Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 Feb 2007, p. 1

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OAKVILLE'S BEST REAL ESTATE SECTION INSIDE! Beaver THE OAKVILLE N O RT H A M E R I C A' S M O S T AWA R D E D C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R A member of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Vol. 48 No. 25 "USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES" WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2007 80 Pages $1.00 (plus GST) It's a rematch Young will again challenge Brown in federal election By David Lea OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF This time will be different. That's the sentiment coming from the Oakville Conservative Party's new representative Terence Young, who was acclaimed at a party meeting Monday. Inside Opinion.............................6 Living.............................. 12 Automotive ................... 16 Artscene...........................20 Sports.............................. 25 Classified ....................... 28 Full Delivery: The Bay, Mark's Work Warehouse Partial Delivery: Arts About Town, Sports Mart, Petsmart, Rona, Futureshop, Royal LePage, Staples, 2-4-1 Pizza, Part Source, Bouclair, Home Depot, Payless Shoes DELIVERY For home delivery & customer service call 905-845-9742 Mon., Tues., & Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Wed. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. or Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. For new subscriptions, call 905-845-9742 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.com A V A & Business BrokerageE ILABL Real Estate John M. Vail B.A., CMA Broker of Record Certified Management Accountant 905-842-8690 JohnVail.com OUT OF THIS WORLD FEATURES. DOWN TO EARTH PRICES. all new www.oakvillebeaver.com Cancer Society local unit marks 50 years OAKVILLE LIVING 1 MEDIUM PEPPERONI PIZZA Gege's Pizza only$ 134 Speers Road (west of Kerr Street), Oakville 600 Pick-up & delivery. See store for details. 90 8 905-844-4711 321 Cornwall Rd. Old Oakville Market 905.815.8777 Eye on the ball Young nearly achieved victory for the Conservatives during the 2006 election, but lost to the Liberals' Bonnie Brown, by just 744 votes. This year Young says the Liberals do not have fear on their side. "Something happened in the last week of the campaign that turned us around to losing by 1.4 per cent," said Young "There were a series of ads the Liberals put together that were broadcast on TV and the Internet. One of them actually said that Stephen Harper would put soldiers in Iraq. That was totally fabricated." Young says such ads will not work this time because a recently conducted Ipso-Reid poll said the number of people who thought Stephen Harper had a hidden agenda had BARRIE ERSKINE / OAKVILLE BEAVER GOOD RETURN: Jess Crespi of the St. Thomas Aquinas Raiders bumps the volleyball back over her head during Friday's Halton high school senior girls' volleyball AA final at Sheridan College. Crespi and the Raiders defeated Burlington's Lester B. Pearson Patriots in three sets and were in action again yesterday in an attempt to qualify for the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations AA tournament. Town urged to spend more green on green transit By Kim Arnott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER See Young page 3 Oakville's GreenTrans wants the town to spend more cash on environmentally-friendly modes of transportation and less on roads. The plea from the local non-profit organization was among others asking for more money for arts and library services, as Oakville's 2007 budget committee heard from members of the public last week. Over the last month, the committee has been reviewing the proposed $166.7 million operating budget, which would result in a 4.9 per cent property tax hike. Last Thursday, it offered the chance for public input into what should ­ and shouldn't ­ be in the 2007 budget. "We at GreenTrans would like to see less of an emphasis on road expansion in this town and some of that money used to encourage alternate forms of transportation," said Peter Pellier. GreenTrans did encourage councillors to consider increasing bus service to every half-hour on all routes See Libraries page 4 WRANGLER 175 Wyecroft Road, Oakville 905.845.6653 THE LOCKWOOD REWARDS CARD FINANCING PROVIDED BY INCLUDED WITH EVERY PURCHASE *SEE DEALER FOR DETIALS PREPARE FOR THE ROAD AHEAD. Next course: March 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. March 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. www.youngdrivers.com 905.845.7200 MTO APPROVED BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER

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