Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1883, p. 3

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' POETKV. Jouru->ln eju I *> Ihi i lleauty. in the orobartl here, hlowuuii all arouud bar, Idly tlttiugall aloue Waitiuij tue I found ber. Soft I *tole the way aJooc la tbe grau behind bur. C'lan|>ed my two band* o'er bar eye) Kor tbe nonce to blind ber. Is darluif - Isa iweele*! Vuur boaoly uiy uudoiug, TrtmtiBK now tbat you will lift To my tender wooing. bweel. I love you von alone, Itaud Uioee aoft eye* on tue, Oraut ujo but a little kiM , Ab, duu't frown apon me. Overbeexl tbe linnet w*et To hi* mate i* calling , Miujuier blue it in tue aky. buntbiue round them falling. To tbe golden cup tb* bee Clint;* witb iweetneu laden ; l!uttrllit,o uu etber wmg Find their promiaed aidmi. laa. ulli Dt; on tbe ttile, HloeeoQiD all arunud ber, UuUereup* ami tuarguerile*. WaitiuK me 1 fuuud ber. Now abtt'e promiaed mine to be All tbrongb lifetoRetber ; Whether lor belter ur for wane, Hand and bear! forever. Wintry skim. < r numiuur blue. O'er tbe bill* of heailier , Tbougb we're wed we'll loTere be, Journeying oa together. 0! brightly gleam* tbe tunthiu* in tb* blue aerapbic *ky, AJ fratfraul with tu* brro*ttuutbe bhlhetouie bour* fly, And all arouuJ i* weudrou* fair, M if nouiu fairy baud Bad touched witb g'.owing colon tbe Lri^ht and luv*ly latia. Bet what to Bill arc all tbeee >ceoe* '.' To Bill tecy bnut; no joy, binoe be aaw Jeruaba at tbe abow witb Jiui, bar otber boy, H* dido I know be lu>*d b*r ao, but now cacb little word To bun we* tweeted mic bin earn bad *T*r beard. Uark vieioa* of that lounge he had that Mood bebind tbe door, SUoe now be auew auatber'i form It* bending booom bore ; Fer what to Bill were all tbe uigbu tbal lounge (w did enjoy Smoe cow.be felt Jemua' aria around ibM other kojr .' 'e Be could not ileop. be oOe.ld not llT*. yet waf not nt todia, Be could not eat UD heeded utood tbe .(eitiv* pumpkin pie : Tb* Rmger taau, th* doughnut, too, tbe guuiaj Jonuny^ue, All acatblea* paaeed he *oorn*d the bum bn mother ueetl ID bate. For what tu Mill were all too** poop* an I vani tie* one* glad. VTbile hi* Jeru.ua leaned upon anolbtr* lirer Farewell, frail girl ' tb* ipell n pwand. and Hill'i biiuaelf onoe more, R* lived for love for glory, too, bat now be'U live for core , No boaibahell or banana perl to deraaUte tb* land- Not tbeee, but wore*, with nendiih jor be joint the (ieruian band. Aa4 now, wbeu Jim would warble auft beneath Uie melluw tuoon. So likewise. I Jth the Bui bliL> B-Bat baaaoon Aad eo I'm fairly engaged at laet ; In tb* nuebe* of Capld^i net hold fait ! I nan t furget it, fur. tu, n where I may. Tbe nog on inv tingrr awun to eay, Witb ita glitur and flaab : " You're uo longer Tour own ; Aad you'd Better let flirting and folly alone." Now, Hell*, do help m* a kit, there'* a dear, To empty tbli drawer fell of relici here Tniphie* f tail year'* "eeaeon. ' you nee, Eien I bad the jollleM Utnee at B - , d no man Oroeinad Ibau the man In tb* moon Tbat Krod and 1 would ahem !-*u eoon He follow*! in* around a* th* otb*n did. A* though 1 were " mat up fur tbe bigboat bid :" And to tell tb* troth, in learnlni the art Of flirting, one Injure* a trifle toe heart. And I well, hare IH a photograph Of eiirety you've aeen bitu. Now, |*ray don't A pair of glove* and aom* faded flower". Uellc* of *w**l laat euuimer'a bour*. A broken fan-ob. WilIU oruku that. J brokt Hit huort, he *aul : til for tal I And her*'* a button I tblnk It oauie Prom tbo uniform of yuung Wbat'abu- nauin. Thoae glove* ?