www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 19, 2007 - 15 Wheelin' for ErinoakKids SAVE 50% on Admission with this ad. Toronto's SEPTEMBER 28 - 30, 2OO7 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C E N T R E , 6 9 0 0 A I R P O R T R OA D Book with Best porniceasvel! Over 200 tr participating Save BIG!!!! ys only for 3 da your A iles Redeeme showirM at th ! 4re countries 0pr esented l Frheuelytsaevmeinars or r exhibitors! Buy a Sunquest Wintera package and receive Gift Pack at the show 460 e.* ag Enter at the sh for a chance to ow all inclusive vaca win tions to: Win St. Lucia, Jamai ca Mexico, Cuba , or Florida H.O.G. DELIVERS: Ann and Hans Gabriel, co-chairs, Mary Johnson, and Steve at the cheque presentation where members of the Milton Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) handed over $37,931.66 to ErinoakKids. The money came from H.O.G.'s sixth annual Charity Run on Aug. 19 that saw bikers from all across the GTA ride the Niagara Escarpment to raise money to help young adults who are more familiar with four wheels, as many are confined to a wheelchair. Every penny raised from corporate donations, entry fees, ticket sales and a silent auction went to ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development, Ontario's largest accredited treatment centre for kids coping with a range of physical, developmental and communication challenges. Ultimate Travel Show Hours: Trade - Friday 8:30-12 Consumer - Friday 1-6, Saturday 9-6, Sunday 9-6 Admission: Adults $12. 50+ & students 13-15 $8. Kids under 12 Free www.totravelshow.com ® Trademarks of AIRMILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by Loyalty Management Group Canada Inc. Sponsor and Supplier trademarks are owned by the respective Sponsors or Suppliers or authorized for their use in Canada. * Conditions apply, visit BelAirTravel.com/showdeals for full details. SAVE 50% on Admission with this ad. W H E R E C A N I F I N D U P - TO - D AT E L O C A L S A L E S A N D S P E C I A L OF F E RS ? AS K T H E G OR I L L A .