46 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, September 15, 2006 BASEMENT apt., large 1 bdrm, full kitchen, separate laundry, living room, large yard, parking, $870/mo. util. included. Available Oct.1. 905-639-6055 BEAUTIFUL building Olde Oakville shops at your door step, 2-bdrm, facing lovely Treed Street, all upgrades, e.g....dishwasher, crown molding's, $1475/mo. 1-bdrms from $1015/mo. walk out to gardens, all inclusive. No lease, no last month deposit. 905-339-4645 BEST Location! Downtown Oakville. Large newly renovated bachelor, 1, 2&3 bedrooms. Great move-in incentive. Spectacular lakeviews. 105 Allan Street. 905-849-0808; 121 Allan Street. 905-8423076 BRAND new 1-bdrm, washer/ dryer, kitchenette, close to amenities, parking. No pets preferred, nosmoker. $1100/mo. +util. Burlington. 905-333-3309 BRONTE, (Oakville) clean 2-bedroom includes parki n g , a / c a n d w a t e r. Available N o v. 1 5 . $900/mo +electricity. 905469-9838 BRONTE. Bright quiet, renovated 1-bedroom, above store, $850/mo. Heat/ water included. 1-car parking. Oct.1. 905-3318055. BURLINGTON 2-bedroom apartment. Immediate $775/mo. +utilities. Excellent condition. Parking included. Close to amenities. 905-648-7714 BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom basement apartment near all amenities. Bus route. Hwy.5/ Guelph Line area. Oct.1st. 905-3328452 BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom, $860/mo. inclusive. Well located, quiet building near downtown, buses, highway, lake. 905333-0869. www.smar.ca BURLINGTON. 384 St. Paul Street. Renovated 3bdrm $963/mo. Immediately. 3 bedrooms, October 1st, $939/mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-desac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905639-7072. BURLINGTON: Walkers/ New St., Large 2-bedroom basement, 4 appliances $720/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor, 905632-5690 BURLINGTON~ furnished basement. Suit mature, reliable, non-smoking, employed male. 905-6322460 after 6pm. BURLINGTON~ 1-bedroom basement apartment. Kitchen, bathroom, parking, utilities, includes private entrance. October.1, $675/mo. No smoking. No pets preferred. 905-3312511, 905-315-8785 BURLINGTON~ 2+1 bedroom, freshly painted, new carpet, hardwood floors, south of QEW off Brant in tri-plex, C/A, parking. Close to GO $900/mo +hydro. Also available: large 2+1 bedroom, hardwood, 5 appliances, eatin kitchen, parking, a/c $1020/mo +hydro Available Sept/15th. 905631-9915 OCTOBER 1st. 1-bedroom, bright ground floor apartment. Separate entrance. Near Hopedale Mall. Looking for quiet, single, non-smoking tenant. Includes: laundry, parking, cable $750/mo. 905-4652926. CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront buildi n g . Ve r y s p a c i o u s 1 & 2 bedrooms available September/ October/ November. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. $895/mo. 905632-5486 (No dogs preferred) CLEAN, well maintained family building. Spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Burlington September promotion in effect. 905-333-9846, Noon-8pm DOWNTOWN Burlington~ bachelor bright, spacious, hardwood, parking. Must See! N o n - s m o k e r, $775/mo including utilities/ cable. 905-333-6990 DOWNTOWN Oakville, w a l k t o h a r b o u r, 1 - b e d room apartment or office, main level, dishwasher, on site laundry, suitable for single non-smoker, prefer no pets, one parking spot, utilities included, $1300/mo., available Oct.1st. 905-844-8581, during business hours. DOWNTOWN Oakville. 2bedroom apartment, very clean building, hardwood floors, ceramics throughout. $795./mo. includes heat, water, parking. Immediate. 