-well, throw them away : 1 wore Tb*m riding with Tom three time* or more. Of couree I know it I* onlv right Tbat I abould forever put out of night Tti.-e nioe old relic*, iii- rwrer more Uan I live the **ua* old jolly tlmei o'r. But. Hello, my dear, now, bonoil and true, If 1 ti . thia " PKM*O"" I " o*er to do. 1 think 1 tblnk -between you and I, If Kre.l didn't mind. I really would try, For the aake of oue mop* Manner of Ian, Topoetponcth* enjaiiemenl till luniroer were don* I ^ aBKENT rmiBHDS. Wbere I* tbe doodlebug that ent Whan I'lu.U.uK fragrance breathing flowera. Woo'd bach by April') kindly *how're. Beamed gladly lurto from Flora'* bow'io Where I* the dootllebnf tbat bnrat All int.1 life and tailed away Tbro' heat and dun of nuurmer rt*\ ' And whore tbe ganiv white pekay. ^*>l Which, wbeu Uie ipriug. iwren* and warm, Hu<v*l*d wintry wind and atorm. Bedecked the comely female faro Where to thst llute.1 thing, we pray. That witb th.i advent of each firing Tbe beam admire and poet* ling '.' Hone like a Heeling, turner dream- Hone like the IK KIII forgotten lav Hone like tbe friend* uf yeeterday Tbe doodlebn? and white pekay? But whan tbe vernal rain and bean lt.ilr.-h HIM lii I li lo and tbe plain, Tbe two will uome will eomo I he I nit .t mmttrlf >n.. .... (From tbo Pall Mall Bodget. Somebody ought to iotroduoe into og- Laud a form of entertainment wtaicn has, we are told, been for norno time iu vogue in Paria diiurt eit tttt. At theie diuuem Mid tbe rale ba* been tomotimai exleudtd to dauoon all tbo (jueat* are boiitid to ap- pear with tbeir head* attired in acme fancy ooitame. AD old gentleman goei aa Doge of Veuioe or a Pop*), a youog lady ae Mario Autoinettoor an luorojrable. The oboioe of both ltdieo and geotlemen ii un- limited, and M tbe .liuumo in of tbe bead aloue the great exponse of a complete fancy dreiw ii avoided, while at tbe name time the opportunity for accurate imitation of antique type* ii i nor cased th rough tba muoli greater facility uflerod by priotc and paiiitiiigM winoh BO often give only tbo bead and buit. We oommtni the novelty to tba country bonaei. In Parii tbe function u notified to tbe gueeti by UM addition of tbe wordi " en ttte " to tbe card of invitation A beautiful woman Is a practical poem, ainiiig bar savan*) mate, planting tendee- aeeo, hope, eloquonoe, in all whom aha ap- proaohae. ' FLOATING I \ I <.ll ri:i< *ee, ol tm, I .1,101 TtlBBC* In I bt lerlh III. 1 1. Ill I'l. -. A noble man Eddie Fy. A ladies' man Otto Man. A nervous man Tim Idity. A stubborn man Will Full. A useful man Steve Dors. A thieving man Bob fiery. A seedy man Tom A. Toe. A speeiman man Sam Pall. A frightful man Terry Ky. A positive man Alle Gallon. A craving man Bank E. King. A dangerous man Dan O'Uite. A strong man Frank Inoena*. A learned man Ed. U. Cation. An impractical man Tlieo. By. A musical man Phil. Harmonio. An acceptable man Bonnie Fit. Tbs best of all men Chris. Chin. A one looking man Hans Some. A communicative man Billy Doox. A calculating man Matthew Matios. A mealy- mouthed man Johnnie Cake. Heal jam A woman's preserved silence. A plucky job Dressiog fowU. Spots oo the son A boy's freckles. A warm slipper will make a son burn. Judge no man by bis disappearance. A dog's pants are said to be always warm. Uneasy roosts the ben thst bears a " coon." Quick at figures A cyclone in a sculptor's studio. Tba farmer's best friend-Eliza. Eliza who ? Fertilizer. Any sensible girl prefers to \> bugged in the Isp of luxury. The acrobats of every