Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1884, p. 8

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Excelsior Carriage works 1 1 ;IM <.ir> Electoral IMntrlrt A|(ri- <ii 1 1 :ira i Moelety. Your Directors in {iremtiiiK you with their annual report, rogrvt Aair inability I to report that amount uf success attend Ii nuio manufacturing Farm, Platform.! >ng the labors of the Husbandman its has Ludloic Spring, and Johnten Spring been our pleasing duty in some of the years gone by. However, the past j-nar has been an exceptional one, as owing to .S. White, Dexter Queen, Phaeton and other kind, of BUGGIES and Farmer,' 2 teated Carriage,. Come\ ih c've rein falls which retarded \ and.ee de.ign.andj.rict.. Jiepairino & ! the P r "S reM of ieedin daring the proper \ Re-painting done in jir.t-cla* ,tyle. \ "*"" This part of the work not tan* HORSE SIIOE1NU a SPECIAL TY S- it in fact ion Warranted, Urshfrtim. May 4th. 1882. FLESHE RT O M ii nil ii 1 1: ni IIHIV \i\\m MILL . done until a late date, followed by a very , wet Rtuniner, kept the grain from nia- luring -tntil fully three weeks beyond the tiHiial time, const'ijuontly, but little of the rr,.|iH were harvested when the frosty season et in which was on the fhh day of September. By this frost, a great deal of the crop*, especially thone in the southern townships <if the riiling were damaeed. However, from what we know and learn by rei">rts from other parts of the country. East Grey can compare favorably with other portion* of the Dominion, and with few exceptions will be able to tide over this season without seriously feeling; the damaging effects referred Ui. As we have had aome very prosperous years preceding the j>ast, and aa prices for all kinds of farm produce are fairlv remunerative and are likely to continne so for some time to rome es- pecially for horses, cattle, sheep and dairy produce all of which arc bringing a larce amount of wealth into the country, your Directors therefore think the hard times looked for will turn out bletwincs in disguise, as fanners will he more likelv to practice economy, and as feed for cattle is very plentiful, the same heing liberally dealt out, good care being tnken i I of the stock in a very few months thry Soliciting public patronage and guaranteeing good work in every depart- can be turned into money, thus cnahlinK men of our business. the atrriculturalist to draw early on the produce of the current year, and as fann- ers of late years realize the advantages tn bo derived from mixed farmincr, grain raising is not so much depended upon as WHS the case aome ten or twelve years aen, or is it likely to be as it ha become a well known fact that the land in Kant Grey affords pasture for stock equal to any in the Dominion, while the water for stock dairy and other purposes is plenti- '"**"*.2S i ; nc consideration, together CARRIAGE WORKS, WILSOH & McKEOHNIE, - - Proprietors. Our factory is now complete with all the latest, best, and most improved machinery necessary for turning out ovt'i-ytliing in our various lines of busi- ness, and it will bo in thorough running order in a few days. Contracts for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rates. Work will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this