416-330-2952, leave message. GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 2 bedrooms available October. $845/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Burlington. 905632-4265 LUXURIOUS, bright, large 2-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, parking, near all amenities. Suits single professional, mature couple or 2 female students. Nonsmoker, no pets preferred. Available October/1st, $1000./month utilities included. call 905-465-0084 or leave message. MAPLE/ Lakeshore, 1bedroom apartment on main floor of beautiful private home. Separate Entrance, deck, awning, BBQ, driveway, $830/mo inclusive. Oct.1st. Suit mature single. 905-634-1354 N O R T H S H O R E To w e r s , Walk to downtown Burlington, lake, parks, JBMH. 1&2 bedroom available Nov/ December (+$35. parking). Utilities included. No pets preferred. Quiet building. Diane, 9am-6pm, 905-681-1307 OAKVILLE bright large basement. 1-bedroom +den. Private entrance, laundry, a/c, utilities, parking, close to YMCA, QEW, GO. Non-smokers, cats welcome. $865/mo. Nov.1. 416-788-7639. OAKVILLE Downtown large 1-bedroom +den, 4 appliance, above store. 31 Lakeshore rd. West, Front $975/mo +hydro 416-6369136 OAKVILLE Downtown. Renovated nice 1-bedroom, open concept. Parking. Small building. $785/mo. +hydro. Oct.1st. 905-469-0894. OAKVILLE East, furnished room, private bath/ kitchen, separate entrance. No parking. Non-smoker. References. 905-8499943. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Rebecca, 2-bedroom apartment. close to shopping. Immediate. $800/mo., 1 car parking. 905-564-0134; 905-842-5432. OAKVILLE, Third Line/ Rebecca. 1-bedroom basement, separate entrance, parking, near transit, $690/mo. includes utilities, cable, c/air. Quiet n o n - s m o k e r. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 3098. OAKVILLE- Bright 2-bedroom basement, 5 appl., a/c, quiet, parking, school/ s h o p p i n g / Q E W n e a r b y, $825/mo. +utilities. Immediate. 905-847-0038. OAKVILLE. Spacious 2bedroom, walk-up, hardwood floors. Newly renovated well maintained complex. Parking, laundry, walking distance to shopp i n g . N e a r Q E W. N o v. 416-452-2388. OAKVILLE. Lovely quiet adult building. Marine Drive. Brand new 1-bedroom apartment, modern kitchen and bathroom, over 1500sqft. Includes: new fridge, stove & all utilities. No dogs preferred. Available Nov.1. $875/mo. 905-844-3201. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 OAKVILLE~ Large Basement apartment, open concept, in executive home, fully upgraded, Near QEW/ 403, $1100/mo +utilities. Oct.1st. 905-829-9734 OAKVILLE~ Near Hospital/ GO. Bright, spacious, 3-bedroom basement, approx. 1100sq.ft, large windows, 5-appliances, separate entrance, parking, $1225/mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905-849-8259. OAKVILLE~ Off Trafalgar/ McCraney, 2-level basement apt, 2 large bedrooms, spacious clean lower level basement, new kitchen, parking, separate entrance. Prefer no smoking/ pets, $1075/mo. First/ Last. Oct.1st. References. Tony 905-465-5566. OCTOBER 1st~ (2) large, three bedrooms & (1) one bedroom. New appliances, parking included, Guelph Line/ New St, Burlington. 416-707-5724, 905-4691236 OLDE Oakville. 1 bedroom second floor, Parking. No pets preferred/ smoking. I m m e d i a t e l y. 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 6273, 905-844-9340. QEW/ Winston Churchill 1bedroom apartment, $775/mo all inclusive, nosmoking/ no-pets preferred, Oct.1. 905-8298087 WAT E R D O W N ~ C e n t r a l location, walk everywhere 1 & 2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com BURLINGTON WL/UM Forest Chase, 2-bedroom, o p e n c o n c e p t , w / b a r, french doors to balcony, ravine, 5 appliances, near hwy/ shopping. $995/mo +utilities. Oct.1. 