OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, January 2, 2009 29 To Place Your ad Here Contact your Classified Sales Representative To Place an Ad Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com Our Community Needs More School Bus Drivers For Information, call toll-free: 1-877-914-KIDS canadajobs@firstgroup.com 905.337.5610 Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. & flats for & flats for & flats for & flats for 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent ZONED COMMERCIAL/ Residential. 2-Units: Downtown Oakville (Wilson/Rebecca)~ bright 1-bedroom Downtown Burlington Condos apt or office, main level $ $1250/mo; 1-bedroom apt Baxter 1 bdrm furnished 1900/mth $ o r o f f i c e s e c o n d - f l o o r, Baxter 2 bdrm 1800/mth w/deck $1300./mo. Units $ include reception/work Bunton's Wharf 2 bdrm 2250/mth + area w/private office, full 360 On Pearl kitchen, (approx. 1 bdrm $1495 - $1600/mth + E X C E P T I O N A L C L E A N 750sq.ft.). Utilities/park$ family building (Oakville). ing included, non-smoking, 1 + den 1975/mth + 3 - b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t Immediate. Can combine. 2 bdrm $1995 - $2750 + from $1256/mo. including 905-844-8581 weekdays Townhouses from $1375/mth + utilities, cable, parking. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. LIVE/ WORK/ Play. 2-bed905-842-5095. room furnished, mid-rise condo w/commercial FA C I N G B U R L I N G T O N OAKVILLE- LUXURY fur- space for business. 3yrs. Mall. Large 1-bedroom nished 1-bedroom apart- old. Garage, patio. Close HEADON FOREST- 3-bedsuites in mature quiet ment. Short/ long term. to Appleby GO. Jan.1st. room detached, 4 baths, 5 buildings. Hydro included. Non-smokers, no pets pre- $2,000/mo. Lidia or Eric appliances, finished base"Princess" 905-639-8009 ferred. Parking, utilities, 905-639-3490. ment, garage, Jan.1. or "Regency" internet included. $1450/mo 905-257-7403 905-681-8115 $ 1 6 0 0 / m o . 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - M I LT O N - N E W 2 - b e d 3924. room, 2 bath condo. First floor over looking pond. OAKVILLE 4-BEDROOM GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 5 appliances, underground home. 2 ensuites, eat-in 1 & 2 bedrooms available parking. parking, c/air, fireplace, k i t c h e n , January/ February from $845/mo. utilities includ- SHORT-TERM CLEAN, fitness centre, Available $ 2 5 0 0 / m o + A v a i l a b l e immediately, $1200/mo. Jan15th 647-203-6272 ed. Clean, quiet building. spacious 1&2 bedroom p l u s u t i l i t i e s . G e o rg e Burlington. 905-632-4265. furnished suites at 9 0 5 - 6 8 9 - 5 2 9 9 ; OAKVILLE, DOWNTOWN, m u c h d e s i r e d l o c a - 416-318-6520. bungalow living by the Lake OAKVILLE~ 3&4 bedroom tion... Burlington Towwith condo like services. townhouses available im- ers. 905-639-8583 PRIVATE 2-bedroom con- Completely renovated, skymediately through March. 4 www.corporatesuites.ca do. Downtown Burlington. lights, hardwoods, fireplacappliances, Hopedale Mall Wo o d f i re p l a c e , p r i v a t e es, new appliances, finArea. Lakeshore Managelaundryroom, 2bath, new ished lower level walk-out ment 905-876-3336. appliances, garage, ravine to heated pool. 3 plus bedsetting. Available immedi- rooms, $2500 plus per/ O A K V I L L E ~ A f f o rd a b l e a t e . $ 1 3 0 0 / m o p l u s month, professional pool Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom utilities 905-638-0230 and landscape service. hardwood, suites w/balco905-257-3973 or ny. Appliances, laundry, ajluke@allstream.net quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. S.E. BURLINGTON- de2-BEDROOM- $850/MO. tached 3-bedroom, 2 bath, plus utilities. East Flambo- heated garage, hottub, OAKVILLE. COMPLETErough (country). First/ last. laundry, $1500/mo plus LY renovated~ everything Immediate. Call between u t i l i t i e s . Jan.1. brand new! 1-bedroom 11am-11pm, A l b e r t 905-334-3999, basement apartment. Stor905-689-3305. age, laundry, parking, walk to GO, downtown and A G L E N Abbey 3-bdrm, amenities. $900/mo. in1.5 baths, bright, clean, clusive. 