Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1884, p. 7

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POETBY. . l.llllr Tl.'-y drive homo the oowa from the pasture, Up through the lon. ihatly lane, Where the iiuail wbUtlst loud in the wheat fluid That u yellow with ri|mued gram. Tbey find tin. thick WSVIUK grss Wber* the scarlet-lip-nxl trawtwrry HTOWS ; Tbuy tether tlie earliest snowdrop*, And the first criiiiKou buds of tb* rose. Tbey tots the bay in the meadow. Tbuy (father the eldei-blooni white; Tbey nud where the tiutkv grapes pnrplo la tbo soft-tinted October light. Tbey know where the apples bang ripest. Aud are *w*eU>r tban Italy'* wioei ; Tbe> know when tbo fruit hang* thickest Ou the lung, thuroy blackberry vms. Tbey gather tbe delieate seaweeds, Aod build tiny cantlet of sand . Tbey pick up tbe beautiful sea Hhells, Fairy barks ibat have drifted to land. Tbey ware from tbe tall, rocky tree tops, \Vhere tbe uriuU'e bauiinock nest iwmgf ; Anit at night time ate folded lu clumber By a soog that a fond mother sings. Tbose who toil brarely art utrongeet Tbe bumble and i>. >or become great. And from tbose trowu handed children shall grow mighty rulers of state. Tbe pen of the author and statesman, Tbe noble and wiee of our laud be (word and chitel and palette thai I be held in the little brown band. i. Thy i mi. l> It Well. Do thy little- -do It well ; Do what ngbt and reason toll ; Do w bat wrung and sorrow rla.nl i Conquer sin, and oorer shame. Do thy little, though it be Dreariness and drudgery ; They whom Cbrut apoallee made "Gathered fragments' when He bade. Do tby little . Qod bath made Million leaves for forest shade; Muialleet star* their glory bring: God employeth everything. Do tby little ; and when thou Keeleaton tby pallid brow, Kre has fled the vital breatb. Cold and damp tbe sweat of death. Then the little thou baet .lone. Little battles thou bast won. Little masteries achieve.!. Little wants with care relieved. Little words in love eipreaaed Little wrong* at once confessed. Little favors kindly done. Little tolls tbou didst not shun, Little graces meekly worn, Little slights will) patience borne. Thee* shall crown the pillowed bead, H.Oy light upon thee ilied ; These are treasures that aball rise Far beyond the smiling akiee. UiD 1MAOB* OF DEATH. A I- rni-lerrd I that gun I" tbe old insu cnei To hie eon. a sprightly uroblu ; - It's Sunday. >ee, but 1 1. have tbs bide Of tbaloouu if 1 1 costs a on urchin ' O. father, stay," the youthlet plead, Remember, to-day is buoday ; Call not d wn veogsauce on toy bead Wait, father, and shoot it Monday." Oimuie that gun !"-the man was stern "And gimme uo more palaver; You are young in year-, and had Utter learn when a eoon 'a in sight I'll have her V Tbe youth passed over the heavy gnu A (tun which himself bad loaded, Like a bold, bad, unretn-aerate eon, By the spirit o( mischief goad e. I. A .uno> 01 powder and three of shot He bad dumped in the carbine's musile. And gloated over bin dreadful plot, Like a child with a Cbmeee puule. Then be hied away to a safe retreat Nealb a stone wall's friendly cover , Til wait awhile." did tbe lad repeal, " Till the dm of battle's over." Then came a burwt of tbunder sound : Tbe old mail, where wae be ? Curled like a <|uab vine on tbe ground, While toe eoon eklpped up a tree. 41 0, father, father " the you thlet cried. Remember, t. . . lay Is Sunday !" " You betl but I'll tau your tender bide From now till thedawnof Monday!" A I.OSU SLF.KP. On death's cold bier the mother lay. In garments cold and white. Her little child comes full of play And wondere at tbe sight. Tbe roees in her golden hair Tbe child with joy do nil ; On boeom cold tbs flower* fair Do pleas* it ay, more still. It calls, in tone* caressing, mild, " Mother, dear mother, pray. A flower Rive tby dsrllng cbll.i, But one from tby bouquet!" Bnt Bince no found the sllenee break* It thinks and wbisperelow: l)emr mother sleep" , wben she awakes, she'll give It me. I know!" On