32 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, February 2, 2007 N O R T H S H O R E To w e r s , Walk to downtown Burlington, lake, parks, JBMH. 1 & 2-bedroom available Mar.1st (+$35. parking). Utilities included. No pets preferred. Quiet building. Diane, 9am-6pm, 905-6811307 OAKVILLE Downtown 1bedroom loft, heritage building $1250/mo., includes parking/ utilities. No smokers/ No pets preferred Feb.1. 905-8448581 9am-5pm OAKVILLE Main floor Bungalow 3-bedroom $1380/m includes utilities + appliances. No pets/smoking. 416-451-2063 or www.2rent.ca OAKVILLE Place area. 1+2 bedroom apartments, small building, $795+$895/mo. Heat, hot water included. Immediate. 905-847-1138. OAKVILLE South- 2 units. Clean house. Close to schools, QEW, transit. Incl utilities, laundry, parking, yard. Upper $1200- 3bdrms, kit, living & dining rm, sunrm. Lower $800 Bright 1-bdrm, eat-in kit, sep entrance. Call Wendy905-849-3268 OAKVILLE, Large 3 bedroom, $1010/mo.; Immediately 80 South Fourster B a r k D r. C a l l R a y : 6 4 7 892-2456. OAKVILLE, 1-bedroom basement suite, laundry, parking, c/air, large yard. $775/mo. inclusive. Mar.1. Non-smokers. 416-3575849. www.thedavisons.ca OAKVILLE, 1-Bedroom basement, Kerr Street near GO. Quiet 4-plex. Eat-in kitchen, freshly painted, new floors, new appliances. $755/mo. +hydro. March. 905-6319915. OAKVILLE South West~ Private 1-bedroom basement apartment, newly decorated. Utilities parking, laundry, C/A, $800/mo 905-825-0223 OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Rebecca, 2-bedroom apartment. close to shopping. Immediate. $800/mo., 1 car parking. 905-564-0134; 905-842-5432. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Speers Rd. Newly renovated 1&2 bedrooms From $750/mo. 905-339-1154 OAKVILLE, Upper Middle/ Trafalgar. Spotless 3-bedroom mainfloor, 5 appliances, $1350/mo. +utilities Call after 6pm. 905-6171808 OAKVILLE- Private 1room, with very large area for personal use. $675/mo + utilities. Includes laundry, parking. Mature non-smoker/ couple preferred. Immediate. Must see! Call for details. 905-815-9100 OAKVILLE- Glen Abbey. Luxury 2-large bedrooms, basement apartment. Side entrance. 1-parking, appliances, l a u n d r y. $1050/mo. includes utilities. Feb.11th/ negotiable. References. 905815-2666. OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom apartments available imm e d i a t e l y. S i g n u p b y Feb.1st and receive special move-in promotion. Call for details. 905-8495936. OAKVILLE. 174 Felan Ave. 1 bedroom. Available immediately. Parking. Call to view 416-407-3556. OAKVILLE. Private Lakefront, self-contained, 2nd f l o o r, 1 - b e d r o o m a p a r t ment. Suitable single professional, non-smoker, no pets preferred. $975/mo. 905-827-7916. OAKVILLE/ Bronte~ Spacious 1-bedroom, lower level, freshly decorated, new appliances, Sep. Entrance. $900/mo. includes utilities, laundry, 2-parking. Immediate. Non-smoking/ no pets preferred. Ref. 905-827-4069 OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 OAKVILLE~ Ontario St.~ Beautiful location. 1 bedroom and 1bedroom + den in quiet excellently maintained building. Fully renovated. From $900/mo Utilities included. 905-469-9330 WAT E R D O W N ~ C e n t r a l location, walk everywhere 1 & 2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com 3-BEDROOM~ Large kitchen, finished basement, sperate entrance. $1350/mo. Oakville 108 Orsset St. 905330-4949 BURLINGTON Core- 2 bedroom house in quiet residential area. Fully updated throughout. Includes 6 appliances, hardwood throughout, extra long driveway, fully fenced in backyard. Available immediately. $1400/mo +hydro. Call Davies real estate for more information 905333-4347 BURLINGTON: Downtown 2-bedroom bungalow, 2 full baths, recroom, $1050/mo.; Executive capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, recroom, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; Headon Forest 