A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all ! M I Do you see the boy and pig" ? Yes, but why does t he boy and pig run so fast ? The pig runs not the bojr. Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMBE'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing- promptly attended to. J AS. BULMBR, - - - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOG-RAPHER ' Local and Other News. SOLID COMFOKT Drinking McFarlaud's Pure Japan Ttta tin" f .MU t H. iiuniU-r the Orange morrow (FViday) evening. S..iri-i- t-. FAB* TO Ravi- on Fourth Line of Arte- mesia, One. Hundred acres ; Eighteen cleared. Apply to I'KTKK HOLMAM. Don't forget the Orange Soiree to- morrow uvuning. A splendid program- me h;is In/en prepareL .dyer's Sanapanlla wonderfully im- ternal ready rem*dy is Hazard's Yellow provei the complexion, and hringa the old and youug the bloom of health. Ai a purifier of the blood it baa nu equal. Time iu Shoot Him. An ingenious correspondent has tent ui tko following. \Ve have DO ky to the i inuauing or tolution. Probably our read- I era can find one : The Herald, bearing { tin Standard, will Advance to the Mirror Kii thesigaiof the Time* therein <lepictd Oil- MatUr W. J. Benson, of Markdalv, Urupped in tu see u* last Thursday and renew hi* subscription to >, K f..r HOMI A.. UN. -Our popular warble man. Mr. E. Y&nraiit, and wife, return.-..! home from an extended visit down east, ..n Monday evening last. COKHK.TI...V. VV Bade a mistake in saying that Mr. Arch. Elliott was elected Deputy rUn-'ve of ArU-inema, in our last week's issue ; it should have ruad Mr. Samuel PedK-r of Ward No 4 was elected Deputy-Reeve. GBBY l'i i i IMIKH-.' MUTIM;. A meet- ing of the newspaper lawn of the County of tirey lias 1 men called for Friday, rVK Oth, at 10 o'clock a. m. We hope u see a gtuxl attendance certainly the nisiu-r is of suttioient importance to draw .MTV publisher in the County to MarkdaU on that day. Come along, boys ! .. We had a call from our friend Mr. .lolin Theakiwm, of Colling- WPH..I Township. Mr. Thcnkson is nu of the unit prusiierous, oa well as one of the uio.sl practical fanners in that Town- ship. Hu look* hale and hearty. Al- thuugh hi- h;i<l only a short tinu- to stay in Kirsli.-rloii, we liail a very pleatan chat about olil times, and hope the lie* time In- will )>*} us a :*'d lug visit. K. THIMBU: begs to announce the ar- rival of the following goods now in stock:- 50 kegs of No. 1 Trout. 100 Barrels of Fine Salt 1000 Lbs. of Dried Apples. 1000 Lbs. of Lmg Clear Bacon. 2000 Lbs. of Oatmeal. 20 Barrels of No 1 Coal Oil. will plainly prove that the Monitor il Bring along your cans and get 5 gallons not a perfect Chronicle of puklic affair.; Coal Ol1 for * 1 ' 00 ' m fact, is better as m Revww for the U>tt< "" l' nce fur Advertiser. An Economist will try to l""" 1 '^ " f a "^-' H "K f-r which the TRUTHFULNESS ! ' p L E s HERTON Courtesy, All Goods, Gold, Stiver, Roiled Plate, or Gild,;t. nold for ju st what they tin Matt-rial (tn<l Fluent-, o/ Quality. ther K .H.di tj mo* who ,.n ante, variety ^^ Mttomot cash. \\ant.-.l, . a cu:tail Free I'ross principles, while at the same time he will Venture to nail second Standard to the Post.