Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 5

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A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Do you see the boy and pig ? Yes, but why does t he boy and pig- run so fast 9 The pig runsnot the boy. Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMBR'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing- promptly attended to. JAS. BULMBR, - - - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER. Local and Other News. *">"- -wh,u,drivi,,g. h.eand cutter lietween Floaherttw Station and -, this village, Mr Richard Parks, who lives SUKM Remember Salem Sabbath i near Eugenia, met with a peculiar acci- Rchuol's annual Tea-meeting on Wedues dent, whereby thu cutter h- was riding in i ilt.-.l forward . n the horse'* back. Dick was thrown out, but "hung on to tin- lines" like a good fellow, and the result day, January itoh, 1884. Bio AWLM. We have to thank Mr. R. Carson, <>i Meafurd H.,l, Ait. -1110*1:1. fur a Chrisuias box in the shape uf some splendid ticrntij ixtiu-t ap|Jus. SCHOOL Mumxo. Mr. 8. Daniude .n re-elucted TrusbM of Fleshertoii Public Schools, at tho aauaal meeting on Wedaesday. at Al etsVfsVWe/Jf-Wi />' iVA-iiiioiti'i, to be iulil at *.d/ IA er' ftrieef. li.ir.fnHt in otktr (inn. . Mclimrar Don't fntwt the (.Srand Soiree to bu held at Mcfulyre i>n New Year's day, under lie auspices of Presbyterian Church. was no damage was done. L. O. L. N.. !->,. MAXWELL. At the last meeting of the above Lodge, the fol- lowing wero elected officers f*r the current term: J.M. Alison. W M. Johnson Little, D. M. D Madill, Sec. R. Stock, Treas. I. Galloway, Chap. R. Y. Burke, 1st Com. D. Clarke. D. of C. R. Maxwell, Lecturer. STA- The Building i'iuiuittUv of the Pr.-s bytenaii Chunli, Fleahertuu, ackuow ledge with thanks the rucept of 81J..V> from Th.'iuai Kells, B> ( , buiug prutjeeiU (row social. L. O. L. No. l*i Uw I no*. At the last meeting of this lodife, tie following were elected officers for the current year: Win. MMM, W M. Angus McCleod, D. M. Edward Stone, Chaplain. Frederick Gee, Rec. Secretary. Andw. Kennedy, Fin. Secretary. Jos. Gibson, Treas. H. IV, D. of C. \V. L. Wright, Lecturer. John Whittaker, 1st (".>m. Hut Schema for Peace. A rather slim chap, with canary hall rippUun beiie.ith a helmet with a puo- an u stopped into a Janhiouable extab- Ltihme.ui where arm are sold and called onto the clerk. " Have you any self-cock iug seven ahootors ?" " Yen," replied the clerk; " would yoa like to look at them ?" " I would." In about two minutes the counter was covered with raTolvers, and the man with canary liair examined them and "RlO Flesh School held its amihe 8. 8. AN\I\KK.AHY. Presbyterian Sabbath -in.iry in the Town NEW ExTERrBtMi. Mr. Woods has opened out for ianpeotion and aale, tho choicest selection of China, Uloaa, and Delft ware that has bvn hitherto ex- ! hibited at Flesherton Station. Groceries cannot be excelled in quality. Nor SQfARK. A farmer from the Township of Osprev sold a load "f <mts to Messrs. Jfeilsoii Bros, here, The oaU were good enough on the tup of the bags, but underneath they wr almost worth- *as scarce standing room. Tho recita- lesa. This sort uf thing should be di- '"" and dialogues by the children, were cuuuUuanced. e:eeedingly well rendered. Although sanding near the door, we could hear e-ery word distinctly. The singing was gmd, and the best of order prevailed tiroiighoiit. The singing of Mr. John Aaderson delight**! the audience. Thin Hall, Fleshvrton, ..n Christinas evening. It was a grand success in every | .articular. Tie hall was crowded so full that there Fift, .'