tip-too then It quits tbe bier, Her slumber not to break, And comes, from time to time, to bear If mother not aeaso. The Remarkable Ditcovensi Mad. In the Ruint of Pompen. STAR'. MSOMU. IMIU wui reuuiii tcii. Who that ban an object before him ever grows tired in Pompeii? As I have laid, the aspect of the looal ujuueum ii Hiuart. It glisten 44 , it gleams with it* polished oakeu fitting* u( l Klasa cases. Tbe pots atid pans, the tishhookai aud stirrups, the calcined loaves) and fruit*) and out* that have almost, but not quite, brought me face to face with the people of A.D. 7i are from carbonization black, bat they are comely. The whole room looks bright and cheerful, yet on every side are there mementoes of death, auddeu, violent and terrible. Ranged round the wall* are skeletons of men, women, infant*, horses, mules, dogs, oat* and poultry, all dug from the ruins. Stay, the little lucking pig yonder, that was found in the baker's oven, escaped a violent end. Be had been mercifully stuck to death before they scored aud trussed hm i for tbe bake-house. Hie tender crackling, tbe griatls of his snout, hie ear* and eyee have long since been resolved into dost and ashes, but tbe osseous struc- ture of the tiny creature) is yet perfect, even to the bones of the pettitoes) and tbe vertebra.- of the once curly tail. Plain sauoe and not pumice stone should have crowned tbe funeral pyre of that little pig. How brown and shiny he most have been growing, how nice he must have smelt, wben tbs black rain of ashes came down upon him and covered him up for eighteen oe 11 tunes. But tbe middle of tbe museum ; what ii there in tbs midst of tbe museum ? Sudden, violent and dreadful death, the aspect of which u almost snpernaturally revealed to us, but which bears no appalling look. I have rarely known s civilian who, having once been over a field of battle, say three days after the slaughter, ex- hibited the slightest desire to make a second time that journey full of horrors. Yet there is nothing shocking, and Boarosly anything, indeed, that can be oalled painful, in tbs appearance of tbe images of death ranged st full length on tbe tables. Th* prostrate figure o( tbe man who, from the aquillins outline of his countenance, is known as tbe Koman, and who is girt with a money belt. 1 1 m death must have been from asphyxiation. His head reposes on one of bis arms ; tbe expression of the countenance is one of deeply thoughtful gravity scarcely sleep, although the eyes are closed, but rather profound meditation. And then th* ragauo, the boy of 11 or IS snmmsrs, who had tumbled face foremost OB the ground, and died there in a moment. And tbe rayocie, the exquisitely formsd young girl of 16 or 17, her (see turned a little on one Over Twenty Tliouxuiid Dollar* Le>.i-A*m OU Pioneer's Mn.lt- ui. in Hew ss s/nuot was (>-iii la Vstist A a -mi ml 4 BI..I it,.,,,,. I Sis FU.ICUCO, CaL-The Daily Chronicle publishes the folio wing editorial com muni- oation from Captain W. P. Swasey, tbe oldest pioneer in San Fra>ncisoo, a gentle- man well known throughout tbe oosst, which will be self explanatory : Editor oj tin Chronicle Bis: Anything concerning Ihe history of au old Calif ornisn, especially it hs U xtsniivejly and favorably known throughout the Pacific coast, never fails to attract attention, bat when tbe cir- cumstances attending bli career are of such s peculiar obaraoter that a knowledge of them will benefit the public at large, tbe imparting of suoh knowledge becomes cot only a pleasure, but s duty as wall. There- for*, tbe writer deems the following brief sketch not only eminently proper, but also feels confident that il will prove deeply interesting and beneficial to the thousands wbo will read it. OolonelD. J. Williamson, th* subject ol this letter, entered the Union Army in 1861 a* Regimental Quartermaater of ibe Fourth California Infantry, sod in 1863 he was appointed by 1'retndent Lincoln, Captain, Quartermaster of tin United States Army. Ii* served with distinction