depart- ment being under the imnirdiatu supervision of IF. M. McKeclmie. Sash and .li>orn made to onliT ou short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and i- .ireful iitt. ntion. Pinning a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for first-class work is too well known to need any further couiinent liere. A large and excellent stock of carriages, Ac. for sale. Call at our show rooms and insect them. Order* for any thing in tliix line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- iler the supervision of T. W. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be first-class. USUAL. WILSON & MACKECHN1E MONEY TO LOAN. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y (Limited). Special attention is directed to (lie very ndvitiitngeous and favorable with the fsct thut the inhabitants are a 'mis on which we leiul money to Far-iers and other* re<iuirino; funds peaceful ami law-abiding people, snd the t- buy L-iini, I. uil.l Houses. Churches, and School House*, to |>uidia*e climate extremely healthy, it is therefore Stock, or go to the North-West, 'J'lie system we lend on you will find not surprising. But net-cr-tho-less > ly reading the following EXAMPLE: liorrnwed, repayable in 5 annual inalaluieuu, simple interest, at 7 per cent, yearly, the payments will be us follows : 1st year, interest >il 7 per cent, on $"><>0 f 35 OO Instalment ]M. on 2aJ year, idterest on $400 .................................. y Instalment .................................... ](K) OO 3rJ year, intret on MOO f 21 <o Inntslmeut loo INI (10 till 00 1114 00 4lb y*ar. interest on $4(10 ,. $ Mi yesr, inttrwt on 1100 | pnymi-nt of * ft\f biirrow.-r IK not (ililij;-! t,i i. |i:iy iiny ]mrt nf principal liy intliuent, Imt rsu fir- range to il . liflu- wisli>>n. sVliMM *OOI Wts4 in the sliortmt ixissililf tnm>, itml rlior M r.-.lureJ In tin: lowent possildv tiBUre. IsTlu! Imrrower run always li:ivo MH jiaynieuti mi- due t whatever tiiu" f tlie year "iil liini best. \V olmrKt- NO KIN KS W. J, Bellamy, - - Flesherton. EXECUTORS' NOTICE ! TO THK CHKDIT.iUS (>K JAS. THOMPSON NOTICE. 1>ritsr ANT TO SECTION S4 OF CHAJ 1 ler 1U7, of tin- K, vi-, ,1 Statutes of the Notice i Iwn-liy KIVHII tlint tin I -imi-i, Thompson, lt of tli Towusliip of Arte- lotla, in tin- County of <n->. Karm.-r.wh> ,iorl*.ntth..h,Uy..f April.A II.IHKI. atthe |-,,, vn , ( .,. of Ontario, notice in hereby Riven th aiil Towiihip of Arti-im-Mii arc. ,111 or !M>- . ,,.. ti,.. lliat sll Creditors suil others having olmnm sif T /t WIJ A Jf V " k '""" tl the dhUlc nf Mil II.M-.l. Hl'KNS, I it" of liie T.,wii-)ii|> nf Ofiprrr, In tin- ('ounl\ nt <rev. r'anner. il.-r, as,.,l, wbo de torsst PI jsbufton, their Christian and fturnamea . , , II Jtasm s*ri descriptions. UM foil imrtieiilars |""te,l thiH hf- on or skoal tlie twenty f thrir i-lainiii. a Htatctueiil i if th.ii iimnmu fouitli ility of Auril last past, nrc n i|iiire.I to , .iiltlK-iiiitiireof tin MI si-i-untu-Klifanvilu-Mln K ,,,,,| by Boai, pre-paiil, or tn deliver to ..-in After the Mill Fourth ilay "I .laniiarv ., . ' M/HILM., v I. niufiv ,r.l -r,,, -st tlie asid Recutora will iliHtributtli*swuiM Ml BBHU1 A OAMUH, Of th fOWB f the i>n n I .IHIIIHH TlioinpKon. Hiiioiii.