905-844-4563 WWW.Travelsuites.net l i k e n e w , a p p l i a n c e s , F u r n i s h e d C o r p o r a t e fenced-yard, $1290/mo. OAKVILLE, NEAR Down- R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, Immediate. 905-279-5614. ROUNDTREE Monthly! town. 1-bedroom apar t- W e e k l y , MANOR m e n t , n e w l y re n o v a t e d , Business, Family, Trav- ALDERSHOT BRAND new TOWNHOMES balcony. Clean quiet build- el Visits! Full Kitchen, 3-bdrm detached, 5-appl. Free Laundry, Pets O.K. ing. Laundry facilities. Across from Double car garage, large $ 8 5 0 / m o . I m m e d i a t e . From....$49.95*/night! kitchen, no smoking/pets. Burlington Mall Beautiful 1-bedrooms 905-339-3997. $1550/mth + util. overlooking lake, in3 Bdrms $1050/mo d o o r p o o l , s e c u r i t y, 905-928-8035. 4 Bdrms $1165/mo O A K V I L L E R E N T - 24hr rec. centre. Page E R S . C O M 1 / 2 / 3 b e d - Us @ 905-681-7355 BURLINGTON. RENT/ 795 Dynes Road rooms from $845. 1265 Rent-To-Own. Move right-in! Tel: 905-639-1748 6th-Line: 905-842-8960, Spotless open concept, BEST Rental Value 190 Kerr 905-845-1777, mainfloor w/fireplace, 392 Pine : 905-337-0910 IN BURLINGTON! fenced backyard bright 3 plus one bedroom, 2-bath. Amelin Property 24hr msg. PRIME Downtown Bur- S H O R T- T E R M R E N TA L F r e e Management 416-352-5238. Bad Credit lington. Upgraded suites Fab 3-bedroom semi. Huge 1 , 2 & 3 b e d r o o m s . Kitchen, Finished Bsmt, 2 OK. * * * A V A I L A B L E New windows. Modern- Gas FP's, Main Flr. Launized elevators. Scenic d r y, D b l e D r i v e . A v a i l . B U R L I N G T O N S O U T H - I M M E D I AT E LY ~ N o r t h views. 478 Pearl, 477 Immed. Prefer No Pets. E A S T. N e w e r h o u s e , 3 - Oakville, 3-bedroom, eat-in E l i z a b e t h ; $ 1 4 5 0 / m o . p l u s U t i l . bedrooms, garage, back- kitchen, spacious back9 0 5 - 6 3 4 - 9 3 7 4 , Elaine Muir, Sales Rep., yard, appliances, central y a r d , 4 a p p l i a n c e s , Sutton Group Results Real- a i r. $ 1 5 0 0 / m o . p l u s 905-827-5252 905-632-1643 utilities. Immediate. Also 3ty Inc. 905-332-4111 bedroom house, BEAUTIFUL 3-BDRM QEW & 3rd Line, Oakville, $1550/mo. plus utilities. townhouse, freshly painted, cosy, open concept, fully A v a i l a b l e M a r c h 1 . new broadloom, finished furnished basement, separ2 8 9 - 2 5 9 - 0 8 2 9 ; bsmt with fireplace, ate entrance, washer/ dry905-631-8821. 4-appl., A/C, Woodview er, parking, utilities, A/C, A M A Z I N G W AT E R a re a . $ 1 3 5 0 / m o . p l u s suits non smoking/ no pets F R O N T, u n o b s t r u c t e d preferred, available Jan view, Burloak Condo, 1- DOWNTOWN BURLING- utilities. Immediate Call TON, Bungalow, 2-bed, 2 Pete 905-339-9324. 1st. $790/mth, last & 1/4 bedroom w/den, immacubath, recroom $1065/mo; of utilities. 905-469-8344. late, suit senior/ couple, Large range, double gar$ 1 3 0 0 / m o . i n c l u s i v e . age, 1.5 bath, recroom, BURLINGTON, BRANT St. T YA N D A G A Te r r a c e , 416-826-5833 fireplace, semi-ensuite, North. Renovated 2-bedBurlington. low rise $1450/mo; Brant/Guelph, ro o m , h a rd w o o d , l a rg e building situated on 3-bedroom +den bunga- y a rd , l a u n d r y, s t o r a g e , p a r k - l i k e g ro u n d s . B U R L I N G T O N S P E C - low, 2-bath, recroom, p a r k i n g . $895/mo. F r e s h l y p a i n t e d . A l l TA C U L A R view, 1-bdrm fenced, $1195/mo; E.Bur- Jan./Feb 1-905-822-9295 rooms w/individual ther- p l u s s o l a r i u m , 2 4 h r s e - lington bungalow, 2-bath, mostat controlled heat- curity, great ammenities/ 3+2 bedroom, recroom, i n g . 