905-6321333, 905-481-1171 LAKEFRONT 2-bedroom condo, over 1500 sq.ft, new carpet, No smoking. $1650 inclusive. 905-6592250 WA L K E R S L i n e / U p p e r Middle, Burlington. Spacious 2-bedroom, 5 appliances $1195/mo +utilities. Near QEW and GO. Underground parking 905290-1472 EXCELLENT opportunity to live in downtown Burlington. Charming home on l a r g e t r e e d l o t . Wa l k t o shops, restaurants, & Lakefront Park. 3-bedroom, 2 baths. Available Immediately. $1995/mo. Michael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. Royal LePage Burloak 905-634-7755 EXECUTIVE Rental- long/ short term. 4-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2600 sq.ft., Bronte Woods Burlington, $2500/mo. 416-712-8710 GLEN Abbey Oakville, 3b e d r o o m , 2 s t o r e y, 2 . 5 baths, 2000sqft., 5 appliances, newly painted. $1500/mo +utilities. 905279-5069 G L E N A b b e y. F r e s h l y painted 3-bdrm + loft. Prefer no pets, no smokers, $1700/mo. Immediate. 905-844-9022 L O V E LY N e w 2 5 0 0 s q f t . home located in beautiful West Oak Trails Oakville. 4-bedroom house, A/C, f/p, 5 appliances & many more attractive amenities. Located near schools, parks & shopping areas. Walkout basement +large deck. $1999/mth. Please call 416-594-8499 (day), 905582-2770 (evenings). NORTH Oakville, quiet area, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a/c, small deck, 2 fireplaces, living room +family room. Garage. $1400/mo. Upper level. 905-845-8685. OAKVILLE & Milton border near Trafalgar/ 407. Brand new raised bungalow, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, large family room & kitchen, laundry room. Large 2-car garage. Plenty of parking & yard space. Close to all amenities. $2,100/mth + utilities. 416571-5269 OAKVILLE Near Sheridan, 4-bedroom semi, 2baths, playroom, familyroom, fenced yard, 4 appliances, $1450/mo +utilities. 905-847-0841. OAKVILLE North. Charming well-maintained, 3-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, 6 appliances, C/A, finished basement w/wood stove. Lovely large private back yard, well treed, quiet mature neighbourhood. $1500/mo. +utilities. Prefer n o p e t s . N o n - s m o k e r. Av a i l a b l e O c t . 2 1 . 9 0 5 338-7296. OAKVILLE, 3-bedroom, 1 bath +finished 2-bedroom basement apartment. Near school. Available N o v. 1 s t . $1700/mo. +utilities. 905-842-8612 OAKVILLE. 3+1 bedroom bungalow, 2 full baths, 5 appliances, hardwood, large finished basement, $1490/mo. +utilities. 905825-8763. OCTOBER 1st. 1300 Coric Brant/ Plains Rd. Clean, large, tastefully decorated 3bedroom. Main floor, diningroom, laundry, lovely yard/ patio. $1300/mo +utilities Professional Property Management Inc. 905-979-1919 OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson or David Baiton Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 R E N O VAT E D 3 + 1 b e d room historic home. Hardwood, ceramic, porch, and deck. Freshly painted $1750/mo +utilities 905634-2628 R E N TA L i n W a l k e r s Heights community- Large family home. 4-bdrms. 2.5 baths, x-large master bedroom. Main flr. fam. rm. & l a u n d r y. A v a i l . O c t . 