Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1884, p. 5

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I Hug Tnl I J At tJie Lowest Possib'e Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Bnlar ing a specialty. Local and Other News. MR. C. W. RUTLHDOI, of the Mark dale called on in la*t Friday. ILL. We regret to learn that Mr*. R. I Sproule (till liei in a critical condition. It U with profound regret th*t we li-aru uf the serious illneu U" Mr*. Win. Itutledge, ir. Mr. W. G. Duncan, of Artemesik, took train at Flesharton 8Utii>n on Tuesday i.! iMiiiiij lat en r 'til' fur Washington territory, U. S. W wih him every xa.-.-eta, Oar Reform friends will hold a meeting ; little lump above hU left ear, he had sus- in the Town Hall, Flesherton, this week Uincd uo injuries worth leaking about, with a view to bringing out a candidate | hu drew ;i great sigh of i ulu-f , and ex- for tin- representation of East Orey in claimed ache walked off--" Well, gul-durn the Local I,. _",l:inii. tu fill the vacancy this confoundud town anyway there's caused by thu sudden duiuiae uf A. Vf. nuthiu in it but hill* an holier* an LiuJer, Exj. ,au K-. f. r.y ! " A.O.U.W. CONC-UT. -Don't forget ths Brand A. O. I'. W. Concert in the Town Hall, Flesherton, to-morrow evening. l'r->! WaUon, thu great Toronto comic Concert. The Concert in thu T. i Hall, Ki,'-l, erton, on Thursday evening laat, wider ings was then brought to a cloae by all present tinging "Wtxif Save The (Juttn." IV, ;n ISM IM KiMHrKLKV. A corres- poiideiii informs us that the new Kim- berley Uioumaker ha* been getting into difficulty with one uf the young men of that locality, who is a ton of our u-.-iiir-l friend Mr. (jeorge Lawrence. It appear* the new shoemaker and young Lawrence had an altercation one day last week. FYm words the young men There are a number of persona on our black li*t, whoae name* will shortly he published if they do not cill and settle at once. We have dealt a little tow tenderly with them in the past Assrau EtkOR. In the sixth line of Oio nrst paragraph of our leadingeditnrial !>. week, une of our compoaitors made t!i.- word " bounty*/ harvest" read 'h*int(ful harvest," thus spoiling the H.'iue of the sentence in which those words are t" b found. ART. Our photographer, Mr. .Ume* Kulmer U bound to stand at the top of lu profession in this County at an early ' i' '. Recent samples of Photo* seen l>y the Editor of this paper, *how a marked improvement in hi* work during the past few uio*ths. Impruietrnt seems t> be his motto. Mr. J. T. Hodsdon, representing Jennings & Hamilton, Toronto ana h.> i* veil and favorably known in this locality was in Fleaherton on Mon- day. Mr. Hodadon is a pleasant, sociable, jolly food fellow, and makjs host* of friend* wherever he goe*. We are al- wy* pleased to see him in Flesherton. A i .-II.E-IT. MiM Watta, who board* at Mr. Samuel Kingston'*, Beechel street, Hlesherton, met with rather a severe , irtnt l.iii Saturday. She fell ainunu * stove while engaged in tome work in the house, and u*tained twine rather nevore injurie*. Dr. Chrutoe i* attending her. A SUOOMTIOX. We would re*i>ectfully mi?st that Mr. John ()borne, our retired fanner, be ap|>ointed Inspector of Nuisances in and for the village of Flenh- crtf.n. He powestes all the necessary nialincation* for the position, notwith- KfHiiding what s)nie |>eople may ay to tile contrary.. We want some man who lias plenty of leisure time to devote t<> the arduous and difficult duties of the office ; and John Oaborne it that man. An exchange ..Uervesthat the greedie*t in MI after a local newspaper is the one who i* too mean to subscribe He is always waiting for the latest paper, and it is nut two minutes on the subscriber's pramuu* till the non -subscriber pounce* M->0n it and never leU up till the last hue is read. Hi last act U usually to .ast it aside with the remark that he , .uld make a better local paper himself. Kveryone likes to read and hear a good t..rv, one that i* bright, cheerful and viitertaining ; one that will get the lad* .vi'l lasses to "bide at home <' night* to rend.' A good tory will " 1 * ko th * housewife mule and the gude man clap hi* hands with delight Thr Family ir.