household The piiober and tumbler. What men who are going down hill want. -Check*. A question of time- The erection of pub- lic clocks. There are few things in thin world more raaping than a file of unpaid bills. What men who are going down bill want Checks. Even tbe bumble pie-maker boasts that be is a great tartist. The porter of a sleeping oar has a rooting time every morning. When are watches easily stolen .' When they are oil their guard. The captain of a vessel is net generally governed by bis mate, but a man generally is. " Who was tbe straightest man in the Bible?" "Joseph." "Why?" "Because 1'baraoh made a ruler of him." An English writer ssys "a great calamity will very soon visit America." I* it a profes- sional beauty er a leoMrer ? Why are some woman very much Ilk) tea kettles? Because they sing away pleasantly and than all at onoe boil over. A miss is not as good as a mils, for a Mi*s has only two feet, while a mile has 'i,*M. Hboot the maxim maker. "I was only footing ons of your late bills," remarked a fond father to his daugh- ter, after kicking ber tweet William out of tbs trout yard. Wbeu a man turns over a nsw leal b* U too frequently near the conclusion ot the book ol life. Said a philosopher " My friend con- ducted bis future wife to tbe altar and hsre his leadership came to an end." A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain. It is a seed which, sven when dropped by chance, springs up a flower. Tbooa with whom we oan apparently be- come well acquainted in a few moment* are generally the most difficult to rightly know and understand. Harry "Are you very tired, papa?" Tbe rector " Vary tired, my boy." llarry " Was it tba sermon that tired you, papa ? It tired ma very moon." " He's grown to be a polished gentleman, anyhow," said an old lady, gazing fondly as she spoke at the shining bald bead of her sou, JUKI returned after a long abesne*. The Force of Habit. Hisius (who is acting as amanuensis to Mary)" In there anything more yon wish me tossy, Mary?" Mary" No, marm, exoept just to ssy, rioaje excuse bad writiu' and spellin'." A legal gentleman met a brother lawyer one day last week, and the following con- versation took place : " Wall, judge, how is business ?" " Dull, dull ; 1 am living on faith and bops." "Very good, but I have got past you, for I'm living on charity." " How many Clauses hare you had tjo-dsy, Donald?" " I ne'er counted them ; f just took fat I got. Vm owre auld a bairn to spean noo. My mitber weaned me when I was four months auld, so yeneedna wonder at mvdrooth." Visitor" I don't see how ye can exist in such a doll place.' Widower" I like it because my wife died bare." Viiitor(wilh a sigh)" Ab, I think I could become attached to tbs place, too, under like cir- cumstance*. (Wits thinks tba thing over suiipiouously.) Washington Irving once said to a lady, Doa't be anxious about the education ot your daughters ; they will do vary wall , don't teach them so many things . teach them one thing." "What is tbat. Mr. Irving?" she asked. "Teach them," he said, " to be easily pleased." The Canny Folk, "A Uoht, man ? i^t thst ye're speerm' a boot ? D'ye think licbte grow on trees, tbat they're to be bad for the askin' ? Ye'll get nas Uoht frsve mi, oonsiderin' ye oudna ask before I threw awa' tbe mateh." (And be didn't either i Master : " What made your cousin atsy BO late last night?" Servant: "Faith, ror, ba was afeard to go boms, sur." Matter : " Why didn't be go home earlier in tbe evening then ' ' Servant : " Bbur* an' it wasn't till it was late tbat he was afeard ?" Change ot Diet. (Two women in train from London to Olaagow.) 