< cent* ftr 14. <'rntU, JV Hi. for 91.00. Nu^or, 14 Ibf. far $1.<JV. Jbiuuu, 17 tin. fur 91.OV- Prrmrk Hninrn, Tttfkuft Pr*nf*, uric Fruit* at and 1\\f untidy, dirty appearance of a rizxty hfurd should ntjver be allowed Huckinham's Dvx for the Whiskers wJI yung gentleman given promise of being oie of the in..nt popular vocalists in the c.iinty Them must have lieen nearly tlr<-i' hundred and fifty people praant. 'THE RKD FLAO."- People should be tory careful ab<mt buyitiK bunkrupt guods. readily cliitnu'o (heir color to a browu <>r|)n nine to-called "bargaina" out Mack, at discretion, and thus keep up yu will "get 1. ft." Where i.f your reputation for iouka. natuM and good It would well repay any one who foes ten are DMigat at 40 and 50 cents on the dollar, Uk out for "squalls." Peal with men wio are not "here to-day and gone to- ... oT i lnWT " w - " ^' e "bserre that this Iwiuk- loMarkdale to drop in and see '. > n q>t stock (wddling busineu is Iwing McFarland's immeiue store. Uwbeauti- c T ied .ni pretty extensively in various fully decorated. In fact you w<d fancy parts ,>f this country. The red tU is you were in a fairy palace i*tead of a | the danger signal. Shun it as you would try goods store. japest. The Hoods sold by these hank- jrupt t.t-k |>eddlers are got up to "tell," T* MKRTISO AT *'*" A u fibut rii/ht there alltheir usefulness ends, meeting will be held in t** On " 1 8' ; H ". The purchaser very soon finds out that KimU-rley, under tho Al l" c ''" the whole Uisiiiess is a // and rt,,,tfr, Uuilding Committee *\ "10 Methodist , lllU>n(it , <i to K .,, efif w ,, er , at Ule Church, on New V-W" y. J - of buver.. 1H4. Tea nerved * m 5 t t o ch.ck p. | . m. Admission / cent*, children 15 cents. ACCIDENT, nrirtor Mnnsha they v"' so,,; *> * cutter "' vri1 ""t l( f the vehicle in neither of the 4J>*iit-, sustained senons injuries. MI-.SIOSAV Mrrmtn. We omitted to j mention the very successful MUsi'.narj j Meeting held in the Methodist Cliurch, plcahertoo, a few wsaks lao. Tliero was ...... ...i. u Urge attendance. Mr. M. Richardson Charba, were nlllKl tho chair tll *" lU y- of MarkcLOe C. M. Church delivered a Rev. Mr. Casson, imstor of M.llL.Ule - m.-ftt luipruasivc addrvus. HV was fol- lowed \>y the venerable Rev. Dr. Young, who gave an interesting account of the work doue during the pant year on the various missions torouiihout the LKmiin- t . . to work ilone in the North-Wtwt turri- itoriea. Ho also gave a short sketch of the history of the reU-lli.ni in Manitt, anil a thrilling account of tho cold-blooded . murder of Thr*. Scott. Rev. Mr. 8. S. AnxiviMAJtT. Do , c *^" we " P* ve " *!' rt ' I>"'nted address. not forget the grand entertainment in t he j ^" "I 14 -' 1 ' '"* w -'n> inters|rscd by singing Methodist Church, Flesherton, on Newj^ t ' le <-' nurc h choir. Tlie collwtioiin Year's evening, Tuesday, January 1st, *.!"* ubaoriptions amounted to iCAROU. A number of the sweet singers of Flesherton paraded our . streets durin the "wee sma' h.K.ra" of."." 1 ' 1>U * niore particularly Christmas morning, singing carols. The was beautiful. We hope this! old custom will always bo retained in Flusherton. 1884. The ) i.._'i.iiiiiii,- will consist of <:hoicc vocal and instrumental iniigic by the scholars of the babbath School, as well as dialogues, recitations, Ac. Pop- ular prices of admission. SALBJI TEA-MKrrrNO. Salem Sahbath School will hold their annual Tea-Meet- ing on Wednesday, January 9th, 1884. A number of eloquent Rev d gentlemen .