Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Sep 2008, p. 31

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, September 6, 2008 31 MOTHER of two provides "PRIDE" Scooter $400. c h i l d c a r e, G l e n A bb ey, Call 905-469-9010 after Oakville. Full/ par t-time. 5pm. H e a l t hy m e a l s, i n d o o r / outdoor activities. 905847-4683. **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery NEED Daycare? Halton available. All sizes inChild Care Providers As- cl u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t sociation, Burlington, of- boxsprings, Or thopefers Free referral service dic 20yr sets starting c o n n e c t i n g Pa r e n t s $240. 30yr tight-top w/Home Daycare Provid- sets starting $340. Deers. Call for free referrals. luxe no-flip Pillowtop N e w P r o v i d e r s a l w ay s a n d ' C r o w n ' s e r i e s , welcome. 905-633-7008 Eurotop sets from Q U A L I T Y H o m e D a y - $ 3 9 0 . Wa t e r b e d s , F u care. Guelph/ Prospect tons, End of line/ disitems a r e a . 3 t o 5 ye a r s o l d . c o n t i n u e d Nutritious meals, lots of a v a i l a b l e . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 2020; 905-681-9496 fun, educational program 289-242-7584 www. alissaandfriends.com POOL Table, Brand New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 2005 Mini Cooper for sale 60,000k, 5 sp manual, Premium, Sports and Cockpit Chrono packa g e s. AC, S u n r o o f, I n D a s h C D, B l a c k E y e d QUALITY "Baker" Table, P u r p l e M e t a l l i c Pa i n t . b u r l e d w a l n u t , 2 l a r g e Great on Gas and Fun to leafs, seats 6-12, retails Drive, $20,000 905-844$10,000 asking $1500. 5712 905-469-0447. F O R D E x p l o r e r, 2 0 0 3 . R E E B OX ' S S t e p - U p / Only 97,000km. Good Stackable exercise step- condition, ford serviced, p e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g leather, sunroof, 3rd row $59. Solid stationary ex- s e a t . Tr a i l e r p a c k a g e . e r c i s e b i ke, p a i d $ 3 2 5 Must sell by September asking $85. Weight lifting 1 4 , s o o p e n t o o f f e r s . bench with accessories $ 9 5 0 0 . C a l l C h r i s 9 0 5 $ 1 3 5 , o b o fo r a l l . 9 0 5 - 4 6 4 - 3 8 9 1 o r 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 842-7404. 1535. LEASE Takeover opport u n i t y. 2007 GMC Acadia SLT Details on: w w w. l e a s e bu s t e r s. c o m Search with ID#58342 Call 416-508-1043. TOYOTA C o r o l l a 2 0 0 3 , silver, mint condition, service record, well maintained, auto, a/c, power l o ck s, n ew t i r e s, g r e a t gas. Approximately 99Km $10,900 Emission/ safety 905-332-8067 FLATBED Tow truck driver (exp.) required. Must have D lic. Please call Dave 905-827-8015 HOUSEKEEPER/ Cleaner required in Burlington P/T 10-15hrs/ week. Required first and last day of month. Fax reL I M O U S I N E c o m p a n y sume 905-639-0996 or h i r i n g p a r t - t i m e c h a u f - call 905-639-8583 feurs. Clean drivers abstract, security clearance, LIVE-IN part-time Superp e o p l e s k i l l s r e q u i r e d . intendent to Manage senIdeal for mature people iors building on alternate w / f l e x i b l e h o u r s . W i l l weekends and holidays. t r a i n . R e f e r e n c e s r e - Apartment is suitable for q u i r e d . s a l e s @ g e m l i - single person. Fax rem o. c a o r fa x : 9 0 5 - 8 1 5 - sume to 905-842-3771 9447 H OT E L i n O a k v i l l e i s looking for Full-Time Housekeepers. We have 2- 3 