Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 1

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Flesherlon Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-' PRINCIPLES, NOT VOL. HI., NO. 132. FLESHERTON, ONTA1IO, DECEMBER 2^ 1883. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. I T.BE ADVANCE. The leading Local and Fanlly Newspaper in thia tection uf tin- Cotxily of Ore;, U pabllihed COUJNOW >'ruu the Uftee. I> ST., - FLXSHBBTON, OKT. TEKMS 07 SI USCBIPTION : 1.00 per annam in advanee -. %l.'2'< if aot paid at Uie end of nil niouthi ; and ll.io if not paid at the end of one Tear. ADVERTISING RATES. *e. Cainal dertiiirTnent, cent- pt-r line for flrat insert iun, ami 3 eeuta per Hue for ach ubaeH)ueul inacrtion. Thin amwReBMitt to be confined to the or- dinary liuaiuew uf part'et adTvrtiainit Truuient aJTrrUaemeuU to bt> paid for wlii-n ordnred. AdTrrtinrmmu without pe<al direction* j will be ins.-rtrd uutil forbid and cliarged . iudnenDPTits to regular arrrtii*ra. lUteion tppHBttioii. Nutirra in Ike new* column* intended to benefit any individual or ioeiety. will be in aerteii at raU PIT line each tnwrtioo. No paper or a4vrrti-uieiit will be Jiitcou- tinaM an til all arrnaraKFn are paid Tip. aulcM l the ofMton o( the publiiher. |^T Bre iucertion in rurrenl iwnr, of>7 far ad*rtiteuieol ibould reach our office not later than iiix.n on Wednea.la> . 1. B. FAWCETT, I'ul.imlii-r &. Proprietor JOB PRINTING in every nt vln of lliei art, proBtutljr, neatly. | and cheaply eiectitrd. Order* by mail will reeciT* our prox.pt aud careful altru- i tion. 'l'-rm. CaKh on reeeiget of copy : 21 per cent. pr mouth when not o paid. Advance Job Department. A.O.U. W. FleabertoD Lodge No. 143, meet in theii I-odKe Boom m M. Richardaon'i aew block, , on Ue lit and rd Moudaya iueack mouth, t *:M p.m. alurp. 8. P.M. r- . M W M. P. McM/uiTKB, Becorder. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. X other complaint* an ao tnaldioua In their atuek ai tbune alfwUiif liie throat ami lung*: utut mo tndeil with by the majority uf suffer- er*. The ordinary cough or cold, retulttuf 'rkai'* from a timing or UUCOIIKIOM tttt~ susur*. u ofteu bat the beg > a u lug >t a fatal ucam-ia. AYBB'S CBKHBV FKCTUBAL baa well proven Iu clBcacy In a forty yran' Aght with ibruat au.i lung ilinaii-a, and ahuukl t bkcu ui all caaea without delay. A Terrible Couch Cured. Tn 1MTI <<k aiwTereeoM. which fleeted my lungt. 1 hal a irrnMr rough. HIM! passed nirfcl Mllr-r mickl without deep- The ifuoloni j;.tve IIM- u|.. 1 In.il A\hh's ('HKMUV I'*' V'Kii., ulu.'ti relieved my liliun, iiulu-.M l*-i'l>. .iiiil Hifonlcil me tlie t-i-i uecessary **r llic tvf'trry of my treiie.lk. By the oaeainueil UM ..I tlic I'n IOKVI. a ptrnm- lu-iit ,-ure v*4 ftlei'leil. I mil niw l yt*ri tit. lialr Aii'l lieuify, mid uni t-xtifBed yuur I.MI.RUt l-MToNtl. HVd Hie. HoKAI-K r MlihUollllH." Vu, July IS, Iwj. CORRESPONDENCE. Kditor duet tu>t i*eauri/y etuiortr the tfmtiviui uprated by currctjionilrntt. ] Is I r iiiin i ;i ui MI Tu tht Editor of The Adnnee. I notice another communication on thii subject, iu your liutt HMH . and niitiht fore- .'" any reply, bat for one or two poiuU it contained. One ii the endeavor to impress your readers, that my reply was to itir up re- li^inun strife); when it WM only in vindi- cation. It w* not a very manly position to sustain th popular doctrines uf Calvin- uu, by " B," and I hereby enter a de- nmrrvr. No une thought particularly about auch doctrines until the ap]>eanuici' of Professor McLareni lecture, a couple f months not to have aniwered it < r...,|. - A Molbrr'n Tribute. TTInle In UM) country UM lnt'-r HIT little fcT. Hire* TeanoiM, wailaktm lllwllh croup; it owiiiej a* if In- woulil illr Innn (traniiu- UUi.ii. One of Ui family ugi*lt*l ttt- iu> <ll .