-it tlio |iar- of ( 'ullinjw 1. in the Salfl ProTinoe, Holicl -M-niiili-1 theriito, having ri-i.iir.l ..iilv tn -MI-II t , irs (,, |, 1( , Kxerutors. miller lln> lust Will .aim-, an the tiaiil Kxft.Mltorii nhall tln-n linve tin Thin nnttlct- i-* ^Ivi-ii in I'tir-uann- of Chap. 1-17. Sec.. U. H S. O. llauiii at Flnharton thin llthday of December ISAAC S1NC1.MU. WILLIAM HILL I I ILllJ >"" '***'. a nival ** ****** naiiiple Ko<xltKat will put you in t liu way of : KM m. i .-vi-i tlliillKllt IK for the working clanit. SMIII! 10 lit-- f.ir |iotai!. anil we will mail you rnr.r. a rojral. valnalil l.i <if not MtirHd. nli> I will Mrt you. i an wo. k all the time or in ipara tlm,- only The ...nk in univtirwlly adapteO tnbotbsexoa. >imnt| i n.l old. Yon oan uw>llv earn from -V) eon to M v . i \ eveuinx That all wlm want wm k iy*y tet i n- iMlfintMia, we make thin unparallrlleil offer: 1 11 all who are not well ftatinne<l w will ctiil *l i n pay lor the trouble of writing . Full par- t ii-ulam, iliiectlnna. t . sent frea. Fortiinwiwlll lie made by those who (rive their whole time U> ilnwoik. Ornat succean aloluly mire. Don't i-.\ Start now. Addreim (tnsaoii & Co.. 1'ort- l.iud, Maine. ^ _____ Heiid all cents for poeV a. anil receive fro*, s _cotly hoi of gooda whloh will help you to money right awajr than anythpig l>e la " All, of either aci. auMwl from ftrat A PRIZE 111 ir t lit world h i ir . The b*u*il wj.-k esvaibeoluMly A O). .MgmSs. Msine to fortune o)wn before the At woe address. Tsos Sllit '1'eHtnnieilt of tile si.ii) (IccesM'.l. ("11 ol In f., re the Tm-iity Tliinl |)ny nf .Tannery. A. l>. IHH4, n statement nf tin ir naiiivi ml In -i...s and tin- full pnrticiilar-i of tli-ir clnims ami of HIP aecuiiticK ( if liny) lit-lcl liy tiii-ni. itinl that after the mid .lute U-u nforf il tin Hai.l KxeentorK will fact that fon-iifiiera an.l ntliers arc seeking for home in our midst and |>a.vinx for them, the fancy prices varj-ing from MO to $70 per aero. Tn reference to the Full RxIifltitTnn which was held on the Society's (irounds in the village of Flesherten, on the 2nd ami 3rd .lays of Octolicr. The display in ever} 1 department was i;ood, lx-yon.1 our must fi.tnu'iline expectiitiniis. The rxhioit of hones and cattle was at least and improvement on funncr years, while the various other departments was fully up to the average. The receipts t the nt<- ilnl nut iiini'iiii' t t lint i if livst year, the attendance not Ix-ini; HO l.-irt;.-, which was owing to the fact that many of the 'urmers had not their linrv-Kt fnllx- '.ithered in. Xotwithstandini; this, tin- 'iinn.'il payment on the iiorititv'H trmiinrl inl nil other demands has l-.rii nn-l us i- 'h.iwn in Treasurt^iyi Statement. <* r mime we reirret our inohilitv to fiillv ^rry out what Apricnltiirnl Society's nr- xpccteil to do in tin- matter of lirontrin:.' tew sued (Train and tli,,i.ni"l, ln-.-il -i- ' In- [irociirinR of which would In- .-, '< ui to the farming cuiiiiniiiiit v -* ilin-j and feol ilisMiiti-iiii'.-i avinsw-cun-d the sce.l -rrain v the f!overnnicnt of tlie |ip-\ car. In conclusion your di'-i- ' oavo to state that Towniliip S he i-idini! an- '.'cttin-,' tn 1. ivals of Electoral 1'i.sttict !-. 'u- ^rantn they arc M-,-miii" ' hi], and Coi'iity I'miiici!' :n.