Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Jul 2007, p. 34

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34 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, July 27, 2007 LAKEFRONT Oakville. Magnificent view! Large 2bedroom townhouse apartment. 6 appliances, 2 decks, fireplace, parking. $1895/mo. +utilities. Aug.1. Non-smoker. No pets preferred. 416-8298444. LAKEFRONT- on the lake, Bronte, Oakville- extra large open concept living area. 1 bdrm +large loft, large patio, spotless. Prefer single, hydro/ cable/ parking $1350/mo. Evening 905-827-2266 LAKESHORE & Bronte. 2 bedroom from $1065/mo. utilities included. Immediate. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 LAKEVIEW high rise, ideal location, balcony, security, 1-bdrm starting $850/mo.; 2-bdrm starting $1050/mo. 905-632-1427 LARGE 1&2 bdrm, available August 1st, $790-$850/mo. 2022 Prospect St., Burlington. (Brant/ Prospect) 905-6812650 9am-9pm BURLINGTON. 384 St. Paul Street. 1-bedroom, Aug.1st. $831/mo.; 2 bedrooms available Sept.1., $893/mo; Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-6397072. N O R T H S H O R E To w e r s . Walk to downtown Burlington, lake, parks, JBMH. 1 bedroom available October 1 (+$35. parking). Utilities included. No pets preferred. Quiet building. Diane, 9am-6pm, 905-6811307 OAKVILLE Downtown. Renovated 1-bedroom, low rise quiet building. Hardwood floors. Large bright units. $740/mo. Available August/ September (parking included). 905-277-4728. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Speers~ 2-bedroom apartment. Well maintained building. $935/mo. utilities included. Furnished Bachelor basement apartment, $644/mo. 905-338-9907. OAKVILLE, QEW/ Trafalg a r. 2 - b e d r o o m a p a r t ments available immediately. Please call for details. 905-849-5936. OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom, second floor. Small buildi n g . Ve r y c l e a n , C / A i r, fridge, stove, washer, drye r, p a r k i n g . $ 8 7 5 / m o . + utilities. September 1. 905466-3728; 905-827-0197 OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 T R A FA L G A R / G l e n a s h ton. New, 2 bedrooms, 2 levels, private entrance with porch. Spacious and bright principle room on main floor. Maple kitchen, 4 new appliances. $999/mo. inclusive. Longterm tenancy incentive. Private parking available. References required. For viewing call 647-2277715. WATERDOWN~ Specials 2 bedrooms from $885/mo walk everywhere; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com WEST Oak~ New 2-bedroom Separate entrance, eat-in kitchen. A/C, laund r y. C a b l e Aug.1st From $750/mo 905-4650857 OAKVILLE/ Bronte~ Exquisite Large 1-bedroom, 6 appliances, lakeview, rec centre w/indoor pool/jacuzzi, A/C. $1295/mo. 905681-7355 O A K V I L L E - B r o n t e Vi l lage. Clean 3 bedroom bungalow. Garage, 5 appliances. Close to lake, shops and transit. Choose your colours. Great family home. Available September 1 $1275/mo. + utilities. 905-825-8984 OAKVILLE- immaculate 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, finished basement, garage, 5 appliances, A/C, gas Fireplace. Immediate, $1650/mo. +utilities. 416268-5821 OAKVILLE/ Burlington. 4bedrooms, 3-baths, full basement, c/air, mainfloor den/ familyroom/ laundry, double garage. Immediate. 905-842-4328. OLD Oakville- Lovingly restored character home. Formal LR +DR w/fireplace. 3-BR, 2baths. Garden doors open to private deck +lush gardens. Steps to tLake, downtown shops. C/A, C/V. Suit professional couple who appreciate historic Oakville. $2950/mth+. Dave, Tragalgar Real Estate Services 905-3381130 x31. RENT to Own - Burlington Millcroft/ Walkers. 3bedrooms, walk-in closet, 2.