3 b e d r o o m s . l o c a t i o n . P h i l o r i a L a u , $1230/mo. 905-632-5690 B U R L I N G T O N E A S T1 4 4 0 , 1 4 5 0 & 1 4 6 0 Salesperson, Sutton Group Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real 2 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e , fridge, stove, $1060/mo. Tyandaga Park Drive. Results. 905-332-4111 Estate Brokerage. includes hydro. Call for ap9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 0 1 5 , philorialau@cogeco.ca pointment, 905-632-1750. 905-336-0016. FOR LEASE Completely DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE. R e n o v a t e d , 3 b e d ro o m WATERDOWN CENTRAL Executive brand new 2-bed- Bungalow for lease in Oak- B U R L I N G T O N . R E N O location, walk everywhere rooms plus den, 2 baths, ville. Available immediately VATED 2-bedrooms. Full 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; overlooking Sixteen Mile 1375 per month + utilities. basement, parking. Not75 John 905-690-4454; C r e e k . C a l l C a t h e r i n e Call Andrew Casale at Brek- t i n g h a m A v e n u e . N e a r 50 John 905-689-1647; N i l e s , R o y a l L e - P a g e , l a n d R e a l t y G r o u p @ schools/ Parks/ shopping. waterdownrenters.com Call 905-574-9180. 905-330-8163. 905-691-7861 $172,900- BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom end unit townhouse in Burlington. Many recent upgrades, gas fireplace, granite in bathroom & more. Stainless steel appliances included. See it to believe it! 905-319-2269 Start today! $Unlimited earnings$ Eligible for Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking 905-333- 4347 FREE Avon Pamper Pack (value $160.00) Must call now: DOWNTOWN Burlington1275 Elgin Street. 2 bedrooms Available Now. Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen cabinetry). spacious, well maintained, quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. 905-637-0321. DaviesCondos.ca BURLINGTON, TYANDAGA. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, finished basement w/gas fireplace, 5 appliances. Jan.15/ Feb.1st. $1320/mo. plus utilities. 905-335- 6971. FOUND: Black, male cat. Found at Longmoor and Catalina. We call Stills. Please call: 905-637-7325. 905-335-4443 *Pamper Pack... limited time offer www.avon.ca 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 FOUND: BRACELET, Canadian Tire Fairview Street, Burlington, parking lot (beF O R L E A S E : 3 + 1 b e d - f o re C h r i s t m a s ) . C a l l & room, 4 baths town house identify, 905-639-8604. in Burlington. This home features: eat-in kitchen, FOUND: Himalayan cat. master with walk-in closet Found Newpor t V illage/ a n d e n s u i t e b a t h r o o m . Lakeshore Road. We call Please contact Andrew Ca- B e c k e r. P l e a s e c a l l : s a l e a t B re k l a n d R e a l t y 905-637-7325. Group @905-691-7861. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Road, Burlington. Immaculate l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d ro o m townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905-592-9168. www.realstar.ca FOUND: Orange cat. Found at Brant Street and Upper Middle Road. We call M r. C a t . P l e a s e c a l l : 905-637-7325 VANCOUVER SHORT term rental. Water front, Steveston Village new, furn 2 BR/2 Bath PH Condo. Jan-Aug. $1600/mo. Includes WiFi, Cable TV, all appliances. 4 mo min. Adult Bus Exec (905) 702-4320 170 apartments & flats for rent BURLINGTON'S BEST 955 Warwick Court J1bd, 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms - rent starting from $775 · Close to the QEW · Bus stop in front of property · Close to schools · Daycare Centre on the ground floor · Includes heat, hot water, hydro 1MO. FREE. Downtown O a k v i l l e , 1 & 2 b e d ro o m apartments, near Lakeshore/ shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905-842-9275. 