-ire expected to give addresses. Tliere will he. also, a fine select i..n of music, readhigs and recitations. An interuatine like seventy dollars. Well itone. Pedler! On Christmas day a very pleasant af- fair occurred at thu residence of Mr. Jauies Plewos, Markdsle, viz., th. marriage of Mr. Win. Pedlar, son of Mr. .Fic|,h Pedler, Artemesia, to Miw Mntilda Tweed, formerly of Kugenia. The knot was tied by the Rev. Th.w. Urandy, after which the large circle of friends and acquaintances present on the feature will be the distribution of priiws | Occ "* l0n ' down to a splendid dinner to the iiupib. As the good people around ^ e na l'l'y yutnj couplo then t,N.k theit Salem have always given the public crrcat I dupartiiro for Dunedin, where they will satisfaction at their tea-meetings in the ' U ""* "'"' I i-t. we expect to see a big turnout on the IHh January. Admission 26 cents ; children under twelve years of age, half price. 4 * a How TO TKJUT WRAJI Luwog. Always breathe through the nose, keeping the mouth closed M much as possible. Walk and sit erect, exercise in the open air, keep tho akin scrupulously clean, and lake Ilapvard'o Pectoral * Balsam for eOUgltS, ci 1 I, Mid a short visit to relatives of the bride. The Inist wishes of the numerous friends and aci{uaiiitanci-s of the nuwly married pair, is that they may have many many years of prosjierity and happiness in store for them. RAILWAY AOCTOKTT. Frank Spik, Walton Avenue, Toronto, some time received a bad injury by an accident on ". T. R. The severe oontusiogs quickly healed by the _ __ use of " Give mo six." The clerk seemed astonuhed, bat tied up the pistola ; at which moment the customer couimoocol to fan hiuibolf wiih his In -iniet, and remarked : 44 Got any shot guna '.'" " Yea. What kuui do you prefer plain or laminated steel '.'" " Doesn't make ny difference. Give me about two of each kind' 1 Tho clerk thought lie had struck a lunatic ; but la didn't care whether ho took tho caah of a atvue mail or a lunatic. So he tied the guna up, and wan about to announce the amount of the bill, when tho yuung man inquired : " Do yoa keep cannons ?" " We havu some nice brass cannoni that carry a twenty }>ound solid ball," rc-phi'd the clerk. 11 Are they mounted on win-eld ?" 44 They are." " Then give me throe," The clerk was considerably amazed, but took the order (or the oaunous down on ua|>er and said : Now in the.-o anything also yoa would like to see ?" " Yes ; 1 would like very much to eoe aome ilit^gem.'' " We havo a fine stock of daggcrx." replicti the clerk, aa h placed wveral specimens ou the counter : *' Hero U one with a solid silver handle which comcn a little higher than tho othora." 1 will have ux of tho silver handed ones. Now let uiu luok at a tow words." " What kind do you want ? Wo have a number of different styles." " What kind, fur utntauc* if" aakedth canary bairud youth. Well, we havu tho cavalry sabre " " Uiv me two." And wo hare the ctttlasn." ' Tin- kind used liy pmtU^ ?" akod the lonn nl.-iii'.er \oiitfi, with a smile that bctrnyetl hi.s an\i.-t \ . " Yes, the very kind." " 1 will take nix of thnin." 