1 . $1,550/month. For apptm. call Cathy deTuba/ Judy Spence, Sales Reps., Prudential by The Lake Realty, Brokerage, 905-6396111/ 1-888-639-0333. RIVER Oaks 3000sqft., 4bedroom, 2.5 baths, family room, fenced yard, a/c, $1400/mo. 416-833-2394. SOUTH of Lakeshore Rd, charm and character home. Large principal rooms, den, familyroom open to kitchen. Hardwood floors, 2-bedrooms, C/A, woodburning & gas fireplace. Available Immediately. $1750/mo. Michael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. Royal LePage Burloak 905-634-7755 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking 3270 Prospect Street Burlington ***OAKVILLE Executive Townhouse: 2 large bedrooms Tranquil Glen Abbey Ravine setting, close t o Q E W, s h o p p i n g , g o l f course. Stainless steel appliances, granite, 2nd floor laundry, hardwood floors, parking. Unfurnished $2600/mo or Semi-furniture $2800/mo. 416-4646947 1-BEDROOM, 1-level, Maple/ Fairview, Burlington. Sunroom, 5 appliances, A/C. Oct.1st., $850/mo. +utilities. Non-smokers. 905-639-6287. 1216 Kirstie Court, Oakville. Entire townhouse, 3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, a/c, garage, freshly painted. $1275/mo +utilities (gas heated). 905-272-0421 3-BEDROOM townhouse 1.5 bath, 3-parking, 8th Line/ Falgarwood, Near GO. Newly updated. C/A, gas fireplace, 5 appliances. $1495/mo +utilities. 905-847-3884 BEAUTIFUL Townhouse at Rebecca and Dorval, Oakville. Large, cathedral ceilings, two ensuite bedrooms and partially finished basement. Unfurnished. Rent $2,200/mo excluding hydro and cable. 647-893-4424 BRAND new. 3-bedroom w/appliances, garage, Dundas/ Bronte, $1300/mo. +utilities. Immed i a t e . N o n - s m o k e r. N o pets preferred. 416-8796910. BRONTE Village Oakville. 1525/mo. Split Level Townhome. Very near Lake & Harbour. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, raised diningroom, den, patio walk-out to large deck, 4 appliances, A/C, garage. Immediate Possession. Call Carman Munro 905-847-5677 BURLINGTON Spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways. From $625/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. BURLINGTON Mall 3 bedroom condo 1 1/2 bath, rec room, $1075/mo.; Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor,905-632-5690 BURLINGTON Orchard- 1 y e a r n e w, L a r g e 3 - b e d rooms, 5 appliances, $1450/mo +utilities. 905335-2075 B U R L I N G TO N O r c h a r d Brand new 3-bdrm, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, upgrades throughout, hardwood/ porcelain.2nd-floor laundry room $1550/mo. +util. 905-335-2075 BURLINGTON~ Large 2 bedroom, very large 3 bedroom, November 1st. www.rentaltownhouses.ca 905-681-0070 EAST Burlington, 3-bedroom, 2 storey, 1.5 baths, 1-car garage, no appliances, renovated. Immediate. $1161/mo. Bill 905632-6260 EXECUTIVE Rental at Roseland Green, 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, gas fireplace, finished basement. Avail. Oct.15. $1600/mo. Michael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. Royal LePage Burloak 905-634-7755 GUELPH Line/ Regency Crt. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, c/a, finished basement, garage, Nov/1st $1275/mo + utilities. 905-639-1985 LOVELY 3 bedroom townhouse. East end Burlingtonm, Forestwood Cres. Finished basement, 1.5 baths, c/a, 4 appliances, fireplace, attached garage. Non-smoking, $1375/mo +utilities. Available Nov. 1st. 905-339-9324 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ 1014/ month $1490/MO, Oakville Place, renovated, 4-bedrooms (3levels of 4). 5 new appliances, large lot. Nick: 905-844-2023 $1600/MO. Downtown Burlington treed private lot w/patio, high cedar hedge. Brick 3-bdrm, 1.5 bath, one floor. Broadloom over hardwood, c/a, fireplace, newer furnace, rec w/wet bar. Near GO. Sally Todd Peth, Broker of Record. S. Todd Real Estate Ltd. 905639-3300 CHARMING Victorian cottage, Aldershot, 2-bedrooms. Newly renovated throughout, new gas furnace/ c/air. Lawn Maintenance included. Suit mature professional/ retiree. Non-Smoking. $1295/mo. +utilities. 905-632-0697. A L D E R S H O T, N o r t h ~ b e t w e e n Wa t e r d o w n / GO/ 403. 