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, walkout to deck, finished basem e n t , C / A i r, C / Va c , garage, 5 appliances. $1600/mo. + utilities, Credit problems OK. 416-981-7154. SHADOW Creek. 1095 Skyview Drive, Burlington, Outdoor maintenance included. Furnished $3295/mo. Unfurnished $2995/mo. 905336-6336 WELL maintained NW Burlington home. Loads of room- Formal LR & DR, large kitchen, cozy family room w/FP plus fully finished basement w/2-bedrooms+full bath. Hardwood thru main level. Never b e e n r e n t e d . Tr a g a l g a r Real Estate Services. Call/ email david@oakvillerealtor.ca 905-338-1130 x31 W E S T O A K Tr a i l s - G o r geous 1 year old 2260 sf 3 bdrm lofted bung, dbl gar, hdwd, granite, appli, 3 baths! Sept.1, $2500/mo + util. Trafalgar Real Estate Services Inc.,Brokerage 905-338-1130 ext28 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking OAKVILLE~ 1-bedroom, Near GO/ Downtown, S h a r e k i t c h e n , l a u n d r y, parking. Female Nonsmoker, no pets preferred. $400/mo. +utilities, Sept1st. 905-842-4036; rentaroom119@yahoo.ca FOUND Black and White cat Walkers Line and Hwy # 5 we named Tiffany Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND Brown and white tabby cat 9th Line and Hwy # 5 we named Mark please call 905-637-7325 FOUND- grey and white cat in the Brant Hills area. We call Brandy. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Domestic birds, call to identify. Oakville & d i s t r i c t H u m a n S o c i e t y. 905-845-1551 FOUND: Dora purse, Lansdown Park, Burlington, July 24th. Call 905336-0783. FOUND: ladies watch, Lakeside Village Plaza parking lot, Burlington, Tu e s . J u l y 1 7 t h . C a l l & identify, 905-634-8298. FOUND: Saturday July 21, Appleby Mall parking lot. Shopping bag containing: b o o k s a n d c l o t h i n g . To claim call 905-637-0270 LOVING, energetic/ fun caregiver has rare opening in my Burlington home. Excellent references. 905335-8455. MOTHER of two provides c h i l d c a r e , G l e n A b b e y, Oakville. From 2-yrs. Full/ part-time. Healthy meals, indoor/ outdoor fun! Call Mariela 905-847-4683. MOTHER of two will care for your child in my Headon Forest home. Fencedin yard, daily activities, healthy meals/ snacks. Full/ part-time/ before/ after school. First Aid/ CPR. Police check. Nonsmoker. 905-315-8187. MY Special Nanny services Oakville, Burlington a n d M i l t o n . We h a v e l i censed home providers ready to care for your children. Enroll now for Sept and onwards. Fully insured, monitored homes, and were our motto is learning through love. Call today 905-849-3878 QUALITY childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar) for children 2+, full/ parttime, before and after schoolcare. Smoke-free, indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First-Aid. Security Clearance. Receipts. References. 905-338-6226. $1350/MO. to own your own home with nothing down even if you are self employed. Call Napoleon Wilson for details Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage 905-332-4111 4-BEDROOM River Oaks home. Deep backyard, hardwood. $559,000. 539 River Glen. 647-282-4958 AVAILABLE, 3-bedroom house in Burlington. South of Lakeshore on private road. 1.5 baths, $1850/mo. +utilities. 905-681-8837 BRONTE and Britannia~ 5-bedrooms, 3 bath, secluded Country Estate on 20 acres. References required. $1695/mo +utilities Av a i l a b l e S e p t / 1 s t 9 0 5 333-5506 ext37 BRONTE Cottage bungalow recently renovated, huge, lovely lot, 2 bedroom + sunroom, 1 bath walk to lake/ all amenities, available immediately, pets welcome; $1,250/mo. + utilities; 905-847-2955. BURLINGTON. Executive detached 4-bedroom, 2.5 baths, approx. 