\YMl' I'MMIIil 1'KiTollU a Ixitllr Ot rnhK-li wu alw>\i krpt In tlir li..u.-. 'Ihu wiui trlnl iu >niall an<! fr<-.|ui-nt ifcwa, ami t..ur ilehxkt In lr Ilian liall an hour Hu- lun.- uuiral u brmiUini; u-ily. 11m rtor- (r mi. I llul tin- i nntiM pi i nm u. liml .-.! inv .birluiK hlr. ran >'>u ..h.h-i a* I wr grnUtailtt? Siiicrrt-lx ><>un. >ln. KMHA (litnxrv." 1M \\fO. Udlb St.. Ncu York, May 1C, I-*J. "I have lUHtl AVEK'I <'lll HliV I'M inn ti. In my fiui.ily for tevn il ><-.m>. mul ' not beitnt tn pronoiuiee it ilie n mi enV-tul rriu.Nly fur cough! ajwl c.|,! we have evvr Ill'-l ,\.>l. I'NANB." Lake Crj-otal. Minn., Mar, li 1:1. Iw:. *' I >u*erit for eight yenr* frmn liritrliltl. aihl alter Irving manv ieiin-.lt,-* ilU no MIC- e.--. I M rilled li) the uw ..f .\\ i n' I lit - a> J->. i.tmi .1... i-i. \\ ii.i. \ would havu implied Anuinian degeneracy in polemical iicutfiiess and advantage. This lecture and reply appeared in thu Toronto dailies. It uicitea a spirit of en- quiry, and I suppose-, noine zealous per- son, nought to obtain and give further in- I form.it inei by distributing Dr. Whedon'i . piunphlex. It is a pity such a small cir- riiiiMUtiict; should havu beou interpreted an an 'mmilt, or cruuu. Now B. inu'lit | have deitr. ivexl it, or shelved it and kept silence for pnee talc : he did neither - I but the culeDrated catechism WM the out- come. The object of which if it meant anything at all was, like Professor Me I Larun's lecture, to exalt Presbyterianiam j over a( ethoduun. Iu weak neas was ex- ,poaHl aud its intruded effect nulliti-.l. land "ii at onoe pitifully writhes, aban- dons the iMiuphlet a very wiae conclu- sionand doea not intend to diacuaa fur Uier important points involved, and tnes to get out of his pomtioii by placing thu DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I.O.O.F.. FLE8IIERTOS. every Ta**day Kreuin^ at 8 o'clock Lodge Booui, Mni*>' klnek, Toronto atrt* Uegrwe Lodge, let Tueadav in each mootb. Viaitiiig brethren cordially ulTited. A.8.VB<JuB,!I.O. Jo.. Blaekbarn, B. 8. FIcabrrtoB MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR The neit fair will take place on MON DAY DEC. 10th, WM. Janl-lypd e w .. . > ->. i.tmi .1... i-i. \\ ii.i. \ Byhalia, Muu., April 5, lr*x. M I emiant tv eiMmirli In praiM of OMKRIIV I'KITOIAL, Wllrvini u I ilu that bit for u* ua I ahuuld Ioti|ipiuc0 haw flu-d Irani lung lr<>ulilei r.. IIBAOIXJ.X. ' l-fctoaoue. Tczaa, April J=. 1>-J. Xo eiae of an affeetlou of ih throat or hinga eilsta whleh eannot be gieatly rvhvveil |,y Ike UM of Avril C'llBBaV I'n K. !.. aad it will tifH-of* rvrr wlwu the Jinan I* Ml alftady beyoad the control of ni*diclM. 1 fault of thu controveny on mv.-lf ; but 'it won't take. Pmfeiaor McLaren WM the tint gjpMlor and our eaterhiat the ocoiul. Wliut aay you, my candid read- er ( Any OIK- nBadiiiK ll'a rejoinder to my n-i'ly, cannot fail to obarv0 that he giytM nit' tin' w holu ({ruuiiil. But why 11 it, that, no Mothodiat can apeak or write apuu the doginaa of Cal- viniau, I mt Uiey are charxed with carica- turing rVeabytriamaui / A Uc-aimilu la Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mitt. SoU by all Vrucgtata. not a caricature And mithing but favU hare bewn stated' -.' duoe the CalvintatN d.nl not J. P MARSHALL, L.D.8. J>entiMt, /i UADUATK OF TORONTO SCHOOL \J| of lientmtry. will be at Vark.Ule the lit and 3rd Wedneadaya of eaeb month, and at Fleakerton the following Tbandaya, for the practice of bin profeiiaioa. . 17th Mar. 1883. B pro- pvint* ' t.. prove thu cafjcnturef Tbeno are unde- nuJ.ly the cixc-d of hia church. The creed of thu Mcthixlut Church iloair i no aucli irrrvry; there ia no deairv to kevp it iu the Ixuisfiroutul, ami caricature it aa iUelf becauae u may IHI, it always turaa the nifiit aide up whether in the heart ' f a hr.it hen or that uf a 1 prince. you pleaae, it taLua cant of jit ui of <ioti ; and handle it a nut neceaaary for ever}' Cads. STRAIN & RYDER. Builders and Contractors, FL.ESHERTON Are> frrvpared <> attend to Brick A fltone work in all itn branoli.