Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Mar 2007, p. 38

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38 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, March 3, 2007 To Place Your ad Here Contact your Classified Sales Representative Tr ain Now Our Community Needs More School Bus Drivers For information call toll-free 905.632.4440 1-877-914-KIDS (5437) To Place an Ad Call 905-337-5610 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. PRIVATE SALE of beautifully renovated townhomes which have just been converted to Condominiums. This complex is conveniently located at the border of Hamilton and Stoney Creek and is set between neat and pretty semi and detached homes, in a mature area. For first time home owners, and also for first time investors, thinking king to build equity with well managed rental investments. Come and build a future in home ownership with us. BRAND NEW RENTAL SUITES 168 Plains Rd. W. Home Sweet Apartment 1, 2, 3 BDRM SUITES 1 Bdrm Rental FREE iPod! Burlington Towers IDEAL FOR SENIORS Great Locations In Oakville 1 Bedroom Available @ 155 Navy St. 905-842-3859 1 & 2 Bedr. @ 199 Queen Mary Dr 905-842-5300 S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca BEAUTIFUL Spacious 4bedroom, 2 bath home. Quiet neighborhood, ceramic in kitchen, bathroom, app l i a n c e s , A / C , Tr a n s i t . $1950 will email photo's 1866-208-0826 B U R L I N G TO N : D o w n t ow n 2 - b e d r o o m bu n g a low, 2 full baths, recroom, $ 1 0 5 0 / m o. ; E xe c u t i ve capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, recroom, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; Headon Forest 2 Storey, 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, gara g e, d e ck $ 1 3 8 5 / m o. ; 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. H U G E Ya r d a n d G r e a t N e i g h b o r h o o d ! We s t o f Burloak/ South of New St. Clean 3bdrm. bungalow for rent.$1200/mo+. On quiet, established residential street. Available Apr il.1. 905-635-4915. OW N yo u r ow n h o m e ! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson or David Baiton Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 RIVER Oaks 3000sqft., 4bedroom, 2.5 baths, family r o o m , fe n c e d ya r d , a / c, $1400/mo. 416-833-2394. SEMI detached 3+1 bedrooms, close to schools and Oakville place. A/C, finished basement, $1300/mo +utilities. Ava i l a bl e M ay. 1 s t . 9 0 5 845-9050 S TO N E Y C R E E K 4 - b e d room, LR, dinning room, family room with fireplace, Eat in kitchen, 2 baths, 1 P W. W a s h e r / d r y e r o n main floor, 2 car garage. Backing onto escarpment. 905-639-7923 WATERDOWN~ Rural. 3bedroom house, 5 appliances. Near school, walking distance to town. $1500/mo. +utilities. Prefer no pets/ non-smokers. 905-659-3076. ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall QUALITY OVERSIZED 2 BEDROOM SUITES · 5 appliances including Ensuite Laundry · Indoor Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool & Exercise Room · Individual A/C & Heating controls · 2 baths in 2 Bedroom Models · Controlled entry/Cameras · Oversized Balconies · On Bus Routes, Close to shopping, GO Train, Bus Station & QEW access 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management 1580 Newlands end unit, 3-bedrooms 1.5 baths, finished basement, 4 appliances, new ceramic & carpet. $1350/mo. Professional Proper ty Management Inc. 905-978-7312 3-BEDROOM townhouse in M i l t o n . W a s h e r, D r y e r, fr idge, stove. Close to schools. Available immediately. $1200/mo +utilities. Call Greg or Jack 905-3352352 APPLEBY Mall~ 2-bedr o o m , c o n d o. r e c r o o m , cable included. $1040/mo.; Home Depot, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, gara g e, $ 1 0 9 5 / m o. A l b e r t M c D o n a g h L t d . R e a l t o r, 905-632-5690 BURLINGTON Executive 3-bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, 5 appliances, ceramics, A/C, C/vac., garage. Near GO/ lake/shopping/ schools/ Immediate. $ 1 4 5 0 / m o. + 9 0 5 - 4 6 6 6305. BURLINGTON. Spacious 3 bedrooms. Across from S o b e y ' s Po w e r C e n t r e , easy access to highways. From $910/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. FRESHLY painted, Nor th Burlington- 1-bdrm townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. $725/mo. +util. April 1st. 905-319-9104 OA K V I L L E - We s t O a k Trails $1,550 Quiet Neighborhood. 