Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1884, p. 4

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THE ADVANCE. A.Ji- - Editor. FLESHERTON: TIU'HSliAY. 1 Klk 7, bodies I., m _ about the size of ordinary cisterns - the laughter and cheering fairly rout the roof. liolL young men being .iinoii; "in very bet skaters, ndled grace- fully urouiid the rink, notwithstanding tlieir unwieldy Uu.kiie.; costumes. The .small skull eaps W..1U by them milled nil tlie more ',o their comical appearance. The prizes were awarded as follows : IJest fancy skater, lady, .Mis^ Kmmu Damude: I text fancy skater, gout, Mr. J-UIICH Mo.-irr : Mest ni:is>|iie.:nle C.wUime, . Sir. Win. Voki- ; best Masi|ueraile NiiMiurradc Curnhal. Thu Masquerade Carnival liuld mi the Flosherton Skating Mini lui Thursi'.at evening, was, peihaps tli* most success- ful mio ever heW in this Tillage and par ticulaily a-i revalued the nuinU-r nd vr- K-ty of mas. |,i.w 01 u. Tlu-re was also a goodly iiiiinler uf visitors, who se.. -iu.il delighted with their share of llie Inn. Il was half-|a,t seven <> Vloek ere tlio first masquer put in his appcaraiuv. He was a representative of the Colored race, i:i.l well heL-ame the black dretis coat and white "Plug" hat supjuwcd to represent a Southern 1'lantatiuu darkey. The ti. . . ing ti iii|>eratiiie of our elnn.-ite, however, prevented 'him wearing that light, airy dress peculiar to the colored race of the South. Shortly after the appearance of the African. Itrnluet. " stuiu{K.->l in with l.er skates ulrtady fastened tu hr hoot*. She looked very much farigueJ, and ap- peared to he eutfeiing fruui rheuinatism ine other complaint, hlie carried in l.er hand a Kisket of eggs (?) and created uproarious laugnter by her xig-zii 1 .' iii..\e- nients on the ice. It was not until late in the I'vpniii" that it was discovered that this i.-j.reseiitativc of old Erin was in. -li.-r than our lively little friend. Willy Sullivan. Little Martin (iood rcprraen tod TllK Ai>\ \N. Y. and appeared in all; the gl'.ry of print -" Advance " before, Advance '' behind, and "Advance" all over. Marty's evolutions on the ice elic- ited fre.jueiit outbursts of applause. H u only i i-.'ht years of age. but has few L-|uals. as a skater, in this section of tin- country- that is, taking a^i- int.. consid- eration. Mastur Win. Ynkes, as a Sjan- i -!i !>>ii of the last centurj-, was splendid- ly attired. Mastur Edwin Richardson u - uimi.il.le "II jmn, wuctxataij with llie i-espect diii- t" iniT hairs, and acted his part well. Old Mother Hnbbard, in tlir person of Master Jo-tias Strain, created i :u<-h merriment. The two "Rackw<x.ds- inen, ' were well represented by Mr .In... Heard and Mr. Alex. Clarke. Tlie grace- ful skating of Mr. Heard exuted much favorable comim i.t. Mr. Jan.es Mosier . thu " flown," showed himself to