44 Now wo haro anmo Turkish citne tan." " I want four of them. I also want two claymore*, just liku tho one in tho. window." The clerk took do\vn his order, and bewail to fancy how- much IUH employer would think of him for selling such a ill, w IHJII thu cuatomt-r Haul : "1 wnut lml( a dun-it Springfield rifles with tniyoncta on them." "1 will t:ike your ordrr aitrt fill it to- morrow. Is there anything ' ' Yes ; 1 want aotue baqxjou* and pears." Thorn \ro hvo not in it'>ol;." s-i-1 tlio clerk ; " but etui gut tlieiu and deliver tlioni with tho simt ^uns." " Now I want some haadgruiiadus and dynamite." " \\> don't keep them." 44 Don t keep tlu-ui .'" rrjdit-d tho nustonirr 1:1 surplice; " dou't Ln-j them r " No." 44 W. 11. then, send all those things np to my hiiU-1, C. 0. D." 1'hu niHii |>rnsenuxl bin card to the clerk, who thanked him for purcliasint; HU. h a nice big hill, nnd xaid : " 1 hope to nee you when yoa play in Now York." 44 1 play in Now York ? I don't play." ** Be y.mr pardon." aid tin; clcrU , apologetically ; "I thought you wurc the manager and star of a HcuHatioaai dramatic company, pi.i\ui'{ a far went blood curdling piece, auid that you came for proTcrtiea " " Oh, no," laughed the man with yel- low hair ; " I am sundry K U|D K dowu to Tex us tu start a paper. Them are certain jouriialisti* anienitit-M down there that I desire to olwrrvo tn tho letter. \ don't wish to bu uiiaUikcu foi an amateur." I'uek. OOD 4 1.1 Illll \4. OFFER. Wo will send the Toronto Hor/rf the spiciest, ncwsict morning daily published in Canada and th, AD- VANCE, to any address in Carukda from now until Jan. 1st, 1886. fur $:I.IMI ! This is the best clubbing offer ever made just think of it ! iirst class daily and weekly paper for 14 mouthd for $3.00. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, All Goods, Gold, Silver, Rotted Plate, or Gilded, sold for just what they in;- in M a ferial and Fineness of Quality. Those who wish a nico variety to select from of and Jewelry, BMldei a VERY FINE STOCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware ! Will find it to their advantage to inspect My Stock I AMD GET MY PKICE8 Before Purchasing Else- where. I as* for a shar* of Public Patronage on the bwis of HUNK* r UKALUJU. Plain Ciold H'cddlng Blag*, Always kept All Watch work REPAIRED BY MYSELF! and Warranted. W. A. BROWN. Markdale. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON Jewelery STORE. J. B. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN s, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, <fc. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Tr.tp Induce men ts offered, hn f .tell you Goods a-s Ion' ri.v they can be Mured consistent it-it li T1UDE. Watch Repairing a specialty- AH Work Guaranteed- Flesherton Meat Market. KRPT. CKH)I>, Cash paid for fat Cattle ami Frcih Meat8 congUntly on hind for fjuh. Ordera promptly filled. FLE SHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Such as Monnmontd, Tomb TabK-s, Hoadsitoiu ^ ('ipiinti r and T.itilu Tops in American ainl Italian Marblo and (intniti-. ami iimdo on abort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblfi/t-d Slate, Ac., Ac. Flonhi'rton, Aug. 30, 1883. WILLIAM HOGG, PLESHBRTON STATION. Ilp4cf fully announces that U< has reocirm) a Large Supply of \ew Gocds, suitable fur lli eou, nil of wliicli hnv Wen purohaxtl to lh best advantage, uij wTI be sold eh.-np for <'-li r C'.uiitrv rriMiue*. The n*w arrivals are K xtnsivp an.) vari-ilin Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., Also a full supply of Hnrdwarr, <.rorrrle, Provl*lon, Crckrry, *c. In- l>rti.,n of the Stiu'k inTrtM, My Hrnnch Store at EITGEJVIA kept fu with Goods- I off.-r FOR SAI.K .,r To LET. my HAW SIIU, at kittle Fwltii . Jrirfs under Sf. ft. hmdof wst.-r; nil in r'"l ..Hrr. with l>,,ni 4O(l aorcnof TimUf Ktuti on which the Mill i* ituated. Tb^ r- !. ventl oth^r (i,.,.d Mill SitM on ^b. proueHy. Liberal Trma on ith>r pnrrhaiie or Irase to n r mpetent man. \VM. Flesberton 3uti..n, lt Nov.,l(W3. ,

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