Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1884, p. 8

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Excelsior Carriage works h now manufacturing Farm, Platform. Ludlote Spring, and Johnton Spring WAGGOXS. White, Dexter t>nc>*, Phaeton and other kindtof BUGGIES and Farmen' 2 teated Carriage*. Come and tee detignt and pricet. Repairing & Re-painting d'me. in Jirtt-datt ttyle. 110KSE SHOElXi* a SPECIALTY Stttii/action Warranted. Hethertnn, May 4th. 1882. That Question. 1o the Editor of the Adoanee. DEAR 8111, Tin following question is asked by an individual * -.^niii" him*. If Arte- ruettia," in your Innt week's issue : ( I give it in " Artetnesia's " own words.) Sir, Allow me to imk the Township I Council of Arti'ini-iiii wnv (hey pay a Town- nhip Trt'.iMirer a Inn.'-- )ilarv when the l>imi- ne can he done thri'iitfli the lank free of Will the Council plear explain," FLESHERTO SASH AND DOOIMTOn'LAm'G MILL CARRIAGE" WORKS, WILSON i McKECHNIE, - - Proprietors. Our factory is now complete with all the latest, best, and most improved machinery necessary for turning out everything in our various lilies of busi- iii'Srt, and if^-ill be in thorough running order in u few days. Contracts for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable tmtsMk Work will bo guaranteed first-class in every pnrticular. this depart- iiu -nt beintf tinder the immediate supervision of H. M. McKerhnic. Sash and doors made to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and <MI- fill attention. Planing a specialty. I n Can-in^ making our reputation for first-class work is too well known to H.vil any further comment here. A largo and excellent stock of carriages, .tc. for sale. Cull ;it our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for any thing in this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- l.'r the supervision of T. W. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be first-class. An. Now, Sir, ' Artenipsia " sroms quite con- fiilent that hp hag found a mare's nrnt. I don't think IIP has, howevur ; and wrhaps , when he reflects a littlr. lie will come to the I Mmr conclusion hinwlf. and no donlit h will feel heartily Mhuuied at his own display of i(;i)4>rance. In the first plac, I ilen.T that the T..MTI ship Treasurer of Arti'menia is the recipient of a " large " *al*ry. He is. compurA'ivply peukin". the pooreet paid Tp. Treasurer in this County. In the second placp. i* it possible that a Township can do ita business without the aid of a Treasurer ? And in the third, ami lat phv-e, which of the banks in the County of Grey will do the work of our Townihip Treasurer for nothing? Respectfully yours, Jan. L'] *t. 18H4. USUAL. Soliciting public patronage and guaranteeing good work in every depart- mcn of our business. WILSON & MACKKCHNIK. MONEY TO LOAN. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y (Limited). Aw> SarsnparilU, h*ing highly pnn- centrated, requires a smaller do, and is mure e(T'pive, dose for dose, than any other blond inedicine. It is the cheapest l>ecaue the heat. Qnnlity and not quan- tity should he considered. Eighty Yean.. An Old Typo tdh lit Lift .Sfory tit a Polite Court. H* claimed to bo "up'ards <>' 80 rears old," and no one in court felt inclined to dispute In- statement. He reneiii'ded the popular representation of Kip Van Winkle, af.er his long sleep more than anything else. His palny- stricken hand grasped the end of a forniidrtlile looking cane, upon which lie le.ined htavily as he pleaded guilty in trembling tones to a charge ot vacancy. "Yon arc on the extreme edge of the i grave," his Honor told him," and I am . si.rry that your youth and nianhiHid has ; not brought yon a competency in this i the winter of your life." The old man's eye* grew moist as he EXAMPLE: ^ attention is directed to the vtry advanUL'eou.s and fav>ral>le ry cftn dollbt , lho ' r ." th " f "'' g- terms on which we lend money t K.r-ej-s and others requiring funds l^uT irTt KSZA %X MjrlMHMIM Houses, Cliurc-hes. and School