-i. All order" left at the ADUXCI Offlee will receive prompt at teation. Good work at fair priM. JT. M. Webster, FROST_&_FR06T. B\ RKIS I i us HOLICITOR8, CONVEY ANCKRS. Ac. Office Poulett Street Owon Sound ; and every Thiraday at Klenh erton. J. W. FROST, L. L. B. ALFRED FROST, Crown County Attorney I '. says it member of a Chriitian community think alike. They do not undoubtedly- arising partly from inconvenience, but more so from ignorance of what tin v at- tach thuuiaelvea to. Whilst this may l> tolunted in tbe laity, it ia to be depreca- ted m the. ministry If any one of such . subacnhe to doctrinist he dare not present to the ]ieople over whom he ia as paitor, it Ht.-uii|is hull aa a In inicrite at onre. K<- 'gardinc that nice Methodist preacher who 'gave It such pleasure, let me aay, that it is no marvel at all since his attempt t.. make Dr. Whedon a Calvinist ! ! In fact Presbyterians, such aa K, think they are Licensed Atirtioncer fir the Co. of firoy. Money to Lend aa iimial, at reasonable' rate*. Fir* and Life Insurance. All, commnnieions addressed to KCGMIA ; P.O. will receive prompt attention. 86 W. J. BELLAMY, TWr. CLKRK ABTF.Hr.su. ESTATE* IXSUKAWK AGENT COLLECTOR, AOPfSONMJUi. Money Loaned on good xxenrity on the, most favorable terma and at moderate rates of interest. Mortgage* bought Office, Dearly opposite town hsll. Fletberton tin- .i.-|~itiru-a of all truth, and if any other uaei trutha, ht'M in coiniuon |.\ all tho denomination*, thny ara at onc Oal- viniatic. Tliere in juat* about aa much Calviiuani in Mr. Jnhnaton. a fnnner |a- Itor,- the miuiatur referred to- aa tliere ia in Di Whedt or Mr. McDowell. It only ahowathe to make people believe, that Calviniim ii not auoh a Ind- eou tlunn after all. I will now product- , the creed of the iYeebytvrian Church of lasting glory, out of his mere, free grace and love, without any foresight of faith or good works or perseverance in either of them, or any other thing in the crea- ture, as conditions or causes moving him thereunUi, and all to the praise of His glorious grace. - 6. As (iod hath appointed the elect unto glory, so hath he by the eternal and most free purpose of His will foreordain- ed all the means thereunto ; wherefore they who are elected, being fallen iu Adam, are redeemed by Christ, are effec- tually called unto faith in Christ by His Spirit working in due season, are justified adopted, aanctitiod and kept by His pow- er through faith unto salvation. their pntaeuitation of unconditional elec- tion and perdition as any words can be.' 1 the United States, in vindication uf our James Sullivan, J ohn W* Arm strong. The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. ON, Co. GRIT. DIVISION COCUT ri.KKK. COMMIS- inner in B.H., Convi-yancer, 9u~. AKPIU for pnrcliaae and aaleof (and*. Appraiser for i '. L. C. Oompauy, and K. 1'. II. i S. Society, j Money to Ix>an on thi> ranat reaimnablo terma laacRR or MARRU<IF. LICBNHKH. Kep*irlnff, EavetmtiKhing, and in fact every- iiK ^n tbe bnaineaa will receive my prompt an<l carefal attention, at reaaonable prices. ii Idlcro in Stocis. 1. Clod from all ett-niity did by thu moat wiae Mid holy counavl of Hii own ! will, frwlT and unchangeably onlain whaUnM-vi-r cornea to \auu; vrt * a* there- ; by neither in Oixl the author of ain, nor ia vinlt-nce nffen^l (o the will of the crea- tiir.