2425sq.ft., family room w/fireplace, 5 appliances, C/A, walk-out basement, ravine lot, $1800/mo. +utilities. First/ last, references required. Immediate possession. Peter Kritikos, Sales rep., Sutton Group About Town Realty, 905-681-7900. BURLINGTON: Burlington Mall, 2-storey 3-bedroom semi 1.5 baths, recroom, $1135/mo..; Downtown 2-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, $1050/mo.; Executive capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage EXECUTIVE home, Upper Glen Abbey, 3-bedrooms, 4 baths, finished basement, all appliances, double garage. $2700/mo. + u t i l i t i e s , S e p t e m b e r. 1 . 416-543-2046, 905-8470144 GLEN Abbey- spotless 4bdrm, 5 appliances, 2.5 baths prefer no pets/ nonsmokers Immediate. $1650/mo. 905-844-9022 GLEN Abbey~ 4.5-bedrooms, gorgeous ravine, finished walk-out basement, pool, 4 baths, 2 car garage, fenced yard $2600/mo 905-825-9917 MAIN floor of bungalow/ Burlington, 3 bedrooms, 5 appliances, A/C, non smoker/ pets, $1300/mo. inclusive. 905-336-2379 M I L L C R O F T- L a r g e E x ecutive 2 Storey Home. Shows beautifully! 4+1 Bedrooms, 4 Baths, Large fenced yard, near schools. Double garage, finished basement, appliances. August possession. $2600.00 Call Debbie DiMascio ReMax Escarpment Realty 905-639-7676 NORTH Burlington- 3bdrm, large lot, double car garage w/long driveway. $1450/mo. +Util. 905-3352075 OAKVILLE Riverside Drive. Bungalow 3-4 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, A/C, large main floor family room, 2 fireplaces, inground pool. Available Aug.15th. $1800/mo. +utilities. References. 905-849-4941 OAKVILLE, Dorval area, 3-bedroom, 2 kitchens, separate entrance to basement. Garage, Sept.1 $1500/mo. +utilities. 416610-9229 OAKVILLE, near Sheridan College. Newly renovated 3-bedroom bungalow, finished basement, $1650/mo. +utilities. Sept.1st. 416-409-3618. OAKVILLE, Sixth/ Culham. 4-bedrooms, $1290/mo. Also, large Bachelor $630/mo. Separate entrances. Immediate. 647-407-1012. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ BRONTE area (Oakville). Professional non-smoking male has room in house plus full privileges including cable, internet and laundry. $500/mo. 905825-8122. BURLINGTON shared house, use of kitchen & l a u n d r y, n o n s m o k e r , $600.mth. Call 905-6930780. FURNISHED Rooms Available Aug.1. $600$650/mo, Oakville near YMCA/ QEW. Share kitchen, bathroom, livingroom with professional female. Heat, hydro, laundry, internet, parking included. Nonsmoking, no pets. Preferred female. First/Last. 289-8881202 or jaltamirano1@hot mail.com LARGE 3-bedroom to share, near IKEA/ Mapleview Mall. Open house Sun. July.29, 11am-4pm, Lobby, 955 Warwick Crt. $450/mo 905-528-6339 OAKVILLE. Quiet upscale executive home. Separate entrance to large, bright, clean basement bedroom w/lots of cupboard space. Private 3-piece ensuite and private livingroom. Cable, internet, parking included. Prefer non-smoking/ pets. $690/mo. 905257-7285. R O O M M AT E n e e d e d t o share 2-bedroom condo, Appleby/ Upper Middle, Burlington, $560/mo. Gym/ party room. 416-859-5098. ROOMS for rent. Appleby/ New, Burlington. Shared accommodations. From $450/mo. Utilities/ Internet included. 905-681-6049 leave message. WAT E R D O W N , n e a r Y. Share livingroom, kitchen laundry and bath. $600/mo. 289-895-9385 1014/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special on 1 Month FREE Rent * * * FA B U L O U S G r a n d Regency*** 2-bedroom, 2 bath, rec centre, jacuzzi, 2 4 h r s e c u r i t y. F r o m $59.95*/day Immediate. 