2067 Prospect Street 1 bedrooms - rent starting from $889 · Onsite laundry · Balconies · Close to shopping · Includes hot water & hydro SHORT TERM rental needed! Oakville couple looking for an accommodation from Jan./15th to end of March/09. Furnished apartment, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, cable & internet connection a+. Please call Murray or Muriel home: 905-845-3070 cell: 905-580-8002 BURLINGTON- 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms available Janua r y / F e b r u a r y. S t a r t i n g $895/mo. Upscale quiet building, close to major shopping. 905-632-0129. BURLINGTON- 384 St. Paul Street. Two 2-bedroom apartments available February 1, $934/mo. and March 1. $921/mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Half month free call for details, 5pm-9pm, 905-639-7072. BURLINGTON- LAKESHORE & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spacious 1,2&3 bedrooms. Utilities included. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. Dec15th/Jan9. 905-632-5258 1.888.310.7000 GOtransglobe.com 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO 1030/month KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO. 10 executive lots. First home, retirement, high end cottage. Next to Lake Erie. Fishermen/ Boaters delight! Marinas, Pelee Island, Put N' Bay, Cedar Point, 20 minutes to Windsor by car ( l o w e s t p ro p e r t y t a x e s around). 519-796-9013. 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! get results! Classifieds 905-639-9212 It's better in Burlington Rent from $ to place an ad call 905.632.4440 FOUND: Sealpoint Siamese male cat, found Middlebrook Road. We call LARGE 3-BEDROOM T/H, P u s k a . P l e a s e c a l l 1.5 Baths, C/Air, 4 appli- 905-637-7325. ances, garage. Close to Oakville. $1350/mo. plus FOUND: Young, grey feUtilities. Available Immedi- male cat with white paws. ately. Elaine Muir, Sales F o u n d a t B r i t t a n i a a n d Rep., Sutton Group Results Guelph Line. We call Gemini. Please call: 905-637Realty Inc. 905-332-4111 7325. NORTH OAKVILLE- 2 bedroom, 2 bath, walk out fin- F O U N D : Yo u n g t o r t i a t ished basement, walk to Guelph Line/ South Sergrocery, restaurants, close vice. We call Merry. Please t o Q E W, 4 0 7 , 4 0 3 a n d call 905-637-7325. Sheridan College. Available immediately $1600/mo. LOST: CAMERA, Cannon plus utilities. Gary Lima Ixus, silver, digital. Lost Sales Rep. RE/MAX Abou- on December 19 at the towne Realty Corp., Broker- Sunoco Gas Station on age. 905-842-7000. Plains Rd. There are many valuable pictures "ORCHARD" GORGEOUS on the camera so there 3 - b e d r o o m s . A p p l e b y / is a $300US reward if Upper Middle. 1600sq.ft. f o u n d . P l e a s e e m a i l : g a r a g e , g a s f i r e p l a c e , gifa_girl@hotmail.com c/air, 5 appliances, en- if you have any informasuite. I m m e d i a t e . tion, thanks! $1395/mo. plus utilities. Call pager 905-523-3274 WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. 3 bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available immediately. Near Oakville Place, GO and Sheridan College. 905-842-0254. 950.00/month live in/out 270 nannies/ R E TA I L C O M M E R C I A L B U R L I N G T O N - L A R G E space 3500sqft on Speers 2 b e d ro o m m a i s o n e t t e , rd Feb 1st 416-239-4772 QEW/ Brant, near Fairview G O . P a r k i n g , l a u n d r y. $795/mo. plus hydro. February 1. 905-335-3474.. OAKVILLE DOWNTOWN Prime location. Perfect for office/ retail/ business. 1100sq.ft. Available immed i a t e l y. P l e a s e c a l l 416-573-7446. BURLINGTON- Large, 2-bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near downtown. $895/mo. Call Gabe, 905-634-5885. · Minutes to GO & QEW · Magnificent view of the lake & mountain · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · On-site Security · Rent includes all utilities & cable · Individual Climate Control (Heating & A/C) Exceptional Value!!! LIVE-OUT NANNY needed for 7 and 5 year old. Childcare, housekeeping, and cooking required. Drivers license preferred. Lakeshore/ Burloak area. N e e d e d m i d - J a n u a r y. Please email