-/.v.i' contains exactly what will please .Kid instruct We direct our readers at mitiou to it advertisement in our c ilumi*, and vy, Krad it and Takt it. \Vurj: WASWK DuiVKR ' On Monday .M-niiutas Mr. Ki>t. Good was walking ,|,,wn OdUilkfwaM street, and when ii.-arly nppwit Wilaon & McKechme > planing f'ictorT, a team of hormes attached r . a market sleigh, canietrotting leisurely il<ng. A I-'V at the leiKh showed that the horso* weru without a driver, and d , ..urae Mr. <JiHjd at once stopped then*. The question :iri-e wh was the driver/ 1 We liave mn.-e IKH-H informed thednver'al n:mie wm Hector Kennedy. HOOHISO. At the rate of three and i.iur WHtcli.'K per ly have bt-rn coining in to R.i.eir watch and Jewelry store, Kltuhurlon. f>'C w|*irs during the last few dky. Mn UuMell I* a tMtOM Uand nl ih.- l.u*c*. This week he will singer, will give a large number of the austiicesof DuH'erin Lodge, I. O.O.F.. 'came to Mows, in which young Lawrence humorous songs in characU-r. Ifcm't wa rather jMMirly attended owing to the proved the better nun of the two. In forget to go it will really be the event big- storm which prevailed throughout pugilistic parlance, he " fetched the hoe- of the *eason. ' thu greater part of the day and well on to evening. The programme was a good It is a good rule to accept only such \ tllt!i ttll j WM wv \\ ,uUined. Mr. A. S. medicines as have, after long years of Vandunen tilled thu chair ery ably, taal, proved worthy of confidence. Thw The first thing on the programme was a I* a case where other people. ei|-rienec oloce <lf ln ,trument*l miuic by M may be of great service, and it ha* been McKeehnie, Vanatnt, and maker a stinging blow on the face which knocked him completely off hi* bate ; and on "time" being called, he did iiut re- spond.' and it ha* been McKechnio, Vanxant, and Campbell on the experience f thousands that Ayer's u ,ii nii w hi c h wa* deaemnlly applauded. Cherry PecU.ral la the be*t cough medi- Next came a song from Mr. K. McDowell, rln>.-nl,- so, lal t^.-ml.h. There was a large gathering at cine ever used. wa* a large gathering at the Social Assembly in the Masonic Hall, Kleshcrton, hvst Friday evening, although GOKI TO MARK DAII. Mr. J. H. Canon, uf Kleiln-iii.il. 11 going into the Cheeee Factory busmen* at Markdale shortly. A meeting wan held a *h<>rt timeagoto consider tno matU-r, audit ha* been decided to start a factory there this sprinc. The required number of cows have been. i;aarauted, so that operations wilf now be pushod briskly forward by Mr. Carsou and his partner. We wish them success, not at all dou they will achieve it. are invariably listened to with deep interest from beginning to clone. Her recitaliona are always appropriate, and always well received. Mis* itrrese ia a good reciter and made a good impression on this her tirst appearance before a Fleshertoii audience. The duet by Mr. doubting but that A Mmc ,, hen<>11 ^j MM w w Triml>le was loudly applauded. It wa* well HVMEN AT WORK. -It i* ruiuored that rendered. Me*n. McKeehnie and some four or five marriages will take place in Artemusia this week. We be- lieve one was to Uke place yesterday out Tht ' lttr gentleman has proved somewhere in the nuixhbothoud of the qH)> valuable addition to Meji/or.l Hoad settlement. It would which wa* well received. Mi** Hopkins the weather wa* not ail that could have recited the " T'tkiny </ HkMtjMft Cattle " ' bee n de*ired. Among those present from with marked effect. Miss Hopkins rank* , dutance might bo mentioned