to himself and honor to tbe Government, until 1867, si which time be left the military service and became a prominent operator in stocks m Sao Francisco. In Ibis busmen be oon tinusd until 1870, wben be received from I'residenlOrant tbe appointment of ("nitad Utatee Consul at Callao, Peru. In 1874 bs was appointed by President Grant Consul si Valparaiso, Chili, and also Charge d' Alairs of that Republic, which latter posi nous be was compelled by ill bee lib to resign in 1878. In tbe winter of 18611, a winter that was unusually inclement, while on military duly st Sacramento, Colons! Williamson obliged to sleep in tents, aud then first con- tracted th* terrible scourge of rhenmatiim, from which he at times offered exoruciat ing pain, altnough he was not incapacitated from duty. After be bad left tbe service and entered upon botioees pursuit* the disease pertinaciously olong to his system although be resorted to the most eminent medical sdvios and to every known remedy (or relief. Wben be arrived in Peru, where rheumatism is very prevalent, the dii temporary relief. Some time ago one of er children was afflioted with a oontrao- ou of the muscles of the lower jaw, which urned hsr mouth to one side ; a few appli- atione of St. Jacobs Oil restored tbs tea- ires to their natural condition, and Mrs. tioe began to look hopefully towards it for crown core. A single application, she said, made her a firm believer in it* virtues, as ths t fleet was instantaneous and she aa greatly benefltted. Tbs continued use [ <t brought her to tbe hippy state in hioh tbe reporter saw her, with tbe ee use of her hmbe snd in perfect ealth, cured. She was verv enthusiastic her commendations of the pain- elieving and curative powers of St. Jacobs il, which she said had accomplished more or her in a few weeks than all the other emediss the physicians had recommended n tbs past seven veer*. She can now ran p and down stairs, shssaid, snd her hands ere is useful, in every respect, as in jy ad been before she began to suffer, seven ears ago. ' Qod bleee Hi. Jacobs i Ml," be good lady exclaimed, ss the reporter aa about to leave, airs. Rio* has lived in nis city thirty yean, and her statement, worthy of all credence, is fully corroborated by her friend* and neighbors, and by her wn cui. "ri~, r.'Lj were fully cagmzant of er helpless condition before she began to e the wonderful remedy. sTBHOflOl'M % I I ti K u a Varasrr *>v a >l ..l~i 10 l N. I I. Urn WUI ll, I It, 'In. .! t r rr.-lrd. A last (Friday) night'* Hioksville, L. I., despatch says : At half past Ii this morning Belah Spregue, la well-to-do farmer at East Meadow, went to tbe barn to feed hie hones He bad just reached tbe barn wben a tall mulatto attacked him with a fishplate used for coupling oo railroad track*, and after striking him several murderous bio ws on tbs head left him for dead and msde bis way to the house. Upon entering be saw Mrs. Bprague in tbe kitchen, and struck one blow at her and demanded her money. She told him to net it out of a drawer and then ran screaming from tbe bouse. Before she had gons far tbe man overtook bsr and panned her, soon galling oat of sight, Ths neighbors hnrriod to tbe spot sad found Hprsgue's almont lifeless body lying in a pool of blood near tbe barn. Tbe country was scoured, but tbe miscreant was not found. Great excitement prevails. Sprsgue and his wifs are about 50 yean of age and amongst tbe most respected residents of ths country. Then is no hope of Bprsgoe'i recovery. Later. Tbs mulatto has be* a arrested. you can sse her innocent features, and her fixed in girlish coquetry. These images of sudden and violen death are all nude . but when they were stricken down by death they wore ths gar menu of their time and rank garment* which the heated ashes calcined and mad* to %'Sflisb, in a moment. But th* ai/ua boUantt, tbe boiling Vapor permeating the pumice, tbe scoria ud tbe sshts formed round each body a tine caste, which received tbe imprint of the corpse wbicn u eurreu*wr4. This