Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 7 Apr 2007, p. 31

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, April 7, 2007 31 VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Requires mature PT Summer & Relief CLEANING Ladies available for small office or home, Burlington/ Oakville area. Reasonable rates. 905-543-1161; 905-7412284. O N TA R I O E m p l o y m e n t Agency offers certified nannies for child/ elder/ special needs. 416-6996931. No fee to client. Housekeeper MondayFrd - iay P e s a p ya lae pl t 380 Sherin Dr. , Okil avle Fa: 905-847-1765 x DENTAL Assistant: Burlington Family practice requires a full-time Certified Dental Assistant. 1 year maternity leave position w/possibility of long term employment. Candidate must be articulate, responsible team player. Experience preferred, however will train the right candidate. Fax resume 905639-9907 EXPERIENCED Medical Secretary for p-t work (2 days/week) in busy Oakville Family practice. Please Submit resume to D r. R . G l o v e r F a x 9 0 5 844-0836, email rodger.glover@gmail.com HYGIENIST required for a busy North Oakville dental office part-time. Tuesday 4pm-8pm, alternate Friday's 8am-1pm and one Saturday a month 10am4pm, with option to increase hours. Please email resume with references to riverglendental @bellnet.ca OAKVILLE Dental Office requires Part-time Floater, approx. 20hrs./ week. Fax resume 905-849-8428 Community Notices Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com R E N O VAT I N G B i g o r Small? Over 20 years experience. Tiling, plumbing, framing, crown mold, doors, baseboards and much more. Specializing in bathrooms. David 905335-8835 Announcement TEAM & BIRTHDAY PARTIES S rv n H l o fo ove 1 ye r e i g a t n r r 5 a s ·B l H ckey R n s al o ik ·B t i gC g s atn ae · I d o B a h Vol bl n o r e c leyal · D n e Pa i n r ckages C l N 905-335-8520 a l ow Engagement He asked - and she said, "YES!" Congratulations on this exciting new path you have chosen! We love you! BATHROOM renovations, drain cleaning, all plumbing repairs & installation, fixture replacement, 24-hr. emergency service. 416824-8392. www.mainwaysports.com Obituaries HANDYMAN available. F i n i s h c a r p e n t r y, t r i m , baseboards, decks, painting, etc... Call Lloyd 905337-7857; Cell 289-2425719 precious daughter of Sue of Milton and the late Rudy Habljak Granddaughter of Olga and the late Marijan Hrgovic of Mississauga cherished son of Laura and John Emanuele of Oakville Grandson of Mateo and Antonietta Emanuele of Mississauga announced their engagement on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 much to the delight of family and friends. Julia Habljak and G O O D M o v e . Yo u r r e s i dential Moving Expert. Houses-Apartments- Offices. Reliable, Quality, Insured Service. 416-3125534. MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. EXPERIENCED Servers for Burlington restaurant Fax Resume: 905-3197494. FULL-TIME and P/T line cooks and P/T wait staff (experienced only) required for busy Bronte pub. Top dollar. Apply in person 2432 Lakeshore Road West. FULL-TIME Service Staff and P/T Cook needed for Cedar Springs Athletic club. Good Pay and Free Membership to the club Please contact 905-6324800 or shawnn@cedar springsclub.com. Burlington JOB FAIR at the Harbour Banquet Conference & Lighthouse Restaurant. April 14 & 22 11-3pm. Hiring all positions. Dining room, Kitchen & Banquet service. Please apply in person with resume 2340 Ontario St. Oakville. Inquiries. 905-827-1315. SOUS Chef & Line Cook needed for Oakville fine dining. Fax Resume: 905469-2641 GARDENING- Spring clean-ups/ pruning to complete designs & installations. 905-466-3354 Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only K E R K H O F, H e n d r i c a " R i a " A d r i a n a (vanderVoort) It is with great sadness that Ria's family announces her passing at the Credit Valley Hospital on Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 with her children by her side. Loving m o t h e r o f D a r l e n e ( S a m ) D av i d s o n , Heather Doherty, Debby (Scott) Webster and Kevin (Susan) Kerkhof. Special Oma to Deanna, Sarah, Kari, Rachel, Greg, Travis, Jessica and Eric. Also survived by family in Holland. In 1956 she emigrated from Den Bosch, Braband, Netherlands. Ria will always be remembered for her love of dancing and Music. The family would like to express heartfelt appreciation to her special friends who supported her in this journey. Family and friends are invited to visit at the McKERS I E - KO C H E R F U N E R A L H O M E 1 1 4 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Saturday. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin St. Milton on Monday, April 9th 2007 at 10:00 am. Interment to follow at Milton Evergreen Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in the name of Ria may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Letters of condolence may be left for the family at www.mckersie-koch er.ca Mathew Emanuele Births Place your Baby's Birth Announcement in the Oakville Beaver, and you wil receive a voucher for Entry Form One Free Ornament of your baby's precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: $125.00 Name: Address: www.WeePiggies.com 905-825-8731 Call 905-845-3824 to place your announcement buy · sell · rent · trade · hire SOUTHWICK, Bertha Beatrice (Nee Brohman)- It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother, grandmother and friend, Bertha Beatrice Southwick (nee Brohman). Reunited with her beloved husband, Lawrence G. Southwick (1967). Loving and devoted mother of Noel and Sandy, Bonnie and Rick, Ron and Gail, Margaret and Michael, and Laura and Jim. Cherished grandmother of Brook (Tanya), Bryce (Sarah), Scott (Alison), Paul (Marci), Kimberly, Adam, Sarah, Daniel, Joshua, Rebecca (Steve), Craig (Ammie) and Kyle (Steph). Proud great-grandmother of Benjamin, Drew, Amelia, Emmett, Nathaniel, Brianna, and Samantha. For donations and service information, arrangements have been entrusted to the Erb & Good Family Funeral Home, 171 King St. S., Waterloo, 519-745-8445 or www.erbgood.com. Phone: From March 31 to April 6, I counted _____ SUN graphics like the one shown here. Ask Us About... Ad Submissions Received by : Fa: 9 5 6 2 8 6 x 0-3-15 Te 9 5 3 7 5 1 l 0-3-60 : Eal casfe@atnerhcm mi: lsiidhlosac.o Fo yo r c nv n e c we a c p : VISA, MASTERCARD, r u o eine cet AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQU , E For More Details Call call 905-632-4440 CLEANING Lady required for 1 day a week or two 1/2 days, for general housekeeping and laundry, Oakville home. Please call 905-849-3933 RELIABLE & thorough Cleaning Lady required for Burlington home, bi-weekly. Please call 905-4670766. 905-632-4440 Say You Saw the ad in... The Oakville Beaver. SUN Classified Gets Results!! During April and May, The Burlington Post and Oakville Beaver is holding a weekly draw for two tickets to See rc o n t es tt To Place a Classified ad call us at: 905-632-4440 To play, just count the number of times this SUN graphic appears in the Classifieds each week Check the Burlington Post & Oakville Beaver Classified section for an entry form. tt SUN See err kke co n t es ke ke

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