3-bdrm, spacious ranch on 2 acre country lot, eat-in kitchen, 4 appliances, diningroom, livingroom with fireplace, sunroom, c/a, Nov./1st. $1250/mo. plusutilities. 905-308-0160 BRAND new, 3-bedrooms, 3 washrooms, kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, familyroom, big gas fireplace. 1-car garage. Dundas/ Bronte (Oakville). Oct.1. 905-844-4350, 416-5590728. BURLINGTON Executive capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, recroom, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; Central Burlington 3-bedroom, semi, 1.5 baths, recroom $1135/mo.; Burlington, 2-bedroom, 2 full baths, recroom, $1050/mo; 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. BURLINGTON Plains and Brant Street, 4-bedroom Semi , rec room, large fenced backyard on a quiet street close to park, $1400/mth + utilities. Available September 2006. Call 905 335 4460. BURLINGTON south of Lakeshore $2,800/mo +utilities. 4-bedroom, 2.5bth, 5 appliances. No pets preferred/ non-smokers Barbara Beers Associate Broker Royal LePage Burloak R.E.S. 905-6342335 or 905-634-7755 BURLINGTON southeast near schools/ malls. 3-bedrooms, 2 bath, finished recroom, large fenced yard, $1500/mo. +utilities. Anne Cecil, Broker, NBR Anderson R.E. Ltd. 905-3333222. BURLINGTON- 3-bedroom, 4 appliances, a/c, 1.5 bathrooms, broadloom, finished rec room with fireplace. Fenced private back yard with screened cabana. S.E. on q quiet crescent. School nearby. Available N o v. 1 . $1500/mo +utilities. 905844-4954, 905-849-4941. BURLINGTON~ 3-bedr o o m b u n g a l o w, Wa t e r down Rd, unique secluded 7 acres, Needs work. Suit person w/construction experience. 416-537-4264 BURLINGTON~ Great family home, 3-bedroom, main floor familyroom w/fireplace, fenced, Near Hwys/ Schools/ Park. $1450/mo. Oct.1st. 905637-7756 BURLOAK/ Lakeshore 3bedroom detached, main f l o o r, n e w a p p l i a n c e s . double garage. $1200/mo +50% utilities. Nov.1. No pets preferred/ non-smoker. 647-999-2277. 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway WASHER & DRYER INCLUDED CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall TRENDY almost new executive townhome South Burlington across from Appleby GO. Upscale 2 bedroom, 1.5 spa inspired baths, family room bright open concept to kitchen, balcony, c/a, 5 appliances, garage/ drive private yard in beautiful setting. $ 1 4 0 0 / m o . Av a i l . O c t . 1 . 5080 Fairview #13 & 47. Call Marcella 905-5449949 UPSCALE 3 bedroom townhouse, 2.5 bathrooms, 6 appliances, quite Millcroft. Available October. $1600/mo. 905-3318190 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1,2&3 bedrooms available Immediately/ October/ Novemb e r. S t a r t i n g $ 7 9 5 / m o . Upscale quiet building close to major shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON Downtown1366 Elgin Street. Large 2bedroom, From $775/mo +hydro. Nov.1. Parking included. Brant/ Lakeshore 905-681-7006 BURLINGTON Downtown. Quiet 2-bedroom apartment. Balcony, elevator, $875/mo. (+$30 parking). 905-637-5139 or www.smar.ca BURLINGTON Lovely 1bedroom basement, sperate entrance, hi-speed internet, cable, utilities, parking included. $690/ month. Non-smoker. 905336-5270 BURLINGTON, 2-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, 1 parking, no laundry, oct. prefer no pets/ smoking. suit couple. 905-516-2501 BURLINGTON, 2-bedrooms. Includes hydro, heat, parking. 905-7462845, 905-827-4766. BURLINGTON, Maple A v e . 2 b e d r o o m s . Ve r y spacious, walk to downtown/ Lake. $860/mo. inclusive. 905-681-3564 BURLINGTON, Shadeland Ave. Century 4-plex, large 2-bedroom, includes u t i l i t i e s , c / a i r, l a u n d r y, parking, private deck, $1000/mo. Non-smokers. 