- Meafonl Our Table. highes market price will tie |xu<l. 3 PRIVATE SALE. Tlio ixt Ua thf following Thf r?ar: .lock ::: VKTTOBKSOLU. - we*. 1 Lumber WS>SJOD. have received the January number of tbii baudsonie monthly magazine wlneli is de- voted to the development of Canadias horticulture. It U adorned with a col- , JHtfo^fvfgy' l IM finale harne 1 KanmnK ored plat* of now xtrawburr, anil illus- Mill, now.* Imiirovwii i I'h.w i lianv Plow, i St Double Hanma, l ( uttisc Itoi. 1 Hay Uwk. trated with numerous encravinir*, and an<1 ..tli.-r am. li t.. DuuMruun to uiutlun , ,, , . All of which will be will full of interesting aud instructive in- formation om irnit, flower and vegetable Cheap lor < ; i - 1 1 . growing in 1'anadn. Tb Editor is the r tlme " ul > iv ' n nn Pi*"vi paper i ... Lot 16.V ! Itaiun. W T A M li-nvl \rt.-is.-ia well knowr and veteran horticlturut A b*ut Two !) Ka.t of Klal...rtoa- and IOI.K lime Sitcrflary of tlio Fruit (Jrowern 1 AwocHrti.m of Ontario, by which bociety it is published. Evety jb-crib.-r, in addition tn th* magazine. each numlier of which him n beautiful onl'ired plute, will reci'ire uUo a copy nf the annual report of the Kniit (irowert' p < / Alik-ciation and Entomological Society of Of. L3rV/'6A?C6 Canada, we havo sent then, by mail their , ^ , chocie between a yonrling tree of the Xolirr lo Canada lUl.twin apple, a viue of the . and Jew? try, li.'. 1 1,-. a VKKY FINK STOCK of Electro Silver Plate War : Will flu.) It to th.'ir advantage to Inspect My Stock I Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, IS AND <;KT MY Before Purchasing Else- where. I MI for a han- nf fiit.lic I'atronau* on tba tMWiiot HU.NK8T UK M.iv. IM N Wafches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, <fr. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Trap In<lu< , menit offered, but tell you a.v l<nc as the;/ can be figured ooturuteru will/ HOWES! TRADE. gn.pi>. a shrub, l)i.ntiift Cr.-n.ita OK \I.KP TKMiKKt i.|r...l to th*. O .i^n*,! an. I ru.lonl - Tn.l.-r fur HI Uw . or tliri'i. packages of flower WWH, n.\nirlv, ratio* C'wuU." will b* NMlrwl t tlu.>itli-> until , , , thv *rrul i.f tli.- . ,<!. TII i'l -t"i I. niil-p'N ouee^cli of runny, Druuioiul, rlilox and TI KSIMV ih.- ijth .' c.t K.-ip.urv n.-tt. f..i I'luin 4. ..id HrddluK ElngN. AIway.krp. All Wafch work __ r . . REPAIREI BY MYSELF! 'Halfll K^pairiD^ ai. I Wai ialilr-1 W. A. BROWN. Markdale. GORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP "A KHIKMII," VLE^HERTON STTIOR. Vour letter IB well ritl>-n ; but it u a little ton personal. If the' poison .you ritieiso sn severity werv :i public char- . t.-i . guilty f wrong (bang in lu pnlilit- capacity, we would saj j;o ahi<l ' Or. if a pi'ivati! iiubvidiial, guilty of some wrong wliirli mit{ht atfott othi'i-n tliau himself, we would say- ny all mean* (XIMISO him. Hnl whi-n a man is guilty of no wrung to the public an in tln caw nu Mm has any right to meddle with his private aflaira. TKA MKETINO AT I*KICI:VILI.K.- The aiiiin.il V-vinreting of the Metholut Cliun-h, Priivville, will be held on Tueaday uvoning neat, Feb. .".th An excellent programme is U-ing pru|rwl for the ocutsiini, ouiHisting of IMdiafi ami recitiilions : also *ncal and instni- incntal music by Fl'fJ\n<<i>\ '7iotV;also tildnvseii by Uc'V. D. Mi'lAVHl. K.