2 Storey, 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, garage, deck $1385/mo.; 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. EXECUTIVE Luxury 4bedroom w/4 appliances, complete upgrades, a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Winston Churchill/ QEW. 905-829-3997 M I LTO N : L a u r i e r / T h o m son, 3-bedroom house, 5 appliances, air. Non-smoking, references. $1475/mth +utilities. Av a i l a b l e M a r / 1 s t 9 0 5 854-5613 after 5pm. NORTH Burlington, Autumn Hill Cres. 3-Bedroom Semi, 1.5 bath, large home, two car garage, air, gas furnace, recently updated, finished familyroom, dishwasher, walkouts to rear deck. April.1 $1375/mo +utilities, nonsmokers 905-320-4283 OAKVILLE South, on bus route/ near GO. 2-bedroom bungalow. Professionally renovated, hardwood floors, separate diningroom, $900/mo. +utilities. Basement rented. 905-842-0265. OAKVILLE, 3-bedroom bungalow, new bathroom/ kitchen, hardwood floors, appliances, high efficiency furnace/ air conditioner, separate garage w/hydro, large private lot. Walk to Hopedale Mall, Lake/ schools. Easy access to h i g h w a y. Feb.15th. $1300/mo. +utilities. Nonsmokers, prefer no pets. 905-399-1066; 905-6342890. OAKVILLE~ Chartwell Rd., Secluded 2 storey, 3bedroom, huge private lot, parking, pet ok, 4 appliances $1350/mo +utilities. Immediate. Suit couple or s m a l l f a m i l y. 9 0 5 - 8 5 4 5983, 905-815-9393 OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson or David Baiton Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 UPPER Floor of ranch bungalow for rent - 3-bedrooms, off bridge road Oakville. 2 parking spaces. $1300 plus 2/3 utilities. 905-339-9392. avail. April 1 WATERDOWN detached 3-bedroom. Gas fireplace, 2.5 baths, 6 appliances, double garage. $1700/mo +utilities. 905-957-9576, cell 905-979-5097 W AT E R D O W N New clean Executive 3-bedroom semi., fireplace, A/C, 5 appliances, $1500/mo. +Utilities. Near shopping, schools & Hwys. Ideal for retired couple/ small family. Immediate. 905-6894539. WAT E R D O W N ~ r e d e c o rated, family 4-bdrm., 2 storey, 2 car, c/a. Immediate $1438/mo +utilities. Bill 905-632-6260 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking BURLINGTON Waterfront, furnished room, top floor w / g r e a t v i e w. S h a r e f a cilities. Immediate. Mature responsible Female preferred. $500/mo. 905-3992410. BURLINGTON. Small room in quiet home. Share kitchen/ bath. Suit mature male, non-smoking working adult. $375/mo. 905632-2488. GENERATE cash income by renting spare bedroom in your home. $450/mo. guaranteed. We have list of quality renters available. Call Bob, 905-844-8033. NEED extra cash? Have a room to rent? Need a room to rent? Call 416-7794899. ROOM available~ Suit responsible male. includes cable, internet, phone. $400/mo 905-592-9583. EXPERIENCED Live-in/ Live-out Caregivers available. Care for children and elderly. Call 905469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca FAMILYCARE Connection Inc. Nanny referral agency Qualified local caregivers in your area. 905-5389 0 1 0 w w w. f c c s o u t h c e n tral.com LIVE-IN caregiver 1 child2yrs old, oakville, light housekeeping, full-time & flexible. contact at 9053380780 LIVE-IN Caregiver, valid drivers lic., flexible hours, n o n - s m o k e r, E n g l i s h speaking. Burlington 905331-6203 LOOKING for live-in care giver for two kids in Oakville. 905-847-1827 NANNY required immediately for 3 boys (ages 6,5 &1yr.) South East Oakville. Please call 905-8497607. PHILIPPINA Nanny available. Also- no fee to e m p l o y e r. P l e a s e c a l l Amah International (416)221-3303 ESTHETICS, facials, manicures, pedicures, waxing. North Oakville. Mention ad for 15% discount. Call 905-257-7947. CLASSIC nursery furniture: armoire, dresser, crib w/mattress, light colour, good condition, $800/all. Pottery Barn shelf $75; black metal baby gate, paid $150, asking $100. 