1st woman I do declare they Knglisb eat naething bit oabbaga an' pork. 2nd woman It's rsel awfu'. I'm nick o' their meals, lit woman Weel, I'm glad taa gel name tae parritch .' sault berrin'. 2nd woman Sao am I. I haven't had decent meal for thi* haei month '. A Highlander had been to see bit son at the regimental quarters st KdiD- bur^li (!atlc, and expressed to a friend his dissatisfaction at the lad's state ot health. " Our Donald's lest at least seven pounds iu weight." " Oh, that is quite natural," said the friend, "for at the castle recruits have to wash themselves." "Well, in y good fellow," said a victori- ous general to a brave soldier, after s battle, " and what did yon do to help 01 gain this victory ?" " Do ?" ba replied, " sxd may it please yar boner, I walked bouldly up to one of the inimy and eat off bis tat." "Cat off bis foot : and why did you not cut off his bead ?" asked the gene- ral. " Ah ! an' faith, that was off already." In Mr. Spurgaou'a inexhaustible fund of illuntrative stories is one of a man who used to say to his wife : Mary, go to church and pray for as both." But tbe man dreamed oue night, whan he and his wife got to the gate of heaven, I'eter naid : " Mary, go in for both." He awoke and made up his mind that it was time for him to become a Christian on his own account. A clergyman lout his horse one Saturday eveniug. After bunting for it iu company with a boy until midnight be gave up in despair. Tbe next day be took ior bis text tbe following passage from Job Oh, that I knew wbere I might find bun !" Tbe boy, who bad just come in, supposing tbe horse was still the burden of thought, cried out, " I ken where he is, sir he's in Tarn Macpherson's stable." IOBB>*>rleoi Haillwar OrrUleei. The caae ol Lavoy v. tbe Midland Rail- way Company was diipoaed of by the Queen'* Bench Divisional Court at Toronto. Tbe action wan one for damage* against tbe railway for negligence, whereby a little boy named Levey, aged 7, was run over by a train running backward*. Tbe Ontario railway statute provides that, when a train is backing, there shall be a man on the first oar to give warning ot its approach. In this case a man was OL. tbe oar, but he was at the far end of it, and did not see, and was in DO position to avoid tbe accident. Tba case was tried at Lindsay, where the rail- way contended tbat as a man was on tbe oar, though not at the and of it, it was a sufficient compliance with the statute. The jury, however, found differently, and turned a verdict ot $1,000 for tbe little fellow. An appeal was taken, and tbe judgment dismusee the appeal with costs, and allows tbe verdict to stand. KM HIM I I MM I < I M I in Pernicious Practices pursued in Soli- tude is a most startling cause of Nervous and General Debility, Lask of Self-noun- denes and Will Power, Impaired Memory. Despondency and otber alien tan I* of wrecked manhood. Bafferora should ad dree*, witu three letter postage stamps, for large illustrated treatise, pointing out un- failing means of perfect cure, Woitu>'s DlHrssaaBV Mr.Mr.iL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. The Empress of Austria is suffering witb a severe attack of sciatica. A HflAHT 91AM i one who doe* bin work quiekly aod well. This is what Dr. R. V. fierce " Golden Medical Discovery " doe* as a blood pun tier and streoglbsner. It erouses the tor- pid liver, purifies the blood, and is the best remedy for ooniumptiou, which is scrofu- lous disease of tb* lungs. Tb* engagement U announced of the Dowager Duobees of Marlbomugh to Mr Currie, an attjeh.