betiH> . I ;i ...k:iter to make a good clown. Jim < a tirst-chiki skater, as I-M-M l.."iv TU ,t .1 -kiiowledtfti who ha. seen Inn ,K : jn i ..ng r.r.iund mi the ice for any leiio-Ji ( ,f : .:ne. Mr. Ear'.es Strain, in the character of the "High Church I'UIM.II," ap| t . the very bust advantage. His tall costume lady. MJ-S M. K. Wright : best pair skati'i-s. lady and gent, Miss M. E. Wright and -Mr. John Uea:il ; |MI\ , under 14 years of *.'<. .Marty (!ond : In '>r skater, "'. undi-i 14 years of ago, Mi-.- E. lioidnii. The refreahmenu prepared by Mrs. Fields for the occasion were /!/ i-j-n-lli at. Thu judges were Messrs. Elder, SlePhcrsoii and Neilson. it . At a Treasurer, in Acrtnint tnth thr 'rr*y Klrrtantl Agricultural .^v^ il. fur thr year ending January /.v ';. ' To balance In baud, as per lut Annual Carried. Mr. Fedler moved, seconded l>y Mr. Hleakley, That the Councillor for Ward No 4, lie, and is hereby instructed to nee to iv pairini; and putting in a sate con- dition the bridge OUT the Heaver Kiver .it Kmjeiiia. Carried. Mr. SlcArthur moved, seconded by Mr. Hleaklvy, That a motion passed by thia OoOMH toda\. to the ett'eet that liolicrt Metiowaii iv refunded 824. (XI !M> recitided tin- Council having received information from the assessor that his assessment as the roll ahuws is correct. Cm I led. Mr SlcArthur moved, seconded by Mr. Hle.ikley, That the <31erk a.K.-itis, for applications for an Assessor for 18H4-. i 'ai i led. I'ay for this days session and indigents n.i lithly allowan*> ...i- ordered. 1\\ J. BELLAMY, Clerk. In Ijtxiu'B Land NEW- Fall and Winter Goods 1 FOR 1883-4. R. J, Sproule, FLESHERTON, Whilst ti'iidcriiiK sincere thanks for tlir litiye patnuiagr in-eivid in the past, ho^s to aiinonne*' the urriviil of an IMMKNSK STOCK of Fall mid \Vinti i (iowis. Having i -ntrrpd the nnu krt und phu-id orders \vh*u pi -in * '.arc at J. Kcnnody, dealer in drugs, Ac .Dixie, Ontario, recommends Hagyarti's l'e- toral liulsniii to Li.- customers, it having their lowest pouit, I mil liow pri-puri'd to 1 Ye UM vwy bi st Taluo possibly tu d Ins aifu < f\ I. id cough. It is the I be gcxt, to IttV patrons. if -I tn.ij.l~. such as Asthma, Cough anil most safest and suresj- remedy uf all Throat nnd Lurg liri.iichitii, pectoral complaint C77.0OO.OO" III 4'hunrrry. "\>-st uf Kill .nut //. <r .if l*> published semi-monthly, -\Ly large stock of and . something immense, anil for Quality, Sty If. ami I'licapm-HH, tar surpassis any tiling; vor shown in (his part of ilu> country. lu order ta U- |>rt p;in-d for lay largo and stcwlily incrcMing business, I have placed larjje orders, thereby ^rotting ^.xxls at tlio lowt-st jiossilile {iricos ; and believing thut it is mutually lu-iutn-iiil to work as much as possible on a _ C'asli basis, tlu-reby saving tlio porolukssgr the large aiMi'ional profits that iiili, ntance laws, chancery decisions etc" | must Lv (nit on to cover losses, i will sell jjoods at the closest possible prict - K ( .