905-631-1131. COUCH w/matching wing back chairs, excellent condition $500/all. 905-3356531. C U R I O c a b i n e t , c o r n e r, m a h o g a n y, 7 0 " h i g h . Upper/lower drs, 5 shelves, light, $650. Paid double. 905-637-6499 DINETTE 6pc. Antique Parchment wrought iron & bevelled glass & matching baker's rack. $3000 sell $899. Cherry writing desk,/leather top & cabriole legs. $3150 sell $1500. New from model home. 905-336-0786 DINING room suite, 1930's, 8 pieces, good condition downsizing. $1750 905-632-9989 DINING/ Breakfast set, solid oak round table, 4 chairs, pine colour, excellent condition, $375/set. 905-844-4693. DININGROOM set, oak table w/leaf, 6 upholstered chairs, buffet, good condition, $450/set. 905-3367321. D I N I N G R O O M Ta b l e , 3 leaves, hutch, wall mirror, 6 chairs, antique. $4300. 905-617-4229 after 5pm. DOWNSIZING- Gibbard dining room table- 6chairs3seat sofa- chest of drawers- kidney table. Ethen Allen dark pine dry sink. Kitchen table antique pine. Computer-printer- table. Office desk- chair. Frigidaire Fridge- almond. Heidt patio set- glass-top table-umbrella- 4-swivel rockers- Chaise. 905-3326750 F/S Children's train table with 6 storage bins, $100; 4pc blush colour leather sofa set w/ottoman, $1000; formal sofa & loveseat, floral print, perfect for living room, $1000. All pieces in excellent condition. 6317257 FOLK/ Tole painting, unpainted wood articlesbrushes, paints, patterns, books & more. All in excellent condition. Make an offer. 905-469-3328 FRIDGE~ "Amana", white, bottom freezer with ice m a k e r, g r e a t c o n d i t i o n , $600. Oak kitchen/dining table, double pedestal, 2 leaves, 6 chairs, like new, $875. Call 905-842-1283 after 5pm or 905-338-1507 H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/all options, including cover, 2006 model. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 1 0 9 0 0 . , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905971-1777 KRAFT Made island butcher block top 2'x2'1/2 $350; futon, futon chair, end table. $250 905-8252808 LADIES Gam skates size 5 1/2 $350, two competition dresses, girls sz8-10 and other outfits. 905-6321058 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ CONCEPTS of Care- Offering a hand to help, or just to hold. A new concept in home health care providing companionship, homemaking, care giver relief and nursing services. Please phone 905-6344231 R E C Y C L E D S TA I R L I F T sale- 6 left, Call Silver Cross Now! 905-847-5504 BURLINGTON~ Fabulous 1-bedroom, furnished apartment, fully equipped, internet, inclusive, near RBG. www.seville-roe.com or 905523-9251 1014/ month S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special on 1 Month FREE Rent CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! DORA, Clowns, Magicians, Elmo, Winnies , Spiderman and more available through Golden Opportunity Entertainment. www.goldenopportunity.biz 905-845-9993 TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 WWW.PREMIERESUITES.COM Furnished 1-3 bedroom condominiums and townhouses throughout Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. Rates staring at $99/per night, minimum 30 nights 905-469-3330 OPEN HOUSE Mon-Wed-Fri~ 10-4 & Sat-Sun~ 11-2 Ask about our Move-In Incentive GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane,Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs with full basements! Utilities included CONDOMINIUM/ Oakville To w n h o m e i n C o l l e g e Park Community. Quiet treelike street. 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, eatin kitchen, basement, partially finished recroom, Immediate. $1400/mo. First/ last. 905-338-1881. DUNDAS and Third. To w n h o m e , 3 - b e d r o o m , 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, gas fireplace, garage, A/C, $1495/mo 905-333-5506 x37 EXECUTIVE Trendy Lifestyle by the lake, boasts soaring 14' ceilings. Featuring hardwood, granite, huge terrace +2 balconies, pot lighting, C/A, 5 appl, 2-bdrm. 2.5 spa baths, 1780sqft, minutes to QEW/ 407/ 403. $1,985/mth. Avail. Immediate. Marcella 905 544 9949. OAKVILLE Glen Abbey~ Freehold end townhouse 4 large bedrooms, double garage, ravine, C/A, 5 appliances, $1650/mo. +utilities. No pets preferred. Immediate. References. 