openings for Housekeepers that needs to filled. Please apply in person at: 374 South Service Rd. E. or fax your resume to: 905-849-6405 or call: 905-849-9500. LANDSCAPING Cons t r u c t i o n C o m p a ny r e quires experienced, mature applicant for full-time position with knowledge of landscaping industry. To s t a r t i m m e d i a t e l y. 416-707-9492. L OT Pe r s o n fo r bu s y D e a l e r s h i p. Pe r m a n e n t Full-Time days. Responsibilities: Maintaining lot, washing & moving vehic l e s p l u s o t h e r d u t i e s. Va l i d D r i ve r s L i c e n s e , clean driving record, able to drive manual transmission. Bring Resumes: Budds' BMW,2454 South Service Road West, Attn: Jesse Parker. MAKE extra money while the kids are at School. Pa r t - T i m e p o s i t i o n . Weekdays 9am- 2:30pm. Housekeeping duties, drivers license an asset. Duncare Cleaning: 905681-7600. BU R L I N G TO N S a l o n presently has Aesthetic/ RMT room for rent. Hair Stylist Chair Rental also available. Email: revive-salon@ sympatico.ca or call 905-336-2344. CABINET Maker needed Full-Time at our Dundas location. 2- 3 years exper i e n c e. Fa m i l i a r w i t h Edge, Bander and CNC R o u t e r B e a m S aw. Fa x resume to: 519-622-6926. E AV E S T RO U G H S i n stallers needed work year round. Use your own mat e r i a l s o r h o u r s . To p rates. Call Annie 416438-4344 EXPERIENCED Auto Detailer required. Valid Drivers Licence and polishing experience. Call 905-6342320. EXPERIENCED Autobody Repair Technician required for busy Burlington Shop. Call 905-6342320. OFFICE Assistant/ Receptionist, Full-Time, East Burlington office. Responsibilities: Front desk reception, general AP, data entry, creating purchase orders and filing. Previous reception administration experience required. Experience with Excel and accounting software, ability to work independently. Forward resume to: hr@ircoautomation.com P/T Accounting Clerk for Burlington's leading Real Estate Company. D u t i e s : d e a l p ro cessing, deal closing & accounts payable (15-35 hours/week). Data entry proficiency, accuracy,excellent organizational & analytical skills are essential. Bookkeeping/Accounting experience an asset. Fax resume: 905-319-0479 or email: roblandry@ royallepage.ca P/T Receptionist. Dynamic Real Estate Company requires pers o n fo r p a r t - t i m e r e ception, 11am- 2pm, Monday- Friday. Data entry proficiency, accuracy, and excellent organizational & typing skills are essential. Previous real estate experience an asset. Fax resume: 905-3354661 or email: Brenda@ royallepage.ca OPTOMETRY Clinic looking for Part-Time Assistant. General patient care and office work. Includes Saturday mornings. Fax resume: 905-257-3365. EUROPEAN lady will clean your house/ office. Burlington/ Oakville. 5-years experience. References available. 905639-8127. EUROPEAN cleaning lady, ver y hard working and neat. Call 905-847FAST paced Veter inar y 0696 after 3pm. or leave clinic, Waterdown seek- message. ing Mature individual for F u l l - T i m e R e c e p t i o n / EUROPEAN Professional K e n n e l . M u s t e x c e l i n cleaning lady available customer ser vice, must Mon.-Fr i. New vacuum/ b e f l e x i b l e , a v a i l a b l e o r g a n i c s u p p l i e s. R e a d ay s , eve n i n g s , w e e k - sonable rates. Call 905ends. Fax resume to Kim: 601-5656. 