paste after soms days dried, and became a sharply defined mould, and then came tbe eighteen centuries) of entombment. Tbs bodies deeayed, tbe bones fsll away from ligaments which turned to dost, but the sharp mould remained, rstaimng every detail of tbe external form of that had once been human. And one day Csvalier* Fiorelli, superintending tbe proof* of the soavi," was told by ons of hi* workmen that with hie pick-axe be had struck into a cavity apparently of considerable dimen- sions. The cavity wae sounded, and by- and-bye some vestige* of mortality a vertebra, a bone of a tarsus or a meta- os r pus wae brought to tbs sur.sW. It instantly occurred to ths astute mind of Cavalisre Fiorelli that a human body bad one* filled that cavity, and thit tbs long-sines indurated mass of pumice and ashes had formed a mould which should present an exact imprint of the disintegrated oorpae). Liquid plaster of Paris was brought and poured through the aperture of the cavity. The plaster wss allowed to harden, and then the surround- ing mould was gently nmoved, and tbeee astonishing trsnsorlple of life suddenly turned into death were revealed. In only one of tbeee bodies, strangely resuscitated if the paradox can be pardoned by means of a bucketful of liquefied planter of Paris, are any signs of scute physical suffering visible, There i* a reproduction of th* body of a dog which, with a collar round it* neck, was found by the sids of the vestibule of a patrician's house. Tbs poor dog has died bard, it hae rolled over in Its sgony and liss on its back, its mouth open, its limbs violently contorted. Ths stretched out fore-paws are crossed almost in an attitude of supplication ; and tbe whole frame is twisted snd wrenched in a manner snggeetive of fearful pain having been suffered ere tbe relief of death came. London TeltgrafK. aasumed a (till more virulent type, and his suffering became so utterly intolerable that bs wae obliged to submit to the application of hypodermic iojsc tiona of morphia, freqnentv admiuitre< a* often si twenty -nvs times in twenty-four hour*. He visited the famous baths of that country without avail, and when bs reached Chili, resorted to the baths Coque-nss snd afterwards to ths bath* on the summit of tbe Andes), which latter er celebrated throughout tbe world for tbei eraoaoy m tbe cure of rheumatism. 11 ll found no relief, however, snd in 187 hi* knees and lower extremities beoevme no powerless from tbe din-ease that b* wss obliged to resign bis position aud return t California. He at one* repaired to tb Paso Koblas Springa, in San Lais Ubispo county, where be received but slight tsm porary relief, the malignant complaint oon tinuing to torture and rack bis frame almost without cessation. From 187H unti within about two monshs, bs has) be* totally deprived of tbe use of hie lows liuibe, being absolutely unable to perform tb* most simple phyaieal sat, witbon aeautanoe. Soms six moutha ago be was induced by his friend. Ferdinand V assault Eatj., [Secretary of the California 1'ioueers to try St. Jacobs) Oil. It is fortunate b did so, for to day. after long years intense agony and utter prostration, be able to walk about with comfort and with out tbe aid of either oane or orutober H has discontinued all medical treatment ani tb* use of all uarcolio*. aud be grateful!; and moat emphatically attribute* this happy result solely to the use of St. Jacob Oil. Tb* writer of this letter having bim self been s sufferer from rheumatism, sn bavin* been thoroughly oared by tbe ssm remedy, feels impelled by a sense of duty to afflicted humanity to impart tbia informa tion to th* public. Youn respectfully, W. K BwitiT. An elegant out-Joor garment is the long black velvet paletot trimmed with bear, akin. An Irishman was heard to say that be would have beern s man of considerable property if his father I ad never entered tbe family. There Is a man wbo knows bow io play on two cornets at once. Th* neighbors say they don't object s* to hie knowing