3-Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Huge Lot. N e a r G O Tr a i n , P a r k s , 403/407/QEW. 416-7201642. Call Angela (905)399-6057 and make your personal appointment for open houses on Saturday and Sunday this weekend, March 3rd and 4th, 2007. Own for less than rent BURLINGTON Beautiful 3bedroom bungalow. Remodeled, completely renovated with basement apartment. 5-appliances, C/A, Fireplace, hardwood. 905-319-9128. 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com 905-637-7979 JOIN Canada's leading Home-based Travel Busin e s s , $ 4 6 0 U S D, 7 5 % Commissions, $100010,000/Mo. training,webs i t e , I ATA / C L I A c a r d s . TICO Member 416-8885576 RENT- A- Chair at Zara's Hair & Nail Salon, only two spots available, call soon! Please call 905-631-8806, 9am-3pm. www.drewloholdings.com $790 Burlington Park Towers 1 Bedroom $790 2 Bedroom $840 3 Bedroom $1100 Utilities Included 2386 New Street at Guelph Line, Burl. Location, location, location Newly renovated, 2 bdrm in Oakville. available March. Stunning view of the lake. Utilities included. FULLY furnished 2 Brm, 2 Bathroom, 2 Indoor Parking Spots. Corner of Lakeshore & Elizabeth (The Baxter) in Burlington. Avail May 1st to Sept 30th. $2,000/Mth. Call (905)681-2253 or Email jcalder@cogeco.ca With Manager's Special (limited offer) Apartments Starting at $875 Studio & 1 BR-1 Month FREE, 1+den, lofts, 2 BR & Penthouse Cable & utilities included. Indoor pool & sauna. Tenant controlled heat & A/C. Laundry facility on each level. G L E N A b b e y, C o n d o, 1 Bedroom + Den, ground floor, under 3 yr old building, 4 appliances, 2 storage units, $181,900, Call (905) 469-4904 EXECUTIVE suites~ Beautiful location, lake and sunset views, downtown Old Oakville, step out to shops & restaurants, tastefully furnished. All inclusive, $1950/mo. Call 905339-4645 Burlington Square 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. 905-333-3149 13X13 Ft Office Space available,Fairview- Guelph Line, Newly renovated, unfurnished with bathroom. Av a i l a b l e A . S . A . P. C a l l Bob @ 905-971-3226 S I G N AT U R E B u s i n e s s Centres~ Burlington's newest executive offices, fully fur nished, telephone answering and high speed included. Also Boardroom and meeting rooms. 905336-4008 OFFICE space available. Daily, weekly or monthly rates available for office in an alternative health clinic with nutritionist, iridologist. Looking for a complimentary practitioner, RMT, Ost e o p a t h , e t c . D ow n t ow n Bur lington location. Call Rose for more information. 905-319-8281. R E M OV E y o u r c r i m i n a l records Fast. We do Pard o n s a n d U S Wa i ve r s. Don't be embarrassed. 1800-298-5520 governmentpardons.ca BEAUTIFUL building~ Old O a k v i l l e , s h o p s a t yo u r d o o r s t e p, 1 - b d r m f r o m $1020/mo. 2-bdrm, facing lovely treed street all upgrades, e.g....dishwasher, from $1275/mo. No lease, no last month deposit. 905-339-4645 BRONTE/ Marine~ Extra Large, bright, very clean, secure, 1-bedroom main and 1-bedroom basement Quiet, well maintained building. From $720/mo. inclusive. Immediate/ April 1st 905-337-2722; BU R L I N G TO N 1 - b e d room. Den, livingroom, kitchenette, bbq, parking, utilities and cable included. N e a r G O a n d Q E W. N o S / P $ 8 5 0 / m o. C a l l 9 0 5 336-3103 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! E x c e p t i o n a l va l u e, s p a cious 1&2 bedrooms. U t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d . Po o l sauna. Near all amenities. 905-632-5258 BURLINGTON- Large, 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near downtown. $750/mo. includes parking Call Annie, 905634-5885 Tel: 905-639-5761 Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. LIVE RIGHT DOWNTOWN! Spacious 2 bedroom suites in downtown Burlington. Well-maintained, quality building. Walk to Spencer Smith Park. 505 Locust St. 1-866-499-1607 www.ontim.com WINTER SPECIAL!!! 