905-690-0050. S O L I D o a k d i n i n gr o o m set paid $3500 sell B E D RO O M s e t , I t a l i a n $1000, birch kitchen taQUALITY, reliable child- imported, 7-pce. Queen, ble, 4 chairs $300, lovec a r e a v a i l a b l e i n m y mattress, $2,000 obo; so- seat, chair, matching canhome (Upper Middle/ Tra- fa, loveseat w/warranty, vas wall picture plus coffa l g a r ) fo r c h i l d r e n 2 + , $800 obo. 416-471-5540. fee table, best offer Alf u l l / p a r t - t i m e , b e fo r e / m o n d s t ove $ 5 0 , 9 0 5 after schoolcare. Smoke847-7992 free, indoor/ outdoor ac- B R O A D L O O M with tivities. Nutritious meals/ underpad. 16x19 beauti- SOLID, white oak kitchen snacks. CPR/ First Aid. f u l w i n e c o l o u r , h i g h or dining room table (72" Security Clearance. Re- q u a l i t y. S t i l l l i k e n e w. x36') with leaf, custom ceipts. References. 905- $400 obo. Call 905-844- glass top plus 8 matching 338-6226. 9898. chairs. Asking $500.00. Call Irene 905-842-2855. VIOLIN bow, very old, reconditioned $175.; Golf Clubs +Bag, women's up to 5'5" $125. 905-6375400 WHITE Rocking chair (glider) for sale. Excellent condition. Great for baby's room. Asking $90. Call Karen (905)257-1580 BURLINGTON HIRING · Kitchen Mngr · Restaurant Mngr ·Restaurant/ Lounge Marketing Mngr Competitive wages, incentives, profit sharing program. Fax: Attn. Kevin 905-631-9554 C A N YO N C r e e k C h o p house requires Exper ienced Line Cooks. Apply in person at 2429 Fairview Street, Burlington. EXPERIENCED Severs ( F u l l - T i m e a n d Pa r t Time) required at Apple Annie's Kitchen. Apply within: 645 Plains Road, Burlington. HOUSEKEEPER- Half d ay s , M o n d ay - Fr i d ay. M u s t h ave ex p e r i e n c e. M u s t h ave va l i d D r i ve r License. (Campbellville, Guelph Line/ 401) 905854-6317. Looking for affordable Day Care? WEEWATCH Can help We screen the providers for you. We conduct monthly unannounced home visits We offer the exclusive "Wee Learn" Program We offer full and part-time care We will arrange back-up service Burlington/Waterdown 905-632-0551 Oakville/Mississauga 905-823-2625 #1 RE/MAX Team in the COOKSVILLE A u t o Wor ld requires Graphic W r e c k e r s , s c r a p c a r s , Designer/ Photographer truck removal, cash, flat t o d e s i g n a n d p r o d u c e bed service, 1-800-433- h i g h q u a l i t y m a r ke t i n g 7 3 5 9 . O w n e r s h i p s p r o - collateral and photograph homes. CS3 experience. cessed properly Must have vehicle. Email resume and por tfolio to: hr@theinvidiatateam.com T h e I n v i d i a t a Te a m , RE/MAX Aboutowne Realty Corp., Brokerage. APPOINTMENT COORDINATOR ( F u l l - T i m e ) n e e d e d fo r Halton Honda. Responsibilities include scheduling and confirming app o i n t m e n t s. M u s t h ave strong wr itten and oral communication skills. Experience an asset, but not required. Must be able to work some weeke n d s. E m a i l r e s u m e t o : markc@haltonhonda.com or fax: 905-632-7604. table w/leaves, 6-chairs, buffet, hutch $1200. 289337-1560 CHRISTINA'S Care~ In home care for the elderly. Caring, dependable, mat u r e w o m e n t o p r ov i d e light house keeping and meal prep, errands, drive to appointments etc... $10/hr 905-525-6484 SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. ENCLOSED Cargo trailer, 6x6x12 with hitch lock and spare tire, barn doors/ side door, $3,200. 