Houses, to purchase j was old tnoiih to know anything, ard Stock, 01 go to the North-VVest. Tlie system we lend on you will find the only feeling within me fht cn b reading t-Jie following called affection, which has grown stronRer year by year despite the adversites nnd troubles and trials that bavo. met me at every turn, is the love of the fla^ anU of the country which it represent*. I waa a devil in a printing office at tho aqe of Kt, and a wanderiug vompoKitor seven years later. There are few newspaper offices of any account in any of the large cities in which I havo not at one time or another ntuck type. I imagined then that a free Kohemian life- was the only life fit fur a freeman to lead, and I must acknowledge now that I pasfted IIKIIIV pleasnnt days wandering from village to village, from town tx> tnwn, and from city to city, Btojijiinjr only long enough here and there to earn 11 few dollars at my trade and then starting forth again in earch of new scunes and adventures. If I hud settled down in one spot 1 niignt not have saved money, but 1 would cer- tainly linve gained some friends, who, I borrowed, repayable in 5 innnal instalments, simple interest, at 7 per sent. yearly, the payments will be as follows : 1st year, interest at 7 percent, on $500 J 35 fjft Instalment .' 100 no 1186 00 2ua year, interest on $400 ! $ 28 00 Instalment 10000 3rd ysar, 4th year, interest on Instalmeut ........ ...................... , ..... 1(4000 5th year, interest on |100 ..... , ....... . .............. , ..... } Justalmeiit .................................... 10000 $128 00 1121 00 $114 00 107 00 00 Tolil payment of , . . . ,,;>; The borrower in not obliged to repay any purl of principal liy instalments, but R* to do * i if lie wiflhen. l3S""Loaiis cuinulet.'d in the nhurLeMt rtrkfluil.lit tun.. ,,, reJaee,. to the ,owest possible figure. s^Th, L^w^^^ U^^S ! \^ D ^ ^"^ ^"T ^"IV ,"","' become ( l,ie at whatever time f the year suits him best. We el,nr^ NO 1 INKS perhaps, Would^see that ^my oUljKHly W. J. Bellamy, - - Plesherton. EXECUTORS' NOTICE ! TO THK ntRDITOKS OP JA8. THOMPSON. Notice l horeby giTim that the cn><lit<irh of UMI -^ I'liomp^on. late of ISM Township of Arte- jiifsiji. In th rv>nnty of Grer. Fsrmer, >vli 'lie'l ..ii or'ahntit tlie 4th "<1y of A'jirll. A I). INKI, at tlie ,: tlir >!<! Townnliipof Arttumia are, on or IM^- TE. V 7 // 7M;/ of JAWUA If. Y i "Ti I to ..iihcrof the nmlriuiii'il Kvi-n- i nt Kle-tbi-rtons IS'- j* Claris *n find Sm MIIMIOH n<l Irnf4*s ari'l 'icscript^jua, tkv full }>articnlar<4 "1 tht'i 1 - cluini*. ft *ts**ment W their (icriinntK .fil tho u it nre of tto<4r d*<-iiHV< 0' sviiy hi-1'1 )>> Oifn Attrtr thn said FotiriL 'lay r*f .laniiHrv ut<xt, thfl said l^\MMitom will iiiHn*'tt<' theaHitets 'r tli ' ^ai'l .IATDUM Thnrnpnon, ainonf*t tile par- ititliil therotii. liavina mtrir'l cnly to such i 'i-n atlw> said Kxeontorn uliad thrti have no II. .. of i ' ;:ivcti in ptirKUAuc'c nt rhap. 117. S-c . ill, H . (> I) itwlat Kleiherton thl llth day SI?f1.AlB. WILLIAM 11U.L. T| AT 1\ f " r "' workinn claK. Srn.l 10 (I'll 1 |l i-ctn tor po^taec.and wowlllmmjl C T i I II if >"" VHP.P.. a royal, valimhlc |K>< <>f ^^ v*' s.m.'iOr g m>*la uiat will put you in i i>> v . of inukiii^ more motioy in a f<;w days u i Y>T tii'*rr;it Dssvaible ai any bnslDaMs. < a|iitnl nut ii|iiinnl. Wcwilltsrt MHI. Von i ID w <tk nil tin* tiiiK 1 nr in npari) timo only. T)u> >T >rk i< iinivnmikllv lutapUirl in Imth Mtviv'yiiiiiu' i I 1 VMI run na^ily earn from '*\ rfmts to 45 ' *r.- -\' rrtmintf. That all who want worfc may t<*< t n }Kt>-mi>ss, wi> niakn thin iinparallellml offer t t all who are iiotwell Mttlflflwi we will 8end ir-1 i.> pay for the trouble of writnm us. Full pur ti "ilnr^. UrM:iolis, otc..fM3Ut frtN<. Fortunes wilj h mt'k'by tliow who give their whole time to t i work. Ormit sucraws al>solutly turn. Dalit ay Star* mm AOdrosw STwaon A Co., I'nrt- . Main*. ^*\V*i V fg ft Hmd >lx conU for pot- II U I / L - '"' re.