bow, bat hs had better not try to do it. A K. IHHrUntal. Tlo.nt. A very remarkable mosaic has just been disoovered at Nlmes. It is over l&O square feet in size, and represents a Roman em- peror seated on a throne, by the aids of which stands a female figure. There are also two figures of men, leading, the one a lion and the other a wild boar. A warrior witb a Roman helmet and a number of slaves complete thie highly interestiD, 1 group. The work has happily escaped injury ; the lines and the colors are as freeb ae if thsy dated from yesterday. It is de- clared by competent judges to be ths richest mosaic vet discovered, no museum in Europe poeeeeiing one to install it. As for Its value, thsy decline to name a definite sum, though they express th* opinion that it cannot be worth leas than 1,000.000 francs at the lowest. The unfortunate owner of the house in which this treasure has been discovered had jnst sold tbe property to the mnnioipsJity for lees than .1,000. Thie body will frame the mosaic, and place it in ths museum of ths town, already so rich in looal relics of tbe Roman period. St. Jamei' Oeuttle. es Ths brown and gilt plash hat which young women in Parie wear in their after noon promenade on ths boulevards in a reproduction of th* hat worn by Cbarlee I. I in be portrait by Vandyok. To Captais U'. But FBAXCUCO, CAL. F. Stcaify, Pumerr Hal City DKIR CAPTAIN : Having carefully the foregoing, I cheerfully add my unqnali fled attestation to tb* truthfulness of tb statement* oontained therein O( course, u language is adequate to convey a realist! sense of the fearful suffering and egony have pataed through in the last eight yean during which time I have expended at lean K'O.OOO for remedies, medics! attendauc and an enforced residence at differen bathing resort*. I cheerfully add tbi testimony because I feel perfectly %ertai that a knowledge of my cure by St. Jacob Oil will prove tbe meaiiN of relievio bundredaof sufferers from the pangs of in dreadful diseaea alluded to. Confident o belns; eoon again able to resume my forme setive life, I remain always, Your friend, D. J. \V ; : : u 11 . N 680 Taylor atreet, Baa Francisco, Cal. FOB TBE I n .1 Nrwa Neira. The Bomber nlief fund has reached a total of f 8.56X) 08. Tbe Chinese are now reported to bs gen- rally less disposed for war. York Countv Council will consider a motion to abolish toll-gates. Toronto harbor receipt* for 18M3 exceed tboae of tbe previous year. A f ATAI. as.lB)T*KB would be not to take Dr. R. V. 1'ieroe's 1 Uolden Medical Discovery " if yon are bili- i. suffering from impure Blood, or fear- ng consumption (scrofulous disease of the uugs). Sold by all druggist* A large flint arrow -bead wss found Irmly imbedded in the back of a whale ptnred off Ban Diego, Cal., the other day. ^ Dr. 1'ieroe's Pleasant Purgativs Pel- eta are sugar coaled and enolosed in glass bottlea, their virtue* being thereby srved unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, so that thsy are always freeh and reliable. No cheap woodeu or pasteboard boxen By druggists. Several yean ago a flock of tarn* (oats were turned loose in the Banta Cataliuas, Arizona. They have multiplied in number till they now amount to a large band. KIDNETS, LIVER AND URINARY ORGAC 1 UK sBMT BLOOD I't KH'IKH There 1s only on* wav by which any d be cured, and Ibat 1* by removing ' Trie great medleal antboev tctai neei , Is caused lij llisslsasil Ililnl is or ifver. To i orelslbei whatever it may be. ities of the day declare t nearly llvi. nerefor* I* Tbe only way b) which heaJtft can b* secured. Here ls where Wsumer'e I sirr has achieved its great repatUloa It directly upon Ihe kidneys enl aver and by p them in s bealthy oonditiun drives dise and pain from tbe intern. Pur all Kidney. Lave* and Urinary trouble*, for tb* Jistreesmg dsv orders of women, for Ualana and phyaieal trouble* generally, this great remedy has no equal Hewer* of impostors, imitation t and oouooctlo"! said to be just a* food. Kor Diabetes earn for Wansrr'e