905-592-3684. EXECUTIVE office suite: 5 x 2.5 desk with matching file drawer, storage and computer consoles, and chairs, $500. Matching Coffee/end table set $50 and 2 shelf coffee table $30, mens Raleigh bike $75. Call: 905-3330002 H OT Tu b / S p a - B r a n d new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , Sacrifice $4250. Call 905971-1777 O L D E R c o u p l e, D ow n town Oakville need competent, part-time Gal Frid ay - s h o p p i n g , h o u s e work, (no cleaning), gardening, etc. References. Salar y negotiable. 905845-9127. H OT Tu b ( S p a ) C ove r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 SPECIAL care for seniors www.thecoverguy.ca or disabled. We come to y o u . H e l p w i t h h o u s e - KITCHEN cabinet doors. cleaning, home mainte- Complete face-lift for the n a n c e, c o m p a n i o n s h i p o l d e r k i t c h e n o r b a t h a n d p e r s o n a l c a r e . room. JF Restorations. Please call 905-847-8480 Call 905-631-9151. or 905-849-3811 LEATHER Sofa & Love Seat jade green $675. Futon Frame black $100. Buffet & Hutch black Laquer $800. All good condition. Call 905-465-2813 M AY TAG s i d e b y s i d e white fridge, 21.9 cubic feet, $200. Maytag built-in dishwasher, $100. Moffat Microwave free. Whirlpool gold stainless steel, ceran top stove $450. 2 wooden pillar/ columns 8ft. $25/ pair. All excellent condition. (905)335-8496 IN Home Wine Service. Wine for home use, Wedd i n g s & C o m p a ny Pa r ties. Call Jeff @ 905-6337124 AU TO MECHANIC Needed- Burlington Looki n g fo r S e l f - M o t i va t e d , Reliable Lic'd Mechanic No Nights or Weekends. 2000 Jeep Grand Chero- M u s t H ave O w n To o l s . F R E N C H B u l l d o g P u p - kee Limited auto., tita- Fax Resume to 905-634p i e s ( 6 w e e k s ) . P u p py n i u m c o l o u r, s u n r o o f , 1461 package i n c l u d e d . p/windows, cruise control, $ 2 5 0 0 . ; Va l l ey B u l l d o g heated seats, roof rack, B U S Y r e t a i l s t o r e r e puppies, $2000. Please t i n t e d w i n d o w s , 6 c y l . , q u i r e s a m a t u r e w a r e call: 905-257-5927. 200K., excellent condi- h o u s e wo r ke r. M ov i n g t i o n , $ 6 , 0 0 0 o b o. 9 0 5 - e x p e r i e n c e a n a s s e t . GORGEOUS 2 month old 337-8832. H e av y l i f t i n g & a s s e m C r o s s B i j o n - Fr i s e / S h i bling required. Please Tzu puppies for sale, 2001 Toyota Sienna CE, call Bonnie 905-634-3439 $425. 905-631-0297. senior's Florida van COUNTER Help wanted SCHNOODLE Puppies~ 98,000 kms., maintained fo r d o w n t o w n O a k v i l l e s m a l l n o n - s h e d d i n g and cer tified by Toyota, bakery, happy workplace, b r e e d , ve t c e r t i f i c a t e, full record, rustproofed, P l e a s e c a l l : 4 1 6 - 9 9 6 s h o t s , d ew o r m e d , t a i l , s i l v e r, V 6 , a u t o. , A / C , 5336 dewclaws done, asking c r u i s e , A B S , a u d i o w/disc, tape and wheel $795. 905-825-3812 c o n t r o l s, s p o t l e s s, p r i - DELIVERY help required va t e, $ 9 , 0 0 0 . O a k v i l l e. Part-Time for busy furniture store. Some heavy 905-844-8095. lifting involved. Apply in person at Swiss Interiors, 1992 Jeep Cherokee Ltd 2003 Toyota Sienna Van 217 Lakeshore Rd. East, 4 x 4 - 1 7 " c h r o m e CE Plus, V6, CD, A u t o m a t i c , A i r, p o w e r Oakville. mags/tires, snow tires, leather, black, Great Con- w i n d o w s a n d l o c k s , 5 E X P E R I E N C E w o r k i n g d i t i o n ! G o o d f o r s n o w door 138,000 km Outdoors? Utility Meter p l o w v e h i c l e . $ 3 , 3 0 0 c e r t i f i e d a n d e t e s t e d . Readers needed in HamAsking $10,995 call: OBO (905) 331-1344 ilton and surrounding 905 609 0084 area. Must have outdoor 1998 Acura~ 1.6EL, experience. Requires ve257K, auto, leather, sun 2 0 0 5 C a r a v a n S X T hicle. Ear ning potential r o o f , A / C , C D, n e v e r 48,000kms. Mint. 1 own- $35K/year. Piece wor k. modified, certified and E- er. CD/ DVD. Warranty till B e n e f i t s a v a i l a b l e . I f tested, $2900/obo. Call 2010. No accidents, cer- h i r e d , n e e d t o p r o v i d e tified. E-tested. Like new! Dan 905-580-4177 clean CBC. Send resume $10,900. 416-858-7673 to: employment@ 1998 Honda Civic auto., olameter.com or fax: 877as is, 145,000 kms., 864-2831. $3500 obo. Call 905-8252864. FLOWERS by the Dozen 1978 MGB Rubber 2 0 0 1 Po n t i a c C a va l i e r B u m p e r , d r i v e r ' s c a r , Burlington- Looking for a auto., air, 133K., excel- 49,000 kms., A1 condi- Mature, Qualified person lent condition, new tires, t i o n . M u s t s e l l . A s k i n g to fill a Full-Time position. dent in fender needs re- $ 8 , 5 0 0 o b o. A p p r a i s a l D r o p o f f o r e m a i l pair, $4,000 as is. 905- available. Call Gord, 416- Resume to: employment @flowersbythedozen.com 335-6624. 446-7387. Tel:905-681-1112 2002 Taurus SEL auto., 3 6 , 6 0 0 k m s. , l i ke n ew, $7,500. Call 905-6376289. GRASS Maintenance and Snow Removal required f o r O a k v i l l e c o m p a n y. Salary based upon experience. Own vehicle required, tr uck preferred. Call 905-849-6931. 1993 Nissan Pathfinder 4 wheel drive, auto., air, 1owner, excellent working condition, best offer. Call 905-338-0622. 520 WING'S UP Hiring FullTime Evenings Assistant Manager. Also PartTime/ Full-Time Front Desk Attendants and Kitchen Crew. Training provided. Fax resume: 905-637-0083 or apply in person (ask for Katarina) Wing's Up, 730 Guelph Line, Burlington or email: kat@wingsup.com 905-632-4440 B U R L I N G TO N - B e fo r e School Care Supervisor required from 7:30am8 : 3 0 a m . M - F. S e n d resume by e-mail: mhissink@ fernhillschool.com. Only successful applicants will be contacted. FULL-TIME ECE Teachers required immediately in Burlington/ Aldershot WeeCare is looking for a Preschool and Infant R o o m Te a c h e r. E m a i l : weecare@cogeco.ca PIANO Teacher- Join our growing Music School in Bur lington. We have permanent positions available. Flexible hours. Send resume in confidence to: pat@musicgaller y.ca or fax to: 905-639-2282. STONE Bird Bath, little boy kneeling on top, $65. C a l l Fr a n c i s 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 1577. 2003 Ford Focus SE 4-door sedan auto., gray, MOVING- Washer/ Dryer, 139K., CD player, original Fridge/ Stove; gas stove owner, certified, e-tested, gas dryer, apartment-size great condition, $6,500. washer/ dryer, will separ- Call 416-274-4685. ate, excellent condition. FRIDGES, Stoves, Wash- 905-335-2059 2004 Silver Sunfire only ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 39,000km's, ver y clean, 1 year warranty par ts & PIANO- Upr ight, Petrof lady driven, asking $8500 labour, delivery available. P - 1 1 8 - C 1 . 4 6 " i n m a - or OBO. Please call 905905-458-8808. h o g a n y f i n i s h . O n l y 5 632-6664 years old and in excellent CRIB, highchair, strollers, c o n d i t i o n . O r i g i n a l l y HONDA Civic LX 2001, swing, exersaucer, 4-car $9975 US, asking $4500. s i l v e r , 4 D r , 5 s p e e d s e a t s, c r a d l e, d ay b e d , Pictures can be viewed Manual, great on gas, apc h a n g e t a b l e , m u c h by emailing: emolawka@ p r o x i m a t e l y 1 8 6 K m , m u c h m o r e . 