905-815-2666. OAKVILLE: Glen Abbey, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, finished basement w/fireplace, near all amenities. C/A, C/Vac., 5 appliances. $1675/mo. +utilities. Apr.1st. 905-827-9223. OAKVILLE~ 2&3 bedroom townhouses available immediately through April 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-8763336 S H O R T- T E R M r e n t a l , 1 year, 3-bedroom, 2 level townhouse, Cleaver Ave., Fireplace, A/C, detached garage, 5 appliances, nonsmokers, no pets preferred. $1500/mo. plus utilities. Mar.1. 905-8477661 T R A FA L G A R / D u n d a s : beautiful & luxurious. 3 bdrm t/h with auto garage door opener, private backy a r d & l a m i n a t e f l o o r. Wa l k . d i s t a n c e t o p a r k , school, malls, & transit. $1300/mo. Available. Immediate. Call Jay: 647201-4325 V E RY l a r g e 4 b e d r o o m , Available Immediate/ February; Very large 2 bedr o o m Av a i l a b l e A p r i l . 1 . www.rentaltownhouses.ca 905-681-0070 BRIGHT furnished rooms $550/mo. inclusive. share kitchen/ bath/ laundry/ familyroom/ parking. Maid Service. Oakville, Immediate. Near lake. 905-8428958, 905-469-9035. BRONTE Harbour penthouse~ furnished, equipped, parking, long distance, internet, mature professional male. First/ last, references, $600/mo. 905-825-8355. BURLINGTON south east home, furnished room available, shared common areas. Suit female $400/mo Call 905-6315999 BURLINGTON- Room with own bath, shared family room and kitchen. 1 parking. $550/mo. Prefer nonsmoking female. Immediate 905-333-5886 BURLINGTON- share townhouse. $575/mo (internet/ long-distance/ utilities incl) Must like pets. Feb.1. 905-635-1959 BURLINGTON. Basement apartment, hydro/ heat/ cable/ parking included, share kitchen. Suits male n o n - s m o k e r. $ 6 5 0 / m o . 905-333-0974. OAKVILLE- On bus route, close to GO, and all amenities. Renovated +furnished upper scale $575/mo. inclusive. 416910-5002 OAKVILLE. Room in condo, close to Sheridan & Go. Professional or student. All utilities included. $400/mo. Available Immediately. 905-691-2034 ROOM Unfurnished/ Furnished ($385/$435) in quiet townhome. Near Guelph Line/ Mountainside. Cable tv/ net, share bath/ kitchen. Suit nonsmoking mature male. 905-319-8933. 19 double rolls- Covers 1330sqft of quality fabricbacked vinyl wall covering. Pure wool area rug, 8ftx11ft, neutral shade in excellent condition. Make an offer. 905-469-3328 2 stair gliders/stair climbers for straight indoor staircases ($3000 pair/ $1750 each or best offer). Easy to use. Fixed to staircase not walls. Runs on standard household current. Good working condition. Lynne 905-681-0338. A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-567-4042. Can deliver A1 Beds! Free Delivery!!! New Orthopedic sets, 20-year Warranty, Double $240.; Queen $260. Deluxe Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Special No-Flip Pillowtop $425. Futons +Waterbeds. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 ANTIQUE piano stoolcloth seat; Gingerbread clock; Kitchen/ breakfast area hanging light fixture; large platter; Ornamental plates. All reasonable. 905-469-3328 ANTIQUE treadle sewing machine, as is, $50. Call 905-632-2416. A R I E N S S n o w B l o w e r, $200; 905-844-1074 BED, amazing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set, new in plastic warr a n t y. $ 2 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 5 6 7 4042 BEDROOM set, cherry wood. Bed, chest, d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, 2 n i g h t stands. Dovetail construction. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM set, gorgeous 8 pc cherry, triple dresser, mirror, tall dresser, 2 night stands, new still in box. Cost $5750. Sell $1500. 519-722-4077 BLACK dining room table 72x40, 8 chairs, china cabinet, $500. Call 905331-1592 BMW winter tires, brand new condition. Pirelli 210 Snow Sport. 17" aluminum rims 2002,03,04, 5 series $999 905-844-9724 BRONTE Moving Sale: books, glass, china, figurines, desks, diningroom ste., tables, chairs, bakers rack, pictures/prints, lawn mower, tools & more! Sale Fri Feb/ 2nd 12-4pm, Sat Feb/3rd 10am-4pm, 50 East St. Apt 102. Call Elaine 905-4652464 for info CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 FRIDGE and stove (white) $500 o.b.o. 905-634-0348 Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall A L D E R S H O T. G r a n d opening! Spits n' Giggles Home Daycare has 3 fulltime spaces starting Feb.19th for toddlers 12 months & up. Large play area, nutritious meals/ snacks, plenty of indoor/ outdoor activities, tons of f u n ! C a l l A d o n a t o d a y, 905-681-0767. BRONTE Experienced caregiver, preschool, fulltime. Hot breakfast and lunches. Lots of backyard fun. References. Call 905825-9689 CHILDCARE available in centre. 186 Morrison Rd, Oakville. High quality preschool ages 18months and up to 12 years school aged. Extended days offered. Also licensed home daycare and nannies available. 905-849-3878 also register now for summer camps and Sept. EXPERIENCED daycare available in my Oakville home. Hot meals, snacks, playground, Holy Family School area. French/ English speaking. 905-8498119. LULLABY Day care Family owned and operated has a full-time spot available. Please. call Sandra at 905616-2294 or 905-2571568. Excellent references available. THE Crystal children home daycare spots available for children 3mo- 5yrs old. arts/ crafts, story time. healthy lunches/ snacks. CPR/ first aid. Security clearance. receipts. Call Laura 905-901-0049. 1,2&3 bdrm condos and townhomes for rent- Starting 1050/mo. Call for more info @ Davies Condos 905-333-4347 BAXTER- Stunning new 2-bedroom, 2 bath, lakeview. Downtown Burlington. $1450/mo inclusive. Available Immediately 905-719-0123 BURLINGTON across from hospital. 1-bedroom, 5 appliances, underground parking, pool, exercise room, Apr.1st. $1000/mo. 905-630-6777. 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm~4 Appl. Lake front property at BURLINGTON- Bright 2bedroom, 2 full baths, corner suite condo. Spacious, 6 appliances, A/C, fitness, underground parking. Available Apr.1st. Won't last!! $1195/mo +utilities. Wa l k e r s / U p p e r M i d d l e 905-331-8004. B U R L I N G T O N . Wa l k t o lake. Sublet large 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2 parking, blinds, rec centre+ $1350/mo. inclusive. Mar.1st. 905-633-1240. CUMBERLAND/ Fairview, Luxury 2-bedroom condo, a/c, appliances, garage. No pets preferred $1200/mo +utilities 416255-2085 MILLCROFT Place- 2bdrm, 2 baths on terrane level, includes 6 appliances, hardwood, plasma TV above fireplace, wrap around terrane. $1695/mo. util. included. Feb.1. Call Davies Condos 905-3334347 OAKVILLE gorgeous 2bedroom condo in low rise building for lease. Features laminate flooring, fireplace, walk out to backyard. $1,375/mth + utilities. Contact Andrew 905-691-7861. OAKVILLE~ Walk to GO, 1-bedroom condo, Dinning room, sunken living room with gas fireplace, new kitchen and appliances, full bathroom, balcony, A/C, indoor pool, exercise room, LR, locker, garage. $1200/mo Inclusive. 905825-3770 TAKE over lease~ 2bdrm, grnd floor condo in desireable Glen Abbey area. Large rooms, lots of stora g e , w o o d b u r n i n g F P, dishwasher, Walk through closet w/vanity sink. W/o patio, 1 underground prkg Lease ends in Oct./07. $1165/mth. +hydro. 905510-5069 or flgraphics@gmail.com Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 905-681-0259 BRAND new in beautiful Orchard Park near corner o f H w y. 5 / A p p l e b y L i n e . Close to everything & on bus routes. 