Hal* lle- t>. lr. I urr For sal* by all dealers, H. II U VUM U A o Toronto. Ont Hoobeeter N. T London Bog. U. Functional derangement of tbe female lyetem la quickly cured by tbe use of Dr. K. V. Pieroe'e Favorite Prescription." It remove* pain and restores health and strengtn By all druggists. Fivs men and Cue womso in various parts of tbe United Kingdom bavs lost their lives during ths gale. llo.... Urns*. All your own fault If you remain slcs wben you can O*l bop bitters Ibat never fail. Tbeweake*t woman, snialleet chil.l and sics.ee* invalid can use hup bitter* with safety aud *reel ood. Old men totterlni around from Rheumatism kidney trouble or any weakness will b* aliuuet Dew I y Being bop bitters. My wife and dauf hter were mad* healthy by tbe use of bop bitten, and I recommend them to my people. stetbodist Clerfrman. Ask any good doctor if bop Hitter* am nut tbe bet family medicine On 1-artb Malarial fever, Ane end Biliousness, will Isave (very netfbnorbood a* soon a* bop bitter* arrive. My mother drove tbe paralysis and neuralgia all out of her lyeteui witb bop bitten. 4. (.XUtyu Sun. Keep tb* kidney* bealtby witb hop bitten aad you need not fear sickness. lee water I* rendered harmless) and more re frsbiui;and revivinn witb bop bitten 10 oath draught. -The vigor of youth for th* aged and mane lu bojt bitten. Hl i III -f till a Quick, complete oar*, all annoying Kidney, iiled.ler aud Urinary Diseases 1 Druggists. Tbe pen may be mightier than tbe sword , but if yon get a hair in it you begin to be lievs that u may sometimes outlive us usefulness. (^Millions of packages of the Diamond Dyes have been sold without a single eoui|>lalnt. Kverywbere they are tbe favorite dye*. A. lady recently sat down on tbs slippery pavement of a Minnesota town with 44 doll (tokening thud." Il baa struck the Northwest, bss il ? It seems Impossible tbat a remedy made of such common, simple plant* as Hope, Buchu. Mandrake, Dandelion, etc.. should maseenmeny and such great cure* a* Hon Bitten do . but w !)<!! <ii,1 ati.l young, ricb and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor all testify to having been cured by thorn, you most believe and try them yourself, aud doubt no longer. An explosion occurred in a mine in the Rhine Province, Oermany, Tussdsy, in which M persons were killed and 12 severely wounded. - HIM t. II OKI I M I. II Knocks a Cough or Cold endwise. For children or adult*. Troches, IJc. Liquid 90*. At druggist* 4, NOTED HIT r>TITI.Kl> crnoi u. asstuo. A negro lad, of Carlisle, Ky., was taught to write by a ion of H. A. Bevard. lie returned the favor by using tl*e copies of tbe name and trying to torgs it. lie has been placed in jail in consequence. From Hev. Dr Blpley. Kdllor of th* C'iruluin Adfunitr. Buffalo.; A VM n.l-m MUM. iM WE WISH TO CALL THE AT- TK N'T ION of all persons suAerluit from throat and IUOK dlexases to a medir-me which we bave personally tried to our satisfaction, and k-rmtly Io tbe toned! of oar bealtb. Having suffered for some time past from Hronebiti*. and more or lee* trouble wilb tbe lungs, we com- menced taking Ur Wbettler's Couinoun-l Blillr of 1'bospbates and Oallsaya In February last. and steadily Improve 1 through tbe spring, tbe wont season of the year for such dli A lilt % I I ll * K.I !! T he fit. Louis, Mo., Pott-Diipatch, say A moat remarkable oase ha* just ooma to ths notice of a reporter of tins paper, wbo having been informed ot the wonderful cure of Mrs. Phoebe Rice, 1,206 Madison street, a siater of Hon. B. Clay Sexton, Chief of the St. Louis Firs Department, visited tbst lady at her residence. Mrs. Uioe made her tatement without the least reluctance and said that for tbe paat seven years, she bad been a suffervr from acute, inflammatory rheuinstiam, which had affected the muscles ot the bands, contracting thsm no badly she oould not comb her hair, hold a needle or pick up s pin, snd rendered the) lower limbs se helpless she re quired orntnhes to move about. DOT ing tea month* she wan obliged to carry the right hand in a aling. Phyai ciane were oalled in, bat gsve bsr only Tbe chord of sympathy i* often beet expressed by a cord of wood. *. Test a niani profession by bis practice. Pliys-ciau, heal thyself." I'hymcian* not only li.