9 0 5 - 9 4 9 - mountaincable.net. Elaine $5900. Phone 905-4650814. 5221. 905-979-0542. G R E E N TA R I O L a n d scaping, "Here we grow again!" Mainten a n c e : L o o k i n g fo r r e liable, hardworking individuals. Construction: PoDO You Have a Disability sitions available for expeand would love to work? rienced reliable and enerWe will train and place g e t i c i n d i v i d u a l s. S u c you in: Office / Medical / cessful employees could IT / Hospitality / Retail / join us year round with Financial environments. benefits. Apply at 1-15 Call Business Education Ditton Dr ive, Hamilton, College today - 905-631- lou@greentario.com, fax: 905-388-2325. 1206 WANTED! A precise process oriented Bookkeeper to join or team. If you are looking for a fun and suppor tive environment and have experience with QuickBooks, we want Yo u . B u r l i n g t o n b a s e d A S S I S TA N T ( A p p r e n - B o o k ke e p i n g c o m p a n y tice) and Hairstylist re- g r o w i n g f a s t . E m a i l quired by Califorina resume and salar y Hairworks. Call Philip expectations: 905-634-4466 sandy@sdaccounting.ca E S T H E T I C I A N & R M T, p a r t - t i m e / f u l l - t i m e fo r busy spa in Oakville, fax 905-847-9325 or call 905847-5823. abbeywoodspa@hotmail.com FULL-TIME RPN required for Evening Shift in LT C Fa c i l i t y. E x c e l l e n t wage and benefit package. Fax resume to: 905631-1824. EUROPEAN cleaning lady available for houses and offices, experienced. References. Call Ursula, 905-510-9313, 905-3393283. + 1985 Honda Elite CH150 Scooter. Excellent condition 15K kms only, 150cc, water cooled, original manual, automatic gearbox. Phone Tony at 905331-0961, evenings. WELL established Burlington Childcare Center looking for a full-time E C E q u a l i f i e d t e a c h e r. We offer an outstanding wo r k e nv i r o n m e n t w i t h benefits. For an interview please send resume to Woodland Children Cent e r. Fa x 9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 2 0 5 DAY spa in Downtown Email Oakville seeking F/T & woodland@on.aibn.com P/T Registered Massage or phone 905-336-2063 Therapists. Please fax resume to: 905-3386432. Your Community Newspaper in print = OA K V I L L E - N u r s e r y School E.C.E. Assistant needed immediately PartTime (After School) for Reggio based School. Send resume by email: apodgorska@hotmail.com Your Total Recruitment Solution! ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidFRENCH-SPEAKING Coins, Jewellery, Gold, Babysitter wanted for 3 Silver, Diamonds, Chichildren. After school (4n a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, 7pm), 8 days/ mo. in our Figurines, Royal Doulhome, (Third Line/ Lake- CARPET I have several t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l 1,000 yards of new Stain a n t i q u e f u r n i s h i n g s , shore). 