1,2 bdrms (1+ den), Easy access to GO & shops. Pool, weight room, saunas, a/c, 24 7 surveillance. 3 months free A.G. parking. Oakville 2-BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2yr old condo in Glen Abbey. Av a i l a b l e I m m e d i a t e l y. $1250/mo 905-330-7572 BEAUTIFUL 1-bdrm Condo, corner unit, solarium view, Bay & Escarpment. 5 appliances incl. washer/ dr yer insuite, utilities included, gym/ squash c o u r t s , 2 4 h r s e c u r i t y. April1st $1200/mo Burlington "The Palace" To view call 905-335-0981 LARGE 1-bedroom condo i n O a k v i l l e. Wa l k t o G o, shopping, Ravine. New app l i a n c e s, n ew c a r p e t i n dinning, sunken living and b e d r o o m . A / C, g a s f i r e p l a c e, b a l c o ny, g a r a g e, pool, exercise and laundry room. Immediate availability. $1200/mo Inclusive. 905-825-3770 WA L K E R S L i n e / U p p e r Middle, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Full Bath, top floor, 12' vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, 6 appliances, underground parking, locker. $1400/month including condo fees +utilities, available April 1st. credit check, references, 1st & last 416-529-2412 , nonsmoker $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 100% No income, bad credit OK! Ontariowide Financial Corporation 1-888-307-7799 MORTGAGES 100% selfemployed, 95% No Credit, 100% discharged bankrupts, 35-40 yr amor tization. 416-777-0878 www.mortgagesolutions.tv 905-333-9008 BU R L I N G TO N . 1 - b e d room basement apartment, s e p a ra t e e n t ra n c e, f i r e place, $780/mo. inclusive. P r e fe r n o n - s m o ke r s / n o pets. Suits single. 905332-9545. B U R L I N G TO N . 3 8 4 S t . Paul Street. Two 2 bedrooms available May 1st., $905-$917/mo; 3 bedrooms available immediately starting at $990/mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-639-7072. BURLINGTON. Executive 1-bedroom furnished basement apartment, separate entrance, 1 parking. First/ last. $850/mo. inclusive, Immediate. Non-smokers. 416-678-9955. BU R L I N G TO N ~ L a r g e bachelor near schools, s h o p p i n g , t r a n s i t . Fr e e parking, April 1st. $650/mo +hydro. 905-634-9198 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront buildi n g . Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 & 3 bedrooms available Februa r y / M a r c h . 5 2 2 0 L a ke shore, Burlington. $1100/mo. 905-632-5486 (No dogs preferred) DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1&2 bedroom apt. w/patio. Dishwasher, a/c, parking included. Available immediately. 905-842-9275 FACING Burlington Mall. M a r b l e l o b b y. L o v e l y 2 bedroom suites in quiet buildings. Hydro included. Regency 905-681-8115 or Princess 905-639-8009 L A K E S H O R E & B r o n t e. 1&2 bedroom from $925$ 1 0 6 5 / m o. u t i l i t i e s i n cluded. Immediate. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 905-338-3342 OAKVILLE~ Br ight spacious 2-bdrm., newer appliances, freshly painted, Centrally located. Clean building, $975/mo inclusive. 416-254-2178 OA K V I L L E . E x c e l l e n t store location 400 sq.ft. opposite Canadian Tire/ Longo's. Ideal for office/ business. 905-257-1319. W AT E R D O W N . R e t a i l space for lease. Pr ime downtown location. Call 416-233-4299; 647-2027300. $795/MO 1-bedroom beauty! Open concept, parking, cable, patio doors to pool. Ford/ QEW, Nonsmokers/ no pets preferred. 905-829-5132. 1-BEDROOM apar tment on lake, for quiet mature person. $665/mo. April 1st. 905-297-8199 after 5pm or leave message. 1MO. Free- Oakville downtown 1&2 bedroom apartments, on Lakeshore, close to downtown shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905842-9275 2-BEDROOM basement, self contained, separate entrance, appliances, fireplace, near amenities, parking, non-smokers $850/mo. Inclusive. April 1st. Burlington 905-6325026 A terrific family environment! Huge 3 bedrooms ava i l a bl e, o u t d o o r p o o l , basketball court and playground. Close to schools, par ks and shopping. Affordable pr ices. 297 Queens, Oakville. Call 905-842-8338. BURLINGTON lakefront! Large 2-bedroom facing Lake. Quiet building. Laundr y on each floor. 