| Kir t itrj Q5 iniienuince IAWS, i naucery uecifioiiK eic. i juuat we; JMU oil LU e-oici nj^.-en. M *IM MeiuiM-i- Mitmcriptioni i.v> .10 . nd i ifc roiitiiiuations) over 120,000 names ' to cash and prompt mviii" custoirers. i'o^m *::: :.:::JSS! ( Prt' ^^ ve been advert,-, i al (irunt.C'onnty . i. m i .!', 1 176. V By pruwi for UOTMS Sll^ 00 I'oilltry lo UU 7UW) ^!!;i for in England, Wales, Scotland, Ire- land. I'niie I Stal. > f Aineriea, t'anada. Australia, Eitht ainl Went I nd i en, France, Holland, Jiulgiuni, (ierniKiiy etc. etc. since ILiiY Size I:.' pagi'S. Subscrip- tion ^I'.OO j>er yeur. Single copies in cuts. William" Kaich, Publisher, 251 woo | William St., Pottotfice Box 34, New Roots and oUiw hosd orfi M ( Kniry Products . uo I ' <T* ^11). Krulti . is SO , An Open Letter. ;:: MO.. T. MIUH-.V * c. Work ttitl Dtff tin, 1 can honestly recommend Hagyard's Yellow < >il us the l>et reliefer nf rheumatic pain- of all the many spec- ific* ottered for sale, and as n Kiifferer for years 1 have tried every known remedy. I remain, respectfully yours, JOHN TAYLOR, IflO Parliament St., Toronto. . 1'lanu and Kluwuri VuetahlM Manufacture* Ml j Hy iin/.'H for itrt-viou* yearn p&ld ...ft 5 50 " l',.rti,>ii of I..'i:i-Uti\o Urajit pajd to TiiwnHhip StK-it'tit** 4^. 00 Kflnliitioii Mini htiiiH u, I (trouud*. for runt, hulitin^- 111 tnu; IIP. A. . 04 45 Paul on porohas* of Kiliil.in..ii Dr.. iintl>. <>runtlii.rectlouori>ull.linipi 90 00 Prlntlnc andadrertlsuvi 6175 >lui. l llon.l. 00 Munli-ipal iiraut pai.l Townhl|i So- i-i.-ti ISO 00 jrkiii^ expetKi^ inehiilinif Mrvicei of Sri.-ri.Hary. Trturr .ml altm . 109 44 IN GROCERIES my stock is large anil complete and of the clioiccut quality and will be sold ;.t Frozen (irain 1'iicis, which (ikase note, 14 Ms-good Preftndnf JkflmedSvgarjcr ....... LOO- ' Younj Hi/.\-mt Tea/or ............ fl-OO- K. . 1. J OUAUAH. Tllos. . 8. DAMI I>K. Secretary Our I ou ii* hip Father*. First Session of our new Township Council. Tlie newly elected dmnril >f thr Town- ship of Artt -inesia, for the year 1M44, met in the Town Hall. Fleli. M..II. a. . ..r.iinu' t<> statute on that I., halt mi Km Me .1 - \ MIL ;i s.il > , . TllK IttisT SAI.M in the world for Cuts, Bruise.-. Si. !, I'loers, ISalt Uhi-iun, Fever - Tctti-r, C'liiipinHiliandH. Chilblains.. ('in-, and all Skin KrtiptiotiR, mid jmsi- tivi-ly eiires 1'iles, T no piiy ret|irired. It is pianintof.l t<> vive perfect satisfaction, or iiiniii-y refunded. I'nce io cenU jier box. Fur siile I.v . I HutlxT lt <>t I It nt JtutioiixJ'tjHin J/'ii. , r > Ihx. jor !) Another lot f.nn' Clctir Boneless Iliirnn. 