905-618-0606. Master & 100% nylon car- A r t , C o l l e c t i bl e s , e t c . pet. Will do livingroom & Estate Specialists, Top h a l l fo r $ 3 8 9 . I n c l u d e s Cash. Call John/ Patti carpet, pad & installation 905-331-2477 ( 3 0 ya r d s ) S t eve, 9 0 5 WE buy appliances if you RETIRED English teach- 633-8192 are moving, upgrading or er available to tutor & ins t r u c t i n O a k v i l l e. C a l l D I N I N G RO O M ~ " H e r i - renovating. We pick-up. 905-844-1470. t a g e F i n e F u r n i t u r e " , C a l l A n t h o ny 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 barely used, solid wood, 8017 2003 Dodge Dakota 4x4, V8, 4.7 litre, Silver QUA D c a b, only 8 3 , 0 0 0 k m , To w p k g , dealership serviced, power locks, windows & doors, A/C, CD player, asking $10,990. Call 905-827-0350 L A N D S C A P E Fo r e m a n and Laborer(s) needed. Permanent, full-time posit i o n s w / ex c e l l e n t wa g e M O L LY M a i d r e q u i r e s rates. If you are Punctual, e n e r g e t i c, d e p e n d a bl e E x p e r i e n c e d , R e l i a bl e, people. Full-time Mon- have a positive attitude Fr i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r with desire to learn, we weekends! Paid training, want you. Own transporbenefits, car provided. t a t i o n a m u s t , p u b l i c not 905-681-7484 (Burl./ transpor tation available. Oak) Fax 905-690-8597 email PART-TIME payroll clerk P/T Warehouse help re- letsyard@cogeco.net required by Oakville quired, 3 days/week, S TA R T s m a l l m a k i n g based payroll service proSpeers Rd area. Please vider. Requires excellent fax resume to 905-842- $150- $300/ day, piece communication and data work on outdoor trim. 5329. M u s t h a v e ex p e r i e n c e entry skills with attention with trim, own transporta- to detail and accuracy. PA R T- T I M E h e l p r e q . tion, Mitre saw and nail Previous payroll experifor office c l e a n i n g . gun. Call 905-484-9698. ence preferred. Please Transpor tation supplied. email your resume to Call 905-689-4255. TRAILER Mechanic- ex- d p e t r e l l i @ s m a l l b i z p e r i e n c e d t r a i l e r m e - pros.com POSTE d ' a g e n t chanic axles/ abs sysd'intégration. Français/ tems /electrical. Fax: 905- PART-TIME receptionist anglais requis. 35 heures/ 842-0011 needed for busy real essemaine. Une formation cam@weldex.ca tate office. Evenings only. en services sociaux et Real estate exper ience une familiarité avec les preferred. Fax resume to computer/IT problèmes rencontrer par Anita @ 905-681-9908 or les immigrants et les réfue-mail anita@ giés est préférable. En- AUTOCAD Draftsperson remaxescarpment.com v oy e r v o t r e r é s u m é à : Structural Steel/ Detailer. jbalea@ Creative ability to envi- SECRETARY/ Bookkeephalton-multicultural.org s i o n e n d p r o d u c t r e - er required for small engiquired. Design/ draw/ de- neer ing company. Must RECEPTIONIST required tail in the most cost effec- be experienced with comfor "Hello Gorgeous" hair t i ve m a n n e r. Fa x : 9 0 5 - p u t e r s k i l l s. F u l l / Pa r t Time considered. Gord salon. Offering part-time 844-7314 905-691-1015. h o u r s t o a n e n e r g e t i c , cam@weldex.ca people person, some computer skills required. Contact:BrendaRuss @sympatico.ca E x p e r i e n c e d m e d i c a l OUTBOUND Sales RepSPOTLESS Dry Cleaners transcriptionist needed for r e s e n t a t i v e - E x p p r e s e e k i n g F u l l a n d Pa r t - busy imaging center. Fax ferred, competitive remuneration, large indepenT i m e C o u n t e r C l e r k s . resume to: 905-845-0018 dent Telus dealer. Fax reA l s o P r e s s e r, d e l i ve r y RECEPTIONIST for busy sume to: 905-318-8325 or driver, and inspector/ ass e m b l e r. B u r l i n g t o n & spa. Good telephone & email robert.glatt@activeOakville locations. Call c o m p u t e r s k i l l s . P r e - wireless.ca 905-333-6210 or email: sentable. 