mmorgan6@cogeco.ca 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. · 905-639-4677 w w w. m c a r t h u r p r o p e r t i e s . c o m Burlington Square 1-BDRM We Make Renting Easy! RARE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Unique one of a kind established Family Business rapidly growing from the star t. Due to owner's heath reasons, will consider complete take over or as a working partner with majority ownership. serious inquires must have access to 175K or more. Owner may assist with some financing for qualified party's. Inventory, equipment and supplies well worth over asking price of 250K. Email: replytosjbusinessopportunity@gmail.com or: PO BOX 41255, Rockwood Postal Outlet, Mississauga, ON, L4W 5C9 Immediate JAN Free iPod Call Now! BURLINGTON TOWERS BRONTE- BEAUTIFUL 3rd floor fully furnished loft bachelor in executive home, harbor front, Great view w/private balcony. bath, internet, TV, telephone, non-smoking, no pets preferred. $750/mo. Suits mature single. 905-510-2904. BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms available burlingtontowers.com 905-639-8583 BURLINGTON SOUTHEAST- Newly renovated 3bedroom bungalow, main floor. Quiet street, minutes walk to lake/ shopping/ bus. $1350/mo. Utilities, laundry, parking included. No pets preferred, no smoking. 905-844-3124. CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms available immediately. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. Free month if r e n t e d i n D e c e m b e r. 905-632-5486. (No dogs preferred). See us on www.viewit.ca. FLAMBOROUGH. 2-BEDR O O M newly renovated apartment, new appliances, no laundry, high speed internet included. Call 905-627-7874 905-639-8583 SURREY LANE Burlington 685,695 and 705 well maintained buildings, with 1b, 2b and 3b suites. Heat and hydro incl. Friendly on site staff "Rent now and receive $400. Move in Allowance" 905-639-0456 www.homestead.on.ca 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats for rent BURLINGTON MALL 2bedroom basement, 4 appliances, fireplace, $725/mo.; Kerr/ Lakeshore, 2-bedroom ground floor +basement, fenced, 1&2 bedrooms, Burlington $895/mo.; Walkers 3-bedclean, quiet, well mainroom ground floor, large tained, neutral decor. Near livingroom, fireplace, GO/ Downtown; also build$895/mo. Albert McDoing assistant, suit semi-renagh Ltd. Real Estate Brotired. 905-484-0990. kerage, 905-632-5690. LARGE FURNISHED bedroom near Oakville Place. Pool. Parking. Ravine. Suit quiet, working non-smoker. NANNIES LIVE in or out, $ 4 7 5 / m o . I m m e d i a t e ! for Children and Seniors available. Also we are of905-337-7387. fering a daycare registry. Great providers. Also OAKVILLE. FURNISHED seeking new nannies and room. Well-maintained, exproviders. 905-849-3811 ceptionally clean, large or 905-847-8480. Oakville home. Responsible, clean individual. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle. $500/mo. inclusive. 905-338-6444. SPANISH for Travelers at the Central Library. Small Groups. All Levels Start Tuesday Jan 20. BURLINGTON, NEAR Ap- Call Now 905-577-1585 pleby GO. Furnished bed- spanish@bellnet.ca room. Fragrance/ smokef re e , p a r k i n g , i n t e r n e t , cable, phone. Suit female. 905-631-9896. ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ LARGE, QUIET fully fur- pillowtops, 10-15" thick, nished 2-bedroom apart- new in plastic, Double ment to share, Downtown $ 2 5 0 . , Q u e e n $ 2 7 5 . , Oakville. Must like cats. King $500. Visco MemoSmoking okay. $600 firm. ry-foam mattress with A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 6 3 1 6 ; King $950. Can Deliver, 416-801-4032. 905-961-2073 EXPERIENCED CAREGIVE R A n a 's P r i v a t e H o m e Daycare provides all the luxuries of a large daycare centre but with the comforts of home. Infant/pres c h o o l e r. Fulltime. References. Receipts. Call Ana @ 416-566-3968 or email anashomedaycare@cogeco.ca