1,'^c- jjer lb- Everything r/.sr corre*/w*din4ly C/n-a/i. B::t: and Shoes for the Million ! DO^VN, DOWN TO ROC'K BOTTOM PRICES. JUST UECKIVKD: A CAR OP PRIME SALT ! botii in Bbls., aud bout Dhisy Li'verpool Salt, fo7lSuttcr, in bags. PATENTS The HigLcKt Market Price paid at all times for all kinds uf Farm Vroddce also lititti r ami Eggs. t-25T* A cull is rrBpcctfully solicitnl. 7'. J- SPROULE. - - - rL MfNN *00. t '.h. i %taM* vom-r t- . t.liL'i v "- f r b- I , ,.; , rt. I In . - il ~. Tnntu . O..1IKU. I NN ,v i'.' n . t.i , )nr I - u 1 Janiiiuy L'l.st. I8M4, and having made the ,1'im :.iit.Mii.'. Hi IT ..r. white surrlic-o, spectacles, ' Deputy-Reuvc. - Carried. necessary declarutioii of i|iiahrirat>on and of nttiiw,' thoy tix.k their res[K?ctive seats. *^ lc "| c AJ '_'_'-' MniiiUis -ill i. tev nt. Dr. (,'liristoe in the i-h-il. Minutes /f 'a-.t u urir.j r.-ad and aji- provud. t ..nn.-il t r.'.-.-edi-d ti. elect a new |{e,\e Moveil l.y Mr. Bluakely, seconded by Mr. I'edler that Samuel Pedler be nv-ro . ..-^ .. I Int.-r.-^r '. t- l:i- ...I .'.Nil II . Ci li.MltIC T, N<-" Y'.rk. l.ok, cl.mk. slim, toll hVure, and grace- Accounts and read i in .vomuiiU on the ice attractod uni i! attention. Mr. Stnin'? deliiicatmn ' t!i. Hull Churchman wa& true to the M.utur Krauk Sulliran and \\.-^ \rnihtniiit;. |K'ii>n:ied Flunk and .leinn .'am*, jnl :!tli. u.li they carried < ? ii. n u*cidcnt . ..um-d during veiling. Thfty Uo carried. kni\i.- in : eir \>v}t!>, and on the whole act. .1 tin n t ills very inirly. Mr. \Vm. Winj^te i^i isutu.l n "Pirate " very faitlifally, 1-iit did iv>t frighten the fair sex very i i \lieu he |>|K-rtred in their inidint. ' ' . .la'.ne.i I! ^iner, as an " Indian f," lUiatud ,i ve^v favorabh) inipn-.Hit- lle -<>iv k^kin suit, hut .. i n .t '_;n . aio. veiy !i-i'' " uaihu|." T'.ieie were throe colon il :-. iitleiin r. from Mr. Hearts cfiirinse work.", liesidui the inelitioncd in the lirxt part of (Jii.4 i Mi. Oarruther-i and Mr. T. !'..tten m " I'ligtw" looked well. Mr. ("i.Ut'.n lnjule a s-'ood "Meillrine ' judging from tlie nunilter f ].atent . dieim- ailvertiwiinrnra attached to his I e:-*oii . the niou ;iryisi|ix tiling (.fall, ver, -\.;, il, ; hill t;i. \v\ ..n his back To rvgulaU! the nle of I'.inlwiH.J! ! " I<IMIU.I iHuiiiMc's i-vi-resentntion of .1 " Inili;in liirl" WM simply cxco;'.i.'nt. Me). Wright. :vi "Nixht" linked v. ell, and >u shu U an xjeellent skater, i.iiMiired t .1 liiM 1 advnntni,'e. MJHS Fox i.^.reM.in^d " f-nii.'Ukfi," .ui 1 Miss Ella (Jo.-tlon '> Tins L.ittir F'owtx (;:ol" Miiw M. V. Heard represMitwr ft "'Maid." M'^* Wright seeivi'l. eldest d^ghter of Mr-. '11h.ii-|i. Wrixht- litukud lie>tHful ns t'n. ' Hi ide " She wa< very us follows were presented A 1C. Kawcvtt, printing Kallots, &c., 80 :'.'. .l:l.M Sullivan, tittni',' anil rl- :il.il',- Town Hall Ii|>e ?'