2338 Lakeshore. 905-637-3447 BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1&2 bedrooms a v a i l a b l e A p r i l / M a y. Starting $755/mo. Upscale quiet building close to major shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON Central~ 2bedrooms, new hardwood. No dogs Preferred, $695/mo+ hydro, includes parking, Apr.1 905-3885236 BURLINGTON Downtown, near lake, 1+2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t s w / b a l c o n y, parking. Starting $750./mo. +hydro. Immediate. 905-631-0191 BURLINGTON- 2&3 bedroom apar tment in excellently maintained building, fully renovated, new appliances, utilities & cable included. From $950/mo. 905-639-1960 BU R L I N G TO N - 2 - b e d room apartment available. 718 Ross Street. Quiet duplex. $850/mo+ hydro. No pets/ no smoking preferred. 905-637-8698 Location.... Location.. Location.. 2-bdrm a va i l a b l e M a rc h 1 5 , 1 bdrm available May 1st. Utilities included. Oakville 1-866-499-1607 www.ontim.com OA K V I L L E D o w n t o w n . Renovated 1 or 2-bedrooms, low rise quiet building. Hardwood floors. Large bright units. $7408 4 0 / m o. ( p a r k i n g i n cluded). March/ April. 905842-7131. OAKVILLE, QEW/ Winston Churchill. 3-bedroom bungalow, $1150/mo. Nosmoking/ no-pets preferred, Mar.15th 905-8298087. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 OAKVILLE~ Ontario St.~ Beautiful location. 1 bedroom and 1bedroom + den in quiet excellently maintained building. Fully renova t e d . Fr o m $ 9 0 0 / m o Utilities included. 905-4699330 PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 S PA C I O U S 1 - b e d r o o m apartment, North Oakville. Own patio facing ravine, quiet setting. 1 person preferred, $850/mo +hydro. 905-845-8685 WATERDOWN~ Specials 2 bedrooms from $885/mo walk everywhere; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com Cumberland Village 3 7 8 To r r a n c e o f f L a k e shore near Brant. 4 or 5 bedroom. 2 kitchens, two baths. just painted. large l o t . Ava i l a bl e n o w. $1500/mo +utilities 905978-7312 APPLEBY/ Upper Middle Rd. 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, executive 2000sq.ft. detached home available immediately. $1595/mo 905890-9997 BEAUTIFUL location (Oakville)~ 2-bdrm + dressing room home in mature area. 5 appliances, walk to town, steps to major shopping. $1100/mo + utilities. immediate. Call 416-881-9146 GORGEOUS 4-bedroom Headon Forest area, ceramic, garage, carpet, finished basement. Option to buy. 905-529-2424 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking FITNESS CLUB~ 5500/ 11,000sq.ft. Oakville, Speers/ Dorval. Equipped, A/C, tanning bed, aerobic area, suits spor ts rehab, chiropractic, personal trainer, yoga. Great opportunity- fully equipped gym (recently closed) Bargain Price! Great Lease. Ambrose Grieco, broker, 905-845-9180 Century 21 Miller Real Estate. JOB at home. $487.68 Weekly. Assemble Products, Mail or Computer Wo r k . Fr e e D e t a i l s www.TopJobReview.com write CHRJobs: 372 Rideau St, #916, Ottawa ON, K1N 1G7 Ref# A15 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ OA K V I L L E ~ A f fo r d a b l e Rent! Large 1 & 2 spacious bedroom hardwood floor suites w/balcony now a va i l a b l e . N e w e r a p p l i ances, laundry facilities on site. Quiet, clean, close to transit, schools and shops. Call today- live in Oakville tomorrow! Affordable prices. 905-339-3245 TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Cor porate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable Fr o m . . . . $ 4 9 . 9 5 * / n i g h t ! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 1014/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special on 1 Month FREE Rent CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY!

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