- l-i'!i ;n roporti.m t that K- -i-ui'l district Sncii'tipi. (',M\H . , directors are likelv t<> I m< un Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Thr ii. v /. P. Wlldn, woU-knowo rily ii.l.-i.ni ir\ III Nw YurU. and lm>thrr <rf i In- I it. i nniii-Mi .luiln<- WlliU. of the M ... .1 liu.i-ll- ^upri-Mi.- (.,ui(. wrllr. M follows: 7 /:. SI'* -!>., .fftf York. .\t.lf 16. 1*M. JIMHUM. .1.1. AvKu*' 1 "-, Umtlms*: |ji wliitir I WM truubled willi a lanft uiii-.iinli.iiililr itc-lrnjj liilinur iilli-i-i*iK ui"i iM-.-nlly my linil*. wblcli ilc-li.il > ITII.-I. r.i .1. .it night, anil Imrinil in OII.-UM-. Iv. t,i:u I cvuM <-arcrly b-r anr cl"iliii! i-V.T 111. -Ml. I W.-H al*l & milf.TOr ll'iilll i>-\tir.- o itirrli an. I r-.Urr),;il rough; n7 ;l .pflil" Wil IIIT, 1X11,1 HIV KVJiteili a ,O.<4 ih-al run il.iwu. Knowing lh valux "f AVKll'M S VU- \ r \ Hll.l, V by |.lii-r|:..|l nl iii.iuv nlliT run-it, ami Iron, ivrMuiul iiw In fiMr.iier vear. I li'-gnn taking II fur tin- Htiv<^UHiiiiil ili<>nlre. My f.nr**lte Im- r i.ivr 1 Hln... 'i from tlie tirnt ilnw. After ii ilnirt tini- t ,. fevrr ami ItvhUig were R]|.IV~|, anil it I siutis of Irrllalinii uf llie Ikln ilia-ipimriil. My rat.-irrh mill cough ttfi aln i ,-urfil liy Illu ;iin mean*. HIH| i-n i:.-ii~r.il li'.-ilili greatly impnweri, Mitil H In now i-\.-.-' i- it . 1 I- i-l M tiuii.lit-ii IMT Mil *ir'H\jer, ami I attribute \\urtr p-malt* tl till' !!! nf till M Uf IT \KII I.A. wlli.-h ] r.'.-..iiiiii"ii-l uith all r.iiitiil.-ni-ii a lb lft I|IWH| ni. il .-in- .-y'r ilf\twl. i took It III BUI*!! tl-i-.---. tliri-i- tlinii. H iluv. *n-l li*-l, in all. tmu tlmil I*" IHHIII*. I |.Li i i.-t. .11 >.iw lutrvicu, lin|iiux Him- |iiltil|fat ion imiv lo guud. Your* trt|-etf ull), Z. P. WILIIS." Tin- above hmtanre Is but one of tin* ninny rnnnUnlly coming to onr liotlpf, ivlilt-l, |ir.-\8 tlie iwrfeel :rl uitul'ilit\ of AVFK'I SAIII- I'uiii.i. \ t tbe cure of all iliteawi arinlng froiti iiii'iuif or lni|ioverlhv<l blood, and a wpftkeiitt*! vitality. Aycr'sSarsaparilla rl<>un's, enriches, u;i I tmii^ttifittflhe hlntxl, tiiiMiIiii.-- tli<' ;kfti>m of the uliHiiacli AIM! luiuoU, nit.l ilit-rt-'iv rimlil** the tsttcm to r- -' .in I > v* i,-.>tti- Hit- ntt^fk* tif All Nrr*f- I.'H /J.j^ttv4. /.'iM/lfutrH Of' tkf .Vim, //*"*- tuiifitm, I'i'in-ilt, ii,Ht-nl /V&i//jv, ami A!) EUGENIA Grist Mill, m ui IK: Mill. Having mart* Mtnsi iinproremrnt* In HIT Cirisl Mill, I am coM*-i,i 1 eau Rive gwl ml, f *t i., n. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY~ (lood Flour slwais ou liaml. S;n\ issir. and Bill* nllwl on th<* sborti<st nolier. Li lirr iiinl Ijilli hlwa'. .-. "ii liai^l. WANTED : | Cherry, Ilutteruat, Wliit.- Ann. liU- U.<ih, BasswiHid, llut* au4 liuuilock 1 u* wauVtd- . AKITT, BCOBKU May lit, 1882. b.tMMltUul 4 low cUlIi- (if I III* VfHtflll. lit : I \ i; l< M ^ Dr. J . C. A ?.- A Co., Lowell, rVTass. Sold by nil Inn^^i"- prk-u ft, fix UKUei .<r .V.. AVER'S CATHARTIC _ PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine eurCoiitl|<fttl<m. IntllfMtlnn. llesdsclM.SSNl 111 KniiuiK Miu.r.l.