-n. n. ir U the liberty or contiiiKency of second cauaee taken away, but rather in lU'TTHK Kl .Ki'T ONLY. 7. Thr rat of nui/uhrvf ''' inru pUatiJ, according to the unsearchable counsel of MM ..wn will, whereby He ettondeth or Ujiholdeth mercy as He pleascth. for the of His sovereign jxiwer over His creatures, tujtut uy <iif to i/rdain tktwt tu iittunuir in*/ irrutA far (Arir sin 1st tA* i of Hit <flntnu juttiet. I ahull not in present insert equally pal- :*ble points on "effectual calling" and :he "perseverance of aaints" if need be [ will crave your indulgence in a future article. But I must quote Calvin him- self in one of his tracts to Sebastian. He says (to Sebastian) : " You deny that it is just in God to tiny line, urUeu on ucrounf uf tnrruf- Peraons innumerable are taken put of life while yet infanta. Put forth now your virulence against (iod. irkoprt- i/>ifirVji in/., rtrrnal deuUt harmlr** infant* torn from tkrtr mother'* kraut*. He who will not detest this blasphemy (of yours) when it U only expos<-d. may curse me at his will. For it cannot be demanded that I should be safe and freed from the abuse of those who do not s[*rc (iod." Now, Professor McLaren used the fo| lowing language, as rvi-oru-d on the 4th f i Vtotier laat in the Mail, via., "The Presbyterian Church has ever Seen diatinguialied for its loyal attach- ment to that syatom of doctrine welch is )>opularly known as Calvinism, and those ho are acquainted best with its numer- ous branches throughout thu world, will be most ready to admit, that wherever it has enjoyed an on trammelled Preebyter- government, it has shown uoAiyti of any. general departure, froan its aucieut tin irni|fi. " I presume I! will not dispute thns* quo- tations ; they will serve t" show their in r and contradiction th-ir opp.. sit n ui to man's moral sense of what a merciful God should be, as formulated f n 'in the only powers the same God lias giten him from which to judue, and it tlao shuws how aUunl the charge of can cattiring. Juat put along side of the above creed, tbe fact stated by the apoatlc that Christ was the atonement for the sins of the trrW* m>ritt, or the thousand and one invitations to come to him, and answer foryuumelf, gentle reader ' Which is right or which ia wrong? Failing to cope with the subject undertaken, R calls to his assistance the tfjirrirnft of a pr old woman; it is a climax of fatuity it needs no reply. It is evident ha haa ovrr-eatiniated his ability, and as he) ab- andons further discussion, although pos- sessing an answer and reason for every phase he might take, I have no desire; to continue the cetitroversy. Already B. instead of arguing on abstract theories, as stated, haa tried tn diverge to person- alities, which 1 shall not return. It i> not to the PrvahyU'riann the nivunient is against, but the doctrines held. As a claas of citizens, they are eatttmiud for their ao many excellent qualities, aud their should be no ill-ieelmg in diacMBSitii! th doctrines held by them or any com- munity. Notwithstanding the THOCBABM SAY So. Mr. T. W. Atkinp, Oirard, Kan., writes: " I IK-T, r hoiitat* to recommend your Elect rk; Rittrn to my customer*, thrv give mm Hatisfaction and are rapid kellen-. Electric Bitters are the purest and U-t medicine known and will oositiTsly cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate uie bowtli. No family can afford tu be without them. They will save hundreds of dollar" in doctor's bills every year. Bold at fifty cents a bottle by Kicbanlson'a. WM. LUCAS &C:. B A N KK RS, t" L E S H K 1-t TON'. A genera I banking bualneaalrmuaaelrd. l>raulila la*ud payable at any office uf U* Merchants Bank. Notea (llaouuDUxl.and mnny to loan at i- .1 Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed on deuoalla. A. i;.-rii. IINON. Mauager, r le.lierion l.n, . i - June I.I, IM1. icle, will you favor me to f my art- imu-rt the fol- Alexander Brown. TSSI'EK of Marriage Licetwa. General W. S. GRIFFIN, M. 0. MT. O. I?. S. Ont. 2. Although God know* may or ran oonn- ! puna UJHUI all IU|I|M.. fil <K>inlitiona, yrl htith lir ttvt ilorrrnl nii- { thiiuf, l*camr lir fure*ntp it <t* future, or aa that winch woul.l come to |aa upon such condition a. Agent, Ac. Licensed Anetionef r for tbe County of Orey. PKICBVILLE, ONT. _ Will be in Klesharton every Tuesday and Friday from II to 4 p.m. Offlce.lB Win. Htraiu's block. lowing from a very popular city papef. 