-. -ni- free, a I!, I Ajjj. costly ho of Hood* ***** which will help you to more mnnoy riant away than anything ole In thi* world. All. of .ilthnr aex, suecMia from arwt feoiir. ih" 'n.'n 1 road iofortutiapn tx'forr tho workum. aholnly sure. At ooo* address, TKUB A Co., iufusla. Mains. ilelay PrilHfAXT TO SKPTIOX 34 OF CHAP- ter W, of the Revised Statutes ot the I'Mvince of Ontario, nrttice is hereby g)Vn tlit nil Creditors nnd 'others luring cliiinw ORaiiiKt tlie estate i.f MICHAEL UUHNS. late nf tin' Township of Osprey, Irs the County rtf Urey, Fanner, deceased, who tie- parted this life on or about the twenty- fourth ilny of Anril last pant, are required to will liy post, pre.puiil, or (o deliver to Mi -.M.S.' MOMKKLY * OAMON, of the Town of ColliiiRw 1, iii the s.iiii Province , Solici- tors to the Kxeciit.irs. under the lost Will anil Trntnmcnt of the n.id deceHHJ, on 01 before tlie Twenty Third Dny of Junuary, A. D. ISH4, n statement of their naniuH mid ndilrefses and Hie full pnrticulnr(i of th"ir claimw and of the securities (if any) held by tin-in, and that after the said date lust afore ai.| the HH|I| K.xrentni's will prm-eei) to dis- trihute the nimetR of thexnid di ceum-d ninon(> tbe parties entitled I hereto, regard heinfthnd only to theclaiiuHof which notice hft Iweu ({ivcn aa above required ; and the (mid KX- iniloni will not be Inilile for the said aftsHfl or any pnrt Ilierreif to ,,ny person or persolm 01 wboM claims nntice almll not have been rewived by th* Hr.ld Holicitorg at the time bl smlidisitributfon. Rated tliis L'I, I day of Nov., 1NW). JOHN DUSCAN. I Executors of naid AXDUKW McOIRR, \ MicaiKL BUIINS. KKM:U-IHM P. O. received a decent hnrial. I want ynu to send me Rome*here where tlie l>ihiig cold of winter will notVaiiHT 1 me stiflering Perhaps I will not see another spring, and n before I go 1 would like to ofter a bit of advice to all wl.o may hear me." The old man hesitated for a moment, and then continued in a faltering voice ; " Remain in your birthplace., filling aa best you tan whatever walk in life you are cast in. Strive harder to M'cure an honost friend than A li.ink account^ and, al)ve all marry, that when yoxir time r'unrf to dii- you will leave Koinoone be- hind l> in. u m yonr dc]>urtnre. " As he left the court en route for the workhouse for ninety dav, a score of pitying eyes followed him. [N. Y. Jour- nal. BOAR FOR SERVICE. A Chester White Boar for Service at Little Mill!. HELP Rr.yfiREii. i\vsi>cpaia ih>cg not get well without assistance. It reqires careful diet and thorough tivntinunt. Burduck lilood Bittern have effected the moat reniarklde cures on record oi chronic WHAT Tun FICI-KKS KKVKAI.. (!. M. Everest, of Forest, snys thht in one year one faiuily purcha^-d fiftf bottle* of HKyard's Pectoral Huls.im for tlieir own ue and that of vinous friends. He nd sold "Ins invaluable throat and Itinc; r- iiii-il > over sixteen years, and its gale* are steadily increasing. Aw IMPORTANT ENxi'iRY.^Aro you threat oned with Consumption ? If so, the cause may be in the blood. Impure Ho. id and Scrofula ar close companions, arOl Scrofula nnU CouaiiinptioH are ttill clover related. Burdock Hlnqd Hitters cure all forms of Scrofula by cleansing the blood and regulating the secretions. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON :"%&S?er "Ofn!lrmen: My father resides at (ilowr, Vt. He has been a great sulfe rvr from Scrof- ula, and the inclined loUr will wlf ywC what a inarreloui affect Ayer's SarsaparilJa has had In hii cam. I think his blooil have contained the humor for at le.iV IA& years ; but It did not show, except In th foil* of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about Bve years ago. From a few spots which [> lTin-.l at that time, It gradually spread so atf to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now. there ara leu men of his ag who en)oy as good health as he has. 1 could eaoily name tlfty penuus who would testify to ilie fact* In his rnsn Yours truly, \\..