-r*. s.ii. I . M i. r. 11 . Alwu>> n : WILL CURE OR RELIEVE. BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. , f/trSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HfADACHE, DROPS* ', FLUTTcBING | OF JHE HEART, ACIDITY OF I THE SrOHAW, MVNfSS / OF THE SKIM, And ery >pec>*t * dlteai* arising from H*ord<rcd LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, " Hello, Pat ! where arc you to this tine morning 1 " " Och, now Phil me Kbyc in that yourself ; sure ycr not afther callin tins a foinc moniin ? " " Why to be gtuo it a fine morning good sleighing, and not a breath of air why what under the nun would vim call it, if not a tine morning '.' " " Hure thin, it may be tine inorn- in ; but bo the amc token its a moifjlity cowld one til my way ov tliinkiu." ' Well, it icold, but where under tin- sun lire \ ou ((oing to in Riich a hurry nobncty sick nt lioine, 1 hope?" " No ; thons's nobody sick, 4\(i|>t Mike's got the lioopin cough, mid liiddy's got the it)oniut/, an' l'at-\ cut his fut wid a brouduxe, un' "Christopher Columbus ! I should sny you'll l>e going into the hospital business if things keep on like (lint. Hut, by the way, you didn't toll me win-re you were going ?" "Och, now, whoro Blind Ibogoin, but til TOMMY l'i M \N , the tailors Intuit til (j't inisi-lf a new f-hute av elothes 6u- tli(^ cowld wt:vtln r. ' " Why, l*nt, that's jnstwhcic I am u'niii',' ; we'll keep cavh othcrc-inipaiiy." " An fix, I'liil me jewel, ye couldn't got yer elotlu-s made by a bottn- limn ih. in that same Tommy Duncan. An ln-'s sn-h un obligiii clmp thut ye ruddint but h>ikc him." V I CD CO CD REMOVAL! ni(l after Saturday next, December MISS G. A.M. PAGE, MMWd to rlis- tnlnite the nRSi-tfi of (lie oaid .li-eoKeil ninnnc piirtii-s entitleil tlirretn. regard liriti^ Innl only to tli" claims of wl/tch iintirf Ims In , n given SB nliov* required ; ami ill-- nai.1 I x eeiitiirs uill not In- liable fur the Hai.l IIKSCIK or any part thereof to ny pefH.ni nr person^ of whose claim* notice nlmll not have h-n reeeiveil l-v tliexnid Solicitors nt the time of naclidislrihutiun. Hated this 23rd dsy of Nov., !. JOHN HI \c\N. ) Kxecnlorsnf said ANWIEW McOIRR, \ MICHAW. BURNS. FK\ r.iiMUM P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. A Ch*tr Whitf Boar for Service at little Mills. i.iv Jiri/es in keeiiin" v it! :'y "f "Olir SiM'ietv, unless-. I , i --|-)|i|i ia worked up Hi'- Iw inniirly urjrc on Ui- i;ip.iint ns your sin? ' ; i f.>r t'n urrent year. All of - !i your li.- >rs hej( lesve to sul>i SorNIi| I >;. . >, psm ,ioc<i not 'et well without ii -.i-,' .Liic.e. It re.|ir^s cnrefnl dic.t nnrl tli,,r.ni -!i t r.-:i(nioMt. Uurdock Itlood BiHi-r li:ivi- ofre.te<l tin- most rcnmrklile cures on record o( o.hronic Dyopepsia. Subscribe for tlie Advance will In t -.n .1 10 Mrs. Buhner's 'hop, | iiunrly . j.pnt'ite .Mr. M. Richardson's ci-n rral st.iM-. 1 Ii .-^lieiton, where she will be | jirrjiji -i-il to DO OVER ami MAKE l. T l' 1>A11ES itml UKNTLRMU'H KKI.T, ,STK\\V. I'.EAVERrf CAMEL'S 1 IIAIU HATS, and mnke EQUAL TO riw. Tlie jiulilic arc respectfully invited to rive her a trial. i;,i..il work guaranteed at reasonable iiricen. MISS 0. A. N. PACK. VI. short..ii. l>ec. 12th, 1883. YELLOW OIL CURE S RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S "WORM POWDERS. AM plsMut to u* ConUIn thi r own Is s sate, stin, aad t IB CbUoraB 01 _

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