3-bedrooms, 3baths, backs onto greenspace. Ready to move in Feb.17th. $1550/mo. +utilities. (approx. $140). Non-smokers. Please call 905-920-8773. BURLINGTON Immaculate freshly painted. 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, A/C, C/vac., garage. Near GO/ lake/ shopping/ schools/ Q E W. Immediate. $1495/mo.+ 905-4666305. BURLINGTON Mall 3-bedroom condo 1.5 bath, recroom, $1075/mo; Home Depot, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1095/mo; Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor,905-6325690 BURLINGTON South (Appleby/ Fairview) newer 3bedroom, 3 baths, master ensuite, gas fireplace, near GO, Immediate. $1350/mo. Non-smoker/ No pets preferred. 905845-4326 BURLINGTON. Spacious 1&3 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways. From $625/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. BURLINGTON~ end unit, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, backs onto park. large bright kitchen, $1350/mo. April 1st. Cathy Wong, Sales Rep., Sutton Group Results Brokerage. 905220-4344 FLORIDA- Fort Myers Beach, 1-brdm condo for rent. Last week of March/ last 3 weeks of April $600/wk US. Call 905-2575876 DAYCARE Needed in my home for 2 children. Weekends. Clarksdale School Area. Please call (905) 220-1139. P R I VAT E C o t t a g e o n Beautiful lake, 2 hours from Toronto. Call Wayne Smith 289-888-1779, 905827-4152 email pictures available. BRONTE Area. Newly renovated room $450/mo. S u i t m a l e n o n - s m o k e r. Cable. Internet. Immediate. 905-469-8994; RIVIERA Motel located in downtown Burlington. Weekly rates starting from $205 +Tax. Call 905-6372338 AFTERSCHOOL Care 3:20pm-5:30pm, for 2 girls, ( 4 & 6 ) . Wa l k f r o m H o l y Family School, 1.5 blocks to our home. Grade 7&8, responsible, experienced babysitters welcome to app l y. $ 1 2 5 / w e e k R e f e r ences. 905-849-8187 HOME Daycare- Exper'd caregiver, 1 opening for inf a n t / t o d d l e r, M - F, 8 - 5 , O a k v i l l e - G l e n n a b b e y. 905-582-1768 BROWN tabby near New St. and Walkers Line we named Russell call 905637-7325 FOUND black cat Brant and Cavendish area. We call Roberta. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Car keys behind Nelson High School on toboggan slope. 905-6316412 FOUND: Nursing shoes, Walker's Line/ Palmer bus stop Jan.28th. Call 905335-2335. SILVER creamer -Walker's Line and Upper Middle Road. please call to identify. 905-332-1272 (Julie) M AT T R E S S E S + + + + New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $455. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery.905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) themattressdiscounter.com www.memoryopedic.com M AY TA G W a s h e r / G a s d r y e r. S u p e r C a p a c i t y, r u n s l i k e n e w. S e l l i n g $300/both. Please call 519-647-2837 MOVING: couch, end tables, table lamps, tub chair, diningroom table, 6 chairs, hutch, 905-6325179. M U LT I - S TAT I O N B o d y Solid G1S Home Gym. 1 year old. Paid $1200. Complete. $550. 905637-0188 STUDIO apartment, in Aldershot, Burlington, full kitchen, private entrance, parking, available immediately. $595+ hydro, first/ last. No pets. 905-6347484 C A P P L E B Y / F a i r v i e w. Large, new, 3 level, 2 bedroom, 1.5 baths, walkout basement, c/a, c/v, new appliances, very close to GO and QEW. $1300/mo + utilities. Available March 1st. 905-580-1765 or 905331-9206 BURLINGTON, Brant St. North. Renovated 3-bedrooms, large yard, laundry. $900/mo. March. No dogs preferred. 905-3367207. las call 905.337.5610 work! sifieds BALLROOM & Latin Lessons. What a great Valentine's Day gift idea! Call Simply Ballroom. 905-5107546. RIVER Oaks, certified experienced Personal Trainer offers 1-2-1 strength training and weight loss programs, call Leda for your free session 905-3372605