Mr. W. high a* an elocutionist. Her accentuation j MeFarland, the popular and enUr- is clear and dmtinct, and her recitations , uri*\nK Markdale merchant; Mr. C. W. invariably listened to with deep Uutledge, Editor of the Markdale The latUr musical talent. We wtmld like to hintr TsSiisii aearuely tw wise to in.inu.tc that " leap Mckechnsc and Vanzant ofuner at year "has anything to do will* t A* inter- *">>* j >) 1 dou ^" i " Mu " esting events' iua* referred to, but s.me Id* *""'by recited wwlU, id made a good powerful influence is at work evidently, impression .. th* amfience. Mis* Maud We wish the voting people, on matrimony Hichar.l,n sanu well The Park. Hr.ni Editor of the .v.iii.tir./ ; Mr. Bwea, of Markdale : Miss Minnie Korke. of the Post-Office depart- ment, Markdale ; Mr, Mr*., and Miss Middaugh. Eugenia, and other*, (lames of all kind* were provided for the occasion. Cheerfulness and sociability prevailed. The Masonic brethren were aaaiduou* in their efforts to make everylxnly feel at home. Their kindness and courtesy V ansant gave a violin duet, accompanied M du ] v ^,, )re ciated by the guesta. on the organ by Mr. Frank McDowell V ocal and instrumental music by some of huiiH.'lf ,, llr ( iaat |,.. M ] talent, *en-ed to enliven Hopville correpondence receive*! tv late for insertion in this ia*ue; will ap- pear in our next. t-fr We would kindly a*k> nw ber* not to lend their paptfrs tff those wh" are too mean to lubscribe, and make it . practice to sponge on their neighbor*. Waltham complete watches received t. day- key and stem wind silver catc-v gold joint* ; 3 and 4 us., at following i. duction* : $35.00 at $30 00, f-T.OO M i':!. (Ml, flfd.iMJ at f.'l.OO. Fully guaraii teed. W. A. Brown, jeweller, Maikdale A A* I SAW IT IN 1882." A public leei'tre will be delivered in tli. Town Hall, Fleaheltun, on Wednesda, evening, l*h March, 1*4, by J. W. Frost, L.L. B , of the wII-known am' popular legal firm of Fnt & Fruit, * >WPI. 'Sound. Fuller particular* cuncerniti'.' K-cturo will be given next week. O n i a no & {.i, IM , Kal I a > . CBANOEOP Tim. We direct the at- tention of our readers to the mwTiin. Table *f the ( >ntano & Quebec Railwav (T. U. & B. division) in this iaiue uf th. AbVAXcc, which come* into effect uu tli. lat of March. The timo whan traiu.- leave FleahertiNi and mi lathering sUtioii i will be made kwwn J* >n as |<usaiUe. and publiahod in the Time Table. intent, every happine It WtVS >ll||H r i . A gentleman attempted the served the proceedings. This interesting part of the IIP .gram me wa* well sustained by :""" the Misses Chhstoe, Kichardsim, McDowell, and Trimble ; and Mesiirs. Vanzant, Campbell, and McDowell. TOMBS'* midnight, the company sat down to M| sfiiili.i oyicvr snyi^u- in the A. <>. I'. W. hall. After partaking f the bountiful repast, " g.Hid-night " greet- ing* were exchanged, and the people dis- persed. Yli-itfonl Koa<l. From our oien CorrttponJent,. Mr. A. W. Mason, Phrrnolngist, lectured to a full house in the Stono Sch.Njl Hou*e last week, a large numbci f the audience after the lecture had then cranium* examined. Mr. Maaon is a master hand at the business, The tea-meeting in aid of the Organ fund wa* well attended, amount rvalue*] " brought down the hfiuse " as usual. n the violin and piamot. Miss Milly VanDtuen ably *u*tamed her reputation a* an excellent vocalist. Miss Bella feat of , Christ.H) sang "*Thr Blue Altntian .\l>ntn- walking VMS* the ice on the "square," , feiinj," with mark ed effect. In fact .he AMITIIEK KfMAWAY. A young horsw, Hi-shert. .n, recently. The way his feet never appeared to better advantage, attached to a cutter, ruahed down Col- shot out from undi-r him wa* surprising, which i* laying a great deal, a* she ia one , Ungwood itreet at a "2:40 ..n-tlie-plank ' For fine brief moment he clawed the sir of the best public vocalists in this section j-ait y.