905-523-1621. BURLINGTON- 1-bedroom apartment for rent. Clean, freshly painted. Headon Rd/ Upper Middle area. Non-smoking/ No pets preferred. First/ last. $925 inclusive. Call 905320-6641 to view BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Utilities included. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. 905-632-5258 BURLINGTON- Large 2bedroom, QEW/ Brant, near Fairview GO. Parking. Laundry, $750/mo. +hydro. Vacant. 905-6817365 BURLINGTON- Renovated, 1,2&3 bedroom apartment, from $750/mo newer appliances, utilities & cable included, excellently maintained building. Close to downtown. 905-6391960 OAKVILLE~ Bright spacious fully furnished 1-bedroom basement apartment. Newly renovated, large driveway/ yard. $1275/mo. inclusive. Immediate. Long/ short term available. 905-338-1404 QEW/ Third Line, Oakville. Spacious 1-bedroom, fully furnished, freshly renovated basement. Separate entrance washer/ dryer, parking, A/C, suits nonsmoking people, no pets preferred, Available Now, $890/mo +1/3 hydro, energy, gas 905-469-8344. Immaculate 2 & 3 bedrooms with full basements! Utilities included Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca A Park Like Setting 2 Bdrm Townhouses 2bdm also avail. Great Staff! Close to shopping & QEW 1420 Tyandaga Pk Drive. 1MIN From GO/ QEW~ Large room for rent, own washroom/ closets, full use of house. Free parking, i n t e r n e t , l a u n d r y, d i s h washer. $650/mo all inclusive. Near all amenities, located boarder Oakville/ Burlington. Suit Non-smoking mature professional. Dave. 905-691-3929 BURLINGTON East, Lakeshore. Large furnished bedroom, private washroom, kitchen privileges underground parking, $550/mo. inclusive 905639-1236 BURLINGTON southeast. Furnished room, lakeview, hardwood, cable, parking. Near shopping/ transit. Share kitchen. Female preferred. Immediate. $525/mo. 905-399-2410. BURLINGTON~ two rooms for rent, share kitchen, 2 washrooms. Cable, internet, laundry included. Suit female(s). $375/mo. each. Oct.1. 905-332-8287 CENTRAL Burlingtonroom plus full house privileges inclusive~ all utilities cable internet phone First/ Last. Oct1st $600 905639-3627, 905-973-9087 DORVAL/ Speers (Room) working person/ student. $500/mo. Cable, parking, laundry. Non-smoking (in home). Female preferred. 905-901-7727. OAKVILLE Third Line/ Upper Middle. Seperate entrance. 2 private rooms, Bath, livingroom, laundry, cable. $695/mo First/ last No pets preferred. 905825-2941 OAKVILLE, 2 spacious bedrooms in basement for rent. Shared bathroom, laundry/ kitchen, tv room. Cable, high speed internet, prefer mature student/ professional. $600/mo inclusive each room. Available i m m e d i a t e l y. 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 8875. OAKVILLE, furnished bedroom, share kitchen, bath, l a u n d r y, s e p a r a t e e n t r a n c e , n o n - s m o k e r, $400/mo. inclusive, male preferred. 905-842-4295. OAKVILLE, furnished room in apartment, near Sheridan College. Suit non-smoking male $400/mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905-338-8455. ROOM for rent in house. Close to Sheridan. Share kitchen, bath, living area with one other. All inclusive. Laundry access. No Parking. Suitable for female student. $470/mo. Call 416-433-2177 S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington To w e r s . 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 - 8 5 8 3 www.corporatesuites.ca SHORT-TERM. Luxury 1bedroom Florida-like condo. Wonderful lakeview! I n s u i t e l a u n d r y, c / a i r , cable, parking, squash, tennis, pool. Only toothbrush needed! Non-smokers. Prefer no pets. $1800/mo. Inclusive. 