-v. W. CaMi.ii, nn.l It.-v I). C McDowell. T.a will IM- served in Ili-illv - Hull at ti o'.-loi-k p. iu. Ailmuuiion 86 cent.*, children 15 OSStU. ' ( 'urnr imr ( Vmr oil. " , is THK HEWVKD .. ." Tho triithhilii.-iw of t>*' DILI- ayisrr is .imply illustrated in the CMC of Mr. W. A. Itiown, thu popular Mnrkdalu .luwaler. |IOMI. biminewi in always i. .iiml him honmt, truthful, and uiirte.itui in hin di-nlin-.^. Mr lirp'wn Uas just ri-c. ived ahjf ilpizen n full 18 ,aiat (iol.l Kiiiip. All warranted juat us fei.rriH-iite.I. Fine atih iiml jewelry repairing is Mr. IJi-piwn's specialty. from tlipiui Tbe pi'k'e i>f Asters, proo,., f .l rlebrnteilrHi'Priin thu is only Onu l>olUr ith tli Ktii-o|>f ntimiie oflhe ComwslM n il Alxp for tli ooi.Mnwtlui. ..I !>". t>ir>ttinr n t ! _, . , ,!.|p..r entrain,, nf thf lt*p.<l year, which may We sent direct to the ,,,|,iHle dirt-inn of thWl!ltam< Ewitor. D. W. Beadlr, St. Cstharme,. ^;^"^,*;r^"" Out. We advise you lo seud ul ..uoe v """ "' ''" hl '* ' " r "i 1 ! I <>. l.witl) t Html MM I tin- UjP| Itapi.lx 1'lat Cnnal. t.n:>.| II '..IUK "I tut- lat I'anal. or urxCaiiala. and ""'' " 'Ik" '"''~ r -' '"trane.. ..r thr r .'h'TKIi. < of thf i.lan^ ait-l , ipwim'aimiii of the ni|pHJtivit wans, ran IM- Stop that eough, by in aso nf Aver n. -,i.ni .iin.<.r ..... IM.W~.II Cherry 1'ei-toral tlie beht specific ever I'l'^j'..'.'^'^^') 1 .t'th" \l*'k"\ .IV"'-' ' l Vi"iiM'''ii'ar known for all diwanes of the throat and "" i-''i- i"' 1 "> rl ' i*-*- i'ian. .v.- ean l^ lungs. It will soothe tl* 1 rou^li fei ling .1N)i .la\ i.f .lanuarv n^t li*re prlotod K'prm. ill >i.ir tliront, give the wal or^n* llcii- foii'tra^u^ ar'>."h > i.n.i"''liifnnnnltlmt trial 1 1 it- :.-! t.- U-ar In mind that t. n !.-rs will not U- i-..iii.ip|..r.-l mil..-- nia/l.- ^trirtly in ii.v..r.lain-i. itli tin- i-niit. ! f'-nii-.. an.l U- seeompaatad >>v l.-itrr Htntint; tliatlh |Hrni>ii or pn>ona ton 1,-rniK' liavi- ... -fully i-xaillini^l tin- ;.-.- iliU aii'l ih. i .inn. i til.- notcrlal f.p.in-1 .n tlio trial gam- i i A- In tin- cam* f rtrini tliurn ma\ !- attach, blmg fever has become epidemic in In i.-timi .irnaturi- ii natun- .>( tip. ... , u|iaiin diatia ami several other V\V-tcrn States. ?,',',{,".,', .'.'.K- . . i [pr .,M < 'th?'"u,,,'"ol business mull .f Imiiua|Milis J^',"*,' -J, 1 , 1 ,""! 1 \\Mri."' 1 *fli.-'t!-Mi < ii'r l '['.r tf.n--t IM- m-roin].anl.->l ' u iiri-i-i. w r fur th. 1 ^uiii pf r tk ilo|>i.iilic. Ac., at tin- FLESIIEKTOX. a specialty, .ill Guaranteed- I lesherton Meal Vlarlt^f. Cash paid for fai Cattle and Sheep. M.-iit-i constantly on liaiul foi C.I-.IK Orders promptly fillnl. ipihiy and vitality, an4 enuble you t-reathe ard speak clearly. .Stork <>nmlllne. If reports are to be believed, the FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, declare that <>rer :i inillioii cf dollars 1>1 * t havo been sent from that city to Chicago Tw p>( IL. (ialop* Canal IIIMI I*, al-o w:>-in|.aliiv<l l>v A the pant six iinpiiths ..ml funk in ,u XK ,.,. , flT HK. HIT t,.r tti.. -mn . - untipins " The f ,,-i<nii..iir.. U n "' ".'iwiivo .l.'|>.lt r. ..... Ipt* I chwiOM Irlll M > in IH. a. .-.Tii-.l. i.i.irt In- . ...lor-. I ..v.