- ot tb* Foreign Office. H ST. A I Tim WOJIaT.1 are made pallid and unattractive by func- tional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce'* " Fsvorite Prescription " will infallibly cure. Thousands of testimonials. By dru(iits. jQ_. Tbs Colin Campbell's divorce case is to be beard in private, a proof of great influ enoa or of very unpleasant details. THE GREAT" NUMBER OP nai* beoefltted an<l cur*l ba* **tablnhe<! rxiyuri'l aiioubt the roiuaraablu eltecaev of Dr. Wheeler'* Compound Klinr.if rti.|>haieauii CeliMfa In tbe treatment of ilienaee* of tbe lung*. Consumption, In the major It v of eaaee. In unuluakably tb* reault ol Jeprave.1 nutrition anil |Kr blotxl. Tbeie i* loe* uf api'etli*, f*cbl llgMtio*. ini| rfeel aaalmllatlnn uf food an. I eooaequent failure of n*rv* power to ma I o tain the vital forcaa. To* cough, raiilug of ublegni. itfht tweet* and general debility art** from alow Marvatlon. a* It matter* nit how much nourishment i* taken if tbeetomach itnnut pre- are it lor auitamiQK tb* oonnlitutiun. Tb* :inir Immediately nuppll** tbe want* of brain ml nirv*. invigorating tbe (tomacli. liver *u,l ki'lnpTlau 1 tboreby arresting decline. Lsav* nothing tbat is necessary In any matter undone we rate ability in men by what they finish, not by what they attempt A*k (or " Bough OD Coughi, for C'ongbi, Colil* Bore Throai. H raetiee*. Trocbua. U vent* Liquid, 50 oenU. Lord Salisbury, after his political ex- ploits, will join bis wile in giving entertain- ments during the Christmas vacation. Drogglst* *ay tbat l.vtlla K. I'lnkbam'* \ Ratable Ooenpoasd I* tbe beat r*iiilv for female oomplamU they av*r bean I of. " Anna, what must yon do before every- thing else to have your sins forgiven ? " " Commit tbe sin." and your plaee will ipecno>**,>ronr place without health, the foondation ol all *uo V 'Keep to your p koep you.' Ho*, you cannot ei . Kor luataoee a railrtwd engimw in th employ of tbe C M .t tit. Paul K. It. had be*o rrtevuuilv afTwte-1 witb diabete* for ill year*. flo Uxik four bo*' of Kidney. Wort and now write* that bo In entirely cured and working regularly. " Our church," says a Mormon alder, U on* tbat embrace* many women." True, for onee. ^ i>n i or MAN. Net-roue Woaknew, r>r*P*i'ia. lMt,nten*, eiuai Debility, eurad by ' Well'* Health It" *rw*r." tl. _ " I'm a good nn when I get my coat peeled off. ".said the potato, " At for me," responded the horseradish, " no ane will deny that I am s grate vegetable." Iflra aaet Weeani are *quallv lxmei;t...l b7 tue line ol tbat great Brain anil norve rejoveua- tor. Magnetic MeJicia*. The bankrupt Duke and Dnoheea of Tesk have settlsd in Florence and arc much M.. unlit. M-KeathrH, ribbon*, velvet oan all U* talurol to match tbat new bat f ailnu tb Duniund Dyoe. lu cunt* for any color. The Oraad Duke Henjius of lionis 1s betrothed to Prinoaas Klixabatb ot Hesse- Darmstadt, granddaughter of the Queen. Tsolllt.fl MWAN'M Wamm ". in I- Infallible, ta*t*lem. tiarml*w, cathartic for fnvarlahnaas, reetlMueeo, worms, eonetlpttioo . <J9 oent*. ^ A baby is tba oasis of married Ufa. VOU THE MR, LIVER AND URINARY OMB I II I-. HI- - I III <><M> I'l It II- I Kit. Thar* ii only one wa v by wh ioh any iliMKMoi b cure,!, and that i> by removing tb* ca whatever it may b*. Th* greet medical author me* of Ui (lay declare thai nearly Tery Ililill ii caiued by ilerano.l kidneyi or liver. To raetora thai herafor* li the ouly way by which heaJtb