Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 May 2010, p. 7

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7 · Friday, May 28, 2010 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.oakvillebeaver.com Council addressing late-night park activities Continued from page 1 In a presentation to the committee the Town's Director of Parks and Open Space Chris Mark said that since the skateboard park was created in July of 2009, at a cost of $110,000, incidents of vandalism and inappropriate youth loitering there have been frequent. "In the evening hours, the very late evening hours, the area becomes quite a hangout for older youths in the 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-year-old range who are at the skateboard park using it in the evening until 1 a.m., 2 a.m.," said Mark. "Alcohol consumption has been a big problem, drug paraphernalia has been found and ERIC RIEHL / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER all this inappropriate late night HAVING FUN: Thomas Nason performs a trick at the West Oak activity has resulted in a Trails Park skateboard park. tremendous inconvenience for the adjacent residents." Halton police have also All this prompted Mark to Mark went on to say the Town spent $15,000 in 2009 responded to complaints on recommend to the committee and $2,000 so far in 2010 trying occasion, however, those in the that the skateboard park equipto get the problem under con- park have usually fled before ment be removed from the trol through additional securi- any kind of confrontation West Oak Trails Park site and could take place. that alternate locations for the ty patrols, but to no avail. Reading Writing Math High School Study Skills Homework French skateboard park be examined. Mark said removing and storing this equipment would cost $10,000. This recommendation did not sit well with members of Oakville's skateboarding community with several youths speaking out against the loss of the park at the meeting. These youths, who ranged in age from six to 25, said it was unfair something they enjoy was being taken away because of the actions of a few bad apples. "I like the skateboard park because it gives me and many other people a chance to practice," said Alexander Conway, 8. "I also don't think it's fair to the kids who respect the park hours if you tear it down." Wesley Rausch, 18, who said he uses the park every day and every night (until around 9 p.m.) said closing the skateboard park will not solve the problem of partying in the park as partying also takes place in other parks across Oakville where there are no skateboard facilities. Mark acknowledged there is no guarantee the bad behavSee Park page 10 GRAND OPENING & MAYOR RIBBON CUTTING SATURDAY JUNE 12/10 - 9AM-12PM, RIBBO J. Richard Werkman ­ CHIROPO · Ribbon cutting by Mayor Burton @ 10:00am · Orthotic questions answered by Elite Orthotic Lab (PFOLA Accredited) · Tours of our Eco-Friendly office · Refreshments · Door Prizes · Gift Bags RECEIV · routin · diabe · heel / · nail s · sport n nails Exceptional footcare for all ages SA 1495 Cornwall Rd., Suite 33, Oakville Located on the north/west corner of Maple Grove Dr. and Cornwall Rd. T: 905-845-4817 E: info@werkman.ca www.werkman.ca /HDUQLQJGRHVQ·WVWRS MXVWEHFDXVHVFKRROLVRXW HERITAGE Lifestyle Home Furnishings SINCE 1977 Sa Ro Dini vin om ng gs S up ale to 50 % %UDLQVQHHGVWLPXODWLRQDOO\HDUORQJ 7KDW·VZK\ZKHQVFKRROVKXWVGRZQ IRUWKHVXPPHUNLGVDFWXDOO\ORVH DFDGHPLFJURXQG$VXPPHUSURJUDP DW2[IRUG/HDUQLQJVWRSVWKLV&KLOGUHQ NHHSOHDUQLQJ$QGWKDWPDNHVWKHLU EUDLQVKDSS\+DSS\EUDLQVPHDQ EHWWHUJUDGHV $VXPPHUDW2[IRUG/HDUQLQJLVDOO LWWDNHV /HDUQPRUH/RJRQDW R[IRUGOHDUQLQJFRP Incredible 100% Solid Wood Canadian Made Dining Table and 4 Genuine Leather Chairs with choice of colour In stock special $1499 OAKVILLE NORTH OAKVILLE SOUTH OAKVILLE NORTH EAST 1131 Nottinghill Gate, 905-469-1929 2[IRUG/HDUQLQJ&HQWUHV Maple Grove Village 511 Maple Grove Dr., 380 Dundas St. E. 905-849-4027 905-257-1207 4205 Fairview Street, Burlington 905-634-5298 www.heritagefurniture.ca

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