905-847-5823 fax: 905-847-9325 email: kathyv@ abbeywoodspa@ spotlessdrycleaners.com hotmail.com LADIES Boutique in S R C C n ow h i r i n g C o n BOOKKEEPER- Simply Downtown Oakville lookcrete Finisher and Forms Accounting a must, 3 plus i n g fo r a n ex p e r i e n c e d Builder. Please call Bruce years experience, perma outgoing and energetic 905-691-3928 or email: nent Oakville location. Sales Associate to join irasplus@cogeco.ca E-mail resume to: our team. Part-Time Posityburn@cogeco.ca tion available. Please call S U P P E RW O R K S O a k ville w w w . S u p p e r - CASUAL Par t-Time Of- Maralee or Liz at Barbette W o r k s . c o m A r e y o u a fice Assistant required for 905-845-6201. Mom or main meal maker professional office providin your house? Positions ing direct service to cliava i l a bl e fo r p a r t - t i m e ents. Excellent oral and evenings/ weekends OR w r i t t e n c o m mu n i c a t i o n day shifts Tues-Sat. 9am- s k i l l s, M i c r o s o f t O f f i c e BURLINGTON/ Oakville/ 5 p m . D u t i e s i n c l u d e , and some bookkeeping M i s s i s s a u g a - W e a r e cleaning-up after custom- experience preferred. Fax looking for high quality Companions and PSW's e r s , r e - s t o c k i n g , f o o d resume to: 905-815-0822. for a home care agency. p r e p. P l e a s e s e n d r e s u m e t o i n fo @ s u p p e r - D I S PAT C H / G e n e r a l If you take pride in giving works.com. Start immedi- Office help required for the best quality care,than ately. a fast growing transpor- we are interested in you. t a t i o n c o m p a ny. M a n - Please forward resume: TELEMARKETERS (Ex- agement skills, self-mo- pdeley@home perienced, and profes- tivated and hard work- watchcaregivers.com sional) Wanted evenings ing. Email: Momentum or fax: 905-842-5742. to set up meetings for fi- Road@Yahoo.com CERTIFIED Dental Asnancial advisors in Oakville. $10/hr + $20 bonus. EXECUTIVE Assistant to s i s t a n t a n d R e g i s t e r e d the CFO required for Glo- Dental Hygienist (min 2 Call Simon 905-399-1629 bal IT Company in Oak- yrs exp.) required to join a state of the ar t dental T U TO R r e q u i r e d . Wo r k ville. Previous executive p r a c t i c e i n B u r l i n g t o n . from your house. Teach level experience is man- Fax resume in confidence datory. Competitive salaMath/ English. Training ry, benefits & bonus. Fax to 905-333-5283 or email provided. 416-503-0045. resume to 919-544-4398 b u r l i n g t o n d e n t i s t @ gmail.com ...Discretion or email to assured hr@itxchange.com 1 - 8 7 7 - J U N K - T WO - G O. 1-877-586-5896 Same day junk removal service Senior discount. Call & get it done! JUNK & rubbish removal. Great rates. We do all t h e h e av y l i f t i n g . 4 1 6 655-8260 1-888-8junkboys w w w. t h e j u n k boys.com F U L L - T I M E h e l p, O a k ville, 8:30-3:00, Monday to Friday. Oliveiro's Sandwich Spot, 700 Dorval, at Wyecroft Road. Apply in p e r s o n o r p h o n e 9 0 5 - M A X X M ove r s. P r o fe s sional/ Reliable. Residen844-6623 tial, office, piano movers. SERVERS required for L o c a l / l o n g d i s t a n c e . popular south Oakville From $62/ hour. 416-823Greek restaurant. Full or 9705. Pa r t - t i m e . L u n c h e s o r D i n n e r s . Fa x r e s u m e : 905-338-2784, call 905338-1888. PRO Clean Plus- Painting Inside & Outside, Staining & Repairing Decks, Drywall Installation & Much More! Free Estimate. Guido (905)719-8220 call

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