oan be weared. Ben la when Wmrmrw'm Male I airr ba> achieved it* groat reuulttiuq U aoa directly upon the kidney* aa.l fiver an d by plao- them In a healthy condition tlriTei VmtTT and pain from the unteiu. For all Ki.luey, Live* and urinary trouble*, for the di*tre**tng dis- order* ot women for Malaria and pbytleal (rouble* generally thie (real remedy hai no equal. >-e*ar* oi ImpoMon, tmltatloni and eoncoctlo- eei 1 to be juet ai food. For Diabete* aak for Vrm.rmtr* Halt Dim brlrm ui . For aale by all dealer*. H. H. WAKNEKeT <>. Toronto, Ont. Roebeitar. N. T London Bo*. t. V M. t.. 31. I ... Mel i.uiu. t UAPTKB L ' I wax taken lick a year ago With billou* fevir.' " My doctor prooounoexi we eared, but 1 ick a^niu with terrible pami in my back and ildi-i, and 1 cot eo bad I (Viuld not move ' I "hrunk From *X Ilia, to l*i : I ha. I been doctoring for my liver, but it did me uo ..!. 1 did not expect to live more than throe month*. I lugan o uae Hi'!' bitten. Directly my apcellta returned, niy paini left me. my entire *ytm Metueil renewed M if by magic, and after uilng MTerml bottle* I am nut only aa eound a* a sovereign but wt-uib more than I did befura. T<i Hop Hitter* I "w my lile. K. FiTzraTiiH a Dublin. Jun* 8th. 18BI. Row TO OKT RITE. Expose Tonreelf ilay ana night , em too much without eseroiee : work too hard without reel , doctor all the time , take all the vile inxtrumi advertiei*!, ai. I tha >oa will want to know how to ytt unit, which ui aimwerexl In three word* Take Hop Kitten ' LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEQETASLE COMPOIJ17B. A H*m> urr for all I I : M I \vi <. K. M ~-l -, In. lu.li-ijr I , u. iirrhu-o,. Ir. n *,.lr HI., I I 1 u m in I .Mratiraalloa, Iaflaa*aaalioa aed I Irrrallow of IS* Wemh. Klnmllnn, I'KI- 1 M- I - I I F II I . A , . rST Heuaal Ui the U<te. cSVadoae ud ImmedlaM fti lie e (feet, ft leafreat help la prefaanry, UK! re- Bevee pala dvrin^ labor and at revalar perluda, rHiirun rsi IT in nuwraui IT rmin T. rsrFua us WSHJIOMS* of the irneratlTe orfaa* of either M-X. It le eecuad lo no remedy that aae eret hen before the rmhllr i and tar all glp <* of th* Knunrre It I* Ih* Qnnlmt Krmr-ii tm Uu World. . K HIM \ I (I II I' I t 1 NT- nf I ,l brr Ke UnHl.rml Ki-lRIlD lie I M-. I I < in \ r PINKHAM'* in "Hiu pi inriru will t-miln-el* everr Till|re of nmnim fnnn the [Uiiod.ai Ihe ehfne t!im> will gHi' l^l* and rtr*-nirlh lo t he tywtrm . An m*r Tell. 11* In rveulte u the DSS^SBBa e"Both theCompoand and K-KXI Ptriorr are pre- parril el IB and Weetem avenar, L) nn. Mala PrV-e uf elth-r, SI. til bottlre for SV Tbe < ', n.,|..un I taeent brvnail latheformof riilv ". of u* nire*. oa rerelp* of price, tl per I" < for elth-r. Mm. Plakhan freelj anewtm all |O<UT* of inquiry. C'lu*e 1 eeat flanip. Scad for pampM.-l. WenMun Ika l\i,*r. r-LTW H. ITmiii' IT Pn-iJ cure rnn l,m. llillevuWM and Torpidity of Ui. U> r ceala eTHeM ey all Ur. M l.i.. ., . KIDNEY-WORT HE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM Aa It i* for all tbe painful dleeeee* of the p KIDNEYS, LI VER AND BOWELS. T Xt oleaoeee the entom of Ute un.t poleoa bat oanaee the dreadrul eunenuc whloh a onljr the victim* of Rheumatiam oan reallae, THOUSANDS OP CASES *T th* woret form* of thl* Urnble fill mi BO)W* b*n qultialy relieved, and in ihort time PSRFECTLY CURIO. t rim I, ft. i ioi in nu inn. uun in IIKI I.I.IHT*. < M- Dry pan be eent by mall WXIXS.IUCllJlllIJHON.VL'o Uurllnejton VI. KIDNEY-WORT iTe p..ltUerMjjr.if th* ahum dleeaee; hi u* e Ibeeeeaa* ef reeee or Ihe woeit kind and of tmtg euadlajkKebeeDcund lajeed. eotuiiajr la PT Stsl in HeeOeerf, Ihet I will ee*d TWO HOTn.fs FHla. (Mker with V 1 1 L1.S TKXATISS eo thla anfeeAree llle Rii>r*en<l r O ad.lr. CS. T. A. JUJCIM. Ill 1-earlla. Dew Ta, A WBIX. tKailay at borne eiatlr ade OnelonBi free Tar* A Or AORUeta Ualue Twenty-flTe of the handautneet Cbrumo i'anli you over eaw (hand* holding motto**, el.