-al themselves with Kidney *Aort but proscribe it fur other* for the wont ease* of biliousne** and constipation, as well as for kidnsy com- plaints. If you feel out of sorts and don't Know why. try a package of Kidney-Wort and you will feel lite s new creature. You've no idea what a horror it gives a man to steal np behind a girl who i* scrib- bling, look over her shoulder, and find that she'* idly writing your nams with a " Mrs." prefixed. Revelation suggests the Idea that from Woman comes the power to " bruise tbe serpent's liiiad. ' Tbe words take a new meaning to-day, sinoe this l precisely wbat Urn. l.y.lis K 1'lnk- ham'n Hemeoles do for tbe physically illae**ed patient. Her Vegetable Compound reaches tbe ultimate eourees of the evil. It* action Is gentle and nolssleee. but it is more powerful tban tbe club of Hercules.-" This is tbe best country in ths world for a poor man. Except wben be in married he has a right to do M he plsasee with what he mi ste*ejas)SMgssJ HkFS of Mr*. Ljdla a I BOSS, e? *.TS, Kssa. ws aboT.aU otaer t saayte t-ith felly ceUIU> ! assess cf h*r i ufteevneileiils loo to mil her. Sas at sea: > - 1 J <!TO*d to her work, whlrk Is I*, ovseoese of s l-f >rudy, sad I* oous*4 to keep six bey aesSK*.- n to hlp bT seen 11 la laimje wtae-. diiy r*ts la esoe ker, eaek beartas Us ct scStrlar, or Joy at nlMue froes It. Be* mBd le* eMdlriiie tor tool aad set I hare senoaaBT laVMUgatod It as4 esisttlsSnl -f the truth of taU. OnaeeoaBt cf tti prone sisrlte. M U ncoaumrailes Mi preecrftwJ br tbebf* pkrisctaM la the cmutry. Oa sayei - It works Bke * eharas aa4 a>iss pale. II will cure uttrrr/ Ih* worst term ri ef the etonis, Ua-.-rrhoa, trrt*-o^.- <-i Msestrwallon. sJ Car1aa Troohles. I-lai-stl j tmt Clesntkm, rtootUt*. all Dteplactsu^ts aac U. ce ***! splmal weuaees, a^ Is *rc - *k' J**e4 pj theChaageof Ufs." II tii i ussne STITJ finrtl m rf t*n t7:^. aaJ strea new ttfe and vtfor. I: nmrnn l_Biim, aatileacy, esetroy* aD rrartr*- for ttenulf-t*. aal njos* weaa* sees of Ibs etcmer t- It con* ?>eni, TTOUS Prostrml'.i c. Osorra) rsprssslnn and IzOftftton. Til t erdag at don, easetDs* ta!a, wdgat and is.-ka.-a> is alw*je penBaaently ru*4 by He *e>. IT U1 al tU HIM. aad aoir all curuajsaoex. act tatAmcaj vtUUMtow thai govera* :5> frme.1- >Trrv It onsu calj fl. r*r botUe or six f IT .. and I* soM Sf druggists Aaj advice rwiolnd as to sfMda 1 eaase, eaA theaaaesof *a**7 who haTewecn lestored toperfes* keahr-by tbe nss of the Vi getel Is Ccmponcd. eaa e* obulik.4 by ii'ilrss^nq Mrs. I 1 ., with stamp (or riply, at hr hooie la Lynn, Mass. Tor Kldaey (mplalni of r*wr sn IbU rompomad SJ esmrriao-d as abundant tjetlmrmleta show. "Ira nakham'iUTerPUls, 41 saj*oawr1>r. -sse Ac Ms* s w*rUl tar the cur. of OmUsattsst : InmsBMS end TorpUllr of the Unr. llrr IBoed rt--ISer worfcs weadere la Be esi rial llo sad beds ns t equal tle Compouw* ' - ,L tK.iiuUrl*/ All nesst neeorl he< ie.Ji Aasri ol Mr - t * r-c.-sk) u> do good to othen, O sin. * TT. B KIDNEY-WORT FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. Ho other dlMNMe is 'try saConstlrat.-i. r. I n > munlr has * {equalled th* ovlcbrmtsd Kidney- Wort se : cure. WnateTcr the caus*. however obstut the f***. this remedy will orimnsislt. Dll s?Q inia dixnveing <M r It-EO. plalal as very apt to plloatedwithooiuUpaUoa. aMdney-Wort strengthens the wraaeoed parte and quick ly nurse 'lk ''.. f V i and s!u i> I r If ycu lure either of these tiaeMse USE I Orugjatlsts sVell KIDNEY-WORT - Borun ON OK > Ask for Well*' " Roof b on Corns. ' i V complete, permanent bunions. permanent our*. gniok, war**, iiuirjim i~"" fir 4 1 T-'i-Tfti n ii. i. eetss^Brer. UIT* BsprMBtnd r O e44rwe. PS. t. A. SLOCIM. UI FMf 1 1C. *.w TOTSi

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