filled nn th ker ami I Jill. WANTED : Okerry, Butternut. White Ash, Hls<-k A*h, Basswood, Vine antl Hemlock Ix-g* wanteil. M. AKITT, Et'GKNM May 1st. 1RH2. persona in your own town Fluid Lightning. There are but ft-w that ImTe never uf- fcrcd|almost intolerable pain from T.x.tli nche, Neuralgia, or like acntu pain*. constipation by mil. .rkin^ the nvcrctionx and regulnting the glandular -vt. in, Bnrklrn'H Arnira Haivr. TII K HBRT HALVE in thu world for Cut*, Hruinea, Sores, 1 1. . is, Salt Rheum, Fever S.,ics. Tetter, (>hap|io(l I l.ui.U. ChillJains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pu*i- tivuly c-ures Tiles, or im pay required. It it guarantoccl t.. give pel-foot iiuti*fnctioii, or inmiuy rufunded. I'rico '2a cent* per box. For salo by Richardaon't, H AC YARD S YELLOW OIL CUPES RHEUMATISM FtL WORM EEMAWS ! POWDERS. Ar* pleasant i* take. Contain their own atl**. ts a aale, son. an.l rHrrtmml e* A4aat*>

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