- i, with name. 10 oentt. worth <lo*ble> the money. \ma* oardain packaj*at9, 10,n,8 au.l JOoenta. Cir oulan free. J- K. LITILT, Prloter 1/onOou, Oat. WILLS. RICHARDSON * GO'S IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR A NEW DISCOVERY. tS7*For trrrnl yea. we hare furnUhed tae a.Vin.-n of Ajnarfca wile, aa *ximUrnl arti- ficial i-..l TforbulUT; o mcrltortou* that It with at**! '!!. ea* ereiipLer* renrlrinir '!!. ea* ereiipLer* d Oulj prU>- al w.t Uairy Fain IVDut I'T patient and Untlfl.' rhrinleal r*- arch we hue toamiTl In rrrrrfi i-iloto. ant DOW offer this nrw r. .1. .r aj IJU 6r*f In (A* vurM. It Will Not Color the Buttermilk. H WMIMot Turn Bancld. It I* the> Strongest, Srlghteot and Cheapest Color Made. tSTA nd, while pn-an'-l la oil. U l*r< ed Ihal It Hlmp..i l ,l. I r't 1 . I^TSEWARE "' "-I lni::Il'.t". end ul e'.l other "il r 4 r* ' 'NT ant lUWe lo tMrvmei rklicl.l vuj ! .1 tji" Vi.l* r. ^-^1' T .u rann.'t f>-t the l 'lrapro^1" write ue tu kn.'w where atMl auwlo * Wll. s rt. II l DMi^ A f n. . It, .(..*.. i KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. DOM lAmtf back or di*ords*r<.>d wtnit In-U- <W Uit you *w Twtim f THKW DONOT 'ATI, iu*> Kidnej-^ort at oao, <Htn*.r- Btn*Bdlt>4*o.4.t wUlvpsMdily OTCI- AaB******** eUad IMfeM** hsWltiaT otCUOn S I **rtinc oreo*Bpla*pe*<iilar r *W*3UICOei , 70*1 M Kid-i.-y-Wort u uiwurpafl*ed* -lee I: will act prompCy and eeJeljr. XltaevSex. laooutinoe.rejl-auon of uriae. brick durtorromlerceilB. I . palaa. all .p<Uly yld o Ita O- BOLD DY iv-r- DBPOQIgTB. Prtn- II. KIDNEY-WORT A CURE CURAANTEED. BRSIN&NERV'EFOOD Ver 01.1 -u.l \ o. PoeitlTely ore* Mervoaenee* In ALL It* Weal Memor), Lot* ot Brain Power.bexuaJ IToe- tratloc NUtLt HwemU, Bpermatorrhoia, Loar> rb.re, Hexrenneu aoO CieaermJ Ix>e> of Rower. II fertoiee Harprtalrji Ton* and Vlcor to toe Rxh*ted (teiwrarlv* onrane. fcarWItli e**k oriai fur TWLTp*x>agee aoeocupanll witk M we will eend oar written Oaaranla* to refold In* nni*y U tb* treatment joe* not effect a eon. Pamphlet aeut tree by mail to aur a- i tree*. boM 1 y drnig ita i AOr. per bos. or boxee for J S, m*UI*d tree of po*tee on reeeip* ef llone; In. i. - l.gu. ii. ir,n. iii. <'eayv. VSi. .laot. Oat THE ONLY VEGETABLE CTJRB Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Me*. T. per bottle. Salt by all Draniata. e<vek in your own inwa. T*ru. *S oatat f 'e*. H B4UKTT t Co., t'i-i t' .1 a If. BEFORE -AND- Electric Applijncd are lent on 32 Daji' I nil. TO MEN DULY, YOUNG OR G' 3 "AI^Ho stro nifcrinir tmn NistTor* t>*uituT ?> I,0T \ITA1JTT. \K -lOVtiTI...! \\r-A.I f a I'litooiiAL Ns-r nm . . "tJFK ' 41 nM. f^---ly rvllff svn.1 < r.tU.fitif Mm I iit)Mt.n44l T'taapfcleH CPP*. ltLTOO..MARSHAll.Mlt:i. Tin free bom* ffemi lee w iem Bon Pr- tland It NEVER BE WITHOUT COOICS BEST RIEND SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. fetm Mieh Pl.* Si o eoon-e a Hnmneie Kdaeo.ti.ia or Rrwncorlac Pesv manablp at th HMCNUHaV UN BUSINIM COI.L1IOB Olrei Ian free DlreeHono for making tiumlnoo* Paint tor aigni. elo*k-diala, match Mfaa, etc . malll for IS) eest* *uv*r. K. (la.MMoM. afvste Klvor, Cooa. >

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