905-681-7355 OAKVILLE, QEW/ Third Line. Spacious 1-bedroom, fully furnished, freshly renovated basement. Separate entrance washer/ dryer, parking, A/C, suits non-smokers, no pets preferred, Available immediately $890/mo. +1/3 hydro, e n e r g y, g a s . 9 0 5 - 4 6 9 8344. CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall NEWLY built townhouse, new appliances. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Dundas/ Walkers. $1550/mo. + utilities. 416-818-5750 NORTH Burlington- 1&3 bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. $740/mo. +util. August. Call Annie 905-319-9769 NORTH Oakville, 3-bedroom, 5-appliance. Large treed end lot, near shopping, schools, GO, nonsmoker. $1500/mo.+ 416617-9535; 905-330-0683 OAKVILLE Bronte Townhouse for rent. 3-bedroom, 4 appliances, 2mins to lake. Available Aug.1. $1300/mo +utilities. 905827-8983. OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bedroom townhouses available immediately through September 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336 Spectacular New Execut i v e Tr e n d y L i f e s t y l e w / l a k e f r o n t v i e w, R o o f top garden, boasts soaring 14' ceilings. Featuring hardwood, pot lighting, huge terrace +2 balconies, C/A, 5 appl, 2bdrm. 2.5 spa baths, 1780sqft. $1,950/mth. Aug.1. Pearl St. & Lakeshore. Marcella 905 544 9949. WESTOAK Trails- 3 bdrm, 2.5 Baths, hdwd, gas fp, 5 appli., a/c, approx 1400 s.f., August 1-15, $1450/mo + util. Trafalgar Real Estate Services Inc.,Brokerage 905-3381130 ext28 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management EXPERIENCED Live-in Caregivers for children. Housekeeping & meal prep. Affordable & no fee to employer. For details call (905)466-1663 or email: lcvreferrals@yahoo.ca EXPERIENCED Live-in/ Live-out Caregivers available. Care for children and elderly. Call 905469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca NANNIES Live-in/ out required August for 3 year old twins. Must be available to work flexible hours. References required. 905-335-5182 OAKVILLE Family seeking mature live-in Nanny for 3-yr. old. English a must. Va r i e d h o u r s . S t a r t i n g September. 905-829-5497; 647-234-2411 S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca ON THE LAKE 2-Bdrm units w/4 appliances 5370 Lakeshore Rd., BABYSITTER needed 2days/wk., in my River Oaks home for 17mos old starting September. Experienced. References. 905257-1283. SEARCHING for after school care in loving home. Pick-up from Clanmore Montessori school (Ford Drive/ Lakeshore area) 3:30pm-6;30pm weekdays Please call Rose 905-332-9097 evenings after 8pm TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 Burlington 905-681-0259 Conveniently located across from Lakeside Plaza A PARK LIKE SETTING! 2&3 bdrm townhomes Available Aug/Sept 1bdrm apt. also available Excellent Staff! Close to shopping & QEW. 1420 Tyandaga Park. Dr., Burl. 905-335-3001 BURLINGTON- Executive end unit townhome, backs onto spectacular ravine, immaculate 2bdrm +office, vaulted ceilings, eat-in kitchen, 5 appl, c/a, hardwood, FP, fully maintained, garage, private grounds. $1450/mo. 3480 #45 Upper Middle, Available immediately. Marcella 905-544-9949 EXECUTIVE 3-bedroom townhouse. Greatroom, hardwood, ensuite and finished basement with walkout. Quick access to QEW. Close to shopping. Available immediately $1800/mo. 905-849-3366 Carol @Royal LePage 905-849-3366 EXECUTIVE townhome on Newport Marina w/boat dock, great views, glass railing deck, 2400sqft, granite, stainless appl., a/c, double garage, incl. Lawn maint. end unit. $1900/mo. Call 905-3339580 FOR Lease­ 4 Bed TH in East Burl., $1295/mo. inclusive. Ref's & Credit check required. Ian McSporran, Broker Coldwell Banker Burnhill Realty 905-639-3355. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King /Plains Rd., Burlington. Immaculate large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905592-9168 www.realstar.ca HOME Depot, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1095/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage, 905-6325690 EXECUTIVE Rentals. Short/ long term. Luxury Bungalows- Coronation Park. Luxury townhouse with elevator- Bronte. 647897-7827 COTTAGE for rent, Haliburton, all convieniences, 3 bedrooms, sleeps up to 5, Available Aug 11th to Aug 18 and Aug 25 to Sept 1. Call 905-630-0308 SUNDRIDGE, safe, sandy, private beach. 3-bedroom, modern cottage, August 18 -September 1. $850/week 905-849-3366. DEPENDABLE, nurturing, quality home daycare (15-yrs. experience). Upper Middle/ Trafalgar. Nutritious meals, crafts, outdoor activities. Spots available. Receipts. References. Lori, 905-338-1772. ECE Mom 12-yrs. experience. Full-time space available. Quiet River Oaks court w/large yard, lots of TLC. Non-smoking. Great references. Karen 905-901-0020. EXPERIENCED, loving daycare in my smoke-free home, River Oaks, 905510-0770 GLENVIEW School JKGrade 6, snacks, meals, 1 acre backyard, tree fort, sandbox, tobogganing, swings, skating rink, insurance. tax receipts, references, across from school. Coleen 905-333-8907 HOME Daycare in Safe, cul-de-sac, Oakville. September spots available. 905-847-8923 IN a Jam Daycare Services, (home environment in Oakville). Nutritious meals and daily outings provided. Reasonable rates. Security clearance. Please call Katie 905-827-1977 or 416-528-9306 cell EXPERIENCED Teacher available for tutoring. Special education specialist. Early reading, writing, math. Review and enrich. 905-330-6696 QUALIFIED Language Teacher can review your French-English program. Money used for charities. 905-469-8412 OAKVILLE~ Affordable Rent! Large 1 & 2 spacious bedroom hardwood floor suites w/balcony now available. Newer appliances, laundry facilities on site. Quiet, clean, close to transit, schools and shops. Call today- live in Oakville tomorrow! Affordable prices. 905-339-3245 OAKVILLE~ Hospital shops, downtown & GO. 3bedroom basement, bright 1090sq.ft, 5-appliances, 2 parking, separate entrance, $1300/mo. inclusive. Aug/15th 905-8498259. PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, 905-6321643 S.E. Oakville- room in basement, private entrance, partly furnished. On bus route 289-2595728 or 905-845-8693 S PA C I O U S 1 - b e d r o o m apartment, Lakeshore Burlington. all utilities included. Pool, underground parking, $1000/mo. Immediate. 905-407-4351 STOP- don't pay another cent in rent! Call 1-888505-2929 1104# to order a FREE report. Prudential by the Lake Realty, Brokerage. STUDIO apartment, in Aldershot, Burlington, full kitchen, private entrance, parking, available immediately. $625 +hydro, first/ last. No pets. August 1st. 905-634-7484 S P E C TA C U L A R 2+1 bdrm corner suite, 2 bath, s/s appli, 1442 s.f., new lakefront bldg, 2 pkg, b r i g h t , b a l c o n y, g r e a t views! $1850/mo. + util. Available August. Trafalgar Real Estate Services, Brokerage 905-338-1130 ext28. 1-BEDROOM apartment, B u r l i n g t o n . $ 11 0 0 / m o . Aug.1st./ Sept.1st. "The Empress". Large, Sunny w/19' balcony. Newly rennovated. Cable, heat, hydro, ensuite laundry/ storage rooms, 24-hr security, pool, sauna, underground parking. Walk to Burlington Mall/ downtown. 905-873-7252 evgs. 2 - B E D R O O M , 11 0 0 s q f t . Clean, quiet, nearly new building, must see! A/C, 5 appliances, parking at door. Excellent Bronte location, no pets preferred. $1100/mo. +utilities. Call evenings 905-842-1738 BEAUTIFUL South view of lake, 20 Speers Road Unit 908, Oakville. 