-t. r.iny morning a*tin*hing the in the vain endeavor to recover hi* of country. Mr. Jo*. Hlackburne gave a native* generally. When nearly op|Hite humorous reading which created much the plainm* factory, the cutter came in laughter. Ihiet by Mr. MacPhenoa ; contact with a buggy which wiu Un.ln.g and Mr* Trimble. Instrumental by near the road, but strange enough Park* Bro* Kei-itation by Mi** Ida nothing wan damaged ; the cutter went (Jiinhy Song by Miss M. Van Duten. over on its side, but S.H>II nghU;d iUelf. Bong by Mr. A. McPherson, which was I Finally the horse got tired of having su The Missionary Meeting in the Wealr ClWrK f>n Tuscday evenmtr, wa* attended*, rtit- ipeaKing wm tirst-claii*. alry well GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP equilibrium, tli.-n with the twiftneu of a thunderbolt he measured hi* length on the ice. and a new "universe of stars " danced before his .luordurvd vision. He lay prostrate for some seconds, thun raised himself up in a sitting posture, and stared vat-antly into spave He ptuuHxl his hand over the back of bis head, expecting, no doubt, to feel * little |.l of blood trickling down the- hack of his neck, or |>n-hane> some ot* hi* brains. Fin. ling that, with the exception of a r.-.-fived with great applauieand enfurrd. ' "/>em'f you Afinriifayf the Farm," was evaw-dingly well rendbrud, by Mot. W. W: Trimble, Miss VaiiDsmon, Miss Cltfistoe, and Messrs. Macpherson, Trimble an.l McDowell. Thu proceed- much fun "all t<> itself," and iivppeu of its uwa acsivrd. oppoaite \Y -I. Gordon's residt-aoe, an.r suffered U> Jf to bu re- captufvtiJ FLESH ERTOX FLESHBRTON. WATCHES ! MARBLE WORKS f CLOCKS & JEWELERY. JAS. G.RUSSELL, (LATE OP HAMILTON.! Praelical Watchmaker, E. VANZAN.T, AM. UNO* or , Such B*Mrniumenta, TombTablfn. II. ; .lit.>n. - Cinuiter and Table Tops ia'Amorican and liuluiii Marble and (iranitc, and made on xhort notice. Alao Mantlt>M in Miublo ain.i> Slate, Ac., Ac. Flonhorton, Aug. 3t), 1MKV oi>ll oui line ieweln. *c price* 1 ut ,,f coun' ed ex< ' of watohc*, clocks, . will K- offered at '<. unknown In this section Kri-rylhing will be warrant- ivs r;iBeaontd. Ayer > nr>a].*rilla it the be^t medicine for evei ne i" the spring. Emierants andtre * ill find in it an effectual f, motion*, boils, pimples, CBTe oaused o, , . iV.it break out on the skin lisosder in the blood, ., .Ik^Vid life, on boant Has start od business in the store nexi dloor to the Bank, Sydeiihaui at.. FLESHERTON. And is prepared to do all kinds of Watch, (Mock, and Jewelry Repairing < short notice and in a satisfactory manner. JbCvery \Vtttcll VV it i-ruii t M!. A good stock of Watches, Clocks 4 Jewelry at I >\v'r-< i Prices. If your Watch or Clock stops, Ukc.it to IU SHKI.I. and he will briug WILLIAM iio<a; FLESHEETON STATION. Rmprctfully announces that h* has reeeivnl a Large Supply of New Kotufs, time. Gi'e him a trial. OF REG9MMEWDAVIOW : Hamilton. Marohaist. 1888. ThisiS'to certify that we know-Jam 0. RVSSM.L Urbe a thoroughly good suitable for th season, *n of which have be- pnrehaied to tho.Wst adTsntsR, . snJ w^L be sold clump fur Caxh ,.r Conutry>Prodooe. Tbe utw armais sr<- Ritcnsive t varitd la Dry Goods, Winter ClothiDir, Boots &c., d;c., dtc. Also a full npply of Unrdwarr, 4irorrle, Pr^^Nlon* .r. k. f > . tpeetion of the 8tuk invited. My Branch Star* at EUGENIA kepijully si u-it-h Goods- c. Ja. I Watchmaker, mil would work aoutt in chqerftitt rtoommend hrtn to any A. C. A N Uhlit SON 4 CO 3 K I offer FCB SALE or TO I 4T. my. SAW MILL ai-LittM Palls . urtn ,>i..fcr T . hoad of wator ; aH in Kud order, with akVul 406 sores, hTiiuftrr La-l ..m ^^''' oae roaring ;tUnato a. Tafenar* atao sevrrafatsKtr 8ocJ still 9iH* on las pr> ( ^y . I ! i on cither parhs**)or !* to sMtnpeti Matt, HamUm. \ FMmtoukB*

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