1 think it ia wroiin on one j>int. via., in ascribing the author of thu catechism to a minister. I'.KTA. " A Presby turiaii minister in thu nslisrs of Kleln rton eem to havu got hoid of l>r. Whrdon's pamphlet on " What is Ar- Miil in ao rxeriMX il at lU nent to Presbyterians in thnt nemli 'Kid, that he furnishes n dialogue to Ithe Flfslivrton ADVAMK, to checi the whaUiMivt'r fotct> of this tract. It would have b-'ii ln'ttiir for linn to ha\e kept silent. Tie pamphlet ia xtronif and Uie duloguv weak : both the "dnilotfiiers" U-ing n ilit* anme Hull'. Hia reply into the elie. t iliBt the wiine objections lie aeam-t .Ariniinasjisni, iw agninit Citlviiimni : whi.-h would ) I ioi -l, MAXWELL, - . ... OST. Jos. ALLISON, . PBOVBOITOS. Oood aoomueiation ; best brands Cinsri ed r,iqu,.r. <*o*>d Stabling and atttutire hsj>Ur. The anJ/ UM..I , u iU place. 3. By the decree of tl.nl for the mani- festation of his glory? Home men and an- good, only it n not tine A to thotnu-t gels ire predentine<f unto everlanting life I not i|iiotinv S, -Hptiin- prinif. itn objax-t is and ntlirnfvrror'I'iiiiHl t rrrrlnxtiiui dtath. [to state and corapare the innin porati of Those angel* and men thiut predesti- and fori'oiil.tini-il are paiiticulnrly 4. and uiichangeahly dunigneil, ^and their Money to Loan. I number is so rtrtain unl drjinitr, Hint it ATIIPKU i KNT. UN 8TUA1UHT LOAN Will Inlereat paid yearly, not tn advsnee. Nonommlaalou rlmrj,-,!. Apply to TllUK-NBI'liV the two nyati-ms, without r<",ninl tft the Scripture tu-giiinciit.-!. Tin- writer gives a long list of U-t, iiiiwlly irrvlevant are texts in favor of justification by faith cannot I* tnerwwrd or dtmwi iafceii. and rugenitrntion quoted a minnai Ai- 6. Those of mankind that are predea- Humanism' We can give our Caivmiau tinntiMl unto life, (Jo<l, before the found- friends all the Scripture they want. Tlie atioii of the world was laid, according to objection that Arminians mimvpivavnt j his eternal and immutable, purpose, and Calvinism is not well takon. There n nn the -. ret counsel and Kpod pleasure of need tn do to. The statement* of the His will, hath chosen in Christ unto'ever- Confession of Faith are as explicit, in All partu-n are aaulw>tieU ayaiuil liug (or three Note* drawu by uie i;. (atur< ( Globe Maiiufaeturinii Cu. Lundun. tbruiivli tin i- >K*nt. Mr. J. 0. Caraou, I have >,, t reeeiTi-d rain* for the fame. One ui'le l< r Mi payable April Ht. l-4; -u- ( i }. parable April lit, 1*15 . aitd tue fur K<> pa) able April lit. 1H06. W. U. WALKER. Eugenia. Dee. Us, IMS. On and after llanda*, OOtb i.f NOT. 1882. Train* will run u (llw- GOING N ORTH. Toronto. Inion Station, dvp. T.SU a.m., ami 4.26 p.m. Caniwrlt Juuol ....... 9K15 a. u., 6:00 p. m. OraiiK'eyille .......... .. It. 46 a.m. lt.4d p Ui Kleabrton 4. I'rk-rTilU- 11. it) a iu. ".MI p in. Owen Sound, arrive. . . . 1.30 p.iu. U..">."i p.m. GOING SOUVH. Owon Sounrl. drpart. . .5.15 a.m. M.10 p.m. FleiUvrtou A Prieeville, 6.43 a.m. 4.47 p < B.87 a.m. i. . o u u Card well Juliet ....... 9:O5 a. iu., 7 .tl p Toronto. Luiou 0. arr.. 10.46 a.m. 'J. Id t>.tu. TBASWATEK BRANCH. BOBTH. Mount roreet ....... !:*> a. ., :44p. m. HarniitoD ........... 13:66 a. iu., Vl'l p ui. J:i5a. at.. 10:lJp. iu. OOIIU MIl'TB. eT ............. 5:<Xla.m . 2:4S p. iu . llarntoD ............. n : n:, a. in . '"'i . . Mount Korfwt ......... 6:M)a. m.. 4..tiiv iu. Now is Your Ti To get a ^oo d A ^ri cul- tural Paper Cheap. AMERICAN FARMER AWO FOR $1.25 A TEAR -

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