2-bedroom, 2 bath, suite, new appliances, gas fireplace, freshly painted, indoor pool, short walk to GO, 1 locker, 1 parking, $1350/mo. Call Nancy Festarini Sales representative for Royal Le Page services Ltd. 905338-3737 BRONTE and Lakeshore, 24hr security, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, renovated, 6 new appliances, magnificent view, Sept.1st. 905827-2110. BURLINGTON~ Walker's/ Upper Middle. Forest Chase. 1-bdrm +den (2nd bed), 5-appliances, a/c, underground parking/ storage. $1025/mo. +utilities. 905-332-7445 after 6pm. BEAUTIFUL Bronte. Mature setting, steps to marina/ shops and transportation. 3-bedrooms, walk-out from kitchen to balcony, rear deck and garden, inside entrance from garage, private drive, $1500/mo. +utilities. Grace Ceresa, Re/Max Abouttowne, 905330-1992. BRANT/ QEW, Burlington. 2-bedroom +den condo townhouse side-split layout end unit. New windows/ paint. Skylight, 5 appliances, garage, fenced rear patio. Walk to GO. A u g . 1 s t . Ve r y c l e a n . $1225/mo. +utilities. Warren Hill, Trafalgar Group, 905-338-1130, Ext.36 BRONTE Village. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, attached garage, finished basement. $1300/mo. +utilities. Great location! 519-9338990. maddley@sprynet.com BURLINGTON Headon Forest $1,600/mo +utilities 3-bedroom, 2 baths end unit. Finished lower level, 5 appliances No pets/ nonsmokers. Immediate possession. Barbara Beers, Broker Royal LePage Burloak R.E.S. Brokerage 905-634-2335 or 905-6347755 B U R L I N G TO N O r c h a r d Large 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, A/C. asking $1650/mo.+ 905335-2075 gottarent.com BURLINGTON, Duncaster. Executive 1400sq.ft. c/air, gas fireplace, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage. $1500/mo. Includes cable/ appliances. Prefer no pets/ smokers. Immediate. 905335-6172. BURLINGTON. Spacious 2&3 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways. Starting $850/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hr. In-home care. 905-6342400. $450 single room in Oakville. Cable and internet provided. Use of laundry and kitchen. 905-8271977; 416-528-9306 BURLINGTON downtown core, room for rent $425/mo Everything included (Cable, Laundry facilities, internet). 905-6338118 BURLINGTON, Brant/ Upper Middle on bus route. Furnished room. N o n - s m o k e r. $ 4 6 5 / m o . 905-315-7185. BURLINGTON~ New furnished room, core area, private entrance, TV, internet, fridge, micro, etc. private bath, parking, August.1. $450/mo 905-6394489, 905-632-1333 FURNISHED room in well maintained, exceptionally clean, large Oakville home with many extras including inground pool. Suitable for p r o f e s s i o n a l . Tr a f a l g a r / Upper Middle. $480/mo all inclusive. 905-338-6444. FURNISHED, Cable, phone, Non-smoking, female preferred. Guelph Line/ Mountainside, $400/mo. 905-319-2034 GLEN Abbey. Furnished room, cable, internet. Prefer non-smoking male, $375/mo. First/ Last. No parking. 416-316-1053. NIKE Ignite Driver 9.5 RH Custom ProLaunch Blue, s t i f f s h a f t , h e a d c o v e r, $200 obo. Excellent condition. Call Cory at 905-6399714 or 905-319-2216 TAY L O R M A D E R a c O S Irons, mens RH steel shaft, 3 to PW. Less than 6 rounds. Retail $800- sacrifice $425; TaylorMade V Steel 5 Wood, stiff graphite shaft, head cover $150 firm. Excellent condition. Call Cory at 905-639-9714 or 905-319-2216 1992 14' Mirrorcraft, deep V, 20hp Merc, w/trailer, all accessories. $3500.obo. Call leave message 905319-7331 ORDER YOUR POOL NOW Custom Sizes Available! Immediate Delivery From $4,999 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 www.kayakpools.ca

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