_'.LT); John Rutherford election stationery and Collector* llolU, W 41 : NV. .1. Bellamy, ijiinrtur salary, do holding noiiiination and poll w.ii.i :i, $i2.f>n. Hy l..iw Xn :i."i7, appointing C. James and llenrv Mel.liiini Anditir 'aVIIIelit i. I'd. -led. C. ra was intn *lucd and piuwed in usual way. Moved l.y Mr. lUakeley. seconded by Mr. Pedlar that I'.y-Law No lf:")7 bw ruail a seeotid time Carried. Moveil l.y Mr. Kiln. tt, seconded by Mr Mc-Arthui', Tint the Ueuve issue onlt'r in favnr of tiitj ColbotdN for tlut -inn of J5'J:> e:ich, when they shall have thuir respe.-t ive rolls returned according to law. Carried. Mr. McAithur moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott. That Itolu-n MclJi.wcii l>e over uharj-c. of PRIVATE SALE -OF . WM. sRAI N'S FO U- SPEIGHT WAGGONS aniu i;ruitr - LHPLE.HGXTM' SEWIINJG MACIIIIVES FARM dFARM STOCK .1 ,i'I F'tni: I Hijtlemrnti. M.S.I v> \ r:i i u: M TO 1:1 M '.f K. ",! wmkinKhnr- driver. To In- Hold Mr. I , re \- refimded^i4.(V), on account ..f e!i-..r ui uueMinent for 188.1. Canie.l. Mr. I'eillar moved, seconded l.y lileakley. That li.d.eit Mc( Jowan lie lunilcd the MHII of t<l'4.liU, IM-IIIU' an nver- chari(e of taxes on account .f i-rn.r in nnrnt for IrtHIt, l.iit that the ''oiiii.-il ' Illo.tiO of tlnn mini to School | Section No 12, Artemesia. I^nt. Mr. Klllott III. .veil. Seconded l.r Mr.' MoArthur, That Mrs. C;ilbrait!i he re- funded 4.fi<i, paid of arrears of tuxes on Lot No Kf'J 1st West, she l>i ill); in de.sti Mltu cireiiinstanccs. Canifil. Mr. Chrintoe in. .veil. Kevi-niletl l>y Mr. BU*kly, Tliat Mrs. Morton, widow, lie refunded three dollars on her taxoa of Honsr.s I hsv.. .me mull h.-l re on. HI..I I >oiin ; Mm .., choa)> fur 1.1 KAUM TO KI.NT I )mvo * MVacru Kmrni to Hi-nt Thii Farm In 1 mil.- fmm KlehiTt<m. lm< h M.| bull ll.n;- on It and is well watered. Fiusri i \ss K\I:M KOK SAI.F. 50 ACT..H, iHiinii I...I N.. 171. W.wl i.t 1 i.nmto A I >\ ,! Titinlii llottd, 'lo\Mi^hiji of ArtelnrHia. .tj j mile- iri.m fehe flonrlshlnA VlllajfR of KI.--IM'; ton j itn.l :'\ niileM fri.ni Kl.*ttert'.ll Htitii.l. Ttlrre i* | no Wftl' Inn.l . tllU '0111 It ! ^< It l.ii--, .1 witli flood If OIIBV, Itarn, Htabl*. \om.j; iii.ii.Lnl. Hli.l lir-Mllum \\>ll. On tliin Krm HKTI- li 4.1 Aer*'-* rlt'wi-ii mill fr.-t- ti oin NtumpM anil Hitmen. The Imt e r- i - ti.it.l A. . >,1 l.ush Tiiiiru U U acruk oodwl dnwn. nli-1 7 ' o - IM Kail \Vli- nt. I will t;.\f a K... ><l i hiiiiei. on thin Kanii. FARM mri.i MI:NIS FOU SAI.K. For Sale at ft Itanium IK.iil.le Hnrncm. Single Flttriii. . \Vu4Uuii~. - , h -, 1;. HIJ.-I-. sulky Ittike. ioi, 1,11,1 K liirt'.- nuiiii-er ..f at Dor Repairs kept constantly on baud. Sewing machine oils iu stock Also Stoves, &c., for sale. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. , Fjr particular.,, a|.|.ly t . .Tun ci liM|.U-iiii'iits. L. HIIITE. ri,r.siii-i:Ti)N w< ek lit (.