905334-3369. TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!... "New" Luxury Corporate Residences, 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++ locations! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! From $49.95*/ night!! M/Card- Visa- Diner's "Guaranteed Lowest Rent!" Page Us 24/7 at 905-681-7355 905-335-3001 L O V E LY B r a n d N e w To w n h o u s e , A p p l e b y / Upper Middle, Burlington, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, non-smoking, no pets preferred. Near Millcroft Centre, Appleby GO. Immediate. $1550/mo +utilities. Tara 416-8713673, 905-847-8529 NE Burl 3 bdrm freehold town. $1450/mth. Immed poss. Robert Bumelis, Broker, Royal LePage Burloak R E Services, Brokerage 905-634-7755 OAKVILLE, Joshua Creek. Executive 3-bedrooms +den, 2.5 bathrooms. Hardwood/ ceramics, ss appliances, propane fireplace, c/vacuum, double garage, $2200/mo. Nov.1st. 905-582-2401. OAKVILLE~ 3 bedroom townhouses available Immediately through November 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905876-3336 OAKVILLE~ Dundas & Third Line, new 3 bedroom townhouse, Oct.1. $1350/mo +utilities. Nonsmoking/ no-pets preffered. 905-825-8775 SOUTH West Burlington~ Spacious 3-bedroom townhome w/garage, appliances, w/o to deck. Walking distance to all amenities. Including GO. Just seconds from QEW. Available Sept.1. 905638-1789 TYANDAGA Mews~ renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, no pets. Immediate possession, 6 appliances, $1350. Call Judy Varga, Sales Rep., Coldwell Banker Burnhill. 905639-3355 FREE IPOD with 1-Bdrm Rental! Best Value for your dollar~ 1 Bedrooms includes heat/ hydro, a/c, 1 parking and window coverings. available October/ November 905-639-8583; burlingtontowers.com OAKVILLE~ 1&2 bedrooms, very quiet & nice. 2 bedroom has A/C. Close to everything in Bronte, No pets preferred. 416-8950592 or 905-304-8921 OAKVILLE~ 1-bedroom basement, livingroom, kitchen, 4 appliances, parking, $700/mo. inclusive. Prefer no pets, nonsmoker. 905-469-5653. OAKVILLE~ Exquisite To w n , A f f o r d a b l e R e n t ! Large 1 & 2 spacious bedroom hardwood floor suites w/balcony now available. Newer appliances, laundry facilities on site. Quiet, clean, close to transit, schools and shops. Call today- live in Oakville tomorrow! Affordable prices. 905-339-3245 OAKVILLE~ Glen Abbey 2-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance. Laundry, parking. Prefer no smoking/ pets $875/mo. +utilities. Nov.1st. 905-827-0586 SHORT term executive furnished apt. Private entrance, porch, 4-poster bed, hardwood floors. Old World charm, garden, SE Oakville. Walk to downtown/ Gairloch Garden. 905-842-7240. SUPERB executive rental, high end furnishings, prime core location, Maple Crossing Blvd., Burlington. 1-bedroom loft. $2,000/mo. Immediate. 905 333-0053 FREE IPOD with 1-bdrm rental! stunning view of the lake and Niagara escarpment. Newly renovated 1 bdrm, ideal location in Oakville. Available October. Utilities included and collect Air Miles 1-866499-1607 www.ontim.com GLEN Abbey. 2-bedroom, separate walk-out, laundry, jacuzzi bathtub, furnished or unfurnished. One parking, cable/ hydro included. Non-smoking. 905-8476831. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Speers Rd. Newly renovated 1&2 bedrooms From $750/mo. 905-339-1154 1 - B D R M , l u x u r y, b r a n d spanking new, Burlington Elizabeth/ Lakeshore, appliances, parking, immediate. $1095/mo. 905-3023107. BURLINGTON CondoMainway/ Appleby Line a r e a . Ve r y c l e a n 2 b e d room, 2bath, 2 parking spots, 5 appliances, A/C. $1095/mo+ utilities. no smoker/ no pets preferred. 905-617-8938