-r to the citiniat' 1 business is suffurin.;, wi.l <;<! "' ' - Mmi-t'-r ..l ' Hailwaya an.) Cauls, sad will .,. (i>if..it<H| if tl... party tondarlnf decllna* alonp know, how IIIMIV hoir.i'it thut wonl'l orln Into conrot for U wortu al tin- ri.. , ,.,, * ., . ni.pl on tln> turin-i -tatpHl n tl.i> .pIT.'i niilniiiltwl otherwise no happy arc filli-it wlthmchlng n,,. ,t|iiitt rrui|itKthuH,>nliiwllllH9ri>tarnl hearts, beoauso of thiiluve aud gauiblim; ^.'^ P~ve parti* WI...M t,,d fan erriK l.it-Und and latlier. Il to be the evil nf tho tuned, the of which we can butoouleni- l|iartin.iit .low nft, howi-vi>r. bind lalf I to aeocpt ll.c lowmt or aav tonJor Ky unlor, \ i- nK.\ni.r.v. S.~ n-tary ALL KINDS OF y.rbk ::: Sncli as Miiniiinonts, Tomb Tn'il.'X. U. luNtirrn -. Ciiiintci- and Tikhlo Tops in AuicncHti aiul Ituliitn Marblu niul (intuit.', ami muilc un slmrt notic... Also Mantles in Marble .11. .1 Slate, Ao., Ac. i-sliertoii. Aug. :tO, ,,latc -.v,th fesr nd trembling. It rot,, th ;ff who may br hap|.i.T in wi.low- .SALE. Farm Stock, Tmplenient, 4 ^,- r,\ imblio auctu.u, nt Li.t L'7, Con. 1<), Egre inont, co iiiiirnciiig at I'J o'.-l.Tlt n.M.n, "i; Krida;-, IV'.. l.'.th, 1.S84; li im.ntlif i-rudit on mium over fC ; 8 pr cent, dis- count allowvd for cash on all xiiini .>\ri C3. James T. Wilson, proprietor ; UugaM McCorioick aucti .ncir. See large iioktvn for particulan. In. oil, ami cliililreli Aim \M>nl.l ravtrence .1 true futli.-i * name. It SWPBJ.I aside cvur I in n .Uythc cnrnin^s of a lifttiine of pa- In-lit lull. Il f.n.xtens its fan^s upon the vital nrtrien of nil kinds of Ipgttims'e bum in-<aniltbi \ ilrppppp ainhlic. \.u>t fi.rtuii. s melt uwiiv lini. HIM its witlirruig; rnys. Thitt cont'ulPniM' which nmn ^Imiild liuvr n man is tlrivt-n from tl'o hirui.in heart ai.pl .I. 'ill. t an. I f.-.u set supreme upon the thrniic. Will not it* viftinifi Imlt in their mad carver before it is too late I Aijuttt titraiii. N".\F!tow rjiAM-r. Or K.CAPE. - A ponoi. XpuMu to> IM "ildden changes of our northern < t4ni.it.- has little chance of es- cajH 1 from opld*, wore throat, rhfiiniatinn, fr<*i biten, an 1 p.: h- i trouble* incident t change of temporatnrr, to sny nuthing of I accident.; and einf r./cucif . The V-t e- ' J.HO '- 7U10I NOV1 HUM Moi 1 1 imo XMOOI 10 uo.l s.rr.r I1III VV.70) .'. \ in i / . ; n :> 'SOA'77/.V.MV 'Kvi.ll K.lUllU KJ AllVNlllXl 'V.ffl I H. Mi HVM ! Jqi'> J.i J i 'no M P jo ami Ol pj . Jjuaoiy pujmvi4io.-) aj, WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHBETON STATION. Ki-*|iei.inilly siinuiiudvK (list he has received a Large Supply of \e\v Go<ls, , and i I suitable for th be c-ainpm, nil f wbn-h liavb>en |wrc)m:rd o the boat mplJ i-I.M|> fur Cii-.li or Coisatrv I'r .lure. Tl..' new arrirals at* Kxtrnsitp an.) van -il in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. Also a lull T'.y "f Hnrdwnrr. Crorrrl<><<. Prvl*4Mi*, frdckcrr. Ac. spcrti.'D -f tin- stork invited. My lltnnch Store at KI'UK.YI. t I tilth l c.ff..r reu 8AI.E or TO LBT[ tar HAW Ml!,', at I.ittlc Pl ; JHves uiiipr rtr, n head of wUw; all inKood ordor. wrtli about 4IMi ncipsof Tiurf*r I^u.l on wlii.-li tin Mil! .. situated. Xfcn-e are nUo several ofc*r Oood Mill Sitesi'ij Ibe properly. Ubt-rnl T. im, ou either paiviiasr or lease to s comi)slnt mau. \\M. neshitMi.ilali'.n, 1st Nu .I