\l.Viuuji-sV FROM THE FATHER: " a duty fr me to state to you tho bavo derlTed from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Kii month* ago I was completely corerod with a terrible humor ami scrofulous sores. Tb* humor caused au Incessant and Intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to causa the blood to flow in many is,cw whenYer 1 moreU. My suffering* wcro great, and my life a burden. I coiiimeuced-the use of the SARSAr.kRiLLA In April last, an.l hare use.1 It regularly since th.it tliiM. My comillfon began to Improve at once. The sore* hart all healed, and I fuel pcrfisetly well m i-very reapect being now abln In do a good 1 (lay's work, although T3 yean of ajr. Many taenlre what has wrought such a cure In tny CAMS and 1 tell them, aa I liavi- here tried u> tell you, AYCB's .vuu>.u AKii.t.A. Glover, Vu, Oct. 21, 1MO. Yours gratcf ully, Puiixira," EUGENIA Grist MilJ, W i:i Iiii II. Having made entennive iiuurovcoH uts In my tirist Mill, I am coti.ieut 1 can grvvgood satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Klonr slways on hand. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and I jitli nlw ai o i'ii hand. WANTED : v hi-rrv, Butternut, White A.li, liia-k Ash, d, 1'ine auJ Hemlock Logs wanted. IK. AKITT, EUGENIA May Ut, 1882. ATFB'S SARfAPARir.LA cures Scrofula and all Srrofalons Complaints, ICryalp- I i- Erzeina, Uiuirworm, Blol<-hc*. Korrs, Itolls, Tumors, anil Ernptloua of the skin. It rU-urs the blood of all Impu- rities, aiiU digmtion. sUmulatca the otl <u f the bowel*, ami thus restore* vitality and strengthens Uia whole system. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all nruffitsta; II. i bottles for t'. SYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, f ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUV, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, . FLUTTERING 1 OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF r THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIH, And every spectoe Of disrate arising from Jisordereii LIVER, KIDMEV8. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MILBURN & " Hello, Pat '. where are you going to Sliis fine morning ? " " Och, now Phil me b'hyc is (hat yourself; sure yer not afther callin this a ibiuc mornin ? " " Why to be sure it a fine morning good sleighing, and not a breath of air why what under the sun would you call it, if not a fine morning ? " " Sure thin, it may be a fine morn- in ; but be tin; aaine token its a moighty cowld one (il my way ov thiukin." " Well, it it cold, but where under the sun arc you going to in such a hurry nobody sick at home, 1 hope ?" " No ; there's nobody sick, except Mike's got the hoopin cough, and Biddy's got the roomatz, an' Patsy rut his fut wid a broaduxe. an " Christupiier Coluuihus ! I sliuiild say you'll be going into the fiospital business if things keep on like that. But. by the way, yon didn't tell me where you were goin^ ?" " Och, now, where shud Ilx-goin, but til TOMMY I>i V.AN'S the tailors beyant til get nieself a new shute av clothes for the cowld weather." " Why, Pat, that's just where I am going ; we'll keep each othercompany." " An faix, Phil me jewel, ye couldn't get yer clothes made by a better limn than that same Tommy Duncan. An he's sich an obligin chap that yo cnddint but loike him." I . M CD EBMOVAL! () and after Saturdcy next, December 15th, 1JW3, MISS G. A. N. PAGE, i I , . i i OF OWKN SoDMIi) will be found in Mrs. Bulmer's "hop, nearly opposite Mr. M. Riclmrilson'H pen- eral ntore, Flesherton, where she will be procured as \isual to DO OVER ant)! MAKEUP LADIKS and <;K.NTI.EMR.N'K, FELT, STRAW, HE.VVKR.I CAMKI.S HAIR HATS, and mate EQUAL TO NEW. The puWic nre renpeetfhUy invited to give her a trial. Good work guarant***} art reasonable prices. MISS O. A. N. PAGE. Floshcrton, Deo. liilu, 18n;J. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS, Are pleasant to take. Contain thnlr owrt Pnrgatrle. Is a sat*, sore, and e/fectul i in Children ot Adult* i ' jl ' i : a

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