-.me *r. ,nitllt fri^- 1'iivnii i-iii.v Ni. li^k. 4'iipital not r- ::i|. ' ItrlKl.-r. if Mill WlOlt l>ll I!'-- fit wlurti |....>.iiii-. .if I'ittier *-\. yonne or old. can $66; Wm. Clayton BOOT & SHOEMAKER ! Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES on hand to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER ,gsr Repairing Promptly Executed..^ Durham St., - - - Flesherton. ii ,ik**l. LMV, bt not lenst, must. fa^ Wj-ight ni.i Da\id Clayton. A* *j .,. ("toHi-in. n lolh^l iii on the ice in, 4 .- "-^\. st*^V uiW. 'J ticking. Mr. McArthur mured, seconded hy Mt. Klliott That Win. Walters |H> re- T'> cents beiny error in as.isni>*nt. j T II E MARKETS JraS^SS^g Flour $| 60 to -". ftO Cro.t-Brpd Medlt*rrmnMin-OIhl, ih. |.'.,1| \V'| Q(l fin ... 1 nil hnlu-sl i..l twt uroliftc of Whew.; Claw 1 *"' M 'lndt "Rural New V.>rl<er" P<, Ihc SpnUg Wheat 40 1 00 originator of which ay he wouH no! ll _ kt .!. If f,>r 'li, . . , l.ti^h*.) TKsw " Rural" Jliirli-y 35 oTTime. of Nov. 1882, Oats On and after Mmi.l.iv, 3(Hh Trains will run a< d>l GOING MORTH. Toronto, Union Station, di-p. 7.80 .m., and 4.'J.~> n. in. Mr McArthur moved, seconded by <'-irili !! Juiii't !':H5 a. in., fi:(K) p. nj. Mr. Wjakloy. that Donald McDoual.l.l.e Ori.nj.'.-vill- U.J5 a.m. il. i:. |i u refim Ud 9'2, lieilio over ch.iw of stiifjU- ', FI'Mln-rti.n A l'ri.-.\ill. 1 1 :,f) m. 8..HO p UJ. | lal.r on his lu.n rwiduHt lot in Price vi:fe. | Owt ' n Sound, arnv, . 1.31) p.m. !.:,5 p.m. , GOING SOUTH. Owen Sound, rtopiirt. . .fi.15 a.m. 8.10 p.m t Prio,-ulle, ti..|:i n.ni. 4 47 |. MI H.-JT a.m. . 1.0 p.m. Butter , fresh 'JO 00 13 20 Potatoes I'ork .................... Hay, per ton ............. Hides ., *n s sttM.or i..- .1 >us.r; The"Rumt it Itii Union Corn* 70 ye ara selection fmm ihrre n 07 knxl* : A New Rye of greai uroMue; llonfordt ; Market Orden Pea; Black Champion (>i* OatS, a <-ki:lion from mail) fotflgn \.virtir*; 01 ..The "Rural" Qarrten Treaturc, rnouffh l " ftr a Mn,,.l ,, nJr., of the choicest Annu.iU, 25 Hicnntak .\tnl iVrcnniak ; Tomatoe* * .. i mixed pacict of all the new kinds. - Carped. Mr. Kll'jitt moved, sccondud hy MfArtlnii- That the Clerk rciju;st C. Tri'ii!*iircr to ernsi' nil (axes in thn I hi* 7 00 7 50 5 00 17 hbfcepekins 050 Citte^e .. u" 7 -':. T, H 00 C 11 '* 1 " 111 J"***P*' l * lt **l tn lh* liitirl Stierv It I* 6 00 '''""'" ''' ^.oU, WeH, AKI. cMul books agaiMt Lot iid Con. 2nd, V\". I). H. . CarJwrll Jiuict 9:05 m., 7:H1 p ni thu same ha' jr^ boon |>ai'l tu collvctvr, i '.Corouto..bnior,,S. nrr , 1p.4j} a.m. '.I. in p.m. Dncks, per brace per 20. 7f>| 05 'v The Run|.r**<v Yorker l the <ml of 18(4, TK> Wtkly Mail lo the d of iR 4 , and Th Rural Scl Uuntllc. ALL FOR $2.76 A&lrradlordrnto I .m MAIL, .- Tl-.^r ,1 dkl.ilwuxi will U M<U kr " I k4 Kuiu. U-. ^^ 1\ r t in I AIM jr K . -

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